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a Infertile Land Estimation from Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network for SEZ Development: A Case Study on Uttarakhand State Krishna Sumar, Dr. B.K. Singh” and Ravindra Pratap Singh? ABSTRACT Slates ke Utarakhand which hve land constrains i becomes or oto ak for fertle and Inferior inferie lands for tis we take remote seed fe af Uarathand te and ase tsi Hae ‘Swart the proposed rage Through ths sty, we” bee thatthe propoed Merareia method 1 « prombing approach or Landa age Tarde to make the peopoed. matod more omer in tere |. Lecurer ECE Department ‘ershras@emilcom 2. Professor and Head ECE Deparment umn Engineering Cllge, Dwaraht, Urwatand 3. Lecturer ECE Department College of Engineering & Rural Technology, Meet singh savindapetap@em om | ReMore Sessa Remote sensing it» technology use fo btinng information bout «target through the analysis of dats aequred fom the large! a distance. I is composed of thee pas, he tres 2 or hoomena in nave: le vc Seng ‘nade enormous progress over recent yeas and a wari) of Sensors ow deliver medium and bigh resolution daa on ‘opertonal basis, vast majority of applicatons sil rly on tase image processing coneptsdevelped in the carly 10 classification ‘of single pues in muldimensional feature spice. ANthough the techniques are well-developed and Sophisicwed aritions.lalude soR cls, subpixel ‘nies and spectral un-mixingteshniqus, i argued tat they do not make use of spatial concep Looking mish resolution images is very likely that oeighboring piel ‘ehongs to the same land cover class as the pine det consideration. Algorithms in physics or mechani egieeng developed over the lst twenty years svecesflly tinea ‘objects based on cntetnformaion in an image on the bes fof tere or factal dimension, With the advent of hgh Fesaluion satelite imagen. the ieresting eof bone Aig “dat and. radar dat the need or content-based lgorths and objet aieted image procesing is incense Rese avalble commercial products elect this Semin. In 2 cae Sud, “uadtional pine Based casifeton methods tnd contextbased maths sre sompares, Experience re ‘encouraging and itis hypothesized that bjeerbased mage Suljis wil wigger new developments towards a fall interation of GIS and remae sensing fincons ithe esuling objets prove fo be meaningful, sobsequentappision Specific analysis can uke the atibtes of thse objets nto ‘count. Remote Sensing consists ofthe following elements ‘lestr-magnete energy, tel) spetal response, senor laos, at datlimage [7,8 A Major Dissions of Spectral Wavelength Regions ‘The wavelength of electromagnetic energy has such a wide ange ht po stent can messi k completly. Different devices, however, can measure most ofthe mor spel regions The division ofthe speal wavelength Based on the levees, which can be used to abvere patil pot ot nergy sich as thermal, shortwave Inared and misrowave ergy. In reality, thee are real sbrgt changes on the RAEEE 2005, NIT Hamirpur magnitude of the special energy, The specrums are ‘Conventionally dived ino various pasa shown below: ‘The optical region covers 0.3 ~ 18 mm where energy can be caised ough lente. The eetecive region, O30 m8 {subdivision of the optical eon tn his spectral region, we swath i covered in thre bands, while in mono mode (Mono), the fll Swath of 7 Km ean be covered in anyone single Band, ‘which i selectable by ground command (aomial is B3 ~ Red bung). The Liss-iv elmera can be tied up fo-= 20° whe seross tock direction thereby providing a revisit period of § Collect Solar energy reflected by the earth srfce“Anaher day, Subavsion ofthe opel speceal region i he thermal seta ‘ange, which Between 3mm to 1S mm, where energy comes Primal from sutiee emitance Table lite major uses of Some spectral wavelength eons (5,6) [wires Tag | Ur Ta Meee ier soy PTT et DevengO TSS] Sate wor Wieaga [Hae unas [sti etd Tgeaion | eae Ts] ep se eon fhm =, ‘Toble: Major ses of some spectral wavelength regions 1. RESOURCESE-I (6) ANDITS SENSORS ‘The main objectives of IRS-PE mission are: To provide omined remote sensing data services on an operational basis for integrated and snd water resources management at io level with enhanced mulspecal and spatial coverage ih stereo imaging capably To farther cary ou sts in Advanced areas of wer applications ike improved. crop Alsceimiation cop yiela,eop ste pewinese Survellance, distr management and urban managemen: ‘Specietion:IRS-P6 is te snes boyd spacecra launched by PSLV-CS ino a Sun Synchronous Orbit a an ttuge 317 Km descending ode And receptivity 3 orbit ‘eyole (24 days) The spcterat 6 designed for a nominal isin life of five years IRS-P caries thre optical cameras sspnloxd ‘Sensors of RESOURCESET-1 IRS p6) (1) Linear Imaging Sef Scanning Sensor (LISS-1V) Camera LSSAV ic hihcesluton mul apecral eamers operating in tire spectral bands 0.5210 0.89 m (Green (band 2), 0.62 fo (68 m (Red (Band 3)) and 0.76 to 086 m (NIR (Band 4). LSSIV proves & ground resolution of 5.8m at Nadi) and an be peated inter ofthe two modes. In the mt-=petal tne (M), swath of 23.9 Kim (eetable out of 7 Km total (2) Linear imaging