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TO: Chlef Educatloa Superleor (SGODI

*ro A1
Chlef Educatlon Auperrtsor (CID|
Educatloa Program Superrison
Priaclpalc, Public/ Hvate Secoa&ry Sch,o,ols

This has reference to the attached DepEd Order 50, s. 20O5 on the
Revlsed Guidellaes on the Inplementatlon of Cttlzeashtp Tratning (CATI
ln Both hrblic and Hvate Secondarjr Schools, contents of which are self-
explanatory for implementation and guidance.

For strict compliance.

For the Schools Division Superintendent:

Officer In-charge--
Chief, Curriculum Implemen/ation Division



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DO 50, s. 2005 - Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Implernentation ofcirircnstrip Enhancement
Training (CAT) in Both Public and Private Secondary Schools

DO 50, s.2005 - Revised Implementing Guidelines on the

Implementation of citizenship Enhancement Training (CAT) in Both
Public and Private Secondary Schools

August 26,2005
DO 50, s. 2005
Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Implementation of citizenship Enhancement Training (CAT) in Both
Public and Private Secondary Schools

To: Regional Directors

Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Secondary Schools

1. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) in both
public and private secondary schools, the Regional and Division Offices are strongly advised to monitor
its implementation and ensure that the guidelines are strictly complied with.

2. The following are enclosed to provide guidance to the implementers:

Enclosure 1 - Revised Implemenfing Guidelines of the Citizenship Advancement Training for both
Public and Private Secondary Schools
Enclosure 2 - Roles ofthe Stakeholders
Enclosure 3 - Program Competencies

3. The Regional and Division Offices are advised to submit the names, designations and contact numbers of
their respective CAI Coordinators to the Bureau of Secondary Education, Attention: Curriculum
Development Division at fax no. 632-17 46 for the purpose of facilitating the implementation of the

4- Immediate dissemination of this Order is directed.

Encls.: As stated
Reference: DepED Order: No. 52, s. 2004
Allotment: l-{D.O. 50-97)

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Xepultir of t[r ffilifftus
Brprrtnent of Elurutbn
trBmt\T o imcfi0r

No. 50 s. 2005

To Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Secondary Srools

1. ln order to ensure the effective implementation of the cilizerdi, Mvancement

Training (CAT) in both public and private secfidary schools, the REgird ard Dvision
Offices are strongly advised to monitor its implementation and ensure H ;E gl*relines are
strictly complied with.

2. The following are enclosed to provide guidance to the implerErEs

Enclosure I - Revised lmplementing Guidelines of the Citizerd{p AdfiEement
Training for both Public and Private Secondary Sffi
Enc'losure 2 - Roles of the Stakeholders
Enclosure 3 - Program Competencies

3. The Regional and Division Offices are advised to submit lrE t!4 6, dGignalions
and conlact numbers of their respective CAT Coordinators to the Buteau of Secondary
Education, Attention: Cuniculum Development Division at fax rr. 632-77.46 for the purpose
of facilitating the amplementation of the program.

4. lmmediate disseminalion of this Order is directed

K._ A - 6.r..;s

Encls.: As stated

Reference: DepED Order: No. 52, s. 2004

Allotment: r--(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicaled in the Pemelual lndex

under the following subjects:

Dep€d Comptox, 1/bratco Avo., Pasig City 1OOO E OgS-ZeO06fSte6t d 636'{876/637'6A8 H; rYrw d€oed oov'Dh
5 0
(Enclosure I to DepED ORDER No. , s. zoos)



Citizenship Advanc€ment Training (CAT) is a restructuring of fu Citizem Army

Training and is a component of Makabayan, separate from MAPEH in tfie Fourth Year.
It aims to enhance the students' social responsibility and commitnror b $e dadopment
of their communities and develop their ability to uphold law and order es thqr assrme
active pErticipation in community activities and in assisting the msnbers of the
community specially in times of emergency.

The components ofthe CAT program are

Military Orientotioa provides learning opportunities for th *deus o gain

knowledge, skills and understanding of the rights and duties of citizemhip aod military
orientation with focus on leadership, followership, and personal disciplioc,

CommtniE Semice refers to any aclivity that helps achiwe rhc gur-d welfare
and the betterment of life of the members of the community, or Gtrbrcrnert of its
facilities especially those devoted ro improving health, education, safcy, rccreation and
morale of the citizenry.

I\blic Wery and Enforccmcal &rlicc encompasscs all programs and
activities which are contributory to the maintenance of peace and order od p$lic safety
and observance of and compliance with laws.

