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Indra Yoga Prawiro

Semarang State University

Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati

Semarang State University

Alim Sukrisno
Semarang State University


This study attempts to know the professional competence development of ESP teachers.
This study describes kinds of efforts that the teachers have applied to develop their
professional competence. In this case the problems faced by ESP teachers are also described
as well as their solution. This study used qualitative as the approach and case study as its
research design. The subjects of this study were five ESP teachers who teach in Vocational
Schools in Indramayu. To collect the data, the writer used open-ended questionnaire,
interview and test. The result of the study shows that all of the teachers understand about
the definition and the importance of professional competence. All of the teachers show their
efforts in mastering the knowledge and information about teaching English in specific field.
However, not all the teachers show their mastery, the result of the test shows that there are
three teachers have below average knowledge towards their understanding in professional
competence. Then, there are three major efforts conducted by five ESP teachers to develop
their professional competence; those are looking for the materials, strategies of teaching,
and games from the internet. The second is sharing the difficulties both to the English
teachers and productive skill teachers. Then, the last is reading some books. However, there
are some problems faced by the teachers in developing their professional competence.
Those problems are the availability of seminars and workshops in their city and the less
support from the institution. Therefore, the teachers try to solve the problems by sharing
with other teachers and reading some books.

Keywords: Professional Competence Development, Efforts, and ESP Teachers.


Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui pengembangan kompetensi profesional para guru
ESP. Penelitian ini menjelaskan usaha para guru dalam mengembangkan kompetensi
profesional mereka. Dalam hal ini masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru ESP serta solusi yang
mereka terapkan juga dijelaskan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan
studi kasus sebagai desain penelitian. Subyek penelitian ini adalah lima guru ESP yang
mengajar di beberapa SMK di Indramayu. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penulis
menggunakan kuesioner terbuka, wawancara dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
semua guru paham tentang definisi dan pentingnya kompetensi profesional. Semua guru
menunjukkan usaha mereka dalam menguasai pengetahuan dan informasi tentang mengajar
bahasa Inggris di bidang tertentu. Namun, tidak semua guru menunjukkan penguasaan
mereka. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga guru yang memperoleh nilai tes di bawah
rata-rata terhadap bidang ilmu mereka. Selanjutnya, ada tiga usaha utama yang dilakukan
oleh lima guru ESP untuk mengembangkan kompetensi profesional mereka; Pertama
dengan mencari bahan, strategi pengajaran, dan game dari internet. Yang kedua adalah
berbagi kesulitan baik dengan guru bahasa Inggris dan guru keterampilan produktif.
Kemudian, yang terakhir adalah membaca beberapa buku. Namun, ada beberapa masalah
yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam mengembangkan kompetensi profesionalnya. Masalah
mereka adalah ketersediaan seminar dan workshop di kota mereka dan kurangnya dukungan
dari institusi tempat mereka mengajar. Oleh karena itu, para guru mencoba memecahkan
masalah dengan bertukar pendapat dengan guru lain dan membaca beberapa buku.

Kata kunci: Pengembangan Kompetensi Profesional, Usaha, dan Guru ESP.

In Indonesia, since decades ago, the education movements have been introduced to develop
the quality of the people. The Indonesian government works very hard to create a marvelous
design of education that can form an excellent generation with good knowledge, massive
skill and likeable behavior. In order to reach those purposes, the government should focus
on the development of secondary school because secondary education is a bridge for young
people from the school field to the work field. According to UNESCO’s Director General,
expanding secondary schooling is a minimum entitlement for equipping youth with the

