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Diabetes is a disease in glucose levels. Glucose comes from the food we eat.
Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose between cells to supply energy.
There are two main types of diabetes. The causes and risk factors are different for
each type:
Type 1 diabetes: it is less common. It can occur at any age, but it is diagnosed
more frequently in children, adolescents or young adults. In this disease, the body
does not produce or produce little insulin. This is because the cells in the pancreas
that produce insulin stop working. Daily insulin injections are needed. The exact
cause of the inability to produce enough insulin is unknown.
Type 2 diabetes: it is more common. It almost always occurs in adulthood.
However, it is now being diagnosed with this disease in children and adolescents.
Some people with type 2 diabetes do not know they have this disease. With type 2
diabetes, the body is resistant to insulin and is not used as effectively as it should
be. Not all people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese.
There are other causes of diabetes, and some people can not be classified as type
1 or 2.
Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar that occurs at any time during pregnancy
in a woman who does not have diabetes.
If one of your parents, brothers or sisters has diabetes, you may be more likely to
have this disease.
This disease has to do with serious problems. It can damage eyes, kidneys and
nerves. Diabetes can also cause heart disease, stroke, and the need to amputate a

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