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@J] flI%
June 15 ltlru 20 I P_III. to 10.'31) p.m . " ,

f .. , ....... li..,..u P ,,..fd.. d
1125 15th St •• N.W.
Washin¥lOn . D.C. 2000..
lIt' ........, ...1t4l{J,"
112.'; nth St .• N.W.
Washir¢lon. D.C. 2Il00,;
hur.atio ..., T .............. OF ELECTRIC AL WORKERS
1&&-11 Jew~1 Avenue
Flu.hln!r. N.Y. 1136S
F i,..t Disll'io;t. WI L LI AM LADYM,\N
88 Univen,!ly Hh'd" Suile 601. Volume 72, No. 6 June, 1973
'foronto 1. Ont •• Canada
Seo;:u .. d Oi.trkt. JOHN E. Fl.YNN
12d Office P)~v. Buildinll'
220 t'orbe. nood
n",;nl .. l'<:, lI1"""nchu5ett. 0211\.1
Third Distdct. A. R. J OHNSON Features
601 Uuildinll'. Itoo", ~Ol
6Q7 Wa.him(ton Hd.
I'jlt'~U'lIh. I'll . 16~28
1973 ISEW Founders ' Scholarship Awards 3
Fourth Dialeicl. Il. O. Wll.l.[,\~jSON Legislative Safety Conference 8
1710 Hend;,,>! Hoad
A",u.r)awn ",,~cUli"e Uld",. 1973 IBEW Construction and Maintenance
Suite r·
Cin~innnti. Ohio 4"~$'i Department Conference-Focus on
Fmh Oi.lrkt. J. B. PA T ~;
1(41 I'encht • .,., St •• N.I':.. Suile 80·[ Problem s of Major Concern to the Industry 12
Atlnnm. CoorKi" 30300
Sixth District. T. E. MALONE IBEW Li fe·Savers Club 16
120(1 IIArKer Rood
North Oakbrook lIuihling. :;ui.e 3/1 Blac k Hill s Power & Light Emp loyees Vote ISEW 23
OAk Urook. lIIinoil 6/1~21 Oregon Membe r Voluntee rs for Peace Corps
$e"enili Oi~tri ••• RI\Y1101'<1) G. Dlan::
tiOI I\"enu~ E. Eas.
Sul'e 412
Arlington. T.,xu 76011
Eighth Ois'rin. S. E. TIIOMI'SON Department s
l!oom 1112. \\il""" 1IIdg.•
3311'1 f"ourth I\v.... North
p. O. Box 1998 Editorial Comment 2
lJillinl!ll. ~lonL ~91113
Ninth D;"'r;e •. W. L. VINSON Safety Ti ps 24
1700 Sou"" 1':1 Camino RHoI
Bor~1 Squa...,. :;ull" Sill With the Ladies 28
San ltlft\"". C"nrorni" !fH(I~
Tenlh ~'nANK ·r. GL.\DN~;\'
Handyman's Corner 29
0'11".., Office Bull.lime I. Suite 100
10~OO II. lIig-gin, IIOQd
Local Li nes 30
Ilo.emont. Illinois 60018 Resea rch and Education Department 32
Elen"lh Di,tritt. IIOIJ1':rrr K. C,IIIIIITY
:;ult~ 333. Lllkin Uldg. In Memoriam 62
b~~O W. 1)()dll'e Itoad
O",,,hll. N~Lu8~" 6SI11 Dea th Clai ms 63
Tw~lrth Di.tritt. W. B. I'C'I'TY
Whi(Aitl lIuildln/: Hrn ;;J4. 240U I'opl ...
Mc"whi •• Tenn ..... ~'" 3~IIZ


E. J . ["I!,INSWI\ Y
2121 W"". Wisconsin Avenue
~IiJwKukee. Wi""""sin 63203
["irs. DI.trict. ItALI'II 1[,\LLOlbIN Summer has indeed come to t he Pa·
2~0 W. W~ter Str",,!. ~nd t100r
EltnirM. New York 14!'(H ci fi c Northwest in th is co lor photog ra ph
S<'COnd !)jot.le•. JAMBS ~'. ~lULLONEY
15~ Clinton S".,." on our June front cove r. The scene is
Mllrlboro. MlW!Achuutt. 017~2
Third District, 1I,IIUIY J. WIL L I.\)IS
Mo rai ne Lake. Banff Nat iona l Park,
1111 Gil.~y
C;"dnnBU. Ohio ~520.;
,hen u ~
Banff. Albe rta, Ca nada. Inside are ar·
["""rib m_trlet. HAnKY 81::)( 1.E\' t icles on t he AFL·CIO Buildi ng Trades
501 Pulliam St .• S,W.
Atlsntll. C""n!lll 3(13U Depa rt ment Legislative Conference and
Fifth District. JACK F. ~100RE on ou r own Construct ion Conference.
~'90~ .:a..t Di,·i.;"n
Sprin/:field. Mi ...."ri 6S80~
SiJ:tb OU.lrict. TIlOllAS H. PURSLEY
6227 Broa<i"'ay
Cal ...... ton. Ttl ... HoSII
S<>venlb Du.trlel. RA L.PII ,I. I.EICON
1~30 Sw...,n~y Avenue
Las V~.... Nev,,"" 81101
Ei/:hth Oistrict. G IWllCF. 1'. P,\TTEIlSON
Suite 003. 333 W~lJing\On Cr_~n.
Winnipeg 9. Man .. Can .. d ..

" ~"


editorial COlnlnellt
• Down through the yeors, tremendous growth (lnd progress have been mode
in ' he IBEW. In spite of mony obstacles our union hos hod 10 Qvercame, the
members of Ihe Brotherhood hove benefited greatly from thot progress. However,
we cannot resl on our laurels, there ore sliII many gains 10 be won and this will
require (I unity of spirit among the members of Ihe 18EW.

All the members of our Brothe rhood should realize thol the entire electrical
industry is rapidly growing in Ihis mode rn nuclear age. As it grows we musl
prepare ourselves fo r Ihis great expansion which is occurring o lmosl doily in our
industry. This exponsion, mainly brought about by modern technology, is good
for our union . Mony new jobs ore opening up in Ihe electrical industry. This
should bring many work opportunities and much job security to our members.
II will aha be ponible fo r UUI local u,lioos to organize all electrical workers and
bring them under the protection of the IBEW.

The IBEW has been successful because the vast majority of members ha ve
a lways believed in and have wo rked to achieve the ob jects and goals of our
union, as set forth in the Preamble of our Brotherhood. Organizing, education,
and twining have been the staunch backbone of the IBEW. This philosophy has
enabled our membe rs to become the masl skilled and productive workers in the
electrical industry.

As the demand for trained electrical workers becomes more OCUle, our local
unions must be ready to fill the need with responsible, trained workers. Any
pe rson working in the electrical industry today who is nolo member of organized
lobar should be brought ulldt:r the protection of the IBEW. Eve ry local union
shou ld know whot steps are necessary to control the work in its jurisdiClion,
thereby giving full protection and job security 10 the members.

If non-union electricians have mode inroads in the construction field, every

effort to organize, educate and troin them Ihe union way should be mode in
every area where this situation is prevalent. On utility properties and in
manufacturing plants, unorganized workers should be brought into the
Brotherhood. The rules of qualifications as set forth by lBEW policy should
certainly be observed, bul to allow millions of potential jobs escape from the
lBEW is ridiculous.

I am particularly p roud of those ISEW local unions who ore nol resting on
their laurels und who are constontly protecting their jurisdiction. Thete local, that
ore not content to live in the post or remain stolUS quo are very wise. It is a
proven fact thaI Ihe aggressive locals are the ones who hove the best wages, the
best health and welfare benefits, and better fringes in their agreements with
their employers. 11 is not easy to become and remain a growing realistic union,
the members have to work 01 il. Apathy and self·sotisfaction have no place in
on organiZation that depends on what is done today in o rde r to have a belter

!SEW J ournal

. n. ...._ I o a I l _
of I!Iectric:II Worbn ..........
pride I......1Idoa .be Fouodo"
_ ..... -..Ior '*II........ '''''nod, wIdc:Jt.
lour ,.... or an oriJjnII .....bon ewer lime COllIeS ftnt.
01 rocll ...... which ba.. been
Scholarship WillDen for 1973 In cbencr.d lor ... than lour yo.... s..n .... e........
alpllabetkal order. IIIcy are 1... L. I. - . b Is roquired !bat III The dllIiopbhcd IBBW ScboIar·
Berkey. Hetbcn W. era;,. Thomas apprentices sItaIJ have compleled • 5hlp SeIcct10a Cnmmmee for 1973
A. EMley. Peter M. 510..... and fuJI. lormal oppmtticesbip .. _b- i, com~ 01 100epb C
TIIia,..... _
Robert R Tbarp IiIhed In dIcir tnde and ..... MictIaIowicz, ...",... Dan Cd-
Com_ In die Fouadcrs' 110.. DOl GIlly r. . 01 I!opw;"", .... AIcIIiIec-

.-. . . '---i¥IoI
ScfIoImIoip ......... - .0(
. met bw. ncorwted all Iba abaw Ie- .ure die "'...., UoMniIy 0(
"'_1)10 __
Ioaadcd In 19t16 III _ _ q u a - n . . - _ .. ~"• • _~W-'- DC. .....
AaaIi_:" _ 10 .. I8BW
Ill" . . ... '.~~

Ju .... , 1973
Selection Committee

, •

I II 100 plw at
n "n
who. ann r with hi
IUd IICCOmplialuncn
On th or the above mar·
mauon thc= memben. of lhe
don Commlnc..--aU uf whom

rccoan1zcd ac:adennc profcasaonitl.

and commuDily leaden who arc
DOled ror
tbeir expertiSC 1ft tbe 0 ldt.
01 ......don IUId tile I.
damy cboae the five scboIanbip


