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Currier 1

Morgan Currier

Professor Adrienne Cassel

English 1201

20 June 2019

Endangered Species

I have always loved animals growing up. My family always had a pet dog and my

friends always did too. Dogs helped me calm down in stressful situations and relived my

stress or pain. They have always had a special affect on me, which is why I chose to work

with dogs for my second job. Working with jobs and being involved with activities that

include dogs have given me a new love for all animals. I found this page on instagram

that donated money towards dogs that are being abused. I became very involved with the

process these dogs go through and the other animals that this page fundraises for. For my

research proposal, I wanted to create a topic with animals and research more about other

ways to help animals in need, which lead me to endangered species.

Whenever I hear of a species being endangered, it upsets me. In some cases,

endangered species may be natural and there is nothing us humans can do about it. I do

know that species may become extinct due to climate change or reduction in food supply.

On the other hand, I believe humans have a large part of why species become

endangered. People take down homes that the species live in, like trees, and the machines

used to take over the wildlife area are all harmful to the species. Humans also hunt

certain animals, creating their extinction. Many stores are now using recyclable items and

are against using plastic products. One big thing that helps endangered species would be

being education about the endangered species in your area.

Currier 2

I am hoping to learn more about ways to help endangered species. Starting to read

articles and tests done about saving endangered species would be a good place to start.

My questions would be: How are endangered species being saved and what makes

species become endangered?

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