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Andres Bonifacio College

School of Nursing
College park, Dipolog City

New Discovery Could Rejuvenate Chronic Kidney

Disease Patients' Failed Kidneys And Stop Dialysis
September 27, 2016

Submitted to: Mrs. Precy Nelia C Gilaga Rn. MN

Submitted by: Mr Cuerda, Roeder BSN –IV

Kidney Rejuvenation is expected to be available within the next ten years,
according to researchers at Harvard University. A study released jointly by
Researchers at Tel Aviv (Sheba Medical Center) and Stanford University
shows, for the first time, how the kidney can rejuvenate itself. Popular
medical opinion suggested that the kidney was unable to regenerate. Now
however, using genetically modified mice, Researchers were able to trace
cell growth in the kidney, which revived itself in the proper array of tubes
and ducts.

This is HUGE news and the study is revolutionary in a number of ways,

most notably the fact that it could mean the end of the need for Dialysis and
Kidney Transplantation in the future! Are you excited? According to Dr.
Benjamin Dekel (Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine), by
using genetically developed mice (Rainbow Mice) which give off fluorescent
signals in cells, the team was able to pinpoint the WNT Signal (a specific
molecule responsible for renal cell growth). This had never been done

Once activated in the kidney, the WNT signal results in substantial renal
cell growth and regeneration! What's more, Researchers found that each of
the nephrons (the filtering tubes that are the basic unit of the kidney) in the
kidney grew at its own pace, complete with its own network of associated
tubules (small tubes), capillaries (blood vessels), and other components.

Until now, scientists had believed that the liver is the only human organ that
can regenerate itself. Now we know better. With the key to kidney cell
growth now unlocked, the next stage explained Dr. Dekel, "is to develop
techniques to enhance growth, with the aim of enabling Chronic Kidney
Disease patients to regenerate their kidneys" without having to resort to
Dialysis or a Kidney Transplant.

This discovery is met with many other great breakthroughs this year
including "off the shelf AV Fistulas" as well as "Wearable and Implantable
Artificial Kidneys." For the most breaking and up to date News &
Information about how Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetic patients can
manage their lives, visit every day. Also, don't forget to
order your copy of Fight Kidney Disease and Diabetes - Life Management
Guide today, if you have not already done so
Nursing implication:

This study is still not on its finals stage it’s still under systematic testing but
knowing that scientist are finding ways on how a damaged kidney could fix
its self is something that most people would be happy especially those
persons who are currently suffereing from chronic kidney failure or ESRD.
Because with kidney transplant which is our current available treatment for
this condition poses a lot of know risk to who ever woul resort to that
treatment. The cost is not that affordable and other health risks such as
infection, graft rejection with dialysis the risk for disequilibrium syndrome is
there. But with this new discovery making your kidney fix itself would be
very revolutionary and nurses will learn new approach an add on to their
skills on how to better care to patients undrgoing to this procedure. At this
moment this procedure are probably still poses more harm than giood to
human if this will be done to a human being since the study is not yet final.
And speaking about threats and disadvantages we still not know anything
about this procedure yet like what could be the possible complications to
this. But giving people other choices aside from dialysis and kidney
transplant well this could be a luxury to most people because we know how
uncomfortable hemodialysis and kidney transplantg is post procedurely.
But still if this will be approved I will be more likely and be happy that all
human being suffereing from kidney diseases needing dialysis and
transplantation could now have other means of treatment that could help
their kidney fix itself.


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