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5 months ago

I am a 19 year old male. In August of last year, I was driving with

my sister, when suddenly her face turned cold. “Gavin your eyes
are yellow”, I remember her saying. I quickly pulled down the
passengers mirror, and to my horror, two yellow eyes radiated
back at me.
Fast forward, I spent a month being sick, the initial diagnosis was
Hepatitis A.
Went back to the doctor, nothing was better(things were worse in
fact). Was sent to the ER, then to the liver transplant unit at UCSF.
By this point my eyes had turned muddy orange, and my pee was
the color of... a mahogany tree.
Anyways, the team of liver doctors at UCSF managed to save my
liver. I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. Oh, and my
eyes are white again :)

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