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Spelling List

1. Zephyr : west wind gentle breeze

2. Wallaby : a small kangaroo
3. Digress : temporarily leave the main subject
4. Acumen : the ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions
5. Onomatopoeia : the fact of words containing similar sounds
6. Quartz : a hard mineral
7. Lacrosse : a type of game
8. Philanthropist : goodwill to fellow members of the human race
9. Resurrection : rising from death
10. Lackadaisical : not showing enough care or enthusiasm
11. Phloem : part of the vascular bundle in a plant
12. Optometrist : a doctor who specializes in treatment of the eyes
13. Tequila : a type of alcohol
14. Idle : lazy
15. Fallacious : not using or following good reasoning
16. Surreal : marked by intense irrationality
17. December : the twelfth month of the year
18. Venom : a form of poison
19. Dejected : feeling down or depressed
20. Daft : not very bright
21. Illicit : illegal
22. Vague : unclear
23. Schizophrenia : a mental illness
24. Oppressed : burdened by abuse of power or authority
25. Dossier : a collection of documents
26. Copper : a type of metal
27. Kindle : to set something on fire
28. Warhorse : a person with long experience in a specified are
29. Jilt : to abruptly end an intimate relationship
30. Scrutiny : a very careful study
31. Renaissance : a period in Europe
32. Asphyxia : a condition of lack of oxygen
33. Differentiate : to establish a difference
34. Malice : an ill intention
35. Saxophone : a musical instrument
36. Pastel : a mild intensity of color
37. Passionfruit : a tropical fruit
38. Carcinogen : a substance that can cause cancer
39. Pesticide : a chemical substance to kill pests
40. Crystallization : formation of definite from of crystal from liquid

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