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I tit 4 U


VOL. ML WERSEInUTOU, I. C. OCTOBER, 1141 flno. 10


The mionton

Peoterbap Tobap = Tomorrow

jfiftp &ear0 of life anb *errbite

I891 = 1941
5hkazl &t"an&4 InTERnETIonDt

q. M?. Aa, cdu" IA20oO&4Alse. A*, Waha,

S/tV. 1%. e.

Ed. J. firown 508
G. M. Bugniazet
Union Is Base of D)emocrat ic Life - -
511 "Happly Birthday!"
21st Convention Completes Long Procession 514 This phtasant sautuation has fallen
National I. B. E. W. Shrine Established in Washingt o 515 upon th! eat's of evJ'y delegate of the
The Great Revolutionist: Electric Power _ 516 hnteral tonal convention, of every
Dan W. Tracy - - 518
Charles M. Paulsen mel her of this g 'eat (orai zation als
a child. Birthdays to chldiren mean
W. A. Hogan 520
hIternational Executive Council - 521 surprises, urtexpected presents and a
International Vice Presidents _ 522 tantalizing promise or a 'osy future,
Truly Iternational - -- 524 "Happy Birthday" is now uttered
New Tools of Union Advancement - - 525 in behalf if a great labor organiza
That Historic Day in 1891at St. Louis - 527 Lion it its Co, leIoh of 50 vears ,I
Hfigh Trilbnal Makes Historic Record 528 life alnd tl'vjee.
Canada's 1. B. E. W. History Has Brilliant Pages 52!)
Fifty Years of Brotherhood 530 In a, ch.nging olhi evelythmg is
Journal Establishes International Repul ionlii 531 ,latyie and 50 yelrs is not ]lg eve.
Union Memories . ..- - - 532 in the lift of a great labor ,rga/,n-
Milestones of
- - Cuc - 533 tion, It .. iy well bIIy -ad this is our
Pre-Convention Meeting of I. E. Council 541 hIop~ 15) y.ears rroni .ow "Hllappy
Editorials - 542 Birthday'" will be hingng ill the cars
Woman's Work 541
lVometn's Auxiliary - 545 of me.tbers of the Il1terllaiuinal
Co re o de nce 5.16 Bruht If
.hoh,.d E'c W olkers
In Memoriam 555 whrln ihu secoid ('itUT'-' of it, life amd
Death Claims Paid - 557 useful ness is lealbed. T e first 50
Local Union Official Receipts 5oh verl's then will be ,'cgadhdItlerialy as
* This Journal ,ill ntA he held responsheb for ,ie. expressed
.. correposdenIls. lhe flonlati¥e peti ... I the unions
monh i, thhe chisiii date; all ccpy must be in our h
T'he firstl ifi each. on
andsor befor. life. All tih sacrifies. Ol
i/ents, (th, achi~vem ntl , the I.. es.
the aspiJations witch distinguish its
Ilniernlt,,oaTt President. ]1WA'Ir, *. }IOWN, lntolr,,itional So{ ritar'. G M. B{[GN'AZET.
120 15th.l.St N W, Washingtonl, D). C. 120' lth St., N. W,, Washingtor. D C. first hilf-etur, of slnggle will tiro.
into rnatioinl *reasu rer. W. A. 647 a paragraph then ill he union history
Sotlh Sixli Ave.. At. rrm. N A. Y. under the legend ''F..nmtive Pellod.'"
As for that, it is bit a bit of odd
Il Il 3. ILondon, Ont. Canada D. WV. 'J'UAI, Choii .t.....
Second Dliatrilt JOHN ,I. ltIl;r;^N Elldirsllle Wltrhigtrui,
Aip.rtznl'nts, 1). C. faincy. This is the mell(iat prisent
R24. P., F
424, uar, Bld.. Bos-ton, Mss. ( HIAS. N, PAI S.er1ttaiy
.LSEN, -a present of awful immhediacy. 'he
Third District F'ilw. F Kr,orr: ,1027 W. 'ylo. Ave., Chi(go, IlL [Iteltna.h ill BBlot h ,rho. of Elee-
n 60117,31 Unionll' West. N `,. C. Ilrt sli -ridt A..x.AN.... : S ^ALLEY
31 longfellow Ave, Newark, N. J. *ti'Il Worers has niver
. net Tin
Fourth Dirb
tie Alp,,,, , r Ni*0T
Scrond [istrict P. I,. KELL.,¥ cor" ertit... at an ho(Jr
... OIe p lel' i, .t
Room 1317 N. P. C Bldg.. (levelandl. Oh'i o .5 Beaon
St- Hyde Park. Mass. itlh Il;t iiilg b/li! SL..I JLII S th tri the.
Fifth PITe'i GCX. "l."E birId Disrict WI. G. SliOa
3D0 Wo,dwaird Bilg . Birmninghalm, Ala. 21111" S 1Lw, & Finame Bldg., ['ittshlrgh, la Iou,' at which they ...eut IIl St. L]uis
Sixth bit
[iyI t ?.I .lJ IllE IFor0th District EPWAI' NOTINAGLE tit 191l
nlke Short' l,',, (hliago, IlL 12110 15th St., N. W., WIashingtn,,I. D.
Seventh lI~trlrt W, [_ INtPAm ifth DqltrirL { 'TSAR M. I*Pt',..N
41 ghton
... St_,I.. I' o rI 1! XV. CuIIllr Ae.- ('hietgo. fit But '"Hlppy Birtlurt}' wmay ellt
Sixth District . (. GAlDtots sadbecause
Eighth Didtre t H. W''. I3,
, this ourganization has
1532 No. Bohto St... To, ha. Ok'lI
lBox '7L . Duuver. (,ole. .....h..
e ltul I...... .~torl'ns'
,¢>eveIh D~istrict I F. 0 ,}t.[
Ninth DiiCiLt J. SCOTT MI,NE 644 Nadison St, Dtienvet. Clo. I hese 50 y has solved it, prib
)1t (Centrl Tower, San Franceism,, I alir Eighoh 1ist'h't .1 McrIm,
]ilnS, hits grown hi .itn .el'$ hip and
il . IFi f;5 ,lTheS
St., J , labor I',.le
330 Soulh, Weills St.. IRooml me0.
Chicago. IlL t irlMng, ~]ar., (allridut ill w itit..lI, anti
. 1ow fai'ts the ltti
with COurage, loyally loid cafider....
Nos The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalois

Tnternaihofal Vrestdetl
1nternattonal BrotherhoOd at Eotecricat Workg!l.
OCTOBER, 1941 ~9


I,,tlqi..l iil .TrpItfo

.... Ej e tc1 W.orker
I 'II, -- 1qj1!IF" --
ti , M~


Are you hungry? Is the world dark?

Are you lone, minus foe or friend?
Draw near, brother, take my band now
-- - This is beginning, not the end.

Are you puzzled by the mystery

Of a world that dances by
o the tune played by a piper
With stark madness in his eye?

Are you outcast, are you broken?

Are you cold, by lempests whirled?
Build on union; alone, you falter.
With others, you build a world!

Brothers, it was ever thbs: and thus

'Twill be until the final fire.
Build on union, build with others
On earth, the heaven of your desire!

I ~~~
- -

.- - aZEz


14 w --

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thte was in moderIte use of power, col-

UNION Jd Ba e lectlyve)a riahdino' has become a Igal

right, a hlbor has widened its iniuot.. iii
and its nenhershi D.
Alnother strong treuid that has revealed
itself d.i. nl the last 12 years, since the

4 DEMOCRATIC LIFE Miami conveLtio. is the ise in popo-

larity of the theo y thtt pros peri t-
pends more uponadeq.uate eonsuoption
than it does on full p.,iluction. Iather
had beenl hammering :tway on this idea
0 you remember h i.e ist conver- for nearly 50 3ears. Back in the Nbieties
tir...iL tt Mimoij Florida? 'fhat wt Defense preparation w;he the lBotherhood of
"Doin 1924) at the very beginning of stresses anew fact that free Etectlrial Workers was being esablished.
h, great depressio. Do you rcall how labor speakeLs anod wlterN were ot.ngt
the business of the convention was for- unions have more to lose by out that is long as ]ailor ,ouhd not buy
gotten at tillrs and umen stood arouInd in totalitarianism than other sec- hack
llhe II uiis that it prdtudul, we
excited knots. d hii
iscussel .npendb
lg would have .an poverty.
stock nlatkyt 'ash and the threatemd tions of population The old therv. now beig discarded. was
economic systemLt? 1)( you ,ecall he that if the nills gtround out go.ds, these
ntigled hope ,nud despair of lay ? Gormany has subjugated, the labor move- goods oulId somehow fInd a ,arketit ad
menDt has net a simlar lat,. Labor unh n- everybody would be at work. With the
"Do you .... ienber how a few theught
ists, theiefote, if they in,elieve
their rise of earlels, nlonullo]ius, theft wits
that the downfall was bu{ temporary and
,rganizations and the prh..i.pes of their sweeping [olwel vested in employers to
that prosper'ity w, just norujd the cor-
organ izathms, runstI phlme themselves close down factories at will, depessions
ner, how inan y we inu,, re psshn sti
wholeheartedly to the defeat uf totalitar- cane periodically, and lhbor was glade
asid novel h ipe the futire with uncer-
ianisin., This is the outstanding fart nt- to suffi. One of the rirnciples upon
tainty anl di.nay? That was hut 12 years
ago and we are now noving in a chang- terl lizinag out of the decade which lies whwih the first Roosevelt adnminjstruathim,
between tbhe convention Of 1929 and the and the seotd aid th, third have oper-
jag world aworh l utterly unlike the con-
venlton world ot 1929. Now we know conventioni of 1941. ated. is that f£ee liewingchannls of
dstributb a ire tecess rv ti, iron out
Iat the great crash of 1!29 represented
ERA OF REA)DJUSTMENT business ccles. There have been varius
nlot only a chaIne in the business cycle
nIanifshtiait s of this e'ononoic cried.
hut the beginning of a world revolution.' The 1941 convent.i.n naks the fiftieth There nos been a t''g p... nuriI of pub-
arnlli' esary or the International Brother- lie wionks,t have ba e, thehe CC and
hood of Elcetrieal Workers. Three4-uar'- the WPA, agd there has been the stb*
Thus one ,ncther of the Intern-atbri a ters of that half-tenLury were spent in sidizatinr of busJness.s. There is Io
Botherhood of Electrical WLorkers re the ups downs of capinalistie socewty. proof yet that the e..sumtdine theory
centi y su,,mmitiied the contrast betwein The last quarter hasbeen spent in the of (oeronis is rotnplhtly sound. hut
the condiitions under which the Miani 'eadjustnL t.. away IoTn a collapsing new labboratory tests of this theory roe
convention of 1929 met anlld he onditions LCtrointy toward the creation of a ne going for wardtoday Is l,iiions are being
under which the 1941 anniversarv oni- economy. What has happ;ened during thie ptrped jinto the ecunoniic systen under
venltion oeels in St. Louis. All the tuos last 12 years, therefore, is of stron. in - the defense program.
and strainis, lti stor. ad stress of th, portance to every labor uionist. The
present hour rail bg seer) }s i part o at most mtarkd gain in he b United States GOVERNMENT IN ECONOMICS
rapidly changing world. To thinking g.en since the last colvention revolves around Along with the !, u.....nption thetory
one thing stands out In' The lobe.. e leyalizalrtn of collectiv'e barg inibmg. of econonies, which WaS untried in 1929,
7$,owl is a basis of de..crr.tie life. Thi, Teeh nially labor has always had the has developed faith in .Note iteinei,,o
has been eVIled recuire t ly and col- 'ight to organize and that general ItniT- in the elon ni System. The question has
stantly dtiritg Ibhe lst 12 years dra- ciple has ievet actualIy been abrogated constatily materialized and thrown itself
natically and i.v itubly dLuring the last but, as everyone knows, d iring the fir't at the Amr ein people: what is the [egi&
decade, a..d we know now that the lahtb three quarters iof the unio's life, col- mrate spher in a hldek ...r ey of a central
unon has the greatest stake il denmie- lective baga ining wits underneimd by state; how far nay the state intervene,
racy. That is why the free rde unions yellow-dog contracts" the widespread use and I reserve demoracey ? State interven-
of the Aonlerian Fedeation.. of Labor art of injune th.s in labor disputes, the hew- tior his been a worldwide phenomenon.
giving themselves so eompletely to the ing away of rights and privilegjes by the It it not pIecular ft the ildted Stales
de~fense opeltt ions of the giveramnn, courts, rnd the rise of col.pany uninism. alroe. {In 19:I7 F. K LaMwey published a
labor uninists have to tral l xbah When the crash of 1929 e.aa., and the two volumestudy call.i *'The Giowth of
happened to the libor u.nIons in (;erianaly change of adniinitration followed it Colleetivv Ee....n.vy.*' This is an accurate
with the of Hiier,. They wxer 1932, ther, was tremendous pressure put survey .f he rise of state intervention
liuidated oernlght. The hlhot othes upon (Cng'ess by the Atariean Federa- throughout the world, le descr,,Ids ex-
were turntd over to dutlnIy tOInllllS5al' tion of Labor to pass lelcgislation that eriomints in Great Britain, AustrIba,
of the Hitler gove-mnient, Their Botds would guarintee the right.s of organia Canada. New Zealand, South Africa,
were attached. Their leaders were thrown ton and cole,] tive bargMaing This wt, Austra, Belgium. Bulgaria, Denmark,
in jail and hanged. Their .a.'ilies were done, aril though in the administration France, Germany. Hunflay, Italy, Neth.
made destitute, In every country which of the National Labor Relations Board eriands, Rumania, Spain, Sweden, Switz-
512 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
erland, Argentine and many other cuun- Arizona ard CaIifornL, it finnish addi- tenl, I the peodtple Lie tbo prop er price
tries. This study diesriibes the (xperi- tional w for domestie
Itir niudether uses they ought to pay Ir electricity anid.
menihtiori i/f the United Stails ;Is inl Ihe coast counlties of Califnrni, and to nieas.uric
,m rivate eMteirises' charges, to
follows: Ipoduceelectric power. h!henen power,. In Imake it abundanttfor
"A large number and a wide variety "The St. Lawre n ce schee]., I roltiol use ill atricultunre itid ustry f ind every
of speial forms of publi,1 pirati on of the Lsm -tlowing w'~aters of iII, Interna- home~.
i cocers and serVtcs have
ndustrial jetla[ ll apids Sectiun it thI' I "The Tennte.sse Valley scheme has an
been devloped, iiinstl sita President part of heIIUnited States, tI complete a .. n widier scope; it is a vast atteinIpt at
Roosevelt took odlice ih l1113. Most of great water highway from the healt of nationall pdamlrliilfftng Ihe r.coln.tru.l(ioflr
these olg ... za lions have as their main the A.ue mran. con tilent thlough the of 1 huge rrail arel h with the setting uj
functions thse of control; hut Some of Great Lik-es to the Atlantic Ocean and to of model conimniuities, large-scale zoning,
their functions put thmini this eategory, produce tierectii power awlits approval the establishment of minor industries,
as a later section of this ehapte will by tho United States Sentie of treaty the manufacture.f cheap phosphates and
show. They illclude: Reconstructhin and with Canada and action by the New York their combination with a rational us, of
Finance Corporation; Con. oldity Credit State Govern ment regardfifg the building leguminous plants, and the sal of piwir
Corporati..; Farm Credit AdnIistra- of the proposed puOwe r pIlnts. up to the mountaineers themselves, flood
tion; former Federal Farm Board and control, chhkibg of soil-erosion. refor-
Agricultural Adjustment Adiniistra- POWER ENVISIONED estat/oil, elbnination from agricultural
htin; Federal Surplus Relief Corporation; use of marginal lands and distributiou
"The 0,lumbia River projet enviges and diversification of industry.
Public Works Administratio.; Home th irrigation of vast areas of land, to
Owners' Loan Corporation; Emergency purposes are to be achieved throughout
attract new industries and the production the larger nationil platt. The Tenltze.set.
Conservation, E~mergency Relief, Civil of power. The Tenese'e River scheme
Works' and Works' Progress Administra- Valley Authority's operations exten
itmends to use the rapid current and great over an area nearly as big as England.
falls of the liver to affrod flood control, "This Authority ('TVA'), responsible
"President Roosevelt has embarked on improve navigability, pro' lur' cheap for-
a gigantic national plan of public owner- for the developmellt of the plhn, is a
tilizers for farmers and produce electric gove.rnment organization, responsible di-
ship and control in the electricity Tidus- power. During a 15-year battl! over the
try. He is carrying out 15 huge power rectly to the PresidI,n a corporation
Muscle Shoals section If this scheme, two clothed with the power of government,
schenrues, of which the most i.poItallt previous United States P-esidents had
are on the Colorado River, th{ olunbia but possessed of the flexibility and Wnilna-
vetoed (ongress scheb es for government tive of private enterprise. Under a new
River, the Tennessee River' Irid the St. operation of the properties; but President government bill to ExtEnd its powers,
LawrEnce. Roosevelt passed* an Act for gover'nlnellt
"The Boulder Canyon project, on the
passed by the House of Represent;tives
operatio.n of the M us¢le Shoals plant as it, Jnly, 1935, it is to be a government
(oloredo Rivr, includ ig the liuver (or part of the Tennessee Valley scheme. corporation, headed by a board of three
Boulder) DamI,, project (teenimly con- "The President stated that he meant directors (servin g five- 10. and 15 yearIs).
pleted), is dsigned to protct the Ilia to use these schemes to set up yardsticks' It wouhl be modelled somnewhat along the
peril und Yuma valleys froIm tl.tls and lines of the Port of New York Authority.
driought, to extend the irrigated a b
It could build trItnsn.isbill lueS, in eonlV
petdit, with existuIg private ones, and
eould sell powe.r ilIependentlv at less
thin cost of production. Its permissi$on
must be obtained Ifare any further
nr 'appurtenanlt works are constructe'd
on he river or any of its tributaries.
"Further operations would begin with
the development of Cove Creek Da.. and
a transmissionl line from Muscle Shoals
(aheady built for war purpases hint now
see, to have a ..a.t agricultural and
industrial value and production of fer-
tilizers and their ingredients. The cor-
poration would contract with commereil
prMduc.ers of such fertilizers or fertilizer
naterials as might be needed in the gy-
erinent'S programme in excess of pro-
duetion by government plant,. It woud
arrange with farmers or farI organ-
zations for large-scale practical use of
the new form of fertilizers, and would
cooperate in local Expe'iental work. It
would manufacture fixed lliLrogtII it
Muscle Shoals by using and modernizing
existing plants, etc. It would sell surplus
power, not used in its operations, to
states, counlties, munieipalities, corpora-
tiuns, partnerships or individuals and
contract for this purpose, not exce,,ding
20 years. in suh sale preference would
be given to public bIh.Is, or c.ooperative
organizations of citizens or farms. Con-
tracts made with private comapnies or
individuals for sale of power to be resod
at a profit would be subject to cancella-
tlio at two years' notice, if needed to
supply demands of public bodies. If any
M1Paplace of International Of Elctrieal Workers, St
Brotherhood Louis
public body or public or cooperative or-
gaization of citizens or farmers .it or-
ganized for profit, or any to or mole
of themr agree to build a traIIsisstoh
line to the generating place
or nainl go¥vern.e.t-owiied trylas n....i)l
ine, the colrioration could tontract with
thenll Air uip to ;0 venits.
'The F,'ederl Power
. onlt.ssioiI ,.uld
fix the,i ason ahl just and fair IiII of
any power ,esold ahycon'lIoraLiwt Ir
individualicei.ving ftom the Cjil jti:il ion
iSUrpl us potWerI.
To riable cities, coiUnltie$ anrl t1v1¼q
in Ah,,llia to take advantaeitf thi,
schemie egislatil..n ha, bitl plasseid in
this stall allowing Oils public atithir-
ities to WlY.ybuild and operate power aIn
light plants 1.... ehectricily t.l.i..tfllIsitilt
"The TeItnssee Valley AuthirlityJils
begun w well.
Irk To qlttOul'age (eb~Cifi
cation it aIpser-ati the subsidtpy, ku-.e-
trie leme nid Farm, Authority, tII sell
electric aipllianes. It has stimulatd -
operative elterpr'ise aidt has started to
cut out supertluous ntilerhiedlate ct*sts.
"Another hulge Ah('hIlle l'tecently puL
forward by the Mis-sissippi (onuhtitttP -f
the Public Wor:ks' Adlilitnirtin is Ior
a vast development ,f the Mississippi
Valley, by eleetrifiealii.., f.ile. rItrol.
,avigation and fighting against e'osion.

"When thb 19M5 Blanking Bill was
bIemg disttssed ill IheI SenatS na
Ny eto s.t lip a Biank I the
United States' with full powers ovtr rile
IlOW el terdit and .i t-y If CUXrzl:y-I I-
t£1Onll di]ct ('illkilO] over every primat
or jOiuIt k hal ald with an...
tile of eacIl ftate on Ihe hoard. i]'his pt
:¥as leffuateri.
"In Novi,,.bm 19815, New, Yor11 pren(Ilt lntcrnfiotni Iloidrlu'art~rr
ipallity arrngled, te.i iively.
to acqtire O-ned lythe
the,tih 'el vbited LItd1ulileg Io.I.I.. iutll-
;%ay sysie...n l11o, op ,,lthlg. (....1..p[Ill.. egp Fiectri.-j Vor k-i-, M.wfti Ass,,u-Iior
by payifltlt ill howltS; issued Ih IaImrd
of TranTsport Contro~l, t0 bfA Hicltttle to Semortuiy for War i the ariministrattip art bled he inon the toek exchange The
iaf~l~age uic.. ..f the l;Iegtn tltsI' ot (anli affairs. IrsIlt WaS iI Ii.table. CGq-at proits hbve
ipal utledtikiltgs ill the wobld. "Tobether, witb the ParaniIa (Ctial. tch heen nltdiposible by the muecha,,izatintI
"In ,Innhalty, 19;IG, tbe federal goveirn- Il bililJ States Gov,rv~ unu itlt T ow ns;antI r'Uns or inddu it, the use f Ia.. ploIL(ttl't\io
merit allotted ove- II 1 million IIl the [we ial wav.yr. tonie hotels, vtesta utantlls I.LI the vlimnttiattIl of ali power witb-
building fit vehicular tindtunnel er qast nTld shotips." out rise in tabr.. costs. This ti-end Is
Riner between Mdidtown Manihaitiai and A ont ,ivth thibs rie inl stale nrelwei- ,,IO b ee i rItirru ted Io wgtin-: -e(ornI
tile borough of Queens, conttitial tipoil p -rind of 1132-41. M. ,hcbh izatirrJ . oes
tita hhas o,*itii.,I, tp b ulJd a tOeoF
the passijag by Npii Y.Irk Stat - I1,-risla - forw~ard andi ri) born~ lt~ si]tliutiir Il {he
i'det tiaer anld pIut a ccltiilg ov¥-r hI.urs. prob]lm dif... a.h.i.. piodibioui has beenh
t/It' i f I IIIleltdlllts
to th, Ali' This hasmanifestd itself in thI Wag.
the Qutn-is-.idhtcuwni Tunnel Atthoiity. "fere4d een dIuring this ptt id. (Ci hleI-
find Ilo.r Ad..misti'ation in the Unltel
lible attcnT rai was given, this l Ih
Stt., bhut. it had foreruneI' s il Platty
CANAL, ZONE OPEIRATION .iltit...11i... ti gt lItys inl he d iff:e n rt itb, T[',p~l'ly National I,...Oi.lionh Cthilut
mni tee of' J S enat Iet.
e L .tt.
d e'-
'Thb [ihumra eTuil Zo/Ine I a IdtripT Of tates aind stIatutls regullatilg houtll's
()'Mahll....y, and tihe Ei'TRI CAL NNORKLits
laud, fliv iltes (lit eneh sidle c, the Besides tint ch uignn ing pittu ilu-le,fty ,hOUtRNA I ]uldiihedl ] al ellYenthe pFiltOSiL]
(anal lexlding the riliIs ..
inii,,, dlesecribed in the ioregiig entuatiti to lax th, machine ill erer to ae, . til.t..
and Coult. gliatnird lo the United Slalte~ ,in{,e 1929, therle have been other t,-end Ia[. funds tip take calre I l , ,ine...plyed.
by the 1903 4 T-,ety v afttificationI and Id it.u.i.ottiilie to elMetla 'lwers ] in
This problem. however, llid all others
alrehTi lit 0B payma if eom-ttiarot, i tlla-- Tlir l fte c'h;ttl'L itjioll Withl
remahin ltte lanIid.Iof theory a dh
No land ii tihe Zon- is pr-ivately rIwn.e.l. it, tcr'owing dis e ofrase Ui rql orlne ... lt
dieL* I.. [i..
The UnJied Stait-s ilbainei tile rethIi 'If , rttiuuts iil shio itsef dl¥i ing the pres-
building Il, e-aal a the
t'tl,/S.I hm. t/It. IA;hi r Oll'* theorty abit.. the erash EI.ECIrilt XI, INDU STRY CIIANGES
M~cov[,-r. it o,¥ns the raihway eOtiiit tl 1 ~ in 1929 hiat nIv be etI tI -ftt..-d. Laboe
the ahiive ItI, -ities. tI(ehtld that in lIe midst of the ireat- Sinme 1929 the thIcdt-icali in.s. has
-Th, Zole is lVrinln1ie-t tI-,i;iHvt!n
ha ,s prosiperuity hir .t uly thitn into a nmairiflsted markeid chages. The fiJt
acimiiteis&rl lvy in irtyigtiZatI.n e'11lle- tal[ spin simpely bp(cause to', little was which Ii; t u-llai ll\ o at-: c1 miind i, !h,
,ihd n/ut \igi~ and
tI ieid nituh % as rIl- If pibliie power. (Great publiey-
the P ai..i.a Canal, an in'leppqtlhrt it'-
ganization in the g..-ti.n..t servile. ii- paid ... i in divid m..lis and Sui ltts proit,. aIye"d uit"s puf ploduid lhin anhd distibol
yI agovernor',undel the P'lsidhut A, resuilt, b. ms.dIrss n, fi'mted o tit tion centeiing ini the Tennessee X'aley,
of the United States, represented by the thee, profits ill foreign countries, or (Continued on page 559)
514 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors
ganization trembled in the balance, bult

21st CONVENTION again el.)Uate and tenaciIy of purpIose o

the part if the union leaders brought the
Brotherh.od through the crisis.

6ao Tka Zo

P40 cWifl The Vashingten convention, alh,d in

Novemher of 1895, bore the scats of this
crisis, however, When it opened there
were only 11 delegates in attendance and
HE golden bell of unionism is ringing eight locals represented by proxy, out of
out the fiftieth year of 1. ]. E?. W. Stately a total of 49 locals in good standing. Thus
activity--0 yeans of courage and list of international gather- after four years of concerted efort, this
labor and sacrifice 50 years that have
brought realization If worthwhile gain. ings reflects economic life of fourth conven.tion was nerely a repeti-
tion of the firmt dtmeeting-with
This anniversary year also brings an- nation one exception-it was now financially in
a inch ... or.* dep lorable
state. However.
other milestone in convention history, for
October will see the opening of the twen- continued through the years, gathering the serious financial condition in which
ty frst convention of the International the delegates found their moganizatio,
members hire and there and expardiune stimulated 1he placing of the Brother-
Brotherheod of Electrical Workers,. in north and south and east and ,west, hood on a m.ore stable
the same city of St. Louis where the or- growing stronger and becoming more financial founda-
ganization was born, half a century ago. tion. With this impetus; the unioTn made
respected as time went on.
A twenty-first convention to complete marked and it the end of the
the long procession that began in 1891 The financial rh'den of holding a con- next two yearr when the fifth convention
venition yearly becamte a little too great was convened in Detroit, in 1897, the ee-
and has stretched out through the years
to this day of electrical progress and for the local unions to bear, so it was rotary conkI report, fat the first time,
voted at the Cleveland convention toecon- a balance in the treasury. There was also
triumph, 1941! vene only biennially, and thus the next a gratifying increase inl mmclibership and
Those who love the Brotherhood will
relinquish the memory of that convention was not held until 1895. the tide seen.ed to have turned in favor
brave little first convention-that humble The two years that preceded this con- of the organization.
meeting that was to give rise to great vention, however, nearly proved disas- Two years later, in 1899, when the
conventions of 50 years to come. Alto- trous for the straggling union. Hard Brotherhood met in Pittsburgh, the most
geLthe, there were only 10 delegates who times eausod by the panic of 1893 broke .otsianding feature of the convention
gathered in St. Louis in November, 1891, up many of the locals. The life of the or- was the (hanging of the name of the or-
10 delegates who represented eight strug- ganlzatiori from National to lIternLati.nal
gling unions with approximately 300 Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, be-
electrical workers. How humble a show- cause at this early date the Brotherhood
ing for the beginning of a national or- had made such progress that Iocals had
ganization The delegates sought ways been established in Canada. Today there
and means of dodging reporters, in order are 55 Canadian local unions and locals
to conceal from the public just how small have been established in the outposts of
their convention was. net, were just 10 Newfomudland, Alaska, the Panama Canal
men to do a job that seemed overwhelm- Zone andIlawal..
ing in the outlook. But these were stout- The next convention returned to St.
hearted men of ccourage and conviction, Louis in October of 1901 and substantial
"Give hi 10 men who are stout-hearted progress was made. The eighth conven-
men and I'll soon give you 10,000 more!" tion. in 190, was held in Salt Lake City,
This stirring line could surely be Ipplied Utah, and it is notable that in this year
to Hoary Miller and J. T. Kelly and the a full-time salary was voted to lntmra-
others who founded, omganized, increased tiohal President Frank McNulty, who was
and inspired the g.reat National Brother- thusenabled to devote his entire efforts
hood of Electrical Workers, as it was then to the affils of the Brotherhood, partic-
called. They worked with so much en- ularly to persuade local unions not to
thusiasm and real vigor that one year strike on every provocation. Harmony
later when the Ehicago convention con- and a gleat i.rcrease in membership inn-
vened in November of 1892, 24 locals sent mediately manifested itself. In that year,
delegates and the number of unions in 1903, membership increased by 9,922 new
good standing had reached a total of 43 members, bringing the total to 12,807,
with an approximate membership of
In 1905, the ninth convention call caie
RAPID GROWTH fronm the south, and Louisville, Ky., be-
By 1893, whe, the third eonvention atme the convention's next host. At this
opened in Cleveland, the number If local meeting it was discovered that the mem-
unionshad iaczitased to 05. bership had nearly doubled since the Salt
Through these first conventions, it was Lake City convention and the total had
only the gallant spirit of its leaders that now increased to 24,000. The Louisville
caused the International Brotherhood of convention is memorable for a number
Electrical Workers to grow and prosper. Of important changes that were made,
Some of the early dlelegates bummed particularly with reference to the grand
their way to St. Louis and Chicago and executive board and the establishment of
Cleveland to attend. Some of then, worked district conhalls. It was also decided that
in these cities at their electrical trade to a four-year period should elapse
earn enough money to get back to their CLIFF PORTER the calling of another convention.
homes again. But no sacrifice is too great, Linemot for A. T. & T, a member of oly Consequently, the tenth convention of
no effort too trying for men with vision Local No. ISO. This reproduteion from an the 1. B. E. W. was not convened in Chi-
old tintype Was sent in by Willard F. Barber.
and the courage of their own convictions. pension meolber, who was initiated by lWary cago until 1909. There were stormy days
And thus the convention procession Mimler. (Continued on page s55)
OCTOBER, 1941 5ts

CA4-,4i hed in */adh4#n
Grave of It is enpecied that the reation of this
I. lB. E. W. shrine in the niation's capital
HE city of Washingtolh the niLti n's Henry Miller acquired by will mark thU beginning If a gfreat tradi-
capital, is a city of shrines. One Brotherhood and enshrined at tilon, Many ncenlbers of the Internatiruna
T .. otable epiece of scIlpture is I noun,-
Glenwood Cemetery
Brithhcrhood of Electrical Workers jo-
ney t the nati on's capital. Many will in-
rent to Samuel (Gonlpeots, placed at Mas-
sachusetts Avenue and Tenth Street by cIu denow in their Washinglon itinerary
the contributmions of Aerican. w orkers. The International Brotherhood of as they visit national shrines the shrine
nIw created to honor the first andi
Generals, admirals. presidents aniL Eectrical Weorkers has .ontacltd Joseph
others are honored in stone- A new shrine F. Birch' S.ns and the president of the zealnos presilent OI the union. Many
potoa, Electric Power and
eollieanynen sLtill alive knilw He-my Miller. They
uniqte in its slignifcanc.- is now
ranged for tile transfer of this grave respe ted him for what he was and the
added. This is the gave of Henry Miller, new generation ~ill lsarn to respect hbn
first presient of the International Broth- for perpetaI care to the international
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. At the fIr the gre.t mO.t. Ilinl t to hu an fel ow-
erhood of Electrical Workers, in Clen- shp-i-the un i.n -which ie helped to
wood (Cem.etery, nolt far fron the heart foot of the grave the lirntherhuoo has foI.d and opdrate.
of the city. placed an enduring bronze footplate with
tile seal of the union and this inscription: The following is the list of the presi-
Henay Miller was 38 years old in 8q91,
dents of the In.ternationa B rothehood
the year the B rot herhood was founded. l.aced here in November,. 1911, of Electrical Wa'kers and the date of
He was I young lineman with a zeal for to commemrate the fiftieth anni-
organization and a passion for helping oIffie
versary of the International Brathlr-
his fllowrnen. He played a large part in hood of Electrieal Workers by order Henry Miller -. 1891 to
the formation. of tile Brothertrood and of the International Executive Coun- Quinn Janse - 1893 to 1894
was honmed by being its first . resident. It. W. Sherman - 88, to 1897
cit of the organization which Ilenry
Nothing that the rganiization cIa do in J. A. Maloney- 1897 to 1899
Miller founded.
recognizbig his service can be too much. Thomas Wheeler_ 1899 to 1901
"Lo, his name led all the rest, (Continued on page 56i)
It is notable that he gave up the presit S
deney in ]893 largely because ho wanted
to further serve his organization by going
out and getting new members and found-
ing new unios, lie spent muech of
hLS own imtlcotie in oeganization work.
In 1ig6, when he was only 43 years old,
Henry Miller was at work dlimbing poles
in Washington, D. C., for the ['toniac
Electric Power Company. One fatal day
that sunner h, made contact with a
high tension wire, was knocked from the
pole and died. The Potomac Electric
Power Company, a public utility, -ecog-
nized his work as a skilled lint-an and
his significance as a leader of ,en. They
took his body to the funeral parlor of
Joseph F. Birch's Sons, in Georgetown,
well-established funeral di rector, imid the
funeral expenses and interred his body in
, pleasant piot of gruund in Glenwood
A journey to this cemetery is not an
unpleasant task, It is a well-kept acreage
with niany nausoiinis and monuments
to ner, more widely known than Henry
Miller. Miller's grave is in Seettie F,
Range B, Site 179. The grave is grassy
and well-kept and is marked by a sturdy
granite slab bearing the following
inusc ription:

In Memory of t.enry Miller

ounader of the
National Birtherhood of Electrical
Vorkle rs
A Life Devoted to the offnterests
Ilis Felluw Workers MONahI!ENT TO A LOVER OF MEN
51n The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators

V'r I
Ilk W . e bringA n power to where he wants it. Elea-
tricll reh ig.ration, a .i-co.d.iioning, and
beating, enable the imanulactmre of ell-
nlate for .an, his properties and his
1 ;r"U processes. TehIphone, tewlaph, loud-
I '11- . speaker&, radios anti thI televox bore
made his power of speaking anl earing
independent If the luitations 1nposrId
hy nature. while the X-ray, television and
the photo electric cell enahb, him to per-
ceive light waves to which his natural
eye is unresponsive. Electrical devices
exist for making chemical tests of the
conmposiLtion of air, aseertahinug the mil-
eira] content of the earth's subsurface,
recorling the varying depths of the
ocean. and a host of other activities. Most
of these instruments were also dependent
atpon tecbn ca progress il tnunerous
ilels in addition to that of electricity.
Thus, the lever, the wedge and the
,beel bowi hbola suppleiot nted by an In-
numerable multitude of powerful aInd Power Houses Are Tucked A4~,t Amonug the ll.s Thi Is Weber Stato1 ofam
the refined inecbaai!l i nstruments devoted
Pu~w,, Ind tmghn C.
to the ptlrpose if increasing production
while reduring effort· A easure of the
growth il the application of machihe

Th4e QsEdECRIo
PReo/oi: techniques to United States' produc Ltion
is the ineteoae, of electric, energy produc-
tion flonu two billion kilowatt hours in
lb00 to 43 billi.. kilowatt hours in 1920,
and almost 100 hillion kilowatt hours in

ELECTRIC POWER 1040. Mineral production has increased

niOel than 20-fold in half a century. The,
vauIec of nlcbline tools produceud per year
in the short interval from IDj; to 1D27

MONG the oldest mechanical instru
tsed by re the levi,. the
wedge and the whee. These instlu-
years has seen rise of new
-llceasedfrno $29 million. to niore than
$220 mllioI. Over 32 million passenger
autos and ininte. trucks were produced in
America in the last decade.
uIInWs taa m as iI IS their ipose.
which is to enable illfil to get .. ore nece,- giant, involving innumerable IncreaLsedl productivity If the wotkei
reveas] tht success with which ,achine
sities and comforts of life with the ex-
penditne. of less eflfort
changes, and bringing to life prod uctio has achieved a sav in
,I.eluded in that
purpos;o is the I. B. E. W. effort. For every h undredis produced
ants intntion of ...akig
by the ag, mletaal xmkrr at the turn
himself more for..idabhl to eomll.n hi,
enemies wheth of the ¢etouly, 132 units were produ.ed
they be fellow meli, cation, construction, evn the prufessionu in 1930. Inc eased efficiency in railroad
heasts or the elemenets o nature. have .at.ed t.tneenaleun gains in pr-
The propose of the inner ,condh, of ficineny. In all of the,, the increasingly 'operatioll Icetilted in a drop of inre than
20 pet cent, in nln-hours wirked in the
nodern machhnes is equally shipIl. It is, versatileI forces of ieleb ity have b.eerin
inl fact, the same maximum pr. aduhti.on period from 1920 to 1929, though rail-
of evvr-gre.iter iniponrtince. 'eadtraffic poilulined stable. Output in the
with the n minn, effort. In view of this
cthnst..lC.y of purpol e it aright se...t that M1AN AI)OPTS NATURE'S MAGIC telephonoe
h.h. lst-y inereured from
an in-
ihe essen.itia dex of 100 in 1920 to 185 in 1929, and
diffelence between the .I.nI - The techimdolgical acconplipsheints it-
chine age and its predecessor cob li stdingt from the appiulfitn of electricity cortinuled to inereas. at a comparative
xpressed ill terns of increased physical are of thembel.ves anLaz1 late 1929 to 1934. Man-hour re-
a g. As the lIver qi i'e.n...ts pt, unit of output in mant-
productiun resulting frI.i. pIogress inthe exteolndi and strengthened his arm,o
nie han.. a[ and physbcal sciences electric lighting has ex ended the useful facturghe decreased from an index figure
.. hi of 100 in 1020 tu 52.5 in 1934.
difference is essential. but it is only a, nesgof I..... eye. The cI n.ulahtive efffct
part. and a lsset' pijit, of the entir of invention is here well exemplifi d. for
change wrotght by ... cbanzation. as a by-product o man.'s inecreased Vision MECHANIZEI WARFAIRE
The m.achine age is largely the pred- coies the capacity praIiongeud The elitievuy and vlrsatility of the
net ff the trene,,dous technological ad- I' precIie alplieietion of his arml IaCliue is inoh.. place smre cnspicuously
vances of the past 50 years. A it and hand. More impartallt man's nlel slid islnk;hlal~ demonstrated l than ill
ratalthg of inventim,,, during these y(elrl powers have increased, for he sense of the biery vIhdwee of embattled JEuroe.
wvou.d i..leld, ah..ost two luillion jataillt sight is his greatest singe source of *11ehaiiztd, ir"fare has established new
Within such tine, nies prlduetlbom it- know.ledge, Electric power, in turnl, .. and terrifyling standards If estruethin
narnd its maturity and dumped finished drive the ne~cbhl.iet.l arm an.d hand
.. eI - Ianid deviltelilln, ill accorance with the
gonds off the assembly lines in suIch qutn- lessly, uniting greater force with gruatir will of som.e men that ather men illidt
ti ties as wouhl haive stnirngeied the i magi- delicacy, and with ih.lpovred cntrol dIe, Thb nunbher of milita y aircraft
nations of an carlier generation, The in- It is nietmssaiy only to mentionsemii, destloyed ill one short wok-erd of war
criasel variety of goods to satisfy newl oaf the cnommnul. Usages of electricity to Was Imore tai, half the eftire number
cultivated dasres, And the degree 41f suggest its fundamental alnd widespread of sire].aft in the United States in 192m.
selectivity possible wilhin each field, ar results In teebnology. Electricity has Treme] .... might and ingendius cunning
no less astounding lhain the incta , i put at man's disposal the ]imuitless water have ben incorporated into a wide va-
quaitty. Agrieultu ic manufactu.rin,, power resources of n..t.I . It has con- riety of engines for churning the sea
moiling, transportation and Conlint...l- tributed to his freedom of location bl into a tempest, disemboweling the earth
jog the Tkies with IbuwIlilig the- waikit., THw a< l[ls forte;]i
Wurktq th;lt of El.unpr. But whe
t 1'.
.a the
hle istanrle
c,)/U~eit lih t~he iiiiithiin atid,
wii w. . kirs is ope dramatic,
Flj'Io Ilhu"s pLiuh of vihw. h...we.... I.s hisalistlIadnlgh grows. allp ip 11 ihlt Ilf lvh ihlutrLlialisus is subtle re,-
the most ieiloratelly IvpJ deepl (I h 0frs his fnniily hie oligL1',d L, hire -tk-iye or bith Resmisti,-t of the hatte
t(,hiI0hluIil k~adlV.... e Ie II i ofy
I,i - out ftr '{pu.[osu, e..U..lty.. Itleltl [0 the e lptl)
c .... ].. s tray/Ihy l....evehqln 4f lhe illta ialtittjitl ihIiitltylllt
btlt gTaiertieit, t.e .cho
.lsIr! .... i I
.i.Q .. e....l hl1Lrlt the ditrit....i , /ihie h o/ oth.r, N...liht- atfthe fIIlI I to in- ncial instihH
tatila whih cint i
1/H¥(* ~lerlalli~d the mmIiw(2aFll](atil 4i -renN( bh, fanlily ilca!I this pur- stll, li eat ei m. !
tltechiizit~i S,,Ih ai~p.. nIB sr;I , tneI 'lalli}dli-ftaled hi-cane th,
th1,hal feh ;liq
,I, a D i: oll,,y scld! The is-.;iiihlcli
a>1 elillth~ oi
the~ sulfaiie. 1Iaisulh-tliihgl these flrcwrs u'i.irlal hrttiilhillI(- hbtht Ifids h/resell
iifljt1141ieI, [hi- cflet hid, th.- nit nly with the l:aIhie,
il filll.t..iri(i .. Chilne Leltinal](ag.~ or thu liia> hlaunt, aiH
i1I.tehi, L[I wrinighi rail th,e (hH.i..(). .aud i.s. w,ith .. i...ialif s I,f his ,,-a fdnily- ie l.m.le.ld olu the high-si motives [MtT
mant ani the struggles in which it has Th, Lnirodelh1l of11.the .. ,111('hl into I he lelni-flilk p)eoled by suih phil..o-
' ia hit nt-i Ih q
involved hint, iltrrlusi k- sip thnt its benefits hl.weni ex [)h ar i-y leti Ftrls$i¥e. T'hey see~k l0
i\.J..rain w uvfalte not den1ilrilakes uiusivnvly t. the labtively f'w, ,tid n- Jh... ill th, past ¥athteI IIail ill th, rlw,1 1 -.,
Ihe extent Il ilf hlil ion, but it AHso ..l.l.iliotet- t hi,
ilnil\',itee ts a1 the UThit- hae i4 the past has Iera.haIt I'
ehe ..nui.... iLll hich ttihe a1eeoilltu fair.. e pr-o,,hd , A.t.. lle(... s /etl ½ a tlighi 'rltiu Lh, ]
mI- hav(' h,'ti diwalfedl by t]1 a1ssautsl 'tlpOH oohime Xni1orrg tin-
llppleantiLn of mIoern technology Ein iSlklizcd wo-keI lit- the I eieh at elf is INTl'lMAIGI ENf'E AND Ti1E 31 X( IINE
ih the aft .... ath of hittie the si'.,icle Iruq!,-ntlvell ciiciivia as the evilwthich
af the tmisieid and maI...led form, 'if (Js- arr~p-ils their ixis~tiie.'l tatbhe thanl ils The strugtrlv of 'rgaiNized hiatt ieLs
ihieid hie}]'hiial .... ).l teI telds tO kilt i1(i]'t~las the lestttu-titun of the I]111
eijse hi Its dramat i ugliness the I eII clitac~ nlor lIlt, iistnetje i"l of I'J'Uthia
trtag'edi Fiffired by ba,- the "thib- SOl HCES O-' IUISISTANtl- .e .hlohg...le ,ai ls. lFro[) iLs ihltlht,
ski] ed, wt.. lc.-n1tasie 'ui, elUndsy-rootEd, Nltpeli ,ih matchilt, lItolcti i. anl-
soft ttoohlbe, dyspeptic" eIeattre . VtI), It w dtltbe n gi ievous mitieI how- gfhlhiZt&d hthlJa is atc:y wL;lr o( ith*
roreivel, dlaleantd guidqi thfse ,'- el.ocon.iIde that r(,ita[}-- toi "Itl[,cY ZHl SLtfebimg wh' a ~!"L
ilidabhe tt)LaIU ltM tt,, their irrevocable pLove.d technology is caninmd t. the p id it. ]lht h/her is als0, a'ai'e of tin
wi kars aloi,. It i a faimly uiMcrsal i,:all alii f;atiuimtng tasks fiLl
.. hic
to~lI t~ist change. The in- macluihne hLa, eleaIsed the worker. Ih
DEGR DATION dtlsttitHlists thiliiselve.. (-vt~ii the phi m~ade tlnliori stire atise tist cog~iTizarlt,
isolhits. shnal this trait. ,he pnetvltdo
tpttiltial hLblefit fLC to
lhiI rlltlvely diminished siatm of chilie .itu.ltitt which {Ia e hail ]ly hliag'k
'lie avaene Is gnawing bIat thegrleat-
the idiv iiuail sodiil IT, ,nodej' arfaze
LsE anal by far I h most effective etsist- be realiziald.
IS palaleled by the increused dcpetdnpdv
ri cl0 lit ...t.. eI, fi'l i t I) dttct .. ....1¢ OL.ganiz ldabor. r h.t.. .astruggles for
arll...I1) pfl'o r rlud eiontrol oiver his
I, tle hd the il.stjr che, such
ahtsts n greater a-inil Control if (ht imehilnh
own fale by i he n Ion mo i. .1
itplr(}Vd .i.t(Blns Ithre;itet Lhe short- ify co~ll~tlive0 })tiamlij~iJg it strivcs to
nized e('oliI]y ill tines of IXamce, Bht with lissu!ni the 1-wl-ah imllpac( uIf too
sightted pt' fitabilitv tia secuI. iLy oif their
this diletueeI. [It times of peace the
onflf Itlwtsttnleuts. CIIIel 1t huch prestmn- al/4(1 too-selfish tielh].>Iogrieal ehlmiie. It
sacrllwe .i the inlividlual is not leqll'ed
for the p rvarviun of the social .i.., ably p r o lilstsiuioniobiht
tgressive seeks to sprpnad the lessintgs of n in-
nuihlf[[t[[[re analJ telephone -animutrica-
ais ,lay hr ieiuired ilt war tine.
ith... Lhh,~e hatve hlnt p),hwds e'telldJmg a'ttiitahlyi iingt)] thosetht aimpetate- ii.
To be ::.eiptabb, to hl;mr. therfar.e.,
ovil tlitan s:als utha.n1 Amatlalen tech- X,~d ill aiihlJt
.. ). it {(-I% ta( ,a.- h,,
arty anialyis of il chiavah- of .... d..ln
nologIy has qLatiittiv-lt tilehd behind
industrialism inus ;ivey COnsiderat in to
the altered elationship of the cottm......
Inta to his Ifellows Indl lt his eTiVI.a..-
fierit. Man, lusl (.ve. . ie (he int).I.
Ile,,1{Ut In lily col.lo.y. Yet it is ynILp-
totati, of th, ho,-co,¥in.. s Of aii age
of machine Iirduetiam 1hat it }...laidhLe
o It~ln ah ;itasserctio~n si ath

A.'ith.ut ihihtifying the tLsl ti. e

e-nuses ;Itl elfcots, it is evident that sub-
stantial hnngiein Il the zreat "oil in
stIltutias fa.ily, chtrrh, local cairn-
milllity, billnnce overnment have.
citnipaniei he widespread pe letirtlth of
Ilaehinle parm et~on. Illut the m...t In-
mediate id gren test inipact. ,f the
inachine hs been fell by thie ;vuker.