_ _ I.-J \974 OlMIto,
.... _ F Wade, I.-J
\612, -Ufo, CoIIfomII

ScIIoIII ''r ..........
_ _ L.-,oIE_
Weehk...' . . . . .
IB8W ill

• tlJEW J o u rno l
Scholarship Winners

Pictured looking at the Irst of winners

of the 1973 ISEW Founders' Scholar'
ship Awards are, left to right, Interna·
tlonal President Charles H. Pillard;
Lelan F. SllIin, Jr., Chairman and Presi· Mrs. Jean louise Berkey Herbert W. Craig
dent of Northeast Utihties, West Spring·
field, Mass.; Joseph C. Mlchalowlcz,
Assistant Dean, College of Engineering
and Architecture, Catllolic University o f
America; Matthew A. Kelly, Professor Washington, she has served as that en their bHclground in the ,Hea of
of Industrial Relations, New York State local union's recording \(;cretary industrial relations and to better
School of Industrial and Labor Rela· since it') chartering in 1967. Ex- e\;.luatc situat ions in the process of
tions, Cornell UniverSity, New York, tn.:mdy activc in union affairs, Sistcr making sound deeision~.·'
N.Y.; and International Secretary Jo·
seph D. Keenan.
Berkey has alsu served a~ u Nego- Herbert W, Craig of Hammond,
tiating Committec member, as dde- Indiana, has been an lBEW mem-
gate 10 the 291h mEW Con\enlion, ber since October, 1965. A member
as ddegate to various county and of Local 134, Ch icago, Brother
stat.: labor councils, and as chuir- Craig wa~ named an alternate win-
man of Local 89's COPE Commit- ner last }car. He also holds the
tee. honor of having been named Local
The applicants· records are compiled
by the Research and Education Depart·
Jean's energy and enthu,)iasm arc 134's Outstanding Apprentice /wice
ment. Shown consu lting on an appllca· not limited to her union, howevc r. --once in 1966 and again in 1969.
tlon are. left to right, Lelan F. Sillin, She <,ervcs her comm unity as a mem- Presentl y employed as a journcy-
Jr., President. Northeast Utilities; in· ber of the United Good Neighbor man wir.;man for the Edward Elec-
ternational Representative Mark Evert; Board of Directors, the Edmonds
Dean Joseph C. Michalowlcz, Catholic tric Company and attending Purdue
University; Robert Wood, Director, CommunilY College Advisory Com- Un ivcrsity at Calumct Campus, Her-
ISEW ResearCh Department: and Pro· mission. the Snohomish County bert sti ll f1nd~ timc to participate in
fessor Matthew A. Kelly, Cornell Uni· Youth C~ntcr Board of Tru ~tc~s, the community affairs. He is a member
versity. Lcagul.' of Women Votcrs, and as of thc Chicago Junior Chamix'r of
pre<'idl.'l1t of the Tekphone Employ- Commerce, Internal Vice President,
Cl'S Activitil'S A'sociar ion. Ncar North Chapter, Junior Cham-
The set'ond woman cver to cam ber of Commerce, and maintains an
the di~tinction of receiving a Found- associate membership in seve r:.l
ers' Scholarship Award, Jcan plans electricul soch::tks.
The winners of the ISEW Founders' to u'e her !>cholarship to continue I3rothcr Craig plans to continue
Scholarships are selected solely by the her education at the Univ\:fsity of his educalion at Purdue until he at-
Selection Committee. The committee
Wa~hin!!lon where she is presently tains a Bachelor's Degree in Engi-
members are shown conferring on the
applications. Left to nght are lelan F. enrolled. Her goal is 10 allain a neering. In hb essay he state~;
SIII;n, President, Northeast Utilities; Buchdor's IRgrl'e in Bu siness Ad- "The biblical adage, 'Yc sha ll r.:ap
Dean Joseph C. Mlchalowicz. Catholic mini'lration. what ye shall sow,' is a timely truism
UniverSity; and Professor Matthew A.
Kelly, Cornell University.
It is hl'r belid, as expresSl'd in when applied to the I13EW Found-
her .... inning e~a), Ihat: "Today, the ers' Scholarship. This scholarship
!BEW represcntaliw must be dedi- enables the 1BEW to perpetuate the
catl'd toward providing leadership institution of profes:.ionalism, integ-
.... hid .... ill promote goals for tht, rity, and quality that it is known for,
common good of fellow members, from wilhin. . . The Founder!.'
Academic background in conjunc- Scholarship enables a union mem-
tion with 1BEW experience offers ber to advance him!.l.'lf and his union
the individual ncxibility in promot- inlO a more prominent and descrved
ing professionalbm in the sop hi~t i­ place in Ihe elect rical industry. By
calcd bu~incs~ society of loday. The promoting from within, the union
m EW Scholarship afTord~ dedicated can help to turn back ignorance
individuals the opportunity to broad- about organized labor in profession-

Jun. , 1913

Thomas A, Eastey, his wife Judy
and dauehter Katherme Suzanne

a l circles, By thi~ nh:an .. , th e uniOIl

• ~

Peter M, Storms

IB EW man they hirc thc b~"1 crath-

Robert R. Tharp

'eholaf',hip" will be able: to help

al'\{) cro:ates new. mor~·. :!Illl 1X-lIel" man mon..:y C1Ln buy. If til ... IBE\\ the Brnlherhoocl ~ 1 :l y ,lbreaSI of
type!> of prnduch, and the jnb~ that h 10 retain its ~up remac) of ,killed modan ledmologic;l1 ad\anccs.. , '
:Ir.: requirctl to prouuce thl''M! prou- crafbmen in e\\!r) field of indu,tr~ I hrough thj~ kno\\tcdg .... the o\'cr-
U{'I\ and ...'n iI'," h) ;1 mon' TllC11II- anu r ...main (hl' grL':III',r IT:III,' IInion all kwl nf Il'l'hnical ,·nll1p!.'Ii!nCe
ingful utili/:nion of org.lniLeu labor," in [hl" world. [h~'n ..:ducalion IIlLht \\ i[hin lit... Brolh... rhood will ri~ ap-
1'hul1l l" A . E:I ~ l t, ~ . ;t IlIl'lllber of continu..: to be on..: of th ... pillar, preciably. Anu Ih ... Uroth ...'rhood. a<,
L()(;;,I 571. Ml'Gill, Nevadil. i\ em- upon which our un ion b founded," ;1 whuk. \\ ill have n decp ,en!>c of
ployed b) B&M Electric Compan), l'l.'ll.'r 1\1. SlorlllS, a rl',jtknt Ilf pride in kno" ing thai thc acme of
A r..: .. ident uf Lugan, Utah, Brother Sanborn. 'lew Vork. anu a m ... mbcr eleclrical knO\\lcdge i~ r... tained by
Easle} w:" miti:ne/J intu Ihe I BE\\ of Local 181. Utica, N..:w Yurk , ha, fdluw IlJF\\ nl\.·mbcrs."
in Decl.:ll1ix'r. I 'J66. Sine.: tlk'n h.: h..:.;-n an !BEW m... mbcr for 13 )~'ar,. Ro hl' rl R. Tharp of Cincinnati.
has s.:rwd Luelll 57 1 ill lIlany ca- During thi!> tim .... Brother StOnlh, Ohin. 11:1' bc~'n 1111 ruEW me mber
pacitie ... In 196M. he wa .. dcctell who i:. married and h .. ~ un ... child, ,ince 1960, During that lim..: he
b u sinl.:"~ 1ll:lIlager and !i naneia l .. ee- demomtratl'u a cont inuing il1ter..:~1 ,erved on \ariou~ conllllilt...'l'~ a nd
rc[ary ltlld clliltinue~ to lill h.)th I)("t~ in the mi litary as wdl :1\ hi, union, wa<, active in all aClivitic, of mem-
a[ thi, time, He ha, ,,1'0 dwircd li e i~ a captain ill Ihe N~'\\ York b": f,hil). Specilic:llly. lJ l'IJlher Tharp
nU Illl:nlU' cummiH~''':', <,en'eu :\, Air National Guard and hOI, r"'l'ciH.:d h." h.:ld thr...... Ilf Cincinnati Local
tldegate {() [hc Brotherho(J(l\ 1970 Ih..: following mililar) d.:cor:lIillll', 212', IUp ollie..:" I Ie wa, <,[eward on
Convention. and initiated and \\r- Di!>tillgui~hl'd FI) ing Cro~~, Rq)uh- th ..' Cincinllali Riverfront Siadiulll,
g:lIl l/.ed a (;Olllllltlll1£ I:.ducaw)U lic of Vietnam: Air Medal. RepubliC a pa .. t \ ICC pr~'!> l d ... nt, :1Ilt! i.., cur-
COllimittee fll1' Local 57!. In add i- of Vietnam: ant! (he Air FOI'Cl' fently ~ ...'nillg hi, 10c;11 a~ rccon.ling
tion, he i, a m~'mbl.'r of the Whi[.: Commendalion f\ l.:dal, CONUS, wcrc\:lry,
Pine Count) Celllra l Labor Com- \ journeyman \\ir~' man, 1)..:1 ... i~ A journl') man wir"'l1lall by !fade,
mille.: :1II11 \\ .. , prc,ident uf Ih..: pre~lIlr) :ltIcntling Ih..: Slate Unih'r- Rolh-rt i, m:urkt! and the fat Iter of
White I)inl: Central Labor Council .. it" of N..:" York (SUNY) :11 lJuf- one child. II.: i<, pre!t<.-'Iltly enrolled
flOm 196H tn 1969. Ill' Ila, "bu falo full tinll'. With [he llit! IIf hi~ ;" .. full-tllll": ,tudent at the Univcr-
rCI,:ci\ ... d th ... di,[im:lion of lx'ing ~cholar~hip. he plan, to furllll'r hi, .. it) of Cincinnati \\here he \\iII ron-
hOllored with Ihe I BEW Life-Saving education at SUNY \\Ill'r ... he i~ litHIC to , ...ek :I d ... grec in Bu~ines ..
Awnrd. working toward a B:lehcln(, Degrl'c \dll1 ini"lrulioll-Lllbor Rl'i;ltions.
Tom i~ m:u'ri..:d. h .. , nne child. in Ekctrical Engin",l,:ring, Robert Th:lrp ......... s hb Founders'
and is current I) attending Ulah SI:II ... In his l:s~a). Broth..:r S[lInn<; eOl- Sc:h()l:lr~hip a~ :, 1001 \\ hich can help
Ulli\er,it) "ht·r..: he i, stud)ing for pha!>il':~ th ... two-fold purpo'M! of thl' ...n')llr ... that th ... Brotherhood', futurc
a Bachdor\ Dq~r~'e in I ndll~lriar ..,eholar~hip progralll- it aid, indi- j, a~ illu,trjuu~ a~ its pa~t. An ex-
Rclal i ()lI~. In hi, ,,:""y, he ,ums up viduals while kceping [he Ilrothef- l' ... rpt folll)ws:
Ilw rdaliull~hip 1:k:[\h'l.'l1 [Ik' !B E\\ Imod ~trong. A, he'll apll} PUh ii'
li nd Ihe lIeed for cOlil inu ... d ~'duea­ "The members who ga in from 111..:'1.:
tion in th;" way: "Sill~'''' il~ incl'J)-
tioll. th~' IOEW h .. :. bi:en :')11011)-
mou ~ with quality \\o r k n l:L n ~hi p.
Employers know when they hi re :m

• ISEW J"u,n,,1
'·Scil.'nce and technology continue
10 c>.:pand the fronticn. of the in-
dustry which !o. upplie!o. morc go()(h
and '\Cnicrs than ever before. rhe
Brotherhood and the indu')try havc
the capacity to match the dern:uHh
that lie ahead. ami they lIlu!o.l \\ork
together in a joint elTon lownrd~
thi~ common goal. The nudeu!o. of
this goal is in educluing men and
womell 10 a ... ~ um e I cader~ hip po~i­
tiOJb in the electrical indu\try."


The IBEW is proud to be able to offer these scholarships to its

members. It is the hope of the entire Brotherhood that these
awards will contribute not only to the personal development and
achievement of the successful candidates, but also to the
development and improvement of the electrical industry, of which
the IBEW is a vital part.
The IBEW is con fident that , as in the past, the fruits yielded by
the talent s of these graduates wi ll be most beneficia l
to both the electrical industry and the IBEW.
All IBEW officers and members heartily congratulate the 1973
scholarship winners and alternates, for who m they have high hopes
of excellent futures.

