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SP 42-16

Shear Transfer Of Reinforced

Concrete Beams
Under Reversed Loading

R. H. Brown and J. 0. Jirsa

Synopsis: Reinforced concrete cantilever beams were subjected to end

deflection reversals of from five to ten times the deflection at
yield. Vertical cracks formed over the entire beam depth at each
stirrup location, The concrete along the vertical cracks eventually
eroded due to abrasive action produced by shear deformation along the
cracks. The paper concludes that closely spaced vertical stirrups
significantly increase the number of cycles to failure, but the
mechanism of failure may differ from that of monotonically loaded beams.

Keywords: beams (supports); cantilever beams; cracking(fractur-

ing); cyclic loads; deflection; deformation; failure; loads (forces);
reinforced concrete; shear strength; stirrups; stress transfer; tests.

348 shear in reinforced concrete

ACI Member Russell H. Ilrown is assistant professor of civil engineer-

ing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Currently he is secretary of
ACI-ASCE Joint Committee 421 on Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs.

ACI Member James 0, Jirsa is associate professor of civil engineering,

University of Texas at Austin. Currently he serves on ACI Committees
421, Design of Reinforced Slabs, 408, Ilond Stress, 352, Joints and
Connections in Monolithic Structures. Dr. Jirsa is the author of
several ACI and other technical papers.


Structures subjected to severe seismic loads may undergo

reversal of load into the post-yield range. The response of a
reinforced concrete structure to seismic loads depends on both
the characteristics of the seismic force and the stiffness and
damping properties of the structure. Theoretical analyses have
indicated that plastic deformation on the order of 5 to 10 times
the yield deformation through several cycles is a reasonable
design criterion, The purpose of this paper is to examine the
shear transfer mechanism of beams subjected to post-yield load

The shear strength of reinforced concrete beams subjected to

steadily increasing loads to failure is based on the assumption
that a diagonal tension crack occurs. The intersection of web rein-
forcement and the assumed crack provides additional shear strength
beyond that of a beam without web reinforcing. However, in the
case of beams subjected to load reversals in the post-yield range,
the mechanism of shear transfer may be quite different. Flexural
tensile cracks which form during the first direction of loading
propagate from the extreme flexural tensile fiber to the neutral
axis of the section. Hhen the load is reversed, similar cracks
occur from the other side of the cross-section, It is possible
that two cracks will intersect leaving the beam fully •cracked
from top to bottom, These cracks will not be intersected by ver-
tical web reinforcement, and the shear transfer mechanism across
the section is different from that assumed for monotonically
loaded beam,


An experimental program was undertaken to study the flexural

behavior of reinforced concrete beams under post-yield reversible
loadings. The flexural mechanics of this problem were studied
extensively and are reported in References 1 and 2. A schematic
of the test specimens and instrumentation is given in Fig. 1. Com-
plete details of the test specimens are given in Ref. 1. The
reversed loading 349

notation used to describe the test specimens is as follows:


ten times yield deflection

(10 6y)

Reversed Loading

5" Stirrup spacing

/13 stirrups

/16 Bottom Bars

118 Top Bars

At the inception of the test program it was felt that flexural

failure would be critical. It was observed during the experimental
program however that almost every beam eventually failed as a result
of large shear distortions. The test specimens developed vertical
cracks extending from the top to the bottom of the beam at intervals
coinciding precisely with the location of vertical closed stirrups.
With load reversals, deterioration of the concrete along the verti-
cally cracked sections was evident. Shear deformation across the
vertical crack produced an abrasive action between the two rough
surfaces of the crack. Failure occurred when these sections became
so badly eroded that shear could no longer be transfered across the

