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First Meeting

No Teacher Students Time


1. Pre Activity:  Greetings  Response greetings 5 minutes

Brainstorming.  Asks student’s condition  Response the condition
 Gives some questions to build students  Answer the questions and guess the
background knowledge (Show one topic which will learn.
picture about profession) and ask
students some questions to guess the
The Questions like:
1. Do you know who is he or she?
2. Do you know the tools that they use?
3. Where do they work?
4. Can you tell me what is the
profession of them?
5. After you describe them, can you tell
me, what material that i want to tell you?

2. While Activity: Asks student’s knowledge about describe  Attention and answer teacher’s 5 minutes
Eksplorasi someone with taking each one of them as a questions.
model and explains about how to describe
him or her : profession  Listen and respond teacher’s
 Identify how to describe profession

Elaborasi  Shows the pictures about describing  Read the text about describing 5 minute
profession in four square professsion
 Give the text about describing
 Asks student to do their tasks with their
A. Task I: Read the text and answer the
question about profession 5 minutes
B. Task II: Match the picture with are  Match the picture with are tools they
tools they use. use

5 minutes
 Asks about student difficult during  Respond the teacher to tell what
learning process. difficult that they find during learning

3. Post Activity:  Makes conclude the material.  Attention and respond teacher about 5 minutes
Conclusion the conclusion.

 Greetings 3 minutes
2. Second Meeting

No Teacher Students

1. Pre Activity:  Greetings  Response greetings 2 minutes

 Asks student’s condition  Response the condition

2. While Activity:

Eksplorasi  Reviews last Material  Respond teacher review. 5 minutes

Elaborasi  Gives the text about describing  Read the text. 3 minute
 Asks student to do their tasks with their

C. Task I: Read the text and find the  Choose the vocabulary that related of
vocabulary that related of the text the text 5 minutes
D. Task II: Find the meaning in  Find the meaning in dictionary

 Asks student to read the vocabularies

their found with partner in front of the  Read the vocabularies in front of 5 minutes

 Asks about student difficult during  Respond the teacher to tell what 15 minutes
learning process. difficul that they find during learning
Konfirmasi process.

 Makes conclude the material.  Attention and respond teacher about 5 minutes
the conclusion.
3. Post Activity:
 Greetings 3 minutes
3. Third Meeting

No Teacher Students

1. Pre Activity:  Greetings  Response greetings 2 minutes

Brainstorming.  Asks student’s condition  Response the condition

2. While Activity:  Reviews last Material  Respond teacher review. 3 minutes

Eksplorasi  Gives the text about describing  Read the text. 3 minutes
profession and asks students to read
again. read 1 time

 Asks student to do their tasks:

 Identify the meaning of desribing

A. Task III: Answer the question.  Compares the physical appearances of

Write true (T) or False (F) based on another students 10 minutes
the text with their partner.
Task IV: make a marks (*)  Make marks (*) on the table
 Collect their tasks
 Asks student to collect their tasks 17 minutes

 Respond the teacher to tell what

 Asks about student difficult during difficul that they find during learning
learning process. process.

Konfirmasi  Attention and respond teacher about 2 minutes

 Makes conclude the material. the conclusion.
3. Post Activity:
3 minutes
Conclusion Greetings

4. Fourth Meeting

No Teacher Students
1. Pre Activity:  Greetings  Response greetings 2 Minutes
 Asks student’s condition  Response the condition

2. While Activity:  Reviews last Material  Respond teacher review. 3 minutes

Eksplorasi  Gives Text about describing profession  Just read the text. 3 minute
 Asks students to read the text about
describing profession

Elaborasi  Asks student to do their test about  Finish the test 25 minutes
describing profession was their read.
 Asks student to collect their test.  Collect the test

Konfirmasi  Asks about student difficult during  Respond teacher 2 minutes

learning process.

3. Post Activity:  Makes conclude the material.  Respond the conclusion 5 minutes
Conclusion  Greetings

I. Sumber pembelajaran/alat/bahan
 Four Square
 Lembar Kerja
 LCD Proyektor/Pictures/Komputer
J. Evaluasi: Tertulis
K. Penilaian
1. Teknik : Tes tertulis
2. Bentuk : Tes tertulis
3. Instrument : Terlampir (Picture)

AMBON, ………………… 2014

Peneliti Kepala Sekolah

.................... ....................
SYAHLAN S. Duwila, S. PD,M.Si
2009 – 36 – 069 NIP 19670228199521005

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