Course Reouirement

The Program is a requirement for graduation for all Fourth Year hfuh sdrml students
in both public and private s€condary schools.

a The minimum requirement for the Course shall be complein of any or a

combination of its three program components. for a period ofthirty-firc (35) hours in
a school year. The school shall determine the program corrpqEfi ttat shall be
offered in consultation with the teacher-facilitators, PTCA ard repr.'"rrdrc ofthe
Student Body Organization. Classes maybe conducted during Smrda56 upon the
approvalof the School Head and PTeA.

A "Passed" rating shall be a requirement for eligibility in the sdecrlxr of honor


Rating Svstem

CAT shall be a separate component of MAKABAYAN alory with Araling

Panlipunan (AP), Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (EP), Techmlogr md Livelihood
Education (TLE), and Music, Arts, PE and Health (MAPEH).

It shall be rated on a PrsrFril basis. The computation of thc sfid.rt's grrde drall
be reflected in the class record of the teacher using the followiog qiEia 8s basis for
passing or failing:

Periodical Test ?5%

Quizzes lU'/o
Partici pation/Performance 4V/o
Output/Project 25%


There shall oaly be one ma* or mting tor (AT within the *lwl 1n-
Medium of lnstruction

English may be used as the medium of instruclion during clasees-

Uniform and Trrinins

it School uniforms or P.E. uniforms shall be used and no odg uoiforms like
fatigue and combat shoes shall be required.
Cadet Officers Candidate Course (COCC) or Cadet Olfccrs Tnining Course
(COTC) and bivouacs are strictly prohibited.
a Tactical inspocrions, pres€ntation of sponsors, CAT gnnrrim riteq and
similar activities are likewise strictly prohibited.

Certification of course comoletion

The teacher-facilitator shall issue a certification to the stude wititr tso weeks
upon completion ofthe program requirements.

Teachinp Load

The teaching toad of the teacher-facilitators in the progr@ shtll follow the
provisions in item No. 7 of DepEd Order No. 43, s.2Q02, efltitled Tb 20U2 Basic
Education Curriculum" dated August 29, 2C(J,2. One class lrcur b oqrivalcm to one
teaching load.

f,remotion from the Prosram

Aliens and members of families of diplomatic corps shall be exempted from CAT-

The following previous issuances granting exemption to Scouts ald Girl Soouts from
taking CAT shall still be observed:

iDECS Order No. 106,s. 1998 Revised Rules on the of Scouts
from CAT

)-DECS Order No. 30, s. 1999 Revised Rules on the Exemption of Giil
Scouts from CAT

Coordinntorshio of the orosram

A Regional Supervisor, preferably the MAPEH srpervisor, slnll be

designated as Regional Coordinator who shall monitor thc uivirbs of CAT at
the regional level.

a A Division Supervisor, preferably the MAPEH supervisa, $all likewise be

monito drc imd€xnentation
designated as Division Coordinator. He/she shall
of CAT at the division level and submits periodic repqrs ro ilr Regional

Any Makabayan head teacher, preferably the MAPEH head tcarfrer, may be
designated as School Coordinator, otherwise the Prircipal Sall ar$me the
responsibility. He,/she shall supervise the teaclw-facilitaors in the
implementation of CAT and shall submit periodic reports to the Division
Coordinator on the activities conduoed in the course of i[plenrerning the
(Enclosure 2 to DepED ORDER No. 50 ZOOS;
Role of the Strkeholders

a Rarangqt (-hainan

Facilitate the conduct of community service activities of thc sedcnts at the

barangay level

I . I Designate Purok Leaders who will coordinale fie aivirics in rheir

resp€ctive areas and will ensure students' safety and seoriry
1.2 Facilitate the provision of medical assistance through ftc bo'araay health
center in case of emergency

2. Plan with the teacher-facilitators and school head the activitic$ to be urdertaken
by the students in the community, the time frame required tbe anarryenrnts to be
made and the people in tln community who will be involved
3. Assist in monitoring the implementation of the program at thc bo-engay level and
provide feedback to the school head and teacher-facilitators.

