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6:03 7 er /- < Post » 31 likes cookie.bananas For the past few months Ive been honored to co-coach these 21 strong and determined little ladies through @girlsontheruninternational At @kipp_promesa today was our celebratory 5k which is the goal we've been working towards all while supporting eachother pushing harder and harder at each practice. I've gotten to know each and every one of them individually; each girl different and special in her own way. | appreciate their kindness and support for eachother. I've learned so much!! | thank each parent for allowing them to be part of the program. They all did amazing and their medals and smiles were the icing on the cake! | thank @its_the_pink for taking on the program and responsibility which i know requires so much personal time that as a teacher you may not have much of. @& & (Stay tuned for our community impact project!) #GOTR5k #Girlsontheruninternational @kipplapublicschools @kipp_promesa #KPP @gotrla m a

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