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From the depths of Iliad and Odyssey we
bring a character ,bold and aggressive , calm
and healing , virgin and the protector , who
remained concealed in history ,her ruins still
remind us of her strengths, strong enough to
still raise a voice ,to bring a revolutionary
change ,to fulfill the revenge of her mother , a
lady fond of bows and arrows , to whom a bear
Artemis is known as the goddess of hunt,
forests and hills, the moon, archery and is one
of the most respected of all ancient Greek
deities. Hera the goddess of marriage had
forbidden Leto to give birth on either
mainland or on an island. Hera was angry
with her husband Zeus, because he had
impregnated Leto. But the island of delos
disobeyed Hera, Leto gave birth to Artemis .
A day later Apollo was born to whom she
served as a guardian.
Zeus granted six wishes to artemis: to remain
virgin, to have many names, to be the protector
of the wildlife ,to have a bow and arrow, to
heal The pain of women during labour , to be
the protector of young girls and protector of
nature. Her symbols include: a golden bow
and arrow ,her weapons, the crescent moon and
Artemis spent her girlhood seeking out things
that she would need to be a huntress. She
obtained her bow and arrows from the isle of
lipara. She captured 6 horned golden deer to
pull her chariot.
She was a demi god and is associated with
modern Greece. The temple of Artemis at
Ephesus also known as the artemesium was
constructed in the mid 6th century B.c... it
was located in Ephesus(modern turkey), and
was considered to be one of the seven wonders
of the ancient world. But alas the ruins
Artemis was a quick tempered goddess. She
acted out in anger whenever her wishes were
disobeyed, especially if anyone transgressed
against the animals that were sacred to her.
She guarded her virginity carefully, if
anyone tried to dishonor or threatened her
purity met a violent end. Acateon was killed
by artemis because he transformed artemis
into a stag. When orion tried to hunt her
chastity he met an unfavourable end.
She was given 6dogs and 7 bitches by
Pan(god of forest) .
Adonis was Aphrodite’s favourite and
Aphrodite was responsible for Hippolytus’s
death therefore Artemis sent a boar to kill him.
Adonis claimed that he was a better hunter
and this angered Artemis and she sought
Niobe was the wife of Amphion, the king of
Thebes.They had seven sons and seven
daughters. They were proud of their
children. One day,Niobe started boasting
that she was superior to Leto, since leto bore
only Apollo and Artemis.
Outraged by the insult,Leto swore revenge on
Niobe so she asked artemis and Apollo to
eliminate Niobe’s children one by one.
Apollo and Artemis obeyed and killed all
fourteen children .Niobe’s children had to
remain without burial for 9 days. Amphion
committed suicide and Niobe pleaded for
mercy. Niobe’s children had to remain without
burial because Zeus promised that anyone
who attempted burial would turn into stone.
She was turned into stone. The tears of Niobe
are still dripping.
This powerful goddess now lies in the
vestiges of history but she still remains in the
soul of Greece.

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