Thi is natural, perhaps irevitahh!,
since the ]iarlboge of apphlied mechanis is
t rduce hIIlr. il the abstract.
labor srtvinig is a ief' Iain, Bi.t is Ihe
rUrc£i~Tms ]pr£f(amen iv.5 the inuchlije be
eelle thuP flt)Ut('VO3s. so of the skills
of the worker become. obasolete,. Anal ii
alh I1iOI~iflt';lf ltnibetl of eases the wallker
bicomes rliletly dlispilaceld, at[''...
stance which i hratets bh- verylIivllha.I
aI hinse f a.. his finiefl
This 1111Au ...h..i..llet .ia... ll.a'I[t i-
sie whr. , ],wokI In .ot sil or1-
phloyd ani where. eI.l(,que~ltly. the li,-
chine isIwiid by ib l.O ..Ie-iFar \hu AI', nil It I l-i), W\ll Tuii
Lint Wbi?(?l> Gc r
II 0Itt (ut-Cost ]7ik h lyy:
The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators


Tri/irtl a~inal Exvttl iiVi Counil



Il~iel tar~irlilaI Ex....I v C.ollnil

520 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators


t11teTfl.tL(>IAI B1.,th,.hLood ,! Ehltrtvc, W~,,ka.,

DCTDOBER I1 941 521


Acecutoe Caowncil
Fittl I) 'I .tt

F L, KELLFE W]]&,LIAM (; *~I1&)lJJ

Tlr/ ])1~1 [ ii I EFltVARD N©3*IINAGI F
Second Di.1rwt l/lltltl Ist i"t

C F'li I~[IVill S I, Mct'IlIfDE

sixtt DWt iI
The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators

IN2! I I
~~ ~ ~~

K If


5: -




II; nw ib[1ilh , d¥
hf rdisk
didi)Sr fin'tl inlo VL,. I>l l ', hp[~i%r
kILIW l tl N 'irhl dii' iicti lI viuI Lu rI t . antli
A L E[¼waii F a ,lh
I i Int1~iuJri a n(i Jir ishi alctivL
OCTOBER, 1941 525

tl]etive foIT )Img ro ...ver.tWO det:at

NEW TOOLS 4 r.ust, hlr'le uipo..

the inidivMd,,n Inihrs
their ritittUia
tht. high cadibr .f
of the councilII
onfidenrce ill eIcl other'
bhility to Iisilnuiish between essential;
p(.i tirielt Fl,'ts a ...
li irtoI I..q... e lt irtl. I nil !I

Unfi" 4dacod tifd t}[JK l

Ihi' f a;hIl hI.... t i' the counin l
aTi..h of or'

,I[Shlll el: thr Lmlh l('cot izitl

Igr le
i ,


v itla hi 'it 'siC ill flth. l1.. ll i ls' heilltt

] F['Y-N F a~o,y tbhere \Vas firlr Izeseaurch and h, hhtihthn sn lint f a ts atd f [lt
ill E,;It..I i t few
n LS . I .......
phJ... with whiI,'h t l tl[Iol their si1, ill ca s
Fpmhl'Iyhli a cotte]pt ]lOW rtiottil~zedl methods of science forward t>tj'e t tt[19etlI I pi t a./l m
. .I I th e
;{sthe £[1tItltn lrtl esseliIt o[* W I..k.s ei Illhltistj,,tl elIaljhtn that the ]nlI-
,ihg!tttiztthtios, tr[ot,, the citrjhst ol['tpit
labor struggle tntitjititma Ikt.t hNII..011 f Eieehi rI al W , k
T tI[ e UtitOIS tt[ rl]owll tO IlS e;trt.. to I., ih, fi rst Ilade Utdjjt tll
rith e, andI . ti ,I;'Ik, a
.harltJ /I¥ th , ;I I.... ... II'hl tIt.
, tt( of its
Ihis pFhrpe, +'coillectiv e Ihal aigitilht." each other that Iit..ut.aly acceptable
it c*iI,ttd i I S!It yT, Sudneyta d A ,,,, al ju~j t of th1ir
st ni tn~q lir-t' ' l t i e eri TO SIEAARll FOR(' Til I'll
II h h. i ' tfh'Ii I d ...e . 'l
kit A ,I, vie attah led. h lit ,,iivl ing f lalD r to the
f ils
'ie t, i lli{ t%Ile h t. hrough ill 1f21 .... l i h( lrethe
lswettt 4
]wh ilH , a s]tria] chataetetisti( oit il of Al. IL l IhtIiI, REISEAW
.. Dl....r
II .... "alit way Of lif'. \\iOtli t it W tegsation if "oll, OI fthIl :i 'I, in .t.dci
1 ,,,NT Is (hIhIIoted tI tht, it k If ta
....o illd filh ltpt! el he -s 'xisti ig T ...i , in D1 il11 v S lml lii,-> to t' ,t f d1L. to
Iv .... I ih(' uII.. II llmg [%tih iH, p'l[lio I,
I o[
f IiI;io,l hip, withi v Iflut st l iltt lf t'- ly hu s III ilL 'f inl t t¢h tith ti, ,e t ,oi,lt' oiogmhuuti . . ,
io{/ iof .hIlitli's tllJ 0l¢l'l itln d Iy gf¥- i[¢ I~~p[) I ililif,bl[! ;11S(I ill jitl~iab[<,
lllI,, ill,' i .i
waste if the t1s{ tiCsot'h, t
ithilis I .
tty! itti-f ,l 'i rI t.. . f lo 'dit
l ilhl ih'op One of the rlnLIVy/zu/dldm irinc/ple3
III > [IL ete C lt ]'0o OF th, Lalidbl
1tirllpid of th, lt11 el I 1 ish htlI .i..l if
,ttioIh:Ll il(,,-
(it ha re itn hi, pri dues. s is 'i 2 toil j ~lt
I, ! h IN iala I'kI ~iiil' ('vill
flict throlugh the eItlmllu til(I of the' ediISp vi L xna,
ilh Illu, fac.ts aI.. il ilt,, ¥;.L
Itl the Ylall Mwch followed tht Wcbts'
ri that new al1-i,,pnrt.. t trll, l'f IlnTtst at their II I hit s.
no[ ~t~
l m IiII21. LAck ill 1911 the tli l -
o lf l tIts I..n..l.. st,[lrrhI!t , Ii
I t
so cttrntI trIii ..o ,; ha. .dfutl of It qhhI. .llII,]
h ttol 1 [h l[iattlo 'i (ii iti tl~tis rila mnl -
t iho]. Is T'V . (it l W.he, Ail lllt 'Ityi
iIL'PIl~iql glthtl,, e ill St. LoIttix [itil, sek l) 't1 iI

,ng to jit[)ltttf' theirt ,nutt1;,t di'~l~,, Jlgetliv'htt 2..'. [I

. inl
w ith an i.rj...ltt. I <l ti ...f c ltitIT'atlo s S llnttl {II; l..}. 't>
I i his w ork [ I.s l I
ils Itt i ciejar.. , I hey ' it di l t l ijitly
which is ktiowi hltay as the 1Il~tt~lltihii~hlll] e*trab]ihed in [121I ..l/l(hiller, whiwh pit-
]til'th 'htl+
I il E l letric
a tl \Workers tit]/ vidt's nit'aIhs fr~l fit, 1 iieefttl Hiijus]!triet
p(',Irlos oF Anlilliea. .f tI} 1[ ihl] ~iltlt
dhispiutestt ill .r.n'h
. .t ... (H w.11<t of the ]. 11 I'2 WIM
hllu(I(lhIg labllor I'*: hlh il, pI t'h1 cu
Thuls ii is that the new phs,,.."r.l- (~ltinttt iht'sh Jii u\ 11hih is ti ~Irtgt't li [htll
4>1(1{ ehbtety inl }/ abtit oj'hti~~
hfl ,ce hnit tta i lIg
" hI Nh dttL riiI It i, bu~ildig ttades
. ..... I'/ l d mIlkabll, da'w"ImBmgiLk ltdh,-
tre f llts ' ~t) ~
thlJ~ll( Itk 'l gl' rai t's fo r 1 1 1 [1 (
(1O NClL IONINDU STIt AL Clta{s it the 'i],iClqC
et h tas.theit s{ qit{li
h imil I~ ti> thio.....h a 10i 1l lictili.n i1 oifsim rq/ilti\'a p hi~ fifii n ati i n t, Ii iI
w tpit t's,* tind,.ll. .Tl. :t;i.. tIL* tO..
i~l':ullmZliolt . ihe IB E. W. in Th, I,,,,l
O lld,,tl iMlial ,I , m~lt,11 fi,F
lt[iir] fil t c. .llCeivl'd CO.' IhI l tl o' e of th' t~eck
ijeal ( ,1 Ilt I rI tustry. thu
I0, J'me

i'I e it lt i hdcsly ,n
ti ml y ;tp ;[
o lil V&. V v~itoiitmssit, Ito sift
ill, 'Ih I l+]0C ( tpa".~l~ry ~d lx ilt tll
he actu al fartc iii .C ac i CASt. hefoi:
it I td jtldg e thi' p[~tlilfl. 11 ll*tl'1 tI[}>
its I erit'sl . '[ i etitu lnin] i~. C;1 mito th at,
" ibt . "

Jl, At s riill " ;htifll 'nhhaai

IIt I ritHItDIil of ititi[e. Its d~L~tsbitsl art'P
ht'ctiiie- th~fit ooibo LL A ~vlhth xysctent l Cl/ il Jrf pio? HH~
I It, d ktli'l~llll I~IV

r usi ~tl
:il P i n fio'..I/ ; p. upon
... [ Lt, lll
I ;l~s
,, ~l~
.....[ fill[ k......¥.
Ih'tle of fapLls, poil n.ustry t'll . II..
IlS'S, id lipOil SOci;[ l.e..O.lxibily "''
spc ifivlly, cllective ha jllaim itl] i;
[il yanI esilttill b th l s t'ieulh :
Path iP I
}ol I.) {l(oll...i.. t.I'
I s tlvI 1.THShhhot'S y Httoet is
PII u Si p;1t1[] l ogiP

dil~H i ult II lah tlp' th iIrhl
O f "mit
actors itivi t h'I +ita
Iollld* jiti

art!a r'in
ilJ+I o
I'I ,lt II.)
'I hillh
iA' l D .....
i[i ...

14 ,. IV;,
tlq tIll atai ll, fi b [ lT, It llt jSILL!
t..iittf..... I ld~ 1}1, ffalt that forc e ii i{ {,l
L *, V S s (it t }l h e Itl t h fa Ir (.pr o
scWh" lhh' itl I 'il, t uial i[I i. ti,

bile' hitter. the end i, al~u:S> ;

c(d O+{r
hi' vt"
i it
Mf p ;~hi itl ee~W,
'LII,'i .IT,It t d
i, II Wit
i,%~;i,, " r
lk, d;~~~~~-,dI
It iti

~I uV irn f'i A prLI l'41 i $ e itc ~) v.l rIi

The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS ard Operalors
lf'Iaitm ae te lcals ili th, be's, De(sIpite the gfret. importante
tpar'altii of wage b'(Ies Ioi ..e of having such information on
Ill lh gUllitils -ilh lilir Iumpb O - hInd, especially in p]eridi of great
I. I it ",Ie I YI>( u se. viCe rLn....e.iid rnILIp]onyaont or off at onal trisos,
ine[I .. I h,. 6e)athtnii itf data ell .Ip labor union had ever before tried
~ill . cil2~ aI ltlle" wilills C( , -l lilt (colossal task of obldain in g long'
t tualwork p Iieince
Thet Ii,. E. XW.emplpy.enLt lee-
IKiet h,it ]926
En..l theral SharI..ult nlld(
1, dojlteiCa .... aIlic pmI svsten, is now in its elcvI.t Ii
ItL, I, henutlll)ill
liII*tdaVt(ii rl pll If tlbl' la>a,4in
sl(dy yVat. It has proved of trernd pus
Vut.l... ic BthUS aiad fihaSt, SCib/i ourn ruO11
1elllbers in e.nlablile
"inl~i! lysenl and pt'blisbed I thel to distribute fairlY available
(h'll! $hMilg tkel kt1,11 ....... ~h lal'tgllg opportunities throulgh to,
tlatri. of work dluing periods i
,;,}'h, qI ..... thg ,tl[)sdiay eomI- sbi ,k .n. ploymnnt. It has greatl
patli'sin the sis...rn. So.ucssu aided local u.nions aLsall i stiLntl
,i, his undertaking that the de* t forproving claims as tttal
Wi lin.
part'inerit laer adle sinilar studies I)]oyrnent alid annual earnlings dur-
fLr mIs, of the ether pririjIlte hin Wage negotiatio.. It
lIlls el.
,let 'itpower L.system, of the abled the International Office L(
I'nltid States. lioat readily the heat possihbe
TIh heetic ulays of the National s( of available laLbr stlpply
Rt'euv'y, \dinnistration in 193!_85 when LLeeded in an , It
'o....ll the RESI4itclw ia D'ZARTMENT depths of the,epressi n, it was thought has made it possible for the organiza-
erritable beehive of activity. Lights that a joint nieing of all research and tion to ollow the trend of electrica work
tlullled late at its office on nanv' an oc- statisticll stals of Iabohr nions with in various fields. And finally, the r'cu I
casioI Altogether the dlpar nlgertt po- oficials of the United Slates Dtp-arrLtIteL of a coi ag.-requining,
.. perseverI.Ing, pio
duc('d one or {lere *¥1alor briefs in fiehalf of Labor woul rt, fir1 ii eoordinat ng nt,,r up viniert, it has been instru mental
Jf ehetricians in the elect jcll c.ntract- the work of tbe Depalrtment of Lahbr in idacing our organization in a position
ing, tItmie power arid light, electrical nmore elosely with the practical needs of of out1tstandingt leadership amon.....g other
iuItrLirtitLuri'ig, radio broadeasling, shill the labor upions in f-iing their almost labor nions of the world.
,buildnuz, telegraphic eunimunuiations, overwhelming difficulties and, secon.., ILLthese lays of national defe.. se enei-
I;l itintr aid telephone industries iII show the unions howthe" in turn could finey, when production schedules must b(
;iilhtioi it piepared innumerable offieial better cooperate with an..dfacilitate the fulfilled, th,'e is greaterneed than at
state, elts ... i tr,s of pit,o- i[ Labor 1)epartments wo'k- any time in the past two decades for
rIuI,){it' 'ladies in illmor industries enitldoy- In 1910 labor uniown rleacaeh dieactors
ii'g eliectrical woirkers. lfleil('nfIt iltdustriai relatlons. The '+oa(t
and represc..t.tive, of tin Department such peaceful relationships lies througb
of Labor mn>ai:ain. S. f'Ijiitfu1 were thty )he ust' of union-managenlent cooperation
SCOPE INCREASES sessions that it 'a dleuemed desirable to fo, innlo[ing the mutual welf,,e of
Ill ace lwlance with hi . B. E. W. poliwy hohl [them
.. I.t. ally theLeafter. en pd ..... s a.l. r tnpLyees. Styell coo ,ma
oif nlakilrg accurate reliafi e informat The Second ann ri. conference was h ld tio. bowIve r, rests Upon the, primaar 3
aibhle to ournmemh s, the work of oIn JSnin 1-20, 1941. li....ussion centere rll ,s,, of s.unl.d, fair-minded i}1v esti g
tfie RESEARCHR D)EPARTMTNT hast in- niaUrally around the ntll dfens tin of all the facts in each ease by eat'
...t...uld I fold
MaIl throughout the yeas,. programl and its probabld efteles upo, ti' of thb parties c ald. in additimn,
Whereas it handhI only a scoe' of re- labor and upon.he
IaI'kv.t lives of work- ryo[ a. spirit of mutual confidn.e ib tbi
il specific informl.ation. from l"cal ILK penol) in gene-al I. ages, hours, overL- gri.p.l-faith of each other. Facilities for
ut[..i) il the hist yia it n p s time work, industrial relations and eo t cordlctkilling su.hnvestigations ire ss
totl) be n 500 arid 600 riluqihies annally. orf living were all taken up in lively ss- t nlo labor uliolns as well as to malnaget
i to .i.etative investigatiols Ls to Ilhl slons, The cohlt1ree showed a healthy entL uniter .uch a proramn.
financilat sttus arid ti vtorshii of ei, vitality and the' ddlegates demonstrated Though the of labhor partiei
nitions, studies on wageshhours ,,. Wo tIk. increased hutt int, aillg the Burcaai ]ioull antI COOlieratieel in ninnlagemllent
ign ond itions among various bra.nches of of Lfibor Statisti .s to ft resee the r 1uir'e- isno llongr a reIohl.t ona idea, its waie -
Iotl t'ade, apprentice trailing protrtinvl, men is of albol i.r.o.. s iL. ... .r', to Ulpply ;l*'(III rulopti..n. with revolutionry spee(d
aliald'ses of "acation'-with-pny~, serdorit\ the proper lyp, Ifl:i l(3toe ih v whem w,[ Mi line of the surest ways if keepins,
lind ,Vtmi provisions foun.d in our labor ne edel iplduslry's machines runing. It o'rd'!
agI( e.i ....t studis of city ,i']ctirtril tiein pn~rvtr t conclusively the loyalty andI
it'ttre, al it elcut'ict iltr lIhI:,-imz il%'s. pd RESPON)SIIIIITIY ('('FlTTE)
puptrio[i udniLy of both manrioent and
ti local tIuions, in the fr paration, of hrivf, The in/temts in tIh I r al c{nnf'ienes ]lahor tooi/ll &trellt national defense effort
fLIr rie in IIvtge neotliationl.. al yS of
...... betweel representatives of [ahor resea'ch
L...iding state and f, IIral klbor leLis departments and the D* partment o tihb)"
ittliol, arInl r.iuieI'us1 spIecIkl ilie-HnI--kinI is but on flrtae l itslatit of Thbhr's crow- T'ip**' love of country is ot10mnre blilldl
investi~r'!tions all fall in i .. ..o.n.. l JItIr his r-eeo gr itmor of i{; i't'[poisihiS tines full' plnitilwnnhil. It i reglrd for tire Iophle
otf the departent IotIhty' e(ingd t jtii indulttril ir, , tin..hi]iti. a iltiur
f it/'s erou,.trv and all oi them; it is
(4ladlly - ih, alotbon of gwlik, sounid , It i lin eas. nion leaud.r s . r
'<arch methods of faii'inbi/h,Ii a f .i rAtilt offelowshhip and bldotherhoo
irlvcsti ie,, theti they n tirt.,
Nst .attn.l...u dI
glPiI1 ha,; spread in the past 17 yeas.. o sta illd hn, h ,t'. of inlustry andi.
bl0 Ip,,s il of theur; it is a I si'e for thl
p1ht, lbr oar{aiatlio unti]
, noIw iont spee/nul e('ln/erat~e siith rnnrin lenc in )i~tl~sperfy [inl happiness of all of t
ii the major ulions hillo leIi oli il- solx}inq those [op'hhlr'ns il the \\'A% ...O.t. ii is khldi and considerat' juldgment
sltIlh hepartmnents with peri.... irn adv;...t;,', us to tie wpIfa,+ of their ill- allof
I thlen'. Tih first duty if
rnined in handling el...nonih. Ietlgi. pu.bic {ltistt, lh.on.. nlasL pIaticipate in man- }lopiliar ~elf-&'ovcrmnuert. is individual
reations, and social pr'bl'rns. The,itest :ge rwaent by helping latrrtgelent to id elf,-. tlli].
.' The essential condition of
uniian to [it the r.e....ebh ritilks is the olnId fr',l ... of cI
eliS and hd i 3 .l .. tilt pt'(wi'uss is that it shllI be hased
[nteranathoal Brotherhood of Teamsn ltes. ,ieit vhe,, sekmng gtins for the uion...
(!!lttffeuR, XWarehousernen slnd ilelpeis, uplon z±rouenls of re*asonl, and riot of
which tinti yearl hlattgtll-ateui such i{ di' ostlittlln
iN e ll.t,, ... ,>eiuiliee. Lineohlns nroble sentirn.nt (If
Jn 1931 Uh. k nteri'i'i plual blobli..'h dn,
ision tp serve its officers aind *l0.Oh0fif ,hin'ity for a and] malin elowrd .T....e
teemin0beeS iio~i'';iipl i k(!ellt-'kag smnlde buit ace[Ira[(' Wl nMt I Ill,6ec fiefor the Civil War, bit
I, th spring of 19:81. wilt, hu ,idrss It statislies ii the ntltual tnril-h .... s. xf ia :L living principle of action.
1[ sIa:lndil
.. antidl labor nlgu/lfl th, eniployl.nIiit I.nd the (,irtrmi 'solf its Elih i Root.
OCTOBER, 1941 527

f 'irsconvened and later elected

Thaio 04alcvzic DAY grand presient.

'rhis mlansa resolute .haraclor was we]l
,vtidiceid in his face and be;aring. Ie,, had
tIe light b}nowr hair and moustache. fair
`,rl (doling and blue ees 'haructer-
ic of Nor'th Etncpeans, for he was the

., 1891 atSI. als Stll If G.e.'... emigrants. IIt was hrn

m, tam'l~Ih nIal Ft'ede'iclslim'g, Gilhspii
('tllttvy, 1858. who,,ehe
iTexas, Ill sse
his I/oy'hp~cd yoa's, Like qilher farm'n I)ys,

EN y.'{igiig nl.. .. Il..telirig ill a fUR'ished
l tIlt E I, kli. l A:'ve/ue(? in I ,hecihy
T 0f St. j.u11 s onme 50 Yeais ag). nmove(lmenlt
i'constructed outl
h, fill, ih lure of the passing line crews,
;l ...I Ito II( aj(, of 14 lift homell. tO W...k
1, Iitea
'(lI. Ip..... t
he.. At I7 he had bhcon.e a
ar., woIikid for the [. SA
'eachtd a d 'ilol4 ag fraught with re-
sponsi.bility a, those who pled ged thi~ ',
of warp and woof of historic giA 1 nrl].,t. h~uilthug telegraph lines. Al'
Ihtongh he had had little schooling, his
'live'. fOltlic.. altld strrtd h oier" to ill p)ast l'll
rnll hu l ,'glle il1d sllil were dit-
elime Of lilrt . I'hc yThete r Iklll l WI AS, Vas usua l ill th,/sz tinis, he
w lhoe O[1]} 'i Ol .. ilel ' their eli'T hlgs Il I i[I I't. LilltoliS Wel e o rg.a .ized itt i.iOv,'I onl enllplovplr to another, o..e.
is /~ 'Il!11ii't ailld il Iml ni it. had ]ded l 'tI ( h~mdwinllh ittburgh Dufluth. Phihddel. s11ht t> anothr,. a Bnad of the wir(s;
th tnr'eivei' VIt (Il 'it]lize a nat cit
D I td liho. Now, Or,,leanand Toledo Henry ~id,i~ Ill'xt tll WXlsttr,.. Unlidn, froilt lhere
,Lti... .of eht'' 'it'Ll , 'keri at a h i. Mlill, r i l; ke,[ Ill) his tool kit. Ih.t..nil his
; ta rIIl,'lldti crew ill Loui.ill t, then to
Whel itrgl"liZIioll Wal bittcrly oilpl i'd. ,va;I ilL ]IN t
ill t l
Fvi nsviI I. L ., ('hi the $,,uthwct District of the Erie Teh-
anld emplpoyer" hail their choice of .el p- d s sauk l', h, w iked ILI
iwhe,'e hone sys tem. Here he held the position
en, tO halte ' L l Ili1 malll
d own club>,, hbe f .... iti.. ' f,, ien and!
ids[fhll l1 f aslistant superinmendent for NIx yt's
¢o rlt, hi' hMia 'klist. Th[ h: decision wo uii set'f olf tniiors,.l roeulltirg in the dt'tr~lll- il,,rto 1885, before he had reahed the
havc result'd in nothing had they .... l g le. '. thlee inlqt't lt al,. A ll thliS w:ts ng. If 30.
... I {hel,
st0ssei rpm nmhion of hart'ter dl l il les tbll h none year. hi Amnerica, this ]ard of freedom and
tha~t lht them HoIour their very lives ilti l'l'h.
ihe St. Louis local resolved on th' Ipp..'.unity, so his parents had taught
the building of this great union which ithls sltl) of c alling .t len w . .oth..a..u;'y hm ltoward
Diii~iillltq .l. i tin hittl
nlow st;ti ... :l5 ll
a 1 titiju
l ih eh
kItcl Il(?l}>isl!rt HeI 3 Miller's
dleviti in. all local ~If il .... ' al d liaNel it ilt direai ;vas not of wealth cor pijtjitiu for
]'his was ;i1 Ia vheln letrical ilvh !t. tl. ill< t{he t o..s( en,d lelu r a to tsSi himself. .ut if greater s..euity for hi,
itol Wll8 CLOIilII~t ilnt, etrInle'l'eil I;lI/pIi Ilouit ,li o'tlh e 21. 1891. I, ''espolse.,
clt....] I'~ll, lmg
;1l t! . ..... ple" 6~q'l hIddl felldw electrical orkers. Those who iho-
tht,:t 14, it ..l.. ha]d gathered . l'p ..e. ..Fil ig erlI.. ifilend> o his orffaizing
set, whe> si rung. a ille fter dilfeuh lighl It IhlI exitg 1 1[ ealls. [l&'r is lis <ay 0thal he oflen went with1,t f...d,
mih'. T tl',bIh ae telel a-ph. IeI','c 1ight the ist: dqiwld himnself of neidthd chothim. to
It, lew I ' 'u, ht by the A ,li
hut avly
u i 'A,a'NhIg ill the erVi('! of his
la,, ptlblh, FaiNt bys' ltfl .. at f lihi' St. lotiij. Ih m:, ?.illr. J. T. Kdly,
twieh , [o join tphi lli, titixl ( vIdoi':tl itlt>
oXv,..lber 28 th' work of n'ganiza-
alhx '['r't ' 't tIIitk''s itS t' ( a IIh hI hk'','~ \\ i~lltatm llerhh
ilj xall~ iII,, ht hbr. co..pleted
... P noew Ia-
I/t't. 0a sily' LiIIIV'iteo :/iii expei diilt' livi: Phihtdd phiat J,,, ephlBsltI),it,
ti,,ldunion was born wiith the title- Na-
l..t. .v illinillgl dhoi lkdlar Is. 'T hese 11 l F ntsxi~ll,. jIlat'y Fishci'. til I,,hotherhood of Eletricatl Work.'s.
who. .iet in St. LollS., though y('/llIg. Ille,- Toh(d,', F .h ezha. T'his dae, Nivemllr 28. 1891, is used 0n
vete atis at; t i' trttid'. They k.ew its '!hicago, T .1 Fiddil. (hi olllcial seal.
hl tzaruls iir11; its silt g y eIil ipe slSLti.[. ]l...h ... ll,
II ,I, E. C. I1ta, wng
(Othirs%h' had been ,chet,'d to shIll
$1.50 fo, 10 hours' w ork but tht' ie- Illhlt , .h .C] ut(ilar.
dm hOi ,tlqatdi tkil anld t'isk. rf iallioll
lieved inl it, fl tti'e alnd w e're di' t' iie l ollh I ,;% I.{
thai t I,' clr ht;litll] 'S ill yeats t) "I'le A NA lI I? %.I,
I'l' .\ )!'lR
EI C. hirting, president.
first viOL
...eilb hI 'lehn(,', the
tspeced "I ;]1I ]<ik]h'd ,rafts. ll 1z t M~ ill, ,l I'll,
ill blilg th c.....
FE J, HIt, h, I.. xi ¥imo]l
seon ~-
{~~ ~~1
llili}hilll'idlll sll bIl~qi
lh. T, J. ]i",nell. thild vice pjresirdl
In 1890 thi' oily of St, Loul hl [Id T Ih stily gp'd secreta'y-trca-
gt'i'aL lu'i'tl i'ld ex]n~i/tion. \Xu'rel~ll rTil'l
it t
1 h,
'(lN O F E iOt 0bzia
1 i t('tC.
l bne,'i ' h''...'.ill.'. inc h rles f

Tl'h.' Bri',th et'h~o d ow i its bein g to thn

113l l iuc't ilt' tf tthe t l) An ei'j h iaFets en p&le thl'slll S i 3 'p llii',' of thir~e moltl O l
s l i('I W~l'
Lh(' Ilsl i'; s tlit
I led
l 'tin ll a
d hie
dleir'i o'ei y<,,,
it''t e Unio t-c sn I'lllay Iidhuls like tht'nt.
d", ... miF( fl, IItll Al ...eR,1,d EeIde,,- In ie llhtrttglliph
f'...I al that was
tiNo l [ . i he . d r Cityha tt Thd bl' tI WJI~ild' IIt t ili'-t eol,Vel,, I ItT (Sete( prim
F tdt,, tl I Unih
8, itl,' No'. 5221, ineo 5:)2... his i u'), Thrmu
III. F'inneli
l,pl' r bryish,,cht'lin ,,I slightly
Ih, tlade I,xi~d Al A. F. ()h Lh-~ i hm ,. lTe h,..I I' t'id ]llhi lllIo (if the
(}lih[';g' ]ir]Olniq'ii' hlcal }lTh( hadl corv-
lift' It' 4 . .t....i..
hal II l,}L h; tled ' t W et
!N,thieb. th .o . i . lttv.
-ipnt'l'fil'. ''Ii
311{1 iled
No,.. 4(;S ,i/C!NlNlw Y,,lk Ituo
t.' h' nizat}
na] (kty, The, ogrm,ffnI. elid U~h t}'l;Ivr ill thle .Mildhl' West
Iea l hot i otll
l'. 'c 'i q'( ON] to flllp rI'irV
lfa!St hhh terlm ,. i'(*le ttij'1 '1 : 2t hi '> it ,ic v ( lt htir , mlyl wa q
[oee hh Lwn]/I'li... Nt`. ].li thi ii~lc l/~,j'i h'iltZ{lqll'rho
agi'ltirle~ unioy
idlg IdS .... lh Ib al thayte to thi dll,.
Oni ts I Vt iitn tix. the Sr. [mils !td f,IJh' itit th. I ei4*ttlig he we'nt forth. de-
t't ',Idooa t'ift1 JIl gi l an ize I 'e "l, ilI ~d ~'0q
1 hL 1¾11l re'ihso lr ct''. ;Itld a h'ility
.th~cites tllll Mi~ler. it, pr(,iden.t. IL' it lita'tnan~ [to 'tarl ~haipver' e-le(Vl'. h0
! itl
illlg :111thlol'zanlizo l nFiny houeaN

lo oh
i eh~licll lloq th ld i'llian? cities 'ity, (mnah. 8'. Paul erd 'irnenpolis.
130 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors
OCTOBER, 1941 Sal
noI doubt ecctived i exchnge fion the

JOURNAL tdatlaha fedrial office of the

cover ill case yOULo
tralian journal.
union in Sydney. But
±orwatrdirg t huse uiller -epa 'ate
nIet s.. the Aus-

"I would be wry giateful if Yo woul.d

9vr&2uran-auzd ep~~aAto considr placing us on tile list

copies. It wonl be a valuable
woikers and students of the
sl tidy
to receive
.o"rnaI to
College to

HAT is,thfunctioiI o a labrII laga-

plnia many. func.
.I,, It h unction is to iouniteb utl th e
official magazine wins perma- Anoth. r letter of interest to our
er5 at far distant poin ts into a well-knit hbts come. from ihe South African
audience of inteiligent readers. nent place in every country of E12tct ical Wintos' Asoiation, Johan,
That this function is being performed world
by the ELECTRICAL WORKERS' JOURNAL on '1M! orga nizat ion is ext 'enely i gate
the North American continent is Well- CANADA APPRECI ATES fui to you for the help you have given us
kilowi. It i ,ot so evident that the ill Iorwarting co[ies of our
v ariois
JOURNAL is lso play ing a palt ill solidify- FrnI.I Can.ada, among tile scoes of agieelnents aid other interesting litera
ing the wokkers inI of the friend ly letters to this JOURNAL. conics ture You, no1"tItydJOLINAL is alway's
worId. On this fiftieth anniversary of the this enculraging i'ela,'k: "[ero.e eos- looked roeward to. and I cal assure VOLT
Brotherhood, it is well to consider bow ing I would like to say that I do not that hit oth r informaeion or papers
far the publication of the 1Brothlerhood believe there are any ju..I. ;IIs t uIblished which you ,ay
be able to send fro IItie
has gone in winninig a world audk . nce. which a so i nte restig and eduicationa to time will be useful and ,tremely
Here are quetations from letters and to the Iultitudes of electical workers as helpful1
labor news agencies in far countries: the 'JORIINAT. OF ELECTRICAL WORIKflS "A subject which is veiy mujh to the
The Empress Americana do Pub AND OPERATORS.' forefiont at the mo nt is eieetrw iin
licidade, Ltda., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South workisg on 'live conductors.' It would be
Am.rica, writes to ask for speciTen interesting to knov what .o.i....tioi 5
copies of the JOURNAL. It is the custom/ The ELECTRICAL W¥{}RKKRS JOURNAL eln this very delea t, ad IeIha4 psessen
of this successful book and periodicaI has rcecived a welcome and voluntaily tih work in the United States."
house to place representative
,Aerican letter from the Anto podes. The letter is
publications oi display inl varms South written by the seer3 of the Victorian
American cities. They wished to use the Labor Cotlege: A letter caine froll the doinant
... s
WORKER in this way. an Austalian jur- agentV of Nor\ay, called Kioskk.n.
ealist who Ias for mIany years iE Amer- panl, t,OIso. This great new agency
ila ass. cated with labor jiLnmaIs. has inplotr that a technical library of the
kindly given me copies of your JOURNAL ciy of Oslo wanted a specimen ,Jpy (f
from thie to time.
"She ehil .ed that tile JOURNAL was AND UIiYRATUI1S prelhnimaiy toImasking a
Copies of this JOURNAL will atgaml be
sent to Japan this year to be exhibited inl the Lest journl pblisled by a union and suse .. ltion.
the international
display of periodicals I agSle iost heartily with hI.r on its out-
held under tile auspies of M.azen standjig quaity I askedtb secrtary of The LUiivcsity Libhiay at Buidapest,
Company, Ltd., a leading firm of the lhe Victorian branch of the Electrical nnssaly, 1lequsts ninbel.s of our pub
eastern kingdo., with branches in nll Woklkers' I'nion of Australia if he re-
Japanese cities. elired it. and I passed on to him thie copies
I had. Ie d'oes net .'e.(ie it r'egulaly
but has had cpipes Ilo.. alil Am.erican Ilow. We leeeive a e'quust from NINE RVVA
a nielabor of his bianch, I received fBon, fLiI, Torino. Italy. This Io he
A student in Czecho-Slovtkia recalled the local secIetlily'e, COp.ies of the the Fascist Union of Printers and Edi
a Czecho Slovakian newspaper tpnb- Au stla inan .i...n aI E'hioeh he thotgiht }yo tots. This letter folows:
fished in Chicago. This paper reported "Ie are isllilig a fortnightlv pape
that the ELECTRICAL WORKERS' JeE.RNAt MI NERVA, Rivista dele Riviste (Review
carried Uniql, ti'tios on eo ...
nonI. laln- of IŽVes that ieprodluces for ialy
Ring. This stutdent, aleit for ideasI wrole thllsalds Of Italian raders the Iltl...
to the Elctuagistl Association in New iltee tting artwiles published by the most
York City, inquiring about the ELEC ptrowl,, lct reviews of the world. We send
TRICAL \ ORKERS' JOURNAL. The Electra- IOu a:art a copy of the last two numbers
gists relaxed the to this ofllo,
Imss-ae of it.
This office Set the student his coveted "As We Le ailming to extend o' re
i'S. alSO to youir Iri,,ew the JOURNAL OF ELE'
TRICAL Woi0xras that we know to be
amonoltihe best Anw,'ieal reviews "I
It's a far cry to I lia. But our JOIT NAT take the lberty to propose you the re-
is ead there The April number of the ciprocal exhbarge of our MINERVA with
M. & S. Al. Rlail wayman your revieW, and we can enstre yoL that
ontails two
we will apply to it with the keene. t at-
pages of reprint friel tie ELE THICAL
tention. The result will be a broader
knowhl dg. of yourpaper tinong the
Italian people, which s nearly
,ine 50)
years read, and appreeiates our
Copies of the Augu,,st MINERV V'
ie i o-
taEinng material on economic pIani'in
have just gone to the ltitetnatioila] Pleasant letters are also acknowledgeI
Management Institute, Geneva, Switzer- from Iheland, Sxilzerhld, Belgium a. d
land onIrequest. other foreign couitq'es,
Steam Power generation has been stim-
ulated by the uprise of water power.
Great technical advances have been
made in steam generation.

Water Power development since 1929
has made tremndulous strides. Produces
cheaper electricity to conumer.

Modern Housing-new types of low-cost
structures are being erected throughout
the nation.

nri.s, R.A

Rural Electrification on a nation-wide

wcale was not known in 1929.

Modern Steamships are floating power

Diesel J'ower-siflce 1929 Diesel power

has been v'idely nsed for locomotion.
Observers say that it may quickly sup-
plant .steam.

Sodium Light tnores to increasingfavor
for street lighting to protect pedes-
trians. Other new lighting types, like
fluorescent, appear.