Jun_, 1913
Well Represented
Building Trades




• IBEW Jo ".n,,1
• Members of our BrOtherhood wdcome, Nixon was able to do lillie jeclS discu)~d by the first speake r,
joined thousands of labor leaders to improve the image of his eco- Carl Alben (D-Okla.). Speaker of
from across the country n:celltl) to nomic policies in view o f organized the 1·lo u!tC of R~pre ..entati\ es. " I
caU to the allcn tion of Congress labor inte rests. don' t want to)C", the New Deal. the
problems facing million s of worlcrs Robert A. Georgin e, Be rD Sec- Fair Deal. the New Fromier, and
in the building and con~tfuction retary-Treasurer who presided in the Great Society \crappc(l by (he
lrades. the absence of pneum\lnia-~ Irick e n impoundme llt proe~~~ , " Albert to ld
The SC':l1': was the 17th national UCTD P n..:~idenl Frank Bonadio, Ihe chceri ng d c l q~ales, "and I don't
confere nce of Ihe AFL-C IO Build- prni\cd the delegates for their past think you do either."
ing and COIl\truClion Tmdes Depart- elTorts that "have b.:cn :1 Ix}waful Ju.,t prior tl) the Pr",.,id",nt's ad-
ment ill Wa.'l hinglOn. D.C., which factor" in winning support of form c r dres.,. IlIm..e t>. linurity Leader
dr.:w 4,500 local. stat.:, and national goal, that arc now la\l. s. Gerald Ford alle mptcd to paint a
labor leaders 10 the annual affair On the open ing day, )c\!!ral Con- rO'>C garden of the Admini ..tration·s
thi.'l yea r. During the four-d:l) legis- grl'<, appeared before the dele- econom ic policy and the overall
lative update, ddegatcc; heard s..:\\:ral gate,>, many of th.:m r~ceh ing tre- economic picturo..: in America. Draw-
Admini)lration. Congrcs,ional, and ml'ndous applau~ and standing o-.a- ing con.,idefllbk hed ling from the
labor lelld .:rs , ugge:.t Icgjsl:llive ac- tiun ~ for their suppo rt of labor's deicgate,. Furd .. aid. " I believc we
tion to improve the eondilion of thc conce rn for such problem s a~ ,oar- arc ~ t :lI1ding on th", brink of a new
Americ:ln workcr. ing pric",s, curbs on tr:ld..: union era or pro!.pcrity. Let\ not blow it."
Pre)i delll Richa rd M. Ni'l;on was rights, and high unemployment. La ter, he added. " Wc arc building
a surprise spea l er rll the confac nee. Impo undment of fUiub appropri- a strong econo my whic h provide\
Whilc Ihe conference delegate, re- ated by Congress and veto hattles plenty of job ... good worling CU Il -
ceived the I>rcsidcnt in a warm with the Admini ..tration were sub- d i ti()n~. and a d ecen t Ih ing wage for
every worker in America:'
Pr..:,idl!nt Nh:on a\·oide<.l any di-
rcct con fron tat ions wilh labor o n
~ubjeeh of in tet":'1 t(1 the wnrkcr.
In.,tead. he gradou thanked thc
Ica<.lef<, for supporting him in hi\
elfort .. to end the Vh:tnam \\ ar a nd
bring America':. I'OWl! '"home with
D..:ep intn hi .. prqlared me.'l~age,
howe\er. the P re~ident defended hb
actiom to lcep the dcfen~e budgct
among the nm,t frl.'dy·financed pro-
gram\ of hi, I\drnini~!rati\lll. " D(m't
ev..: r l!end the I) re~idelll -w ho..:\"cr
he i.,-!O the conference ulble a~
one thai can be rc\p.:ctcd as the
hcaJ of the \ccond .,t ronge~ t nation
in Ihc worl<.l:' Ni'l;()n warned the
delegatc~ that America mu<,l not cut

1 and 2
tBEW members were welt represented lit thiS year's 17th national con-
ference of the AFl·CIO Buildmg and Cons truction Trades Department
in Washin gton, D. C. AFL-CtO PreSident George Meany. a featured
speaker, addresses the gatherm g of nearly 5,000 co nstruction union
leaders from allover the nation. On the opening day, President
Richard M. N lllOn made an address t o the meet ing.

IBEW PreSiden t Charles H. Pillard is Pictured being Introduced to the
natio nal con ference on opening day President Pittard IS a Vice PresI-
dent of the AFl·CIO Bu lldmg and Construction Trades Department.

dden!>e fund .. in a lime of eritkal econolllic situation III krm" of it .. rCaled and buying I)(m ... r prcsen.'d,
amlS bargaining with (\llllmunbt effect on Ihe \\ I-I e bl;l'>t ...d ~k;ln) <,(fe"'l'd .
COlilitril.'S. tlw ,\i\on \dOlini,tr;lIion'" C(.·ll· \ ..eetion of the conferenc.: again
A :.pon:.or of <,C\enll laoor· .. up· nomic "wbili/atiun program ... 1 h"rc thi-, )'l'lIr \\a" devoted to safet) , \\jlh
poned bill... Sellator lI enr~ \1. can be no equit~ \\ith rigid contini the O('cupatiunal Sakly and f-kalth
Jackson (O-\\':I .. h.) bla'lnl the \d· \cl forming Ihe focal point of di,,-
of \\;rg"\ and no control of price"."
Olini·" Oli"rnanagelllelit uf Ihe cu .... ion. I he necd for more vigilalll
he thumkrcd "Withuut equit~. an~
ecollomy. " We have an ceonumic cnfnreemelll of job safct) ruks amI
plan. I)imsc "', 5. 6--and they l1la~
policy in thi .. nation that i" !x'ing rq;ul:lIinn~ was the main l·Olpha~i"
cume up any da) no\\ is donmed Ilf Chairman of the l-Io~ Educa-
run b~ the Abuminablc Snm\ man:'
to failure ."
Jad r.oll l>aid. "You C,III', lind him. lilill and Labor COmmiltl'i! R~' p.
bu' hi .. big fl)()tprinl'> an! all on.'r America j, great. ~kan) ';Iid. he· Charlc, P'!. (D-K}.). Othl'~ on
Ihc piaec." Jack"on urgcd immedi- (',tll\(' the American p..'llpk ha\\,' hand to addrcs, the question of job
ale :.tep.. for a "frccil" right nero,:. nev ... r afll)\\ed ont! group til pro'p.:r ,afet) \\cre r... pre~ntati\'('!> fmOl the
the boa rd. e\w) thing." at the cXlX'n'e of anCllher. Only Labor Depart ment , Nalional OS HA
AFL-C IO Prc,idcn t Go.:nrgo.: through a rollback of priec,. intcrl"t In,lillill'. and various construction
Meany presented a rebuttal uf the ra tes, and r~'nt' ca n il1 ll;l\ion be dc- companies.

rBl W Jou,no l
1. The AFL-CIO Building Trades Depart- of Electrical Workers; Melvin Boyle, As· and on the right is Charles Tupper,
ment Safety Committee held a lunch· sistant to the International Secretary, Dir ector of Safety. tBEW.
eon in honor of Assistant Secretary of International Brotherhood of Electrical
Labor John H. Stender. Left to right: Workers; Alan Burch, Commissioner, 4. President Pillard, in center of pic-
John Pecoraro, Director of Legislation OSHA Review Commission; and Paul ture, IS shown with o ther Presidents of
and Wage Rates, International Union of Connelley. Safety Directo r, Uniled the AFL·CIO Building Trades Depart·
Pamters and Allied Trades; E. J. Baier. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jomers ment applauding one of the guest
Deputy Director of National Institute speakers. Left to fight are General
of America.
for Occupational Safety and Health Presidents Wilham Sidell, Carpenters;
(NtOSH); John Stender. Assistant Sec· Thomas Murphy, Bflcklayers; Charles
retary 01 Labor, Occupational Safety H. Pillard , IBEW; Peter Fosco, Labor-
2. The delegates shown in this picture
and Health ; Vernle Lund strom, Jr., ers; R. Wayne Williams, Elevator Con -
represent a cross section of the coun· structors; and Hunter Wharton, Oper-
Kitchell Construction Company, Phoe· try and several IBEW Districts. atmg Engineers.
nil(, Arizona ; W. Vernle Reed, Vice Pres·
ident, Laborers' International Un ion of 5. Seated along the rail are IBEW dele-
North Amenca; Joe M. Short, Director, 3. Center is Honorable John H. Stend· gates representing many Buildmg
Education, Training and Safety, Labor· er. Assistant Secretary of Labor who Trades Councils and IBEW local unions
ers' Internahonal Union of North Amer· was a guest speaker at the AFL'CIO from all over the United States. Also
ica; Charles H. Tupper. Director, Safety· Safety Conference. on the lett IS Mel several International Representatives
Department. International Brotherhood BOyte, Assistant to Secretary Keenan, are m the group.

J Unl, 19 73
• "Organi/ing i~ ~till Ihe Numbe,·
Ono: prio rity in th.: IUE\\:' I IH,'~C
word~ wo:ro: 'IX)ken b) International
P l'l.:~jdcnt Char1e~ II. Pillard in hi.,
rne~~agc tn thc ap]lroxil11alely-600
delegate~ who allenued the 1973
mEw CUll\lruetion and ~Iainle-
1H1nCe Depanrnl'nt Conkrence. held
al [he Sheralon P:lI'k Il ot('] in Wa~h­
inglon. D.C., Oil April 141h.
-I he 1l1eeting wa~ calk'tI to Ofder
by J.M. " Kim" Parker, Director,
Con~trlle[ion anu Main!.:nalH.:e Dc-
pa nment. ;111(1 Ih~' w.:kol1lillg atl-
dre~~ wa~ gi\"!.:n by 1 horn;1\ ~UOI1':.
Bu ~ine~~ Manager, Local 26. Wa~h­
ing[on, D.C.
Whcn introduced by Director
Parker, Inle rnalion:11 P rc~i(knt
Cha rles II . Pillard wa ... gh.:n a
~tandi l1 g ovation. P residcnt Pillard.
after tha n king th ...' ddegate~ for Ihe C IO and Ihe ..:Ieel1"ieal eOII,lruetioll Cllngre"" nn d he urged Ihal al[ loca l
Qv;ltioJl. introd uccd Ihe International induqry. un ion memh.:r" urge th..:;r e(lngrc'~­
Vic.: P rc~id e n h and Interna[ional Pre ... ident Pillard str.:"ed Of1!<lll- men III vOle in favor of I<lhor\ in-
Exec ut ive Cou ncil 1Tlcll1b('r~ "htl i7ing and union eJUI.:ation;1l training I.: re",.
were p re~c n l and : d ~{l P r~'~id~'nt and jour lle) man rc-training vcry Bolh P rc~idenl Pillard and Sl'crl'-
ElIl c r itu~ Gordon M. Freeman. 'Irongly. I Ie .. I'(J gave Ihe dek:gatc~ lar), Keena n Ihnnked Ihe d ckgall'~
In a straight-fmll1-lhc-... h(luk[cr a run-down (In Ihe rccllrd and ac- for the ('()Opcralion the c()n<'lructiOIl
addre~~. Prc~i d o:nt Pilla rd tu uclll·(j ti,il ics o f the Ct)n~lrucl i \ln l ndu~ l ry local~ gave COP E in 1972 and
on al l pha~c~ of the electri cal ind u ~­ Slabi[izaliOll Cpm millee (e ISC) and 110tl'd Ihal the 1973 CO P E drive
Iry a nd, withoul pointi ng direct criti- reminded the d..:leg:a le" Ihal the wa~ orr It I a goou ~Ia r t.
ci~m al any d i ~trict o r [oca l un ion clse i, a govcrnmCI1HJ(X'ra[o:d H igh light ing the confe re nce was
a nd wilhout ma ki ng any al i b i ~ for ('t)1II111;IIo:C :Ind thai organill·J lahor a \i";1 b) the Honorable Peter J .
the 1.0. sta Ir. he ga ve somc eX:Hn- i~ outnumbc rcd and in Ihe minority !lr.:nnan. Secretary of Labor. who
p ks of bad sil ualions and rl'min J ed 011 Ihe govanmenl-c(lnlrnJll'd C ISC. \\·a~ a glle~t a l Ihe delegates' luneh-
Ihe delegates that c..:rtain prog ro:~­ In ternational Secretary Jmcph D. l'on. Secretary I3 renn;lI1 . former
!>ive action mU~1 be taken on both Keena n, in his relllar " ~. told Ihe pn?... id~·nt of the N..:w York l3uildi ng
Ihe local and Internat ional Ic\cb in dekga t o:~ Ihal Iht:y , hould be klHm 1- and Cunslruction T rades Coun-
orde r fo r Iho: IO EW 10 r.:mai n a cd gca bk of ~Olll e vo:ry import ani ci l. duri ng the afternoon sess io n,
unio n power and le:ld.: r in Ihe A FL- 'abor-spo IN)!\:d bill , now before Ihanked Ihe IBEW for ils .'tJpporl ,

ISEW Jo .. , nol

relating his great admiratio n and

respect for th..: Bro the rhood. \\ hile ConstructIon and Main te -

I his r..:nl3rks \\ere ofT th..: record.

