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HD_to_SD.aep is to be used when needing to create both Blu-ray AND SD DVD menu
assets for authoring. Instead of having After Effects go through the long process
of rendering the menu twice for each size, it is much more efficient to have it
render it once, then just downscale that file for the SD menu.

What the HD_to_SD.aep project file does is take your rendered HD menu assets and
convert them to SD or PAL, either by exporting another set of menu assets, or can
be used to dynamic link the HD assets directly into Encore for an DVD project.


1) Customize your menu and then render out the menu assets using the HD 1920x1080
Render Compositions.

2) Author your Blu-ray disc normally using the Tutorials

3) To Author the NTSC or PAL DVD, there are two ways this project file can be used:

Option A) Place the HD_to_SD.aep file into the same directory as your
rendered menu assets, and use with the Dynamic Link feature in Encore INSTEAD OF
the Dyn_Lnk.aep.

Option B) Open the HD_to_SD.aep project file in After Effects, drag the
appropriate compositions into the Render Queue, then export the downscaled menu
assets to a new folder designated for SD assets. Once the SD assets are created,
place the Dyn_Lnk.aep in the same directory and author the SD disc normally using
the tutorial.

Selecting the Proper Compositions:

If using with the Dynamic Link feature in Encore, you should already be familiar
with the 'Separate' and 'Combined' versions of the compositions.

- Use the 'Separate_Audio' compositions when you have a separate file for the audio
of the menu assets (such as *.wav or *.aiff)

- Use the 'Combined_Audio' compositions if you have already combined your music
with the video asset into a single *.mov file.

Known Issues:

1) When opening the project file in After Effects, it is normal for it to say
assets are missing, as it attempts to load both *.wav and *.aiff audio files for
Mac and PC compatibility. Since you are not expected to have both .aiff and .wav
files, it will load the files you do have, and the others will be "missing". Again,
this is normal and expected.
2) When using separate audio files, make sure they are named exactly (case
sensitive) like the corresponding video asset, with the only difference being the
file extension. If the file is not named properly, it will not load into After
Effects, and you will not hear any audio.

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