knowledge and skills they need to secure decent livelihoods in today’s globalized world.
Without opportunities for secondary education, children have little chance to improve their
livelihoods and give contribution to the progress of the world.
However, teaching in secondary schools especially in vocational schools have been
criticized as ineffective in preparing competent individuals (Bedi and Sharma, 2006: 2
;Davidson, 2006: 3). Secondary school students are claimed to finish school as unprepared
individuals who fail to demonstrate competencies in work and life (Benson, 2005: 3) and
hence become a burden for their societies (Shahzad, 2007: 2). Teaching and learning in
secondary schools are also claimed to produce only temporary knowledge and skills that are
used only in answering examinations (Malekela, 2000: 4; Wedgwood, 2006: 9). Therefore,
we need also to prepare appropriate teachers to teach our students a secondary level. The
teachers need a deep knowledge of how to teach their specific subject (Krauss et al., 2008:
3; Shulman, 1987: 12), for effective practice in diverse, multicultural, inclusive learning
In order to minimize those problems, our government has also made the standardized
competencies that should be mastered by the teachers; those are pedagogic, personal, social
and professional competence (Act 14/2005 article 10). The first, pedagogical competence is
the ability of teachers to understand the dynamics of the learning process. The second,
professional competence can be explained as the mastery of learning materials, mastery of
curriculum content and substance of scientific subjects philosophically (Jamal, 2009:157).
The third, personal competence is the ability of teachers to demonstrate attitudes and
personality that can be imitated and obeyed by their students. The last, social competence is
the ability of teachers to interact and communicate.
Therefore, in accordance with the explanation above, this study attempts to know the
professional competence development of ESP teachers. This study will also find out the
problems of ESP teachers and how they solve the problems.

In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative research that was case study, as the
research design to explore and describes the issue based on the individual perspectives. This
study is describing and explaining a phenomenon among the English teachers in vocational
schools who graduated from English department of Wiralodra University. This study is
individually describing the efforts of ESP teachers in developing their professional

competence. The individual differences become one of the targets in describing that


Teacher’s perception is one of important things that will be described in this study. The
description is interesting because it can show the understanding of each ESP teacher related
to his/her professional competence development. Here, the writer will compare the answer
of the teachers with the result of the test because the result of the test can lead the writer in
making the conclusion. From the result of data analysis above, it can be concluded that the
1st teacher understands about the professional competence. She explains professional
competence as one of competence that should be mastered by her. As a teacher, she realized
that knowledge, skill, practice and method to transfer knowledge to the students are part of
professional competence. Therefore, she needs an extra time and opportunity to develop her
competencies. She also argues that teaching ESP in a vocational school is really dynamic.
Therefore, to prevent the problems that sometimes occur in the class, she needs to develop
her knowledge.
The statement is in line with Richard and Farrell (2005) who stated that generally
teachers are interested in adding to their professional knowledge and keeping up to date
with the theory and practice in the field. Several benefits that teachers can get from their
professional development for example, they can feel more confident in teaching and
learning process. Compare to the result of test, twenty eight questions can be correctly
answered by the 1st teacher. The test shows that the 1st teacher’s understanding towards the
professional competence is above average.
Thus, for the 2nd teacher, it can be concluded that she has a good understanding about
the professional competence. She explained professional competence as the ability to master
the knowledge and skill in a particular field. This ability is really useful for the teacher
because by mastering the knowledge and information in specific field. The teachers, who
always develop their knowledge, will be facilitated in teaching the students in the class
because they will have varieties of strategy to deliver the material. They will also be more
knowledgeable so they can help the students to understand more about the material. When
there is any problem in the amid of teaching and learning process, the teachers who have
more knowledge will improvise more easily.

