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Hours Worked 5/13-5/18: 0 Hours

Total hours: 0 Hours

The first day of my internship is going to be this Monday, the 20th. I am working at the

Women’s Resource Center for Domestic Violence, specifically at their safe house. I will be

acting as a research assistant as well as helping them with whatever else they need done. I have

been doing a lot to prepare for the internship this past week.

On Monday, I still had work at GA Bob’s Barbecue where I work as a front of house cashier

and server. I worked my shift 10 AM until 3 PM, when my coworker Sophia relieved me. I never

like it when she closes because she doesn’t do a very good job and forgets a lot of things and I

was going to be opening again on Tuesday, so J would be the one cleaning up after her. After

work, I started to pack up some of my things in my apartment in preparation for the move to

Atlanta. After packing, I watched some Netflix (3 episodes of The Vampire Diaries) and ordered

a pizza (cheese and pineapple). Some friends ended up downtown that night, and since I live so

close I just had to go. I met up with my friend Sunshine at Amici and then went home at 1:30 and

went to sleep.

On Tuesday, I woke up at 8 AM and regretted going out the night before. I dragged myself

into work at 10 Am and started another lively shift at the good old GA Bob’s. Drew was the

manager that day and he was being especially absent. He kept disappearing for a half hour at a

time. It was very weird. I got off work at 3 and headed home for some more packing. While

packing I noticed my cat, Callie, acting super weird. She’s a sweet but anxious kitty so I took her

to the vet to make sure she would be okay to move on Sunday because she is a granny kitty.

She’s 14! After the vet, I talked to my dad about finances for the summer and where money for

rent and groceries would come from since I’m not getting paid. I also need a new computer
because mine died during finals week. That was super fun! In case you’re wondering, yes, I am

typing this on my phone. I’m getting a new computer ASAP. I went to bed early that night,

probably around 9:30 or 10.

Wednesday was my last day at GA Bob’s!! After almost 2 years of underpaid service I bid

the restaurant industry adieu. I worked 10-3 again on Wed. and after I went home and packed a

little, but not much. I like to leave those things to the last minute. I got dinner at Kuroshima

because Sunshine was working and we made plans to hang out again that night. We were going

to go to the hot tub at Arcadia, but there were a lot of people there and neither of us wanted to

deal with that so we left. We decided to go stargazing at the sunset fields! It was super nice out,

but cloudy so we could t actually see any stars. Our teammate Shannon joined us and we hung

out and listened to music for a while. We left when a police officer showed up and just sat there

until we left. I went to bed late again that night, probably around 1.

Thursday was Field Day! My frisbee team organized a field day where we hung out all day

and did lots of activities. We tie-dyed socks that mysteriously all only turned out blue. We also

made friendship bracelets, had a slip’n slide, a water balloon fight, and we played capture the

flag. I tore up my shoulder playing capture the flag because I got really competitive and wanted

to tag my friend so I dove into the ground. I did tag her though! So it was worth it. We also did a

nature scavenger hunt, and since we are all environmentally conscious we picked up trash along

the way too. That night was coincidentally our team captain Morgan’s birthday, so we had a

party for her. The theme was Texas Rodeo and I dressed up like a cowgirl and it was pretty cool.

I kicked butt at flip cup that night.

Friday was the start of moving for me. I loaded up my car and drive it to North Atlanta,

where I am living with my brother and two of his friends. I have to say… I am not looking
forward to living with three 20-year old boys but the rent is cheap and it allows pets so who am I

to complain. After sitting through horrendous traffic that I had forgotten about I got back to

milledgeville and watched Netflix until bedtime, which was 11 o’clock.

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