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Life expectancy is increasing. What are the reasons of this?

Is this a positive or negative


The average lifespan of citizens all over the world has increased significantly. It is agreed
that this is mainly because of the medical care improvement, protecting human’s body from
severe illness and saving the patient’s lives. Although this can be a burden for their relatives to
pay the treatment cost, they will be more thankful due to the transfer of valuable wisdom and

The main cause of longevity is healthcare advancement. That is to say, such a measure is
the major concern of practitioners, researching the solution of each deadly disease, and this
results in the decrease of mortality rate for the aged people. For example, in the US, a Doctor
Association always cooperates with the Pharmacist to update each vaccine for the elderly-
related diseases. How does it work? The Practitioners attempt to note each case of patient
condition earlier, asking about the symptoms, and the Pharmacists research the potential cure
which can excel in the healing, so that the mortality rate of the US’s old people has decreased.
Clearly, the advancement of medical treatment has profound impacts on longevity.

The healthcare advancement is supposed to be a financial hurdle for their family, but it
is no longer the immense problem if the elderly transfer constructive knowledge to their next
generation. No relatives will give up to pay the hospital treatment for their older generation
because they believe that elderlies’ wisdom and experience can give helpful advice and
emotional support to younger ones in difficult times. For example, receiving advice from
grandparents to overcome some problems in a married life is a crucial part of most young adults
because the elderly have found similar hurdles with its solution, so taking care of them by doing
regularly medical check-up is a must. Therefore, it proves that the financial barrier has no
importance if the family seek to acquire the elderly’s wisdom and personal experience.

In conclusion, the increase of average life expectancy is caused by mainly the

development of healthcare system, and this has more positive impacts for the next generation
by transferring the knowledge even though the relatives have to cost a lot for the medical

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