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Learning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidence: Blog “Making predictions” / Evidencia: Blog “Haciendo predicciones”

1. Read the following interview with doctor Claus:

In my opinion, in 10 years there are going to be flying cars, the transport be going to
faster for population and industry.
I think this is going to be help to go all sites in the world, besides, I consider people
are going to have helicopters in your houses for go shopping or sports. The people
are going to able to travel to moon on vacations. Finally, I think that the world are
not going to have resources to live have in the planet if continue the global warming

I agree with you about resources and environment, we are going to solve the global
warming problem in the present. We needs eco-friendly alternatives in technology,
fuels, habits in all world

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