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CELTA input – language analysis –

SYSTEMS lessons and LRT

LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT – target language: Put up with

A. MEANING ANALYSIS: “[put up with someone/something] to accept someone or
something unpleasant in a patient way
How has Jan put up with him for so long?
I will not put up with your bad behaviour any longer!”

B. MEANING Adam: I recently quit my job,I’m looking for a new one somewhere else.
ILLUSTRATION: George: Why? Weren’t you happy working in that office?
Adam: Sure I was, but I had to put up with the noise that came from the
main street all day long, I couldn't stand it anymore.
George: I feel you, I hope you can find something soon!

C. MEANING - Was Adam fed up of the noise of where he was working? Yes.
CHECK: - Was Adam complaining about the pace of work in the office? No.
- Is it an informal expression? Yes.
- Is he happy about his decision? No.
- Can you use this expression to express discontent about
something? Yes.


E. PRON ANALYSIS: Put up with.

Put is pronounced very weakly.

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