sefscanning sensor ‘The LISS camera is dential 10 the LISS flown in IRS: CAD spacecraft excopt thatthe spatial resoation of SWIR ‘und (BS) i also 23.8 m (same a at of 2, BD, and 84), LISS covers swath of 141 Km nl he bande (3) atvances We Pet Senor (AMES) [AWiFS camera an improved version compared othe WiFS ‘amar flown in IRS-ICIID. AWIFS operates in fur spectral ands dena! to LISSA, proviing spat resoation of 56 mand coverings swath of 10 Km. To cove hie wide swath, ‘he AWIFS camera Ie split ito two separate electro opie modules, AWIFS-A and) AWIPS-B. The IRS-P6 specu uname configured with several new features and ancl copailties to suppor the Peylod operations, 1 ARTIICIAL NEURAL NETWORK. ‘A neual network, abo known as parallel disvibted processing network, is 8 computing sohuon thts loosely ‘modeled afer coral stvtures of the brain, Ie consists of Intrcomected procesing elements called nodes of neon that wor together to pce an apt ction. Three eal newer rls onthe cooperation of he individual newons within the network 1 operat. Processing of information by ‘neural networks scharateristically done in parallel rather than in series or sequential) ain euler binary computers o Vor Neumann machines, Sine it relies on ie member neon collectively to perform is function, 2 uque property of 3 eral newer stat it can sil eee i overall inion ‘ven ifsome of the neurons are not functioning. other words 85 robum to tole ctor o fale. Addionlly. neu retwrks are more readily adaptable to fuzzy loge computing tasks than are on New machines. ‘Neural eswork theory i sometimes used to refer ta branch of ormpustions science that uses neural networks as models 10 Simulate or analyze complex. phenomena andi study the Principles of operation of neural networks ataytialy. It “dreses problems similar to aif imteligene (AD except that AT ues tadinal computational sigortms 10 slve problems whereas evra networks use “networks of ant! Gotware ‘or hardware entities linked togetier) a8 the ‘omputatioal architecture to solve problems. Newal networks Se tminable systems that can “lear” 10 sale complen [oblems fom a set of examples and generalize the “acquired nowledge” to solve unforesen problems atin sack market, land envfonmenal.predicion. he, they ae sell adapive Syste ‘radtonaly, the tem neural network bas been wed to refer 1 network of biological neurons, In modern usage the ems often used to refer to arial neural networks, hich ae fcmmposd of arial neurons or nodes Ts the erm Neural ‘Nato has wo disinet connotations. Biological neural neworks ae made up of real biological neurons that ae connected or funetinally-relted in the eipberlnevous system or the central nervous system. nthe Feil of neuroscience, they are often idented as groups of euros that perform rpecie pysilogal function in laboratory analysis Arif neural networks are made up of inlereomnectng swifcial neurons usually Simplified newons) designed to ‘model (or mimic) some properties of biological neual ‘reworks. Arial neural networks ean be ved fo mode! the ‘modes of operation of biologie! neural networks, whereas {ogre modes afe tearecal model that mimic cognitive ‘ain functions without necessarily wing neral networks while aia ineligence are welled lgorthme that solve specific imelgen problems (suchas ches playing. pater ‘Reopuiion, et.) wibout sing. neu network” as the ‘compuutinal architecture Figur |: Simple view of as aril neural network Aric neural aetnaks or biologie neural networks. This ‘ce focuses onthe relationship between the to eonespe A. Character In gone, bili! neural neswork is composed of group or ups of physically connected or fantonly associated ‘euros sngle neuron ean be connected to many other ‘ern andthe total number of neurons and connections in 8 network cn be exemely large, Connections, called synapses, fe wally formed fom axons” to denaries, ough ‘dndrodene’ micocruts and’ oter connections ae posible Apa fom the electrical signaling, tere ae ober Forms ot Sain that arse rom neuforarsmter duhsin, Wich have an effect on eleccal signaling AS such, neural Detwrks ae extemely complex. While detailed desertion SF ewal systems seems curently anatsiable, progress is bring ~made- towards a beter” andersanding of baie mechani ‘Atif intligence and cognitive modeling try to simulite Some properies of neural networks While sil in thir techniques, the former hs the aim of solving paielar sks, ‘ile the later aime to build materia models of boogie reurl systems, In the artificial lntligence fil atin) neural networks have been applied succesfully 1. speech ‘eogniton, image analysis and adaptive contol, in onde 0 consuct software agents (in computer and veo genes) oF ‘uonomous robots. Most of the curently employed aif) eral networks for arial ineigence are bsed 0 Ststicaletimaton optimization and control ‘heory. The cognitive modeling field is the physleal or mathematical modeling of the Behavior of newal ste {anging fom the individual neural level (e@. modeling the Spike response curves of neurons to 9 stimuli) dough the ural luster level (eg, modeling te reas tnd effects of

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