OCTOBER, 1941 S41

It wasfoun.d that the appitieints had

p l1tltlifitatit)I N is tll ge tialrl

Pite-Covwev~dio MEETING tottiI~uttu 'i stn ding, an.d that thei, Ii-
lbl provisions
~, "ere,
made it aC tollIaI L[ q
the cOnstit/IliOn, 1 was

t[,mrCfOl'( ,uuvet alii] secomuleld that theh

4 I. E.COUNCIL Ialq,, ieato h( placed

bet al ONi fln'"t.n hill When]}u
out aitd filerl
hidr SpOecir.l

A re~tiitl~i from liog;aIiii S. Oht/,

Largest class ... llI ifB l S c ea
h1{1o44•l O scar
, tl
thltp Jti,cu ~~
mpl .if l,<meal Ijijipi No. t¶91, Jhi
ltt k,,.I . . .Aiiull/
hlt'rt tg/ ;$ ..
of pension members ever {the Ie4\Io 'I (iF hbt, dlhec .ed fall her
assembled, voted. P,outine
hi~ ,,aS I 1o'lI/d .... otld'd. that II Ila, mlt.
' 'i t,. , rir it eit at lx t a e
l nui t~v t ('i 11 11 4 i business &t wtctivv ] I e e ive [lai Dr l , rit it 1
l : atl/L[ T~t 4I*Iiati~ tla l ili'nt q tct hi (tishl, ..l mi4
wi . Iiia tl t not
o,k"'dM tt puoi
i v iml i hl t lmr
j myit t.
h 1200 15th Steet,. N.
hI:I, XV.. !\ ,i'n~lPinwl* IH.(gel~ oHl I}1he ru'ill ]til
~';sJll~l~I, ) (C.,oil septnlb ~r ]9,11. &.1, ,I lihll of Albert W Mii.i..h..I, d. i L ilh aDllt Il pelti .
tI hy
mlievt w as alled Me eli' IO i Wit
Lo li it I : iat' r icr t
t J (). h,...
it r, Wits ic eeive id i ]
(hamiltiH 1). iVt T'a(. at 9 I. .n Mem- ¥ twn~
h, c~itlonce sublll[It~ IL, I,, /¥(]q pN lllp( and all (''(COd, Udh (]("d:
I.. t 4ee itt: D. W . T racy. (' i/ t's F, /t fian id tO In' iivU fifi'int,
1,' thcidcd to hold the fst, II . Milltr, Hem'> E
()i¥I,, W itllui.. G Shi('d, C ,3 f1 lwon, [IL4h
l t I 41 N,,l. Ngillia~.. A,
,1I" [,1 Mctrldl, (L ('I GadIb~is. Edth~l'd i ,ale'y lltie, p 'iihti he, t e eilIt f "I
I o fhall
Nothnaglh,. F. 1,. Kelic,. Alhx alllhq'
A I'I'Itest to (uitret on the tettllh> Il,
IhI iI tI s Of the last bflectcnc web daet if bihth f .JamesT. Phillips, f
itp;l.. ;ili.I IL Was moved a."d sct(...i.ed that [{ I0t1o N.ii 6 r'eeived. bit Bio.... [ rer ruk
illey liet apLFr,I'¥L(I M otion ckrricdm. i L)hl ...l th, ubtl ttigtid lh,
! .iblet
hfl.... 4tlalo was "ound illW116 .... I[. aiR[
u l N naglle as nil idting~ rio t.l tIII ttinel'I de'ided tto hold the east Ji Leerie
ndtht,, tuIii over the audits of the I. }I. 41 weli, ('ha , IT.
K]. Wnd. ;I ';W . II. A., as made r WV. B. tigii . l {I. ll' ish
. e{.. .. It WaS ftUlud that these t1pI)IlialthtS
Whithl..k, thi auditor emphIe" II the Trhi of Lo'al Ulni, N., :t New
appetl ,'ithet' did not have iht, %tandhiltw el tl
.xeeittive etj eiI, alod tt l .port }rock YtIk ity, t a deciM ion of PIlsitd'it.
,fot not hive the age rpquired by tht ('...sti
ill[( [hteh ex tiiatl.i1i'o f the twdits Bri.wii. wi.tlt, 'll
vMleI sub"nltt.d, was wition Ohe.n they lad' their aipplication;.
A letter frim J.eremiah P. Sullivn. 'ee.gvgd iy the council. Brothets Jeldso' I]t~li'p,~oP it, was moved andl seeoi(Iele,
sei'tta ry or l Vitt .nion N o. . w asI %. 'nil p st'ntetld iially the hM
eelredl vhih- hltte.i equestet . IhaL hal their applicationis be denied, as thin
alihii , silt of the case, a Ie.'tetd
... ..
did not rl,,illy with the ,t'tisitmi of the
rlnil~t('t of lhoaIl Union No :2 b, le[ter~s floru, tl(iei ecnl)]oyin eoiltitfe.c
'a it[P a heta'ing oit their appeimal "Iai[*NI
tntitithitn. Motion carried.
tois which they elaimed had a dit.c 'hL
,uditing e2tmltie tlifltt~d thin
PIe<,lduntilI}Welh'm dceisuion oni ;¼it{ fpit- eamil'tbign their ease. Brother SuivMan
they had examined the audiI nlad, hy
foltii'le bI> rad1 o techlltieiaul till ett~rh stalId that there . a. l.. )p.'a iI X
WII. B Whilloch. of the filns ofi theIhIttI -
I)CS, roeee I.fLocal liih/i Ni. 1212. tlh,,G i .i. Br i th, de Ittlilmal B~hliltIloo(i4 (if E~.l!rlvi atW I*:l-
N,xI iC..1 (iv. emptloy ees of the tohtI t.i'-ii h11 ' hlld '. 'li*h l'd;t hatIm he. lIi,'w to1.
il'd folmid the aIi il fCoptt e 3To&d
bia ltoa.l.'.tstittg ;stel
.. the (i.ut.-
ani hi. Iglll, d the dtl(e siolt i dciti hi I N
rii t r leule t a n'd Set ilbm ilOtt
inid that thIe epttt of th, cu
ju.iidil'tIti.l.. riihits as set 'iOllh il th, uli[tl'e liI acepted 11 . l hc Ittdlet i 'iltI
ek,he,'iinr Ias Of .int o'£oe k. W eill io'i stitwtlitiu h h ut they 1 L 'stei II,,
h i' t Mot ion earlmritr.
,IesldLa , S ttiplt mr :8. The (eiu.. i[., it~i to set asideK ill wagive ih' eiolts'tiaitim,ni
Th, ;tndiiilg ltpelilthat
M Mn tittel
titel e uip tie estherle of p t'e' hhr't l B i'(W ~i, I I, } t cas. jid S, i uIch as Itc... A ntiln,
tiy had -xalmine~d the audit madet Ihy
q D iII t I pte/ .......i A. L, \(! ee',
,ti No 3t crtimg that thy had. il ihl p isL W. It. Whitlock, of the rur.nds if thee
aIssistltll Lit t e lp('simch!It. be pP(';N i Ltat tIhe t k w hich is f o i[t izes Jili.
h lil
Ilal WIu'hors Beefitl Agsmiiion. and
the heaiir~ g ris 1]'esidiLnt Biow n sia t(d he ...... Ih,hd nudit e I em e I...
haid assiftlItI A. h. Wegener to mak It I1RSIlD)EN'l IIIIELL) 11I ',lopori. of the poimi"iij
petsiih l iniestigaiion, jf the ~x,,k il lh ta,,l~tedI an.. the (, .tt.tive 'i
Ph aletI'llt B ownT plt'C.I Ilte d his I, g'Soi[s.
vOilvt, altl .i.. tl his riecisiori hi'iiu I~~o h
"~t Lite, t tt. 1 11 tth s ei
,it, l ,phtlli..l. d thI i with vvitt ]te. ; ' J}I}l ile l the'fi Ile '11 Jhi
i .... I~
1 why he had rendeIrred i]i~ d'
'frt .' /t ei.tbee
I. th e exe...tit,', ,'iiitr ()ll lilt :, pt'n] IIa~:,lt h3, /t'l
W im *l N];t
Cisi(}[l ill g'Ollfllgltitv '5it}i tile eun~tstitgl Jlutl
itm fiy t .f [,,al lnlon No, 1212, adio I ,l ith e t&ti t 'idl tIll
.. l iver tll h, ' llq
h...r sev ehr alia o't ty i...~ lmtiimtth,;ts i inns t gchIi cliluit s. N ,e I .iii
cn e Ie tlerre back to hi, IIn leIt iot.,i
d .i I ni
1, ,,, i l. , si I ..l!th ! a ei
+ irte
l''[iho w inLg th c' Ilre stnt atil t uif all ~iN- I'r'Ipdmt. with instruetiens that Ptsi
'l ti i l
by ith' tio 1 i' entlith¥ , eUt t l.i.wrn giant the Ille... of Williamn
L ki N ,, :1 itdiIi P tp iidt t ll....., Iih ,l il t f~111
"il a heatifil .... ~l~p tI~t
litfl, ,tpnial, oto carFe. ,A piL... it Il....k ..IId F e l$(,tail IIp all- tiyt's dpIcisi i. i
IPIVL' his t*gien,, V*ut[ioli
t ld it, N! t, ta en,int'!{t O dltiI 2 , ah Iil I.--- Il;'al .lf Ult ] N.,gct 3ga:/It tU ll nion
t l't tltw,':tl tec
dfl b ti ... 1l
sb ied
M its ; 411 iii aiplpI. I ihttdI!by Fled O. 1 tUntis
v uI
, ag 2Ivh, i ccci v I tdh
1 / I ela 1Iited pvid n...(, ,tral'ej' ly ILIId 1loo iw 't rUg ijuISt a ilecisiolli of Pirsiilr'll ]lIi'OH, thle
(i1t1Shilge tit'iol] t]1t t ItistiUt it'dkll nil i1l . ....... II *¥i"wed a]] the falts in lhim i s,
t I i at $' i > int it If bi rt h tl i l r i rl ;lur I l, riiitllnI] elassifitatiots,. an114d lifterI filial it %/l~ "iiivet(Iintl setcori..r.hJd IIht th,
iii N :mi p7Ii, th hl ttl idisila
'e iti i the co'u ii uteisii.~t. .f the hlt elllltio
Wll PI' eShqtL
uii hn- u'l ild lith apll lal] of L1, t,8 Ithi, he
Thcl.i.. '1iiiiiejlNNHll
't¢i",d ';l'Il J 'pnstflo
cqlomd J'.
'al iti tle 'i ellir olis Jl'e lntSni 1he N,, :Lt
,i ait, Uligi,,t N ,,. 18. Ir ,(' ( . atlg olbfol, ll i hntr a lt l it' tiia, y[l ]I j l'lnsloD H ,lih c t.
... !plhlimng f e h fi.llih...
Itl, f uog : Ii all
](e the tti ithlr .. - 4' I'\dtltl tit'd rid all
aIt ' eh,,k ld: 011441 [2tiai liatth 2 o'f Sectio. I , Artile
hi'j,e} Iim his of
d ate b irthth itg I(',ltmleIrlt ist ap
If atIs at end if these III fIl
thle eonstutLori. ThI. counci. eN
, 24, t8S9., ri htis )
Litt co'n tintrlted o1' paI'l s39i
542 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
troublesome scene, the Internationao Brotherhood of
JoURnlAL OF Eleetrical Workers carries on, keeping before it a
sound social goal. It is a true trade union.
A Shrine The International Executive Council has
acted properlyt aid with kindness and
iJdgment, in taking over the grave of Ifenry Miller,
first president of t its organization. It is now in the
trusteeship of the Brotherhood and will be perpetually
ca red for as an InternaLional shrine. lienry Miller
must have been a man of unusual talent and zeal. As
first president of our organization, he made a record
onme XI, Washington. . C., Oe'.bcr. 1o41 NoI. 1
lor' himselr. It is written in history that he resigned
lhat otfice that he might be the first organizer of the
Motherhood, that he might spend his own money. his
A Toast With glass in hand, standing etrect, here, talent, and his energy in extending the sphere of the
now, more than a mnillion of us, counting union. lie was working with the tools when he met
wives and children, drink a toast to the International his death in Washington, I). C., and he was buried in
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-on this, its fif- a prominent plot in an urban cemetery in the nation's
tieth birthday. We pledge anew our loyalty to prin- capital. The granite marker caught the spirit of this
ciples of cooperation, tolerance and freedom, upon man's life. The new bronze plaque, destined to endure
which this organization is fronded. for ages and placed there by the International Execu-
tive Council, adds t1o the recognition of this first presi-
Progressive- A justice of the U. S. Supreme Court dent of the union.
Conservative has to his credit an incisive statement
on the stability of institutions. Ile The Next Those ill tile know in Washington be-
declares that an institution, to be conservative, must Three Monihs fieve the next three months will be
be progressive. That is, the institution must have the most difficult the United States
enough vitality to adjust itself to lthe constantly chang- has experienced in the last turbulent 10 years. In these
ing scene and to new forces. The reverse is also true. three mnonths, the great national economy, capable of
An institution must be conservative in orrder to be prnducing 100 billion dollars of national income, must
progressive. It must have enough sense to drive its pass from peacetime priorities to wartime priorities.
roots deep. It must build its foundations firmly on The Hitler war machine. as it is known today, is
law, reason, and the policy of correct procedure. said to have cost 1O1 billion dollars. The prospective
On the fiftieth anniversary of tihe International eXlpenditutiles in the United States are said to be nearly
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, it does not appear 58 billion dollars. To expend this gigantic sum in £1
improper to maintain that this union has followed few years' time and get a good return in material
both formulae. No one with any sense of what it labor goods is no child's play. If two billion dollars per month
organization is believes that the International Broth- is expended, it will be from 25 per cent to 33 per cent
erhood of Electrical Workers is guilty of failing to of our total income for war goods. This is bound to
adapt itself to the newer forces. In this sense, it is a have a marked effect on the course of our economy.
progressive institution. It has carried cooperative hi- One marked effect, of course, is the rise in prices and
dustrial relations to as important a pitch of efficiency the attendant inflation: another marked effect is the
as any organization. It has taken a leading part in sloirtage of workers in certain preferred defense oc-
building a good system of sinhil reatilons in public upatioks and sharp unemployment in others. Another
power agencies. It is forward looking. But it has had marked effect is the elimination of old businesses. in
sotn(I, conservative managemrent, and thus it always most cases smaller factories. Where these small fac-
meets its obligations, pays its way, keeps out if debt, tories dominate villages and towns, whole comomunid-
and does not run off the deep end. It refuses to foIllow ties nyla be impoverished by the closing down of such
every random light that makes its ap)p)earance. It re- fac tories. It is likely I at the unemCIIIplOY men t prob em
fuses to chase rabbits over wild trails, merely because will be met in part by subsidy of workers who could
some self-righteous or over-zealous leader says this go, onilworkers' unenmplovyment compensation, amnid by
is the. way to go, but fails to present soutnd reatsons feeding in of the unemployed into defense jobs.
for his contention. Wheot hr the smaller facitr'ios cain be put oin a de-
These are turbulent times. There are more false lese coilntract basis is another question. At any rate.
philosophies abroad than there are philosophers to anyvone (!anl see that the next three months are crucial
espouse them. Propaganda retigns supreme. hlearsay and demand courage, forbearance and tolerance on
and chicanery predominate. In the midst of this the part of every citizen,
OCTOBER, 1941 43

Bigger Than Sons, even grandsons of members of present picture of goverirment service to occut
One Man the International Brotherhood of patliod i groups, namely social security.
Electrical Workers are woeking at Ihe The social security system of the United States is
trade and taking part in the functions of this organli- all tit SeVeII years old. The law has been amendued
zation. The Brotherhood is 50 years old next molth. en1e. It is a prop against most of the evils of the rap-
It is bigger than one mall. IHaplily for this orgalluza- idly (haiagilng economic system. It is the greatest
tion, we have noit produced Ile lytpe of egoistiCal ty- i11stua111co company hii the world. It can be made to
ralt which has become the ctlrso of some hlabr ,igaul- respond more aud Mole to the social needs of the
izations. This5organization has carried oil dulring half underlying popldatioii. It meets ever' crisis. For ex-
a cen tury with the cooperation of talented i enl who anride, the impendhig unemployment dte to the
have been willing to let ever) member express him- changeover from peacetime to defense production call
self and spend himself in behalf of the union. This is be met o llv by the reserves 11ow in, haand under he
democracy at its best. It simply means that wheun a social security program. 'There are those who wouMd
mall of unilusual talent arises il the union, lie is given like to make a nild on these reserves by lessenlng
a chance to use these talents in behalf of the orgall- taxes on employers, bilt hiis reserve should be kept
zation. When a man forgets the organization sand large and resilient ill order to meet ullexpected einer-
thinks only of himself. he usually finds lfimself a gencies such as now occur tunder the defense program.
leader without anyone to lead. This is wholesome. No It is expected that new amendments will shortly be
democratic organiizatioB call lie liilt on aly otiher suggested in the social security program. These
basis. should mark new gains for the underlying populalimi.
This union has lived half a century. It is Ilkely to These should be scanned by labor groups and given
live another 50 years if democracy endures. No matter every stllpprt where they are worthy.
what action is Iakei, at the St. Louis conventhin, the
union will go forward because it gets its impel0 us from
of Fires of electrical origin are onl the
the lives of Illalty people who realize the btenefits of Fire,
Electrical Origin increase. Statisticianls say defective
electrical installations aire now the
Number I cause of fires. Figures were submitted to
Changing What defense operations are doing to ns- the eastesrn section of the Iuternatiokna Association
Scenes tional life is revealed in part by Blair of ElectUical Inspectors for the city of New York indi-
Bolles' writing in harpers M11a ij zietu for
cating there were 1,1:8 fries between January 1, 1941,
October. lie says: and July 2tl, 1941, in the city of New York due to
"Elghlnd'M war has dlorntged New EnglalnId' eeclrical origin. This is a significant reemrd. Hiere are, sa.d what it is dolilng to them is of .l(...llnt h/ some of the items on tihe list:
all other I-,ense ceters u,/r induid Iothe wlcle so-
ejal stlrc'itur ,1 the etlloitry. Tiht old s.nthulsal Ia'r 229
being Shaktl, F~milies live in shacks in Bath, whie. 150
judged by th, ize Idf his ho11se e c't4i ds i~(
y'kl -
oca Iltll, was
The ecumniuties' indivihualiNo diminishes. Splilz- IVel itising - 143
field, ill Ve..mO..t, gllws dLY inure like
ealoh Vatei-
huly, ill ( ili....eticut. lIf-re.]iilf{ nldole ride.....' is dw e itnstallalie
,lifve 1101 ], lul f tixtures
protctio 65
bleing uer1inled. Brid~genlt.. beseeches WashinigIon ronl left in (11 t I(i 51
e ic
,O as;tlnc loiridgepol 's polul(leu. Pro .oundl.~ dils-
furbed ;Liyway by tIle heavillg, (f the civilijI worll t s
d i. ll l(-i
ts of view andl "i 27
betweell 1920 and 1910,l eI ponl)V
iuIr an s v'ial. ,co mj Iad I. lh
it c a l
Illi [ITjgeliLell Alllll ,d -aide p utelhe l ii 2~O
are being washeldaway y a s-lerenm of nigiatil lhihli ,h ftuiw: sw itchr s
is depositing over the six stales oyf
the aod N..irhealst lt,-II- :
t;11 ,
I t
th simof ierl sti-arge to the Ynnkee. The Ytlrkei's
wateh the iising tide with hfesort of anln, "ilh The job of protecting the public frnoI loss by fir
which n,-n along the Mississippli watch the floods ill
sping lrihpinlmIg ve lthe topi (f the levee . Even ii
due to electrical (oigil, (.t' course, is conmlelx. It goes
the flod rpcch s it seems impossille that the eille back pVimarily to pUtthlg oln the market of good ma-
Can retil, tot, lhe ays of th past.'" terams and appliances,. It rests with the efteiiency of
the inspection de]part menl. It involves Blie workman-
Your Social it is one of the fail ings of human pa tore ship of our members, ani it goes dir to the ques-
Security to neglect that which it has grown used tion of education of the public io taking prlier
to. This failing is well exemplified in the attitudes tward good wo'kmanishil andIi& mat erhal .
case of liberty and equaliy3. and it is a truism that The union has a stake il Ihis. and the union can see to
human beings do not ellnjoyib rty until they have lost it that jobs are proprie5 policed so that defects in
it. Perhaps we are wrong il our impression that labjor workmanship and malerials will not be allowed to
unions are negligent probably of their greatest asset be acceptied.
544 The Journal of ELECIRICAL WORKERS and Operators

O/ hJ ,~ PV. 4I.



UNDIZIEDSq f thousandsL ,,f ... It

H have *ill itere;lt in the welfare ot

thl! [{vot
wo, t...r ni
hood. S....
banches, of the b,ietrial m,
ldth / are
aIN,t tt'ts
18. i
a'Is 50 t'eInts tlet
wig' meh l II,
tits. E1 nings of wrir n tezi . I h Vih.
Fb.u... in
, 't~
Ulktt , I',ill I Ilt'' to
all I ...... I
',j ht/ls
t,~ , pll ,a t
I. ....s

i..... s to , ve'laIj
kiIt. it w s adivocated ILhat
give i sirtilio[n.. it
for this Witlk,
dustrvy aId u nbers LIt.l I E. W ,tI liIm' all' g &i,,'nIII m u c, LIi tic uni t, l'~Ian izat it"I, I }nd
bIjI ter a1 a,)
Others ives of Union rnvn crs whlo
wl] th jal thes¢e avera~grs Thbe lowest ln il lle i.I, I ielioliniag trig ithat' to bI,lk
reeogi ze the stability arid . n..s of "I ll wa g1 e l)elm ldritt i is 45 e nts aln Firor.
pl',optt te uhLioln has bI.....ght into slrong locals. it u to hi' stid:
s e d
Th a
nlnjority of .t.I;a.t.. ed have
Illi lt L' W atui'i]O d o n '11 u nait i Igllniz.a t i. IL H
their lies, We salute all of the, Its youl nfiniiliill t Waes latrIgilLg flon 50 to, 75 tbhey take rI/ interest int it." ie linldthat
Rrt1,therhood. too, and you must share in cot"t an hour. 1leninber this is a nin,-
¢Oi thtr e.ntrary. women a}t tnkjntt a~
the joy of or golden jubilee. Tbat the IItlIt wage. int an av{rag, Wagt. V¥I V i't~sptn~iible 1)a11 in the business o~f
Lnterln tiillal s t el'iitS it. iroterhonI ]i electrical rtnalfletulin.g 25 taL ant Iae l n iaro lis. u nivl~ olf d ciia) hav in g
liftieth yrat, oldfident andIean.s stron. c iftil the vhe of thle product is ee bIeeoIil. o"i et I of lai IJ . .aId ,a.l. I
Iood fortun t for you in vow econlonu si'nta'td hy wages poid to p)i'odhtiiP'itie nI- no[e activel)aiding thrugh ork Oin
future. pIloyver. This is ue h geater than flir crinmnl it,Ls.
aIn tnuactulring i a whIle. whbi waage We conffienilly pIeidet that they will
When anpower b Sca.ce vt,
.e...n.s 'eplesent only 17 per cent. This is We- do their Liat with increr.;sing ability. both
manpower fills the gap. enuN., tha. work is oti st'ictly masts In-ll as hunion ierll ,rs ,nd as WOkl ers in vital
IWlolaI 1 IrIWL, is shouldering an impaI- dtction which may quickly be tai...tlIl pr'od til, fat n.ationll defeist. Salute
tant part of the work of lfrise prutie- unskilled workers. A ilsiderabl! "atI tLo.. r ist.i' lil cih'il rival mano-
tion Ill. Morieover, jobs for women are of skills is requlied. ;ane of whii'hakt'. facta 'l
likely to increase. The Wtlan....'s BuleaLu irnthLS to mnasterl F l, e.xa ple, in th,
of the, Departmnent of Labor recenCly W 'omeni ' B,-ueauIn ..... oIf defise il Teleplujate pea tor alll m , s kings
made a survey of the defense i nllatst tlustritcs, it was found that woll...n are L. B. E. W, en.belship. Although oi-
to determni, where women couhd h, useid Iiq{'-cidly adept in shlrldring. bu siAlle it gafliztl ion nI this fiehld 'as negligible
to replace men il case of dill n.ed. until the issage of the WSll,-r Act, b,-
Eleetial ..... a.uf-at urmg i, onit of ibe A l..essalg, itin, cause af the lostility of eidoyers. the
strategic industries pounding out t he MARY ANDERSON girls art, Ilow ard.enlt'ly interesitd in unionl
manifold tools of defense. The I Djirectr, of Wolne,'xBRret, U. ,'S. ei'tl se tittiot Theret aie u..W telephon...
tional Botbeyhood aof Electri l Workers operators in 27 lcalls of lhe Brothem-
has more than 40,000 Iembeilsenployed
Departmeni of Labor. ta the
Internaionl B,-otbherhood hood. In the miajority of (he. locals the
in varIous branches of ctrieaI mann
of Elhciicai baorkrs opc-arits bltve succ.eded ii i obtain ing
facturhing Half or mol' of thbes worker. ulnionl .ontracl. Fou1r Of tbheg a have
r'e lnlonl. They alre ,nplib d ll nlally I rlitt r r tivtf c I,,/i t ] a!f ''. eolltrnicv aItboth liIne. en Ind u elator s
"light" processes% Some of wich teinire
organized toether. It L. U. NI
considerable skill. B 702,' eovering Jacksonville.
N (i f 'Aot!' l'i(1 ( itn 'ift-ello t; fI~t* ¢'' . ?.] Ill. ald
The union IhIs lrou ght a slibi izing fOUr illh r 'itw, in 1llinois; L. [. Ni.
force into thi workinp lives of tbese we wa,,t/ttl Ilk/' at ttin itI
Idtt ie';'iuqe h h!ti ...I... h
~rl ,Ili' fl wie to ... p¢ B-741;, Ohio: I. 1. No, BP ?k
", I i l
men.NO b.luge is it ']ha', thbe pay, rU P pe/ ¥ta IIt,! e kOI)'nr.N .. .t, . .ic
.8 C rosse W is. and 1 U. No. 81K4
take it or get out?' The Sijuimg of I. 13 Owoss.. M icb.,and threeethel' Michiran
E. W. contracts has., ublt lniln...I. 'ix.[ r ura/ 0 t.e.... ..o tx r! c..eia t,', tow~s. (the' locals which hivee ontacts
wages for behg/inners ill.. eIpelenced Wil' l .. il. .. i i.. a ,tla',,Iaje( S aw/I qt.... contain jild aij 'rhee
, g.roups
~'o kers: booul'y rat'~s for 'a riot)lS pilOC wvoik In ('1, ...n..ony with linemen's
esses. anin p~iece rates. negiltiit eil throllgh
t*} ht 'it th £ i{'it hjt lle /. 4ftt I kxllitl ni thflrI 'p loasil the 'amn0 citwe.
collective bralgailring. As.11-rranaOn
has beo¢n)¢, .lnger, i so walle ral.s alnd a)1P~l
rsae orgranizing in 1:/ote
liiLb, T ist ll ! it tl.. ti.... .. h .s. I/f sea~ls u;'l~it'h lie nlow pi'o!t:('sslng ii,
working. on.itions halve h inall,(iV. As waid lb(!
the tempo if prfoduction inlele;s. the iial if-eyiaesitttatioii.
thrrilrti/J Te/tt ? ut' i , t Wil)'mtiIo .' Il jhH ler! Tb, telphlne g'irl hias lmng beelln e.-
union will stand as the onl 5 strn... pro- bratel ts "the' v oi c will the smle'' 'nild
(eCtiv' folrC a g lnst speeuIllp vith its I .. / b ...y .....i d... on Il I, II l h$e cl[ sbh's also been ictured as th, heroine
attendant flitilgle an.. dan, r. Iteiial frude iill'sthe a't, .fforts nt/i olpt who siciks to her' post in silie of tire nnd
In the Inakmng ot elect lie hilnls. 77 per It b t[Id tlp its defenses, ftood. owever. the hell, gMir finds ii
cent of he wirklrs are accord- easier to tle I} th smile irwiel hier, when,
ing to the 1D/9 (!ensus if Manfacturs. tKia* t '-, it ... ..... I. I y jr a.te t Iof si... she has It tnioi.. to pr..tert her interest
lit Brotherhit.o.I has wideslpcal] orgaln- ai nr )nns n~e tti11g. rl~' andlar'(;
nit,? teh,¢- with t h, 5 i corporal ion she I orh s fnr
ization in hIl hi .anchof lbhe industry. In J wui ib le o f e h b e in , ~c , l c ,
ll W,''ae st'i thle telphlona ope"ators .'-
radios b. s the perce/ntnge (if wo .aei.. or on [rieu'nnrr- ., delef tion. It gallizatii is going tL' bild 1p i':trily.
nlll is illr clnt. In insldatl wire }dand *tiC(eINl a ssistingl ia, the foiina;hafi<)l t)o One olf th, lhcals, chreld ,,Tnly twia
,ibb. ;I0}7 pur ceit are ;vonaen/ in wiri/g y,-am's alo. hi/ a, reltdy ,chi'vedl a mne
lev e;'s I tll b.8 pil, reelit. C1oll-
:uTles, bert.hip, of 700. This is . U. No, 1005
Iunle**iorl equillment hIts 41.7. All of Av tr Iow to .h.....
I'd TI itself. It of N,,w, Y alrk (ity. a ]lcal ,t) ai
these hye ogailizatinm ubnd, th 1. B1. s/k fld tI'tldea'sttntFI fildl! the flal: ... . oI.
. tirely of W n,'1i1n. Y ou'llhI milnon/ tel
E. W. ba.nne.r.
I)hl)te OlirattOs in all the big New Y.ok
The', Wrynle s Breaut in recent sit (ad therefol'e r-c nee d thet, fair rl ritt-
vIvy fouin that the averageo Ir)U ly earn - hoelds.
Il*t~ '{'eo yulliio l ii ailt *e ' ll'e ncnrrrua yt. Salute to our telepho]ne Sislc],5! Mixy
OCTOBER, 1941 M54


~11il ¢ t A/tgutls , }r f.Ivll

]i, ill *l'k,
4mh, / sles]he
w~~~~l$~~~ ero~&I lwtinl~
t gatl it
Io lat i The afteri Ii' E [l [,
5::10 wetre ;;ar[ktLil7o df Ih hol cort¢ee lr¢
Ha tl~ beel" ; pork provide' yh
go111i..I i iog' wel atriisbqlt~I~i' £~te

Mliiii rpLtte&I [aniiehhs or 5llSii t }t

q o
i lertrq In go Ili it v}1I.,
hi I 11.I h
Sr, wI.>.
J .iTi,

101111,(~ lthl ['111e1 ewot

iftJ110 ~I kiw sxour

I. s~,ihh
l I1hys aiio~he] p .i~ict I,. Sep
ttqtiber. Jliv~ :11w,1
Io b, ilein tiujed. ,h ols.

'h' iif,,rtii [al I, usii llet Pll.. I i ld e

Ie bac by ti m1 i dkiextIhs oldtlit huid :Ild

hlluriv Iiqlvni1 rfc0llhflee all [prPsejtt to, I.. tied

w.1 t,'}IlLg for the
h / ion [abel LIiI ~s'11o

I1qlII l} [t
[31, 5 flhP
Mryft I[.ly[

L err' of AtLx',ialies ] l Ii thyI of

iri~l S
biQPO '0r I. e
<iit>,t if .AijXihny s!! jut
h>' hji&'lutIins[,h'i , w 1i
Iii at ...C~It]IHor L". ... l Idt,, I'l.. "11ld
[n tIU. I huLllia lj hl ' tI elvhl,<i ¾'ll

E iit'[ III 1 0,, ie .l Ii. (I I .s.. I <t I.

Il~~~~the \vi~~L[

I 752 8. B lridEl ;\vl;

Art hi 1,,f tA ilh Gaha,,lt. I

IPeY jl~llqt'I is(, And p Al5 ElIII i,

NOW last ( JIli)t
ii1IIIel'f'll- &txt I iHI
oILu[ roslter nC Sis> il'](t
ilnithtl'rhoiil~ are( the wive, Of untiOnl
nl~tmberpS. They~ canntlo Went' Ihe UjlgOlt
Ib~t tIll, hu" Ihey shaje illn [[1,II. 'I I . 'X'S
sucesses .ir its tribnlAiu/i.nsa. girls
Awhto t.he
-nitu 10h le( [;' t
LIh'i abl]ityl I to rddutle Ia adnH'IIaf
Ali, it a hllI 41. (, clot'hI g, urn I'VCI'y
thin,, ese wIiththat goes ;m Am :ii
stl8ti;i)'d~l of' livingr. They ale dofing Ihehiu
part whein they send frot'h et~dl'y ,ftckfol
] ;1 hil,
... Th(
. Twonlcn's
!. Wt,. tthxfllalhi, ar
that industr Iy etrnands.
Thuoqse whopst' ~tefuI, II
LtheIO enl.%mntribtltions, makes thenm de-
,h,, U huly)hor'c active
di11.thusas, 1, p~art hay't II, tll'rtiztliq
qqylh,,k blAx ]
ill WOllt¢1ns aUXilialies. They gi[itly cB
tribute 10 the tuitiOnl'S wQ(!'f~' by Itt1,1Alft.
ig s'lCIIl lf fId' the Ill'tll's Inenlit'ts

jhfiahi... dI i'rectly to the uhah ]mi EW

eliti?'e l'~IrtnzittiLril Of thexo gI l( giE
ih fthe. yosi, fort
... M eite .t.. [;

prtciatlio) .. I withlw) l.;.l.. I1hltly
Utl i.he wivi'O
546 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
0' " \"'
L M\

F i
L. U. NO. B-3, NEW YORK CITY., N. Y. electrical contractors, anrd our men as ninny
ICoatijt,.d roPP fIst PPPnllh) Il50 at one time - worked there until late
The Fiftielh Ai.m.ersar. issue inl bI3a. Ihere was a uIII them,, as much lielui)
of thei Jourl..], IUw ih, your halldS, litton had to Ie lone. Soon, though, the other
The latest attempt is that of thc Coiseli-
dated Edison Conmpany, the monepoli sti del is a product of six in ths of plan- tradles moved inl again and construction
trio utility of the whole nPvrrrp.olitn area., ning and three montihs Pf prepara- Warted, but nIit the electrjcal That was I8
which eoniPrises practically the hohle south- tion. It has
. no lved irrgularites months ago. all every of our bus.
western section of Ne, York Sitt,. of jmblishqIug schedules. Fr this flas ii~allager,
falrry Van A rsdaie, Jr., toget
For not les than, 2 years the iemhies of reason, full correspu.ncdnce of our actwit Pas put off on the plea that inlasmUCh
L. U. No. B- have Ien doing all the een- energe tic press stecretaries is not as the eloetrical work would all be exposed,
.tilledion and chan ge-over work il power cnnained in this issue. We retred tiey wainturl th ter eonatraeior work
houses and privately owned brihhinga ft.r the (his fact, but there is no helt, for it. compiete'd heore the electricians starteil.
it]son Collieafly, uuder at SO called gentle- They persistently refused every request that
il/'$ agreellelt."' AA iS we~] known., sch
ilestoralidn of our schedule will the job be perforred by members of L. U.
OCCUr in Noverdber an lour press No. B 3.
people are gentlemen a~sloIng as it .uits their
ideas of go..d business, and that i what h.,s secretaries will get their dlle. Virst. the Edison men started doling temI-
happened[ ao. They fire that by un their pora.ty light work, which on a job of that
own maintena nce andi repair non on tie r- kind ear keep a foreman and 10 to 20 men
crormtructlea of their power houses they can ho ~y; bta it lcahned they we e only re-lamp-
ptut ntoney into their ow peeiketa, at theex- ][hi, VI.lon Comllpany now ainlis that t; ift2. not rPnnrtng any new, wies, but we
perso of their own e..plyeves, n... hters if their mien art "NION' inIe there is no heari ldifferently. As time passed without
L I. No. B-, who are depriveId of the work, reason~I why the' should n'l do all ther ow' lelinite, eoanitrnert on their part, the sap-
and of the pilati, hich p.,ay them, exoritauti elerI ta, l e'nltrucetiqn ;ork wlith the A, F, of ptort of other trade<d was solicited in' an efr
rates for the use of electricity. r utikHi g tmade1 i.ri. in their poF. er . t{o hlig i ressure,without success. inally,
The story, briefly, iF this. Wheti the Wagner and in prirately owniI hublinags whtel the Elison C Pllplany threw aside Ill pretense
Act was inatll fond constitutional, the ehan, m-overs, c~hangingmfrtm ]). {I to A. arid peru'bhad their men
doing the new
[][on; COiqllmlly, like [nary o its kind, etn.. or altbratiots, alt leing don*,. work ilh A. F. of L mten (f other tades.
realized that something would avetob About live Years ogi they 'tarted on.iernix who wadked through our picket line, working
doln- s tha. ever though the e mployeesdid Pig their Wtersi'lb Stationi at East 3tth m sidle then.
organize, the trCo.pany ' ,,oui d 'til d. the Stret anti First Averiui, Ne York Cit,. The Finally. everNthing having been tried the
di taitig After litb [1alloll i ina.. I aw. w,,k,
as to [e done progressively. lhat is. an lo vt authority to the ofcrs to call
elcti on ndllet the supervision ,f thi, Na old unit remved and a new o.. i.. talald. {tike oI, ll construt tion jobs in our jars-
tootal[.ahoy Relations tBoard, the Blr(,thr hi mealttt te rnw, verrylhmnw thi dition. Th.e srike sas called or Tuesday.
o..d the Ediso, Ephlyees ws ce'rtified
of iLitir 'wulls and the sic,' frtoroirk,
ri[ so iey
21 and . .as
a com.plete Success in that
as the bargaining agent. Of cenrse, hle arn ratli.all.
.. i ll tkraides ,erri nvolveI. Ihe riot a jel, mveid after certificatlon to the
aIt ''jllne.ert .. Ilintt ) Need I say more? eh.tntieatl w<,'rk ~a.. gve b..,...l ie if oar nn ,*rifk e i.tmn.ttee " that jobs affecting life

DAYS GONE BY. Thie firsl iIn ftick ever mrcloased fIr Ihe fDet roil Edwttn o ahouP, . M14, ws. a 4wo-cy lindp Oldsmobile Its crew in-
eluded (left I., right) W, Twonbly. dlier
h l(.at t .a ....
t . .nr k .inkn.o.
, MOf]li ar lelll'y Eu,, L. U' No, St. f...mIanl Broiher Frank (Nick)
Cartei deIea s Wed, [tlarry
roer i e Pl rawa hIe .onl.arti. g luseI...
OCTOBER, 1941 54?

IN TI IF AODERN SCFNF' T}O I atot ani 11most nooder1i I ilt I'iLik boi.Hg used in, D ri, by hi members of L I No 5Il Ti, Ihe ,l rodi Edi[son
F tt'nihi.~r C'lyiIles ]lo wn .i .
ri..[ I oPer: the linem an h itafit , 1i1h .oil .,If Wi. 15Ft l f[ihr Hley SBIho,¢Ie W aI(+ iflg Iri is Tiother £(liar1h
le , it; orm an, Ilr{,1l.... CliW l(H A h. i
It. is in thm C qie ofI hI p nclutj . D i i 1.Pill
1 'av t'la, at tIIe I i tt, took thif ,i"'tio as Well as
I......I iil it

., I al} . orI
}, where L}i're I If I.. .i'it etin NSir i...,itil will iI the loT} 'itlt o- rI ite, ti reall / ex ipii i Il'ii. Almo st his filst
ltag phatit II T u dile ex'II ,p froi, i the itI tIIl QI iui i'. Iii¥ hi,
Z. I Ihere
I¥1Ol w ill Ie ai ti~nt was to" <l.t ai :tlitatio. for [lriet
sti',tt' ;'>ick lii the Nai~ Yairdf andi ate~) IIphM ~ ,II , IIs - II, Iala.
It. . T}oI.~I
t I ,,p, 'for th, e 1 ,Iir tikers iii ordIr to
f , ...fv l ieiri }, ilt. ,r enlarge.
... d f.. leII I
on IT1 lk ,. teua2ke, I T ; the i. .il . ,InAli hteuil ii] hal [ h( 0 vIii l ing urild r-
h> s liss~d the ag.e of Io
t1( exe pld a,, d III~H hi 'i (II
ItIliIi the
co-IIHti'(rTir ofl th - OIiIl ' tt ImIi Mait-
ip 'Iif ht IIiI i'iiri
Ii l fal, li, It f]il~1TiiiIe Fr e ,jI ,, ~hith IaIl liIor Iiketer are kIuowt,
Ir 1ahe
.l iw sl ,t l iary
l in mp , i n xt I
caled in iy IlthN'avyaithori i ti I I'il AI .r thin w iar Iia ,, to receive . 'shea theh ,I f ti ived I', Ir ....... iI
i and" ,I ko aI Io
}14, D4 I Iy iot, t}1 'IIg}1 a resilt of hli ainI theitr ow, effort, it
htI. t t }ri
d . t hi *lk
I ic ult' A ."&'
Ti i' l h ito f
hu II I I Ihe mI' ti {,,v n (i I 5?, Li i t :0}1Ie as . (if ' o Irs "iut a ( L Ii, e vu qlen'i of lI vI
hatir d yf',,e Medlatlon lI.oari . , t, il I %%,iiik. Iff I k, O owt [eiIi .grn.eel fur n,,iIt whi,}h I' will later take
i l ri(lueb ,,' M r. Ihilti.... I I i~Hii ei, from . helmi it th( fiorml of diies,
'ttiL hack Lo thu N aST y tinl, riti at t I' l. ii ~~~"
I~ .,h~ ,xpIc dM see t h ,I, T~/C iacketeel N'o 2 guI hi' chance to exploit
d Ilf iJay>. whii ¢eetifi'atii i t~he Nati!l)li11 111.0
I,il I l
W h ,ii lh It Ih SI,
tr tI lahor without tixeii [Li' l'Iu,'ninyh>' n
Diq t g(et M leiitj i I[ hael/
( i, s }itIi i[..i.l ,L h, Kiii , ii t c iat c. issu.e 'rilh m y ''rit, IIl eleetiti ly he m siT upl
raess of takiir
t waI called oI on all ,].}j exrl'rt the td)I i IILItI iiktI I hut it s u is a.e u Iv; lLI if l ad(Ivartage of a r.,IwoisI of the [. B. E. W.
.. Iir pa Wp',h.. Thb ,ei(I'il(li st rike' i lil I iu f iirie eo nis tl[tu tto i l ty ti I poh i(n its altbr ral 'i't
~l tallied I ~,I(et
[ I1 ad, rz hzid; b el II Ill k s I.dd h, y 1,wlrle h. r oI ee~ to ariii , itio iwii 1 ' [SiitS. liel l
waIr<kIr hi
I the WVarer hit p'owe'
Z If I p,'e t rI tuOtui cllr] nltii i [ it, ('ttaiilat }1Il ea rly reafll,iii
Thl itliilkNotlti
triltt Ilatil been~ , t,, ' ut[, S Ib,e w o Il u traIeliot' that theuI , 1tin n n t,, Ih liir er fie , for
lII, IS. i ln frllu ir( 'ks, we hIar lo ilh ciroohed [Tit Ileid.. 1, Ithe south oif hi",
t t , t2hc lilek i L.ur -
phtp coi
'The N' twit a D if (e ils. M pithntioit Ilo rd } rtrli'ii r afle,I'h iil' latin itke. LiM Ity, ll a he ntugra Il eb l nhi pritu After work'
, t~l
he case kr; the haldS id' M I Meb'i sr
,,th,, Ne;w y'ok $tate .Mah,,r IttnT'l, f,,r re H1.1 Id I l i co, a lit l he clututi}*jikW, wo ld, pIali] a] ee ' Iifri
I ' felt l, hi ns'l i t0 Ie
.,i* I¼ h F' tm
e hant a (hl A b~il ] ,hLi tur n iou' I,, ii' a pia' K [ h o pe iit w ill L p . ''oil prepa- ed Itir a It.Ir vaitketeera jIif
umetl.. Iii, poetry puge.
E M, ,l~,AIIMi flter glI1(24l
.t-it ~(icr, ;i th~e u~eiitrie tral,',,
Itnm ti'aidi it i''ouh[ tL14(,* [.o Tui}
i}'h/ iatlir r[ ck(itiepi NS . :1 hi ,* rly re..e.i.y
I Aritll
:II 1 fri J ~I^Hl"I I~~
1 IAN1 tit his i [[it] i L[1t
wosI riuph but already
}iui' onI e it i ti i ei [iie exploiting. huis
%ru(ee i alty' bLiiiiii to hit'ihl uut'h ¥"rtin s intlio
the t11il[ IIi, [h1(, %%1h] kilutri, sh1aled,,wri
I. J. NO. 7, SPMAIN iIIIL ,MASS. '[eI' Il.b e l'f ~ ,iI, aer,,l it [ io ili k,s Iow it
tut 1 sli i e i fo1 ~ ,ti Ihl, i u IiLt5 ,nit lie ci v ,iP
ft nil'[raOui1L th~is phltig u:gy i' Ceut out Io
a I h,;
,, E afld La,{ thV , ,e~,l ,11,,~ II~le h. I... to hi 'ui Nl ,d I Il ie i I t> Ib ur; i g a du es pa3 IrI,
lid. lp I ., t . Irhfie dd ,dd, ,I- I, I III uIigL it, -1 Pi''i',
ni I L,,I x'uui riaiIlifit]
i~t (t~;]l: [III1 TI ',, f'y?,,utSir T-(,a
[ I ~ ~Il ~![ rIu 1,I<;
LeI TI I I, Nhat i I IIIii
i hI'Ih ''lI that the tiIe
I',lI Ldtd lIN~I Itr I f /~!!
dai! I ]ik11. li
(" !t, Ill, IhI
}I 1"r ,hI~~(
LIrfi, hau I Ie I i, trot of Local I'nbImi N i,
lahl, Rat
,II Icc N..III , rea
l 'I",
IpIq;b~ II i Ii ii[ ~ lid] Ill
jh rI I ill
h ta tr , hey
h e Iy iI,.,lii i Iti Ihi r il iii , en,
t iI t p k uj a iiI ni 'e
.1 iuioiniv
d L..
hill ,I~ ~1 , I1,~1 HV:1 '
o IS overT ¥, t (,a f-lita is N . I[ Lcet I 's specialIy.
Lo] II ,I I, h.1. II h I Io,~/
lr 'Ilb[ I/, I I
xy d !, . . ha of gi'ttii ;g hhiia e'f'
i I(1 ,II, IorI, o}1 .I~ alle hTI,~U [,}1e
[tl IT, Iui;I hO ~ eld s ih i ri, ; T. all hi.,tht
eleii, te, ii ¥ H/ large nPijority. 'II %aV I hs~ iarer m idlyt1 1 i ii i, i, the,, able to~
fil P rl( " -Ie' Il{ all wok1
Z 1 ~~lIthtJ l Idn"
}IU i t the ah iliui fii, of h1I
s life- 10ig eflirh l fIr hle the dHue Lhiiik tiuid hI gL it fn, tuiI.
} L}t
1hh i hail ir'pt l', t ,-iil ]fl r II r,tr q }i i wise g ut'> of ion!si'. li ai too S' Sinait.
I{~.... ll dha, a tr ,ibute o 11kql~e~irs klnuoW full wetill
I ( I~ ],,llr
i III,,II O, ¢,,, ill'
I III , ~I, Fin I I~II, ) 1,I
~1, I i)I11~ IobI f mt ele ,t , b i e fail thaT It Venue if li nt~ th e ra ck, t ir i1 tti
1¢ h ,ut 1iuirr to d .i wutlh
) ,, ,,f rr i gi forIl w
I iui, mii u it arid I }1i t iii ¥ iuh]d h;vey gotten f}1{'
a h , h
III I ,I hIIII i It ,
nt;dI ''e're eI, i,
tole ,I, ha I i1: n iap ib.'' iII m[
wiar ",
.b I IIeleirtih u Jot, (i ir hii 1i I
N'.. S ..ILh .d ..l' .I , j < d ; Is p Irt l ir-
iiuhlcrhauuuded :ti, is az folleves: It ofte'
fly "Ihir ilpLi i if the <ntple. ilelutI'l IL };Jpen, that Iho ktinl I'mplyr gets the
r~Z~uul ii 'hhitlls
h atll a, iIi , , " , It iu'en that ('erttul ir of the u...nll Itye, teed i
548 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
nie long ... I aript sarranle'
,, one for them nd retI {III ' lee ,urehi.seti bI thur lIcal Ious. r'ith iElu' )a id- in iperatlonI . n niels:
bIt no ~... ler ha'e they tarted to etl for eaI I tf the foer recreational eter" at \%[{)anette lilp I Steel "ih ts't wxaxs
ihban taiket.eE NIo 2 jumps into the pic- Aberde'el. .herebeing three hilte and on build ing txlo ]tars mneur layers,- the (o uln-er
Iure and tries to put them to work again. colored >ection. (itl lroii Woiks with two %aye,(.read>
lie even keep, a -ard index of the dues- Eaeh it the
f ollowing o Slors has cnt iur having comispleted flur Navy Mn/e ret teld
hayiii dultIe> "ho file re$ting ill nrde[r that local a veIr IE.nI.liinv'ilar' letIei; Milton, A, er 5 and the fu ni lr lyuilding the engine- for
no on, iay be ever looke i.,Is ui'fple . ipf fleekford. Maj or GeleIral, U. S. Armly Coin- nier hat's ve sels being built at other xatd:i
.outrse, is to keep their tirsee to the grind mntlinig Ii. [. leFae,ei. First Lieutenant the A ine, Y ard with two 11ays, bLuildtigl
stoIne let order that hey eo ptii to
0an M. C. Assistant to
Detaehment touIItanler fie vessels III the Navy of the cui rha...
pay di.s. ]l has even happeled that he has R. I. (Hbert, Offte' of the Quarteriaster, Ilass , Ilidthe()egun Shipbuilding (orlIp.
olte so far. as to disgorge a small part of 1322nd Serlvire U it. Firt George (; Meade with 11 Mays, building ,1; cargo vessel for
the salary which he exoris froI., thes J. S. Hatcher. Brigadier General t. S. the Maritime (n Iission''s
-pil, o rde, to keep them eatinPig reglar Ar ily, CIEnIn..ndintg, Ayerdient. "· 'ihert.; Fleet."
while they are resting. just to have thrSin ii Local Inion No. B 28 has been oulserva These y-ards ae all udel' union aIle...ent
goyod rendition for the next job. tire hi spendin g its funds andi haing e a and the caI for more ele)tteaianis I, Ee/lin.
n t r o he fat
h sala ry whith he ex cumulated through the yeais sufficient to the rin'k ,if Lccal NL 48 lianyfuLp (If
torts from his 0isguided mem bership. purchase 15. S. Defeiso Bonds to the naxt- rout ,e sto'kEa n11flux of new ne' "ill ea rry
Raketeer No. I spends nost of hi, tuie. ,l, n at U ltpill .'..issihle under the laM 'al/,g ianly who are nit fam iliar
with the
(ften far into the night. just sitting areoun you are advised this has been done. This rtetllei. of Ship w Ping sp Willamette- Ilrn
aiking to people. l iev the offices
isits r unlion has eoopieratedI in very .. ay other &Steml and regrn Ship'huildin Corp ailE:g
!he nice employer quite frequenItl3 aI.d just way~ writh the defense pro,'rani 'ith the Blenson 1irtechicl Schn... I nr
has a good tiue e.ery.Ihere. I autl,(. ScipOTir+7 tondueting nitght and oI' shift la'"e Ii
cktr No. 2 has an evee, spfter Ijot. [tisiness Ma[atgeh- teaeh the open the .. a.i. kinks af shupruirl
lie jusJt is aI a desk all day and talks to wie fu'.it'.
]eople who drop in to see hin, andi thiee The otwilluetieli an]d nTaintei a'ie of thi'
L. 1. NO. B-31, DUIAUTH. MINN.
who call on lhe 'phoe. There are n¥eve elletrir'al ePuiprnt t in the A luminum, I<l
Inrethan 210 ,' .1)0 of these calls i,l a Editor: rinin of Aielta plant ii V'aneiuvtl.
Reelected to oitlee ;t nur hbennial eletion
day, so in his spare tie he a.muses himself Wash., e~lre(e by er of 'IS a.. I
last uite wrei: Brothers 'harli Ly]..ns.
by writng letters to all the delu ded du
lipes we have the reeifier operators ll I
who write to him, and he also writes other .residteut: George IT iffT..aI. vice tiieiilent: io. which lII.ees I. in, the key
nonsensee which, fron]t tille to tit.. gets E. 3. Whit ey., rciprIling serletaily Frank tipsitiolt ii. this htre plant. P lans ;ae bln'iIt
publshed. Bei, treasIuerI Our faithful fiiancial sec ,tiade' fir anoTher large l ium
iium. planti att
ltuIsctetr No. 3. who also took ailantage retary, Ed Frenh. de-lined the nomination 'I routdi le whith wil ales dra - its i'ev frnti.i
of the eonstilutlon to get appointed. is a[i was succeeded by Jack M. A laiscrihe.
,Jr .. XV [iohnsoln. orII Ilusiness intthiaer. - U. No. 8.F
ialher s arte tan th ih r the
wo IIl '{,is
awlaytro, the office for hours at a tEime lie IE±Steelet'ted to offce.
S e ire tztp';.
,ays he is oat int nirilatilng ntew victimi.s but Our newly elected ex'eutive board Io.
he is probably lying around somewhere in ist of ltrlthers Chales Lyons. Jack M.
at saloon. Rrnrp;'ombe, )J.-Mike Olson. l W~en, L. U. NO. 80, NORFOLK. VA.
So here. tn; frieilds. is the ivpieal. d{ix Jack wiatuip. I C. SaiUpt I.+. and misr-f
gusting p irLure of the explo ~itedl,
feeble- The result
con trueid to
of the elericiti
ea n,,e thin,
can only be
,!nhelt3 con
Ii in
oerhat ut.ol]it'd at l'~iset' a
minded niillions of American labor anti I he u n~abple to ,ttecipd n.Žetin Ilioh yr IN.
handful of slick, grafting labor leaders ~srho tined proegres 'I he progress of I. I N,,. 1ourtiy . SIr hua a oxr On Ine an stnd
prey upoin themn. Can any~one 'vouide' that B 31 under I he dynatnitc leadlershrip .if not )e I.anted.,,here in the (h 't
it. is a sickening sight for \Vestbhroot percl or Brother ('hadle>e Lyes and his aide ie-
ItetI read' is aifairy tale.
p eaki a; W n~Vare mna k ita (ape ''h adleI,
to e'oiiteiiillate? I 'an sympathize ~ith hdim 1Va., rIIhead .uarters.
Froin a ]1 re i l'ul hha pIt ,iieln ie s hlackl
for just after lead ing
articles I ienit T A tue h aI we tart li attenid the OIl'c
hi the early '30's tnr lut-l no; reaches out mIie.tIttnls. it IS inpisike IT, <lit so). be'IuE
<'(k . n telf. (~roioRa SiMM ONipS.
Press Sec'c' t rl'v , oirmleudI Eitany ... st]Je ts anil towne s rh"rr when we cret hack to lanpd it is toyo ite to
purgitni'zaitlen ;was unkno~iwn anti hundred- zip tI, N'ifolok th] sa tile ti ht ItndretLurn%. ;,t