The effect of the shear deformations across vertical cracks

can be seen by examining the measured load versus deflection curves
shown in Figs. 2 and 3 which indicate that in the later stages of
loading, the stiffness of the section increased as the load in-
creased, The change in stiffness produced a "pinching" of the
load deflection curves toward the origin. The pinching effect
became more pronounced as the number of cycles increased, as the
percentage of steel increased, and as the shear span decreased.
It should also be noted that the reduced stiffness often resulted
in a reduction of load cap'acity at the given end deflection limit.
Test specimens subjected to end deflections of 10 6y exhibited
more pronounced stiffness changes and wit.hstood fewer load cycles
than those subjected to 5 6y as indicated by comparing Fig 2(a)
and 2 (b), Beams with closer stirrup spacings showed less signi-
ficant stiffness changes and larger number of cycles to failure
as illustrated by specimens 88-35-RVl0-60, Fig. 2(b), and 88-32-
RVl0-60, Fig. 3(a). Specimens in which the shear span was reduced
from 60" to 30" (increase in shear force on the section) exhibited
350 shear in reinforced concrete

more pronounced stiffness losses and reduced number of cycles to

failure as illustrated by a comparison of 88-35-RVl0-60 (Fig. 2b)
and 88-34-RVl0-30 (Fig, 3c),

The load-end rotation curve shmvn in Fig. 4a (Specimen 88-35-

RVl0-60) indicates that as the number of cycles increased, less
beam rotation was required to produce the desired end deflection
(see Fig. 2b). The reduction in end rotation was more pronounced
for the 30" span than for the 60" span (Fig. 4a vs /1b), Since the
shearing force was about twice as large for the 30" span compared to
the 60" span, the effect of shear deformation, as evidenced by the
greater reduction in end rotation, was more pronounced. Shear de-
formations contributed more to the total end deflection thus requir-
ing less flexural deformation to achieve a given end deflection.

Unsymmetrically reinforcing was used on two specimens (86-35-

RV5-60 and 86-35-RVl0-60) in which there 1~ere 2- 1/6 top bars and 2-
1/8 bottom bars. Positive load corresponds to 1/8 bars in tension as
sho1vn in Fig. 5, The reduction of stiffness was more pronounced
for positive load than it was in similar specimens with 1/8 bars
top and bottom. Such behavior can be explained as follows:

1) Upon reversal of load with 1/6 bars in compression, the stiffness

of the section is governed by the 1/6 bars rather than 1/8 bars
until residual concrete cracks close
2) The dowel force developed in the steel by the shear displacement
of vertically cracked surfaces is reduced if the steel area is
The unsymmetrical section withstood about the same number of cycles
of load as sections symmetrically reinforced,

The appearance of some of the specimens at failure (Fig. 6)

clearly illustrates the formation of.vertical cracks coinciding
with stirrup location and the resulting erosion of concrete along
the cracks.


A free-body diagram of a vertically cracked section (Fig. 7a)

shm~s that shear can be transferred by the dowel force, Vd (often
negelected in shear analysis) and by shear friction, Vc' The dowel
force can be mobilized at any load stage in both tension and com-
pression steel while the shear friction force can be fully developed
in the presence of a compressive normal force in the concrete. In
the absence of such a compressive normal force, some shear can be
transferred by aggregate interlock as shown in Fig. 7 (b),

Hhen a beam is loaded into the post-yield range and unloaded,

residual tensile strains in the steel result in a crack which re-
mains open on unloading. \o/hen the load is reversed, the original
tensile crack must close before the concrete will be subjected to
reversed loading 351

any compressive stresses. Until the cracks close, shear will be

transferred primarily by dowel forces and aggregate interlock.
Since the member is relatively flexible in shear, significant shear
deformations may occur as load on the member is increased, Under
shear deformation the points of contact bet1qeen the rough concrete
surfaces along the crack may be subjected to intense stress con-
centration which may produce crushing at those locations. As
flexural compressive forces increase and the cracks close, the
capacity of the concrete surfaces along the crack to transfer shear
is significantly increased.

Careful observation of the specimens during testing indicates

that most of the abrasion along the crack takes place during the
early stages of each load reversal 1qhen residual cracks from the
previous cycle of loading are just closing. At this stage the
concrete compressive forces between the crack surfaces are minimal.
Once the crack is closed, the stiffness of the member in shear
increases significantly. Therefore, the changes in stiffness in
some specimens and the "pinching" of the curves toward the origin
can be attributed to low shear and flexural stiffness of the
member at reduced loads. Under low loads flexure is carried pri-
marily by the steel and the stiffness is reduced until flexural
tensile cracks produced in the previous direction of loading are
closed. Until the vertical cracks close, large shear deformation
across the crack can be expected with a resulting decrease in
shear stiffness of the member.

