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What is the most abundant element in the earth's crust?

Most of the earth's crust, or outer layer, is made up of eight elements. Oxygen tops the list in terms of
abundance, with the planet's shell being composed of almost 47% of this nonmetallic chemical element.
Silicon posts a second-place ranking at nearly 28% by weight. Add these two elements together, and you
get silicates. The majority of rocks scattered across the landscape of our terrestrial planet are silicate
minerals, such as quartz and feldspar.

What elements make up most of the Earth’s Mantle?

The Earth’s Mantle is made up of what is mostly known as silicates.


Here are the most common silicates found within the Mantle:




What is the special feature of the upper mantle

The special about the upper mantle is its ability to flow like fluid. The upper mantle has soft weak layer
called the asthenosphere, which capable of flowing. This property facilitates the movement of
lithospheric plates.

Compare inner core and outer core .

The outer core of the Earth is a fluid layer about 2,300 km thick. It is composed of mostly iron and nickel
that lies above Earth's solid inner core and below its mantle.

How did scientists come to know that the outer core is liquid?

The scientists were able to show that the outer core is liquid due to the fact that S- waves cannot travel
through this Earth’s layer as proven by the S-wave shadow zone (see attach picture). S-wave can only
travel in solid medium. The existence of s-wave shadow zone tells us that the interior of the earth is not
solid, it could be liquid or gas, but gas is out of the question since it has a lesser density which means
that the layer outer core is made up of liquid material.

What material make up the inner core?

The Earth's inner core is the Earth's innermost part. It is primarily a solid ball with a radius of about
1,220 km. It is composed of an iron–nickel alloy and some light elements like silicon, oxygen, sulfur.

Is the inner core solid,liquid, or gas ? What keeps it in this phase ?

The inner core is a very dense solid material. It is mostly made up of iron and nickel which are both
dense metal. The inner core is the deepest layer of the earth which is found in the center of the Earth.
When we go down to the center of the earth, the temperature increases so as the pressure.

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