L. .Id NO. . 11-28,

I ALbt, IMOIRE, MD. if r niilies have Seen Ihir stnipdird of you elattlit tome Iioruin s. So you BI'lntherr
l ivin b l,lt~ t d to, thii A niq u',t ii .sta, i, tru ( pn the other side of the Ia tlan see liplainly
]ivi ig.
Somie timle afro. ] spinks to you of Lp<ekl that r'r -am ort le there ats I w ulS d lhk '
In Duluth. h the }nnesota Power mind
Vrtnton No. Hl-24 havei]n conitrlbuted to lh,
Liht I otnlai;ty itillly(ts nLad tho inside Iethei lipdike sas he
welfare of the sl-tifters itn th army entIln IS ou, d like to
irctie,,e are now ''orki aid er signiel
pitllil.s in the vicinity of Baltiinore. Ip'e nli the isla'l a td te ip eEa
gretnei ttO s (rraInIation among the iv}re Ptiies', we call hint The reason he "ants
This Near, w all the
ith defense eiltv't
meltm ;'h Uira<eper centt . I this tE lire on the ishan.. is because he s Pt
in the ous
Iari antonm enits near Pa]-
neonns /eadler~hii bashfu ].
tirnore. it was lecti~de by the rieniber (1 Briothers whet you geI t. St. Louiis dlont
local to sacrifice thie pleasuIres I }hrother I'ourtne%. . our e retlat. Sen-i t ,
fail tip lon k uIp Brther I....t.. be enj<virig h tise i f very nuc 'h. hepau
picnic arnd to proid;ire a sum of monel ftur Vork ilt here is not 'ery ple'rilfttl.
reervat uiria purpose, for the ,old rrt 'it ,ife rind father ape with hini at I'
ks to aneece] pa-ture$ in oilier ;'ta'-.
ha I'hirl<$. lie g e' fislhing qulte a ]at IIp I
these training canmp. nealr y half of our ilite niren el bhave
'Ihe retreatiuiral npiheer at ( ali)p e 'uupldIot be suI pri-d if he Setterft'Ion
i tades," id lhiI leav the
i rIt of the ece'trie'al tstibe and beeones a l
was cionleacted as to the needs of ihe m~en a en,-ugh ,ork tp kep fairly bu )'.Defen
at this e'aitoniment and he 'aid that ~hey ItrIishernpaTt. HI likes his fish :ld <nII
pr'oject have eluded p1 so far,. ut hnpe liread. More power to him lbecause [ild iit.
<'cn$~lered it desirable to furntish the hensv
till lingers on. If itro... ir' J, A . Dlu e ould lie Mit] uI, it
satr5 hasebal equllpmi entt (bars, balls. go't-.
,rl iirnrs for 22 men. A spu.ting
Our pet ¢,e. .I . I'Iiect i5 the St. 1.nw r, .ee wpotlul. Sal;etlhe party complete. Thhe Duke
wateway, aid I s b (hi'
he antrs IhMt rImiul enjoy himself here,
gpoods store was gi' en the orider andI the'e
the 3 are geiig to talk soi iloreabotlt it
iLiri wUre No.i28eBelAoulttteIM. lbDe .l We I re in the heart Sif the lanld of frf ipt-
sohiTI, in IWrhill ,
iil the conili have had the pleasur'e of w~atch' 'hi-ke is. Ewety day ... te of u car be se,,tI
Yo.u will hear nle frion us in the near
Hg~ their tennis pl'a3ing mid Ipiokling like [h< I%~11 on ae lahiiken, leg, If ytu knoTp syhrad
fulture. Tis is enough for the irsit offense.
all plae kint of chick'en leg I ie'.
'The lticer. i charge
I of the hospital 'p' Our business
lnt.ater. John Russell
ton alt ('amp Me2adhe as also Cor'teted aipd Press Secetears. h,,uld he ows hero getting his shape of
he gtattedr that it Wae des~irable to hare ; f p hiedi ,kenand s.eet. potatoes. I ktl-
I!athcptican machine and slidles sn that the l. 1. NO. IS. PORTIL ANID. OREG. oar Brothers ,int know us when' ,;e Ill
;k oldiers could edlye tuItcated 'ad' enItr idi or: batk to Norfolk. we are gettinz go fat
tained. This waasalso purchased ati FS !por of tIhe l iy ii th o b' i h a.. l. ..i %%ell it wxon't belong herfore we will
to the ho di'hital
islori. a n . g '-,,h, dIb> ' ti'S ' " , tht'
',m in SItJ bPak aId ioinr the '!
At the Abeid.. i lNPrrenh, -,Gnd, Sh, W o.1ngx ahpput iS?" Th t sprt itf tbip,1 CaTp' I railed . pua
.r inal cial .rnn'au, hI
IIeereatpir.a]ofieer stat"ed that whiln sex-,al not l ong cZeontinte so the localJ for h'ithi% ' ton bh while I .'a. in Norfolk'. a!'d "her
hundred old radios were giveI II hthe appointed itself ai press set'i'r a]') to pitt ent illto his house. I hard}3 s a% hint.
.Ildiers, thly .. er, not 'e vy giod aidt im forth soite or the reao ]'urtlaid g why it.a. .e he 'as , ,t'ounde d I5' liii> fulk,>
soldier> "',>Uld appreciate having. soitit got>)* is -all ~rev.,
the '"key to the 'reat Wet"' lIt' sure IIa lalie"' man. IA! {A! Mire
&'fi'iiinatIori padioi arti victrola sets idth There T It.o. e thidbl ui]
lin kr w ilily i't itexi tunie ?,I. P. .M ARTIN.
kr-id s.if I i-,I iatin ratio mid vAicrola sest ptro grye' h ere than InI plac oniiithe 1'inp' P're's Seenellmy'
CTO BE BE 1941 go9

U.. NO. II-83, LOS ANGELI;S. (' 'ELIF. pbhlyl If r r aemb

m ill be olpll aboll
F(-btuary L, Iq2. Artil, IhiI Ijo 1s cornE
pielted we, Ilkm'l k~iow juat wh,,t we willha
[Iyil ,,Iw l r i. r, h atIa ~f' T' hillmorcirclatnlhahr [aOe{) IhIr h., hee¥;t Eppari; il souse
oIf thet.. n lit}l rl ... s ... apvrs ndwt.r i .... eI-
is agreal d,.I of defense ,work in
o ih leeo
ldt~~,ih~il~Ha 'e Lwi oo forE meehal lC f allrit t {lce[~ I,1J. lhe I,i
III Miami area are uitr W, are
,ilh, khreI ll~i /Ek I vi I ... I;I I I x EcutivE., judic ial dilltio to tile,I Uited Nt~tali ArmyI hospital
very much afraid we ,il[ hae [oated near1Danville, Ky , n..I umkrdi I,,
a]/dIIr H II~~l¢
Ii¥O I I-ll E1~&LII ,,rhi I 'I"
large iltkhl (If men wihOul an
:~cr hl,~ I. ILhls IL
... ese bo~dy.
DijldE atk... ouEl aEld Is erlc/o'&eE[ Haitl fkict
worl Eo g iethII.Tee~ inl (tie m~'isleaing, itud iE.IselE. .. eIss ll,~ *]IpI
order to help a.... aiellhg Ilrolh- en la]eotllir thi,;jobI E~lS[l t] IkME,
s1fle t hey t ...Itel .Ile in fuses.t ronize orl,,mlll,:izelJ h~b, r Th, o
the, Ih , ;dhI
Iiiea, plaques th e ars
rIear to wor~kill So/11h Fhlid,l r "aInd fts h,."e ef.", I .ht hi {I' ittX
Miamif. []rthe, Mhlahmn ,, Isns
e .l IlKle irwehank~ untl lie ,,tO¢)lie aI closer
tiI .1~. hm ,,I i M
lf Ei pl, s ,,
m hf, tEl
Ifhela Itl shopl We. t here-fore u1 II, r , e
. I EE ard ,, I llt
0E ll Irthe1 E tl b et I1~I... Ilal it" ! l iiehs
~;f Ih
folre cminl soltlh
aIs dl(iElv E IirL, I rd aH'n ,]¥tI I. qle ~ t . -
H] 9illI ~1~~
llei I"ps in ll, tqH o if tif, F~RElD IATCHII li
i "'It
p~)tt(. )F I ,,,
IE4M(l ( t) .....
~)) S. OFi I NIslls
Tit riII Ili,d1 i?~ jl Ila I' llo thir fIt,)lo I.U o 319. Miamlli. Il.
,1;.'e thardl ali-d k HI fair fo oll,.
El ll {,
Iermit IwI H I, E .f zeuou I Ies ithe uaT~ll, teif., dsae]m w e; old.IE
hl t h
I i ,, fac. i,r a~ t. whe n,me tIlke
J.. I ^~.. I 11tuck m1 IIle kt , ,U Ith, tilt of skilled ,,orkers hitileit ]oc1lifLhl, All lf
Ith eor~ldo lilil~ iil , lessl nItms fol"'
he e " I a tc l-, LEITI'I], *l~ iS
Illl ll~tYi ho
IE I~ s sEI
I t¢.I I , i, kli I Ilf.~c EI
I I,mt
11/~li t ff htk,,t cm rli nt
.... l,, Iltht h,
r shill, 11,
m, l, IEE a:L. wifld II l, I I
bM, l e.
Irj l, we ,aul talk l(]odl thelae,.Hitt
hai oreI, I... tlhin I ,IL~ i[, . o.. . ...... f it~ iffy ha,,e workedL lher have-b /it,IEl,l ... lhte
) the ind till who
ImI..... .. I,(iv,,
ha, hee it I,. ,If ela es 'hpH Olte'( YEuI"' la Ie."h~
Filsi. I l ':,/ (E Ety [hit ihi, ]o EEI~haa, heen 'iyen fillerl
ov ,cp . . ....
rD bel
,hII dHmi [;E. ;t14 Wi[ I It EEefpn[ ituEh mEll,
hr.,Ius oEF thei-i alhilkly alr... .. Ill Llia light,
toi~ll If(elI wi, b till I"lw EC Eduet aIL
E'E.i,; Iop~[tl ., las []]11Lt h[ l , lih pn o
11 seeEl . easm OI~L"thI l...l mtri he E¢hlflEd
tIt re~ I I. 1LH'~d III
h whl tI....Is
lhl cho a, iI... it.i I o ,h(!3I pol){]] I..l[ ' et , I~ l fE I r L h
,ilt hI !e E I-vn
~ ch l; ill eye11,1,
Thal tllk,,
I 'L't,I El... thoa, El] E E. l I ,I l If il are. w(*rker JIh I.o~e'Irid 5 i"+, 111tEEdhet h, I]I
Habe (urk A, we.I. e1q, .l h.- II,{
"ism. ha',, {h, Illff ithal (ILk
he ea t(tf
JI/el'a~llil ZL8 i'll E., I...1[ Aululwief clltnzml
],u~MI I it. juI , IIeI
hp ,- Ies,il~f Iheath,
I/ s arEld it k1 it ; IOS..... unItil Iih Lll
i S O
"li(Tlp ld]}9~S 1,'f~ ~i¥{ hPeho s
Ia ,,Iil Hh> f,Iddi.l
I~k ,,n It,lllIf the,
/l lldI I ,,l wirfi ,, .
Thi, ~ol, hif llI llt, ]l L l if pEJII, Hillil~i[~ e ill
it Ikl faal IlIl. el ]I n If J ' ILIn-fll,I l p ter,1 III.k, ..k~~~s.
Il Il, I(rhp,,. I'a Iot"E"'. ~a ll IIllp,oDi' I i
hl a,1 lE
I ., b4
l i p, Init a o, &taI-e
d e T): I i) n Il. ,eIrh
ll he'til, I ],I,,; l I oll Ela
EI"a ~lf,q .fl Ih Iaw ...f a llIjhll Elh lIfm.. jk ltllI ... I h,,i
.. ie lEIhiskees { t
weIll sitlld~,1.1 a. aI ~.*q E ad;] .gbur i
im"Il"E JIII ,O IhOE bc. (m Ihe- Ellf- I oa ~
1011I tld {hell faclilit"e ,o, rnek$c halr d
it Oft Illit I(1 h 1 f.l)4 Hi4~{H
II, ll that the
shipl .. Iotell! b¢. a. s I
s, . 4, k>o
IF...t ms'tl,
Lpir E.] Nt. rf:~ 1z l(,ll E l~l
E l ll heu
it I e a[ st,
eriet rll Lt
l Eto kep
hi, il.2h khl~l. If the.,
,L 1.mfitIp " (!e, Ih I " ) )e(II I " e (Ed th,
toer till '6Isht L,]er 6E ra{tmg of
imlrile Ililt E,I naela t,I 1dua]~ mll 0hr(,uk,
]dEi- el ,if ~iMt,,
WhoI I...dEl if I IIh, I,)o-
thkser/t]ol .... V lhI, t he 3 ha Ii Iilttp E
Hi r,IEdI~~
IM o,..ial affaIr (~/ h.b( pepl,
t~( h ... I.d... "te.,l~l i,i pE,,,e, worth ,hiei IE.i ...
fllmi, ImhEiEh itje,Il e l ki ,, I( ....tE lit I ouEh,
ip zoh~
, ll f HiZ,' pE s rll yel E x. pre
,fil h~l ],....
h~. DeI2E.) Ie elVil.,irl 1
III Kin, of KJvEl ,,~lm not hte bile 2e~t

Ehluam, , ,£ tld bI1,ibid I,, III, i, tihai pe,

kio.... ]t N[}lP ~
/ l it,IIdIli
ext ~]1,
h-t,,pd iXavy mn I1I,
, hi' ,,u fI/elL ink
"I ~I/lEhdl a IH'I II i~ U[,I, Ei~ relrograd~ WeE en1joy rpadillK of [}lq, d Itghf
are'l h 'lpn if IE. .... I 61t l 1E n '4mk, ,
/OCILI ;iU/f tlr/l~tla Ih ]e... flb saI .. t ll~
heln (h, Ieri El e l f th,1, e3Ilth fill re....... ze Ul we , htII
,J a , It Iell.... tohe' v
d s ll',
CJ~' Jtl, I )1111Lq thel loa ,f hese
;E ~ ¢ IfI:>F th,
hAIII we
if in thl
Ife li s
/Jl]. lil I)~ l
~ ~ ~ ~ Jitlit.]OH
W., H't,
]i , osro';,llt~t
t ft;, li~¢,li raIal hat red "EndI h, A1
iitlou]lkeh Itile0
III. O recoa,i
1,h l
'lf' all
Iha Iu,q al .fiht, ( f (ls
d1Ifl l
{mp.n Tt m{ umc IhEI,,EEtItI,Lrd
I, , lIhy i I~ r~,.l'E
(arOId I bDljpd
iJ lh
th~ il tqoh, theil a~ ,llyg~[~lt1e,,E~lai~
... :,,E,~,1,l[h,
I the, Ir ,tIt Et ,t. ;I, U i([CZF....IFi[S
,I [{ , p hu to L.[' O. 205, IIIRIM(l

allm ala d > ).1}t,10 h ,ill),,,thI er'l ..... per;I

(h:;{I, lb4 i lT}dur, E . , I h;If d ~¢l
i ,bim it, nl
E~~~~~~~tI' ,ih,.: fi,
p hl l ; .r 'I.,~ ;m.h.. tandhI
I I tIE~l' hi
pai~d pail oF ihe, i. u, E: wA
I'111~" tlki¢,dhr hE I No
,,M Zi~ . a~ er
h~)s, Iiiu EIIMLU IrItIr de E,7EIk~o[~~ Oth I I
Iefllip the.tlk
IdE'E" /I"I IH}~e .. I upk {o' Ir.
an iH' .. al w ; a ]ll,
]t,.Illt US:, "h,
Eaf, In wok aid, f{Ifi, , ld, EolI itt~) hEv r'ot.1bieased 1,ira( , e[itl.~ Ifl hls~ iol,
Ela~hl 'I t IO, * i hcH: ~He ]~jli rl
E.' al I O, [I...
E'OI. ..l d t1 I~u
iEkaL "hofleh~ ,ae tarsi a~ thefitLlhe g6..
... tI Ixn0 h~IEr
.11e ;I ...ll ~H ~il
Il~ !',),iti ho ,k e
,Eldq a~ TI[,{,l tokih,ll
wiref ih, 11,hIela~
fl'el{ Il,mh I{ atI~ll"t, .IiIItI, ki lp foF tile e~i]
I I,,, I h, I uIIh a~ t a I~~
El II, E ftI I hEl, I~
i) TheI ,nli~ithm I IeE 11h~
:d l I~[T$ i~
I. 193. I,IF,NXIN(;T'ON. IY.
blkdlIP)l E 'E"j
hlH'lle "i.,.,r tith aif IJ
s, hI14,pl~ hq~l[,l{t doI 'I]i"El pr
Ih sIt' "Iil, fE d,D~H
fi I, I

[(ll~1or¥W ,1:'h,, I lI't[, hof p lt l illI" )11

Illi i ad IEEE Exlit
vi{]eh ..... e'll],{yJ{I.~ .. III
fti11 , hi hi
III ][ I~l]]o{I ~ll f
iI( I~ E!,...{ i
:m h * e tf ,l,f"li
afubhI te c a,iphd I,, f~.I kfE
Em lo :tik If , ,ll
l, : i
% ALLF, orE 2o11 IrLiih

RIH1e hal( m,El I, Ihel I lil,dI D~l ArEE~

[I hal ImE~ E im.. ~r
fULit , tht ,,.1 ,, lllEl " E}
z 'l kh~, I-al ]ead,,r Ellbi,D ll
Ax~l,Illl ]ei iL{ I, hi, piioje t nov era- I, .,livlly d(b i~b l, IJ I ;LI, ql~rlI¥ '
550 The Jounal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
of tile taiL-a ndl ile. The untiriig elft'rts ciP. appointed a zone Lllier N. idea what. l in wohld mean Several
of our office's to get results have w.n. the tiana[ Council Tu hpiers, and hoiuh.. itici/et hunlred poles were blawn dawn, thousand-
admiratioln aid appreciation af their fellew great benefits flopo th. DrolpiF fun.tio..a ig If dl}lars worth of transformers and equip-
uiionists..Asi long as this is true our prob of these two bodies destroyId.
terta will Ie solved eventually. Electrica llb sea hl'ri. til tilt -i ltln n,- lhi,, the twenty-,iTth. and the sItreet
Be ause the problemis off -l-alroad nivrsatry bnsatnqlt hll*illMa' of this Year ,re covereld
sill ilh libsa alli1 othr evi-
tocals are kbournd tp hep smnilar, we wouldI was a greaLi su. .ess. Miles of ernii it wer denuee of the worst wind I'orn that Tnledo
like to see more letters in the JOt]IN1t fron installed and cabl- pulle] in both before and haIs experinc eid it, ar. The trouble clerks
Ihe II. RI. boays in e ther
parts of the countvy, during the f;: a piotent pnch brrwed by aid load dispatchers claim that better than,
espreially o, the New York Central Syster. lberthers Me Vane, Lair. et a, helping tI 1,10100distress calls of different natures were
We have no othe methord whereby we eaLI speed work. Several wel eknoln, asw..ered in a 4$ hour period, a Ieerd
exc ha age ideas or incirease coope ratiFon, \ietlla conthnetors aere prestnt and also all tiane
Surely Detroit isn't he only place in the mony out of 0[on vi> totr. The co.r.i tte My experience fros the ield w , that
nation where railroaders have Ihe intestira Las err gratulted .n. the hih standlard f there were, so man y sao-cal led as.tsstan ts
foititude energetieally to push for better cn .t . Itaib nItI pro 'aeinP. . helping the trouble clerks that each atd
pay aOld better worlkg conditiIons for the Saninre sionILbs a .. aI a -, itke
Oi as ap- every one . f the seven phonies was e r
nlen ini the shoaps. jonittei tio rex[i(' itadd rellirt rail Lbeisi" moropuilzed and it was hipe $1lhe to get in
The life of our organization depends upon insidew!reiens Lgreemnit. Ihet taok their It eeis that twxo trouble e-lerIs anld e
what we aceomplish within the very near job so serinsy that noryI..eet.n..
a , Va raldio man couldI hahdle a stetro better if
futUre. We antiot afford to be silent. Lets hehld in fact. they appeareld at unin all others were kept out of the way. Three
hear the voice of the membership from ciast ,ieting, Anx.ty as to thti r ihereanit and four troublemen we re dispatcheld te
to toast in a loud protest. A protest lead and general well liri':g cau.,id a Brother tI, the saime rae of t enable at differePt tilnPe
enough to beheard by th, Aericanl Associ- move that the cornsittee he disbandel so due tis lupic.atPoa of olders-
ation of Railroads and the Preside,,t of the that they Pill fee free it fare the rettf This was the first teal tel that our t'eu
United States. the boys. (Cu raiush enough this co.nmli tee adon stationt SXXMI was i'u to arid it
The railroads are a pulice utility vtal to wasto,eoposedl of B mathers wh.o had aP heen proved quite a help in P lispau hig cirws ,s
the defense of the country, Their efieieney laud b, their con drsat on of the presint plasl- needing assistants. We have 10
shouid Oot e mipaired
i by low Wages andL agreement. equipped radio cars and .0 licensed permPit
dissatisfied ,orkmen. If reasonable w 1ages President C. Peck and Financial Sect>tar; hlders to operate theI,; still the rali-
andi goad working conditions cannot be ,ra- Ira St.ith will attend the convention -as our enair are not being used by HIciinsed oper
vided by privately owned and operated lines, delegates Along with the b oyrston Vian atos. It seIllIs that any 'ane can operate
it is the duty of the federal government to coux-er-.. C.. they will ask for the traisife thems- ar.t first eme. first stved-
take such action as nay lie necessary tio of Blrhith Columbia locals fro,,, Zone I to arl and Mrs. Ludwig have returned from
guarantee continued movement of trnffi, Zone 9, thus gi;ing us an international reps- avery itteresting tril up in Maine. ]nlii'
uider A merilan stan darlds. resenltalte within reasonable travellug i -ussing the big game that he saw while
W. L. INAM, tance of this province. Amlendme.nt tO Ie, (lere I asked him a cery nmple rjtiPtie.ti
Press Secretary. constitution so that local unions may allo I says: "Speaking of big game,. id ylu
voice or vote to helpers aId apprentices ill ree any leer?" ,ttianswer we, 'Yes, sweet
also be sought. heart. I wnondel if he realty underltuo
AS in most places the trade union move- my quetilon.
Editor: mneat in Victoria has gi~ned Pi,,,rcally Carl Hooch i Standriff' has Otte in for
This local aIs been without a press sec- since the European unpleasantness caine tl bigger things itnow anI, is dArivig for Carl
retary for about a year now and it seems a head, but the average worker, Miethe McMullnOts crew, relievig lary Lonn-
some body has to be stuck with the job. so organized or not. seenms to he still as in ohre. bI is dAiving for WX alter Co`niness
here we go. different as ever regar iing our ftOtlre. at the Oakdale substation. Robert 11field
Local Xso. 210 ha. beer so darn busy this Increased ,ages are feverishly -uight aid Joe Geoffrion arch the other o t trouble
past year I hardly know where to start. Of after in in attempt to meet the rapidly i-i- nlii Cut there Mith Maynard Sterl.i andg
course the most important bit of work is irg cost of ing au liOt orl Iothought Moritz .unpi doing the driving.
that agreement tha has just been entered is given to ,&hat we ourselves Can dI, to J.1aolt luray is well pleased with a new
into and signed by Local '210 and Atlantic handle the situatian. ,nethodl of painring hi. hou.e. ]Le tried the
City Electric Po. Internatilnally-o nedin chain stores Ramhnlo. and ('a-tlidge OaeLhod a..,] says that
About 95 per cent of Local No. 210'; nem- (anada are fast reaching the psJi. an fCrn it is a gran d suocess*
ani inexpensive. too.
bets arc employed by the A. C. E. Co.. and which the5' will eatral our stanilard of iv,- Joe right of the meter rieptinen has
this is the first i I aS8ye.ars of cxite... big by citing the pmite we shall pay for been absent from his desk for sevetal week
we have ever hal anything signed by the lie aieeess.ies If life. but is now im proving and will be hack at
eonlpanly. Comoniat srense seems to lniteat, the Ia this tinie I rt, sure. Frank Stem. ha. had
T hree
cheers for Local No. 210. The mom- rtdlt' af Iargaining for higher wages if a short periad of sickness.but he, too, ,ill
bership requests are pou.rig ill SO -apidl; we are to ha.e little or no control over the h~e back soen.
we can't get application cards enough to reaI ;alue If the-se %ges, M uclih rsearch Hloward Hur-k. the winner of the rtea -l
take care of them. work has been done and miany honks written pig eontest recen ty, is now the Ow, er of
Incidentally, in that agreement the lil, to show trade utnin members that in order a nice young hog.
mten put up an awful battle to get that to receive the fill benefit of increased ' &ag Helbert 1onha, fin ally accepted a post
extra pennay for the electricians in order they must cooperate and their pur- tion ;ith the government. Snddieriing with
to keep from going broke taking up COl- chasing power as coinsumners .. that their hin is a private b .si..ess
lections for Brother San. hard-earned dnlbnrs will hgrig the best of ElDWAWDE. DrKrsn]RE
Brother Cheetham, cnes back from N.-h goods anl services at cost, prodme. Inder ress Secret ary-
ville. Tenn.. wih a story about a grarnd iOttnconditions.
guy by the name of Earl (Santa laus. The write r would he gld to see instancs L. U. NO. 292, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
Clark, Local No. B-42. Seeing h's the only nlentrlon.ld il this JouRnxL where our locals
card mall on the job, and mail is he some are supporting to tay extent a or'u Teorn Edlit,)
proud of thai button anal cardt Congratula- cooperative pserated under tie Richda'e 'ihe -estern sectioai of the ].ternate na]
tions from 210 to Brother "Santa Claus.' 'ihn. The study of this idea is also cort ANsoaiation of Electrical Inspectors held
A. V. C..RIST. renetedl t.o every membier oa our intie,,titionn I heir a, i .ual nee ti' lg 0 St. Ianla Septem b her
press Secretary. union. S. 9 and 10. Walt Hackert, J C. *ltgeimery,or
ClaUde SheldOn and Bill Leeper attended.
L. U. NO. 230, VICTORIA, B. C. Priess Sec retary A dinrsr Ptas given by L. U. Not. 292 and
I. V, No. 110 fir iiirpectors, mbers ef r he
Editor: I B I". XW.,and their wive,
L. I[. NO. 215. TOLEDO, 01110 hlie Minnesota State IFleeritcal W... ks
A few
, o.rd froan this far westernt lonal
should be in ordler at this thie after a IIro- Elite,- otr.el] met atlin ternational Falls Saturday
longed silence. If I nra. lute ''irh this letter then it gaai e,, i g ani Sun day morning. September 1
Our nemhlerslihP rdirin the past six inaat.nhs he blamiied onal Ti little mattec .f hI d lh at 4.n Claudle Sheldon was reelcted ipiest-
has shown a steady increase. ic,fense pVojetII ileached ii a big hlry or, Septiilh'ci- 25. dent: C. A. Raffertye L. 1J. No. 'Z8. St. Paul
and ship, bui]lding bing mainly responsible 1'or three dais thereafter \e were pieniy vice and B. E. Sehilling. L. I Ni).
aithough building generally has experienced busy an.. still are at this writin. Ftimecs 928, Red Wiig. was reelected secretary
a mild boom. srounid here are plowing anrsOas farms. treasurer F. J. Conway, L. U N,. 212. Min-
Along with other tracs we have revived With tli-es li.wi., and sei nany 'Vimeb lown', neapolis; George Phillips, L, U. No. l613,
the Building and Const.ruction Teades Cuor
seetrios ot (if light, it gav( sie ;n Minneap eJis;S. W. Tohnson,
-. U. Noe 21.
Duluth; (Gel~le Iit L.y
I. [. No. III. S,. tltlsl, s .Mkslltl
h,, htIti l L~ t ltilsl~iI
Paid: Clhari. , B~pco. L* U. M,. -d94. ][04b illg, ,ltIIeh ,. 'h,- local rueted evellyhilg,.
.Id BILL Gi~hlt . [. 1. No. 2:1+ St. J-ilI, I ucly .... el~j¢,)ed th nle es d from Ill at ls ],eiulitlr st~ir oi ,Tfair. lie state
,idie, yotJ he/ud Ihthr-ill asim"We , ill
weeeeted L,
th -It
he xe~t t ve n
Iwi hawi ~t~e itic S.Li, I hop."...
hl~l illm sthib1 'llri4t Iol"l, h... ililgll ~d
requesltjlLiS l( Ithe qHll i ...l1 tit d¥idei Dlis HIrLOIhcls "I Ielily shoflld haeill~,re,, Iet I rD,1,! Jlp ..
I I.Ih/l y i I d Ill hl IS~d maie h
I{ h ,Isg'~e
S 1~ }lelpILL 1. lll~ t tll. fr-le.... [ 5 . I.,[ ~he. ,were foc e.. .... oy JlfIt.Lhtit
tieha1 ,iwe peI" hm fil~ Ol "ll ,ia"t.6'LL Izd Ill.c eldia. ,I tNI lh dk id e , hButkN l~ ..I
The taltomllil A.s....iai;of EI,0lecti~ tO IOC i lon i, eIf~mldald Llr i~ the,`kl
Itll ]~qtl aL g,,in g ti, hold Ia. AOBeBigua
lhe (lle(
i 141ilt ofIeIlhe
y ~ey itIMm1 eI StI,Dte her, 29. Batt or Ih {{.}I ..
Ie ]i,,~n ,,iI bt. ]ale up wlt h Ia sh., aI il, ",ted,hutL~
asII." ;L4Ce$SarX
I,{e L s~ttl;1 f code
Ialu ...
oI I ll .
mo tlotl lhls al6'unii,~ln sh~ul
I[h, 5 Nls
IIwill sh,,w I ,~th!d
.. I,f `xi, ;ih
dowu. Ito =L I[ LIr 6 e~.~ ' aud"
,l iii iI k in,eI7 dilaz b mil with ehem~ls [[.I ILL
btt, Lp
i IoI I , t II t1*} h,) alLi d, ,d Ia
lm";c{ li~d f',r
Ir by G"Je L~r N,!It Iht....
I, Ihli~ S try. I'll .. L"0
Fiehl .u~d I.. ]<lshtd, wh, will uhot
off f()~ fi." t it, rd the. [rqtIL
Ih IJ i ~Na , 1 , II IL IfmIkp,,e ii1,

$l~I IJ:Z uill Als

i. trez Jm'lbIrI
Gi illil hiLIoII I Il1. itr~ I, OIiL!
O B k.,, All.,. Ard Lm M,
O P'aul tlar
It:...k. I1, li rI,'
Loal 72,
TIII geiLig the... I,
9or ,,, I~Ik. Jilt iht ILig*ia No. ;! l ~ ,e I 1h qil.
AdalllSOIh (/, I i~{,,hi , [qll Hs,iflb [[ily, .r~~I toI ~ I 1 per h
}il, ,lor ,wr ,f hpt Li It~
1lnL ane,* s. ! IL,h t. Le
ire ~qhl~ a11S~~~I
I, Drpit All Kilg. LleoPo yLl all.
Vitti ltil... .I Jl :,Is,n
dl 1,,o ffeI~ lhnLdtilluit B~<,hrPa,, It (`iIeou had tiolle I, 2q,a
II , tI /l L I Li ,I I I l I~t~t
l t LII LotIIiI
fiulshed iI thi, Ecdr
lkey lLighth Inut~ le- ,Imgh Ilu~. F~iI f..'o.. i l.adde while ,/: J,II ~qtI LI £....I..
" 4.1
[~ I~l1, LI UiLi, tphat
Iexe ai..iplixI. k~~m~d BIL,- I wi-li~ev, hel, pt,J Lat is J,W lild .1p 1, Lh a Ihu I IT
h lt(a~. i t, ' Li" .. I Ih filh I I *L~LII II
it p, i~.
" qh~ ~lil~$h..oo ~
I,.. WtS I;Og :tlkl, ,Io bad, Til Hlope yon Ileta ;t
Iu ~yq n3lot td (. h~lsther. 1111., dii;lt he
ill l,I : Hl p haT, k ill
tI~lr, L BO, Tin~laI and IL Chrill FaginL
m SL. Loutis ,ay.
rodim aLL Limhall .4[,*;.,,I
li tht i 41
Press SeS rtaty.
,ll S~~rilldu ii~,hi~im tl li, .- [, "hl~lh DI-L
fidiLli; L. [T. NO. 377, LYNN, MlASS. i.,e ]tt i1g I e I LIx I k I I,
h .L il (ItX thIr g lSk-
(l t'I itlt, lh othpr8, h~eI amll uIIt ht Editor:
Ihd t ol t ..hLi , ourt[oyl It.1 sc g o} th l
lie IIIar ago thisl Io WI
efNe ~
ml le arLI we.II kill is o I l ...LoI ll [ ]<g/t L., m.inlel with the .ank an~dfile, hullle, h~ shoul ilth ]tl IlIlto~
..I[IIth , ~ k lo I lu, I'flom /LI Llou Br,, herho..., I lle nm~joI y. swll
.... hldhtil, 8 ill, X'll
ll I1e1hi lL~P o(I ~l/l~lld old
fIIIhIws, althou.,h thereI are I fw th, ( hilita t~ht Lel d... Io Ilal ...irt P. IIPtsads~lr
;, o~I ts
tIllU ch.,~ , I0 I eltI extr,
ti pII sh it[.
]Sr... hlr ]. D1 r'Iitild]II... IkT{ Bnlinc.. I. LL. klllillJ~ f [ g)I,
hI ptI. , ILIl Itf ils I...
[IilS } IIOWiI SJ., Lois Thl boys hit. I
Maae ...eI HalW,her tlemkd,, 0Lt Fh,]idl
:,e;Ill ag~.g n ... cofuse thi, ls I wod
Slale, Fl!,flerath ,d ntrical
e Wvlikers fit kr'Oi¢, halL( ,ill Ctlelter ILe r tlh C~ling ite It ll II pil ifl . 1 5mlIt tt, I h2 *lfill .1I.1
oIf co'stl u, J¥
litt uIoLIh~ Illd ILiL~ II t "i",
ftq'IlllHSwr ics
,,i~uJt~ollIL ILuis h., it lovely zoo. I fo Of I etll b Li !}I..; .I P ?iI.),l, VW Il IrLLo...h ~
~111q(l q/]ile dtftLl I lateh III chIrmpllllz,,e {)!1 1,t I ht 1 rh,
11 y p]J( llh/! g[C x , [ I,t,re
Flora the~ FeJ...I of rotRh sii. ]lr tu toin laIS I d {O
ILDl~ , l a(erth
l ~ek
l*kaoli/itg thltm rel l~ld
1f, If .... eting If
agr.a1h, Ill LjL~ r~ here will be, qtile a I.y,ir 1oral Ilnll. although some of tle,
fewFeInmLio~, whe an'd if the~ mate J>~ il IalhIhe, hi,Lb hi" IeI s, tterea IL i ;:,l
rjiaie fil t IIIle...I lipres~ Il~ly tlaw.l-
;hilllp$ arI~ Iea
.... loimi~t. Mfirt If lhl
have, ct,th. It is Io refreslhhg tl IrhLtg~e
'~ a tndll aml ~
4ih ht el IlmII ,I it ,
mg,, [IPI... I Ihlb. IM Floridal Stat Fer ,it a i.1.~
g. , -,
I a in a u pt l ndied ig
,ilth I1~ODtha~ lllI ...r., liqlltto "Ild
t.o...... I hat Ih, DIlIbLr el' I .'lofid;,
,xThe fllr it, dHis usslo. I 'loild lik.
Io h~ hIII dltIetle to the eonxentln Ill
t,lb11t there will II LI lo of B]Ol]{y ,, hN 7h e ]11OItex . itHIIt p*L l iI. ;I tfill writ-
me, stillq ...Ihe
dtng Lilkist l"INe.t
IUIuI ...II r d
hitsI IIIt~~
lt~i , i I(l b,, ht,,t i11,trt ;,1 lj l~., eJIl l" 2 /'a 5
.b~eto JIflfo i iftDID lil H~ Sk IDe~ii
eI ll t t];ll ... woll, ph, lslde ... s
hee hqite IIu li diII lblnhe of d~b hart.A Il,t of lh, boLys aregaing ,,ll~It, lll I r(,
xxlati~lm, htll~util afier th, m~et01
Io Ilhe wivs of IIhe ddegatcs Yuu kDO....
we hake n,.t an.y inl this ,¥ieility, li~lther 1hi. )OIH[
,Z (I 1, ~le l t 1t i I I11lr
SI ,.i is I ful ,'t
c.ter ida lt ,f fl.r-
]latchel Mil ~l~L to, than~k lit the ise b{l,ttrila k. a11 ls w iH ill fiaLth oeni. op zll "" Io"a IIH17heII u e[[ii
Itlols ~ hhh havehelpedIllale ol nlIItb... I Iallt it} Ile y*, iu n a secrtL Y,,ell
twwip * ll* iu
t .s ..... 11 115 ,'IditiI,,, Ltit nlcu fur- coat for $1(1) or $500(. It will be h Lt,ht)r
dth Ir iiIles,{ ;(
"i. i .. tI kt Iv) t,
II i~o a~¢ t favor. hut h ihe
f alifetime, so I, t,, workl
m, hubhy and he will b, ripetI30(ltbe 2,I7. tx dl Ih DlItDi~t IS; ]IJ I , Slll I r L lttl
.11 th,,,e ~koL,"11 a{wly f, ... h, l, e Aliwa 3 ,leay t. help a Brother .,.Sse
I stirely Ills vely s,,rty thai I IuJaty itqo Ihmlq ,ihe
Il I 1,i I1~
ill hi 0 durl~f.
(if l~i BJ dl~ll F ;~e I; } frll,
,.. Itimia a bur.-tI I Bel
l, li- LiILelt juslIk the, ime
this [,al...[Ia
DlymaJ~ N¢I. 3}9 hadl i~f ilhL,~~~~~~}l
1[(' NL2E¥
JL]o LLdaft l io~wihed
"lkII lI m ...arr ied I
de'St Ilarr¥y WiLtrL ¢;ille( a e... ..ll .... Ief 12 Iell, GrI d **"I n Ii, 1 I
to~Pth{~ rtolip ID ql ~te the eeIL)"l ..L.t I ,11"'t,~~111
HP/.fiIt, LI
I,. 1I. NO. 396, BOSTON, M1'~S.
Th' ,,e ILI. I IS Io" holdL. pell~ I, L S Lther
kile (aim,, aloni~s the i"lSir[)")
ea if Ldil"r:
t)u~ execmti" hoaSl IL h~il~ld~ [~ ;tL
Mil i le1} lIher we
d Lf 1nt
,Laine w ,til 1~
41 Ill lilit of hlte" rti..naI [~TL I~p "Lttivt~ Nit~,IeLL h hh il M4 Int L LI)*.arnm
e thei
cue , hLL.... plallHi wIith pNt ily oIf t K, ll II,k mtl Mimday, F1eptefn1he ° 2. L,i, id IO I~N, Z II:t e elth, ~ k n
lable. Pl'itty ,f Ji!,I~ k hi~h ~]i,hm Il4, i9cdI is l~pilrd b, a id deflyl gillt ftll At,.Ol , I[tl
, l m. ~ tr r.r
... I.I ~,it;
hy the illy win, shippedA....
&ran flitta}{d f,uI the SOlid ai[d he}Df.1 trlvt'O [ {i, flalleitll
i, lo.1re*I ..... Ioo I"TLt tho",tteL ha'li ilia 1ha thq! so
Iillr b"tw dArcol~Ol
IIr £oII Ill,,, e hoI a ,d i... wh I 1 ,la ~ ILL, rill I. l~Dt L of the I[ R. l~1E 'I ill 1M.h athl [tr utlefr ,, F lt l>L
. lg l itq
ioLpc~pd hy gL ILqptldhl~iS * ... I~,,iurdw I ~ IelI rI Iwdd wI h e~,,lf{d, lt e ill ith nb,1ill
b} the M lmin [/ahliI ~ d ... the- fishw, D~'L,rily ou hBeltllalio,~lulJ
it, te
e11thtlS'gt, Iher~ x d ,elp IqJ~ leiahbLg imt /u.. asIK[ a it is tLonP~ifiipd I,3 1t,
thaftemd Ih.... mid pie~
6in 11m, L th, I.p... L o fim who
S , L, [lW e~O l tthin
LLSI~ry 16lea fishing pier J~I It~y if ill IS:d[ ice
... ]o the pI ...... tilln if t,.,"II weleing
552 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
thil dletion .. L...
tI lBrother II l j]i.n OLD AGE PENSION Now getliolg down to, ia e ],re eaiorll '.
wve Ieltlted by .'lac iiala oin to the pveMe till, ia a, thItig if tht! past. We hail every
There isa subject inw hi. Fe, e
I't "i]hlcal]. while the other ofre leti Ce: Ibtelnlit.. (Ii, te'll to excel all other Labor
tribal ~'orker shoiuld be Yer, tojie'i
w~ere II fallows: Brother <;-,rge P arthr*I. DuesI. a11 os( ei ln'ereld nu'e gitri. atic
e'~tei,,A >ubject Iha i,st u a, siu e as demh
rerdlii. g se-etar3 : Brother
. E Phillpo-in. efforts ,}onei~lheitl' eper~o~le whi, intend~ed
alidll raxer We all kltiw about it. 'till vet
,,reIsulq: Bla.her .. Tetit, elecutM boarId. tio pa~tt'ipa I wa,' h.,kin te
i,,wart] to rhe
few of iiN I'lr do, .u.h about it ~.
frarel'na; BIrother E order executive. !a a ith he antqitiDiw l of en uylilig theta'
all know aial' t ,llnl'lamne buI 'ery few
l, r l, Tra,1, ee ;nh: r he I Vl nn chair ,ve,'.bui ail' andl ae,'IS' Old Ma Weathe'r
areking I.eoh'll, have i.. .ra.ce. sit least
ilust. regiorntl ~otmi~il Iie/eat,- riot Iliver .a-n't haillg aIll. iht Oilld
nat a, milch Is the' ran affordt or hdrdl
Brother H]. Wilsen i&as alsoI eleteld I" rare d in fro,- the lnrtheast lrnging with
hiave We all knox. e 4tie gI tting ield
represent l cnal No. toI at the ], B. E. AV, it squalls f rain whirh kepl up intermit
every lay. We all kow we will ibe too
crirvetition, while Brnther II. Pullin eas te,,tl 5 throughout the day and far into the
oldto work aeIn of Ihese day-, bu, WY
elec ted as alternate. iti[ht. thus putT/in a lrimpit f nt a beld
DON'T REALIZE IT UNTIL IT T, TillO ill et e'nie's ila"
Atnother Iticethg WaS palled. ]hi, was al Limr Day, oi course
opel] . meeting aiwa locals , [ N,I was still lrsei'ed. but under a somewhat
You knoe we have life an'] all IIi,,rance
409. 1L. 1!. No. 679, Wiinnipeg. Business Ma,. rmoiiirtle stato,
I] age Ihat we pay f, whe we
aiger J. 8. MSBride presided. Brother L. A. Our different committees are eall form i
,y our dties. But how ,,,uch iI oiu kio
IcFEwen. wIho has the f1l tllme poIsition as anid so)me hlave ahrearly functionrd* nanlely;
about it? Ito you know that 90 tents of the
gellneraIl haierman of all railway eleetrca the welfale commrn~ittee under Brother Lewis
$2,0 ,,ent Ihe I. 0. goes for ,insu.anre. ail
reatI o councils,
al spoke on the benic, he Alh,io1. otl <enial vice president. The acta-
that 37cents of it gres 1', old a.t' I efsiol
will be able, to ive the localls, sine his sicn rnwhich they hrought their heavy guns
ID, you know that :17 ceftt is lt enough to
to hear wa.s
alpolntIlielt to this full time positionl. We II farewellpary fr Brothers
also hait a guest speaklr, 1P. lnet Side iay to get "Ihat we get It f5 years oif age? Jiiil O'Blrien, and Harry Pinseit. in, will
DIo loi krnw that thelr is a .aI hletwei
tar> of niachitiists iIl Winnipeg, Who gave us ill future ht employed [I oli A.erican
when you are le0 ill" to work and 65 years
ijef summary or the bonus 11w receiveid ousins at one of their Newfoundland bases
by r'ailwayn employees.Brother lreBride of are? Do you know ailythi g about what it wh iht Ha ly is to don one of Hi, Majesty's
costs to keep ip a pensio runti? n Itt 'eii
,iithe need and advantages of .r.anizaton . unifois If we bnow the bIys .. Y I we think
know what it wouhld st to redluce the age
Brother It. Wilson spoke on behalf oF Lecal we oil both will make good. Jim with sure
friml 65 to 6;t or L, 55 or F0? Fa1ve you ever
No, 409, while Brother P'. Shields spoke fil' plhlhili dieteriination andi Ilsiry with all
concerned 3o.urself It irt the least?
L. I. No. *7!t, Then Brhei L A. McEweL the an[t aliril that an;y intelligent yolth
Ale o,, .rie of the lar.e group who grim'
gve his, time o anw erin ig ni e iesti s cot, s ...w. Best of luck. hoy. ay you make
that the attendan, e ished to ask.
abeLt hat you have to Ipy as 0n n dues
lvoLt left g.od friend,.
Beginning. July the first, workers Unen, a~tdF never think abou.t what yeo gut filr
O.r harII wrking recorIin secretary.
what 'etL pay? To Cite al aIt-tal ,cd(iI-,it;
pil'A'nient insurarclt.. nirite
raile effect. All I'.tht'r HenTiley N,,e], recently returned fron
lorke rs ii ( aliada con t ng 44 per cent.
ributi A~ cecrk tiotieel, Tner (il chiltg U,3 a'. operata~r' conention held Il St, John' which ii-
en~llo3ets 40 per Ce tIl.s iid g ,e rriicIlt 240 dusk. layirg limp $5o35 and getti,.g a It iddentalIy is the capital If this iland by the
pe cent, from. which the worker, will re ¢,1ipt .Hle asked why nien douldpay
e yone Newfot,,Ilal F'edertior~[ ,if Labor, and [n
paymnen t for their maintenance i .... out like that 'for what
? he said. The
Ilch OU loIcal is represented. Julging yh
If unempoyient The w'eekly contribution operator e; ed him fli a Innmerit a.,tI asked the I ilune o~f ,Hrisilne' inl hi$ report m'ad*-
h i if he got a raise the fir-t of the year. to]feu, lodl i'lthr Ile; Iy hia a very bus'
fo, employees is from 32 to :16 cents a week.
ccordilg to wages received The benefits The clerk Said no, he didI ,, Ie was 'aske!d teuk, and sane wtrthwhile letls I ere very
pa'able during u..n'llplo;ne,,i range front Wily Oh! he said. ere not Ille lepre ahdr (leaIt wIth.
$4I,0 per week fbr a s person to S I I
igle snled in the t'age cInterelwe last fall th,re's an answer to the A...merican soldier.
Il, week tl 11' worker with one or mnnre 'Well." the operator sail. -wouldn't ym[ lat "ho, whilst home rho furlough recently. upon
oejie..lei. Th
F benefits
e will last arei, town $3 it) a month to get from $34 to $22 tiding asked h.hat the Ne'cfoundlatid summe,
to the total a of eotitriltltons paid ill
Ieunt a month mol. on your ('heek? was like replied to the effect that he did
Na benefits ,ill be paid ill the xxolker has That is thle hole s.ory. boy, we rmuetlas riot know,because he had been asleep all tha1
mae contrihution for gO weeks or 180$ days sonc ow"'. if we txlpect it pick any up (i If.ere is the answer ai..d an explaiation
fhe bemul row received by the railwa\ later on Some local uilions have I .ni.mitte s rill ion le' Stelne local wit said. "Its not a
emTployee no ew aiII un't t $3.93 per w eek jilt going Into this penision subjelt.i ee trnIwr, it' just last yeIars winter walme,'
and is increasing by $1.25 per week every sh,,ull Ie out. Sollne },laI18 should be Irr' ael
time t. e cost ift lvingr rises another 5 per st11ted It the convention it St Louis ,.nn/e
cente Thi, has been a hig help to the railwa> vlo/u'tary system should be presentel as
well as the P[dnit to pu8 the s''yeti on arI Press Scretay
wlrker anil wa orly achieved throuh th,
work of railway unions. actuil hsis ,Vher'eby a neniber can reduce
J. RIAIILAND, his age liniit by paying certain amoII t. I. 1:.NO. 527, GALVESTON. TEXAS
Press Secletary. oer a period eo time.
These mlatters car lie wIrI(ked out anid Editor:
shuhld lit worked rut btfroIe or at this con During the last several mn ths all of the
L. T. NO. 11-429, NASHVILLE. TENN. ,ettiln,. A large nuniber oI m embcannot
ers fellows if this llocal have been lIlke the
(C'onltinld from laMetmlonitht) see why a tieniber on pension cannot lhe al' provei.tdal Iitli ats, preparing for winte'.
Edi3,to lowhal to visit his local union meetings Many of the jobs have been quite some
[ wish to take this opporttuln ily to thank Stirely he should be trutd as arijlinu as Soic irles frolntl Gaestuti and aInlly Brothers
other local unions for the c'otirtesy and hos [or,, unonl electrical w'l'kers 'e have just now "wing along the highway with a shiny
pihalt show., our Brlthers working in onlerteh. and allow to sit ill ur nmeetings. new htous car in tow, settnm , it filw,, whet
other hlcalities. We hopel hI. ailde to te Sorely he is a menberin good stniding a.,I ever the ji, nlla bt.
orurathese favors. Woik o I o o libel,
fell has illIc for nlne tie 2fi yeal$ or e, Let 1 /i No. *27 iuririg the pjast year. has
hut wec ale always glad II se, a..y of the us do some constructvle thilnking i d', hail its hare of feod fortune in the arniurit
Brothers who are pasing,. something about our p(Nstott I':tl,s Antd o[ wark fnr its laeolbelrs. The ...t./ibershinl
[telll,, eanPaul Junes.
Il l
hert Hou,, ini diir, so. the evIPfleIe will have to lie ,lf the local, like praet'tieally alt funI
arid Brother Hall. of I hattanon a. arid paid lIy those whl will receive tho belefi throuehour the country, has been gainin,
Sither ~Frank Mics he, "hre hv,,e ,, l)porttotat('y c'i;t h the, tount if work
gotten tot Also. hello Io the heys at Milan W IllIAM A, dlAIhER reattel within its juri i tie ,n.
ja,k .... r aid Sheffield. ~,
[~e , lel ei a] ' Swhigl, ahing i Iill to thie present LimeI we
Fo the i , f, '..ilion . .f outl ut.of.tewx' lthe pa biff of Lel ... IO:O [li1idleiital
lBither%. sic th Inst letthr t" the W1Vr-ker thi- year ]1 y~ls flr Iulr gigantic parade were
I], ther B ,,i)s PF an los all belolrilgs Il, L I NO. 512, GR\ND FALLS, tdela ed feo a1Ill'k iui to tIle 'weuther. hitl
lid man tire, antd we all extend our synipath, NEWFOUNDLAND although held a week later it was a. miied
I B , a, I ]i'! one .. the oset beautiful anI ilargst prarade'
r . - P'>iate I al ,I.. wi,,. Vt receiel d YoIll ever hiell y the affiliated lal,<'rITrganizat ohs
,ar]sd.,Iw t apprec.tte it much.
,er, A:' of thIs et,
ye.e y.. happein I,. liinae' Eamh luol ,oIga..ial, mil n't... odeo,
.he se, c'. ask them coe. it, to se,, u,
.t; try to live Id') to the "orthwhile lrre, float las.' on a atriti t heme, hIendillg itn
they ale welcmnle at rifle spundeuce presented to the JOI'RN , , with hIe. .r,.k of the .r.aft and the pelt
I have bee,, asked tI ensert the foelowlrw onnlie, oulr predlecesor,. and if whilst scen it was playing ill nationai ... efensc.
'loiiem lt with my letter. w hich deselveg the tlim thi, or future letyers. you see an.,ithii 'l'hr insie "ilre,.enI are h.u. in, the idiffer.
attentitio If all m enthrls. it ieiln4 written thait ma" tix 'oul ill gin attil alwav re emit plants [hliei built thloughout the stale.
hy3Brother (Iharles 'I. Mannsell. i]i'1l]el' that alt is d gO i Oearnrflhi . The niai'lmn' dlepartmnlnt at this wititng Is
09OTOO9ER, 1941 553