Sccrdllry On.:nllllll did pledge his
nance Department Con-
ference was held at the
Sheraton-Park Hotel in

utrno\[ dforb to the construction Washingto n. D.C .• on
indu"oIr), and ! l) nil the working peo- April 14th.
pic (If the country whit..: ...crvi ng as
n Cabinet member. I k aho voiced
hi~ hope thaI the silu'> picketing
ban "'ould be liflcd through Prcsi·
I.krlli al ,upport .
Othe r gue .., speaker' also dd iv-
e red interesti ng reports and infornlU- Right: International Pres·
Ii,!.' m c\~agcs to the delegates in ;dent Charles H. Pillard
attendance. gave the major address
The 1973 Conferene.: of the Con- to the largest delegation
ever attending a n IBEW
struc tion Branch, by far the largest Construction and Main·
in attendance, was a most informa- tenance Department
liv...: and sliccessful meeting. Con ference.

Jun_, 191 3 13
Conference Program Speaker~

Hogan, Pres
national RepresentatIVe. dent . Local 26, Was~
spoke aboul the Square mgton, D.C.. spoke o~
Top to boltom: Secretary of Labor Peter J. o Company and how II actions of the Was
Brennan gave a most Interesting speech at IS causing strikes and mgton Building Trade
the conference and was also the guest of honor labor problems wllh the Council necessary I
at the luncheon held for the delegates. ISEW. save powerhouse wor
International Secretary Joseph D. Keena n from gOing non ·union
reminded delegates of the Important issues the Washington area.
before Congress that are affecting organiled
la bor.
J. M. "Kim" Parker, Direc tor o f the Construction
and Mamtenance Department, is shown ad·
dressing t he delegates. He served as chai rman
during the conference

IBEW J ou,nD I
Middle left, top to bottom: Thomas Noone,
Business Manager, l ocal 26, Washington, D.C.,
welcomes the viSiting delegates to the nation's

Mainly iBEW members o f the Th ird District are

shown seated at the luncheon ta ble with
Secretary 0 1 labor Peter J. Brennan. left t o
flghl, Third District Vice President A. R. Johnson,
Secretary o f labor Brennan, Internallonal Pres-
ident Charles H. Pillard, Assistant to t he
President William McBride, Buffalo, New York,
local 41 BUSiness Manager Raymond Schlem·
mer, Internallonal Representative James Sharp,
Director o f Cons tru ction and Main tenance
J. M. " Kim" Parker, First Distri ct IEC member
Ralph "Du tch" Halloran, and New York City
loC<,1 3 Busilless Manager Thomas Van Arsdale.

l eft, t op to bott om: Delega te s with short hair,

long hair, and no hai r applaud a spea ker.

On behalf 01 the members 01 local 58, DetrOIt,

an enormous gauel was presen ted to President
Pillard, left, by Slitth District Vice President
T. E. Malone and DetrOi t local 58 BUSiness
Manager Jack Jones, as member s of local 58
look on.

Harold Tate, Director of William Cou r , newly- Guest speaker William

national Secre t ary t o r Art ur in - Special Services, related appointed Chairman of Hutton, Executive Sec-
.charles Walker gave an formed the delegates o f activities of the depart· the Jom t Panel on Juris- r etary of t he Senior Citi·
important message on t he need lor organizing menl in helping IBEW dictional Disputes In the zens National Council,
COPE activity In the CATV under the protec· retirees and those mem- Construction Industry, thanked the ISEW for
Brotherhood. tlon 01 the ISEW. bers about to go on re- gave a straight from - ItS support and urged
tiremen t . the shoulder a ddress members to call on
while adVISing the dele· Congress to pass legls-
gates to correct the l a llon that will give
harmful JUrisdic ti onal more aid to retired peo·
disputes at the local pie who need more and
level. better secu rity t o live
a decent life.

Junt, 1973
• Since tho.; ince ptiun of itl> lik- Ihl! wredage. rhey worl..ed d ili- wher!.": paramedic., continu ed the
'Ia\ing ,,\\ anJ program in 1964, thc gen lly, wilh little fegard for their car!.": stilrtC'U by Brother LAans.
I BEW 1m .. awa rdl'J 586 I BEW Life· uwn ~r.0I1:I1 \\dfare. and, un- lIiln g..~· life wa, .,:I\ed by Brolher
Saving Allard" to tho ~..: of ih ml' lll- doubtedly. hctped save the li\ es of E'an.,· quid. a(.;tion .
bcr~. B rothcr~ and Si"t..: r~. \\ho have .,ollle uf the p" ......e ngers. Six other award, have b..:ell pre·
pcrfonnl'u the gn;azC"1 deed an) Three olher mcm!x'r, uf Luc,11 9 "'ellted to nWIllOCr .. of Local I R.
J>l.T'On com [""rform on [-_urt h-Ih ... belong to th..: IRE\\ l. if..:·S'l\..:r,
\:\Ii ng of a human lire. hach person ('Iub. BRUCE DuBOIS
who ha " ren' jl ed o ne of the award ~ CLAYTON HOUGH
automatk;lll y join'> Ihe ranhs of FRED ELLIOTT
Ilu! mbcrship in the IBI-W Ufe-
l oca l 42 , Hartford , Conn.
Saler, Club. The mo .. [-rl'Cl'nt 74 ,\(J- WILLIAM STEPHENS \\-hilc at Ilurk Ilil ...\ugu,t '}1
dilior'" tu this c,du"il\.' club arc l ocal 17, Detroit 1(17:2. Brue... DuBoi~ ami CI'l~ton
ri,lcd bellm. \Iith bri..-f account-. I)f l lo ugh notte!.":d a t\\ o-)ear·old boy
On till' l1lormng of Augu ...1 :10.
Ih!.!ir li k-' ;!I ing r.kcd ... pedaling 'llong on hi, tri cy!..' I!,) near
IlJ72. whil..: worUng 011 a pole.
\1 arillll Dl!nli p ... lipped, 10,1 h i, bal·
a brook and a big cu lvert. Shortly
JOHN S. ANGEL thl'rcaft ... r. the~ didn't see him anti
ancc. made contact. and \\a' c rili·
deci!.kd 10 check o n him . rhey
ARTHUR ARDUI NI cally burned. li e \\a, lied 10 the
found that the hoy had lipped O\'er
S. E. DOBOSIEWICZ handlin..: and ":I;' 100\\'rl!d to Ihe
into [he brool.. and was being ),\\ epl
ground. whl!re it was di,co\erl!d that
WALTER DROBENA hi, hea rt had ... Iopped healing. Fred irlln the c ul"..: r\. whe re hc probably
would h:ne drO\\llI.::d Th l'~ illllllcdi·
JOHN MURPHY Elliott inllTlcUiah.'ly beg.1Il mout h·to-
atdy rl'''Cul'U him alld r...·lrich·d hi.,
moulh fc,u'M;ilation. \\ hill' \V iJliam
LOUIS STEWART tric)cJe. They then carrkd Ihe bo~
Stcphcm applied hca rt rna v.,age.
Local 9, Chicago to hi" hOrl1L'.
rhe y cont inued until Brolher Ol' nfip
Local .J2 ha~ tWO oth ~r al\lll"li
Afle r tWlI train .. bee,lIl1e ill\oll cd W:t, brellt hillg 011 his OWI1 again.
in a r.:ar-c nd colli,j,.ll1 [h:l[ CO"I the fh e,e tWt) Brother, bring to ,e\cn
live!. of many pcupk anti inllich;d [he Ll)(::11 17 member... "ho ha\c THEODORE E. HALL
,>erioll') injuries on other... the Chi- r~eei\eu the IBF\\ I ifc·S .. ... illg
Award. l oca l 47 , Wh ittier , Calif.
l'ago Fire Dcpa rtlllc nt rCllu l!~ ( ed that
the Chic:tgo Tratl~it Aut hl,rity ~c n d Robert N. Carothl.!f' \\i"
a cre\~ and I!quipml!llt to rl!lHlcr any ROBERT EVANS appro'\illlntdy 25 Icel up o n a pol!.!
and all a ...,j,lam:c po~,iblc. John S. till July 11. 197:2. whl' n he lo;,t hi ,
l ocal 18, l os Angeles
\ngd. \rthur Arduini. S r . Oobo· h.llance and fe ll . he;tdfi r!>l. towarus
,jewi,,/., Walte r Orohl!na , Jo hn M ur· On OL'cl'mh~'r 16, I t)T:!. Gl!rr) [he ground. ["hl'odore E. Hall irl1llll'-
phy, and Loui, Stl!wart. Ihe erl'W Il an!!" \\:t, "triel..!.": n with a ...... Ief!.": <liately "tepped under the pole and
lIlemb.:r ~, \.,.nrl-ed from Ihe lime of heart altaek Rnb!.":rt '·'an . . quiel..l) caught hi, falling Bot h
their arr;" I!. al)proxiJl1atd~ 8:45 :lI1al~ lL'U th!.": ... ilUalion and, aft!.":f [JfIl lhl'r' fell to the ground. bUl Ii all
A.l\1., ul1til1.30 P.M. , ca r"T)ing out rendering irnrncdial!.": l·:tr~. dirl'cll'd hill! hrok<.'n Carother,' fait and. un·
the injured and d)ing. :lr1d cutting the d ri ver of the pidup in w hteh doubtL'd l ~ .....1\ cd hb life.
away t"i'led piece ... o f ~ l l!d 10 hctp li ang' W:I\ rilling 10 go directly to Lneal -l7 rlOW ha.. 10 award
frCI! p'.... 'ellge~ \\ho were pinned in tho,: Ilo'pital Emc rgency C ente r, winneN.
PAUL RAY, JR . Ilith the r~'ar of the trud . BOIh met! GUlli 1m help. <Ind [he tW(l clirnb..:d
Local 53. Kan sas City . Mo. rcc.:i'..:d ,hoc I.. and burn ... For.:man the 101\er GUill elear.:d Edcrt from
Dille) II;)!'> r.:nucr~'d uncon"iUlI'_ th... Jlunp\:r. and Jone!> started
On the morning of h:hruar} 9. \urian Wath.::n irnmedi.ud} ,Iafled mouth·[o·mouth r..:-,u'>Citation and
1'J7J. P;utl Ra~. Jr. and Bu}u mouth-Io·nh1uth rC\u<.,(:"italion and do'eLl ehl"1 heart nut""agc. Gum
Durbin \Iere part or a ,rell£ Ila.. rdil'l..:d b) Da\id V.mGin!....:!_ \1":111 (0 Ih l' ground anu calku th..:
tb..: final 1,.'011l1c('lion" tu a nc" \\!f\- B) Ih~' [iml' an ambulane..:: arrih'd. nth..:r tl\U'l1lan crcII and Ihe di!>-
i('..• Il)r a Ielephone l,.·ol11pan) huikl· Dill..:} \Ia, br..::a[hing on h" 01\ n. p;l!eh..:r for hdp_ Charlc~ Parh:lI11
ing. Ilhcn Durbin grabbed a hot Nine other membe .... of Local )) alld II l), climbed Ih.:: 100\..:r
pha ...e and "lifTcned up Uwth.:r Ra) bdong 10 the IB E\\ Lifl'-S,I\.,;r, to a"i,t JOlle, in the rc~euc . Short I}
hroh' Ih..:: conneCliull. ;1IIt! Durbin Club. Iher.::aftcr. Eden r":'lxlIlued. and
.. Iumpeu . un('on-.ciou... again ... 1 Ih..: Ih..: IlIl'll tiell him 10 a line and 10'1-
RICHARD MARTIN cr..:d him III [h..: grounu l ie Ila"
pok Ra~ ehedeu Durbin '" mtlulh
I;rl..err III the hll'pilal.
10 mal..e .. ure he hadn'l w.. allU\leli Local 58, Detroit
hi ... tungue ilml then hit him in th..: I I~\,l olhl'r me mber.. of Loca l 66
Electrician William Jalor .. ..:ei· ar..: llilllll''''' of th.:: IUE" Life-
eh.::,t Ilith h" fi~1 ,el''::rallime''. hup.
denlall~ touched a 6.900-lolt dcc· Silling \\\arLl .
ing that. if Durbin\ he"rt
trical di..connecl ",ilch ill a ,ub,t;r·
,topp.:J heating. Ihi .. \lould 'Iart il lion lln December 23. 196'.1. H.: \\a,
h.::atitlg again rhc n. Ra) g;l\c JO HN S. BU RNS
IIllI hn.'illhing \I hen RichMd \ Iaflin
Durhin rnouth -lo-IlI,)uth re,u,cita- gilt til him . Immediatel). Brother DOUGLA S L. JONES
(iun . \l1.::r Durbin rcgain ... J con· \ Iartin began mouth-Io-mouth r..:· LO UIS M . SCH EEHEAN
"ciou\l1e". h.:: \\<\, Ilmcred 1,1 the 'u"itation. Hi!> quid. thlll!..lI1g and
grllllllu and \I.r, tal..el1 hI Ihe h,,,· "'Ilk.... action pla~l'd an inlJltlrtan t
pilal. role in ""ing J:lIor'~ life. Loca l 125, Portland , Ore.
Brolh~'r Ray i .. the 'CC\JIll! mem-
\ihonly aftcr lunch nn Seplember
ber 01' Local 53 tu win Ihe 1Il !' \\ J . E. GUM ::!6. 1972. crew rncmber~ John S
Lire-Saling Award. D. l. JONES BUrri". D\,lugla\ L. JOIIC'>. Loui .. 1\1.
SdlCd ...·.IIL illld Daryl L. VanSid.::l
Ilcre g..:ning rl'ad) ((I go l'iacl.. 10
ADRIAN WATHEN H. D. PERKINS Iltlrl.. \Ihell Ih~'} noticeu all .,.'Id..:rly
1lI;1I1. \I ho had ju" ~·m..:rg..:lI from a
Loca l 55, Des Moines, la. Loca l 66. Houston . Tex .
'lure dUl\n Ihl' 'treel Ilith hi\ \\ife.
On 'O\l,.'mb.! r 15. \117'1 . ;r 1'It'lt11ll 011 th..: morning of \pri! ~9. collap\l,.' lIlI Ihe ,idewall.. Th.: crell
I\a" "Hill,!; into the ea,t pha"c (ll an II17U. 111\1 l\Io~lincm:rn erel" "l're member. run ttl th l ' man's rc..cuc.
cnergiled lap line. cunlil..:! r..:pairing a conductor on (Inl' (If '1\ Frum Iheir I..lllllllcdgc and training.
:~..:ar the clholl. belOlI thc imulatcd Iralhmi,!>ion linc' ,.,.hi(:h had 1'II:.:n Ih..:) b..:liel..:d Ih:1I Ihe man had suf-
IxJiJIll I hi, encrgi7ed a budct trud d"lI1aged b~ an aircraft. Ro) Eden kreLl :I heart :llIad. 'I he} immcdi-
un Ih..: ground: jumper Ilire. \lhieh II", r..:moling Ihe la,( :oct of grounlh. :1Ic1y Ix:gan mouth-to-mouth r..:~u~c i ­
Ilih Ix:ing hand led hy for..:man Nor- D I . Jone,. \\ und.:r th ..· laliOIl and hearl nl:l~ .. agc. which
lIIan L. Dille) a nd trud lIrher IUI\er. lou!..ed up sudden I) 1111(1 ,all' the), con tinued 10 apply until an
Rk h:ml L. Pl'll lk ld. wa .. til eOlltact Edert in trouble. He called til J. I". :U11Imlunce arri\cd Ull the \cene.
\1 \

