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Former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo in an exclusive

interview that he is heading back to Greece to retrieve $10,000 that he suspects was dropped in
his lap as part of an entrapment scheme by the CIA or FBI -- and federal investigators want to
see the marked bills, which he said are now stored in a safe.

Papadopoulos said on "Sunday Morning Futures" he was "very happy" to see Devin Nunes, R-
Calif., grill former Special Counsel Robert Mueller about the summer 2017 payment during last
week's hearings -- even though Mueller maintained, without explanation, that the matter was
outside the scope of his investigation.

"I was very happy to see that Devin Nunes brought that up," Papadopoulos said. "A man named
Charles Tawil gave me this money [in Israel] under very suspicious circumstances. A simple
Google search about this individual will reveal he was a CIA or State Department asset in South
Africa during the '90s and 2000s. I think around the time when Bob Mueller was the director of
the FBI.

"So, I have my theory of what that was all about," Papadopoulos added. "The money, I gave it to
my attorney in Greece because I felt it was given to me under very suspicious circumstances.
And upon coming back to the United States I had about seven or ei

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