All iu -guSll~,
't 'I lhjs ir~ .. "I t cti~Ll 1[q5
heil mil"'. tq, tit.g filhm aq ~n.l I lite>
. i
hi., IThisI... lll }~1t ptl~hlisht our]t. 1.ea
Aff" le { uz"lle .I,[ilJ lill~ld "ytoi],
51 o
i~l 134it atifati, tl~J lepl plti.-
"lr iil dr ith dhe l phi (p ll[ (t;Wf "O
l[Jt Ihi/'r( II healthy ,Iol of i...
allal IO nid h1Oh, GIi Coa1il Ill Alit,
H i t lt N;,,,, 1~r%
S 111i111'lS ll It c (N ](l
th t Ill. i Neil i [],yltl ; dorl
lf hI ill,1 lao reid
-,lI a g[IIhiQ
,o i kie
rei . , r((]11 ih,1{ lhd ,,2izlI l i~mia
I J4l, 1{2'/
; {11t]~Jli] I ,l +' Iwth,,
rtli llmg. At lh, pi In{ m~ltl, ......
kIckr [l
.\lIdI II ,ce bll b .... i~k I...
~lnl 1'. I~) p ,,"" ll,II 1o,[
I ~it~likulk
Il> ik Ihl'im a Ui, ki ai, , IIi~,tl a J ~
L. t * NO, 711, I14111LAD111LP , PA.
I ;4*, (}1:tInd ill [la [~D
rI t ~l] ~ f h f ~~
Ilx~th IIIt ;[t.h ,,,d I I ,N. . 527 h*.11
Ha ntala ft}pIi.f1
il l t rs:Il i d] I; %,I,I~xi alaid ) le b Ih......
t l} -%'. .1 i 'L .1I1 Ie ~Tlli ,I t.I Ill II ll[ I II !i II I
ai'll' , meil It .. .. Iah d fl jilill
; ,t'm etiel, I rid4 mXla l r, ;1 .. ii,ll A I L,~
Ha Ifl',1, , A~d a, haiti) A..., ~,,, l, it
O h..~ I,, l ,tqlt lhp I [,{i'l

hIr a AI Ill,I "I( h, , I *}i~illitt~
f k,,
affairhl I Itl11
... /'4t
E' im ii
t~ ith ~11[ll il>[t Of tIIl ai ti tOpi¢:
[.!hi h63s ildl. khai Ith :lli Yhe}.,,
O[f IIr aI~ tIhIoI III, Olll t 'E. ¥ t~l'l
th, war] l~ltsigaIiill s"aN. ~ltl t.. . ...
fllK I ,ih[ t ¢h elth
i I l,i I%... lith who]-
I, 1leW,
adil IdU~ll /,Sh.lll, ma~ Lnealit II

t~ n~t. h.'l amh, th athil II, Imad
A... II,k total N.I 711 tF Phlidlalphia
}/illI' 1,5'l /abo haiti.t, plditu inn,, IthaI h,, 1-.I I. NO. 6132, ¥1'IAVrI'A, (fli.
] tll IClW is "Im
I his.'I, GI i:roh
iI E ;y ,J. lIhk ly, A. W ilscm
(, Pir l td m11,1
.I. II ~, tlheI S', fill
/ .. IIi I
H, It, olliyl, ...
qA.tap l31b k l It4, [,i ~za h,

at i]ll artide that tll ye,

ty~I~I Hup W, l~ 2r~
114l ill "i'di
ioatq l~ ll
"~p 1IIIIIIIIIl "2, litD;: Pttrtl r f ilhe liked it.
L. U. NO. 617. SA~N MATEO, CAIF.1" th~el,.l~qd la[ihl~ad :4ikp, Olhloi ,IH A{,, II11,~h l te lfl iL, Ie1~L o m
X\O 71i, lltget
h'ikh sao f l IL
(Iwiltl it th,
1 II~ IT hh'lirtt S,. , lo ,m ll ife;a~e I'rH litPor [ith......ii I
lhe~~~t at I~ kM, i he~nlr ,oh, Ibd Phila,h"Ilphl o~ Ihe ])cl/¥nrl lkivl, fi.i..Ih
Iht~ past, ,o ol 1h1H
.. ,fll'llhs I(~Le"ll fillill Iai Ih A 1i~h
Jlsoi Httt Lax tilt.,. I ill I LPI, thai, lihovi I...r~1II [}I[ Ol
bl!' Ijl
oi. al IIo 4]]7 1hI, [e Ii~I olls l~tc Ill Nt:iaC,~ Yee
lg 1 Iig[( 31 t]1:1
b pp ot I'lli fill, lhit waril Ih hl ,I oi f Lhe U.S.. IA.
...I ]oI]
... :.kmmh11.. I 'it"dl ahe h~Blibhl
I h o g IIthe
,h ilIIn
I I... 'Il't rl rplaco0 C1m'i
d , [IOD H h l iL(' Im
l Well, Geuvge I' d thisl:
DOW ~ ~ lnuI d arplI ..1.. 1r.1~ h, C hleti 41
hil U. il II
fllhI'SthatIh .. Ipei"dlu,-
fll~t iiit [ I~ th ,s Iarm h
IIv onithapis
11el buidin Blltwial flh i Jpr di tt 1,~l I,,~ ,I.... ill Ia dii[t11 caI, lit D~u) pal,, high
J ihf DI fi" , I~ ~ ill ld IetII/ot~ Ih'i Il[. x {tu I",,hill
w o r ofOl' r illS.) T i [illw (h,
h Alps, IIith .' od i o h I [.l ut- imL
0ms It lidk l t~g
... hen the
Il i vt I1 s ,f Ittlilh~th, back pnl,
,ill be alle III grt 1,1t liOtthol hom illd. 4mr Brolhl arid p lx, Ih ,, til l "Iop ha hi,i "h.~h Behtlif, d~tt is I alwiys sal,
I., Dr g' tr hat ]co e ill, t ,hi~t ill if it lii~ I... r~( I, l pH PN' [ l,~ pllt[1 id Ht !"~il dt~~~~~~'-",l kh ...Iu~lilly d1idL.
Dei do
mlight shut I,. r c I¢mlelelfy~ If Ih 1 1rlIJ i~ll",tll, t~ ht,['I heit [IJ[S~(~dl I...C III, Ielp
Aalat hog {al) s} , i~li I, kp, I the,
ill rnul, [~11pl"
Mll$Olilli , s.. illling hlsaret]
,,f hI,ts b,,Iw ih,,, thu ht ,hn
II it 11ill h, p1 it, p,5a 14l~l e l th Ofiti II ,I II II ~lt
l hr
mIII a "feat deal a I.. din, ~1t I.... . O d s e la / n lM ~1 hi I1
hJl t 5-c~E ~:I, p i a i'll¥~q ipd
I h, gi,,ii ..... .t h., ,,t a. $6i.;0;) , elihl Nti thI'la l ].r~ , ill*, q I ~ , ...]
;14, ,sti I }*,
ollI bL[[ldtigl of homeIt lidi¢f i~ ,h pIIII .,d i, "Ia~light. Adolf, I m~I have men~l hoIt
]*,t will c 'i ,, e lhil I l .r i .... mr If lith " I til>k~
e Ietlli, ~ ihl
pt, .. ik illt ltill Iila ldiat
Im see l't Ihe, I..IOD, huildttgtl K ill {Iol Ill Ilh* ilidlJdt, I.f is .... h,, Iurl~oir,¥oip
'W .. k.. I. 1~ 11Ol pl lll"o itl e tt el
iII1 l3 .. ...
14 II,,- 1 ~x
l Ie~e
g , a llI W,1.i~ ill dI aho l .,11Ij11,1."
hI ~h IkTIg , , C,I thI prl-il I[, biri~llfl -,Ildilt,,t- WVhil lill I{It hi OroD~
lis, ,,e fOt llit that ]uls Yhll cold a11+ IliS R ?ll, h i o lell tIll~lti4ill
l c ,lli fill. i,~I al"I, Iil zmll hi
a ld c.liltl Ithlt , f ".t11, tll
,,,l bl fmM ihir
$1{ $.;II ,0...
I, 1it ,h I-ier l sh ~ m 1dili*1Dlhl0ij I,, ].'2urop
ago, .,f' beirig hlI~d II1, ,o $1.01h t) I *iAlJ 6i 'lt, A. Ill of L qh, to y,, the, kindt If
hoa. ,IAt . .u.h ptk*.s I., ltIIs i ~to1,,1
ll. h 1,. IId.e not co ll{ 111,, , ,,~l ofl hc Iiils "Iillliah1
.. ~Y" uBe.
I t ~ I a, t of~,
" Ih r~l.~Iu
fill hllf111 h"It"p tI bel 13itill ildl Hill If IdIil/ltol
t I h Ii ,i s ~ilutArI
I o f p
I Ihink, ,o i ...i....q~ II . idHi,,ons ld ,o
nlith, ~1pi it~,~ hite a i~ito? at~tlv Ipllrt
Rk ntl airt a1"o al . ..
p ..
miiiiI arl it li,:A II hieill~r ai, ~balll 1,aimmg hith ill
JI, [(.lsps Il,~ pA) ,h ll I I...d
n ii~ th
ralt lh hAn
l IT T thil maielal,
... Id l in t l h hip 5rd Is rii' , he~hl Il alt~tl £~,,Lrip h il qpp~¥
ll[M om., ~1 p3 a'Itm.

, . tO flt t'tid ~ 1 uils .1~ Ih ..e pv

aH~~~~~~~~~~~l dem, Iak i itlp
/sc] ph1soh
1, ld, p rllh ,iimaro l
a~ttra~ lg ar a, 3.l mlilll hwth 'a, ~I"H~
t~~f Ih('a e a e tl~lla~i, .,.,I o
{:~lr) {*t~
st e ~ ~ *l ~il lac II, Ia,,
hiln is kithm is Ililltrg
... , .,I ;it thZal thI
p15 I, tilta~ $40 O, 1,Id]I hi
I1o1i1h f,~r ¥tll~ ,,ill ~ lh i[1oill
.. " .. .... It lll ils Tohil irl lb ml.rhlproln .,I ,]d it ...l wid.h II atgih/
W, halle bieei tol~d O ll Oil Il, , ,(r,l.F
i t,
N 1t ,I Illr BrdtI(II "1t[¢ bcth, has, allothe
!i to ril, a tleiilmK Ili tosts bu Dl? {{lt* tihl ma~,Ia m~.*~s,
lI,h,f llf "Ihet m,~Im
p~ialitt hal thIa[ 1,9I I 1ill cit IIo(¥
t[{t )1, h4,lhir, Iloi, It ly hi([
I ele~Tt ritiah
thirtr to ,e I.... ... h bif emeryt ,r; hiomph,, t?,,d.d Tehi,u ide plno~d [11
At alla, ( 1."t1 , l ll 1" ng M
3At b, J.~ l r[ fl rw,,,, rt befo thl~ i ca~~~l~..n,
halel tha.{eidvdulw ri
thih, Ioa .,~qB,.,th,, l,d I... Iiir, afsl~r i [IllllIlllllll]/a
41 th fk pehpci,e t ~
i~~ l
I,r Ih,, rnul . ... t h,1 [ fghtfl[ ica y( i m~
ill. hill ,,tt pI hif. ll I,,
Whtt } l h~f l]'dto dlL
p~]5 l li[ il C o I1h, it, wlf , of~ ou d Al~m
hill bll( iopl o i ... 1 IT ?1 1~(. IliOilf emblrI
... lf~t p , }.It ~, (ti owll ,IIhit.4, 'Ifdrd Pifs
lits pow by, his
in i
j ib ,{] dht
i.~ hi ,I
[h it ,,
[l,il Ia hq if.. I1 [n.the"pi t ot'lis ]m , Itlu'-d..rigtfid l
bl-e are a il- CII Iwi.... ir sI I aid I e tl .r.. h, is.
Urowhtn have rH o theil
h, y, t10w, m, hllt
554 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors¥ If IIhe I ,Itl I..... It. We it..s. th presei'at i i of the fitniltii L, II C e Ir et
iT i ,ilgn they intend mllakin on Jhe
'ulk in soi. ia tIstiy .ud the [Iior uniion d o nts. i nl tile c ,Iii i ...
aIT. .! fC it m ItI.' railroads, SourtdI Ilk, theeI is a "nTilgr
g~luies us, riot as an inlivid uTil. but as a th,-ougho theI orld," iI the wio.d pile" somtewhere. espeI illy
tro ip, therrt'ar,' ii is hlogic ti givi! thie lal W. Se. rtIaAIIK>,, tI ne
Il ... L e ..U.tW lI
lir wai$, Ar~ uIII
in ii~etlent mocre eirsiHlt'rzItion hrid thought ['less .~e e Li " a1J itiI
e frl u 6 i,ieii . I beliete they are
for or own goodI ini Seeuiri6y int it thior- rel the 'eirl! ti'ack this tOlro , for the rtank
r,.y, ThalI1 he il, L. I'. NO. B-81I, CLINTON, MO. t.
lilI of railway .shup erafts ire loya
DA'Ih, IL, Cl,, . to thin A. F. If I.
'I here aij o pi. Lure of liti different
total No. 1B I is still goiIg st raor eI en
sheria pE1',lit grei~u , pe'ttl (n our toremainlfl
thougl, e hate inot .llde the liLRItNA, , -
othi inl Ihi' power house, thatL were taken
L 1'. NO. 791. (CIIHIAGO, ILL, reeinjriMr a few witlely slie'rI tiol's. At the
solo.e yeal's ago, l~o'kii'g themni over closely
l'eieant el~eiiorl of rtiolt 'settu, follo w~ing were
yelu will iiotht'e tu.y, who were serting their
Afler 0 I.Ti.I dtlrrtw iuI Illp-e ,I or, the elec'ted:
apprrertit'eshiip then uiild tire inow jioinerity
qtlit-it.ii o ' i
f 'a/I lutOI with ;arId the 3:1 ['restie t t, I 0. TPreuimtt,('i otor, i
iimtiu~it honk agRlju aull set if you
per eent wage ilert'a e de i nds, I..both juiss vice ipresi ntt. F. J. Ri1rliitso.,. Treutori
earl find our for-emian. I. 7. lanId. and a
tilons hat~e lttl laHenturie tO E 4ihowu(iitwn Me,; usineso m atiager, E rvi n WXil on, (Iin umtil~'r of tile, oLhers. I was surprised and
ton, Me.; recorli-ig secretary, Ge na Ka
Presiiellt itoo ievelt has a%[]oiiitulJ a flet- Warrisl uMrg, Mo.; treasu rer Earl toy sadtlnril to e~ltutt the number of our fellow
firling eOlufnitee and at tis writing the woirkinert who hive rlIssT.l to the Great
('lni[t4nii M o ; Bnancitil sec'retarty, Ed wini
hea-in g h., oiened ill (hicag , Inhe Slokes- [y, Iwill I ollulrshop alone, of the old tilg ers,
luallin ( lintotl, M,. Executive board n',i- e
meIn to carriers .an Ie ,niployets are pre.eni- there were $rnthcrs C. Il, (lyalt, 0.
le9: 0. C'. Bradshaw. CltIon,. Mn,: Roit
ir stat'Iements. If all is well anI we are fox, Lee's Sumni It, M,; A. C. W ilian, li s.p
I, U ,Il nt and Bib smith, Yes, oil
bounld try law, it sheitt he over by Nopveim- Trenton.1o, ;o John )lay. chiilicothe, o.; pit tlrte are' interesting,
her I, 1L041.The hiartirg, in ('hicane will RalITph C'retiet. Nevada. Me.: Dunican St, nfust ,llett on olr onIy retired uemiler,
rtidoubtelly p~rilve that our drenita'id art, Brother M 'q Stoh,r. wh,, was ,IwRys a
tOil. ¥% rrerburg, 31.
jutife. Nevertheless thtere will be tre. faithful ou, 11ope ho is eniiiyln I gOod
The newly eltetod officers are all well
e orud
p ressure by railroad lhbbyists, To Fhilth ith Brotherho L.l railroad
F CPhi
qlualitlei for respective
their lltie, anl we
ofriet this lrnail [ iro pavd a iru'.t smons. 'Ir aL a t .ssin.Bfor eterat. rniIibeA
i;pe they wii Sulceed i, stee,,rig a straight
ron ilnrIoul y hrinrt to the Irr, ih enits it coutlrse fir the lu al durinT their I n.. ratuluiLiniiS
.. to the ew "h¥iniegron
tinte of
teuttor the i... P tan ie f u.lipho ditri tihe 'r alneinliB
office . Ittrue that atl tewoffilers aspire
is .1, IR Boyty,:
Jti l of the railroad workers hy the to great things that will I be done, ad they
rIa' tingt of our demands. In tie overwhelm' are alwai dloomed to so e lIrsaplrohi tD'-nts, p ress Secretary
i': 'trike v tIhe riinenitIr
LAt' hits d,- and in dobt our neww eitteer'. will be rio
c for
lareda fight to the finih, I am sure exetptioto We think. though. th
x. olr new 1,. I. NO. It-I0h,, (OOJEVILLE, TENN.
our ,iutetnlatiorial officersi are 11aikig[ till oitlii'er, will haw'e a good ha ttlg avera-ge
prepra rtiones to carry thMs ,,itrlrlmae, [,L ti1 when their terits have ended. I oir letter bo the it, FIRA) for the first time
blhe it wont.. be rPIeiesary to ,'Iike; that At a recent niletrl' th, noeaT voIted to is tow WhIratl.e local No. l-ttfS to this.
our ]emaids will be granted, ii.esl Sorie ef it, sul"I s c a ,i a ,ta'feni e uirgailtlz tton. aidul fr u ei munjnterh with, other
All eyes ar- I.oo.i II rwar-d
.. to the e, n kInutd, thereby d4oing "hat we cound to help
Ic, (',
. ive t. o ty he 1,P E<, \. I I.e held lte 'aust of 'enio.rae.'. We should a11 bie netNo, Il-lilt;7 is e'oiiiposed of operators
St. LItmni in Octb er. Local N,. 794 hai thanrkfui to the uti,,ot that we live in a lJd
i~i',iiell if the ShUthern Continental
reeteid their elelfalin to thle contentkin country where tie ean as"ert ou~r rihly.t~ teleliliorit'lllI iio! ...f pt
.'....hh ()1
tin ii,, [*mF~ Wilt,
tookettlae iOw,,,
with full ,i'struOir is Thiv invett r. will lueatse had xxe not have heopertiith.l I. tistirht, We I'gmtl tirga itlziiJ
I g lt.ri g the
a thqori, prlet,' If new
affair, ....d 4Io thi our staniard of viltlt would [it IL.onth O April of Ii10 yeOr,Vt Lhe reset
'ath II..odlern. iea,'. if y,,uplea'e, wll be Ie what it is no' i IIl.. e have per cent Inenhership Of
tarkig the r nla-hw
debut Maly resolu Bu< itzeSSroadition,. which naturally
tolns will l t
.e'I,ome Iroll, Loe.i lieet orkirg anit job eonlition.s.. are riot arid ,,a effective July I 1941, , Our main
N., 791, Orro i parti ulari will ask that a toujhimig the sky as iii soi..e paIrts O if th, l ii the ifrt'hmeiit was seniority secur
chat ge lie insdle Il I)[1, C I.mtituiit rh Article e..Irtt. Our rope of cIperaitros is o Sty 1Ae were :liso able to sneeuri' a 10) per
X VIII, l¢cti ril 1k wl"e'n'ir. it i t ed t.*t ,otof the defeitse pl'rieu' with the excep- dt O rat e for all
rgii rigploycos. I ar,! six
Eri'reie's, and helpers
shall have m> oiae tlonlthat we d.o bordei on the Kansas Ii igal hilda~
if Aii to w weeksAl vacation
m i .t t, wit e C[ 1(. ioI Wl irnpose arid Lakeit aCei s BIc.L..use
.if the prior-i
o chantge th, ti , give thet a dee anrd ties exyistirg in1 materiails for euustrrdctl; ()it- (,ffliers arn: President, Etic Ilurnette;
¥tl * SUhitU' to lie qtiw
o ]Uon f the oIcal wi'e l;, thi6, ph rne [ on i* lH ) II it dlrk stit
We keep Irllir tIbot IleIt..inoracy let i/, ill e l(rloyne
.. tl iII our nilujol. liue.tory,.
thit of h,,, lh iry Vi; lnri'ini .enretaryan !
pira, tie it, S .hire te ask the,., Io o l,,I ilut, utility eorustrvrtioni W e hope th< I rs'a$11it't
eniditin,, '[. *L K1]ykeidalLI
.nd I.,eept there as dues' will ease it s,, that new,, on ru-tion wo wI, We a'll had to work hard nod fast to get
Fati a, ninhcre, let's s theill
how that they e:*nbe eoiniili'.henl andi tine work )ot lim thIs Iar so qieikly.O o to 9eeLhrate onr
ere in a dent i, organ at r atd I ,-
.raft conittned to maintenanice betause of ntlaterimu sljn'ee'% m a st llI f OUr Itnelhiers with severn,
lIt ed to all the b ne te to n isf tartehi'L ' shortage. invitedl friend met at fonterey. 'Tenn,, for
themw: to tell then, that they hav'e .. o 1it4 At prieserti our local is rieg~otilltiiT a new a tPhike ' 'Fit,'e August I,, B], itr T, I.
or vot., it ".U III~IH I to OIe t mtristo tits eia tract with the Missouri Puhl te Servimce Eu ykemnla seirved as toastniaster, introdueing
courage nd ..niv.. It tite,, nff nH the
nthem, ('(orlpoiitloll. We ecpect the ne~w conltrmLet the lWleke 's. iP 'Ti fiP oiiisttuiI nosIly of onye
wronrft loot, "'ill be one that will be fair to both the tnelit~lile frontl earlh offie Itiakitlg a shirt talk.
Rrother histo. .yis in the nla
ktIl . vpult' e'ounipanim' and the ullinzt mterrilers. this Nina~ O r spiecia spiea'ker of the e men i Nt
g W a F.C.
have -ha ged ~ I whi e h. .. ule l heetly kinr that wil wlork, O1 ertre Wirlrtir, ctierod' plant niaiagfer from ('onke'
... of srewe:
li]n t'e. he
litt o i ic ft i i ol.], jill fr'i eq d0 there will Ite a tot of work involved ill gev[tiltg i T 1r,ii. I[' lIlkJ m,
ha .,dtli lt lnur e II t
have~ beeaime Qneltenjrp. This iiutt' sTund pallr' eveirbraileg covereed arid tryingr ti think up had been iTauT in IT1he tele[hone inuhstr¥.
I. i.
,lo i,'nl. n rtheve
vtr~i it is Ih e c 4, II, coutiditini withat ulty t' ro a . it, the tutor
Pboi Aftelile sflitik.. the tables were arraniged
lp1l31we were praisioL'.the.VIp,,tI butt we know new
irl tileels will see titht inely pila yntg,
w 'hitih ertatedi q1 1ite a bit
'let ,, z Itis'iai fit Ia. , g lr eTs( ir , llti w e eterything is taken,care , kf O., int k're.t a l tlt of fir, ]aille ,Ig wa;,
are aga~t}rI Iiriairil( mald ta vor/j i ftr S ', et ISO P{O¥[AN. alt ' enirijo ' HI by maniy'
[ i' cia. [ e , ti<.t ilit'eid tII olke ~rt, ]' runs S~ereta ry. Vinie this is tmy e first fiort al my new
liei:ti OnItihs sibujnlit, *tuIce it to tayevents joth, [ will notl keep you any longer, So lonn
,}tik for~ hlill O a pIa'mDa/., foll,
elv0r [r,, NN. . 862, JACKSONVI LLI,: FI.A, until /eitt time, W r, (.ii.NR .
ah meetio ', nf err ii ,eI ela or joined i.t liet; ertlinf Seeretary.
Septehtilie .. i.sue of the oIiRNt, just
of . tr ii f itlit ioitiii II (1 a Ill ileIt i.rr
r ifi e'niae illii few r{oa's ago arid
I. Ty. NO.
how it's ~Il
IIIsrt tiOir, I r. side4rt ooI.v lt e~rp go re to f, e iii anothe 'l letter.
thle siniti ieiite of' the viist tnitiuirity or the Guess liy the time the Octolber issue Vt, Airway scri be Fias rel~urrerl to work
Airericall wr kiig pt.... Ih ]wi
n slto d reaches us the I. 0. conventi,, "ill ie aife an illness of ahlost two nplonths, which
"N'o If A .... ( ijflnlS ins reahtn
e 't an d ant sure I our delegate, Brothe, r expltints why n0o iter.ts were ill the Iast two
rclearly what nng[i d.n... irilr ion of th,, K rsha,
pi h able,willto Iring the local iAfu , [, pI, Ni,. B-Ib1 anti ageh I ly do
woirl i men.s tha.. hio. .i1irarrizil I la hor someu tinteresting information, lni,'tolentd phlese nieee t my thlinks for your
whir ii lietllSal~i toheir stialtilledi of JllF/'iri O r ereta ry, Brothe r o rri son, has re- thouglitfunlitess while T wats awyay, Thaiks
their .r. heir li 'e. No,
.reed. E r ll, l h)iis t someii literatuitre froti m aI}faihway lI%.
eeil iul I da who
eards Herr nl called on n.e' 0e'
,ri' ater xlnke i,, I le dIfeat of 1la.i... i itl pIrtIent o. . 1 0.. Detroit. of air Jr.ailt- kPOI P in Wor'
Pe .pthlet)
OCTOBER, 1941 555

Ilarry C. }ush 1,. IT. No. B-9

IIIIIIIed Aii~iIII J0, 1937
111 WhItII~ia A11llghty Gild hat been plesdi

11111,10 JIl His iffmli( ,Wldl), lo, tukt' XGold Od Itald,

M I ExxxM 1
ore, eeml~dmd W.rHy hh~ffel', HiRry C.
] if1Sl; awld
Wh, IIII L. U Nn, 13.! hal ),ost Illmi 7leis-
dI~ ... .... "I' ~ B",iJi .... ol Ils T~T~Cal/~ ,,.I

Ris,/Iwa, ]I'lit L, U, N, B-!Ih lb x

pieces I, is l op
rcalm .... ... v c
J. O. Heftnet, L. [', No, ISO Fre~d IL. Ridg~da% L U. Nil. 802

]1I, i ilh TOeP S...... . ild I-iiret Tht

i Ifd .I, lao y t,l, .I * I h... ~i alf J tlH ~O
m¢.b~r o L,,.I U'litd[ %. 81}2 ldldluzl

ilrl, IRIoIIIII J O cfl]; a~Ll O.II~~~IAI) ¥l SI, 1EbL

I.., "I iI C kao
I'll, I tilnitteet
We ~ehz~
L~ h~s o[ b tl algth'l JIllffani
JW,, T~hai we P., trhill, t, Ihi, menl
I Iltl itfttle( idlrc 14i .. hill
pt'tO d ~1olhd i;~1{ be l Iizth, hcadullt s1ITlpatih3 aid lilgill; Wil1l II II IIt JS 'll'ad .... I..~~S....... al, le..e
weId, .he Id:ber oI LI U, No 7{iL h Ieffl
a copy lf, Ihnl Ioll Ii.t oll eid 30ltl" lC, h, I... isfr llil, , cipy De IpIe~({ Ill FRmu-s
J,M Crh I
.... ,,o v,~ ~ kc $ilttld-
R,,.[o,,,rd jhi [. ,Ipy ,( h,,,, tOl}~1 It~l~l III, 11.11ll",, Ind II icoid h, .elI To II]/, Fill- {~InlIRAN Pxl~ OBRonkg]tstl
I¥ EpleT la.
IIIIf la eId , II'o oh iid J.... .If h~, ill ,

RIsll~] That[ 11, Illay oll Iialtl~i. ff~J I

CI }{e)o , l l]hillhd J lel {,II 5 IIaz
I ,.il

ALEX G'RA[IIAM Ifiapild fill IdO (la,, Jh h J. ~

Mo l L. U. N,
esredo 761~
Cok~~rnbu1 A I9< Co.s* m r e J, FRASER,
W, K GREW E. Ilidlal A l 14.Jo1935 i] &i
E'd~ar J. ['hippen.. L. U. NI. I{-5:3 Moo
I a, $' k CoIffitllee
mdha lbill A Le, Ua{ Eln, Ii~ ,.,deth
tRpY10i"/llpf w,fll IR, o "el~tmIo
.m1 mlinute1 fail .11 Ti~lk
of dueI
Peer}d'i,{] Matthi. ,. L . Ill. 5115
~Vh~ilas, haIs. pl~a d "I ...L7hI) (]o<J, mI Jil.111, M fil ANL ]¥l Jol it, IllWEIdd
l[isi itillim~ /tloit/ l~l~v ~I II~}l
... ln d'i Ifiti¢:ted lpil 8, l~9ll
Willa fe
b,"lImg id .... .~L~O.,ll de- GRt'~'llfiL 'ld , Il pasf ihlodt, tlelrp r,
Charlb,ese S,d n I'llckill ..U, No. Id2..1P
Lt U, Nil 1%53 II,, a 11 I, .. d ),I ill IIb i
Mll,,e kin~d deedsI anid~k ltthk ml
elol ~:lin; thl¥p Ihtl-fJp.... ,le i I. IT nilly tli ll", ]. 9~
:i ~l ol, > a]~d ]flad"ti Who
,ll t' ]1 il o ;
Ill ]GJ. ~ d~ al~
iollo iff~ r*tI,.V rl
a.z'd I}( it fi.11III it "mtl Im fll MicllY riC"I'll) IO, 11OI[, Ill~t
Rlsohvtd. Tha., il ~
[T,,, 4I... ..f L V NlO. IJIL .l]v{d, Thlll II £oty ,fIf ... ...
pesi~ll ,o "Ih4 [1SI...
Scii~TlW h Il,
[~dil tq' ill aIIlis$
pl ( th, i .. I
b,;I.Il~:a<iUI'll III Ili d 1,1of
thl iiee,"l
a.,a eopI'l""'It ...
11 ... .I1c o'eaR'. joLal t~,.
m d$flk hImi o[ iii~d Ili it ReSOJ11il(,tfIT la[GI ialdm tT l rl d flJ..l Silei]I
HI. ROGERS. lIl,I'd l th,
[lit II. M,.I iufror
L, R. LADNIER, I), i]"tai'll hi~t 3II.dIIXN $1 i
III ie t UI.k e I l'
i/~iu ,g c 1.1[ IIuT Fmeln
"dt l ;aid, hal IIt

rlltlllt ol O II te the, V aEdx . TIl, Robrt heo) tea...e]Ll L. U. No. 338

hinli/lid Novem1be 11, I'llI
EiIliIII, t.
Il All11/ghty Gild, IIl {i,; Ild~lit,
hi,, .ae1i £rozII our ,id,, Id, "st."tmtd andl ll~{]
1 C 9% .CIII ...r...... ~ Mid Btherti
AON'~il .'orll Ti~othr,. Itobl,1t The~I Hli al](ll; 111ole- I ..Ibil{+ IndcLf. pit l ...Io Nd. Of .r.....Io
D C MOSBY, Iloi. be Lt lille lfoI ~tlll,, I " Ill 1111I'Eell -i, Wh Off S
K .. a. 0C'l T. II...
o ..imll', It. soIIIId, That G, Pay tlibif, Io h1ia .1m..
111. b~ eIIlI.ll$.itg ,, hli, III,.y till ...... I Id
,Ti flitL IIIIl&g
l-l1ldllih,; lidd b,, ii ftlfile, Ildhilit, f ]~.l~T1 "It" K ELL 1R. f i
MD~rvln ONeaL L. UT. No. ll-1 08 R(~IIvedI Thal 11, all-pe, OU] 1hI11l, for a
1D1iUIll*I O"Iollf, 17. 'll,0 [, ilid '£ 110 dzlaN$ aid Til it flithe:, yo k,
I~ it tH~lil] ( te
R""AoIvde hi,
K . ..... of 'I'lle de(lut otl'
WI tilleIi~c[~,I /~ TY, NmI Bd0811 lil, b If~~
< h.s fatl"Il . a tilla3 II Ipred .n, Alb erthBi , U N* B*[166
. i.
"I'r~ll.111 I'~d Ii ,,Y~p Se .int 11OdOUI ohIeia
a felelin~(ol~ I"oln 11-oIIw M.1I lill ONZ'* Ilzilinledf.~f,
No lb~ g I,
M, El~ ¥OUNC II Isso~ow
Wih ~}ld re f lre ffl wffl ii l
¢o1'{ ~u~cl
ft{ 1id" t hll'il, ~t I~o lol,
mhml{.r S" Ill Uion;Ill
ROGER Q, EVANS, ]}1s]~
o }11 I plrl ~ d`h~r ,Iil..i i -II ilf..illdd;recm" c
oul$ylH~ah} elII f1I'l~l fsldd t i Dd titlhe
ar¥y 1)aid.h, L. U. N.. B-1031l Rent
Ire, T n ,I,,op ofI Th{~
It, I I th~Wifts
inl theil, 91feT 1,os., II, III
wa~ II I I ILI ...I
I...aI Billthor as W(,d tI a Alhd II aill .VIlll fdb~ititaftd $1, 7, 19,9
III. fortilnl id1,( 11lJ~ oi i zc With - dilf"Iti Pi(lrlhg "Fifil ~1I"
'II fIld
rof1rt. IW% th, lI~liJZ ~}f L, U. fl, F-.]03L I'VC1.'r]t
'feold '[he ""aIll it, S1cptlndliel 1, 194T If Iut
depaledi Ifff~d .. ld Suisier, iday D ild,;i
trm, "I fillJ{11]0l ~/ilp [oF ~lb'.m Id11(ll ,hl f < b.. it
b~ 1 mIT " fdur
t h erlI. ~l F Id")¥cd ThdtweI lfnddy OT]F ~iut' ... I.... Harr~f
V HN Le'rik
U. Nd. NB
l)alll III tile falill of olt Si~.Jl- h, Jhis ¢....
k~i of
f" l
Oh < rbl" aTi.i~C~~1 of lhe0~ {!~"' Iffro' aft be, it 11.111,1 [I~ihi.ltld 29l]I
, 1 1937
oF ThTdc
a tlOIeld.1I~
alld l(ltdll, filI I~J~ii'h ~lilllp .IOHO loll t~l'e Ilweht

P V M~t T Pl h, p,,a uu hiiia JOiill [OrI p~ldigNo,

Ifall, ,,a I Ho~lIf . III.¥ t
If, fa
John (RC [
J~.. [ .. No. 11.HIS dl~yo ill IlhlIA [it filexl,,, re ,tla mf tidd
£01LI IS DAVIS, W,,I ""pan h In II(B I o, o []IIiT,
,"d An fdIrIbu
Dlii:edJilitl 3{}. 190
flIIesoIII, Tha.t ,cp, i~f 1hlig Oeeohdl,,,
re~r{ 11 I:Lt11Ill.(, lb lttTb,{~
I Of I .... , OI
M[ld¢[ d NO.
(Te.(m 70!1 ~he ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
be 1{ I.ii'
l~~] n{a
y ienli lra .P,
fill~- .... oybe~n

Whe, reaha , h0 II~PIIbC'il {f I_ i[ N P~iaid AqPlO$8, lGIN tl}o[rE~crIaY VnIER~ CAPA,lalnTf~pb

[ $I1r1[ I~l'lO W, alld legret tilltT e tl,,l tlellv,( EDWA
ORD h:~ Gi eda.
,-,l)l; J~IV fIoN Ode, (If ...
IUL 'l( ...i11[IO)'d II bllr of L. IL. Sit. 709 rfcil I, HIe I-
nlodhers; h. it Il~l"Ifftt Ill, If B11olheJ1 11,1'd, aEIDollIIIIII eoy a ff,m V.d Mof~ i. L*. Iiy N,. Bne301
RIeII,,id. Thal lhe dmlilbe-11h, IIex111 n, 13<! it
ReIlye Thlit weP." triblle Io hif meln
Ider tilne If Rreat .... row; add IS, it V.Irdi, iTope, Kaal I... " I'l .....
d T th al'y
o hY II.,ad.rl9 In fIdt mId~iddtidiiI. OIdl
THeSilved, That we' 1(lr111 om. ctll~a~r fl I :~llm11, Idld ill it 11 i~thl,
R....O[¥l'. 'PhA, OI., ,dl',,, Ii I'li'i( f...
,¢,'jl~id n bT, RlaiI'd ID* '.h l,"pTl rI f o~-
Ili ll ii ill ~
aI filly If I]~ee b et~ Iouinlhe
II*[Tl.... wwl)]uw"O1
1. ( lAII0l
I I....OC I N$ S R.eordl. Sll,,, .y
556 The Journial of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Openators
ached . L.II, No, B-J31 Lh, Id,' , ;~, L.. I . Ad. II-9 et~r7' NlCam,dnt, 1L.U. Not. 417 LI! 9, 1522
IT .it , a eilg f ~ ICt~flh.,
~eIto~l]e at:i
t Oli ~ thr Ll¢lld
d 3 hil~; d);
til iN; ld, he1 o1lr lt:11;

