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Date: 9/29/16


A robot is a machine that gathers information about its environment (senses) and uses that
information (thinks) to follow instructions to do work (acts).We too sometimes work more than
what we could
handle.We are programmed to be able to reach those desired requirements.


1. Will machines (robots) replace humans in the

future??If yes, why ? If no, why not?

key sentence:

Yes, I think so because ___.

No, I dont think so because __.

Example answer:

Yes, I think so for example, on paralegal, lawyers find it easier to work with AI (Artificial
Intelligence)assistants who are quicker, more knowledgeable and dont ask for sick leave.Robots
controlled by AI's will replace people for most economically productive activities.

2.What kind of economic chaos would there be if robots

took over our jobs?

Key sentence:

I think, it'll be ___.

Example answer:

The risk we are facing in the near future is mass unemployment for some categories of workers,
combined with lack of skills in other categories – and the political and social implications of such
imbalances.Nevertheless, robots are still imperfect, and their capabilities are not yet sufficient to
fully displace humans.

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