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Name: MS. Monggut Kakandee Student I.D.

61225480101 Faculty: Management Sciences

Major: Business Management University: Surindra Rajabhat University


1. Improvements : (N) an example or instance of improving or being improved.

: การปรับปรุง

2. Management : (N) the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

: การจัดการ

3. Performance : (N) an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of

: ประสิทธิภาพ
4. Investing : (V) expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or
material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property,
or by using it to develop a commercial venture.
: การลงทุน
5. Services : (N) the action of helping or doing work for someone.
: บริการ
6. Requirements : (N) a thing that is needed or wanted.
: ความต้องการ

7. Experience : (N) practical contact with and observation of facts or events.

: ประสบการณ์

8. Assessment : (N) the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of

someone or something.
: การประเมินผล

9. Improvements : (N) an example or instance of improving or being improved.

: การปรับปรุง

10. Progress : (N) forward or onward movement toward a destination.

: ความคืบหน้า
Name: MS. Monggut Kakandee Student I.D. 61225480101 Faculty: Management Sciences
Major: Business Management University: Surindra Rajabhat University

Airports make 'significant' progress helping disabled

UK airports have made "significant improvements" in providing assistance for passengers
with mobility problems, the industry regulator has said.
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said that for the first time, no airports had been given a
"poor" rating.

Manchester, which was the only airport to receive "a poor" rating last year, was moved out of
the lowest category.

However, it was told to take immediate action to reverse a recent decline in performance.

The CAA said that in April, when Manchester switched to a new provider of special
assistance, "the transition did not go as well as planned".

"We have told senior management we expect immediate and effective action to be taken to
reverse this recent decline in performance," the CAA said in its report.

In response, Manchester Airport said: "We acknowledge that there is further to go and we are
investing significant additional resources to improve services for passengers in this area,
regardless of their accessibility or other requirements."

In March, a woman with chronic fatigue syndrome accused Manchester Airport of treating
her like "cargo" and "cattle" following a long-haul flight.

Jessica Stafford, 29, booked a special assistance service as she needed help to move through
the airport.

But she found the experience "distressing" and "humiliating" after being asked to walk to
collect her own wheelchair.

She said she was told understaffing was to blame.

The report from the CAA is its fourth annual assessment of mobility assistance.

It found that a record 3.7 million passengers were assisted at 31 airports between 1 April
2018 and 31 March this year.

The CAA rated the service of 14 airports as "very good", and 16 as "good". Only Manchester
was classified as "needs improvement".
Name: MS. Monggut Kakandee Student I.D. 61225480101 Faculty: Management Sciences
Major: Business Management University: Surindra Rajabhat University
"These results show significant improvements to the experience many disabled passengers
faced before our reporting began," said Paul Smith, consumers and markets director at the

"While it is good to see the general improvements, airports will need to continue to work hard
to improve," it added.

In a statement the disability equality charity Scope said: "There are problems in airports, and
problems on planes. Often problems happen when one company 'hands off' to another and it's
unclear to the disabled passenger who is responsible.

"So while it's good to see progress from the airports, and impressive no airport is ranked
failing this year, there are problems that don't fall under the CAA remit that need to be
Name: MS. Monggut Kakandee Student I.D. 61225480101 Faculty: Management Sciences
Major: Business Management University: Surindra Rajabhat University
Name: MS. Monggut Kakandee Student I.D. 61225480101 Faculty: Management Sciences
Major: Business Management University: Surindra Rajabhat University

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