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Myrrh has been used since ancient times. It is believed to assist physical healing and promote feelings of
happiness, strength and confidence. Myrrh is known for: Protection, purification, healing and magical

Magical Uses: Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the Moon's sphere, sacred to Isis. Burned as an
incense,myrrh purifies the area, lifts the vibrations aids contemplation and meditation and creates
peace. However, it is seldom burned alone; usually in conjunction with frankincense or other resins.
Myrrh increases the power of any incense to which it is added. Myrrh is also included in healing incenses
and sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate, purify and bless objects such as amulets, talismans,
charms, and magical tools. It also aids meditation and contemplation. The essential oil can be added to
blends designed to enhance spirituality and meditation. It is also used in healing mixtures.

Aromatherapy Uses: Athlete's Foot; Chapped and Cracked Skin; Eczema; Ringworm; Wounds; Wrinkles;
Mature Complexions; Arthritis; Asthma; Bronchitis; Catarrh; Colds; Coughs; Sore Throats; Voice Loss;
Diarrhea; Dyspepsia; Flatulence; Hemorrhoids; Loss of Appetite; Thrush; Pruritus; Treats Gum Infections
and Mouth Ulcers. Key Qualities: Purifying; Uplifting; Revitalizing; Sedative, Restorative; Soothing.

PINE: (Pinus spp.) Sacred to the Druids, the pine was known as one of the Seven Chieftain Trees of the
Irish. Dry distillation of Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles, twigs, and cones gives the best quality pine
oil for perfumes and for expectorants in inhalations for bronchitis and colds. The root tar is included in
some hair growth stimulation products.

The needles and young twigs of the white pine (Pinus strobus, Pinus alba) are made into infusions fo
coughs and as an antiscorbutic; use two teaspoons per cup of water and simmer for twenty minutes.
Hight in vitamin C, they helped our ancestors get through the long winters. The knot of the wood is
boiled with angelica, acathopanax, quince, and mulberr branches to make a bath for arthritis and
rheumatism. Pine needles are simmered into massage oils. The oil is used externally to relieve rheumatic
pain, chronic bronchitis, sciatica, pneumonia, and nephritis. Simply cover the needles with a good quality
olive oil and simmer at low heat for twenty minutes, or place in a low (180°) oven overnight. The resin
heals the kidneys, liver and lungs. The scent is calming to the lungs and nerves.

Parts Used: Needle, twig, and knot of the wood

Magical Uses Pine is the "tree of peace" of the Native American iroquois confederace. Burn pine to
purify the home and decorate with its branches to bring healing and joy. Mix with equal parts of Juniper
and Cedar, burn to purify the home and ritual area. The cones and nuts can be carried as a fertility
charm. Placing pine needles in a loose-woven bag and running bathwater over this makes a good magical
cleansing and stimulating bath. To purify and sanctify an outdoor ritual area, brush the ground with a
pine branch. The oil is commonly added to purification, protection, money and healing mixtures. Burn as
incense for, money, purification, healing and exorcism.
Aromatherapy Uses: (Scotch Pine) Cuts; Lice; Excessive Perspiration; Scabies; Sores; Arthritis; Gout;
Muscular aches and pains; Neuralgia; Poor Circulation; Rheumatism; Asthma; Bronchitis; Catarrh; Colds;
Coughs; Flu; Sinusitis; Sore Throat; Cystitis; Urinary Infection; Fatigue; Nervous Exhaustion; Stress
Related Conditions. Key Qualities: Strengthening; Cleansing; Restorative; Reviving; Refreshing; Stimulant;

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