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Alexis Walkins

Press release


Up-and-Coming Author Releases a Collection of Short Stories, Inspired by Real Life, that Will
Uplift and Inspire Readers.

June 1 , 2019 Atlanta, GA -- Alexis Walkins publishes Three Voices, Three Stories, Three Paths, a
collection of self-help, autobiographical short stories that will uplift and inspire readers.
Walkins' first eBook is a collection of short stories that explore the meaning of sacrifice and the
importance of coming together for life's good and bad moments. Emotional yet uplifting, Three
Voices, Three Stories, Three Paths is inspired by true-life events. "I’ve dealt with different
struggles in my past, and I remember my therapist at the time told me to write my thoughts
down," Walkins explains. "Well, those thoughts became poetry, then they became a love for
storytelling to help and inspire others.” Three Voices, Three Stories, Three Pathsretails for
$PRICE and is available for download at

In ”The room on the fifth floor,” Charlie is forced to fight for his family's survival when he and
his pregnant wife get stuck in an elevator.

"The Camping Trip” follows three sisters on a weekend getaway, but when night falls, the trio
discovers they are not alone.
In "A Best Friend Like Blade," two strangers meet in a therapy group and escape together. They
develop a friendship like no other and, from their struggles, experience the true meaning of
being alive and finding themselves.

Alexis Walkins is an aspiring novelist and student at Full Sail University, where she is earning a
Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing. She is a feminist writer and a human rights activist. She
prides herself as being a great communicator as well as an uplifting person who wants all voices
to be heard. When she isn't writing, Walkins enjoys photography, campaigning, and connecting
with the world through social media. is the world's largest publisher of indie e-books. They allow authors and
independent publishers to publish and distribute e-books to the industry’s major retailers, as
well as provide e-books in a wide variety of digital formats.


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