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Introduction to Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a Integrated Development Environment(IDE) developed by Microsoft to

develop GUI(Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps,
cloud, and web services etc. With the help of this IDE, you can create managed code as well as
native code. It uses the various platforms of Microsoft software development software like
Windows store, Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows API etc. It is not a language specific IDE as
you can use this to write code in C#, C++, VB(Visual Basic), Python, JavaScript, and many more
languages. It provides support for 36 different programming languages. It is available for
Windows as well as for macOS.
Evolution of Visual Studio: The first version of VS(Visual Studio) was released in 1997, named
as Visual Studio 97 having version number 5.0. The latest version of Visual Studio is 15.0 which
was released on March 7, 2017. It is also termed as Visual Studio 2017. The supported .Net
Framework Versions in latest Visual Studio is 3.5 to 4.7. Java was supported in old versions of
Visual Studio but in latest version doesn’t provide any support for Java language.
Visual Studio Editions
There are 3 editions of Microsoft Visual Studio as follows:
1. Community: It is a free version which is announced in 2014. All other editions are paid. This
contains the features similar to Professional edition. Using this edition, any individual developer
can develop their own free or paid apps like .Net applications, Web applications and many more.
In an enterprise organization, this edition has some limitations. For example, if your organization
have more than 250 PCs and having annual revenue greater than $1 Million(US Dollars) then
you are not permitted to use this edition. In a non-enterprise organization, up to five users can
use this edition. Its main purpose is to provide the Ecosystem(Access to thousands of extensions)
and Languages(You can code in C#, VB, F#, C++, HTML, JavaScript, Python etc.) support.
2. Professional: It is the commercial edition of Visual Studio. It comes in Visual Studio 2010
and later versions. It provides the support for XML and XSLT editing and includes the tool like
Server Explorer and integration with Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft provides a free trial of
this edition and after trial period user has to pay to continue using it. Its main purpose is to
provide Flexibility(Professional developer tools for building any application type),
Productivity(Powerful features such as CodeLens improve your team’s productivity),
Collaboration(Agile project planning tools, charts etc.) and Subscriber benefits like Microsoft
software, plus Azure, Pluralsight etc.
3. Enterprise: It is an integrated, end to end solution for teams of any size with the demanding
quality and scale needs. Microsoft provides a 90-days free trial of this edition and after trial
period user has to pay to continue using it. The main benefit of this edition is that it is highly
scalable and deliver the high-quality software.
Getting Started with Visual Studio 2017
 First, you have to download and install the Visual Studio. For that, you can refer
to Downloading and Installing Visual Studio 2017. Don’t forget to select .NET core
workload during installation of VS 2017. If you forget then you have to modify the
 You can see a number of tool windows when you will open the Visual Studio and start
writing your first program as follows:

1. Code Editor: Where the user will write code.

2. Output Window: Here the Visual Studio shows the outputs, compiler warnings,
error messages and debugging information.
3. Solution Explorer: It shows the files on which the user is currently working.
4. Properties: It will give the additional information and context about the selected
parts of the current project.
 A user can also add windows as per requirement by choosing them from View menu. In
Visual Studio the tool windows are customizable as a user can add more windows, remove
the existing open one or can move windows around to best suit.
 Visual Basic is a programming language and development environment created by
Microsoft. It is an extension of the BASICprogramming language that combines BASIC
functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user
interface GUI that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well
as manually write program code.
 Visual Basic, also referred to as "VB," is designed to make software development easy
and efficient, while still being powerful enough to create advanced programs. For
example, the Visual Basic language is designed to be "human readable," which means
the source code can be understood without requiring lots of comments. The Visual Basic
program also includes features like "IntelliSense" and "Code Snippets," which
automatically generate code for visual objects added by the programmer. Another feature,
called "AutoCorrect," can debug the code while the program is running.
 Programs created with Visual Basic can be designed to run on Windows, on the Web,
within Office applications, or on mobile devices. Visual Studio, the most comprehensive
VB development environment, or IDE, can be used to create programs for all these
mediums. Visual Studio .NET provides development tools to create programs based on
the .NET framework, such as ASP.NET applications, which are often deployed on the
Web. Finally, Visual Basic is available as a streamlined application that is used primarily
by beginning developers and for educational purposes.
 Properties. Properties are somewhat akin to adjectives in that they describe the object
being modified or queried. For example, you can check or set the width of a button. Most
properties are read-write, in that you can both get and set their values. Some properties,
however, are read-only, which means you can ask for, but not change, their values.
 Methods. Methods are a bit like verbs. They tell objects to do something, such as play
and stop. In some cases, methods can be used to simplify the setting of properties. You
might use a method called setSize(), for example, to simultaneously set the width and
height of something. Other methods are more unique, such as navigateToURL(), which
instructs a browser to display a web page.
 Events. Events are the catalysts that trigger the actions you write, setting properties and
calling methods. For instance, a user might click the mouse button, which would then
result in a mouse event. That event then causes a function to execute, performing the
desired actions. Event handlers are the ActionScript middlemen that trap the events and
actually call the ...
The Visual Studio integrated development environment is a creative launching pad that you can
use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app. An integrated development
environment (IDE) is a feature-rich program that can be used for many aspects of software
development. Over and above the standard editor and debugger that most IDEs provide, Visual
Studio includes compilers, code completion tools, graphical designers, and many more features
to ease the software development process.
Popular productivity features
Some of the popular features in Visual Studio that help you to be more productive as you
develop software include:
Squiggles and Quick Actions
Squiggles are wavy underlines that alert you to errors or potential problems in your code as you
type. These visual clues enable you to fix problems immediately without waiting for the error to
be discovered during build or when you run the program. If you hover over a squiggle, you see
additional information about the error. A light bulb may also appear in the left margin with
actions, known as Quick Actions, to fix the error.
Code Cleanup
With the click of a button, format your code and apply any code fixes suggested by
your code style settings, .editorconfig conventions, and Roslyn analyzers. Code
Cleanuphelps you resolve issues in your code before it goes to code review. (Currently
available for C# code only.)
Refactoring includes operations such as intelligent renaming of variables, extracting one or
more lines of code into a new method, changing the order of method parameters, and more.
IntelliSense is a term for a set of features that displays information about your code
directly in the editor and, in some cases, write small bits of code for you. It's like having
basic documentation inline in the editor, which saves you from having to look up type
information elsewhere. IntelliSense features vary by language. For more information,
see C# IntelliSense, Visual C++ IntelliSense, JavaScript IntelliSense, and Visual Basic
IntelliSense. The following illustration shows how IntelliSense displays a member list for a
Search box
Visual Studio can seem overwhelming at times with so many menus, options, and
properties. The search box is a great way to rapidly find what you need in Visual Studio.
When you start typing the name of something you're looking for, Visual Studio lists results
that take you exactly where you need to go. If you need to add functionality to Visual
Studio, for example to add support for an additional programming language, the search box
provides results that open Visual Studio Installer to install a workload or individual
Press Ctrl+Q as a shortcut to the search box.
Live Share
Collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless of what your app type or
programming language. You can instantly and securely share your project and, as needed,
debugging sessions, terminal instances, localhost web apps, voice calls, and more.
Call Hierarchy
The Call Hierarchy window shows the methods that call a selected method. This can be
useful information when you're thinking about changing or removing the method, or when
you're trying to track down a bug.
CodeLens helps you find references to your code, changes to your code, linked bugs, work
items, code reviews, and unit tests, all without leaving the editor.
Go To Definition
The Go To Definition feature takes you directly to the location where a function or type is
Peek Definition
The Peek Definition window shows the definition of a method or type without actually
opening a separate file.

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