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Problem statement:

To enhance the economic benefits for the people by removing the constraints and resolving the conflicts
faced by the government due to the submergence of Bhavnath Temple.

The government is in a dilemma regarding the decision of constructing the dam for economics benefits
against religious sentiments of the locals over the submergence of bhavnath temple.

Situational Analysis:

The Dam is to be constructed over the rivers lokmata and sadmata which would submerge around 230
sq miles of catchment area resulting to relocation of thousands of people. The benefits of this dam will
be reaped by 92000 acres of land and would generate good irrigation and agricultural revenue of the
place. The Government of Gujarat reconsidering the height of dam which will Increase the economical
returns. But it would also lead to Submergence of bhavnath temple which is strongly opposed by the
Local Villagers. The

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