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Asalamu’alaikum wr wb.

thank you for the opportunity that has been given to our group
We are from team one, right Now I will introduce the members of my group. Starts from me my
names febti iam a moderator, and there is heri, candra, lita, viky, they will explain the materi in our
presentation. Before we start this presentation my friend will give you some picture . I want to ask
you guys, what do you think about this picture??
Okey your opinion is Great, but I will add your opinion, in general this picture describe about effects
of smoking to your health. So the main topic in our presentasion is about “smoking should be
baned” which will be hosted by my friend. Start from Vicky..
Look The first picture

There are several government policies to decresing negative influence. Raise the price of cigarettes ,
2 Build the smoking area,3 Make regulation about prohibition smoke in public area.4, From 1
October 2015 it will be illegal to smoke in vehicles with someone under 18 present.

So, the conclusision in this our prensentasion is talking about Smoke there is no benefits in your life,
keep away from smoke because it’s will kill you

You are always better off if you quit smoking, its never to late – Lonny andrson—

Any question???

if there is one word or our act we will

Thank you very much for your attention.

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