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Abbot abat

Bishop bisbe

Castle castell

Craftmen artesans

Helmet casc

Knight cavaller
Mill molí

Monk monjo

Noble noble

Nun monja

Peasant camperol

Serf serf

Shield escut
Squire escuder

Sword espasa

Viking viking



Abbot a man who is the head or (cap de la comunitat

superior of a monastery monàstica, alguns eren de
la noblesa) → abat

Absolute poverty extrem poverty → pobresa absoluta

Armour a covering, usually made → armadura
of metal or leather, worn
to protect the body
during fighting

Army a body of people trained → exèrcit

and armed for war

Castle a fortified, protected → castell

building, usually with a
wall around it, owned by
a prince or noble

Cellarium also known as → celler

an undercroft, was a
storehouse or storeroom,
usually in a
medieval monastery or

Chapter house a room in a monastery → sala capitular

where the whole
community often met for
readings and to hear the
abbot talk

Clergy the group or body of → clero

ordained persons in a
religion, as distinguished
from the laity

Cloister a covered walk, especially → claustre

in a church or other
religious building, opening
onto a courtyard
Court the people accompanying → cort
a king, queen or other
high-ranking person

Crop the plant or the product → collita

of a plant produced while
growing or when

land belonging to and → reserva senyorial
adjoining a manor house;

to strike lightly with a → cerimònia d’armar
sword in the ceremony of cavaller
conferring knighthood;
make, or designate as, a

a major political or social → estament
group or class

Fallow (of land) plowed and left → guaret

unseeded for a season or

Feudalism the political, military and → feudalisme

social system of the
middle ages in Western
Europe, based on the
work done by peasants
for a landowner who
gives protection in

Fief land granted by a lord to → feu

a vassal in exchange for
loyalty and service.
Gloomy dark or dim → llòbrec

Guild an organization of person → gremi

with the related
interests, goals or jobs
esp. one formed for
mutual protection

Habit the dress of a particular → hàbit

rank, profession etc. esp.
the long garment worn by
some clergy

Helmet a usually strong and hard → casc

covering worn on the
head for protection

Hierarchy any system of persons or → jerarquia

things ranked one above

Homage the formal public → homenatge

acknowledgement by
which a formal tenant or
vassal declared himself
to be the man or vassal
of his lord, owning him
fealty and service

Hostelry inn, hotel → hostatgeria

Lay brother a man who has taken → llec

religious vows and habit
but is employed by his
order as chiefly in
manual labor
Lord a person who has → senyor
authority, control or
power over others

Manor a large state, including → senyoriu

farmland and villages,
held by a lor

Mill a building with machinery → molí

for grinding grain into

Miniature a very small painting → il.lustració xicoteta

Moat a deep, wide trench → fossat

usually filled with water
esp. one surrounding a
fortified place

Monastery (-ies) the place of residence → monestir

occupied by a community
of monks living in
seclusion under religious

Orchard an area of land used for → horta

the growing or fruit and
nut trees

Order a body or society of → orde

persons who agree to live
under the same religious,
moral or social
regulations, such as a
society in a monastery
Page a youth being trained for → patge

Pope the bishop of Rome as →papa

head of the Roman
Catholic Church

Prayer a devout request to a → oració


refectory a dining hall as in a → refetor

monastery or college

Scriptorium a room, as in a → scriptorium

monastery, where
manuscripts are stored,
read or copied

Self-sufficient able to supply one’s or its → autosuficient

own needs without help

Shield a device used as a → escut

defence against blows,
esp. a broad piece of
armour carried on the

Spurs a U-shape device → esperó

attached to the heel of a
boot, having a pointed
part that sticks out,
used by a rider to urge a
horse forward

Stable a building with stalls → quadra, cavallerissa

where horses, cattle,
etc. are kept and fed
Sword a weapon, typically a long, → espasa
sharp-edged blade
attached to a handle or

Tapestry a fabric on which → tapís

coloured threads are
woven by hand to
produce a reversible

Tax a sum of money paid to a → taxa

government by its

To beg to ask for as a gift, as → suplicar, mendicar.

charity or as a favour

To embroider to decorate with → brodar

embroidery  the sewing
of decorative designs
with a needle and thread

To seize to take possession of by → assetjar

force or at will

Tournament a medieval contest in → justa

which mounted knights
fought with lances for a

Vassal a person who is given → vassall

permission to use land in
return for promising
loyalty and usually
military service to a lord
or other superior
Village a small community or → vila
group of houses in an
area outside a city,
larger than a hamlet and
usually smaller than a

Vow a solemn promise that → vot

commits oneself to an
act, service or condition

Well a hole or shaft into the → pou

earth so as to as to tap a
supply of water, oil, gas,

Workshop a room or building in → taller

which manufacturing or
other forms of manual
work are carried on

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