I II I Ii 'hillII Col)
III... InfIOO[ltLh:
'hl n 'idJ~ql~e dIape fi,:
DCIJOo~ ;~ da"S
ji [h..l a,I~~
I IIh I L c I~q)3 IIL ~l I h~
I1 Ith I, L I iI I InkL
I I JaII Ii il;tl ;It ThtI, n, lt, IiDoL f]HS mc tilO
tesoidtioll ht, "id O WIi,
i 'd, It ...I ,OI )h J ;,
a] Io1~ ht . .... In, " JOI]D]hll, fo[ p"Ibli-
I'l<~ r...e~Iel~ia J~I
I I I. bllit 'Iir Lliin1 ~mil 1ha, l L .t ...
e oi calti t- ;I
Rf,X H{ARP I'ER II( citg I I IL I i I hI l Ifl
itt ,i
Mil.. {-;Ty
ell t Ioa CImnn~ ~i hol~~.
all, FmnmSe~£;I
I, arrd3 liJ I,AD "It I I Nu.
11. it. I
W~inlia.l, dleJ. L. I . N.. B-1083 ", l, lill, cd V!rort
" A, 93~ W-GtiiaL(;se.L. U .No. I1l?-
it'll~litl/,r e 2~, IgJ? ,,[ fT W ..... i}l l $irt, z ~ lzg It SLIi~S gl( allililabd Noi~,.llb1, 11, 1911, II L, L U. 51,<1 ~;
~t $ Wifh shdci, helihg If 6f(llkdS, a;l~ CT I, \hh deeI& Iolx ..... ),l~ Ili~ "
itret hai Ill, O1~. IIcmDIIII o~ 1 LI .1, IIIt, il~11t~
f L/la IVioih NLq It18 rtc old
B-IC-I8 ileeod Lthe j 'ssfl
f ot, la d ~l~/ I 11 LK Sitb,
litof .. , f~i end .zIl 13r "Ithe ~.i~ll
W lt
klyid B,.the,,, Will.ail BelI W... I.,l olll, L, G lasl"I., ILI flhnaly
yeisI, hill beenI
... lif fJ[] ALII 25. 1941; .,dd t~%~ ;l, itiya It 1eilibC/;i III
WherasIi it Is (I'el d('s,,~ ho. l~'¢ tl, Wholltsi it is, our1 desLle to 1.eeognill I11,
gi lie ... hI f mi ] ;dlid ri e I ds, ,I I1t. uxl lt
[o fi'eat 1TOL TO oaf1 il¥gaRdzdtio[I~ ill 11ho pfit~
;'ilhh(t ill~r1~0rg! h~~foy , 11:1
I uI s nlpd, .,,d tdrtnh o. ot, IILIIIhII artld .. phs .. r lipplzeimtio.
,hrtf bil it b11spr1 t'lfOLII~ illt~o
mil lig
oti oih n tid. o] hJhti " ',
toI e lof[1 E.Ie ... I£....
Reso.lteh; Thit aIlpl if IIhese it,,,4,l ...I OgI ,a I ,op Ie "etf hfall~ k No11,p dihelekht, h, iT
Ite sprIad ."I,)lh the tlkllJ~~ o[ OU] .... iocIlJ~ serDift oIlr II(,ur ; li ,,: pl ih ai*/ t If."Izl Ii RT,¢ok Id THill,,, Itpe£ Ith di,.}), ~m-
. Iopy th, sIlt ill ., JO ... a1 frptbeaiid;
.nti b, it pillt~ 1o ]TiI f1il1idy it, Iheir Ioll of.. ... Wx;
Resh,,-eld, That ou, ofiate be Clhqd I... ];~s.lvid, Tht i ku c[1111{ tig{lll{~l fol .. Ill) it fii' [l,
peflod of di da.,s as, a IIIbtIt TO, his RtdLdo~~, I hhal ill IlhaFle bii allaped fal a
I.111111 R" M bD 1wND N "{ituo d o] dalJ[
I,(I t~hibul to II[~ itli ... l ;
GEORGE SMITH tild be it fillthor
J[IHN GO'GFI. Resivd ThaM . Ilopy i{fils 1iIsI oz ~
I,1e 111u1ik hisIi
'I, J21~Ly, a, tloP11r,1ld
eL)I.. T11
IThe ll due 'If oti{dgla i~id II lopy Sent" t
I ller"I ardI
3 Xd1lal f, Il.L
U ...i I; -12[ I I'ltl [L}[~T}/a~hloIa;I OfficeI fit pbiatkl in The
John Eoin.,. L. ['. N.. 11-1083
[InItialedl Jttil, 24, UPJ I(flilITl+~ eemlif25 13 C7 W. ATWATER,
WhlUas Ahmhgldt, Old. itl Hv, Lnfinite /.t- G. A. GOEPK£.
t l il 'faOdw..;
doil, hil, catled fro .,I midst IIo~el J...l~ V¢]i n n$ 'thod llst, js who il[le ~1[l~
II .... Lols Anglls CahL COIlmIdee
Ili, wo.,k Lp To Adthinh a fl~ Halld, ,` hs
pfsig. f'.om among L" WL, pai tlidIf. t, who ~ hay URHA
osivac W. AhiU.
Roer (LPry. L. I7. Nil. It 9
Ill,[1iiD' thereOIe be it
]L~ICCifziolPbruary 29, ]8l91
of heatfltN syl¥itall, atd telt be sed I T%,l ilasing onar IRILLthe Robni. G.
faLi t fill opy
be aent IO l ~ele Stil
b il L!,
II an ioTro
Un oL iN., B-d . dee[p
a. Coss htill IIot
li,,*,ed I Adlitoa Ln . I, 1hNta H-121~ qlLdekll be eaed £or' hm. Limltelle inlyarly 1
Resoved Tat ai lopy
D ., Ian Ilipi... he
ramro It also
ift, we stan ho';~T~i le[ "[lr orlaitiaitilnt Old mthlwt~ ill II~ -~uppm
Resolved, That ,, drape, ou elhar0e fol .
perlot]~ o2 B day, ",aihgC Ii LA it Aa. fillomL
us. and. Ils hfienidsh'i., Thi x;
{GEORGE SM~1ITH, hh..f Aif JI Mu]{,l
JOHN GOU{G;H. w [~z" Id, ( i'11
Sit , L . IIo, I....
L l~? Wh".,.,~ xkc f~l tl U., bilc L.av
IIs R ol{]
idi ltf']
. ['erry Jr.II,1 hL.
} ,., No.1;:¢2 1, ITM IIc ,,,d,,,odtHill'
I.ind be
EnosC. Frisk. L. U. N,. 1123 "'L'ei e L ¢l lli tlly(;o
t. 1 itt
hi, 11.....
II::T k-
]1Id T hakt .1riaill iniald o11, tzt ] l oul h}til soz]d t11.t II co y ill the~ ~soi
w~ill, SeChl"re 3li,ii I93 ill L'I, U,, ,go, I
VI..J f ... .e..yW .,h,; h, t w heillai1ina Seear bil~ LL Electr1Wicl ~Vtk-
Ilidil ...OHiemi's if L,,,.l Unitn N,,. 13-4/ xtV[~IIc's fit., Lhc Ih.,,,l o~, diaroth ".I i ol~,~llli;ad
.I bet it further
IIIvl ilc, dit11 SepIl,.bl, 10. 19q41. of iI ,, L 13 NO W:¢ k):Lg .. "I a I~v't, l ;~( "'lhxl, 11"e.olve Till, aI opf thl .s... hesolot~o
de stied frilnd ant1 BLthl, Eo... C' Flfgk, I.... e. ;" U,- edoIII [~"Ihihi
l Il, ih be spc~~t 111fur 11 kue Ihf L.,.ca
l~s~eThat II pay ~rlbfte ,o I.. ..... re
o]-, ~3 exe.~n In is faitly, .tnd hill$d 1.1a.hd[o th I'llnt of1.d,etll I Iepal~e
our sincrypth y;.C andhi be it frlihr ... b{
LI"ityfi][ht , I j~"Il A, VEr.SC HAVE,
bes l~e( Tht al op¥ II lp, iLsdoId ... R(!solye Thi J,x, a;IARR ~~tbd HARRY SLATER
ourradlue ad II cop3 b~ I, Ih fille Elec*
trlios Workets' fol~l
io pliblhwatil: It
R ....letThit chate
d beI, rape
i ~lal Frank IL, Mart. L, 1[. N.. 13-9
Rl,,olved. Thait thl~ilets
I...I t ,ee
ill, IlailidtId Seleiit 21, /¢900 inl Li U. I.. 19
fier . ;)eiiod o£ OI¢', mi]~iUt .,, ;I [rJbhhi 1O,
hi5 meioy.O Wsoll,,n, Ae~2l
... ~hily(
cd faiTlly f to ]at- With, II sinco feefling O deep IsorI'ow ,Ild
HARRY RICE, re'910. w, Illi IteLnthil If LocaII U~i.. N,
[Irih er. I n~ll~
fi~3 It} 0111 l offcia
leeld [[x0e d~th,oi Augusit 3 hU41 Ifl
,,,f d Lhd p~l .. ....Icalol U. ,, ,,,l, digh~rtd fIIn and l~rolthr Frank B
Milt; t1eL-ellhL-, be, it
14,xolved. Thatl Ill tender1 our ;ircele },m,
Ill~ithJ, .. WA",I [1 T T S vial't I{} t] hhaill v ... litn B,,,o" rI ddf
Willi,. H1.Ra cy L. (T. No. B-17
. Taly, ,. U,.,
No. 55,,LI ResIIIh, d, Th., i eop, LI thse rl~i,,iol.
bt, sprtadl U n ile m inuefour meeting
Whereasi Althlighly God has betl pleasedi. in !tdb ti tt ed.1YDe'e
i be th,p d Hil9 ... and :t Vop I. .. lit ,I{ o1I* IfSLI Jolhihda fat,
HI, i~LA.1e wllislm Io hlat, f~oth, noItI(~t
o., esteemed a.d lorlhy Illothel. Willia.. L]
R1,1rhl~e Thaty e b,,dyn o £HARLES .T CONLEY
Wthqh-ea, Lo.. I Uilio~ ..' N1 B-17 hill lot Ilo
alld Jcl~
"Ifllei...e,... I) it1 locl, LalsosJiclre }~ARRY SL~ATER,
hill P.sslin9 oIf B"tohtil HI~e ohll't! Pfill tZill
.and loyl rnl~dbes All It a, h i(~
IlC]lli e
Reshvrd Thait Locl. U~rimo No~ ~I17 hlIb¥ Idl Ve
ks th, lsor~owf
hid r , II tlla tw 1.Hie
expR-.,i Ht dee thphreekt ioof Ih, ei. Bled]wl' O, Loa
LI h 5, pIy ott lffilre. F}...nk S. S,hctt, L. U. N.. B~-9
Io ot~r caltet gfierl by o., Ila ]Brathem iid
Ili, ih.~ol~ il the kitowled of hks Te*i.0 I'HItizted M're1eh 1, 192". Ill L+. U. NO. 332
.itt be, it £tlehe R~so~ve Thn J. WethATTS)i. hatr o
l,.1oId, Tha1 LoclM Unkon N.oH ]1+] tilnd,, .... e. llb of Lol.1 Hill.. N., 11-9, Ire.ordl
II ts illco syru'psily to the, itn~ f {}Hi late IFI...fill Thf a(op i tlt( toth Ilolh~l itltlldL~ey d(!,ltl O }Ilarhe Frfilkd S Scott;
B.IoLIe ll th(il tille Of p,,Lt i.rrnw: I11{
bte Ithfrh., ' i~uletioL
... sly, L. Iof. N,
]3 55Aolti RayeLThalt We oa ti-idtt to hIs men
lqeolhed. Thalt I 'opy If llhs l'l, hti ofbi[]i:tIs dib, 5,ocal ory bi, W~t~lgt
hil, ftmhid .. d reiatwve
fil $e..Lo inidly
the (if ot de(as!]'othl{!L, ~)il Ilheartllt Sylpatlhy and be, II flurtheii
LILit , S!)
.Ala A :l~ Hill
· l HL,¢, i Rl,,dIved Thti LI eo, n¢
If heI I-fiomL.I.o
ai Copy te ICea .. dthe Irilll, OihfO. Local
Hnion. N. ]3-17, a.ld LI eoP, be 8e, toI itl
ofleIaLL Ja.ns1 ofli plro~rh ... fori ane
.. I copIy be Spleat Lpold ftie ..idliutt, if ...
publesioldf iLoal ...l o$..
Dot fit, Mieh,I.... .... lee
OCTOBER, 1941 557

J. M. McCarthy, L. U. No. B-9 Matt H. Trew. I. U. No. B-9 William C. Korol, L. U. No. B-949
Ifitciated November 23, 1920 1,trttfeld DecoInberl 4, 1917 Iltittiad J.fluarly fl, 1941
It is with a sintere felLuqg of sadness and We, T(e of Local rUnliol No B-, Inl that Aligtihty Gud, with Hits infinite
regret that we, thu rilunbers of Local UnionI with a sincere feeling Cf,srow and remlel. wsdom. hfa d{eemed] it nehcessary IToremov
No, E9., record the pa A]lgor: true aid
of iteorrl the passLtIg of lBvothlei Matt ¼l TIrw, foiot (ltu ,itdst o.,r Brothe', Wiilatn C, KoroI
loya Brother J. MV. Mccii rihy, "ho ,as whri died on Juno .. i, 1941; thlereore be it it is wJhiLIi, C re sorrowht rid eg rut that we oS
caLled frill, us oi, Jun..e 14. 1!41; and Iteolved, That we exptesy our .symnpathy to Loca] No, B-949 record his p]assig,
W hle[a s it is oulr irlihe2 to Ci4 rtsl OUr griJ iht, hiiiily of our hale Trothel' Who Ilow r In reinlelutb rance of IlI.", W., explr,$s our
to h.s fA hy and friti.. arid to (xtITl{.d to his los.: 2nd be it fpr1h1 heirlfalt symnpathy to thA .i.i.tbe'ls oI his
Rtis iiverld That a lopy Ifi these resolutions aintliy; amid be it
tliti~ o ur sympathy arid IilLd t~t tldndil§; then,- be i[id ulpon l h.. minutes oIf this meetng, Isolvied That the.i.e.l.... [ sand silent for
I.eso.v.d, That a cop. o this ¥-cbOilTon al cota bl, s lbt ti the olfllial Jotirilal of rhi tInl2 minumte at theIr next regufar me.ting as A
le sp ead upon till titltt 9 o .. lT 111. 11trotllhrlmhood fo'l TIl)iicalHti , 1rild a CIcIy ble Illibtit* to his m emory: .an~d I w it ftIrther
T t;y be sent to tir ;i'ilh iir.. a cop' b, selt to the bereaved fat1 y. RlesoYIer, That e Y of thItse resolutions
e,lt to OLTTJrAtIiInal .o. ibicJLho
M WILLIA 4 S'TOKES, be sel, to the rne.uebes or his filiTl .y and a
DAN MANNING HANK BROWNSWORTH, Copyhbe spread orI thue Ili t..ts of our local
HARRY SLATEIr ('hiicalgo, IlL. IU.mnnlitteiŽ W. IH FOAE),
(hilcago., Ill, on i lI WALIrlER It. SHAMP
(htighe H. . I . No. B-57
Phillip Schenrich. L. If. No. 11-18 Ilitirtflrt NoocI'rubl 3I 1938, ir1 L. U. No. a-SR Au's tln, M IT, Co u, n it C
IniNiated Not'oti boy ,1.0927 Its wil i dAeep feling of legret and sadI
hILes[int wae aie clld]J toI 1ly tSi< ]JisI.
n "U ,qtephen OHandley, L. L[ No, }-1089
[t r . ...l.. nll the pasl itI If fliothe, 'h lli, es~cP'ts to our depir rtei ]T o iotb, G oorge TI. Initialed Ju y 5, 1937
S-1h TRiel tI It' ttW It c~ of l, otah
B ri n d ,1 N o, oi dOi:, and It Is wih deepest s riroI ilid tl'f'g t that we
14-I§ realize the loss of a trUe Thuther anld WVhul raS J the dilhi I oTr flirih..r, Total
tWkaIl roe rebel arid Trlloin No ]B-57 leahzils i i i1s rs ro,e if Jlii' ,,eord (lhe death of our estcioti B rothIer.
Whe,'eas it is our clestIe 10 ,ceogibize oini T,, TIA]d...devoted m.o.... s: Ih~lefore2 be it St'ph.n IIaiitley: thm li fIll bIe it
loss Ir the p'Asbing of 1rThior SchA ...l id and RlHislvyd Thlit E, glid Hi silknce for a [tl'mlved, That wy pay tribute to kis 1Llan-
Cxl>LeN<~ m r apr cct~in~ioiti ~Ifhits hlo alty to lih ... o{kS on r mntill t aIs it "ark of respect to ,lS by exprssing tO his fam..ily ot' heartfelt
'yyompalhy in olis i.L.r of sorro: aid be it
II anld be it f ti' l hitihter
Reoled, That we e*xpresI our lJ.p syti- Re'solvedr That IT CO11 Of thdle resotilts
pothy To his 1oveld one inl Htill bout. of 1 e- be Hini to his falill: aIW eIt'IT (tirthier Iltsl ed, That otu Trl be draped for a
r enveiierit: and he, ii Ir ithter Iltsolv'd, That a copy of these resolutions period of 30 days an/d uist ouTr uiieihtlihip
R esolved, That OUl, IlchliiI Ill dlilled for al he sItI'd or1 theIA, jtittw aild a eopv be seit stazcl for o he m..inute as jIa . lei tribute to his
p,,rOd of 30 days in hJ, ,TAr l brs and IlT it to thi Ikectrical W orkers' Jotlinal fot' roe£ ioty; and hb iH ff lthtr
Elither iul] JcatiJon. ReIsoved That a copy If ihese resolutions
R 1solve,dThai copy of th1e itO]lnilpis KF]iI I. *[IROMAS hi! sent hi his fant~ly, a copy sp]reld "oP. the
he Sent to his famil, a copy spiend on ARtTTIUR ¢ WILLIAMS, of Local U[Inio No 3-loiO , antd a copy
mlri 1ntit-s
ti/iblr~ItS Ilo ur lodge, abd a copy senlt ti o he sent to otlr omic ] Jiali . a] io pubhciatkmTo.
o ti oial JOU rnal fOr pnl lhIleal cll .l Salt Lake City. Utllh. Comittie
U W ATWATSRI President
L R H[OFTESAN K enn.eth Flynn, L. U. No. B-125 Sydney, N, S, Selietaty
LiI. Abngl[,., CIOTTI. o1/ll Inbiittdf Augyust 6, Is~i, ill L. U. Ao. 77
Allnthi, loyal ...m...e'v has answered thh
Philip J. Clark, 1, T, No. B-9 liii ] sitHHIiOris Iarid fItu.,l U dioiM NO 13-125 DEAI'H (3LAIMS PAID FROM SE'.
tlhir ted ] ovember 4, 1919 tIlull.rn thi pnlsng Oieiwn'd of B rother Kill- TEMlIER 1, TO SEI}'IMIBER 30, 19,1
Elolhytin,hIi, loss wIll III sicerelly felt by
WhettReas Almighty Giio hay blee pleased. iil ]) I mIlb,yClioe fritIrlls in ih, Wld'otht rhood 4n
Ills jlinile wisdo1, to hak, fboili our hidl Local Union No. B-123 extenlds to his loved 1,, [' . ,C rrt
oilr /orthy Blor iti . Phil, p J, ClIi k; and oI lii he atrtfeIt sy ltltlt y Of iitll mtll oss,
WIh.t..e. Local Ubion No. fl-9 hItI lo It inIIT, .,Id tile col dotenee of suir 'iwlig friell(s [, (} kV ( II.q,'ish r $,0100.(0
pWssi[g of Br'other Clark lbie of IlS ]oal 13{; t: TD , Skeltnu I,OtO.O0
Th'le diaer shall be allaped Lot 30 days in
...flels: be it i.I.. r.oly of ]I[']mtl{r F l nn, ar1 id.. cop y of t ins [,O I), Nolan 1 000
Resolved, That we hereby expioss our dlee. tilt1te shall be spread tpo
ilnte I il uitLes 'If (;5I 0. E. MeilLmah 825.01
apprh~r ia~ o'f of it~l .s to (,'I eaiish giVeIm
'vices ITTriilelting Coia es hIll bIo selnt to his h .- 4112 Willia iC (E'Nel 1,000.00
by our lite Bro"t; and our sor.r. in the tlamily alid
a Lirvtd to rOUr Jourinal OL
klowlrede of lhis dbtit; and tIc it fuIli iiutbi iieltitmii
7[ [I, Shiyee 1,000,00
. vud, That we tellder our, sicle s '11i
1- LYNN FUJIBUSH, '3 (i l{iprbkus~ 825.00
I ... y to thI Iaiiiry or our lo.e I, o¥lier tI C. C, HITL0DIC, 589 C. M. Earl I.000,00
thirlr ti.. of great soi.,tW : 1n] IIe it Iuther I] iR0%Y JTEDONNIELY.
Rteolved That T copy of (h'ue tlmsotltlis I. , I1, EI A idTltlI.....I 1,000.00
I li IIlaId, Ores, Committee
b , sniALIt thle fIT.l.l.. (f (Olt rI'T aec I d POioIh , 9-I72-1 It. Pole}, 1.000,00
a copy hf s1pread oiIh. I ililI.. o ouldr local J. 1.IlHarl, Dh., 1,. IT. No. 508 702 ],' E, (Cux 1,00.0]0
1]1±i100alilt' cop y It sl? t to the official Jo bl- 5:1 E3J PhirIpeu, 825t00
inrt of olur riotlehr'jod fir ptili]catkon TnhuiIFeid Fberuarjy 15, 1938, in L. U. No. 177
t¥11vb('{s it is appoitg td ui nto n all 011c2 to 212 W. I[l t]idmaiuru 1,000,00
HARIY SI WPAME. rite, tin til~le, it lrivig our¥ l[ea¥vrliy F'athei WI].It, end l.000,00
Chicag!o, Ill. {zoimmlit JL% '''il, Tim, htus e lk os tri t1o i i olti' m idirst ou r tin- 61:1 I{, I) Long 1,000.00
lovLed lohther,
, alt/ s IT . ta te, 3 . Llt us
:145 (' ,W Wi Wli.mTs 1,0(ot0000
Jantes G. Slater, L. I. No. 11-83 litisig tH tottgh re, pect rit~d nrlm uiattiil of his 241I R. W. BiEssett 1,00.00
Im..l.y Bi iDuilis arid noble dHeillse oJ hlIig
DJ ,tizlcdJulne 29, 1915, in L. U. No. 01 i lit t11,adm ired in a li t ltei mlelbb er aiid ,I JI, I, [Bi'gIa ih 1,000.001
Iomal UBnion N,. B-BI ixtlnds deepeslt l
1Vll- work ... I,. 181 .]. J. iHlrt Iti t 1,000.00
talky to the beh v ovl [ idtlv ant i £life ds of Whoitas We, through }ilds redlutini wish to
]llrothrr Jmlits G. Smt . ,ho Ila, Tiln lakeli
,I expre ss to ile family nird fIlTl..Is muir deepest I .. W. D. J'ltes 1,000,00
I... int mids T. tilld ill TT. eIldea . o to he o} eg etel.... d vrn tidties omlltilm passTing If out i.O. J,]. J, il arnle 1],(1(0.00
OI.II,( comfort to the I..o.tIvSrl W. Iedilcate Illt tstrl itld ]ltoth er,; tie lpfop' h, it 8. A Jt.t We her 1,00(.0
following: HlsO[vert. That Locah Unior. No. 508 stanld I!I A. It. Kent 1,)00(.0(t
Jl siii~bl, ill a pei'... ot oru' illiilute in his
W hiTA nhothin Eg w..e.eonT 1.o l.a.. if tiIs. iIIItM,. an]d that a copy of Ihese resotuttons ISO] F* J Lawreqnce a00.00
wil ii at"ongiucills vt tIllb, ho dil
1, 5134 .1. It. Fhsil I 65ool0
I' slni To Thie Ifam il ,t one dor'e,ised EroIl e,. 114 P. Ia n/elm 01,.00)
W hItqil ijoi bt g is %tit but that Ged s I/t I/ eIIly III tile E iR 'tr,'al W.o.k vli Jotiriiil
IT igris. Id col. be made d a t' l it mii' inujtes of 58 JIT.I, iTIt 650.00
that is Just the tion' to titill Ihis 1oie untlion: antiI be i fHitel r IE.
J,'h , l 200.00
UR'~oivert That o/Jt r'lia1'to shall ei('11imai :12 (I; IW.. Brncd1mr. 1 25.00
,is be, tter to walk b , railh than sight ahlapedl ¢mu a 1 iAp'iod of IS0 (ir>.
In 1his pal,, o£f .o.u. Ti ri ....... W, F,'URTILL. 9II II A, , el 1,00.00
A nd the pitch-bl lli11t,ack w&hir thleres iiO ;92 I. W, Tlucy 1015.<00
otrder light C, S. WLSiTCOTT, 352 IR. \'D Sherd 1(IIt)0o
Is thle time foIl faith to ihie SaiVtittia b. Ca, ( 'Olii~i~iil tc(e 125~]. P Flnr~ 1,00000 (
WILl} AM N' FIOLT. . I.O I<. l { 'tht 1,050.00
Lt, Abti,1}s. (ali] pIos S clar¥ Vicia ... oleIk.h L. I1. No, Jb-1031 1!11 1. L. MNe, 1,0(0.00
bIitltedi AI nus.t 16, 1937 L](I. IF.D. I",uc 1,10.010
John,(C McNFGiell. IL. L. N.. 1021 w itlh a ,sin er feelilb if rleep so xwtiob'd I. (I. [[. Vorl S,']Hill 1,{}0000
Ilogt, }I ,, he txi iit,'I's or Looull U nIAonl No.
h/ rieth cd A It ITsI 17, 1g23 4-1`31, I .eco.. the death, oin Sepytember 9,
Whereas it is with (I'l sorro. anld regret 1041, of our d platleti rliultd arid Sislei 312& J. F'. ]ITawuelt(! 1 ~l'ol(}0
that we. the iinllt itir olf l4..hhI Unbir i NO. 1134, ViCtoria Boilk: thi'ti't bl I. 18Ss lhioma, J I tI(lr V 50.0(]
z ile pi kstsi gi of ourl B tOlhit , Joh nl C2.
hhtd Resolved That we Irlur mi- shncere ,51Ii-
polty Io thl faimiy of oti' Sisa tr In this tIitli :124 'hrttlis J. 1Sunt.t 65}.0(
McICGOnll:r/I thiererot¢ tie It
]Tesolv¢l. That ,'vr piyr. tlbitct to his mIemory> or hIlit great sorrowr. : md lbi it tirther iI I.. (I. [;'awh l 825.0,0
by ixpre~sliln to his J upoily o ur sinlCert sylln- lesolved, That A cony "Ct (if iLilTIiiS
l1tso NS7 i. S. (anlphill O
palby: an1dbe it thor
hit, e speair upon the ...iu...I s o,f 0tl mIelutlilg 1:14 Ililmert ']'. M1r(;Tt...u.m.,000, 0
IsOdlverl ThI.T1 clI. ty Of lliiT./ tv'sOitiiOns a Ioly be SoTlt to I.e. beRIliVed faiTily, a Copy
lIt, slemi In his Ta~Mily. rt C.uply it' r.emd H p I II to Oury ofleiid Jiuri, ul fol pJihl]calti... 2 V. .1, Irie diell
W5 1.0 0.{11
Ilkbil Y,,p Thal
tltr minlltes and I,J alrla
copy bIe -fOP 1'' to","b~ia
seii the tECC..... It a oIar chartel be drapled for a period of I. , N,],mfih J. i)uffy
h at W or ers' J ourn alI for i l it li 3I1 da, s I Wil lujail, ¢,; WleTal 1,000.{10
C:hiago, Ill. Recording Secretary I:TT nos C. Frisk ... . 825.00
pltthburgh, Pa, flocoidin, Secie hy
5n8 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
1,.1 ./ been oligdr, t, olen itl ativwithie Iar Terre, 1lat~t, Indl. Ini additiont to this, Molthe
454 W, D. Sudlllxa he".,Id moemlllf wag,"s and hu Keldly ha..d the job of getting ou ioatitu-
1,000.0f Safer anti healthiertemiin of work, IIII1II, TlkL]Sl, h airraa
d nil killit stp- ~il
2 0 of eoue beam
... objective pI"l arid ashe' says "therewas, apt H ol,
J JlO0.00 in ieof the increased ha,,.,d, of fast, m ir g," Thro vnio n had estabished1 it
,lanoe~ J. Met'seLby I Jd00.00 m.ovhlg Iaehihlo, BI~t o,,e soelmntr low pe e~[i" , lotI0 ceuts a mIontlh .a...I to,~
I03 Johno J. O'Ilearn J ,000.00 a goa~l ,,a, stolYre isted and i ie kept the fato.
Iresur $1l ffioLhe need
,52 Geurge M. llehey t,000 00 years~ of edwelitin tihepubli ad the /eIgk;
lotlywersnaive of the pc~ie. Th~ough ''J. Kell, at one tfi~ln "whn~ the very
17 Wilmliaw e, I J0)0(JI(
a o ~e' hle it~;1
tela l odltion,I [kf¢ of DW, oiganizathm. deplnded .... t"
2`3 (at] C.Hasee 1,1011fl., workwu' eomensl~ . sfety and in nu... w,,agd hi, houseolftd eftrot, a...d Ib1,ihtm
,5 I icalFrit,,eh loi00 nopetiaal Iowa h... !iIlaliy been eaated* ns"Ioetaion s, ,ek mlo " tthe i, I,, lo ,,e
121 Shir-ley E. ,Spahe These. eh i.e......nts I.biOLIly redounded to ,Iea li, IItas a ae e ,
rtary aaI, I alhe
IIIe holnefit If the umolgitd.. as ,1ell . earll> ,ee.rds of the ilrothehodlhe.. II, .,on
213 Vernon Carneoy 1 ./ffRI)(,
to thy organized ,orrsad tn, soeiely Ialuod ia hi, honlwrtten ledier. Blrothor
,77 Samuel L. Hlill 6;SII.00 at large, Kelly, t.... had amhltions, for tilt .no
ad .
353 (Ianon ceC. V .ame 1L00(.00 in 1S92 ,ucceeded il establishing 'The IIIec.
S'o bold of soia Itwivty re,,ainedun
'T CarlI I. EH...... a 150d)0 inleneby the increasing eampelotite,, trical Worker"' as it, ofilil journa L acting
561 of t cnooy
Th. in..ldiiduactitiznbcm as it e-ditel ia, addfitoato hi otherdties.
F. K. chleary 1,000.00
inceainlyhelpless toI, oee
inlunc lie euntiued in offieutfi 189. For nlanIy
316 Felix Young 150.00 )'asthereafter hit a,, a r egulareotib-
unIderstand tho sewore gatherln, sa
mucfh p~ower m econons, gvennetalb o,r U, the ~llazn Pas~ ertr f
$56,"17fy0o Locaol Union No. I.
llenry Mill,, left St. Louis a, the close
Organized labor thus be...... . ... o
GREAT R{EVOLU TIONIST .f tie con.enio,making hIII Way IIo te
fo... eotih. i te stahillity amidsl tr,,-
(Cdntinued fromt pdge 517) eogl~It f the An.. eriean Federation of
inm ofuig To protect it, ebr
Lalbor w,,hl toot in, Birminghal,. Aid, in
-ystemd of machine prodoletion frutu de~feat Ihe 1ragfoies of industrial accidents alo
Dece..mber,, ,~her he obtained a charter for,
ing its wnp.rose ... d produingb aoea] itncreasingo l
fnpuido" abor
of life m$...
nuac, .ir~k lbelleit,, and] od-age lihe [ B1. E. 1A. and a a-eahn jur+a-
chaos., Its it W,,nded W do during the years, deh~f$ ove all,.1 types of electricalJ wurk
of depesif . on, by excluing th,, gral l~ pensionsd,.]Feb, nf these systems, were opec
Hie did niot returnI to St. Luiis, ht ,woke
of men from. its benefits. ated oa n asldte Ihlanciaml hasis such do
ouuth te New Orleans. aiid from there, east-
SWt in order to appraise the nature and goers{omecalhluane Th. highe?
war1dto laotnn. then1 West,to Chiago wh...
standards of mutual help and fraternal
suda] hnportance, of the re; uf....... the second onventtion was held in Novemo-
izod [al trgles,' there must tIehot., obligaindetrmnd r thei oprtion. In
ber. 1802'. At thisI time he reported the
,alditiol to the dir~,e tobenfits flowing front
In.. did{ ... other, profound de,,iloplilent ,whic
these~ sys~tems, f mutua Ioevr
estahlishment ~~~~~~~~oflocals Birmnga
I..a .. ,aceo wp~id Imeehairai~tm , laehin Nnw, (lorha, Mem~phis. Nashville-, Il...ia-
labor, drewfr,, this experttienc a greadter
[ioodlctio .ocetat. of cap- ,ille, two, in Cincinnati (Nos. 13 and 141.
ita ,,hich lit turn results, ia~a centrahlztion ins~ight int to Ihe I...ealkd myst Iterie ofI
nae.Slfh nt koldesp.
that C olunibus. No. 15 .. d Clovelanod Nu. 16;
of ernoicdi powerl and centrub. This ieux thod De.troit. PittsIburgh. Wheeling. Wash-
whhIhicho laor
alernn to collect as It
stance has i part au s d,and is,
i pat the inston Nhe. 26), Baltimore, Philade1lpia.,
Ilai,s fol st. nio,nmd;.I patt~e~ lit cullretire
r~sult uf. theoneiu growth) in the um
bargainlug. Amongv the hy pr~doductof th,.E
ber sadj size of .. orporate entrprses Srcs.New York, Albany. Utica,. ]roches
effortis the. hong-ueded sociail security
ThE orpora.tion has~ ehan.... the reltion prog,rain But nmst Julp.,rtant abor. wa tead Bu~ffalo.
,hip be~twee an ownerd,and hi, property to acq iriga
itmateant1, I ,perft knowledge W¢ "rI Jadebtd for~ much ofthis material
aexnLthat is podbaby greater that the, on~ te e.rIyhistory of the Bro.therhoodto
changed reblatounhip between-, the worker .. d which make up nldrisociety, and a Hu~gh wMu rrin.h .a . charterlunl
lik tools and the pr~oduct of his lhur., becoinamost effielet agency in social of L. [. \o ]G. which III assisted lee Iteorprtinsruen propert re haen Miller i organizing. Brother Murrln later
belonging Io hun,,dreduf thousanods f indi peea
ot pre..s~rtary of L, V' So, 28:3 of
The acqisiptionh of knowlefdge and it,
,,iduals is .ontrolled h, a nr handful of Oa~kland, Calif.
useoful ppl~ieat..a. hoowee,.aesprte
meny. This is Upe modern, forml of abselltee Likeo man..y o in ter danger~ous trade.
proble ms..o Dpenetpnublic spport
nwes ipIt, deee o'ay he us thau Iln~Miller came. to atragic in h.
hutneoler-1helo"s nullhi I., Ft afoilr hear-
the old., furrqsi because ,even ,1en the nwner, prn f eilanhour. Aft,, two yea... ..
ins, in the detln,~upre pre,,,
becoesaar~.of blluse a,,i has ai will Io irn presidet.t duing whichti, h, paidi
labo.hafounod it acesor...y to estab~ish
curfetoe.t them. he is helpless, tu oIIIt.o..Se,- hi, uwa xpnss he~wa otedl th, o11re
it, o,, prss it, ,'~ prs a erie. li
eral eorortion tro huge that each con- oIf grand organize ~ith aloa icuf i~
Io developits ownju nait. Necess.ity
reels assets of greater value than the, gemo a monith. tiewrye, he nevr eas d Ii wor-k
has, made o.....ized Wabor one of the mostf
hi,ood weailth of the total inhabitants iuo r
,ita] l ...tJutonI Ifoesddicated to the
thn, half of the n~ited States Soloe cor-
serviees ofdemocracty. A.n.. ergeticand ueu
life, was brought
p I ora btiosheanul hitleno.exedn
,In these fi aduher fl~ds labor, ha~ not. toa abuttc loe o July 11, 1898, whit,
the r eeue
f thecnta govenetf
achieve perfffectin. B., it is on the roadL he, ws It work for the, lotomae i:eeftri,
natiwlla rated as world powers,,
The doctrineof trade uionsmi
the doe- ~1%x.e Cloipuny Knocfked frum, a pole by
This centralizationd f poweria I]~o ¢har, .I shuck of 2.200 vots. he, ] ttidonhis
trine oIf coeaion.
ad the practice of
aeter-med hy evasive resonsih t f... it., head, atil the cause, of death IIgtena
coperationI s lh, pr0oele af demolracty.
e~ti.Th. rae the o~ptu is, tle In
adelloccy the sphereuf labor-'s a,- eoeTlno
the hral . wH e hrd
1as oat
h'ss is the influence, of the, Jndwidila st...k- JuIly 14 at lenwood cemetey, Washinogton,I
tivity is unimiiited for labor is hound to
holder. Yet again.i the greater the upoa 1. C. Although o, hill of foretthouight pod
supporit all that enlarges, improve .. anId in
tilon is* the smalleris the pr-oporin of wow crese.... tros..eelsdof
nd' ha~ppiness generosilty idr his fe~llow worker, this ma,
.,,hip necessary to
I xea c ontrol .ove it. had haid up little Ir nothingt i earthly
ItnI suh direetl theret are to bounds.
The relativefatiors, of eontrul are toene... y
knwI..o, nly to th.oe ofn the "inshie/' and paid by his employer.
with the moyriadl devices frdisg i e s ,e the TIHAT HIISTORICDAY Many cltle~ had known this a, many,
tull exeltve are t, lthe kept in, ignu
loll poles hadl beeno .aked by his spur ,li
raleof the actual soute of corpfporte ]ower (Continued Irom page 527)
haod ta~ken the lisk nf gnn into strangel
audI polity. While in the empldoy cff the, Bell Telephone in 1dacesrlyi,,g on his a~bility to fid ,,ork
Thi en trtzto ofpoeran the va MineaolisH an.d St~ PaM heoraie ... I. ils while he~.... rld the, gospel of his faith hW
siveI responsibility for its us1 poll abuse employees, laugh. pgint th, wlshi,, of Suppe the Ilonf hi, trade. A. Brother1 T J, Kelly
are integral partst of uraipo ed Iahor. .. inenea . G, Reynolds, and to Finnell',s ,,rote i,, th,, EWeticWo ker, "Ifart fuu
oualiy-fr...nted stru.ggle lo maethe laehlne, credit he wonlthe soperhlt,.ident'$ ,espert yasto write, the history of Hleny Miller
serve, a wholesume socialpurpose. Th. andl friendship, was ,,,wite the, history of the Brothor-
political power, which these wgmir...lun of R, C~H,,rfnnEp fir.m vbee pelntad hnn...?' The lInternational Brothe~ho~d of
wealth ptossess often e cedtheronoict Grand Sceayraue Kelly also tono Eleetrlcal Workers would n0 exist toddy
power,, ant] thereby threatells t tiIfI the trilihulte o the, number of hiilocl raie had ntdeote me
expendeMbd their ener-
aspratonsof apolIitical de~,lnoyrlg TI, in the, fiollowinmg year, their cr being lcl gies and their reources in sertcE of bit
attain it, bhjeciv,, therefore, labor, has~ in Milwaukee, Duluth, St. Joseiph, mo., anid ideal of brotherhood.
OCTOBER, 1941 55,

PRE-CONVENTION MEETING in I he xl tin empergeny, Alto discussed lrotherhood's fiftieth year of existene asLI
(Continued item page :541 with the e,,uip weIre the (ontrneerslis e x- th, orguniiation
t trbte to Henry Miller
amirned the records andt found that the al- V~nlmu tan the
Ifi, lT L
.. s o. rtetirt m yers faithful and energetic work in our behalf.
pitant had been e...ployed for tha.I 24)
fnule vet ln rat~i nrtr~to tkhe ildyt ilt lge of the It was Io.ved.. n.I secu el that the Inter-
years. and it was aid,ve
I setit.l..ld that existing~ situatimn. It was the rnsi.nstis of nattional Secretarl stan i instruct d Lo coin-
the pension be graislled Motlo tallieid. itop art thai the e'lulix shoild (ertiilie thei' IUILieatt with ,ill lrties havin gK lattert
The ]nternatioaIl lresiLc rep.ortd
,nt on thu deiirle s L, h o ve ,,lt e le rtricjil 'v o~rk titl ie- LIrfore the exeIctitjve cunil, and aldvise then
a~reeretit enliter] into btetwe~en the Bain]li fens.1.'io proijects by lentlhers of the o]the memniil's jicijoil$ out their eiieSt;]Dns.
ri[1 Tra dles fDepartttt''rt aittl 90e1e deiptlirt 11,.therhooi. at, was alwajvs iltne prior to the
Motion catrriedJ.
rents of the V. S$ Coererrrt.nL which agre¢- existirig eme rgnnv.
There being no further business, the coun-
mieat madie the Building~ Trades I ivpartmenlt rIThe ex cii'e CInelll approved the bronze
of the Armeriran Federation of I rhbr th*' nieairis/l in hle placed or the trave of the
cil adjourned sine die. ~~~~~~~~~~teary
haI-galnirig agent for ill ronst ruction work fir t tuitio ua Ip sr lerit ,f th is uri rgj na li',n, C'[ltt~:s M. PAULISFN
beinlg dole ity the covernmenlt departnlert [ ael~ v Miil l I, in &, orsit ia. tilhe

I.0. flarier, Charles l, x.o Wl 1_ I. NO.
to, JlurnH, George I'. irinmlow, t erie, W. I11 Srhhltnge, Wjllian. 13; It{tero n, I;, MI.
it 0. Bush, Charles A. 164 McGlliviray, Daniel
1., Weg Ii[...E 27 lt,l uinnneln, Viisiry TI
1.0. Ihase, William A. B3 n ron, Wilhiai E. ]103 A~oilruster, lierfmarn B.
O.. (lark SnaIi EL t4~ Liiohbaekc Flrod 1K9 rm.schka, William,
1.0. Daihl. Clifton C. YI (; Iit ertriIe :18 (halrplh,, Willia., Thomas 195 Spath, h ristian
1.L. DIanton, Fred II. i18 S olIit
o n y e ' .% 202 (lIawsnn, John S.
3 IL burI. eorgu C hH ,
L0 OGatinage. Rityrnn~nl D1. 3,b eIoIn 3$8 Weilkal,.i, Irank 213 Ilowy
Junhamn F:
I. 0. Walter T.D;ardinor, 3 raale
M , . lIiitiri ,. :9 li[rt. Arlthlony Joe 2HI .l,}tnsugn, (buries
1.0. ;lheson, .hunes P, 3]hl' den, Marcus I.. 39 nor)titgiI, ('l ,renee 21 1 .tulles, [~l,'dw rd
1, 0. Graves, E arIl W'. :19 S .. graJs . .M 288 Moor, F. H.
I. 0. Wtawk
I Won. 3 N liltehr, tn C (hris 11 SMur.. , N.icha G. lit}I4 Ihisoi. Tube
I.O0. lIosffe t ,IJohn 3 oyt, lIt ,r 45, Stickney, 1a rvey 11. 309 Zachritz. Andrew
1,O.e iefers, Frank 3 Jh latI s,Ch
Nire, ( T ries, homa, 52 liehrig, WillhtiL 325 ]ohle, CarlIes L.
tO. Lowiun, John I,. 3 K imb~lall. Iltlal h 4. 58 Kern. ,tillis :440 Sott, William N,
tO. I.von. Frank I. II T1inIa ger,
W iItian 59 Pattorn Jt siph J*; 497 on,- EEla St. (lair
.O. McGillivray, Daniel A. Neff, Luthier . a3 Miller, BLenjain It. 409 loMsield, Ir. R.
1.0. Marsh, ienar S. Neitze L le,,r J. SC M erri ll,I ... rr P. 4 Kidder, Martin I_
I 0. Monaha, H lenry M. I Nielsen, Jnhn 1 Berkle,. Darid EI.
B1 465 [lanrahan, William T.
1.0l Morrisn, N elsq W. P fe ek , I.. It irh tert ]1ll Sweeney, (Ilgrenre S.. 465 L[aveas,
Charles t:.
L. 0. Morrissey.,,Y oeph Ik Poole, Charles t03 BjnIr..sori. Eldwin N. 483 1leattie, William
1.0. Murphy, J. S. Sullvan, William . . 103 Cu cy, Williamit J. 48; lovenuhagen. Ernest
tO0. Norton, jidwarl S. Suherlantl George M. 10321'wy,. li X. 494 Krieger, Phillip C.
1.0. 0OSullivan, Philip [. 2 Teeeauit l P 104 (orhiett Dens T. 501 lileeker, John. Sr.
1.0. Pennington, Enit B. 1Travis, Get.]e W 104 Dtvis, William 71; l auer, Eidward
.I. . un. Ba,-thoh]e Tuttle William A. 104 MWietn ey, George A. 713 []enjani. Peter
2 rou Ralph,er INfi Vial, Sta.i.imul 713 Iliakley, John
1.0. Rigney. E'dward tl AleP.nder, ]liehard G. 125 G(raves, Willia." 0, 713 Gray. Ulysses ¢0,
1.0. Segsnivrth, ('hTres C Stark, I. W. ]25 Ny an tdi. Andy 711 IHIlbaer., Charle,
. 0. SherILen,
C risd F Blhthe, Juhn A. 1'4 1illlhI -hcr,Jnhn 713 Lueek, Julius
1. . Smith, Ja mesh . IlI Kindred. Willi.i. IS. 713 M5 f r, . 4.
!. OC. Winism
Wtephenn, C, F(tleen. Charles ]1, 134 NIeElIhy, Rxy 713 Peterson.Paid T.
1.0. Strnad, Jame, M. tI Hogit, ¥'William 134 Mahoney, Patrick '71 Iteauehrmin, Louis H.
1.e0. Symonds, t,oiuis Luke t i n n irbarles Wl. 13,1 tO'Brien. Frank 725 It.aga Id, Oren F.
.0. Turney. Frank W. Jorhason, Y-am, uet 131 Patwell, Ilarten IP. 7211 Horton, Wiltism, H.
1.0. Waidner, Fratnklin 1)Jones,. louts A - 114 flu i, Stephen 7,3 Bannister, James T.
L.. U. ;'0 l Mel'~a rtir, th nrhrl F. 131 faclowskri, Jacob 798 Xilhourne, William H.
BoRwler, George p. 1'4 Raundolph. John 8603 ones, Lewis
Kminney, lwltrd B, II Sullivan,.I James 114 Weir, Jlo,, A. 312 K neth. einry
Bradly, Willina, B. T+'a vernter, ]L [ 134 Widjeli, .na.l. T. J. 1(37 Splencer, John II.