School Hcad

I . Designate the CAT teacher-facilitators

2. Assist the teacher-facilitators in the implementatioo of th Citizenship
Advancement Training (CAT)
3. Coordinate with the barangay chairman the community activiti€s ofthe students
4. Plan with the teacher-facilitators and the barangay chairnran th divities to be
undertaken by the students in the community, the firne frarre required, the
arrangements to be made and the people in lhe community who nry be involved
in the said program
5. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program


L lmplement the program in coordination with the school h€ad ad in collaboration

with the Barangay Chairman
2. Supervise the community service activities in coordinarioo wilh dE Barangay
Chairman and the purok leader
3. PlEn the activities to be undertaken by the students in consrltdixt with other
CAT teacher-facilitators of the school and present this to thc achml head and
Barangay Chairman
4. Implemenr the teachingJearning activities

(Enclosure 3 to DepED Order No. 50 s. 2005)

(Citizenship Advrncemenl Treining)

At the end ofthe prograrq the student shall have developed the folbrriry

Leotniag ComDetencia Conlca, oarli*
L Demonstrate appreciation and A. Military Orientarion
understanding ofthe various aspects of
the national service program l Course lntrodudion

Ll Discuss the legal basis and l.l Legal basis

conceptual framework of the 1.2 Concepuul framerrork of the
program Natioml Service Program
I .2 Discuss the objectives of program I .3 Objectives dtlrc Fogr.m

2. Demonstrate desirable attitudes and 2. Good Citizership

characteristics ofa good Filipino
citizen at all times 2. I Respect and rewrwe
2.2 Punctuality ad Fodrptrless
2.1 Discuss the meaning and 2.3 Obedience
imponance of good citizenship 2.4 Coopera[ioo
2.2 Relate how good citizenship 2.5 Patriotism and byalty
contributes to the progress ofa 2.5. I Respect fc tte Philippine
country National Flag ad
2.3 Show respect and reverence to Anthem
elders. persons in authority, and 2.6 Courage and bravery
other people in the society 2.7 Honesty and i,r€my
2.4 Practice punctuality and
promptness at all times l. Duties and Obligaitr of,a Citizen
2.5 Advocate oHience and (as required by rhe Consitution)
cooperation in the school and in the
community 4. Basic Military Concepts
2.6 Discuss ways by which a citizen
should manifest patriotism and 4.1 Military hisory
loyalty to hiVher country 4.2 Miliury orgadaion
2.7 Explain how courage and bravery 4.3 Military service
characterize a true Filipino soldier 4.4 Courtesy and discipline
and citizen L4. I Sa&re
4.5 Elenr,emary nnp reading

3. Perform the duties and obligations ofa 4.7 Drills
citizen as required by the Constitution 4.7. I htro&rtfun and
and the national defensr policy pnrDce
4.7.2 Dcfinitim of terms
4. Demonstrate understanding and 4.7.3 Gmd rules for
appreciation ofthe various aspects of &ifl
military in the country 4.7.4 Comnatds

4.1 Relate the historical development 4.8 School oif the Soldier witlput
of military in the country Arms
4.2 Discuss the military organization
and its struc-ture and primary 4.E. I Pmitirxr ofattention
functions 4.8.2 Friryr
4.3 ldentify the specific services being 4,8,3 Ep righ or left
rendered by the military in the 4.8.4 Stepo ard Marchings
4.4 Discuss how courtesy and 4.9 Drills ($ryd ud Huroon
discipline are being applied in both onl!)
civilian and military
4.5 Observe courtesy and discipline
before personJagents in authority,
elders, and other people in the
4.6 Explain the basic concept of
elementary map reading
4.7 Apply the skills in map reading
when necessary

5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills

involving military drills and

5. I Discuss the purpose or importance

olmilitary drills and ccremonies
5.2 Define the basic terminologies in
drills and ceremonies
5.3 Follow the general rules in
performing military drills
5.4 Differentiate the parts of command
(preparatory command and
command of execution)
5.5 Execute proper command during
military drills

6. Demonstrate prcper execution of
positions, facings, steps and marchings
without arms (rifle)

6.1 Explain the proper ways of

executing position of attention.
facings, steps and marchings
without arms
6.2 Assess the correclness ofexecuting
position of attention, facings, steps
and marchings without arms

7. Demonstrate proper application of the

skills (position of attention, facings.
steps and marchings without arms) in
quad and platoon drills

7.1 Discuss the elements that make up

a squad and a platoon
7.2 Execute the basic skills necessary
for squad and platoon drills

Leaming Contpdencie; Content 0stfrnc
A. Knowing the Community
D,emonstrate appreciation and
understanding oflhe various aspects of l. Physical envirffi
community and community 2. History
organization 3. Demography
4. Community orynnizairn
l.l ldentiry the Actors that make up a 5. Pmblems and corsns
community and the activities that 6. Developmem phns
bind the people in the community 7. Current programs ard prr{ects
1.2 Describe the physical environnrent 8. Student's role
of one's community
1.3 Relate the physical environment to 8. I lnitiating charyes in the
the lifeways ofthe people community
I .4 Present a narrative history ofthe - 8.2 Concepuralizilrg community
community projects
1.5 Explain the population ofthe
community in terms of some
demographic c haracterislics and
how these characteristics may
affect the community
1.6 Analyze the possible causes and
solutions to the environmental
problems of the community
L7 Discuss the importance of
community development plans and
1.8 Analyze which community
programs are being implemented
well and not being implemented
1.9 ldentifu ways by which one can
s€rve the community with the
assistance of the LGU

