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Good Morning to the honourable judges , teacher and my dear fellow friends.

The title of my story is

The Honest Woodcutter.

In a village next to a forest there lived two woodcutters. They were neighbours staying next to each
other. Deena, the first woodcutter was a very energetic and honest one. Soma, the other
woodcutter was a lazy and mean person. Both earned their living by cutting wood in the nearby

One day as usual in the morning, Deena started his work.

“Ah! He has started early in the morning, Boring! I will start a bit later,” said Soma.

Soma always used to delay his work and led a miserable life as he was not ready to work hard.

Denna went to the forest and looked for woods.

“ Here I don’t find any good wood, let me go to the river side where I will get some wood” Deena

So Deena walked towards the river. There he found a big tree. Deena climbed up the tee and started
to chop the wood. As he was chopping, the axe slipped from his hand and fell into the river. He
started crying and prayed to God as it was his only property which earned money.Soon, God
answered hid prayer. God appeared and asked him.

“Why are you crying my son?” asked god.

“Mother, I dropped my axe in the river. Please help me,” cried Deena.

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