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Holden Margheim

Dr. Dieterle

What political ideology and movement have we been hearing a lot about over the past

couple of years with politicians proudly ascribing to it? It is Democratic Socialism. When

Americans hear the word “socialism,” they think of the European economy or even the Soviet

Union, but others have a new idea of socialism they claim to be an alternative. During the hectic

2016 election, Senator Bernie Sanders brought the idea of Democratic Socialism to the national

stage. Ever since then, there has been a larger push, culturally and politically, for Democratic

Socialism. Numerous 2020 presidential candidates have also expressed socialist views and

policies, along with other politicians in congress. Considering how chaotic American politics are

right now, it makes sense that this movement would gain traction. For research, I am going to

focus on the Democratic Socialist community.

However, I’m not going to focus on the entire Democratic Socialist community; I’m just

going to focus on the U.S. Democratic Socialist Facebook page. This decision narrows my

chosen group down to a point where it’s easier to research and gain information about them.

This online community will help with understanding the Democratic Socialists’ viewpoints and

characteristics, writing techniques, rhetorical style, and how they relate to Henry Jenkin’s

“participatory culture.”

I will be researching the Facebook page’s posts, since that is the main source of figuring

out what they believe. Of course, there is more to a Facebook page than its posts, so I will also

dive into the comments and see how the followers interact with each other and the page. I’m also

going to research any of the main members who help operate the page, and the top fans. Not only

will I look into the Facebook page, I will also look into their Twitter and Instagram page for any
additional information that helps with understanding their writing. In addition, I will find out

what writing and literacy techniques they use to bring people on their side and make themselves

more appealing.

Personally, I don’t typically agree with Democratic Socialist policies. I wouldn’t vote for

Bernie Sanders, and I am not fond of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Free-market oriented is a good

way to describe me. However, I always enjoy hearing what the other side has to offer, and I am

interested in the arguments around Democratic Socialism. Listening to different points of views

and deciding for yourself which ones you do or do not agree with is a strategy and approach I try

to subscribe to. Consequently, the disagreement I have with the Democratic Socialists is the main

reason why I chose to write about them. Another reason why I chose to write about them is

because they have been on the rise for a long time now. Since they are gaining fame, it’s

beneficial to understand their literacy by highlighting a Facebook page that represents

Democratic Socialism. In my point of view, the Facebook page is a microcosm of the democratic


Because the page I’ve chosen has 997,541 people following it at the time I’m writing this

proposal, and because there is a possibility of Bernie Sanders becoming president in the next

election cycle, researching the U.S. Democratic Socialists Facebook page is a worthwhile

endeavor (U.S. Democratic Socialists, n.d.). With the 2020 election a little over a year away, it

appears that this online community will continue to grow. Because of these reasons, the U.S.

Democratic Socialists Facebook page is worthy of academic analysis.

One of the aspects that Henry Jenkins said participatory culture had is, “where members

feel some degree of social connection with one another” (Henry Jenkins, 2006). This quote is

very true to the online community I have chosen. Following and interacting with a community
that shares the same values as you do brings a sense of belonging. Reacting to posts with many

people who share your belief connects you with them, even if it’s something as small as liking a

post. In the comments section of the U.S. Democratic Socialists’ posts, many readers are

expressing their opinions regarding each post.

Not only does this foster a connection with the members, it also shows that their

contributions matter, which is another attribution of participatory culture (Henry Jenkins, 2006).

Each member who comments is exchanging and building upon the other members’ ideas. This

community gives them the space to speak their opinion and learn from others. The interactions

and conversations that the members have, ultimately showcases that their contributions mean

something. Even if not everyone agrees, they still contribute to the discussion.

There are very little barriers to what can be discussed or said in the U.S. Democratic

Socialists Facebook page. This falls in line with Henry Jenkins’ description of participatory

culture (Henry Jenkins, 2006). Not only do they address economic issues, they also address

cultural and social issues. These social topics include but are not limited to LGBT, racism,

foreign policy, marijuana, and immigration. This makes their community more inclusive,

ensuring all different subjects of politics are heard. In the comment sections, disagreement is

allowed. This is another example of low barriers, since there isn’t a rule, whether spoken or

unspoken, that everyone must agree.

The U.S. Democratic Socialists Facebook page uses communication to their benefit. They

communicate their ideas and goals with screen shots of comedic tweets, videos of speeches from

various politicians, screen shots of tweets stating an opinion, political cartoons, sharing articles,

and quotes from many different people. These forms of communication invite new people to

become members of this online community. It is a way of marketing their beliefs and objectives
to a wide variety of people. For example, some might follow for the political comedy; others

might follow for the articles, but when they follow, they get the whole package. Also,

highlighting other political topics besides socialism and the economy is a good communication

strategy. In doing so, they make sure that economic policy-wonks aren’t the only demographic

following the page.

The categories and themes I previously mentioned will be researched even further. By

looking into the U.S. Democratic Socialists Facebook page’s posts, comments, team members,

and Instagram and twitter page, I will be able to understand their form of literacy, rhetoric and

writing taking place in their community.

Reference Page

Henry Jenkins. (2006, October 20). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media
Education for the 21st Century (Part One). Retrieved from

U.S. Democratic Socialists. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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