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Akiva’ Rooks

July 31st, 2019

JOMC 203
Social Media PSA
Terms: Dopamine, Cortisol

Girls on Drugs: My Guilty Pleasure of Social Media

I never knew that the strongest drug was something that I would blindly fall victim to.
Dopamine was my fix and a computer engineer was my supplier.
Who knew that he had the code to transform me into this crossfire?
It was like a high that I couldn’t let go of.
It was something that helped me to marry my screen time.
And this is what I wanted more of.
For minimal effort through a quick thumb tap, wait let me really explain this to you,
I have to back track.
Media provides immediate rewards just for me to admire its presence,
& then I feel the dopamine in large amounts,
& I’m motivated by this pleasance.
People tell me all the time that too much of anything isn’t good for you
And trust me, I’ve tried to consume social media in doses.
But there’s so many flavors: twitter Instagram, facebook, snapchat.
You see how quickly I just got lost in that?
Moderation is crucial and I’m fighting to get my power back.
But what person with a crypto night do you know has the discipline to really counteract
Maybe I can explain it to you like this, my engagement was never on my list.
And here men are married, faced with anxiety when their partner leaves in a hurry.
I don’t want to experience the cortisol that comes with this, so don’t judge my sin
Especially when its as serenading as violin.

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