.If. ~

~ ~~~
--L- -,
£. ;\. I;JI
\ 1
", :.:,'..
--L- I
Local 125 hOI!> 16 othl'r a\\ard th..: beam on .... hich h..: \\:1" ~illing. H ughes. \\a .. trapped in hi, rOOI1l h)
"inncn.. Ulad..c lby, ~edng him fall. irnm('ui- \..:r) den ..c .. mole :111<1 fire Brmhe r
lItely opened an air breal ~\\ilt'h, Graber \\en! pa!o>t Ih ... !!ooLlr...... of the
MAUR ICE SULLIVAN de-!!nergiLing Ihe ~80-\0It ~econd­ Hamcl>. made hi~ way into the pa~­
local 134, Chi cago nry bu~~ Ihat S .... inford kll at'ro" lor'" bedroom , :mcl felt :J.rounl.l on
ju~t fraction), tlf a ... econd later, the bed but couldn't find him. A,
On the afto.:rnoon of July II , S\\inford fdl 15 fce!. anu although Graber thought of looling on the
1972. the al:1I111 horns at lh.: VollI- he wu~ injuro,!d from the f:llI, hi, lifl' flllor. hi.' hl'a n'! thc pastor coughing,
tile Building of Iht: Arn.:rican Can wa, saved by IJrot her Blackl'rb)'~ located him, :lnd dragged him 10
Company \',\;n: accidcntall~ ~I olT. quid thinling :lnd aClion, \afcty.
;aululII.lti ...'a lly clo~ing the lIoor.. and
di~c h .. rging ga .. inlo Ih.: arc:l. MlN RALPH HENNINGSEN LEROY W. CONKLING
of Ihl! cmplo)l!l!\ managed II) gcl OUI
Local 145, Rock Is land, III. JAMES FLETCHER
flf thc huHding \\ hen the alarm
\oUIllkd. but a f...'\', didn't. ;" lauricc While in'talling a knocloul wa l ERNEST J . SWALD
5ullhan and Ken Nd!>on heard in a conl'lctor hux on a furnat'l', Local 310, Utica, N.Y.
\Ol1lconc pounding on th ..., door fmm \\hich \\a, in oP'!r,lIion al the ti,m',
in~ilh:. r hey ohtain.:d a ) to un- on Ihe aft..:rnonn of March 9. It)73, While on a lutll; ..e work a ... ~ign­
lock th..: door and cntcn.:d thc ImilJ- Sle":1I Fr!!cman C,lIlIe inlo conlaCI mctH 011 March 9. 1973, L crt)~ W,
ing. -, he), di'-CO\I,'rl'd I.conard \\ ilh ~SO \nlt .. , Ralph Henning,en. Conlling, JUIlIC' Fktcher. anu Ern-
I alsllJ:l. uncoll,r.:iotl\. on th ...' num \\/10 \\,h \\ in the "aml' ar..:,1. l·,1 J . Swuld notic..:d an "partm..,nt
and. wilh the :lid or John SmoJrciJ. heard Ihe luud noj'l' \)f Ih..: ekclrical building on fire, Tho.:y irnnlt'dialcly
r",rnou"d him I h,-n. Brother Sulli- ,hocL. and hcad Bf(lIhcr Frl'e m.lIl\ po~ i tioncd thcir truck and lI~ed the
"HI notic..:d 11l1' limp form of D:lle ,crl!am~. I-I e ran tlH'r to the 1{)-f\W:lt budet to rc\Cue .. i..: Il!.!ople.
Konior r~ ing al'ro~~ ~mli.' pipc~ ;Jnll pit in \\hiell Brnther Freeman \\a~
carril'd him oul. Onc!! out,id..:, \\urling and ..:1\\ Free man elin~ini! l. B. KNUDTSON
Broth..:r Sulli\;111 a{lmini,t..:r..:u It) the 110.\, H cnnin~....:n jUrlIJ'X'd nil M , .I , VAN HYFTE
moutlHo-lllouth r..:~u,citati{jn, until Fr..:enw l1 , knoc~ing him free ami
Loca l 348, Ca lgary, Alta.
lh..: Fir..: Departm..:nt arri\!!u. thereb~ \adng hi, life. Freeman \\:1'
Broth..:r Sul1i\an i" Ih..: ,eCt)lld ru .. hed Itl Ihe hn'pilal. IdlCIC he \\a .. E:ul y in the morning of Jonuary
memb..:r of Local 134 to \\in the tr ... at..:d fur hurn .. , 6. 1973. L B, Knud tl>o n amI M, J .
IBEW Life-Saving A\\aru. Onc olher rn..:mh ... r of L<x:al 1-1 5 V,IIl H ~ftc wcr..: r..:turning from a
i\ a m..:mher of the IO EW Life- lraub!..: call o\t.'r a ~cld(lm-u'ed
TOMMY BLACKER BY Sa\ ... r~ Club, road, wh..:n they oh'l'n ...d 'nmll!
Local 136, Birming ham , Ala . coming. from a UilCh , Upon iml'''li-
JOSEPH GRABER g.uing. th..:y found a cnr, \\ hit:h h,ul
T01l1my Bl ad•..: rb) anll J. J\, left the road, ih eugin..: running al
Loca l 262, Plainfield, N.J ,
S\\inford ....erc worling Itlgelhl'r on full throttle , rhe t'ar \~a, billtming
November 5, 1972, 1I1,1'llIing a banl E.ld~ in Ih ... morning of \ugu~t I, 'llloL.e and \\:h Iwar the point of
or capaeitor~ in a 4.16()-\o!t line 11)71, Jo:.cph Grah..'r and t\\-(J 11Ihcr hUNing into flame . The drher \\;1'
and check ing a 110-\01! conlrol cir- voluntecr rirl.'rlI"'n ;l!I~wl' rl'd a lir..: ut1eomciou~ and vay nu~he{1 from
cuit that .... a~ giving them 'OIllC Irou- alarm eall al ,I chur" h rl'ctor} \dh're the h~'at and 'Illokc , The Brulh .. r<;
ble, Sudd..:nly, Swinford fdl from Ihe pa~tllr, the Ren'rcnd Ed\\anl ,,\ itcheu th..: ignition ofT, mO\l'd th!!
-- j/

