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1 Solve the following by SQL & write a query for each :

(i) Create a table index with the following structure
RollNo., Name, Contact_No.
(ii) Insert the following records into the table
1 ABC 123
2 PQR 246
3 XYZ 456
(iii) Add one more column (address) to the table index.
(iv) Change the name of the table from index to country.

Q.2 Explain various join operations in SQL with example.

Q.3 Explain various integrity constraints defined in SQL.

Q.4 Explain cursor attributes with example.

Q.5 Let the relation :

R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G} satisfies following FD’s
Let F = {AB, BCDE, AEFG, BF}
Find A+, BC+, AEF+.

Q.6 Let the relation R (A, B, C, D, E) with a set of FDs

F = {ABC, CDE, BD, EA}. Find the candidate keys also find B+.

Q.7 Define Boyce-Codd Normal form. How does it differ from 3NF? Why is it considered
stronger than 3NF?

Q.8 Explain multivalued dependency with example.

Q.9 Explain the properties of decomposition.

Q.10 List the ACID properties of a transaction.

Q.11 Write short notes on :

(i) Immediate Update.
(ii) Deferred Update.

Q.12 Explain shadow paging technique for recovery.

Q.13 Explain the concept of B+ tree for file organization.

Q.14 Explain the difference between B and B+ tree.

Q.15 Explain two phase locking protocol with examples.

Q.16 Explain timestamp ordering protocol with examples.

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