The 2nd teacher believes that her professional competence will give much influence to
her students. Her knowledge can be used not only to show her ability in absorbing and
delivering material, but it can also facilitate the students to reach their objectives more
easily in learning English. However, her good understanding cannot be seen from the result
of her test. Three of five sections on the test showed the lowest score. In the section one and
three, she can only produce 4 correct answers. Meanwhile in the section four, she can only
produce three correct answers.
Then, for the 3rd teacher, she understands that professional competence is important
for her career. As a teacher, she realizes that she should master the knowledge of material,
curriculum and skill in order to support the process of teaching in the class. As an ESP
teacher, sometimes she is also little bit confused to decide which of the above aspects that
become the priority of her teaching. Because even most of the material related more to the
practical material rather than theory, uncommon vocabularies in specific fields will be the
obstacle in the process of teaching. To minimize the problems, the teacher needs to update
her knowledge. The test showed that she can answer twenty seven questions. However in
section one she got the low score. From ten questions given in section one. She only got
score of four. It means that there are six questions that cannot be answered by her.
Then, the 4th teacher explains that professional competence is one of qualification that
should be mastered by teacher. The qualification itself is related to the professional
knowledge. The statement is in line with Putnam and Borko (2000) who elaborated on the
idea that there are different kinds of teacher knowledge. Those are content knowledge,
general pedagogical knowledge and contextual knowledge. The understanding of
professional competence itself is really important in order to make the teachers aware and
responsible to their job. As an ESP teacher, he knows that knowledge of English language is
not enough to teach his students. He needs additional information related to the program of
his students. For example, when the he has to teach the students in IT program, at least he
should know the kinds of activities in the IT field, what kind of communication usually
used by the people there and some specific vocabularies in IT field.
However, the understanding of the 4th teacher is not seen from the result of the test.
He gets the lowest score compare to the other teacher. And then, there are three sections got
below average score. Those are in section one, three and four. In section one; he can answer
only four questions. Meanwhile in section three and four, only three questions can be
answered correctly by him.

The last is the 5th teacher. According to her answer in the questionnaire and interview,
she understands that to become a good teacher, she has to possess some qualification. One
of them is professional competence. She defines professional competence as skill and
knowledge which is achieved from several professional institutions. She knows that
professional competence is really important for her career. Her understanding can also be
seen from the result of the test. The test result shows that she got the highest score. There
are thirty three questions can be answered correctly by her. Eight correct answers in section
two and five also showed how experience in teaching and learning can be one of factor in
understanding the competence that should be mastered by her. The result of the test can also
be seen from the FIGURE 4.6 below:
Figure 4.6 The Result of the Test

1st Teacher
2nd Teacher
3rd Teacher
4th Teacher
A B C D E 5th Teacher

Mastering Mastering Developing Developing The use of

material and standard material professiona IT in
concept competece creatively lism in a teaching
and basic sustainable
competence manner


In this study, there are three major efforts conducted by five ESP teachers to develop their
professional competence; those are looking for the material, strategy of teaching, and games
from the internet. The second is sharing the difficulties both with the English teachers and
Production Program Teachers. Then, the last is reading some books. Borg (2003) explained
that teachers’ effort is a cognitive process. He described teachers as active, thinking-
decision makers who make instructional choices by drawing on complex practically-
oriented, personalized, and context-sensitive networks of knowledge, thoughts and beliefs.
Therefore, it can be concluded that each effort represents the decision of each teacher to
actively participated in the development process. Each teacher believes that the process in
applying those efforts can encourage them to explore their own beliefs and thinking
processes and of course it can also be used as one of the ways to know the influence of
teacher’s knowledge to the learning process.

According to 1st teacher in understanding English material in Nursery and Pharmacy
program, she uses the internet technology to find the appropriate material, video that will be
used to help her both in understanding the material and teaching in the class. This effort is
not only implemented by the 1st teacher. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th teachers also used the
internet to develop their knowledge and gain information. All of the ESP teachers in this
study understand that teaching English in Vocational Schools are not easy. They believed
that teaching the students in Vocational Schools is really dynamic because there are many
practical materials in teaching English in Vocational School. Therefore, in order to make
the teachers more confident in teaching English, they need to keep abreast with their
knowledge. Because, when the teachers have much information in teaching, they will have
many weapons to manage the class.
Then, the second effort usually used by the ESP teachers to develop their knowledge
is reading books. Reading material from several sources will facilitate the teachers in
deciding the appropriate material for their students. In this study all of the teachers apply
reading books, as one of the efforts to develop their knowledge. Most of the teachers in this
study stated that they need to compare several books to get more understanding about the
material. The characters of the students will also influence the teachers in teaching the
material because they cannot use the same way of teaching in each class. Each student in
each class has his/her own characteristic. Hence, the teachers need to have many options
before they come to the class.
The last common effort in developing their professional competence is by sharing
with other teachers. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th teachers stated that sharing with the other
teachers is really important to develop their understanding. As teachers who teach less than
ten years, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th teachers realize that they need to share their problems with
others. In sharing session, they can learn many things from other teachers. The teachers can
learn from the other teachers’ experience especially to solve the problems. Then, the
teachers can also upgrade their knowledge and information. By having group discussions,
the teachers will show their difficulties without any worries because they will give
constructive suggestions on each problem that they have faced before. This statement is
supported by Lieberman and Grolnick (1998) who stated that teacher support group can
provide opportunity for teachers to validate both teacher knowledge and teacher inquiry.
Therefore, to explore some issues in teaching and solve the problems, a teacher support
group is really suggested.

