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彼は王なり 王は彼なり 唯一無二の存在なり

"He is the king, the king is him. The one and only."

彼は王なり 王は彼なり 仰ぎ見るべき存在なり

"He is the king, the king is him. The one to look up to."

さあ讃えるがよい その名を今こそ

"Come and praise his name now"

(彼は王なり 王は彼なり)(栄華を極めし存在あり)

(He is the king, the king is him) (The one that is the pinnacle of glory)

さあ讃えるがよい その名を今こそ

"Come and praise his name now"

(彼は王なり 王は彼なり)(世界を手にせし存在なり)

(He is the king, the king is him) (The one who holds the world in his hand)

偉大な王よ 総べてを手にしたこの身に

"The great king, one who had everything in his hands"


"It’s laughable to say I would have a wish"

戯れの宴は 悦楽に足るものか?

"Is the capricious banquet worthy of my enjoyment?"

度し難い醜悪な世界で 我が心を愉します

"This incorrigible ugly world will amuse my heart"

愚かなる傲慢 この目に見せてみよ

"Show me your foolish insolence"

踊れ雑種ども ただ我のため

"Dance mongrels, solely for my sake"

比類無き力 今示し給え

"Reveal your unparalleled incompetence now"

天と地の狭間 総てが我が庭

"Everything between heaven and earth is my garden"

許しなく踏み荒らすは 万死に値する罪と知れ

"Those who enter without my permission will be subjected to death"

天と地の狭間 王たる者はただ一人

"Between heaven and earth, there is only one king"


(Praise the king among kings now) (Praise the name of the great king)

(王の中の王を今讃えよ)(ああ偉大なる その名を今こそ)

(Praise the king among kings now) (Ahh the great king, praise his name now)


"That man who stood beside me for the last time is no longer"

唯一にして無二の朋友の名は遠く 孤高にして栄高なる

"The only, peerless friend’s name is now distant, glory in his lonesome"

この道に果てなどありはせぬ 何処までも貫き通すが我の法

"There is no end to this road, it’s my principle to pierce through wherever i go"

ひれ伏せ雑種ども ただ我のため

"Bow down mongrels, solely for my sake"

(比類無き力 今示し給え)

(Reveal your unparalleled incompetence now)

天と地の狭間 総てが我が財

"Everything between heaven and earth is my treasure"

許しなく手を触れるは 万死に値する罪と知れ

"Those who touch it without my permission will be subjected to death"

天と地の狭間 王たる者はただ我一人

"Between heaven and earth, there is only one king, me"

彼は王なり 王は彼なり 彼は王なり

"He is the king. The king is him. He is the king."


(Praise the king among kings now) (Praise the name of the great king)(Praise the king among kings

"He is the king"

(ああ偉大なる その名を今こそ)

(Ahh the great king, praise his name now)

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