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Mastitis Diagnosis

Increasing Incidence
New Infections
Most new mastitis infections occur during the first
10 days and last 2 weeks of the dry period, with most Clinical Cases
of the resulting cases of clinical mastitis appearing
immediately after calving. It is important to recog-
nize both clinical and subclinical cases so they can
be treated immediately.
Dry Lactation
Clinical Mastitis Period
Incidence of new and clinical infections during the
Clinical mastitis is defined as the production of ab-
dry and lactation periods.
normal milk with or without secondary symptoms
such as swollen quarters, elevated body temperature California Mastitis Test (CMT). The California Mas-
and/or other systemic signs. Although clinical in- titis Test (see page 15) can be used postpartum to
fections are rarely apparent prior to calving, routine identify quarters that are likely to be and/or have
observation for abnormal swelling is important. been infected. Approximately 55-80% of major mas-
Normal prepartum udder secretions range from a titis infections will be CMT positive during the first
honey-like appearance to normal milk. Clinical week postpartum. All quarters with CMT reactions
mastitis can be recognized in pre- and post-calving of trace or greater should be suspected of subclini-
secretions, colostrum or milk by the presence of cal mastitis. However, the CMT should be
gargot (clots and flakes), abnormal texture or interpreted cautiously because, although the slight-
discolouration. est amount of thickening indicates the presence of
It is extremely important to obtain an aseptic milk a high SCC, only about 20-40% of CMT positive
sample from all clinical mastitis quarters (prior to reactions are associated with culturable major mas-
giving any antibiotics) for bacterial identification. titis pathogens. In many cases, the infections has
An achievable goal should be < 5% of animals fresh- been cured but SCC has not returned to baseline
ening with clinical mastitis. values. Treatment based solely on CMT results (es-
pecially without knowledge of predominant mastitis
Subclinical Mastitis organisms in the herd) will result in many
Somatic Cell Counts (SCC). Subclinical mastitis is uninfected quarters being treated.
more difficult to detect because the milk appears The likelihood that a negative CMT is associated
normal but the SCC is elevated and bacteria may be with an uninfected quarter is greater than 90%.
present in the milk. There is no absolute threshold Therefore, the most accurate use for the CMT test
of SCC that defines the occurrence of subclinical is to confirm negative quarters, as well as to con-
mastitis but it is highly likely that an animal with a firm that mastitis control programs are working.
SCC of >200,000 cells per ml post-calving has mas- When higher percentages of CMT positive quarters
titis. It is important to recognize that DHI SCC and animals are seen, CMT positive quarters should
values are from milk that is comingled from all four be cultured to determine causative organisms.
quarters. Single quarter infections may not be ap- Many producers are reluctant to use the CMT be-
parent until the SCC level in the infected quarter is cause they assume it is time consuming and all cows
very high. An achievable goal is <10% of animals inevitably have high SCC the first week post calv-
with SCC of 200,000 or greater at first post-calving ing. These are myths! The CMT is simple and easy
test. Since DHI SCC cannot delineate whether prob- to run, takes about 1 minute, and costs pennies. In a
lems occur pre- or post-calving, it is imperative to well managed dairy with excellent mastitis control,
incorporate another evaluation tool, such as the Cali- fewer than 10% of cows and 5% of quarters should
fornia Mastitis Test, as soon after calving as possible. be CMT positive.
Bacterial isolation and identification. Microbiologic ples should be refrigerated immediately or frozen.
exam of milk samples obtained from suspect quar- Differences in sample collection technique, in
ters or clinical mastitis is a standard diagnostic shedding patterns of bacteria and in laboratory pro-
procedure. It is extremely important that samples cedures make the interpretation of microbiologic
obtained for culture, especially during the precalving results imprecise. The isolation of mastitis-causing
period, are obtained under the strictest hygienic bacteria from milk samples or secretions obtained
conditions so infections aren’t inadvertently intro- from the udder prior to calving is highly suggestive
duced during the sample collection process. Teats that a quarter is infected with mastitis. However, the
should be thoroughly cleaned (teat dipped and lack of bacterial growth from a single composite or
dried), then disinfected with alcohol swabs prior to quarter milk sample is not always useful.
collecting a milk sample into a sterile container. Sam- source: Leo Timms, Adv Dairy Tech 16:177(2004)

© Western Dairy Digest, Summer 2004

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