l»- ---.
'\, //

- "-
drih.'r to safctl. "'urnnloned thl' po- pu,hing on Ol-..:n\ lh..:,t. -! hllllllNJIl \·er!lo,.·rl \\ol' th..:n tal....:n to Ih..: ho~­
Ii!;..: and firo.!r1lo.!n, and red\co the ,truight~'nedmil Ol,cl\', kg, and pita I f\lr (ullh":l 11':<11111':111.
lIrha. Th.: !;ar bu .... t int" 11;1111.:'. hip, and IOO~l1l'd hi, belt. B} Ih":l1.
whidl Ih.: 1\\(1 Brolh.:1"'1 Idell hi ,"\- th~' mher man \\ <I' ilpplying 1II\luth- DAN IEL E. MUR RAY
tingui,h. hut il f.:quir.:d Ih..: I"ir..: tIl I1hlUth rl'w,citalilln. H .: hud l ocal 540, Ca nton, Ohio
D..:parllllent 10 fini .. h the joh 11\1\\- mm,'d Ol,en\ hllli!lll' \lUI of Ih.:
,'\.:r. the lIlan whom Ihc} re,.:u..:d \\<I~, hUI tIll" IW,ill\11\ of OJ'\'n\ Daniel E. MurrO!) ha, b..'.:n
hall oc.:n "ncd in tim.:. hl:tu IHlIlld not alll1\\ IIHu:h ;Iir. if :l"arlkJ 1\\0 IIlI \\. Lif~-Sa\ing
Fi\e other nlcrnn.:r, of 1.11>.'al 3~~ an}. tll cnter Ih.: hl.ld~ ! homp,oll \llard, f(lr hi, ml..: in 'aling twu
huld IBE\\ Llfe-Sadng A\\an.h. I..ndl uown hy Ih..: lOP of Ih..:: \ il.:lim·, li\.;, Oil two ".:parate UCGI,iolh. On
Iwad. ,lid hi, hand under OI~":I1\ hUll' '27. 1"J72. I3 f()th~'r \Jturra) and
11l'd.. alHJ rai,ell hi, head. IHI,h..:d hi, lI..:rh \i.:rc..:r \\..:r..: in,t;!lIing conduit
jaw J..lf\\;mJ. and pinched hi, 11("- nn th,' paflialf~-coll1plcl..:J roof of a
JON K. THOMPSON lril, dll"-'d, Ihe Othl'r lllill1 Clll1- n,'\\ dlurch addition. II hcn th..: con-
Loca l 3 54 , Sa lt Lake City, Utah til1u..:J the r..:,mcilatiun. A polie.: duit carnc in conlaCI \\ilh a 12.000-
oth~·..:r r..:li.:\cu th..: man gil ing th.: \011 hii!h·lillc and th..: ,hod, thr..:\\
1\\0 (:ourl.: .. had h..'en fi"hing un r":'lh,;italiun \,hill' r hnmlNIIl 1'1111· Orl)th.:r \krc.:r acro.., rh.' roof raft-
s....pkmocr I I. 191'2. and \\ere linu.;J holuing O"eo', head allu ja\\ "::1"'1 ""Ith Ih.: conduit under hi ... txxly.
heading bad It) .. hur,', \\hen 'Imng in th.: prop.:r Il4.Nliull. An .1I11hu- \\ h.:,ilaliun. Brother \lurra}
\\inr.h and \\,I\':~ cap,it.:d Iheir lalh.:.: arrh.:d and hl4.11.. OI'<C1l hi th..: grilhlxd hi, hamnlt..-r and I..nudcd
I11VhJrooat. dumping "II four intI! hlhpiwl. th,' conduit .I\\ay from Ihe high.II1l':.
d.:.:p waler. rhe 1\\'0 men di,ap- h..:..:\ltIling mOIll..:ntarily uncon'-CiOlt'
p..:ar..:J. On..: \\Olllan managed 10 g':l JAMES E. YOUNGMAN hinhdr. 11.: r..:cO\ereJ quidh. hOIl-
to ,hor.;-. \\h..:re ... h..: ,ound":ll an e\..:r, ;lIld a"i,t,'u Uwther '!crcer to
alarm. \\illiam A. McFadden :md a l oca l 503 . Mo nroe, N.Y. th..: ground.
frkml irnmediatd) launched a bO:1I On Ih.: afl..:rtiooll of Ocl\ll>-:r '1 Bl\l!hl'r Murray'.. ~~·\.·Ond life-
into th..: tr..:achefllu, wave... I hl'} 1972. a pnl..: digg..:r \\';1' accid.:nt;)lIy '<1\ ing efTort oc,,;urr..:d 15 day' later.
found Mr,. Nona V. Cbrl.. tloating l';li'o.'d up and iliad.; eontaCI ,dlh a Oil Jtll~ 11. 1972. Whil.: at \\orl..,
un the \\:Iter in her life prcwn..:r, ru.rd,iJ..: prim:lr~ Jamc, F YnuII!:!. Bmth..:r Murray hcard iI ,'\II1Hllotion
but ,h".' ""01" in deep ,hod Brulh,'r 111,111 noticed Ihal Ju,cph V..:rh..:rt. ,HId ,;!W that th..: tip of a hoorn on
~kFadd.:n pulled her hal(\\;!) inl~l II h,,\ had h.;..:n touching Ihe di!:!g..:r al a crane 0IA'raled from Ihe gr~lUnd
the hoat and Ix'gan moulh-lo-l1luulh Ih,· lim..:. ;tppear.:d hurt and fro/":l1 h~ P.Iul Schoeppner, Jr. hOld cmne
I.:,u'citittiull. while hi.. fri':IH.l iii Ih..: dig.g.:.. \\Diding jXNmal in cunlact lIilh a 12.000-\011 lin..:.
brought the boal to ,Ium.: "! h.: l"l~llt;tCI . Youngnwn plac..:<.1 hi, hand, PotU 1", brother. Mil...:. got to him fiN
\\OIl1\:n \\ere tal..l'n to the ho'pital (111 \·ert",. rt\ har<.l hat an<.l I..nucf...:d anJ I..nocl...:J Ihe cketric control,
White OIl worl.. on Ihe roof uf a hUll Ir.:..: of the {hm;er. Youngman frl1m Paul\ hand,. but Ih\' \iClim
building on O,'loher 15. 197:2. Jun r..:eei\.:d a ,light ,hud Ihat I..nucl....:<.1 kll hi Ihe ground. \Iith the controh.
K. T homp!oon \aw the cab!..: of a him tll th..: g.rouml. lie got up and ,till --hot:' touching hi~ hod).
crane come into cont:h.:1 \\ ilh :t \\..:111 tu ai<.l \f.;rher!. \\ho \\a, un- Brllth..:r Murra) qukl..l};J th.:
7.:!{X)-\011 line and th~' II<"h that r..:- con~imh :mu not hreilthing Yuung.- conlml, al\:I) from I':lul. .. topping
,ulled. /-Ie ran do\\n the ladder 11\ 111,111 11\.'g<l1l rlltHIlh-lu-moulh r':"lhd- th..: I1U\\ of et.:":lrkity through hi,
Ih.; lictim. Kerry Ol~cn. on the t,Llillll 'IIIU continued for ,e\..:ral boJ). Although ,c\erdy hurned.
ground below. Anothe r lIla n \~a~ minut..:,. unl il Verh..:rt wa, rc\hccl. Sd1O.:ppner reC\)\.: r..:d

