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Over 6,100 deaths caused by

heat wave in nine years till

2018, Andhra Pradesh faced
max. casualties
Vishwa Mohan| TNN | Jan 2, 2019, 22:12 IST

NEW DELHI: Over 6,100 people have died in India due to heat wave in the last nine
years (2010-18) with the year 2015 alone recording nearly one-third such deaths.
Among states, Andhra Pradesh had recorded the maximum casualties during 2013-
15 period.

Analysis of the casualty figures shows that Andhra Pradesh (AP), Telangana (after
its formation in June, 2014), Odisha and West Bengal had together reported more
than 90% of total deaths due to heat wave in the country during the period.

Sharing the nationwide cumulative figures in Lok Sabha, the mjnister of earth
sciences Harsh Vardhan on Wednesday said at least study had showed that heat
waves have increased in many parts of the country eith these conditions being
experienced generally during the period between March and July.

The minister, however, said the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in

collaboration with state health departments have started a heat action plan in many
parts of the country as “an adaptive measure” to forewarn about heat waves and
advise on preventive action to be taken – a move which resulted in consistent
decline in number of casualties since 2015 despite severity of heat wave

Figures, shared in response to a Parliament Question, show that 2,081 people had
died due to heat wave in 2015. The number of casualties then declined to 700 in
2016; 375 in 2017; and 20 in 2018.
Before 2015, the country had witnessed deaths of 269 people due to heat wave in
2010; 12 in 2011;729 in 2012; 1,433 in 2013 and 548 in 2014.

Among states, AP had reported 1,422 deaths (out of total 2,081) in 2015;100 (out of
557) in 2016 and 236 (out of 375) in 2017. Similary, Telagana had reported 584
deaths in 2015; 300 in 2016 and 100 in 2017.

Noting that the heat action plan is a comprehensively early warning system and
preparedness plan for extreme heat events, Vardhan said, “The plan presents
immediate and longer-term actions to increase preparedness, information-sharing
and response coordination to reduce the health impacts of extreme heat on
vulnerable populations.”

In response to a similar Parliament Question, the government had earlier informed

the Lok Sabha that though the heat wave occurrence zones over the years were
found to be the same, the frequency of ‘severe heat waves’ had increased sharply in
the recent years.

Referring to past incidents and result of advance warning system, the government
had noted that though the severity of heat waves in 2016 remained more severe
than in 2015, the death toll has seen less (557) than that in 2015 (2,081).

India had introduced the system of “location specific heat index forecasts” in 2016 to
communicate likely severity of heat waves ocurrences to people in usual heat waves
zones, covering Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odish, West Bengal, Jharkhand,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Chhattisgarh.

Daftar Pusaka :
Penyebab :

Pemanasan Global (Global Warming)

Pemanasan global sendiri disebabkan oleh hasil pembakaran bahan bakar fosil (batu
bara, minyak bumi, gas, dan gas alam). Bahan bakar tersebut menghasilkan jejak karbon
berupa (CO2) yang akan naik ke atmosfer dan melingkupi udara panas dari matahari yang
seharusnya terpantul keluar setelah mengenai permukaan bumi, sehingga udara panas
tersebut terjebak di atas permukaan bumi. Perputarannya terus menerus terjadi, berakumulasi ,
dan tidak dapat lepas ke atmosfer. Beberapa akibat dari pemanasan global yang menyebabkan
timbulnya gelombang panas di negara India :

1. Kenaikan suhu permukaan bumi (khususnya di wilayah India), antara 0,8-1C pada
akhir abad ini (suhu rata-rata maksimum New Delhi mencapai 41 C).

2. Perubahan iklim, mulai terasa dan terlihat adanya perpanjangan musim panas/
kemarau di negara India.

3. Peningkatan kelembapan udara karena peningkatan jumlah uap air di udara.

Akibat :

1. Lebih dari 6,100 orang tewas di India karena gelombang panas dalam sembilan tahun
terakhir (2010-18). (paragraf 1)

2. Jumlah golongan “gelombang panas hebat” di India dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini
mengalami peningkatan yang cepat dan signifikan. (paragraf 8)

Solusi :

1. Pemerintah mulai mensosialisasikan cara-cara supaya tetap terlindung dan sejuk saat
gelombang panas datang, juga pengenalan akan gejala-gejala serangan udara panas yang
dapat berakibat fatal bila tidak diobati, serta cara melakukan pertolongan pertama bagi
individu yang terserang. (paragraf 4)

2. India telah memperkenalkan sistem perkiraan index panas pada beberapa lokasi spesifik di
negaranya yang biasanya terserang gelombang panas seperti Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Odish, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and
Chhattisgarh. Hal ini sudah dilakukan sejak adanya serangan gelombang panas terbesar pada
2015 yang memakan korban sebanyak 2,081 jiwa. (paragraf 10)

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