The difference of three major efforts is showed by the 5th teacher. The 5th teacher
explains that attending seminars or workshops is really important for her professional
competence development. She stated, even though it is quite difficult to join the seminar in
her city, she believes that seminars and workshops will give many contributions for her
understanding. Hence, she forced herself to join seminars when she got opportunities. The
difference efforts of each teacher in developing their professional competence can be seen
from the TABLE 4.1 below:
Table 4.1 Three Major Efforts in Developing Professional Competence
1 2 3
Browsing material, strategy in Reading some books. Sharing with the other teachers.
teaching and etc. from the internet.
Reading a lot of books. Seek the information in the internet. Sharing with other teachers through
Sharing with English teachers and Looking for the information through Reading books
productive subject teachers. internet.
Seek the information from the web in Sharing with English and Production Reading some materials from the
the internet. Program Teachers. books
5th Browsing the material in the internet. Reading many books. Join the seminar or workshop.


Most of the problem of ESP teachers in developing their professional competence is the
availability of seminars or workshops in their city. Actually, most of the teachers
understand and have the will to join seminars or workshops to develop their knowledge.
However, not all of the teachers get those opportunities. This statement is in line with
Richards and Farrell (2005) who explained seminar as a session or series of sessions in
which group of experienced people discuss an issue and exchange information and
The second problem which is usually faced by the teachers is the support from the
schools or institutions. Most of the teachers explained that there is no program created by
the schools to send their teachers to join the seminar or workshop. Therefore, when the
teachers want to join the seminar or workshop, they have to find and pay by themselves.
The different from the others, the 5th teacher stated that when the government held the
seminar, not all the teachers can join that seminar. Hence, the school has to choose the
representative from the school. In fact, the 5th teacher stated that she has never got the

The last problem is about the facilities and infrastructure in the school. The 1st and 2nd
teachers stated that to improve their knowledge and information, sometimes they need to
bring or provide it by themselves. For example, when they need internet access in the
school but the internet network is down. Hence, they need to provide it by themselves.
Other problems during the process of professional competence development can be seen as
the TABLE 4.2 below:
Table 4.2 Teachers’ Problems in Developing Professional Competence
Teacher Problems
1. Lack of understanding in the implementation of 2013 Curriculum.
1st 2. Limited access of the internet.
3. Limited access to join seminar or workshop in her city.
1. The problems to join the seminar or workshop.
2nd 2. Lack of facilities and infrastructures to support her development.
3. The difficulties in understanding the new curriculum.
1. The difficulties in making and developing the lesson plan.
2. Minimum support from the school to develop her competencies.
1. As a new teacher in his school, he thinks that he has limited knowledge and information towards ESP teaching.
2. Difficulties in finding seminar or workshop in his city to develop his knowledge.
1. She rarely joins the seminar and workshop.
2. The availability of her in joining the seminar or workshop outside the city.