_ _", ---~
~~~~~rurd ,

BILL R. MillS JERRY LYMAN a m·igh h(lr. jump...'d inh1 Ih.: \\:rta,
local 584 , Tulsa, Okla. FRANK PEACOCK rc'>Cu.:d " 'I I. and pu~h,'lI him far
l'llough up 011 Ih ... ic.: \\ here h.: l'uukl
I hr..:e Sh':d 1\'l.:1ll1 \\ ork.:r. \\.:r.: local 769, Phoenix, Ariz . be rl'achl'd h} tllll~C nn ,llOr,'. I he
irhtalling duct on J anuar~ 26. IY73. on
J arlU<lry 5. 1973 .... tart ... d nn boy \\a~ gh'':11 nmu th·IIHll(Hlth re-
"'hen Iheir ... c;'\ ffold collap,ed. T \\o limc. "" ll"ua1. for lhe nk'mb,'r, of ... u~citati(l n and Clk·,1 m;h\agl':
of Ihc mcn hurtkd 10 Ih.: noor. !'om- Local 761) working on th.: l·xtl·n ... i(ln th('n, he wa ... ru~ h ccJ Itl th.: hmpital.
lain ing ....:ri UlI'" injun.:.... bUI John of a 500-KV )ard. It \\a" bilh.'r "her.: an c llll'rgenq Iracilcl.\tullY
Uurk .:u.: grabtx:<.I a ... ix-ilH:h I,:ro~ ...- cold. and:1I 10 :00 A, M .. AI Ll''''I>o:r- \\a'i perforl1l1..'d. Bald\\in "I ... u a...-
b..:am. 35 fecI ab~)\ e ground and anco.! \\':111 10 the lire b .. r rd 10 \\arm ... i ... I,·(I 10 safel) a I ~-)('ar-ilid )tlulh
hd<.l on . UI II I{ . \lil l... quickly. and up. I hl' Itre w..... d) ing. \0 he ;rdlku "Ito lraJ attempted to 'aw Ndl hUI
\\ilh l·ompkl.: ui ... f.:gard for h i" per- ftld. The fud. which he Itlllught \\a" had 10'1 hi" grip becau ....... of Ih.: icy
... \lnal ...afdy, climl"l\:d a ... teel column die".:!. IUfIl':U (lut \(l be g;Nllin\.'. \\at er.
and cro......... d YO f':':1 o f open ... pacc Tha.: wa" an explo ... ion. L(;"'p"f- KathJcc rl \\:1'" d ri\ ing
011 a narmw u\\.: rhcau ... truclure 1U anc,'. cngulf.:u in n:rl1l(' .... "'creanll'd hornc "ilh ... Ull1.: fri':llll ... on Octun...'r
r.:ach lJu rk.:u.:. Main tai nin g hi ... own and ran. Je rry Lyman and Frank 15. 1912. when ... he "'pOI\.:J thltllcs
halanc.:, hi,,: I1Ilrllag(;d 10 wind a I) (;ill:od ~Iabhcd him (Iu i ckl~. anu "pouting fmm bL'I\\\.'.:n (\10 build-
lenglh of roil'-' arou ru.l Burko.!u,: unlil a" I)eacock hdl! LL· ... p.:ranc.: do\\ n, ing'. B) th(' tim.: the l':rr \\a ... IUrtl.:J
a ladu.:r ",a" bruught ,lnd h.: could L~man. whn "'.1'> hamp.:red \\ilh around. Ihe flam .:, had gulll'n (lUI
Ix: lowcr.:u to ..... kt). (Inc hand in [l ca~ l. lor~' Ll'''lx·r. nf control and on,' building \\:1"
anc.:\ dothc\ and hooh ofT. Ouid ablaze. T \\() nf Si~l.: r Mu llolli ....
ROY HOLLATZ al·tion hy th.: r,"1 of th~' cr..-w \\;" fricnd .. tan 10:1 fir.: ala rm bux. while
re"pon~ibk for Le ... p.... ranc\··' arri\al 5i,' . . r \l oll07li trkd III akrl Ih.: 0(.'-
Local 663, Milwaukee, Wise .
in the clllcrg':IH':) room of th,' h(hpi. l'u pant s b) bl{)\\inll thc car hnrn .
SIC\.: \\irtz and Ro ~ Hollall \\<.'f .... tal. more than :W mik" a\\a~ and Failing 10 gd a rI..· ... I>OIl'c . ,Ill' and
eh.lnging th.: \l!c{lIu.lar~\oll:rgl' tap' over ic~ road". \\ilhin an hour. ;mnlh!..:r )oung WOlllan ran inll) Ih.:
of a 1,"1 facilit~ tran"form .... r on One other I HI· W Life-Sa\ inl! hurning building and b.:gan kicking
J anuary 19. 1973.;.\ ... Wirt T. tOllch.:d Awaru ",in11.:r hail ... fro III Lm:al 76lJ. al1(1 pou nding o n dl)or~. "I Ill' t':l1-
the g!\Ju lIJ ll-aJ h) th.: middle ph a,,;.:. <lllt\ w.: re able to IIc.: from lh .: Ii!".:.
pr('paring ttl rt1l)UlII il. ;1 ball of fire PHiliP J . BALDWIN hut Ihree bu ilding ... we re d ....... lrl\~ed .
"urroundeu hi . . righl kg ....... 1 fir.: to KATHLEEN MOLLOZZI Local R27 ha'i ....:\en other tI1('ilI-
hi, cloth..,.... and p;rral)I(;J Ihl' lowcr tx'r. \\ho belong 10 Ih.: /B E\\ Lif.:-
local 827. Newark, N.J. Sa\er, Club.
part o f hi, bml). IIollatz, in ... pil': of
Eight-year·nld N ... il Pa\\JIl\\ ... ki
Ih,' dang ... r of 2(,.:"00 \011,. irnllleui-
dropp.:d Ihmugh thin ic.: on a l a~.: LLOYO SNYDER
aldy dimb.:d up ttw ladd.:r :HlU into 10 fec t of water ,rOOlit 35 f.:~'t
r.:-.cued Wirt7 . 110.: l':rlled to a lll'arb~ loca l 876 , Grand Rapids, Mic h .
from 'ihor.: on January 2:". 11)(19.
millwright , Roy Dibh\. 10 hdp him. II i... dght-)car-old companion ran to T l'n-\car-old Chari.:" B(lg~'ma.
ilccau,.: the \\cighl of the injur.:d Ihe Pa", 100\ ... ki 11I1Illl' for hdp. I<d:r- Jr .. on 'an o uting on June II. 1972.
"'irll w .. , too much for him. I hc li \,". ndghbur .... amI Ih.: alllhulanl· .... \\;r~ atl':l1lpl ing hI ... \\'im 1tl\\:lnl a
r"-.ell,, \qllau tuuk \\ ir" Itl Ih .... ho~­ 'quad ru,h t'd 10 the ,c~'n .... and afl,'r rart \\hen h,' l ir....d allli "ank. Crk ..
pil al. whcr" he \\a ... Ir('al,'d for \evera! alt emp" h:lu ilc.:n made b~ for hdp hruughl Ihe boy'" falha .
~\.:r\! burns. other" ti) r.:ach Nl'i l. Phil U:tllh\ in. \\ho diwd mice b.:rllrc r':lrie\ing

hi-; ~(lf1. Mr. l3og.:ma, Sr. put JAMES E GUINTHER Iln~' ,ill..: of th..: tr:fctur. :I" Rullin-
Chari"... on a nih, at which tilll!.' \tIl", pulll:d tho.: \ictim rrl~":.
local 964, Coshocton, Ohio '0Il
UO)J Snyder b.!galll11nulh-[tHlltluth \ ';11111 had nn put,..:: and \Ia:o not
r.: .. u-.citalion. NUling Iht! ab~l.'ncl.' of An (I')g..:n ,hortat;.... in a COII- hr"::;lIhing. Bnllh..::r Robin,on illl-
a pul .. ~·, the boy\ dilated pupil"_ dl·Il .....·r cau .....:d Frank \\il,on 10 p"', nl..:diald) h..'g.lll Illuuth-lu-lllllUlh n:-
and hi., blue color. Sn}tkr pro- out and hi, brother. David. to he- <'o,..:il;lliol1 ;lIld heart ma'sag..:. \\hich
ce,,<led to give do\cd heart 1113 ....3g.:. COrlll' ill. Th..: t\IO buih:rmak..::r... had
he continued unlil V<lnn's hearl oc-
with Mr. Bogl'ma applying 1l1l1Ulh· cnt~",:d Ih(' comkll'..::t on th..:: :,f'l'r-
gan b.:uting and hi$ brcathillg Ilit'
to-mouth rcsu\cilatiun. A .. th ...· boy lIoon of '>.Jtl\l·m!x:r 16, 11) 72. to in- re't{)rct!. \I t. V:III11 di..::d -10 da),
appcarcd to be comi ng 10, Broth!.'r .. p....ct it for cleanline", and ru,t. lat..::r. but hi, Jif~ h:u.l Ix..::n re,!tlred
Snydo:r ceased the hearl rna",age Drni\l calkd for hdp. Aftl:r di,CtlV- ror th:lI Icn~th of tilile b) Broth..:r
but contin ued gh ing moulh-IO- crill£: Ih.: ,ituation. Jaml's E. Guin- Robin<;on\ aeli(ln~.
mouth r..:~u'>Cilalion
until till' .. he(· ther enkrcd the cnndl'lN:r and at-
iff'~ ~'Iarinc P;ltrol arrived and look I..::mpt .... d to aid Da\ id in r":1110\ ing JOHN R. FINCK
O\'.::r rc<;cue clTons and ru .. h . . d Ihc Frank. but they \IW': unable to do local 1070, Marquette, Mich .
boy to a hospital, whero: he I\.'Cll\- MJ. Brother Guinth..:r tlll'n \I":llt til
On D,:cl'mb..:r II . 1972. J ohn R.
cn:d. th..: porthole of Ihe contkll,..·r and Find.. and Errol Sl~cn \\we \Iorking
Brother Snyder i~ tlw fifth IOf\\ ill,trucl..:d o th ~r workl'rs tn pump on p.... rllm:l..:r li~hling. \1 h..::n Stecn
Lif. . . -Sa\ing Award winnl'r fmlll 1 \1- air into the eont!..:n ,lilt! to bring st;lfI..:d tll hr..:ak Ihe connection at a
cal 876. him Il'\}g..:n, which h~' adrninj'h:r..:t! Ii~hl 11;I'>e and {"(l!1l<1cted 2.300 \"olt..
tll Fntnk. More hdp arrived, and Ihmllgh hi, hand .. and body becau~c
Bl'llth..-r Guint her a\ ... i~l..:d in r..:- til..: cir..::uit had ullknowi ngly b..·..:n
Local 953, Eau Claire, Wi se. 11\'I\ing Frank from the c!)Ild":Il\..:r; cn,,·rgi/..:d :t half-mile aWay. When
\Y. Norman T epfcr wa" partici- Guinther thcn had 10 h.: a ~ .. i,ted uut Brnth ..'r Finck heard the arcing and
pating. 1\ ilh hi~ fellow tircm ... n. in :t hirn ...df. as he \Va" almo~1 o\..:rl:llrnt::. SI":\.'I1\ t;Cream~. he immcdiately
Lal~.\r Day parade on Scpt"::lIl!x:r .t, chufJ.!.:d al SI..:cn and knocked hilll
1971. \\hen he heard ~()metln..:: )d l- JACK ROBINSON
Itkl,..' from th..: \1 ires. Fillek Ihen
ing fllr hdp. lie found 70-)":::lr-old Local 1055, Pensacola, Fla . quidl) O<lggcd dCl\\/l a pa,.. ing 1110-
hm.:, Eulickcr fac~do\V1I on the I n the morning hour" of \ pril:!. luri" Oint! rushed Stecn to Ihl' ho~pi­
pah:m~'IH and oc~an liN-aid. \1r. 1972. John Vann \\a .. u,ing ;, tr;I ..·- lOll. only fi\"..: minutes away. Doctors
Eulid..:r had no pul\C. :llId hi, pu- tor It) ck;tr Will\.' undcrgrnl\ th and I\(lrk..:d for three hours 011 Steen's
pil, \\W~ d ilated. Ilrothcr T"::l'f..::r to d.:an :l 101. A, he ath.:mpt..::t! III h~art and bllrn~. They ~aid th<ll. ir
ch:ar.::U EUlick..::r\ air pa~,ag~ allli pull a tr\.'c do\\n. hi, fnot "ippcJ ofT it 11:Id not been for Brolhcr Finck'S
tll..::n ~Iarl.:d llloulh-ln-nHIUlh r.:- thc clutch. the t(;!ClOr lung..:d fur- fa~t action, SI..:..:n would. in all prob-
su ...dtalion. In oct"-.:.:n Im,:;lIh,. h..:: \\arJ and f1ipp..::d ()\w back\\ard'. ability. h:l\t! died on Ihe "pot.
in~trucl.::d another fir..::man 10 start ;1Ilt! he \\:,<, pinned t:>..:n..:uth il. J al'k Urnlher Finck i5 Ih..: ~ecolld IIlCIll-
c,t..:rnal h~arl mas~ag~'. Aft..::r a r..::\\ Rnhirhllil and hi, 'on. \Iho li\..::d b..:r of Local 1070 to \Iin Ihe IBEW
minut..::,. Mr. EuJick..::r ... lart..:tI :lcrCh' the ~lrl:1'1. Iril'd 1(1 11101": til..:: Ur..:-Sa\ing \ward.
blealllil1~ 011 hi, 1m II. illld h..:: Ila, IrU(.'\.lr but couldn't Rubhhon\ \(In
lak.:n b~ amhulanCl' In Ih..:: ho .. pil;ll. I\Clll for addit ional hdp. hut h~ th..: JOE D. FERGUSON
'1 hrl'C othl'r IlICml";Pi of Local lim..: more hdp arrived. M r Vann', loca l 1141, Oklahoma Cit)', Okla.
953 hUI ':: won Ih ~ I BE\\' Uf..::- cillor wa<, gone complelely and h..-:: Ri..::h:uu Cl.tlon. working alone
Sa\'ing Awa rd. had lurned blad. T hrl''': l1K'n lifted {III ;111 intl:rior. 277-\011 lighting ~Y'"
/ Left, John F Guzman. Busmess
Manager Financial Secretary of Local
1357, Honolulu, H,. left ex tends
congratulations 10 Benjamin KIMma
for savlnR the life of George Higashi,
who contacted a 7.300-\1011 conductor
Rfsht. Leonard Horton, local 1392,

.' <
Fort Wayne, Ind., saved the life of
NOrman Vanrelt. who contilclcd 3
