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Jessie Schwaeble

Using Mullins to Find Articles

Part A. Step 4.e.
Part B. Step 2.

Name of U of A class: PBHL 2663: Terminology for Health Professions

Instructor: Dr. Mary Hunt

(Keyword: integrated medicine)

Part C. Step 3

1. Who is the professor you have taken a class with? Dr. Amanda Williams

2. What is the name of the class? HDFS 2413: Family Relations

3. What year did she write their dissertation? 2013

4. What is the Name of the theses/dissertation? Risk and Resilience Models of Community

Adversity and Long-Term Adjustment

5. What institution did the professor go to when she published their dissertation? Oklahoma

State University

6. What was the conclusion of the study?

“Findings from this study have significant research and practical implications. The

idea of life course resilience is not aimed at a perfect life trajectory, but an acceptable

quality of life given the presence of multiple risks and constraints (Ryff et al., 1998).

Identifying key developmental periods in the life course that serve as turning points

improving future outcomes is critical for efficient intervention and prevention efforts

(Moen, 1997; Ryff et al., 1997). Programs geared toward building adolescent assets and

improving psychosocial well-being (Danish, 1997) can be improved by targeting the

specific indicators of human agency found to predict long-term mental health – analytic

decision making, belief in one’s ability to act successfully, and hope for the future.

Previous studies have found early adversity to predict more optimistic future outlooks,

but that future outcomes are not as successful as the expectations (i.e., “wishful
thinking,” Shafer et al., 2011); however, it may be the combination of planfulness, selfefficacy,

and optimism that differentiates resilient individuals from those who are less

adaptive. An important addition to prevention and intervention efforts is the inclusion of

activities at the community level that foster social bonds within neighborhoods and

promote parental involvement in community organizations” (Williams).

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