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Vonderhaar 1

Caroline Vonderhaar

Dr. Johnson-Taylor

English 1201

30 June 2019

How Drugs and Cell Phone Usage are Connected

According to Matt Richtel from The New York Times article, “Are Teenagers Replacing

Drugs with Smartphones?” teenagers are becoming less likely to do drugs and drink alcohol

because they are addicted to their cellphones which is filling their free time. Drug use has slowly

been declining over the last decade while phone usage has been rapidly increasing. Many

researchers are studying on how the drug decline in teenagers is connected to the increase of

phone usage as a time filler.

Many drugs have been declining in grades between 10th to 12th graders in the past decade

this includes; cocaine, LSD, crack and ecstasy. Phones are becoming a time filler that teens are

becoming addicted to which take place of the drugs, many sleep with their phones, not drugs.

Although it is still too early to see the effect on teens brains in the long run from cell phone

usage. Although cell phones are reducing drug use, researchers hope the redocument of drugs are

from the Drug Abuse commercials.

Vonderhaar 2

Work Cited

Richtel, Matt.”Are Teenagers Replacing Drugs with Smartphones.” New York Times, 13 March


Accessed 30 June 2019.

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