The causes of the problems are really variety. First, talking about seminars, most of teachers
stated that it is difficult to join the English seminars in their city especially the seminars of
ESP. As teachers, they understand in order to develop their knowledge and information;
they need to learn from experienced people. Therefore, if there are any seminars or
workshops held by government in their city. It is really pleasure for them to join it.
The second cause of the problems is four of five the teachers in this study are part-
time teachers. Without any support from the schools, it seems impossible for them to join
the seminar outside the city. Then another problem is about the time. As a certification
teacher, the 5th teacher has limitation to join seminars or workshops more than a day. As a
certification teacher, she has responsibility to teach twenty four hours. This condition is
really burden her, one side she believes that professional competence development is really
beneficial for her career but in the other hand she cannot reject her responsibility to teach
her students. Some causes of the problems can be seen from the TABLE 4.3 below:
Table 4.3 The Causes of the Problems
Teacher The Causes
1. The workshop of the new curriculum is held once. It is difficult for a teacher to understand more.
2. The internet access in her school is not very good.

3. There is no support from the school to join the seminar.
1. Financial problem to join the seminar.
2nd 2. She teaches in the new school that still has many problems in facilities and infrastructures.
3. The workshop which is held by the government is not effective.
1. The teacher rarely followed the seminar.
2. The school is not really concern with the development of process of the teacher.
1. He thinks that he was not prepared as an ESP teacher when he studied in University.
2. There is no support from the school to join the seminar.
1. The seminar and workshop are rarely held in her city.
5th 2. As a certification teacher, she has to teach twenty four hours. Hence, it is almost impossible for her to join the
seminar outside the city.


The 1st teacher stated, when she cannot understand the new curriculum, she usually asks to
her fellow to understand it. Teacher group discussion is usually applied by her in order to
minimize misinterpretation toward the new information. Then, when she has no connection
to the internet, the she brings her own wife to search information from the internet and
when she cannot get an access for it. She usually read from the books.
The same with the 1st teacher, for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th teacher, they usually share their
problems with others. Other teachers will help them in giving their experience in solving the
problem during the process. Whereas sharing with Production Program Teachers are used to
get information more related to the environment in the real field. The place such as MGMP
can be one of the places for the teacher to learn together with their pals.
Another way to solve the problem is by self-monitoring. Looking for the weaknesses,
can be a solution for the teachers to increase their knowledge because when they know their
problems soon. It can change their perspective towards the material. Therefore, the teachers
will prepare appropriate way to be used for their students.
The last, the 5th teacher stated that she prefers to be more pro-active to seek the
seminar and workshops to develop her knowledge. As a teacher who still has many
weaknesses. She understands that continuously learning cannot be stopped. Every single
teacher needs to choose his/her own way to solve any kinds of problem that perhaps occur
during the process of development. Some ways in solving the problems can be seen as the
TABLE 4.4 below:
Table 4.4 The Ways in Solving the Problems
Teacher The Solutions
1. Reading some books to increase her knowledge.
2. Sharing with the other English teachers there.
1. Sharing with the other teachers.
2. Reading several books.

3. Joining MGMP.
1. Having some discussion with the other teachers.
2. Talk to the school related to the problems or the need of her in teaching.
1. Self-monitoring to know his weaknesses.
2. Sharing with the other teachers.
1. She is proactive looking for seminar or workshop.
2. Preparation to prevent the problems that will be occured in the process.

This study shows that all of ESP teachers have good understanding in describing the
definition and the importance of professional competence development in teaching English.
All of participants showed their positive perspective towards the development process of
professional competence. As teachers, they understand that continuous learning after
graduated from University cannot be stopped because as teacher who teach the students in
Vocational Schools. They have to be ready with any conditions, materials, and topics that
perhaps unfamiliar with the teachers’ life. However, when it is compared to the result of the
test, it can be shown that not all the teachers can perfectly answer those questions. Based on
the test, it can be seen that the 1st teacher can correctly answer 28 questions. While, the 2nd
and the 3rd teacher can answer 27 questions. Then, the 4th teacher can answer only 26
questions. And the last, the 5th teacher can get the highest score with 33 correct answers.
In terms of the efforts of the ESP teachers to develop their professional competence,
there are three major efforts conducted by five ESP teachers, those are looking for the
materials, strategies of teaching, and games from the internet. The second is sharing the
difficulties both to the English teachers and productive teachers. Then, the last is reading
some books.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th teachers used the internet to develop their knowledge and
information. All of the ESP teachers in this study understand that teaching English in
Vocational School are not easy. They believed that teaching the students in Vocational
School is really dynamic because, there are many practical materials in teaching English in
Vocational School. So, in order to make the teachers more confident in teaching English,
they need to keep abreast with their knowledge by using internet.
Then, the second effort usually used by the ESP teachers to develop their knowledge
is reading books. Reading material from several sources will facilitate teachers in decding
the appropriate material for their students. In this study all of the teachers apply reading
books, as one of efforts to develop their knowledge. Most of the teachers in this study stated
that they need to compare several books to get more understanding about the material. The

