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Friend Can Change Your Life

Everyone needs each other in every daily life. In this term, a friend can be a reliable [dapat diandalkan]
person at any time when we need some help for problems and difficulties. A Friend can also give us an
advice [nasihat] when we make mistakes, can be a closed family in our life. Sharing ideas and
experiences among friends sometimes can change someone’s behavior. That change can be observed
from their relationship and environment among others which may give impacts and benefits in the
development of a person when he/she has already grown up.

When someone has stamped [dicap] as an adult, each of them will choose their own life with whomever
around in their neighborhood. The positive and negative impact will be very influenced by how excellent
they can manage the association. Many things may happen during the closeness [keakraban] and it
sometimes appears as learning motivation and mutual shared opinion.

But on the other side, friends can also drag us into a dispute [perselisihan] between friends or groups. A
clash in certain situation may lead to anarchy, starts from only ‘just wanna try’ to ‘get addicted’ to
commit some crimes. Drug abuse, motor gang, and brawl [tawuran] are some major crimes existed in
Indonesia and most of the doers are teenagers and adults.

What’s going on here? Let’s discuss it!

1. In your opinion what is the meaning of friend?

2. In your opinion how important is a friend in your life?

3. Have you ever dispute with your friend because of something?

4. How do you feel if your friend has a problem? do you want to help your friend to solve that

5. Which one do you choose your friend or your family? Why?

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