2. Express one's commitment to serve the B. Serving the Community

L Addressing enviroosrertral corrcerns
2.1 Show concern in addressing the
environmental problems l. I Health ard sanit*im
1.2 Beautificatim
2.t.1 Explain why health and I .l Waste managanrort and others
sanitation should be a
community undertaking 2. Participation in Scial and Civic
21.2 Assist the people in the Concems
community in protecting
themselves from the 2.t Drug educatim
outbreak of diseases 2.2 Assistancc to virims of child
2.1.3 Practice heahh and abuse
sanitation in one's daily life 2.] Campaign agaiorl
2.1.4 Propose projectJprograms 2.4 Safeguarding the dcctoral and
about beautification and political processcs
waste management 2.5 Others
2.t.5 Cite ways by which the
people can help the local
government in the proper
disposal ofgarbage
2.t.6 Commit one's self to a environment

2.2 Demonstrate active participation in

addressing social and civic

2.2.t Campaign vigorously in the

community against drug
abuse and pomography

2.2.2 Make informed decision
about using prohibiled drugs
,rl Assist victims of child abuse
and exploitation through
information dissemination
2.2.4 Promote respect for
children's rights
2.2.5 Analyze why some children
are forced to work at their
2.2.6 Assess the extent ofchild
labor in the community
2.2 7 Express support for the
rights ofchildren not to be
used as cheap labor
2.2.8 Assist the community
leaders in safeguarding the
electoral and political
prccesses at the local and
national levels
2.2.9 Extend support to changes
in the community when

I.earni ag Compele ncies Cont. (mP
Demonstrale commitment to the l. Community Ordimrc
enforcement of community or 2. Crime Prevention
barangay and municipal ordinances
2.1 Campaign againsl crime
l.l Discuss the importance of
ordinances to the people in the 3. Disaster prepare&resr ard assisance
1.2 Explain some important ordinances 3.1 Fire safety '.d fire prevention
in the community 3.2 Earthquake
1.3 Analyze which ordinances in the 3.3 Tsunami
community are being enforced 3.4 Typhoon and ffood
successfully and which are being ' 3.5 Disaster prepare&rss program
violated most often 1.6 Disaster rdid
1.4 Design a plan of action to assist the
barangay council in enforcing 4. Review and applicario offirs aid
those ordinances that are violated
most often 4I Examinaion of victims
4.2 Bandaging ard dressing

1.5 Recommend to the barangay 4.3 Lifting ad mwitg of vicrims
council priority ordinances

2. Demonslrale active participation in the

prevention of crime in their community

2.1 Identifo the major criminal

offenses in the community
2.2 Discuss the possible causes ofthe
2.3 Analyze the most common
offenses committed in the
2.4 Analyze which ofthese offenses
are a great threat to the community
2.5 Compare crime rate in the
community over a certain period of
2.6 Recommend to the barangay how
the problem ofcriminality can be
2.7 lnitiate the implementation of the
2.8 Assess the implementation of the

3. Demonstrate readiness and desire to

assist victims in times of emergency

3.1 Analyze the major causes offire

3.2 Explain how fire can be prevented
3.3 Convince their neighborhood or
community to be fire safety
conscious at all times
1.4 Suggest ways ofensuring public
safety in the event offire,
eanhquake, typhoon or flood
3.5 Discuss emeryency measures
during and after an earthquake
3.6 List things to be prepared in the
event of an evacuation
3.7 Explain the usual signs ofan
oncoming tsunami
3.8 Explain what needs to be done
when such signs become manifest

3.9 Prepare a plan with the barangay
about what the community must do
in the event of fire, earthquake,
tsunami, typhoon or flood
3. l0 Propose to the barangaya disaster
Preparedness program or plan
3.I I Assess the implementation ofthe
Program or plan
3. l2 Assist the community leaders in
The disaster relief program

4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in

first aid during period ofemergency

4.1 Review the necessary knowledge

and skills on first aid appropriate
for the victim in any emergency
4.2 Perform proper procedures in
giving first aid to viaims of any
emergency situation
4.3 Apply the proper use ofbandage
and dressing
4.4 Apply the appropriate technique in
lifting and moving the victim from
danger to a safe place


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