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Braun and Clarke (2013) mentioned that in a qualitative research, theme seizures

something important about the data in relation to the research question and denotes some level

of patterned response or meaning within the data set.

Hence, as explained in Chapter 3 (Section 3.8), this research will utilise thematic Commented [MOU1]:

analysis that were guided by 6 phases of analysis as proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006).

Thematic analysis is an appropriate analysis in this qualitative analysis because it helps the

researcher to identify, analyse and finally report the themes within the data.

First the data were collected and then the researcher familiarised herself with the data

before generating the initial codes of the data later. Through immersion of the data, it has helped

the researcher to recall prior knowledge of the data extensively because of the repeated reading.

Next the researcher continued with another phase that is coding the initial data into unifying

codes that are relevant to the research question. This process of coding is part of analysis (Miles

& Huberman, 1994). By generating the initial data through open coding process will help the Commented [MOU2]: Rephrase

researcher to recognise unifying codes. These unifying codes were sorted and organised into

potential themes to search for significant themes about roles and responsibilities of SISC+. It

is important for the researcher to ensure that all actual data extracts are coded and then

organised together within each code. This is because according to Boyatzis (1998), codes that

appear interesting to the analyst, and refer to “the most basic segment, or element, of data or

information that can be assessed in a meaningful way regarding the phenomenon” (Boyatzis,

1998: 63). Thus, the researcher will give attention to the codes that seems connected to the

research and it will be assessed thoroughly.

The researcher employed ATLAS.ti (version 8) software to manage the data and ease

the process of searching the significant themes and to create a systematic and reliable report.

Primarily, the software helps to automate and to invigorate the data analysis process through
storing, coding, linking, searching, retrieving, and displaying the data (Weitzman & Miles,

1995) that will help to produce a more complex way of theorising the relationships in the data.

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