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Student: Adriana Torrente

ID: 34.017.002

DATE: 5/5/2019


1. As this week we have dealt with reviews, your assignment will be to practice writing
one about a movie you enjoyed. Follow the steps and you will write a good review

Remember to include the following information

1. Who are the 5 most important characters in the film? Also list the names 5 of the actors
playing these characters.
2. What is this story about? Be very detailed!
3. What group of people would like this movie (demographics)?
4. Did you like this movie? Why or why not?
5. What rating would you give this movie?
6. What spoilers might ruin the movie for viewers if you told them about it?
7. All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one?
8. What title would you give your review (and can you think of a pun that might work for it)?


Note: DON’T FORGET that movie titles are written within “quotation marks!”

HEADLINE: Include the title of the movie (try to use a pun!)

PARAGRAPH #1: Introduce the movie by stating that you’ve just seen this movie and would
like to give an opinion about it. Mention a couple of details that might help the reader
understand what type of movie you are talking about.

PARAGRAPH #2: Summarize the plot (story). Where and when did it take place? Who are
the main characters? What is the story about? Remember, do NOT include spoilers and do
not tell how the story ends!
PARAGRAPH #3: Talk about the actors/actresses and discuss who did a good job and who

PARAGRAPH #4: Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you didn’t like. Be
sure to include specific details and scenes.

PARAGRAPH #5: What lessons did you learn from this story (theme/ moral)? What do you
think others will learn from it?

PARAGRAPH #6: What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend
it to? Who would you not recommend it to? What’s the MPAA rating of the movie (G, PG, PG-
13, R, etc…)? What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad? RATING SYSTEM: Give
the movie a score. You can do grades (A,B,C,D,F+ or -), stars (*** out of *****), numbers (3
out of 5) or something totally original… just don’t use “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”

2) After watching the tutorial about akward sentences, rewrite the following ones to
make them clearer and concise. Explain the changes you make. You can add or delete
words if you need to.

He found his neighbor who lived next door to be attractive in appearance.

He found his neighbor attractive.

He was really late to his English class due to the fact that he had to finish his math test.

He was late for his English class because he was on a math test.

Although they were several in number, the street gang feared the police.

Although they were many, the street gang was afraid of the police.

Bob provided an explanation of the computer to his grandmother.

Bob taught his grandmother to use the computer.


This movie has divided moviegoers and critics alike. Some praised it, others hated it, because this is the very essence
of the film: to create controversy, to push the debate. With a highly complex script and a plot full of symbolism, each
viewer will understand a different story. Personally, I loved it. I position myself on the side of the scales of those who
love the movie.

The plot is full of allegories; the characters do not have names, they are more well-known as Him (Javier Bardem)
and Mother (Jennifer Lawrence) who are the main characters, having Lawrence as protagonist. Everything seems
monotonous and pleasant until the door rings and The Man (Ed Harris) enters their lives. Him, who is a blocked poet,
who has not been able to write for a long time, seems to appreciate the change of routine and receives The Man
with effusiveness. Him invites The Man to stay indefinitely without consulting it with Mother. This presence doubles
and becomes more intrusive and violent when The Woman (Michelle Pfeiffer), wife of The Man, arrives. The
presence of this couple attracts their children that end in a dispute over jealousy. These interventions motivate and
inspire the poet, who manages to write a magnificent poem that catapults him to fame. From this point, the disaster
begins. The fans begin to invade the house in order to see their idol and take something of him own at any cost.
Mother begins to despair and everything degenerates towards an increasingly delirious, symbolic and brutal ending.
To say what Mother is about, you have to dig into its insides and be frustrated by its delirious interpretations.

Lawrence's performance is magnificent. Her character is a mixture of submission, self-denial and passivity;
characteristics very well interpreted by Jennifer. As for the character of Javier Bardem, he does not demand great
challenges so it is not worthwhile to delve into him. Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris have small scenes well-worn but
nothing challenging. So almost the emotional burden and tension of the film falls on Lawrence, who does not

The director, Darren Aronofsky, wrote the script based on the Bible, and everything is an allegory of genesis. I could
not give details without falling in spoilers. But I can say that the plot is very hard, not suitable for religious and is full
of disturbing scenes. One of the worst is to see when the Son of God is sacrificed being just a newborn. For me it is
the hardest scene. The photography is also impeccable and I could get rid of praise. What I can mark as negative, is
that the film leaves you with the feeling of having been traversed by a train. It is overwhelming.

And to finish this review, what left me was a huge sense of guilt and importance, to see how the human being
destroys everything that stands in their way. How it appropriates what does not belong to it and destroys it. Simply,
try to raise awareness about how badly we treat our home (the Earth) and our Mother (Mother Nature). I give five
stars to this movie and to Jennifer Lawrence for her Performance. Do not see it if you are a sensitive person, you will
have an anxiety attack!

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