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Module 4 -- Ethical Situation #1: Medical


I do not have a medical record in U.S, so I do not know some details. However, I support the
individual. There are some reasons why I say that. First of all, let's see the Ethical Frameworks:
Utilitarian, Human rights, Fairness or justice, and Common good. Although the pharmaceutical
company defends the practice because they are actually encouraging you to be more compliant
with your medication and promoting your longevity, I do not think that is the reason they can
take the individuals information as their own business property. Form the four ethical
frameworks; we can get some key words: the most good, respects, fairness, justice, and everyone.
Obviously the druggist and the pharmaceutical company does not respect the individuals enough,
they thought they did some good for the individuals, however without the individuals'
permissions. In my opinion, the pharmaceutical company sell the information of patients gets
more benefits than the patients, that is not fair enough.

Second, there are two basic the code's principles. The first is a social principle, which affirms the
right to privacy of all individuals. The second principle is a professional one--to maintain the
confidentiality of privileged information. Curry, D. (1999)

In conclusion, the personal information is very private and important information for everyone. It
should not be sold as a commodity.


Curry, D. (1999). Ethical Issues in Health Information Management. Advance Healthcare

Network. Prussia, PA: Merion Matters.

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