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Question for Bracelet CUI :

1. Apakah Bracelet CUI bisa mendeteksi cacad pada pipa dengan insulasi carbon?
2. Apakah Bracelet CUI bisa mendeteksi pipa 4 inch dengan insulasi 6 inch?
3. Apakah instrument setting dengan f1:f2=15Hz:30Hz dan Drive1:Drive2= 7V:1.5V
sudah optimal untuk pipa 6 inch SCH 40?
4. Apakah manual gain seperti gambar terlampir sudah optimal untuk pipa 6 inch SCH
5. Bagaimana cara melakukan litoff pada probe?
6. Apakah pipa kalibrasi juga perlu insulasi yang sama dengan pipa yang akan di
7. Bagaimana cara defect sizing pada cui? apakah akurat atau hanya estimasi saja?
8. Apakah konektor RFT pada Bracelet CUI harus disambungkan dengan Regular RFT
probe connector Ferroscope?
9. Berapa suhu maksimum pipa pada saat dilakukan inspeksi?

Question for Bracelet CUI :

1. Can CUI Bracelets detect defects in pipes with carbon insulation?
2. Can the CUI Bracelet detect a 4 inch pipe with 6 inch insulation?
3. What is the instrument setting with f1: f2 = 15Hz: 30Hz and Drive1: Drive2 = 7V:
1.5V is optimal for the 6 inch SCH 40 pipe?
4. Is the manual gain like the attached picture optimal for the 6 inch SCH 40 pipe?
5. How to do litoff test on the probe?
6. Does the calibration pipe also need the same insulation as the pipe to be
7. How to defect sizing on cui? is it accurate or just an estimate?
8. Does the RFT connector on the CUI Bracelet have to be connected to the
Ferroscope's Regular RFT probe connector?
9. Can inspection be done when piping online? What is the maximum temperature
allowed when inspecting pipes online?

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