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Ryan Dew

Mrs. Strehle

English Composition 1201

June 19, 2019

Research Proposal

Since I became a high school student, I have thought a lot about my body image and how it

affects my life. I have seen that many other students have been having similar thoughts and/or become

obsessed with their body image. However, I can’t miss the fact that, in my eyes, usually female students

have these problems. So, when I took a break from thinking of a topic idea, I had a thought that any

teenage boy has, “If I lose some weight and get toned, I wonder if I would get more attention.” I have no

idea what made me think this, but it got me thinking about how my body image affects me. Then I

thought about how body image affects others, which led me to realize that body image affects a lot of

girls at my school. So, I am going to figure out how body image affects female high school students.

This topic might not be a very in-depth topic or it might have a lot of depth, depending on how I

go about doing my research. I think that this topic has a very large presence in today’s culture. This is

because there are magazines everywhere that have images of beautiful women or muscular good-looking

men. I don’t really know much about this topic, but I do know that it can affect people in different and

strange ways. I believe that, to females, body image is a very important part of their mental well-being.

There have been many times that I have seen a girl have a mental breakdown due to being bullied because

of her weight, looks, or some other physical attribute.

I wish to learn why we, as a generation, are so consumed by the idea of having the perfect body

image. I also wish to find out what other generations think about body image and to compare that to how
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my generation thinks about body image. How does the idea of body image affect female high school

students? Why does the majority of generation z obsess over body image? How does what generation z

think about body image compare to what other generations think? To find my answers I will have a lot of

research to do and a lot of extra hours to put in to my work.

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