Il lectrieal W .ettes. The gfovIri,- ']he elevenith coventiton, held in Rochester,
(Contnued fLom page 513) merit ins frowned ripon irunnpolistic tenlden N, Y., itt I9 I and the twelfth. held in Bog-
Boulder Dam, Bonneville, ,ith projects in vms in thr pIitaJe power fiehi an. there is tort, Mass. ill l91, reIliped the conseuences
Arknitas and other sctries o. the country, ow geilfi fuiWirld the troess of decen- of disseo~nsio anld attfendance was poor, Jn
have igreatly changed the eui.,l.. I, a pets traluizati i if eentralized n~rtnm on,]-ie'tuti,s 3I, rueoncitiatiort was effected and growth
of the electrical industry of ,hich the Inter Ihos' .. shlarply present themIelves andi tIrogres, again lifted their heads and
nationals1 Brotherhood, of }lectreat W*,rokl ri aIs between the ''Lhtd of I929 I Miamli co.. sur red upward in the Unmiorl cause,
is a ptrt ruhllie 1.ower
n..e.I i i e thlitu. mlnionworld and the world of 1941 1St. St. Paul,. Minn. entertaled thethiL-
Throughout the worhl in Sweden , Switzro ],ouis ce..I. Lrttor wonrld Tthe ltroIthterhoid tenIth inn 1915. and inl 1917 At-
land, England a.,I other countries he state hams maIte weat progress d ur~ing the ]astI2 Inntie City. the conventio spot T of the world,
has for a long time owned generating iants , iiars. It has quartilrIphd its ielne"ship. It was chosen for the fourteen thmeeting of
railroad systemsA antd other inrui tri . Bit tiall of its tininila ] ohuligat, s. It has the B.rotherhot,.. This conventiol showed
the resistance to this tr hhits e in, ndgriu ee b n ailer hi researth, uthr inurnalism, that lhe nen rmri 1, of the organ ration had
up to 1929 and Inow this resistance appelus irt the Pihilosophy of the itlahir conference in.reased frm. n 23,500 ill 1913, the year in,
to have e antI we are
.l."psed, clca an il td ,Ct til lg iilji s inhtlent
m r,.s..ns iil which ironcniluitiiont was Irched, to 57,112.
with n.ew l 0..91/al5 of pIiuhly-owieI u.lits the holtil{ Of power,. It can be rightli said In four years ni'etbership had more than
of production. The Brotherhood has djnstefd that thl BroIhrhlmu has jimae intelligent dml.ible,,d By 1919 when the convention met
itsef to this new type nf o.o.y .. nrId has nrlj'sttnnts nt lhi new nridr without losing gitelim. this time in a city of the deep south,
proposed and suppolted labor relations set its litilanc or egetinlg ovlr the deep eId It New 0rleans, La,, intmbhership had increased
ups in the public poce fiold that appear to iapproeI thIe future with laudration to 121,7T2
Le practical arid aeceptabhe to hith .n..nagI-e I]he iixtemrmth annual eolvention, ] ik a
mleat and labor, At thr .a... tit... the private hbining pigrunt, agin, returnled to the mother
utilities have accepted unitntiztiin i that 2I>ST CON V ENTION city of St, Louis, an there, int ]921, a most
the electrial ge eration hirit b if Ithe I ee (oi~tin tie from page tI4J :*uieuesful e-nvention was held. Montreal,
trical industry, both in the public power and fir th onnlon throughout thi nest few -ear,, It.a... i...
, imled the 192t theh
private power fields, is virtually totally or- and internal lisagreem
e nts aroe to reltard only one toJ he held outside Old Glory's por-
cannied under the Internatlonal Brother- the groith
a nit progress of the Bruthterhaid. tals. In 1M25, the West clamoered for the
Soo The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators I
opportunity to entertaIln the roth rhlloid
., forinrilatr rules whieh will .erv. t,L nmaikiea [hby will conei to a 'eautif.l modlernI LILy
antd Seattle, Wash., wa.s seleetod fur the batiom ,1 safer. happier p I- el'hey ItiIIIe ,llit, unllike the St. Luils (If the horse and
eighteenth conyenric of the . B. 1l. W. The tInIes go frO.. the riultduhli t. thE.- Ihlat i.,,y dls,, rhey will be housed in sky-
",inite,,th onention was hr-hi in letrot At the first .onvelrti. , ri St Loris,1 wIts rapt-. hiote'.; equipped with e con-
Itt $27 aLid the tneitieth oral riiv.l jerunt I..l.. thI t y Ionl oriiu pqwe cild ht e hey will hold grelat
m ieeting
iII MiamI, Fila.. in l92,I' .tarkeid iririg tI,, i-nut.uitol lind iI the th>y will hear stirFulnthLg speerhei; the'
Illis Miami ciiteinvetor w-as trusl~ a triumph IFext.
bimn-t the Ii, IItgI- refIIvoting for ,'ill have gLitnil erItetaiilient. They will
for electrical Unrlenisfni. IL waS a riniriius the th'.jle in fr1 iiationIatl a~ ilO
ltUIUch, ,e.l-eent 1]Ct> e
groupsf lorkels, 1.0g3 local
amerting willh 451 enthuishrstio t elerite~ I...... Jtl[D it lift- arid strullghi aiFd le LilieHis hhl'e onee there were ...y 10. All
curryilgll a t}in Illt oL thF ls ILhe
BotheirhiiIL aihi
. ltv i IL th' ,iiuII'Il Itlliii thi li.... kept, this ill lI quite lifferent fnthi the eriidi-
which hail een fnster ed[ thr, h all the it Ibt i4 for 50 FEEt <tttiveritirr
IF. blentI tilths that aeaiipaiied the little convention
veaIs eIlle die fiet!.t.iiun. in IS IMl. Ihf Ie...ell ;I 1 l eart
tiril iFtld "tI'l orf 111L
1H29 there wilrl 1G1 lIlHni or.... izd I66 dite tole. the Idarl. die rniels by whi-h tit there i, one thiirg that E it have -
working ,roulrtiht $riirtg frt1 a intdo mnlive. Liinjid the Sthe throughout the ;ears. one
Ubit- ietii'e'.-o pIut iii e- tFo I It. V. W. tFiln thing OFint t]eri t imes andi con.ditionS, ill-
A long leait {,f 2t onvention v'-tihm, vy -f.-.tnitmi Jlald lt I; lih enti-FlIn diepres .. i,. wa, s. ha'e not and
barch.,g onautil thioul. the 3ears I oa- nel,-berusi hl, but IFak fl l iT tLPtO. fr tIll I-balint eh .A .g..I1 that b the sptirit of the
tunipleting these 20 eion'tiiti',ie ruise's 1i whit, kitt the Jt,IImutl-u,lb ... i klnew dint, teri whohl.ike tik thehI terllational Brother-
(ltics.(h it iI I I to. Wt. y L, uteri hold coIII- there wou..l ite Ijlllo, til
Fd a ndLtri l hoid Clfuriet l Workers that
spirit ,it
'¢nitens? Why i,{ Iell (-,it f,'Fro ,, r i t fis iitithlierh, Itotchir tlhoi-gdh ll the ears elIaw,hip., if jilealis... of Ioyalty to a cause.
tabnces atd ait gret Ietler tn .eet with thit them' rei Ii h'oth,-ri&'iih-a. TFiat sitolle' Spitriattht dominated Henry'
uther men,? Just fir whalFst t. bI iF
hi "tI i'oll thi twFil ty-itl e -rir'-enhiuin of the M illerand the other pioieers will hring these
great amount of talkhi? ThelN. he a n,, Ie I.II E. W. wil lb opened hIt O-tol- to new ifiioit fr th fohfour orne of our
is found richt in that hla qestionttti. Me'- elimax the ti{t1velElItF, of all th.-t ther I-...tiftln. And w, like tE think, ,nd i our
want to meet with oith- rln: hiy "ti'lto years *Iita..stthi, cortvetrlltan with the hearts we know, that the same conyletone
dhisuiss their pro air
Fleimtheir Iheriei. very otE.. It p resents a .er. different that mnade crly .,n, delegates their ,xay to
work out their ;i,llmh 1hle wat pattu~e. Delegates representin~g anl or~ltn{iu-- ciiiivealitioins will just a. surely tlring these
to etect officers Iihi will
, uide thten wiseyI th1in nw 211t ... (l. St rot.g will irtlliu by IBrothers of , newer aiy to the IFnther city
and represent themfiirly . Thiy wnllt to ItrtaI"l Iid uln FtInLniLii ile tr/ train)
ILLIll I illIe. .if St. [niuis ¢w if they ... aye to hitch-hike
Iroio the sInw capped north of Alaska ail
I talda, aeross the warm westeri, water,
f.rom flawa, fror the south as far a,
t our
.. ti frOl Lities great ail small
ern they will joureio tI
L. B. E. W. MEMBERS ell, t ity 4 ....
onveaxttonl and they'll Carr>
not the pulptc for which all w.orthwhile
, ILeetlnhi .. are ri v.. nl. They will plant
rid dislits and . o.,nulae the plifIies nf
their ueniii which poliries, we tIiu4t reiene-
Ijer, Ir.. [for Ia whole rut¢, ilrtstry. the
kr(.xIlti;t ildtstry of any rettuy.
'lhresultt of this rortveition

F naiy hle tlip*t


(All (,hi s cta sizi -

Irse i
cates size.
rid at "A."
stritnz aid fit irotm...
ill of pir",er ifl.
Th, , !lle Isn.... Nlh,
iter the sizi
ti -che
Mmn stiip tln this
by ither itd iff s[ip ipdl
llh .it..r. *A U HNOyoomm
lh p~ngmtrzc,
Elrctfriaw. Srs~&atand altrnnw.,eom
A qtaA. snzrlr~td. rea~
kldulciay. dfemt tivi
AI ~~~~~I?
3 5 tii II ni, uodSotand. A rctahl~ authrtgy and buandybel
tint anlh*.rex qintia
No. 1 Col Filld IIut... Git Ti, CIk Elap . $ .80 The RukandtLawooef ~leerai-Mamnteoaneof Ma
No, 2 1) kt. Gotrl Lapel houtt.. - 45 m ,,.C.mbd D.C. M r.M,,tllure Widina
and ,epab~WLring Dw w Ltihwn,.p
No. 4 Rolled Gol Fin (for h -tt-i-s)
- .60
-No. 4 Rolled Gdd lapel Butto-- --- . . .60 &o~ FlaasTdeprlgro wm-.P.adio Pnnclx$n-
No, ' tO kt. Grlht Button Ioled Gold T'i (lasl 1.75
No. 6 -0 kt. Oohrl lapel BuBton
......... 1.00 BR, - Comg~sso- Weding.
No. 7 10 It. (Gohld'l butho .1.50 andmay Mdcm, Ap0lnwt e-,
~olVv ~m unadrq.i RA.AD
No. 8 1l kn. Gold Button Rolled (old Tie Clasp 2.25 , flw/ oadmlh b2
No. 9 -I kt. Gihd V\ st Slide (Cit...- - . . . 100 FRRFITo
a' n
No. 10 10 kt. Cold Rin 9.00

Al',,',~~~ h,F(II
.bI'foII l~FddTL wiiiiii7~, i Si .niN.

G.* M. Ilugniazet. Secretary

1200 Fifteenth St. N. W, WaVhingtu..n. 1). C.
__ __ _ __ __ t
OCTOBER, 1941 561

significant tha, na1y casual observer wouhld b. U. No.s-To you may we lany orcdds"
ever realise. New nlet hods. new i deals will
develop and tew spirit of h r..therthood will hondo. a ile sum, too 1ATEN
Puite TS
be generated. We taunt not forget that "alal ToI OLIyc boy iti 'al;, 'lhlk> from the Many i ivelntors will be I ,terestedIn our strwv
does not llve Ih blread alone, Regulations Airw aly (Thor 1" ElVA , sEl ISlnlorntat'on oti subject or obt ainin
patel t and nlb, r ,elit art iiveti.tiB i sup-
of wages. hours, loliditiis of work whicl Pro.s Secretary. pied without eO.",ge Write uls ersonply
will be d iltsscrl arlt tIre neniitiuly i Pior- MeMORROW & BERMAN, Rlegistered Patetil
Attorneys. !00-1
E ariisitr Buildiii, Wiasl±-
tant, lut that futllmr of f elowsh itpI af L. U. NO. B-1203, PROVIDENCE, R. 1. igtui, D. C,
union that w ill
eaurge rom, th, er.nveljtiou
will build . ...orah. that will last through attempt; Wir tade foRl r andi sub
the years to ollle. Anti whatever those years Ll~al Itmon. No,. B3120:3 is in! .-eiueitly it w.,s upo and areeptel.
may brinh in joy or i.t Il sorrow's we eLlL rest el a certified election ¢ernEd teId hl Z. rea- At our laist mtonlthly eelti ng, the following
assured that whtl u ioii h Ii gldt'in bell reseuttattte olf the Notional Labor Relations ,ffleers were intluteild intto oiier Ltacal's rep-
r out the years that mtark til, I It, E W,.s
ings Boardi, the union was Iict,'r h} an everwhelm rescatativn. Auulst Mtartin; plsidelit, WilI
ceintertar time will lind th, IerE f the i g l,voto of I7 tE, 29. fretd alamarntau: vice ru.sident, IPopkin
Brotherhood aIs Etroiig, as eoragt"Us' ad rit ts trekoriam; secretary. PaiIt Frineis Arnohi:
This Inminateld a four vonuths struggle riKiamial seretar'.
.. Louis ;oeilluini; reEord-
gloriously loyal as he1 stfmtutheltried tmtn with Lb' roalpuny , which used every elI-
of the elettry pitiss1e&I ;rivabine ,meaill to (disruet lar fight for e il- ing secretary,. Willinpii Citroen, aol( seven
leetive haraisiri, front erailohill malicious unhneri to the tcutive h olarid. By-laws,
( ORRIt SpIqNRIENCE ]~ropagli itt. toitinnuius riding of the em- comprlised Ef [Il lI,tld(,. itle olate. di/srllsed ...r page 554) andi approv ed.
telephonetd. Thanks also to llsu1 Fwrimg for phoecee. to attet ptteg to install tual unions
This in itself took weeks. Thus Loel In ilo. . No. BA0 NEddisl jltelf
all her friendly de(-(, in the plant
to the everln-lvkt'ashiig riuonlber of ulions on
Ou the sick lilt lihre I-It issue w"re SisteCr .rousing the fury of the rank and file of the
Mildred Fshe(, B-rotheis MNIkl Kbls pil, John ToPriiN KniE<IihiAN,
Mrojihnki ard Tony Michaels. the list having Arbitration between company aid union re-
tilted in a rejeei' it of a wage scale. but Piers SereEtary.
undergcoiitnial ,,pernltiort andh now tiaek at
work. The GrimI RIeaper againt 'k.ited so later with a fel impro'ements was accepted
by the memillbers. along with the signirg of the (ANADl'S I. ll E. W. HISTORY
bereaved the flliowbig rn9 ers Sister
Nellie tMllgrLqas
Nfather, tulltract, uur ultimate goal of five months. (ontinued from page 529)
Irene Boyd ti-
prtviaio~h inthe contract included sealuoity Thise lirsi IPlettr$ ani reports are mast
temp. and Iliele in e InIthei', L. . Noi.
W- E d
offers eepest yvmlathv and hore'> suE right. oi, week's matLio.. with jIa., alti aI 10 interesting to 'ros .e throligh They coi-
may And soe. solac. in the tob..lht "'EOUr per tenit rale. blee the serious husiness of battles with ton
Ther were- various 11oint' in the contract Irlcthig air tl it..i.. c.mpeires atrtd the
loved ones have lot zonte on before.
M an; of our itientae]s took e't~~II de trilp which appeared to lie in disfaxor with the struggle I.,r ritok,, lcd.nwtiron, better watget
uniut. but thisheine our first e ontract, ne hours andl wrirk~ill'tr.,,titioui. lwith dIe er~i}
on their vacatioo, guiufin to "iiai, K'n-
tucky Tenneevh, lrida, ;or/tia. ['eninsyl-
vania.i NE.e k, wel, as vaIrulo] parts of
Michigan atI Canada A gruup went to (Et rir
I'oilnt slid fronl all reports
theitslves .
The new coitraet with the *lia,,aigelerlg Arreart, Bfiial Noticer of, per 100..... $.50 Ledlger. looeles/ r resea chi, nrhIdii.g
has been siiCil A Ill tltproeld workri/i Account Book, Treasurers .90 labs ........
.....ll raise we e relinir J. Book, Milnut for R. S. (small) .... 225 Ledger shleets fot atbove*,Ilr 10 . 225
conditions aid ..
Book, Minute Ior R, S. (large) M.C0 Paper, Oflin1 Lolter, per lf0---
The comittee who 'h eIotiated thil tortrtcl Book, D-ay ............. 115 ]iltfilts extra, each .50
had a real Alb on their handl. Before we i.5 Receipt Book, Appleilcnts (O0 reeilits)
Boel , Roll Call .-......
criticize thel,, IIr their inalilii) ItI Iet rEutme C!arbon1for Receipt Books .... .05 Receipt Book, Applian.ts (750 receipt.)-
of the th ings fll whihd we skvd, it Iil Charters, Duplicate -. t.o Receipt Hook. Members (300 rNeeIpts) 1.715
con-ider whctiter we touhlltt I...t . holtter Contplelei LoCal Charier OUtfiL ... 2.00 Receipt Book, Members (750 receipts) 3..3
job. The least to 1l i girl th ri.l . tU
ackinrg, ('oImtlMtiuton, per '00,, 7.50 Receipt Book, Mistellaneo.Ii (300 re-
S h i "gle o iEs ---- -- --- -- - - .tO cci its) .. I .75
RineI.b. r. they have to abide by it the III,. Blook llrerllanpo'is (750 te-
Eleetrical Worker, Subscription per year- 2.)0 Rteceipt
as we. EmbIem, A.ut omeobile '25 cciJets)
Quite ;i riu nlohr o~ (ue itdlu l io rs itt Iad 100 I.eceipi Book, Overtime amsessiiint (100
Enveiope%, Official, per 100.
off due t the inabiliity to get eaiugh utI3e- L~abe l1, I1ecaio.ani (laire), per 100 .20 reCeipts) ... 115
rial to nltta]limrt our .. r.n.l protlucluil. an.1 Labels, flecalcontani a (small), per 100- .5 Receipt Book, Overtlime a. ssmnnI, (110
receitp[) --- 3.50
a lack of defense orders, Labels, 'etal, per 100 ............. I Reeipt Book Temporary (750 reeipts) - 3,50
As reported hy Sttoogo: Labels, Neon, per 100 ....... .20 Receipt flotk, Temporary (300 reciplts) 1,75
Why doe, Sister Josepihi ne J3,geki carry Labels, Paper, per A00 - .-- - .20 Receitp Book. Tenplorary (90 reeipts) -75
needlesand thread ill her purse?' Allk Iem! Labels, large size for house wir.. g, per Receipt Book, F.nancial Secretaryi .25
(aCte ii ha lidyIli the bhat, didl'. they. Jo? .3s Reeipt Book. Tyreaurer's .... .25
100 ...------------------
Sister Bess, Iltiloway Ilas -;tlzuI her Inalleo Ledger, loose lea[ binder Fiancial Sec- Receipt lioder, each... .30
to Wissiri. having hnd,lle-aisloi] il iJne. retary',s 2 tab index ....- 6.50 Research weekly rto .ad" per '00 . .40
Ledger paper to fit above ledger, per W, . 1.1g Seal, cut of ,,... . .... I.00
Best wishes for a hiapty future Sistel Clara 2.50 SealL ..... ......... 5.00
Bocialn is wearib a lovely d oiEiaond
the ledger, Secretary's, 100 pages ..... ?.t$o
Seal (pocket)
proper tinger. Onec look at her biright smile Ledger, Financlial Secretary's, ZOOpages 75 +Withldrawal(ar['d, ithl Trais, Edt., per
which radiates hoirplnas wies our 1est Ledger, Financial Secretary's, 400 paese 8.00 dozen. . ........... .40
wishes. Also iitt lerstaltd it iar he II s[IriEEg (xItsa teaIi Biniding) Warrant liock, for It, S-----... .34
Wedldirg. ]hIarId that Sisters Virginia Bnari~ek
anid Hattie Nielhlilski were wilIters of quite FOR E. W. 11. A.
a neat suil' (I I lhe numbers. lucky yogi I xistlitfiin rid Bf-Lawl, per 100 7.0
Book, Mnute ......... 1.5- t
Brother Elher Woliner pltase tell aIll of Charters, Duplicates . ... ingle bopios . ......
us the sttirv .high those puoket'
about Rf.eiltstatem entg Blani]s, per 100 - . ..... Ritua ls, ea ch i..... .25
trousers, No fair that E",,lire should be the
tn]y o11e to k.oW. Also .... '. n
lhEl eour,. I
can't tell who, hsked lee t, lieas ask you
how you likedl %'wrking for a living' tiow
that oU arE klown stairs, Brother Jiml Dnnri,
is working in Ener's
T'h Duke of Tifed
placer n limll ille

deservsI ptralse for

his trtfile m, lhe A. 1.eth IL th 1.0.O,
Womb(r if he sE,. i party hInklIig ,,r her
husband . I t the T,able t l nrphi' nrtel. it
NqOTE TIhe aboe artieles will be supplied whe, the requisite amount of cash aeeoitipalies
I. 0. pitarad, lInIhnr 14tax, 8}1o hrth . tie order. OtherWise the order will not lie recognized, Al sit iIIs Ient by li have postag
(. 1. 0. banner. Recretly, uln, ilh'ttH .elI or expres charges prepaid.
We what words like, fr xtNllpPtle, 'il"
over the ii I t a , lte light,
muean. conin
Got sOItlepuii to do with Edison trucks?
562 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
short time the Son wi1l he jalt as good a part ii the diefent.o efforts and toward that
unijn town ias sonme acrioss thle rreek. all Important V -V-ictory.

it We had Labor Day her,. too We did lflu-

th, sanhi, a 5 all the rest. Tho mnn;oln;,
the [. B. . W., ,and the Tarpenters rmarche
In every activity lfthe I. B. E. W. the
I ann ijai Brthetr. have stand side by side
with lheir American Brothers to accomplish
to the fe rry and crrs told the Arerian the walk that had to be 'lone. It. I123 Canada
side, where ,ie titet .i. o'ther Brothers Ill entortaiined the i.t.rnational convention of
la rte boddy, W0 nlar t to the IlM oni {
Lr the BIrItherhoo d it) Montreal, This was a
hall, where we all rtcheid a dinner licket weii-attrdrled meeting and all who attenled
tIheir expense. We then jdlnel(d the parade were lavish in thlir praise If the Canadian
red lust as good looIkil, aI thle re.t. m ,rn,ers who en ducted it. The J aRNaL
o bad
w're upad whit. .. n d.i it will not lIe
We this cilnnlcllt to ntake:
"This convention can well be distinguishea
V.,! fitrg toin o.anId w ,n it
we hope~,oto be able to treat Tlnle Sam's
to Onr turn

boys as well as John Btll's were treated ."

as lhe must haurnionious gathering of letn-
gates relreselinrg affiiated locals eve
Thoro is a bit of ijn.,i, humor in the next assen'hbed.
excerlit from .. U. No. fig. of tltowa. in a In 1981j when the L. IIF, EV, constitotion
letter dated D ee 2. 19600 had to be revised. (anada's representative
'The new 2.00-wiaIt arc cir t kit,a wlas Brother Lecil M. Shaw, of i. U. No. :153.
a scab
way nowand then. Iut leaving tile Toront., an earnest and untiring worker iI
CONDUIT BENDING MANUAL goo. union men to finish ip the work."
his titort~ to bring about the desired entJ.
By KRUGER & FERRY A sugestion as to so... of the difficuklts le is now hiaiess manager of the Toronto
covers the Imanual entire subject whieh the early Canadian organierz rx- local.
Big Pipe COhydraulic and erigurecd. is tohe fourd in a letter fron, At the last T. 1. E. W. convettion. Canada
se jatk m"dfijuic ¥iee president }{urd written in January, tent nilc[}h eltuastie delegates to M/an,'.
[It gives you full ioforwat/oo on reelhods 192. lie hai jIust returned fron, a ,isit h/, These delegates offered a cordial invita-
ufed succeisfully in everyday psct/ce, For tion to have the next assembly meet in
bndin, elbows; two elbows on one length L.I' No, 71, of Quebec, and in his coim- Torot,,to in 19.'. Of course that e er*alion
of cd~i: follow around eibowsg boeds less muniration he pays tribute to its officers.
especially to 0. F. Tekr re. Its p lresdrlt. wits postponed iecau se of war conditions
than 90 degrees Offsets; Saddle bends and but we look forward to the day when, we
many other suggestions& for his never-tlrin efforts to push hi,
local to the front, and for his patience an.{ will hold a meeting there.
The e ple. iilusnat{aur and tables make W! think no story of the Canadian
lao~mplete refereece guide and should4 perseveranice in trannslatinR theb ritual and
prove invaluable bodh to the man doin8 the onistltntlon of ithe I. B. E. W. ito French. Brotherhood would LI coml1ete without a
headiun or to one who d .ts others. lie says "¥nu canr* indersisand what a job
mention of one of the most loyal metbers
iCPocket$ize"-F~ex~be Corers $1.50 that woulld lhe, arl[ how necesaser'y it was. a ever had, one who has given much
to the il roitherhnod in niany ways and over
vlhen there were only two or btree in the
C B. h. PUBLICATIONS- ' local wh, eould underl Engih."
hind1 ]ng period of years. and in a specific
6555 Sevent-Sevnth Place way in his numerous contrilhutwos to our
MASPETH NEW YORK The friendly interet that the Canadian
locals took in their Amerii.'r B rother i Jot aNAL. We refer to F. Shalland. initiated
it L U. No. 230. of Victoria. February 13,
NAME ....... ....................... .................. erystallizedi it, . little hut.n interest story.
Wherl a [ller of the I I. E W.. Hre..y 1902. bjtter know,, to all as S"happie.'
CITY and STATE ..................................
if Burnett, of I. U. No. Ia, Kansas City. lost !{fi, {ittle aecount could go on for tinny
his Ie.s ilan unfortunate accident, the
c',luitis more, painlg tribute to many.
giving exce rpdtsrotin interesting letters,
Catnadian, Broihers sent udonations toward a
telling of growth anid development, hut
fund to purchase artifieial limhs for hin, s pacewill tiot Prmlit. However. we must
tins of interesting unino entertainltents, Their interest
in the Brotherhood proper
delightfu l little personal notesI and anL say somethitg of thie materal growth of the
their in al{ its enrprisez
throughout all a decided prmit of idealiisrim is eidenced often in thebe {arly recards. Brotherhood in Canada. There are no, 55
and conviction in a cause. Every letter was An example of thin s foutd in n notile active ninns. 55 onions with all the en
a boost for the Brotherhood. Let us give an printed it, the JO...... for May. 1902. thusias,,,. all the vigor and all the Ioyalty
excerpt at random from one or two: "TPrie of $d0S.O for the hb*t charter de-
that characterized that first little uniot in
Ottawa and lhat has fired Local No. 105
From L. U. No. 114, Toronto. 'anada, ign Was awatrded to Brother J. C. Green,
under date October [, 19h00 of local No. 182. Montrenl. Canads" thMrough a] hese years that
spirit thlt
"Booming[ I should say so! We had the Throughout all the early Alays of organ,- Ilenry Miller would so delighted to have
firt o Or serles of opel meetings last known,
?ttion, there is nie to whom a great deal of ArMd we must make mention of those fle
Friday. The best of speakers from the Build- credit for the success of the utnin in Canada
ing Trades (ouneit slid Trades and Labor men who ably represent taaada in Brother-
is doe. That perion is II. J. Hard. of Local
Asse.ibly were there t,. he{p uh out. They hood affirs today, In addition to Vice
N'o. 114. of Toronto, who Lhd, v-ie
told our audience most of the benefits of the preodent of the . B. E. W. shortly after President Ingles. J. 1. McBride, of Wblitni
organization, so it, ul s eaL that they e the advent of the peg, Ma,,,,is a .emher of the international
L nion, there lie repre-
right up to the front in a body and paid their sented the Canadian locals at the St. Louis executiLive otttnein d there are three con,
in'itiation fe." reinvention in 1001 where he wor elected an petertl ('atiant ian rep regentatires, James
From a report of the third international inlernatnil officer, The JoINAt sald of Broderiek, of Montreal, L. A. MeEwan, also
vice president, Decemter, 1901 f Mont real arnd }t, C. Tracy. of Th o..Id.
"O.r new vict* pre.ident IT , Iltilrd.
"In the trouble between the linemen and ha., ioe n..l i organizing
towards the ele- Otnt.
the Cataract Power Co.. of Ilamilton, the trical workers in, Canida than any olher ALd that is the story, brief thouh it must
men returned to work in a body at 10 hours nmenber of the 1. BR . WY Brother Third necessarnily hIe. of the International hrotiher
with 10 hours pay. was u tiring in hi eforts to bin the hoed of Electrlcal Workers in This
story tell si nomet hing of its hunmble hiegini-
"The miember of Local 1,nion No. 1t. of union to Canada ard t. bring with thi
tamilton, are to be congratulated on their lig, son.ethi. ri of he menlwho created it.
gition all (he idenlism anrd [outage for
gentlemanly conduct in the strugltge hiy whih its leaders hove everheon tinted. The arid so.etliig o its progress through the
have had for their just rights, which unle, fruits of his efotis speakl for thertselves. years. The rest you know. The rest is that
the circumstances they are ettited to., lld for in a year, elr two lhe nitnmie of local nnlwritter, indesrtiable some thingthat
instead of getting $1.75 fior I0 I i.. rq thly unions haii and oea all wi reeakie, exists in the heart of every tninn .i tan,
should get $2.75 for eight hors., Men who suistantial gains. that spirit nf faiti and fellowship that
have to go out in all kinds 0f weather and hinds Brother to B1rother, nattion to nat ,
At alIter late, the person to wioal we a relationship not merely material but a
haddie 2,000 volts are not to he envied. ' must pay tribute for the growth and sue-
Union enthusiasm and taifir tion of eaionoship houn ded by i dealism
and loyalty
ce s of Ihe Can( nl itnn i nns. EB. F,. Tiwea,
frLendship between two great nations are to a grent ause,
in terntJintll vice president for the first
evideneed in the folowing eamunication district sinie i91S. Mr. lnles has ictvcd And in years to come when that Victory
from L. U). No. 85 which appeaed ill the Canada and the uninn cause faithfully for we spoke of is won, the United States an
Novemlber, Journal, I, 41: 23 }ears. lie has only reenly liren made a ( anada will stand together in peace to wel-
''A year ago tlere wtre .nly1hL nl....... director of hill Wart rne llus in LTM ,itrd. come the entenary of the I. B. E. W. and
and bricklayers' u n i 'Irns here arid since that a raunch of the inu, ition antd tpplly serv- still those htands will stretch out aero~s
time the I. B. E. W., the carpenters, ma- ile in th' D.omttInionf { la these lay,
Ta*,da, lhe iles atd through the decades to come
chinists, iren w orkers,phambers ard ste.r in orfrial it is very fitting that labtir a..d her and meet in the friendly clasp of
fitters have been organized, and in a very rereserltativea should i I , inltipitrtant. Bl rotheorhood.


1 1~~~941, INC. SEPTEMBIER 10, 1941

L. U. L.,U. L. U.
7- 2EI-
20541 B :{]729(I 317M~ 11i238 112356 099634 99,q678 191852 1918(/6
63,18i 630188 L{6901 369085 MaN 54766 393 3,2150 21k--
635727 035772 5129771 530011 Is 33223 3~216 B 1{071,q 110717 gul1l 90750
B 324791 530B011 5320820 2(191;
09148 B 1, 316417 ]J 397226 197250 650255 65026
990992 9Wi001 618075 61875[} 2JB498 298630 73801 738222
583391 1941]1 19484{ 6825011 6,83057 59554 5~5~?7 7951790775 ~902[ 291653
452671 120703 A2fMG0 8[[1911 1122311 148745 10~759 Is 462451 46245~ 12514 12516
70M891 192082 1912514 H-39- 50125tl 501375 292552 40 5748194 17"96 132~7 ~ 1:{2410
§82001 241521 241}524 118940 119011 SI-- 161-- 258261 25B~
£4M [8d 418(119 ]~ 2121220 2KI1222 177347 177357 5717570146 756581 '/5W54 B~212--
B.3-- 418698 41H702 25209} 252124 4 }2237 413345 11119
AJ 6319 51271 ]3 §]27b 672920 6i~3326 OWN8( 4211~21 I14196 114232
AJ ll4724 U62615 626~21 371901 1 37W023 67876 6979~6 MIS~) 126910
114M9 184303 41 {~25 4t 1911 §35176 W5221 130731
AJ 1943 44U5B 447W4 9MM9 9W52 967I 9M2 6 B 2Ma4 MWW=~
AJ 2211I B13I3 1 133170 M357 63§904 82(~ 48211 247032 247193 IS 73985 739911
AJ 27¢~ 1349(g 13140m 41-- 355231 355+35 46'1=1 46~7M
AJ 2920 R 727(kq 27172 95102~ 951163
Is 17189 172111 97,12 974,0 215703 215725
4Ap :11 34C41 WSW50
DBM 2129 131608 131615
3~2925 fk40~ '/~!595 789750 B IM,~] 189',,M 3113Ml 311408
43 1531 431995 7WN)3 78B4219 IS3{9]4 319D 9'9192 930193
DBNI! 260 B33=.7 :~12487 22672V 6
DII 872 23M7 I)125 21 74WH~ 74a.45
MM21 119325 647MI V0 N
70651 7001,155 3'3419 3347W 45f~70 I4564 38896 .'U900
IO 2521 791251 791 M8 :W31 3663
F~J 268B Is 92N5 92709 IC4765 104769 78 5 728=9
I~293416 2293485 654166 p5oo
EM1123515 573874 5W89q
}EAp 1945 ] 412461 4124~B 4f--{22273 122283 B412719 412793 2{1854 31857
EAp 2105 9-- 65970{ 65982
12-- O362q}2 M 259841 147942 848250
EA, 2206 4 462007 46506 5792.89 579493 W7
{{ 4{:3J 22202 2231206 26776 260~0
933581 934180 217--
H142701 1-- 58964 *59822 5J80425
{] 45741 76-481678
478R15 26322 5 26327I 223402 223403
B3-2!8200 2982N5 6/3955 §'/395B 8071 00742 55029 556(13,
{B222288 3224815 82-- 122--
[111171 477 45-7~67 540521 547125 259110 259149 927562 927740 Is 275025 275028
I 11397 N7001 21)13 721445 721M
442249 442310 279637 279657 14559
(]]5 B742~08 *42926
I111554 B-17-- 674796 675307 7011 69372 222--
[ li794 B 1311741 13017801 I.-S,- 2232947 3124107 Is 34916 349522
I118155 Is 416293 41(}435 ,B 4181B2 CNN9~ 7431 7439
Ut 107134 167146 15236 1523175
44164470179 MIMI8 5694`9I 411159 451253 6725 768563 2639264833
{121256 575.q3 57(i~90 6MI1N 07171 552225 552447 80118{625(}
I 12433 553423 653500 907017MIS 71N 77047
J 9[,q yB28912 216208 145860 1,5.41O
52-104009 104012 64200{1 6426? 6561654738
30668 1 30760 504377 504402 682961 683250 lg4~
OA 8753 402488 402750 804001 804172 SAN125--
- 6 2 20WEB?620979
830252 ~3~752 1916 17613
OA 89M ]~-53-- 883M 8833
OA 91]9 641251 64N)0 1016 I2 101614
OA 9M2 699451 6.,t[15 N2G13 20264 li 14B551 148556 127--
OA 9450 971000 971052 2N-
=720 22575 453,425741 94" 197485 4718B6 471910
OA 9J33 5403 ! 54~)3l7 1239 28~
22-- B 2D945 21948 /93121
OA IN'6 70I75 -(',822 $7-- R-227--
OA }I0WI 14~59 142767 140] 66961
ISMS9 1t8l95 54-- .1245
OA MIR1 5{769 517]G~M
OA [I'Y ass35 4Bf!FJm SK{'753 1 177701 U2-46351 MIN6~
4394 03 4.39M) MM38 ~B63, 4aB3q3 4585r,
OA 10831 5s-- 5]9755 519B05
OA ] 1('~ · 2114 202121 672047 67,2176 35139 3414n8
OA II]NI B 17497§ 175019 62~26 6237 3.
3344 12 334496 9;flSS 93672~ SM1923 12C094 2w--
OA 1140l 29201 2:92010
OA {]0q CW377 6c"750 28§374 M1382
W44 66520 58749 5ff 59 $0OW "0690
OA 1]801 ] {??i 11775~I (Trip). 6]09 65302
OA 12201 637115! mm,~~: 231--
li 26267 133- 679952 679983
XG 80774 {~74324 7432718 44M
J~F 6633 ]B-57-- 759M6 7592771 135--
]IF 7049 13-95-- 19,-- B 462151 462[56i
2 111170 I1117 ]3137113 137119 ] 1756] 117590 60379M 60322
BiF 7334 l
W 926,~20 1774023 177551 615826 "I 68, B187617180 H-2m-~
El, 11198m 250525 6901W 11
90278 137-- 7]12621 7}33751
I½I, 11537 99-- 8047590848 5825 IS30841B :1~424
692521 * 272746 273750 767457 Is 747213 74723i1
EL 111621 B-8-- 8D850[ l008593 15.138 235--
B1l 120206 ]] 5036 5075 2525{ 3738i 286330
EL 12420 48525 49500 2,9526 29544
675541 67553~1 211771 212632 315932 315963 23:1067 2321B8 207172 20?7.13
EL, 12814 210411{ 2106B5 1272514 127256 B-226-
BLI 1:12,1 1~-
27882 12796W ,~46457 441513 3386121 338970 1399
344332 2185482 385109
EL 1:1601I FB-31-- H MIDI3 501750 541285 541500 141-- 1~123224
BMI 677 10-- 691394 S9144,
Is 473fi1 47414 B152]M5 521811 347785 247124 772501 772586;
BM [020 ]B 273370 2737172 625693 626042 241142 241222 Is 407251 407231 237--
15M 1373 ]2429 124314 59-- 582033 582045 89OO 544119272 INN3 16841
BiS 3587 3992JI0 399'~W 5114791 584797 968819 103725 103734 45187 CM1f
BS 393~ 609C78 60~210 27299 27300 I01-- 40571 574 SIM 1 MAN0
67050{ 67{)621 128215 4iM65~1lam,6
BS 441gi B 3111,39 13-t02-- 44WI 440953 280~ 2~)37
627807 627,49 302
~ r1922 27W23 451373 4ai42 Is M0704 182131 182142
I~ 21166 B 2M1t070 8=714 8O5O B 461912 461MJi
II 21718 4-- 64- 95742t 9575~3 146- IB-202--
R 22109 li)3- 4 4024636
40159 401S 312127 31213] [1"Il
3]J;! 162
206321 2WI41 Ma~ [2 204611. 2214t 22160 471142 47I]93 H 34~42 M4 ] 563161 512 7
Is 22W4 5Y119 522169 6961692910 2tW09 9M04 959066 445W0 45500
IB 232V 1:~77, 152-- 5124(11 WS1.%3. 211-
33--~105 3724.5 U-105-- 1994M 6071{ 6999AM
Is 241}0 B 309]]7 5(91 304944
6O1251 613037 B 337196 33720 22948] 22.V, 645477, 5,5496
B 2440 1 470170 47IM15[ ~ 13 5 46]l11572 491164 4B918, 600751 WCO70
XGB In2 47 467860 IWO7t 6W766 11g711 119724
152,- 40165 401674
2209 122{97 1iMW22 65~t41 II-106 426245 42,31B
414166 4432{ 4132B H.6-W- ]0IMII 109146 1173N, I7 4
MIMI 4685Mq5 BI 1541751 ]51SM 265197 "I'll, 15r- 11419M 41122 II -32~
M ' :14411}
297398 Is 72~19 720 H)7 r/ ]B]561 18]M8 964427 964430 5]0316 51051)7 638 25 Mun{
"I480 4445651 +44M3 Ill-- §60I4 65069 411{2 4791~ 245--
70056 104F.q 1047]1t 1{ 151414 ]54201 '28{745 28186 62:E10 'I39, 1407 1 141322
732751 B 2M4E3 25,(}0 949593895 44251 442527 REM5 W2027 [ MI9~16 N§5 421329 421335
564 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operatrsl
L.,U. L,. U. L. U. L1, U.
B-246-- 1].287--
2669260700 l* 108]751 108878 32 1(ont. 316;131 336349 X48429 24~432 31 33261 50-69445 69748
5~83- 578355
5W5659227 B 25238,9 2527fi X1~742 3018194 U45376 4105382 B 26507 501-- UU7
B 7J9o] 2.fi79Oll J* 267251 257'254 222al fi402119 640220 $151415 55163 B2,8E1508 (0 kg)
247-- B 3194D1 319,00 ~l724715 734792 21;1259 113023 1131014
"M 40(1896 629882 62091B x50 99271 370-- 687935 Oman9
755111 7 f5014. 1122211[11 457-- ]468-23l 141060
B 310914 319164 11.299-- 136723 l3673{ 7715174 771591 [{2f231, 122679 123700 69§751 1990959
121147 121689 61726 B.312-- 322949
]k 215268 115309 331-- i,3147 43~1)621 773251 773269 334223 234248
291-- 600818 60992 421-- 458--
B 7§~394 75~4019 8418~q 841185'E 065118 685243 13 2763;W2 27581 11155IO ]65516 58308{3 5830844
LU*Z49- -1{'J-- 331- 3:28501t 328520 5018281 fl~8~l] 120330 120416t
1906W~22 232441 232.00
B 2710401 271k1;8 B29854 k9,19R7 294267 29441~0 424- 120775
6102611013 a42-151 6t3128 lox 39(0 49526 4952? faII674 fi91697 134399 134438
251-- 1{833[}4 1B3lill 333- 421,11]421503o 144]11 755702 755710 696[{33 tl7971
B ~98914 m]8o,41 i3 199095 199115 13-425~
293-- 4145331 41469 ~ 70851 79 855 419021 461--926 991112480 2786¢1 27{600
1163,0 110.l'0 5931)71 111~77 t]-46,- 511--
6043g2 6(}452 391149 391181 46991 47023 426-- 15713 43,1911
Q,27,l23 1 23481 166910 1669,x 1B-337-- 17!~ 199115 B 18MP~ IBo13 701642 71)1711
25~- 2~341IU 2J34b0 593596 593o ~5~ 275 774,q05 2375nB 23772
62709 62735 295~ 73435 72,3436 4953243 495382 B 2951 n3942 6[ 63730
213500 W)2146 362251 5735148 57=23 467--
756819 1504)25 160053i 12%x2 125439
254-- 24666B 24,680 169042 1690901 912967~ 912985 160587 5993114~599316 51268q17 268968
:M208 382007 339- 382-- 771962 B.468- 33250) lt:25 10
13m 143936 324991 325073 651214 6{51270 B Y0253 516--
5I012 51,w3, 59< 11 5~99B[ 340- I'22792 72285 11 302153 2431,21 2,CY750 953532 95360
257-- 2~0251 23030(i 384-- 454751 4547~2
11.32-- 582978 M"98 NZO06 545779 10422 104246 .'*,,22Iq 382205
14831 III1500 69502 658~18 671850 702451 702490
B 27423 VI=2 67200
?24457 244580 311-- 386- 430-- 24W18 244423
§H310 6]11311 2735274371 380541 38067 748726 748747 1B-472-- 5372, 5374mB
B 71570 7576~43 §2_7MI6 6732
Z59- 3904 91071 21T1 111703 537951 537'00
8B40 4,3, 271111 271720 Alan3 1432,5
1141 19415 B 321039 li 278442 573790 573M2 6263M 626xi9
IN7 787 50 751nI) 75G211 576i6%1 753751 Moo84
B 32B= mm2, In~- 432--
WA672 64(k6n 719711710 1 156
In 1 685176 913180 B1218{74 218213' 751006 751029
B 737586 737fi0 9297 12I47 B 720757 7207,67 5!6312 596328 B 29561
7mina 7xi76 5778147 577925 I]-434-- 570372 57=63 B 38250[
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9831 96530 II-346k- K85712 685l,77 4S7403 47~-
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B-263- 62Y~I ] =916 393~ U II.", 877899 VIM94
W1240494 431MO 431241 1110222 4006I3,2 4006A0
7138308 436- 527--
4M 42095 3,053,34 13 87m5r. 879570 5~ 8,~ 535014
B 38732 385911 123160 112112 437-- B.47-,-- 68,991 mBmaJ
4014,, 4/5192 1453B 14Z:98 :~]6046 38605/ %0135 5625O B 2979[0 2,71911 523--
8535Ol 35.353 11. 710780 a49- 39?-- F,7098 7M1 739492 1617~) 161883
34501 34128 72147 7,2155 66169 7 ~Sa1l 718593
17257, 172590kk 30-1- T7461 73500 617047 617240 758536 707,251 179723
2a208 2509 421528 42,155, 735751 73,5789 478-- n22am 2284A.
2,68-- lNG1G 58563 517801 533--
IE0M194I'0295 2.'9390 6771251
261969 261990 771 738037 479- 25 23 4,-5
269-- 513301 513454 364371 50~)911 "Ill7
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215B2 215B40 102646 ]0266 1246(0. 12464I3 4x924] 436260 316116 316145 539-
]B Main. Y6143 7,3 72I656 3119247 44ak 727971 723010
*271-- 4M04k 4531035 9008,
98I5 255,884255999
~8702I. 47075 8M35 7177~l1 717757 111{88 116231
705x 7057511 1§3508 ]9,3516 59597, .959,80 60]034
B 721t~ 72 1145 7069i 707250 59451 59762 H-441-- 4010d 25659 2Sori
902251 902827 1{*355-- 297W~ 297673 5.470,50
90300I 903,11 339630 133M 14-407- 442-- 41496 41501
311-- B .259fi3 axial6 ] 2225 12826 ]07521 107559
B 7416511 74/$65 605412 605503 4I ]111 411044i 2192311 392327 17786d /77?893
772437 42I8 31Y.- l-i.3,- li 354918 35452 583676 486-- 3.377 .31¢79
275-- 260532 260595 777107 177130 665915 665917 521137 521176
12 IN4624 [l-357- 211734 21673EI 4131259 413211 B 737700 :137775
15526 I{ 23022 29303 72739 727x0 754457 7544~3 4S7-- 745231 745268
n19,$31t71 7.01796990 ]R 285054 NO505 7{625] 716342 B 44111 37440,ai 1-444-
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M27 Mi ni) 20250 703fi34 703704 271001 rim,0 439283 4488- ]B261945
M6= 466310 B 339064 339,7, 358- 409-- 12584 1258 ]4 549-
Mm~36 5999~3 310726 310807 644251 644236 2590124 259090 424941 425190
IB 32"13 324Eix 787001 787299 U.41 - 672841 672859 900570 900097
30( 34527! 11{-359-- U 202912 202967 1.-446-- 412110
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3193317249 11994 631]16 631140 674874 074876 779739 779757 618754 518794 552--
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5M 57]844 757195 7517214 244009 244071 B3n32257 32360 4274~ 427500 656708 65672?
, I594432 31~
9- ~ 2 4914R)4 491405 524134 521414
271-- 321-- 30336103 33(4108 448- 14-49i-- 418301 418313
290219156 4,36948 472 [7 B 1~1129 139642 896339 662701 66V15
n7284417315 399057 f{ 384346 ;'4467 B-494- B 91280 91334
x 560591 4 4146W202 95681 95723 414319 414325 254700 621136 621150 1177111741
28-- 65fi5756.%~577 44~5421{ 44f477 435451 170,951 671]}h B 26121{5
311149 254610 0.542011 154342 563251 5(;4320 651760
750145 750150 412769 412772 ~Jl}F 58113 703351 70335 73W549 731750
/~4251 848262 557--
253,fo x52340 B-45-- Ioa710336
281-- 323~. 42 1281624{{77 321415 321434 H1-4{i- 426197 34512A 345207 558-
717011 7 17043 36~- 79770 790 534073
B-249- 324--096 2001199 I'll 44115 379501 I79635 120137 120164
43913~ 439139 ]{-453-- 662451 662479 5/441
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6674 f~, 32~94114 94489 2 2252n890 50,082 500~6 64516(05645750 12025] 120295 561--
191341 191400 030513 631122 2 ~6219819~11 537338 587342 1851,q19750
6G3726 66375(~ 14.327-- 3?328531 328575 x97673 3x761.8 87600[ 876094 9,0 1965155
699751 699757 ]B 15290 15320 66U4~ §61493 41 a- 454-- 541214 541222 389423906
795001 795276 B1%549 298511 79147910]2 194909 4315479 135483