The functions of closely spaced vertical stirrups in beams.

subjected to load reversals appear to be as follmqs: 1) Vertical
cracks tend to form at the stirrups. With closely spaced stirrups
the cracks 1qill not open as widely as with fewer stirrups to serve
as crack formers. Since cracks do not open as widely, less deform-
ation will occur upon load reversal, and abrasion due to shear deform-
ation is reduced. (2) As stirrups spacing decreases, the stiffness
of the longitudinal bar in dowel action increases thus reducing
shear deformation at the cracks.

Before a design method can be developed which 1qill predict the

shear capacity of the beams under load reversals, basic research
is needed which relates the shear transfer capacity across cracked
sections to the number and intensity of cycles of load reversal.
The shear friction technique used in the design of brackets and
corbels might be adaptable to this problem. Using such a techni-
que, a coefficient of friction, dependent on the intensity of the
load or deformation and number of load cycles, might be developed
and used to determine the shear transfer capacity of the concrete.


An experimental program in 1qllich specimens were subjected to

load reversals shmqed that nearly all the beams failed as a result
352 shear in reinforced concrete

of large shear distortions.

Based on an analysis of the test results, the follm~ing con-

clusions 1~ere reached:
1) The number of cycles of load reversal through which specimens main-
tained at least half of their yield load capacity increased as (a) the
shear span increased or shear force decreased, (b) the percentage of
flexural reinforcement decreased, or (c) the spacing of stirrups de-
2) Where members are subjected to large shear reversals, designs based
on the strength of beams at the formation of diagonal tensile cracking
may not provide for the type of failure observed in these tests.
3) A shear friction force must be mobilized across vertical cracks
in order for large shear forces to be transferred.
4) Vertical stirrups increased the shear capacity but for different
reasons than for monotonically loaded beams.


The investigation 1ms supported by the National Science Found-

ation under Grant GK-4416 to Rice University, Houston, Texas. The
research was conducted while the authors were associated with Rice
University. The cooperation and helpful assistance provided by
the faculty and staff of the Department of Civil Engineering at Rice
University is gratefully acknm~ledged.

1. Brmm, Russell H. , Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Slow Cyclic
Loadings," PhD Thesis, Rice University, Hay, 1970.

2. Brown, Russell H. and Jirsa, James 0, "Reinforced Concrete Beams

Under Load Reversals", ACI Journal, Proceedings V.68, No. 5, May
1971 pp. 380-390.
, -- t ~ -"-I - - - - - - - t-
1 ~- - STRAINS
f ... _- I i •
- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - f - ---?"-
I I li

30" (76 em) 60" OR 30" 6"
( 152 OR 76 em> 05.2 em>
- - - - -.. --r-


"ool ~

~ 6" ~
If>. CD

1 10" ~ (15.2 em) 0..

..(25.4cm) tC

Fig. 1 - Test specimen 0'1
354 shear in reinforced concrete



0 8- 35- RVI0-·60

12 66-35-RVI0-60

Fig. 2 - Load-end deflection curves Fig. 3 - Load-end deflection curves


(o) 900

88- 35- RVIO-- 60 88-34- RVI0-30

Fig. !1 - Load-end rotation curves

reversed loading 355

..... 12

.:; 10


I a) 86-35-RV5-60



~ 10
D 8


2 3 7

Deflection , in.che •

I bl

• 10

Fig. 5 - Load versus end deflection

356 shear in reinforced concrete

> ·>
10 10
J'() J'()
00 00

0 "0




0 I
> 0
a: >
J'() I
I J'()
00 I
6' co
reversed loading 357


(a) Free Body Diagram at (b) Shear Transfer by

Fully Cracked Section Aggregate Interlock


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