characters of the students will also influence the teachers in teaching the material because
they cannot use the same way of teaching in each class. Each student in each class has
his/her own characteristic. Hence, they need to have many options before they come to the
class and those things will only be achieved when they have read many books from several
The last common effort in developing their professional competence is sharing with
other teachers. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th teachers stated that sharing with the other teachers is
really important to develop their understanding. As teachers who teach less than ten years,
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th teachers realize that they need to share their problems with others.
The difference of three major efforts is showed by the 5th teacher. She explained that
attending seminars or workshops is really important for her professional competence
development. She stated that even though it is quite difficult to join seminars in her city.
But, she believes that seminars and workshops will give many contributions for her
In terms of the problems and the causes faced by ESP teachers, Most of the problems
of ESP teachers in developing their professional competence are the availability of seminars
or workshops in their city. The second problem usually faced by the teachers is the support
from the schools or institutions. And the last problem is the facilities and infrastructure in
the school.
In terms of solution in solving the problems, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th teachers, they
usually share their problems with others. Other teachers will help them in delivering their
experience in solving the problem during the process. Whereas sharing with productive skill
teachers are used to get information more related to the environment in the real field. The
place such as MGMP can be one of the places for the teacher to learn together with their
pals. Another way to solve the problem is by self-monitoring. Looking for the weaknesses,
can be a solution for the teachers to increase their knowledge because when they know their
problems soon. It can change their perspective towards the material. Therefore, the teachers
will prepare appropriate way to be used for their students. The last, the 5th teacher stated
that she preferred to be more pro-active to seek the seminar and workshops to develop her

The result of the study showed that all of the teachers understand about the definition and
the importance of professional competence. All of the teachers showed their efforts in

mastering the knowledge and information about teaching English in specific field.
However, not all the teachers showed their mastery. The result of the test showed that there
are three teachers have below average knowledge towards their understanding in
professional competence. Then, there are three major efforts conducted by five ESP
teachers to develop their professional competence; those are looking for the materials,
strategies of teaching, and games from the internet. The second is sharing the difficulties
both to the English teachers and productive teachers. Then, the last is reading some books.
However, there are some problems faced by the teachers in developing their professional
competence. Those problems are the availability of seminars and workshops in their city,
the less support from the institution. Hence, the teachers try to solve the problems by
sharing with the other teachers and reading some books.

The efforts of ESP teachers towards the development of professional competence should not
be stopped on the level of understanding about the definition and the importance of
professional competence. It should be conducted and reviewed to get the best formula to
develop teachers’ knowledge. As the teachers in twenty one centuries, they must be brave to
try several approaches proposed by some experts to develop their professional competence.
The teachers should know and try those varieties of approaches to develop their knowledge.
So, the teachers do not only focus on the uses of internet, books and sharing sessions with
the other teachers. But they can also implement other activities to reach their competence.
As the contribution to the institution where the teachers graduated, it is important to
give the support for the graduate students to get continuous learning by providing seminars
or workshops for their alumni. The seminars and workshops for the graduate students can
be one of responsibilities of the University to continuously develop their students’
knowledge and information. It also can be one of the ways of the lecturers there to publish
their research.

This study I would like to express my gratitude to PPs Unnes, my respectable to Dr. Dwi
Anggani Linggar Bharti, M.Pd. and Dr. Alim Sukrisno, M.A. for their tight time and worth
suggestions, and all lecturers of the English Language Education at the Master’s Degree


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