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Educational Leadership

 is a term applied to school administrations that strive to create positive change in educational policy
and processes.
Educational leaders
 are trained to advance and improve educational systems or institutions.
 usually are employed as school principals or administrators but take on additional roles, such as
department chair or academic dean.
 serves as a guide and influences other educators in an administrative setting.
 Leaders in these executive roles work toward finding ways to improve learning and to improve the
process of educating students. They serve in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions
as well as early childhood education centers. School site leaders, directors, principals, and assistant
administrators are employed to work either as the sole educational leader or in small teams. Typical
positions for educational leaders in administrative settings are:
 Principal
 Superintendent
 Academic Dean
 Director
 Head of school
 Department Chair
 Provost
 President
Philosophy of Leadership in Education
 is "the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge or conduct." Philosophy is
the attainment of an integrated, comprehensive view of life, of vital importance.
a. Vision
o The first element to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership.
o One of the best general descriptions of vision is that vision must be idealistic and
a "mental model of a future state of the organization.
b. Values
o serve as our moral compass to guide every soldier, from private to general, through the
maze of intellectual, philosophical and emotional issues that encompass our life.
c. Leader Development
o include three essential leader-development components in your leadership philosophy:
formal schooling, leader training within your organization and empowerment.
d. Managing Change
o Anyone who has ever tried to initiate organizational change has probably heard, "We
tried that and it didn’t work" or "We have always done it this way." Change is not always
easy for an organization’s members. However, change is inevitable.
e. Diversity
o One area of leadership philosophy often overlooked is the strength of leveraging
diversity in our organizations. Men and women, of various ethnic, racial, religious
backgrounds and experiences, reflect the treasured differences that make us a unique
and powerful organization.
f. Maintain a Sense of Humor
o Although having a sense of humor is not a theme in everyone’s philosophy of leadership,
it is important and extremely healthy for a positive command climate. You have to know
how to laugh, especially at yourself. Humor can very often diffuse a potentially tense
Principles of Leadership
1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
2. Be technically proficient.
3. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
4. Make sound and timely decisions.
5. Set the example.
6. Know your people and look out for their well-being.<br />
7. Keep your people informed.
8. Develop a sense of accountability, ownership and responsibility in your people.
9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
10. Train your people as a team.
Functions of Leadership
1. Educational leaders work to improve educational programming.
 They hire and manage teachers and staff, prepare budgets, set curriculum standards and set school-
wide policy.
 They might work on team building efforts or restructure the organization to affect necessary change.
2. The leader as executive
 top co-ordinator of the group activities and overseer of the execution of policies.
3. The leader as planner
 deciding the ways and menas by which the group achieves its ends. This may involve both short-
term and long-term planning.
4. The leader as policy maker
 the establishment of group goals and policies.
5. The leader as expert
 a source of readily available information and skills, although there will be some reliance on
technical expertise and advice from other members of the group.
6. The leader as external group representative
 the official spokesperson for the group, the representative of the group and the channel for both
outgoing and incoming communication.
7. The leader as controller of internal relations
 determines specific aspects of the group structure.
8. The leader as perveyor of rewards and punishment
 control over group members by the power to provide rewards and apply punishments.
9. The leader as arbitrator and meditator
 controls interpersonal conflict within the group.
10. The leader as exemplar
 a model of behaviour for members of the group, setting an example of what is expected.
11. The leader as symbol of the group
 enhancing group unity by providing some kind of cognitive focus and establishing the group as a
distinct entity.
12. The leader as substitute for individualresponsibility
 relieves the inividual member of the group from the necessity of, and responsibility for, personal
13. The leader as ideologist
 serving as the source of beliefs, values and standards of behaviour for individual members of the
14. The leader as father figure
 serving as the focus for the positive emotional feelings of individual members and the object for
identification and transference.
15. The leader as scapegoat
 serving as a target for agression and hostility of the group, accepting blame in the case of failure.

Prepared by:



February 10, 2019

Insights about Educational Management

Many of us believe that leaders are not born,

but made. Interestingly, it is also recognized that in order
to be a good leader, one must have the experience,
knowledge, commitment, patience, and most importantly
the skill to negotiate, manage and work with others to
accomplish organizational goals. Good leaders are thus
made, not born
Educational Management is a field which is
concerned with the operation of educational organizations.
It is the process of planning, organizing and directing
activities in a school, effectively utilizing human and
material resources, in order to accomplish the school’s
objectives. It is not a field limited to school principals. All
parties involved in education should gain insight in
Educational Management as it is vital to help schools
function successfully and effectively realize their goals.
The management functions concern the
purposes to be achieved, which are usually plans,
strategies, good organization, quality leadership and
successful control.
Insights about Administration and Supervision

Educational supervision is based on principles, of

which consideration shall guaranty purposefulness and dynamism
in an educational system. In order to accomplish a certain
task,either simple or specialized, it is required that doer must start
his activity, continues and accomplish the same by fully observing
respective principles of the said activity.
It is typically said that administration, management
and supervision is different in that they are three parts of a
hierarchy. The administration sets policy, management gives the
orders to implement and supervision ensures that the policies are
carried out effectively. This is generally true, though the functions
do not have to all be held by different people. There will be jobs that
require a person to carry out more than one of these roles.

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