422358 422386
731]467 731469
328--20~17 280711 52
B5141 13528084 417--
700872 700901

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774m%5 774095

99587 996,00
656101 606123
OC TO BER, 194 1 565

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597]74 6411 11~4~1(;5]040901 6122819
429M6 429580 24.5]G4 2451918 263412 ~4-523889 52L~)5
718414 718499 IO39169~81 1721;81 ,372(72 189-- 5i48112 574q887
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700501 700537 7501320 750329 94]425 !)41426 7120-- 213 323930 7919-- 444810
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570001 §703801 4810912 791-- 324442 ;1246765
6550n9 65549 .556699 556807 B1!K;tW 93365 1756001 1715883 ]757~8" 850-
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175590 175593 384885 3O4899 11179118706 4072;ii 407263 1549 613525 511386 111450
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5363 5144 ;W4.W *%q43-18 72300 72307{ ~2M5 2241
747-- 98967-
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2D716 20794 11-616- ,M1i56 724611 74s-- 174737
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574-- 576824 422221 422225 726{101 726096 969750 429,461 q29~176
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300293 300316 8801148 3801I91f 834240 744989 86m0736]( 6117368
577-- 282738 282711 425096, 425097 561711475§7111 2127 4896-15 630766 6130872
977481 977,509 §68021 6818I8 7{{1{{10 780039 11.754-- 861 -
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27122§ 271230 746372 .{463 183654 6365 591189 If§§,15 {{666~8
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4.~789( 437957 I].67-- 255498 B-808- 42.209 423190
,51869 5IBBO 35074 58W677 B 272921 2'2931 12668 126700 3Wn3031(83 865--
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25574 25578 B82O3 326112 119175
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246675 3x135. 33376 B.411 al 267919 86?--
5163O6 B-624- 669- B 311490 311494 B-760- 4]2720 4 { 7
9'/772 9716799 7832 7m38 1794N 17{9515 3516.81 35475 5~2131 126512~30 B.868-
586-- 319706 319800 67 - 6106ql B 9=22 On23
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587-- B 758632 7 6393 7897511 "7897~ [{ 3742 374347
31RD24 318925 760278 760280 62891 62907 762-- 813-- 86-
993193 91W212 62~ 320505 M2565 1716On 171694 9O82 341305980 910911 910994
588-- 346577 34660 11-71~ 403786 111988 2(12062 262065
62171 62203 7{3045-8 730463 It 1871il 187790 516401 1].81~.
589-- 330321 239401 240160 H1-63-- ]t 3262112 32~3213~ 907834 90786I
31,t916 3] WOO 519882 519883 56I597 561603 B 310831 312000 B 246974 727373938 872--
735001 73{505 62 - 674-- 47513I 475300 250171 175.qO1 17I; 76741 769746
590- 276942 078982 198431 ]95496 591521 591750 442723 092345 17 3--
408721 408731 62B$01 629250 ]B510239 164298 ]84343
$91- 54636 448201 148203 730501 732000 764-- 300296 380301 787151 787195
35342 35346 700969 710020 71,b- 17383! B 740812 740830 B*874--
767401 ~'67440 44898 45000 740063 740071 B-81 6-- 255384 255406
592-- 271t742 27{1751 143614 .34V37 716- 109797 427473 427485 33U484 334848
105223 10271 631-- 7481251 740251 34f50if.24(6587 58223 7{61306 '{613. $75~
312020 8M202 7879 7{880 677-- 617301 617453 1B*766- 817- 198059 19805
92!96W3 9296 12860 1 I2817. 2033b 2351 670Y= 670350 783551 94275 9432 162177f 235
59~- u064 5~ 11 ] 9Br I9nO3 B'0701 913 767-- 616870 61725tf
43249 41258 678f-- 717-- 432321 751581 7{51517 B 26106! 28110
127584 12762 756127 72M W, 242181I 67245 B-$1 - B 28681 2W824
54-- 517501 517512 599o10 590365 45236 177696 177WO
2228 {] 1228i 71fi- B 18356 I8365 * 411464 412066
4483! 44855 33347 33306 96353 96595 71593 48470,4 48705 565212 505215
595-- 42925 429359 315084 964 12 96647
281351 283w0 634~ 77i-- 5762A9 57626
5W6638 585577 254362 254317] FI 319953 3I976 33843 3037{}
64946 64952 27.{694 277752 603- 14949 149543
721- 2779911 27795~1
1B-636- 13272 822-- B 2.M010 220416
B 234403 681-- 958606 958621 41'{72 41M4{ 884~
258853 2Y,8865 ;12452 3244?0 9212W72 22 B-723~- 217141 117 147 l19166 {19178
261014 261025 637-- 335530 33553 77813 ,$23-- 886--
597-- 213701 213[106 B M86;W $25=67 305154 3098182 637283 (637325
441822 44184 664136 664167 $4291§ 543000 775-- 469918 489946 887--
604501 OM4610 585476 331159 331280
37838 37840 B 2224(]2 222469 253197 724- 99823 99849
759971 759983 * 364513 B 341445 341548 888~117 111711099
5.39565 539645 363598
521542 520553 301247{3 801125 617412 617514 B 917052 917076 419,8
380694 380700 1B-64fi 728--
519601 519613 413510 413566 1101922 110979 301547 644578 1 298083 2911214 4731474506
469559 46910 398952 398970 702754 B 357643 357615 641694 641719
269879 260932 25518,5 255216 555768
549317 54932 643- 589M2 626,52 6262.= 431235 ,58754 586769 9-2~6606 266062
637431 63744 257179 731- 402556 402581
602-- 2 9983 280(}16 691-- 95]035 951106
782-- II81507{9 815104
42498 4250{ 676,477 6766011 891--212233
?70087 If699t10 2~22 25.= 732--
227418 227419 692-- N{OW53 UN't74
2274[15 12752~ 26711 26,79 16989 1
8604- 327453 52517- 17492
258.417 258468 145774 145800 ~2-174923
116281 160232 733-- 7~4t 5]01
NOI119m6 1779, 9 77936
B 426gO1 426097
It ml IN n57483 Z57512 ${1827272 _~2.341 842--
596134 --172214
57842. 578442 On4- 749672 749698i
59980 60K000 3446I :144648 4f128 149088 1127824
679501 67963 623265 62313.0 ]3,393 1 3920
804751 B04829 727458 727{467 44 ~2Sl 44630 5115572836 WOM-B334
566 Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
L. U. L. U L" U. L.[U. L. U.
896--(C°11L) 1-1-41- t~-,,42--I CI)11t ) 1281
8V 422411d2 42249 225 24(]141244]] 70
52426 1043-
Nil-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0i18501 511251 512711
8§8988 1BW11296 1D860 I~.11dtl-- 121,t-
41962 419694 942-- ii ~5917 35~2W0 Bt 744648 744693 .1164
2 ~[89 220928 11494U 1411 49200~
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20442 204(]17 1121112 6210~ 62122 D 305541 wl 1221--
563519 563884 ]{ 21628612 7623111 13{1794,9 1B-1109- B. ll1,-
13 78~ 978410 iS 266076 26004 ]B 177592 1770 $620.t 61206"
887571 887n96 3055302.31 }3U2446 3=1(l8 b3235104
90~ l~ 20S945I 208912 45 415357 254744
242725 24273 U1047-- 1B-1167--
274743 274751 B2811214 U.{1110- 160769
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R-904-- 94,--
401591D 4061111
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171696 2842487 11455[{ ~6t1963 661964
IT 2340[13 234095 56n203 512810 1~-993- B-1059- In 260347 2603q9 B '/4955 74J~41225--
258051 258067 777708 77774] iU~80, 50)1286 501268 B-IH,-~ 1 121176
B-949-- 6M188 636199 13. 1112-- H 325166 325 I83 1226~
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(111434 MIN10 D 40947/3 4095D
B 267T9' 267850 F*74314:X 74;1~ B-1054- - I{-{ 170-
440876 44077 B 42675[ 427182 12§24
YB.952-- ]~348226 343nI N2N4I
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41799~ 41800 947926 947961 B252 20]98 IT 198751 1239-- 126288O
B 3~27.~1 35276 913-- 1057-- I5097 150900 ]117--
q73236 473520 45009 117013 612817
10299 10300 619[111 Wool00 66028 1059-- 624M29 2C6541
B-954~ 63600 ofim~ 125762 1174. 1231--
B nil 2245 25]1i71 21181 420,193 62979
E; 258751 25876 99847 393471 B 17N,94 I 940010 9400211
956- i$-1061-- B-i121-- 755986
90f- MOiN9 716305 [l 3131271 3.1272 B 97n38
103462 103417 11-959-- 519212 519232 968~ 965814~ll B 2~235 273B12D--
4027'79 784501 1122-- 199067
11 5693*90 9893) I~ I~8811 Ig'm3 H M97? 366052
692401 6{)214] l] 33163n 3320 i{ 7/4003 B1. 123~
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B 823M4 n2046 131106 13i1l1 * 266679 2NUO8 LB747735 B 13H$22
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B09251 8023 B744017 7"()Ct :W0,0G 2037150 B 990:m {~11
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912-- 49743t 497477 B 23640 238672
41MT I 317717 31'/723
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895774 89580 i45443 145,459 1{3164612 31(,50 B*1128- a 758430) 24W3
(13782108 B 9P{64 nn1142
6671 woo~ B13182--
p, 2l440 244137 B.107-- B 922112 9=I33 397639 3976" (65629
1~26,758 I{ 31.5355 315548 IT 756985
76123 76124 B-1001--
916,.- B 29n767 B I0212 102M33
724 882815 Nn7 395602 27042~
B 217193 MM72! H.1009-
B 31041 35105! 3MI H210554
257 [St ~Ii I{ 349501 B '~751 WI4900 IT 329262 I65M
6613'4 61365 B 8431)74
2~521 248539 21193 515I I].106~- 11-1132-- ll6-- 246~J2'
{] 17112 117121 B ~987 MCw~ ,'1154 B-1243-
247654 247671 ]3 I]7902 117910 Fi 367501 367r9 669O2 269{45
50,342 NUN43 H IlNIum l11,338 107 2-- IB31944~ 3194N 239271 B10,47- 673062
657572 657579 }*119426 I]947 I~ 1!/149 137280 VI 190 [R334~2 334:31
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* 122608 1226% B136706 3V7067 B nB6 34 5]1VI 451{'/2 365246
B 100385 {050
1136- 4 1492 52473
B 24Mz2 IHM00 B 124FIN 124711 I] 22~34 2111. B- 103,33 Mal8 60710 I 3155 524421
B 3MV~0 30050 II 12541](~ {254]' 13 ]'78177731793 I 100220 ]4242{ ] 42~H 1097
I~ 3>197AI 3NN97 IT 126f;0 l {2603 11].]022- 60D311[{ 103] 2U 24N523 B 28519
922-- IT ]26303 ]2690 1I 513691 61372'/ B-1 {37--
44 49450A B~127&621 12762 1024~ B1 MGX3 868,9 414'/0 524741
IT 215M 2§1562 37,211WXM72M B 27381 113{-- f765
60757 I~IG B.120--
761]865 7/61866 82721 B2727
,543I) 9U '/62243 76221§ H1-1179- 98]608 9811o~; 11.31196- 414720 524731 328794
81025~ B How76
7F~3:172 76334 1232n38 1224!] 11 8{1932
2 222682 B22(1871 22687R 2 25 392 14-
B 22;F74 22398 76.31705 76370 II41-- B 315141 5343,45
]B.92,,- 7642.43 76429 ]I 156825 356372 11.11190-- .313992 31411~2
IH3281 8]0347 U-1021-- IT5426 V7003 67,0824 21157900 n.7*4-
B 243039 242104 R14[{101 { 1741
B n`031 2FAI34 702351 '/024;0 B1101-
8]5362 8{15374 1129 115 1081-- 1144-- 3169(f, 688 L
424143 II]146 14695 B24542N 53,900
I1.4H7 118500 82]11 31107
18 B-i145-- 5431021
B-927-- B 743704 74370N 13.1030-- B 313893
B432 2506U I2455 824700 B.120-~ 161258 ]B-1253-m
R10751 810817 B 227184 227,1V1 B~315957 68724
928~- 968-- IT 99(]271 996310 11.085-
389299 Ug9y)7/ 1204- B20170 743118
1071 61 8l 6118S7 {{.10]{-- 119159
348324 348413 1086,- B '/53024 7,531121 646134 748310
] ]63,3 11,=156 ]R293723 4691551 1149--
IT{2147(H] 2[14780 IT44280{I 42523 40260 402111 115844 1058751 261901 26199 1 1257--
317409 IT N961)6 196950 n;49504 FA9708 ]] 22490I {{.] ]50~- 4{999 421{{0(] 2U25M
B-93,- 52327 26254;3
IT 3652fi7 3§$2H ] 626649 626670 128--
241574 24.6 ]7 650124 650219 I8FC864 8-12m8-
IB 234417 2344n. 6.55ffi15 655288 I 51416§b 5415fl] I* 202982 202403 I25,-
]3 3658266 36823 650701 611155 B 357032 35703, 511519
932-- 907758~ 10765 1032- - B.H{90-- 24130,9 243]26; 627782 S27781 669161
1771176793 B-973-- $,2228 [] 62328 1154-
781] 51 7{{1165 13284f65 284(r7 427B31 427851 1091-- G55232 15~721
933-- 416308 416326 76'/[{73 540D834 67/2471 112477 628676 7527]2 ]B.HN-8
23651nU4 T) 211}92 9;19857 939892 75366
577475 B1035-- B 7n2063 263{~4,
934-- '/]550] 711558 H~81112 ]1254.7 IT 358712 203095 20904 '/$3991 B 45910
466732 466750 753346
29(1473 29674 1151~
748 87496 977-- B 55144 3,15255 B 325452 32?797 3278{04 {211--
522328 522336 9269924020 10,95-- 753N6~ 74,3134]261
10W-- ;~244 511812
It2(2703 262732 1214-- 6N{473
IT 278039 27N0() 2166(Lq5 1%-1096-- 11-1159-- ]2QN2
79]755 791760 770I ]2 77127 H I]5143 1532 B-121363
412/11 4]2734 B 101101 10~5:9.1 PA8461
478707 478726 {037-- J{.1097-- 1n0]l B 23595N 5]2128
B 2369371 2313373 B-982-- '/11
4110 24572, 1] 8388[13 33870~ 1215--
320d4 3220806 ]{/804 117842 1,97129939 11 271789 [13] 310
4{]7366 407379 89,1
91811 757558
538](]6 63{]500 I].1041-- R484990
93;-- 593!~40 595,187 ]] 110341 110440 [{.I D!)R-
5820581290 ]32 120
B :l~,dS( :108459 IT 203,51 ",4in IT 703121 101378
6106775 6$06794 IT.7341 35100 IT 4598 IT 4181149 418402 6{55801 3594462
248N78 249686 B-1161- B127i--
11.995-- IT 345001 346420 IT 375001 632857
658 7 72(1752250 1101-- IT 1931313 193340
90 36 [125(12 628'/1
B1 ]82929 {893939 {]-]014.-- 2+ ~429 1B-]162-- 1217~401
218055 1101114017 H. I IH}-- it 2219014 221940 250162 N(~1913
680293 680324 1813581054 It 19711.57 1§786] }3 2800(]6 }~3412.12 340253 6505,4 I ... ~ 699151
OCTOSBER, 1941 667

L. U. 183~e 951657+ §5KF74, 252414.
{{~M L.-l. 36--
i -48-- :172-- 918--
i ~ 32233M. 365, 260849, :M21,IlL1 613-
{i 18§395, 491- 4i3, Fie, ,59] [6. 107, 11-941--
N'.10 {{=4811, i 54610. 700. 652 17{9.
411]k9-109o U345.i, 4~0, 644f 6VI49,
491+ 412t01, 824, B~ MI6, B 407305.
279616-iC5~. (In. 82Y. w0i 07]. 541201B 5,9164. 825
910, i11, 4207, in4~4~ Me- 11 12469-701,
469181 -lb, F32124, W.B255. {{ I26)U2 004
{{-3-- 58~. 6233 5N4317. 330 I 1-M82--
942+ %O. 91r 34§0,2~ 689, 5i,893, 63576" 117804, 807,
§ 7.U94 129, B~J, 53~423
h;I8126. DIIM 2131 146, 191, 197 70 0 Me9, 301 3]0. 59343 450.
{B.24J-- 1t 1279. 40,- 4~4. 471.
l~ 31091]-913. I 111;61. B 1 67143, IN. efl, 45., 538492+
B35-917, I>A 87-77, 8791. 52569463 419. 4082616 ' -272431h 11-937--
6017989, 99]- 8990, 8991, B1-220~ 6b~ Y, 1~I, {{ 102960.
994. 1193 ;, 147fif4 1I4M3375
954.¢ 9656, 413-- ]B NW1~1-5754
la81439~450, 9740, 9884 00494, 721963. {95468, 409, 617.
2125m8 {{.9112-
[B 319450. §9~2, 9951. 177471, 152315, 350. 415-- B301605, 614-
294- 1994. 10108, ]* 2721](3I, Ilif 5655, 0{6.
1§(]91§, 917, 10109, 10120, * 273014, 149 43 21-- 0 697-- B1-993--
919, 920. 925, 10 i31i, 101~.0. 233, 321, III. 231-- 449i,90, 664.
926, 923. ~(]]5(, I'll", N93 450 410, 45190, 2U9. 1J50242, 1-702-- B{743409.
1U*302-- 111:~62.10380. 519, 550. 1~.244- ,137-- 1755.45, 859, 11-1005-
701278-290. 111441, 10483, 734383, I69231-244. B~3382aD.
B-343-- 1i0(12, 10629, 6g380711L. §7411, 441-- 113171, 220, 11-1018--
598574. ]101676,I0N39, lB-246-- 54T,060, 063* 7222116, ~;i~103. 3137240.
34F8- 1124(I 11433, 64123906, 412
123156-159. {11434, I ]~0i. 65--(74 6833 685. 6W7, 392317~ 149212, 790534. {{ 996303-310,
U,,- ]1222~ 61~8. 5U91§~. 1{-413g 535,
651258. 172. 194, 198, B 636155 712-- 399896-900,
386-- If 154144 15:l, 200, 171692. 049891-900.
9874115i4 03.7075. 15`4. 168, 176+ B-24a- 700, 702, 742,
71,7440 946, !lB4. Bitola, 013+ 346526, 546. 74039.
11-438- 74.7445L {{ 155050* 570, $84., {{~[(141--
9111498-500 7q43. 74.45 B 111558, (2723, { 51§551L. 510. {{ 2040{17.
443,-- 745{, 74W, 444i6 599. 5109~4, 2~B 419, (]/02(J.
2i6737 2M431. 432, 460- '2tl, 318, iB I79512,
7416, 7477~, 244, 74, N4O. MI(, 476, 6916T9V 75502 fi90776. 81l.
505151-161. 7~213 7594 3F.2 M4. 497+ 85M45-54% 13-46~ 623. 918, 970, {{ 18386L.
509, N42. 6M 268-- B 1N302. III4. 19 [10:L
278655-659. 1192, 122],B 685 ~,7~ 2619839!HL 72,- B{ 103436. 450,
$40- 76 85, 384 539570. 452 455,
{162] 1-U0. 12307, 128,12, 5 i 7,7118. 1III--
E-554- "I'0l, ]3]]7~ 2M0972. 34"802 480, 1473M.1, 35, 2703~0
617159. I3M17. 59l. 485~
567-- 631794-824. 67767 874. ,12fl9li 62,2iM..
3179012, 826 -813. Om.0 IN2, 7,5]26. 11-1u7-.-
832.8~. 86 124970. 42I22 763-- 5l23MI. 237-
D 1224, 225, 227. BI 21142. NMI5. W7 44275,() 241]
62{-- 2u,374, 20MD 741, */, 763, ft.27-1- 7714--
21170. 21174. 772, 7M1. '88, i16965-97~)~ 3M953, 544. B3+ 1. 11411i--
211,21874, 7 71--
195428-4~9+ 5M7, 5937. MI. 644578l
711-- 22 2454Mil 34i71 22].i 7IN~ :1136G-
2 2d~.11,=
, 59403 FBI- $97. 607. 111P, 0:S?~4§, :0111 90753. 756,
]oo. 423+ 610. 3117, 375, 3!42, ] 42~42 475
12736~7. 224.22637, 553456, 450. 278- 496- 485, 500 50] 1141--
22G45, 22885, 6423154 41:l, 219]49, 449290. ] a_20~(]4, 25. I-f5 3{1400?, 063
97 ZI4OI-4(]: 22889 23011, 5]4. 10:048, 250253. 2760 V0-'17, 457~
74,- 2'~{B 7 22893., 284- 5009114 1i~
199771-780. 291,22996, ]04 244, 19137-i77 501 l~ "]I"1, 824. I511,939171,
761-- 1040141, (138, 334, 71950]2 1131191/ 14(]ll2{]. 825,
7.57034, 035. 2.231,2247, 170, 839, 8B6.L923,
29.23307 947, 987, 303099 2080§,
!CI3/]B 603583, 180~ 213, 235, 812--
517, 592 594. 2T__1 23ti2ff 021
72, 01711 A403(]9 383. -11 1;4--
932 9b,
BeJ-- ({l~I001L ~2 B-287-- IN9. "123 411
474720. B ]088 ~1. Ms5 (]9,9(5 127411]+
X2:1-- T~ 21243B, 4lL, 944. 946. {{-811-- FI 1440,~2, 132~
469945. 10 30(I', 0114 484 51fi, 510(, 1 {6;--
2-- (]0 B.37, GSL1 5114-1- 323504,
}tI4;136. U)9. 6;(4 H57, 6~59, 99B32, 838, ll7'~
{I.876-- 2~I115[1. 77:{,
IIl~ 755§27, IN3 7024(13 I;I2R 9 842
]1 2N863D-813. .11.2' 1 R1-Ill i~292-- B] 298123 6241129.
903-- I - 29133]O1 570~44 6429,7,
274744, 745, 527-- 514376{{
747. 746 T0 ]75051797 (117 1147 Ill 143347~
302-- *A 1I 1020.
7.828~4-235, 70111111,912845, ]6]357. .
{{-92fi- *245431
[~ 2602i-. 11-23- 101865 717975, 997,
953-- 2247911 1!)[. 305-- 51077D (;22336. 546,
944 834"02, 12O!~
942, 93 78713
[~ 301§04, 606, 2iMM3. 9024408
F, !1I~301 315+ 734 B 411766,
t63I1d31-]87. 112:3393 6141
5611 i ~(--
324-25 411.39
]0M~15] - 69 2 .
R13111-11 4(1 2591 11.519, 124!9
.x-- 321-
1036-- ?11 795 210124 $70(JI, 4B- W~ 1909- 489
67~21{49 050 ]9283 :i-
11i7, 11~, 119
1199217,21 94195, IN4 395 $11{516, 537
I IN" ]O7 212 M7: 33-- 418, 421, 520
fi0:t] 3 I11~ 91334--
H91 15-- 310, 323 M 207.1229, 2711B7. 169, {~ 111221 124,
1225-- T714{2f] 20 -22 231, 271
t12~71-3-875, ! 711560, 600 217 290, 29?
file- 353-- 592-- 424418 425 29tL 310.
B63470 480) ]I', 10$223 2.3{ 426
{249-- 2,51-2(]5, 21. {~R~V]D[ S,1y
60~751-793 31fi77
6A!, 2011 ]3[12 { 92--
265 1831(]30 M1ITFIG
! 4;3315 59G9]-692 Tli~EIIE
11.1254-- fi13--
743115. 688723 93357i, 663 EG-357--
{25-,- 3R101 703572 5~77443.450
262i3 f1ll3, (]93, 7({( '186. 697 831497 411% 4~f. 457,
sos The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators
L. U. L. U. I. (. L. U. L1 U. l- U- 1-U.
BI-217-(Coat. 11-472- 74L-I Cnt ) B-941- 567-
177329. 336. 316891, 892. 1349a8-990. :130. 333, 650984. 16$5 5221602. 61q], 723413 420
242. 291- 777-- B-94)- 617 619. 621, 478-410,
82-- 58847. 596989. 457438- 64573, 747082. 4 ]B6602-(30. 581-
259154-178, 30ii 440. 791-- G39194. 105, 280455 461).1
Up- 42089, t;03565, $86. 473185-2M4, B- 1182- 928999. 92MO0N0
647168, 174. 3112- 723418-420, ,711 572 619804. 397635, H36, 784-
135- 62469, 470. 478-480. BLANK 981649, 0N50
617868, 871] 339- [I-657- 910941-944. 6077!k6 20- 865-
872, 875. 324984-989i 327956. 957, 11.99~ 955989, 900, 5I80650, 765.
117535, 536. 382- 959, 60. 164253 £00288, 714801, Sit~h24-
B-24S 6nf1160. 210. 674- 803-852, 211-- B 411880
B 310809,
607982, 985. i,2-12. 708-
419689i 743409, 427-
430. B-292-
I32409 410@
B 75,giL. 583672-674, 149178-204. 5177456, 472. I.11042- 232441. 393457-460,
B-27?- 2 4 71- 741 63- 11-93 fl 368810, B--1196-
5733, 825, 7745,49. 316326, 3N ,5f 90. 49a503 59716[ B 249108-110.

HIGH TRIBUNAL MAKES HISTORIC n,,d fathe .phh o/J ery ?nn? to o had penetrated rt, the consclousness of few
RECORD portanIt it to eark a hr ,Ig, rnd ac.
.. t- business leaditers. That these men did recog-
late a costp~roises; to reasoaabls hourst ize such fat, however, reflects to their
(Continucid front page 523) of .work anid auoli'ng ronrdtittiosa; la credit perhaps even more than in the ease
decbnt .
ho. pe, ad to the en.oy.lment o. of the I. B. E W. representatives, for frum
page or otherwise obstruct harmony within ,tionn,
propel sun-i1tirendi order to in- the essential nature of o rganiied alt os ab -
the industry. 'lhis Was a logical dcevelipment prnvre the gen~eral standor 4of citi-en. jectiyes such an appreciation was, mot
from the cocll's miaj or premise expressed s~{p" normal to labor ... ers. To those who have
In the preamlhe of its Declaration of Prin. any intinlate acquaintance with the council.s
ciplies as folhws: That policy and the recognitton f the history, its success iinseparably linket with
wage earner's right ntt only to subsistence the exceptionally valuable contributions and
"The xi1 i .l.crests of the public, and bht to a progressive standard of living, has statesmanship nf L. K. Comstock, who has
of employee and emnployer {u. iadaste found constant and repeated exipr.ssn on eten its tireless cham pion and chancelor
are inaeparably houmnd together, All will the council's decisions, The success of this from its original conception to the present.
benlefIl by a enntintuoua pearsiul opera- and the council's other policies is refleted by
Gion of the indistril proess and the There are thiers, too nunerous to nitte,
the increasing number of cases in which these both in the membership of the Brotherhood
de Otroln of h ,,mean,, of prrdnetion ito princliplea are ex prssly incorporated into ard among the contractors, who have per-
the centana good," working agreements between local uniuns and formed high du of cttzenship through the
their employers, Especially significant of Council oni Industrial Relations. These m-
Accordingly the countil established ma the confidence placed in the council are those
ehinery lude the mlenwho hove given generously of
arbitration. Thefor principles of provisions in nnion agreements~ which, after
that machinery are so obviously intelligent their tin, and talen t serving
in the counci in
ther procedluIres fail, ettrust matters ofhif- its investigation, anu arbitration procedinrigs.
that their unprecedented character at the fe'rence to the Council on Industrial Rela-
time they were pot into practice is now They include the en ployers
and union offi-
tions for deternination, and "its decisions cials who have kept faith with the council,
easily over .lked.B&ut the very practical suc. shall be final and binding."
cess of the council and the confidence which even when its decisions were adverse V, their
After 21 y)ears the Council on Industrial immediate interests. And they include the
it inspired may he attributed to the seusible Relations in the Electrical Construction In-
principles arid prosCedutes-and to the thousands of workers upon whose hotnor and
io dustry has rendered only about 60 decisions. productive
who conceived them and put the, capacity all social institutions
into But their effect is far greater than their nun,-
practice. The arbiltration machnery pri- must of necessity depend.
her would indicate. Within its sphere, it has The Council oh Industrial Relations for the
vided. not only that labor should he reipro properly won for the electrical construction Electrical Construction Industry is an out-
sented. but that it should have equal repre- field the designation: "A Strikeless Industry." standing example of cooperation. The essen-
sentation, sod that a}] decisions should be It would be impossible to tabulate the tial element in the practice of cooperation is
unanimous. In lieu io-called
of a "disiter,- wholesome fruits of this joint enterprise. mutual confidence. The best evidence of the
ested` party sitting on the board, who is Workers, employers and the public have all councisl' prosmis of a future no less success-
usually more interested than informed. the benefited in ways beyond the power of sta- f.1 than its past is its present membership.
proceedings would ,e publicly cnducted,. titics to reveal. Among other things the The following .ten bear that responsibility
Finally, the oriltr.tinn machinery could he council has constantly eCphasized and demon and Cut with tompetence:
invoked only by the vol.nltary action of both strated the fallacy of the doctrine that higher
parties to the difference. union wages necessarily mean higher pro- For the L. B. E. W.:
The Council on Industrial Redlaions doMg- duction costs. It has stressed the duty test- G. M. Bugniazet
nstes itself a court. Not a court of law, hut ing on hbth the union worker ani the lion A. L. Weterst
of justice. The difference may be readily per- employer of producing more efciently, with Lawmon Wimerly
eeired by considering the first decision ten- greater skill, and with better management. E. J, Brown
dered by the council. That was in 1921. It Without ound application the highest of M. It. liedges
waa in
the amie year that the U. S. Sttpreme principles may shortly degenerate into mean- For the I. B. E. W. Employers Section of
Court made those historic but narrow, un- ingless platitudes. The fact that the principles the National Electrical Contractors Associa-
social, shortsighted decisions arising out of underlying the councIl's creation did not so tion:
the Duplex Printing Co. v. Deering, and the degenerate is atibute to the men who E. C. Carlon
American Steel Foundries v. Tri-(ity (on- founded .. iand subsequently administered its C. L. Chamblin
tral Trades Council
cases. It took the Su- affairs, R. W. McChesney
preme Court almost 20 more years to raceg On the I. B. E. W. side, those chielty re- J. Normian Pierce
tize that employees of an industry do have sponsible for the origin of the council, in L, K. ('omstoek.
common interests no less legal than the addition to President McNulty, were James
common interests of employers in n iindus- P. Nounan, Charles P. Foid, H. II. ,.aeh
try, even though such employees are get- and G. M. Biugniazet Special credit is due to NATIONAL IL B. E. W. SHRINE
graphically dispersed. The very. eistence Charles P. Ford, at that time international (Co~ntinued from page 515)
of the Council on Industrial Relations was secretary of the Brotherhood, who with his
vivid apprecLation of the often futile whste W. A. Jackson 1901 to 1903
predicated o a recogntion
n of this reality. F. J. hLcNulty I'3 to 19W
The economic and legal atmosphere being and hardships inchient to strikes, was first
and most forcibly impressed with the poten- J. P. Noonan 1919 to 1929
what it was in 1921. the council s.ight easily R. U. Broach 1929 to 1933
have decided in favor of a wage cut in the tial good which might flow from a jint eis-
plover-em~ployee organization of this type. ,)anW, Tracy 1933 to 1940
D.trolt are,. and,uppu te that flu..inln with Ed J. Brown
The group in the National Electrical Con- 1940 todate
the oa n amn in the legal tri-
bunals. Lut it fid not. Another (f Cth funda- tractors Association most responsible for The list of international secretaries is as
mental policies of the counCil preventied the council's origin hinluded L. K. (nomsttock, follows:
such a decision. That policy is expiessed asL Sullivan Jones, John A. Cole, Albert fixon., J. T- Kelly . 1891 to 1897
follows: J. (G. Livingston, Frank Cooper and Earl It. W. Sherman I897Cto 1905
Stewart. At that time the conception that P. W. Collins 1905 to 1912
'Wages shoufld be adjusted with dee labor was no less vitally concerned than the Charles P. Ford 1912 to 1925
r'egard to pjrcasing
power of the raCe mp)loyer with the sound progress of industry (, M. flugniaset 1925 to 'ate
sa :tauh or
y hf*e' ;H%~tllofii *it p l 'e l'S W 'i' e i 0 :iiii t he~ Un.]1 l, t I t ,1I'o
lp' flt, l'" Ithe ,'thIr ti h!
goingIi IDitlk *nith.
0 when, who I".hs in, ll
I ,,, fkll , ,,f Ihe l i. a;fllwas ,'eg ,rliii' ,
thea,' '3;th ShuDtf'Li~p it. ''Mae. hi' F'l,&'fl. the Iuys iI ..... II t'I in th Folif
"Host~[ soH &''if'' to iiark thu9 tlu~inulidiit'" tish anl the hZgh WHer A es They leI il
Ip . lul] I I I I1tII Dol/', ,ouItilo thatl the har and l'flo theh'i u'u~leisntloB ] gath.',
itsa couple iif big Thiuwng a ¥is.itirlt
%N NI RIItSARIY f C. t Ihrll SILO liei'
lng*ishnaaf ni lift "C ('hiengo right lif'
, ,n D'ia 'ii itll Sill I, 4, l liiiI1LTlllz~, 'sIpeM<
<Li IF'
Soo l-o Aievi 'II'T Iof thee'xa nit' , Li
,ill ,lt' rid When ill
h e t t'-iaut t ilhu tl
w~ t'it~sif
or of h h s I 1;, 4~~ 1 " t ~
hill lhi& {;.Ir idIt,{ -11, 11 14h Fhes'ie ill pi+ttV w
ilii a't ¥t~ti ~iJi in thedlruimr I'
lle tiEIlht~l we tiskeif
i)~e ~14r4
, lIut-1
Inili hh.'1 t }x
l li(M di ~hil'%%l erie'I, "l/1 O''I
Islf'IT ii LIuIlLL'. 1 Ith'L
thes I' hale d rhink ii gi\s'l Mnnitit' the MoocIhl tat
he. IT, - a I to thi' LmlLey .nd m hirt
' Il f',l' ll}
I f ut ha .eI ZIr tuuldI IiI o A [I,5 'Ma> bhLiddil . .'oukl l:.'tIIinn hlwo a ~1t]

I .. ed , olldtil tfll"i i a i
>:hiLuler t. '' h uld.'u n~I t! p'. thitLE'i ~ ~e Sit lo ha. ui

W e'lhill roil the a meds ]"... Fit [;o NII, GRIOWLS I

[li' 'ih r Il to, I ,' l , t hl math 5l111 d alnd gIts it TIhI I- tL ltail
'ef'I1i I ll i SVLL IS 1hel" Ilhitl 'liarge If C h, plaint
D olh h1l t gI i]/ l lA ld
Wli ,r V ,alfibh h thI r ' p"]It i f aI ...I Illfe l~,t*1tI fts neLu'ii i ''(h ief ' I, ei' LLI hi,
WI. } 'lL Iflffuii of kic s on the f,.,dI sI A.. N To. .
lN F. M 4> JiKSON,
OH lii nfll gi~iilr She iiLCei left .s','r tos She
L ' No :3 iiss i, .ig er
1i~ fti' hI ot>o lrh ' A . 3
A well I,wl l".Irll .in true oh] tmer, ''ha
Iuxv'% hi l]lhofi ,l'tltt't ttliun hl - rio,!' hit'
e ii
a li.tlh....
'it i
hi', a i
Oi ths,-t bone'? Ti ll I h',h
hoid thenI p f,
omie ~tae if t t,: '. wi], his helper Thl%
' h' Fi s'r't e'i i' t otI lot tI Iah lil .iIat ho
both l(1t'e rhII)I I I I.... I ,ltiI, lh,,,q I'll,
j, i, till
... Li, ilf.tI too?" I,%
.ilh th}l lilLh. the hIbier Wi I IBlizlr& I,r
Iri . iiiIL~
t e8'en[l11.' l 4the) I~( ged;,,
ti a Ithe
il w¢ tal.¢s illL I 'h
,}m lle sb'lie'ert II
iiule that hi hn•If m'fillhV "'IB'e
*httl~rt~wh h, h, ~14d Cl]11,£ ht{l l/l I l.
lIq~('i S~e
o i UEi, 1. lttif cf]I ll b o il II L I N'. 58,
fll?ted that h lll u
l'Pt to I. < o
h i...II, i¥"llbust
Ill' i , L a tI f lu
d vhn cWiI ti ,serli'ahl ts lla tTI c Ihe I . 1 lff/4'f(,rQ [~lntthlin
5 tril j11' It
paiL' n"
b td,, aJ 'siuld a't S~,tl
ti; d ni 'pS
i Nil W e t 1h Ie1
i ni* st' dt >b , t i wet ,t
hnext this happe' hie sneaked hw'mk
usdihsiiy , w e d en't ''otilhier th,~ i /
anld ifef-pitg tls'unlq , khIt hole. liw the
rai[ ...t giu Il af hi, key bad at pii'f 't pq [{
I wtt If th;tl I 't' h lf
II I d if h i ffmy 'lid.a." Il.ti. tdI e ... an illt hifl
I'llI hfetf ha 'te l w rite ylL [ iLTin, ai e*~r s, O ~: i>t ' if'l Orily half in h 5d as Ill ii

FI N it 12[. folk'- w lhiieI ii Il>if thought n. Ill'st h Hlf , , Ill lfflf lhl ,'it± (,
JI.If iX
F, N.,I$ <,lt ,I _t ,i.' jl ,IICf ti ts /i. IsI half Fe' lhl ~ ,KNI
pI:-lOX ' ~ [I I~ ~ ~
l ~ ht:il[ :1 V i i]'¢i ['( Il i 'e1<, l,,
jiSth is, a, ilh h 'u In folk' thinlk I dti
LOST mlOTION arid k.~h L~lf 'i hitt i', e m~ in , ihIFntiiin ; ~ eirt
I jut half :4 IIi Irlet's yit' Just hill is )ilt'
fh.' ' is thy at Iotar ilai!.0 lLId Ies anl
Ils half d u vi 'Ih...t half of Owlh :dtentu i I I . .o...e t. t here qialck.
auwfuul chu~p' He'll tltlk for hou~r' Llmitil the ,)h slififL I pl....
hh tp,' t, ,!teiL jMlt halfthe welr h xhiihl there's a line, angp layiniLg it ,Hrtvtrick I
,&srk .i. *.....uIllotanl lral illnill, , ibt he.. oIu
uihle thilk
f I >l st ' ,, and go 'h' I "nil any heard the bmI fiant' I'll tIt his 'l1w. `Xi>w
lss''k a,..] to \ ' t uiut'h ;o~a'hl
h e r''u'li i ' 4iso klebf w v, half .ts <eutteret If lint half the
. ILL'i.ja w ',rk'il] hnLrilt. Dt]o SL}1 kr, w' ITI listen. boys, hers hat w,, ll do. ,e'hll hairtg
irahtl wt.t trfhhl ''lald the other hualf hill *l gin' &Liii~ ?'nler p4Jle. "nlf [btlry d
al ta'Fi'l,'II
i', Ild lilf that h.all[ i. hd
it V^l'fH N, tllal Iin thi, h h,"
I I'I 117. LaiV.P N LENNiE,
TIP ]1EyNfll hi%.
IU No B 702
1, I[ N, Ito.
* ,s ,

I II ZII ii,y 'II uT,. ri h I o t gI aft.
,ju ,tuh J oh n M age suit ';.i:
['a itfraf~'' g.reet] i~ 'Atifnnhf iffl,,e', i i'
,W-h lit rI t tIh a l lI I. 'eIid I tn ( 's'
hiu'e yoiu 'iltitl[ ho
}th[e Fiest Ii;;I',ljtoh
ITobe '(ie i ill I... t..i
. il'tI fife h, Ii''t fl
ar " A i I the iufltitd
Aatig Ii i I
tha t sn e s aid. '' iius" nit'
H oit' ~ : q th ~
i.. I ...I ...... hIretith i" [hie fI.....tuill ,Iy Ihitt
'u; aul ' t hf ' i s'a i k it w i f e !.' 5 ut' f t 'h Ni s'}i e ii ii
it h a w rl iig tuft a hl lI , h ll oll I l

fll I' N I] EME.

uit thd' itfi'h1ir fair thil Was in ih'siLatl ll

a., ,aa,,,
liki it is the thfJ fa'hi. of giggle 'i'tter i' iltlileJll iii lblle isfte I'm, tijiar the lIre.
solil r' ui ;]ifubt, In rh Lpssht' ouufs'pa s....If tiello. Will yli give. ill a riga
CUI 1EM110T ¥oAlr voil'r I',US ilei' aM
:So fi'; a rid' 'is ti'i r'n te'rt iaiell i] th e l st irhfir, elle]Ir siste,'. I'mii'tt~ini the lille--
w'ith ia'sth 'a' a;L t! iji iEbetw een tIhZ' two. , I JIfIW 'Iout It..fight, shaht we d1anice arid diiIe?
Ifwo h('i i ryfia f l I ... ila~
i wu t heL st r e
firod hsllsi'l Ui v'e'i k'foid lo oak fug war!. O ne t ae e wi'uit uLiffer the ieol/ua.l 1Dft! tlt Oru walk ill thl IrK where thee illooili
ethi l sud u[, ''I .... I w'h o ;il' h, f'a han.. ged all thiS, iuf $ fi'fthi'
Ifiail eiI till i
lig, doing the suiff ta'itble , ]h'llif, sistir. l'fii retohLLg the line.
h r'If!" I hii hk,, oVel ath h t il said. ''la, Illt havh. thii'i
]"' J hi? sfth tr fopif " N o il ai i'e' r -V rtD
''y ttfig fOi' did ,'s, iroth' jiii' dll, .... WIiLI. 'iLlIWill
!ivi' rl' a ril,?
i ni i ii'. "
('Ii a41 [1' M
~ A t' NSST I', DTqu'wK OIT hl]ŽIO, MAIf1t[AL LE:AlrTt
II [. 4o.29. L. 1. Ni,, 24[. 1,. U. No. 14.
TO ORGANIZE all electrical workers into local
unions, to establish an apprentice system. to main-
tain a higher standard of skill, to encourage the formation
of schools of instruction in L. U.'s for teaching the
practical application of electricity and for trade education
generally. To cultivate feelings of friendship among the
men of our craft, to settle all disputes between employers
and employees by arbitration (if possible), to assist each
other in sickness or distress, to secure employment, to
reduce the hours of daily labor, to secure adequate pay
for our work, and by legal and proper means elevate the
moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members.

-Earlq Constitution of International

Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

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