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These are in my opinion the best crepe recipe.

I�ve tried so many different crepe

recipes over the years and have finally created the perfect crepe recipe. The
batter allows you to get the thin crepe without them breaking. Crepes are great for
breakfast or dessert (sometimes we�ll even do them for dinner)! You can even make
them savory. One of our favorites is adding scrambled eggs and bacon inside. YUM!


In a blender, combine the milk, eggs, butter, sugar, vanilla, salt and flour. Mix
until batter is smooth (about 15-20 seconds).
Spray non-stick cooking spray onto a 8 inch frying pan. Pour about 1/4 cup batter
into the pan and cook over medium-low heat. Turn pan immediately from side to side
to form an even circle.
Cook for about 1-2 minutes per side, or until lightly browned. Remove from heat and
stack until ready to serve. Here�s a video if you want to see how to flip (skip to
the middle).
How to make crepes -so easy and delicious!
These crepes are super easy to make and everyone always loves them. They also
freeze well, so feel free to double the batch! Here are some of my favorite things
to fill them with.

Nutella, peanut butter and bananas
Ricotta or mascarpone with fresh berries
Dulce de leche
Brie with sweet honey
Peaches and cream
Brown sugar apples
Sauteed vegetables and eggs
Caprese (mozzarella, tomato and basil)
Ham and cheese
The best thing about crepes is you can customize them with all your favorite
toppings and go savory or sweet.


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