4,16011011 pnmary conductor.

' .... Ill on J uno: 10. ['In. Tl'CCI\!.'d a Faulter .. ack be!lan bn':Jthint nor- and t1;HlKlI c(1J11ing from a hlllr,e
...... \CTC .. huck. Cl'lInll. \\ho h;l<.I holh mally and r..:::gaincd t·llII ..CIOU'l1l"". and ,;r\\ ;t man hanging frtlm the
fC':1 (III th" lOp 'h:p uf a ~i\-foot '1..'ennd·no<'r \Iindow. He raditlCd
\' .... pl:ltlckr. \\-ilh hi.. ho;J~ draPl'd JAMES R. CHAMBERS the dhpatdler fur hdp ,mu Ih\.'11
O\..:r ,tlr11C conduih ahm..: ,h ... c<:il- \tIok a laddcr ttl aid Ihe man, \ Ir.
int,:o Wit ... unah] .. Il\ hn:a~ h}(l'l', l'\I.'n \IcAIIi .. ter, \1I1() \\a\ almO'1 Ulletm-
though hl' managed 'n ~id. ,hI,.' lad- JERRY L. HUNTER "l'iIlU" D'lrlehl"nku carried \10\lIi,-
tkr a\\a~_ J<~ I) h·rgu\on. \\hu E. J. JOSEPH ler thnlU!lh hea\) \moh' Itl ,afl"l)
hud [wen wnrling ,'I, . . \,h"'T(' in th.: Ikrrnan (irillin 1\:1' fini'hing the
hlli lding . [lilppcncd In pa\, h~. Ilnll.:d third and lina l .. pi ice of a panil'ul:rr
Ihe dn:um .. lanl·....... jUI11]l\:U high CHARLES S. MARTIN job on lhe morning of SqJI ... Jl1her
cnollch In I!rah C(llllln\ (1)(\1 bdl WALTER G. PLETI II). 1971. \\hen hb lorch, a I\)()l
~l'ur::I~, ;u~d pulled ('II\1nn luo,e u'l'd in lIla"ing underground 'pliel·'.
fmlll Ihe energih'd l·irl"llil. B(lth nwn WILLIAM H. SMITH
.rpparcntl) hurned through a pJ",lic
rell III thl' nl)()r. with Brother ('111- ENNIS E. TATE g;" 'l'r"iee and cau,l.'d the uitch
tlln recei\illl!. ;t .. e\l'rd~-hrnkl.'n toca l 1245, Walnut Creek, Calif. III lill \\ith l1ame ... Jerr) L. IIunll'r
;tnk!.:. H (l\\('~ ..:r. hi~ Jir.: ha(1 lx'l'll hl.'ard a "poor." lurneu anlulld, ;uuJ
,;I\ed hy Ihe ~Iuiek thinking .lItd al"- \\ hill..' pla)ing golf. on Jul) :!:!. '3\\ a lireh.. l!. I Ie heard Bnllher
tion llr Brothl.'r l·ergu ..(Ul. 1972, Jam..:" R. Ch:HlIh~·r .. ";1\\ a Grillin )l'll f{lf help and \\enl mer
mUll III a paradnrll' I1naling dtl\IJI III [Ill.' edgc of th..: hole ami pulle:J
GARY L. GETZLOFF lllW:lrd a r":''':r\oir and h..:ard him Griflin out in time.
cry fur hdp. Brutlll'r ('ha1l1hl'r\ rail r. J JII\eph. \\()pp..:::d for a red
III a n"arb) par"ing arl'a anll htll- li!;hl {In hi, way to a job sile \\ ith
Loeal 1147, Wise. Rapids , Wise . rowed a car to drhe Itl till' rl',a- hi.. foreman 111\ the morning of
V i!;... Faulter,ad \\ <I, joll\"J h~ a vuir. Ih.: \wam appro:dmatd) 100 '\ugU\t 29. 1972, nolie\.'d a man
7.2.00·\011 lin..: \Ihik al \I!lrk on yarll, t{1 \\her..: til..: 11];1.1. rdv,;lrd jump from :J trueJ.., run to\\;jrd .. ;1
Oclt)~r Ifl, 19T!.. I ll' \\3 .. \Iorking R Pm!. had hil thl' \"lll'f. Ji\ed eaf, :rnd try In ghc he-art nl<l"age
from a bud.:t. II hl.'n ,tnlllg \1 imh dml n in ....:areh of P,"t: f"und him through the car windo\\. Ju\eph r'm
hkw hI, hat (,n: hI.' rl':lch..:d up 10 ill hi" par.lchul..:: :lntl pulkll him 111 U\l'r. opl.'nl'd Ihe C:lr d(M.lf. ft1unu 11\'
grab it. and, appan:nll). l'i[ha he til!..' , urfaee. Mr. PI)\! \1 a .. nllt 'igm Ilf life in Ihe \ iclim, 1..'lwl'i..l'd
tUllehed the li\e litll' or the line breathing. Cha1llhl'r.... pied a tire hi.. thrn:n Jor ob~lnr('linn.., laid him
arced In hi .. hand,. G;tn I" G('trlol\" in Ihl' water and rUl I'ml\ upper OUI on th l ' \1';[1, Jlnd Iwgan nwuth-
and \Inb Van Frt hea~d thl" t'r:tc\..- t\lr\O Oil the tir(', ('hamb..-r, then to· mouth rew\Cilation and he;rrt
ling nohe fr(lm [h l' grnurlll, and. g<l\": I)o,t mouth-\(l-moulh r..:".,d- ma""ge. Il r.. fureman Ihl.'l1 arri\ed
100" illl,; lip and not ..eerng th..: un- lalion, :1 .. he m:Hk Ill1'ir \\a~ 10 and to,,I\.. mer the rnoulh*to-moUlh
e()ll\Ciou\ ano ,Iump..·d-mer F:tul- ,hun:, where Ih" F ir... Dl'parlml'lll r('","citation, 3\ Joscph COt\lilllll'd
lel"'oacl:, imm..:diatd~ Imh'ro:tl Ihl' and ambulance po:r,onnd lIl'rl' lIail- the: he:rrt ma .... age. Thl.' \ ietim
hue"et nnd pull.:tl him tlUI. h'dinj; inl! Pmt Ihcd (Ir ,ill da~, "fh.'r ~\;]rled brl'ilthing again a .. n rc .. ult
no puh..:, Ge1l1off lx:gan 10 ntlmin- th..: re'ctle, but hi, injuril"' prtwed of Ihe-ir efTor" but. UnfUrltI1Mtl'l}.
i.. tcr mouth-hl-mouth rl' .. u ..c.:it:ltinn. 1t)!.1 extl'n,i\..::: hI O\..:r":"Jlll'. 11 ..'\..:r rl'gained eon~ciousne, ...
Van Ert radioed for help ano thl'n Vkl(lr J. Donchl.'nk" \1<" uri\ing Oak Dunn, working on a 4-"-
look over Ihe moutlHtl-lllouth cf· 10 a rouline trouble call in St'pkm- r(lCll-high pok on the morning tlf
furh. After :Ibout dght milluu:~. her, 197 I, \\ hen he \ptllt..:d 'n1o"e CO"';W/f"(1 ()II pll~' '"
Black Hills Power & Light
Employees Vote IBEW
• On j\tIOlfCh 2 1 ~1. cmplll~ \C ':' I l r
\h ... 131:1d. I-l ill, Power & Ught COIII -
p.HI). 11I::adquartacd in RHpid Cit).
South Dakota , voted lJ\'cndh:llIliuJ;-
Iy to hI.- r.:pn: ~cntcJ by th.: I HI. \\
Till' \'LRB election \Va" origin ill!) '.
'chctlulcd for March 14th but \la..,
po\,poncu ulltjl Marth 2hl bc..:;w,...
uf blinard th;1I hitlhe ar..::L.

I he 225 pa~OJ1S voting in th..: &

the Black Hills Power & light Company, headquartered III
o.:Iccliull arc cmplo)cd on prop.:rtil"
, voted overwhelnllngly to be represented by the IBEW. Mem
located in th ree ,talc, - South Organizing CommIttee, left to nght, are Brothers Vlrg LeWIS. Bob
Dakota, \\ ymning, and to. luntana. WhIte, Larry Hobbs, Gene Ruff, Don Greslln, Duane Schuster, and Dean Goodnch .
rh~' "IH':CC\:.,fu l NLI~13 dl.:ctiun hdd Jun Phillips, Gerald Smith, Jim Morgan, and NONln Morgan, members of the
UII j\ larch 2 1\\ wa, 11l..c 10lh ,uch Organizing Committee, were absent when the picture was taken.
dCClion held on the properl) "jm::.:
1955. Alt hough the election cam-
paign was ,hurt and conc.:n\r;lt..:d.
Ihe organiling efTo r'" wer.: ham-
pcr... d. Frolll the ~tarl. by the Ameri-
call J ndian uprhing at \\ oUl1lktl
"n..:..:. by Ih..: we:llh..:r. :1Ilt! b~ (In
:Inti-union campaign conducted h)
th~' com pany which. among other
(hing'. uti li/cu local h!lcvj,io ll .
I hi, organizing carnpaigll was
clIl1du('(ed by Ilih Di,(ricl ViI;":
1'1\.',id..:nl Robert K. Garril)" ollke
emlli!!II!'!1 (/II 1'''':'" "1 Kneeling, left to right. Vlrg LeWIS, OrganizIng CommIttee; GarfIeld Bauman, In
te rnatlonal Representative, 11th District; and Duane Schus ter, Organizing Com -
mittee. Stan dlnS, Donald Myers, BUSiness Manager, Local 1250, Rapid City,
S. Oak,; Bob White, OrganiZing Comnllttee: Robert Lawson, International Repre·
sentatlve, 1.0, Organizing Department; larry Hobbs and Gene Ruff, OrgamZlng
COflllntllee, Kenneth HaNey, BUSiness Manager, Local 276, Supe"or, WISC.; and
Don Greshn and Dean Goodrich, Organizing Co mmittee.

Left to "ght , Donald Myers, BUSiness Manager, Local 1250, RapId City, S. Oak ,
Robert Lawson, International Representative, 1.0. Organizing Department; Kenneth
HaNey, BUSiness Manager, Local 276, Superior, WISC. ; and Garfield Baunlall,
Internaltonal RepresentatIVe, 11th District.

Junt, 1973
safety tips
for you and your family

'"1-11: '"j.\llCil:'·
1-11:j.\I.'·1-1 1-1j.\Zj.\IU)S
• hx;u\ing upon Ihe need to erc'll\! ,jlcragc lliroorne concentr;lIion. r hi\
hc,llthflll \\\)rki'lS cl1Ildll"!lI', II ..: 0 .... may be rncrea~ed to r [) '>Udl tiher, per
cupalwll,ll Safel} :Ind Il callh Admin- millililer tL)r 110 more lhan IS minutc~
i~tr;jlion. in J;tnu:lf}. 11J7:!. inili.llcd per hour. up to the hOIlr. per eight·
lhe " rtrgcl 11c.. lth ' Ia/:tn,j, I' rogr,un . hlllir Ja) . Imminent danger ~illl;lIiolh
The c/llpha~" I' (111 II\C h,I/,mJoU\ Me gelll'r;llI) nOI applic;lhh!. 1\1l) C\+,u:c ~ub'I'lncc~: txl\urc gre'llcr Ihan pcrmi\,>ihk Ic\o,'l'
1. ASBESTOS lLlr unprolecled or improperly pm·
2. lEAD [ecicil I\tlrl..o,'rs is conl>idcred ;1 \('ri\1u\
I il,lation.
Jtl\t .... ill he collected .... ilh ,\ flI;f\l'nal
1 he approach I' the ancient one- first ,.Imphng pump. Fibcn .... ill he clllullcd
10 uno.lcr.lanu the C\;lct n,IIUfe of Ihc mit:rt'~(lpic;llIy al 400-4S() 1ll'lgllllic;l.
danger" then to control, ami lilMII) II' II\ln u,ing ph;l\c conlra,1 ilhlmin;lllOli.
prc\cnt them. II ' I :111 OhJCCllIC "llhll1
rc:tch. for occlIpalioll;!] di-.c'lo,c\ C'1I1 he WHAT IS IT? Lead i\ :I ,nfl. d ... n\~.
prc'>cntcd. nl.lllc;lole. heavy metal \\'lIh :I 10....
melting point. It is gray in color and.
If IInucr-.[amjing will IC;1l1 It, Clllllr{lt ,tudie, h'll c .. ho\\ n the prc,cncc of Ocl.:'Hl\e of ih charaClefl\lIc,>. h,I' ,I
and prc\clllioJl. pcrhap~ Ihe (ollo .... 101,t :lliobc\\o\ liller, in thc hmg'> of pef'om 1\ Ide ;Ipplication of lIl>C~.
fach ahou t Ihe,c li\\! ha/anl('lu'I \\!\rl..- hailing no indll\trial cl(I}()\Ure- proh-
place \Uh,LIIlCC\ II ill hell),
ahly dll..: to \h\'ir pr..: .. ~ncc in the III. WHERE IS IT? l.ead i~ lI~ed 10 111<I"C
mOl>phere nC:lr CIlll\[rIlC[ ion ,ite\_ f' ftlo prinlHl!; t}PC and plumbing. ,hid.!
Ilmged inlwi;lli(ln of i!,hc\!{l\ fihcr\ lekpht'I1C and po cable' ;In.! \(I
ASBESTOS belween 5 .Iml .'if) micron\ ((lIlC· protCl.:t agilin~1 radiation hal.ard~, A,
un uUO). IC;ld mi\cd with ~tccJ m;I"e~
milliOl1th of a IIIO,:tCI ) II.ns \.lI} 1)I\)dllCe
WHAT IS IT? ,hhc,lo\ i\ " g~ncral a lung JI\C:l\C 1..1111\\11 :!\ :!\be\lmi\, c\l.:cllent hcarmg~. A\ \older. lead allll)
Icrm u\crJ 10 rJc"l:ribe \ClcrHI lihroul> The lung' eanl101 eliminate a,hc~I{l,> i\ lital in the electrical ;In.! cleclnmjl,:,
fibers. ~o Ihe fil'lCl'\ coat Ihe ti\~ue\ . It InJIl\lrrc~. I.cad cOlHpoumh arc tl'cd
mineral \iJil-;ltc-, Ihal tXTUr il\ white
gra)l\h tlr grceni"h m.l"c\. either Ihi .. procc\.'o contlnUCl> n"er a period of tll llIal..e p,linl\ anJ amnwniliOIl • •III.!
coml';ICI or 01 long ~ill..} rihcl'\ I hc 10lO::!n ~ear\ ..... llh 'Ignilicanl qu,lllli.! t'\iJe~ ,He used in c;lr b,llteril....
mO'it iIllJXlr1;lnl t)pe .. ,Irc chr),nlitc- lies of :l~bc'llh pre,enl, Ihe tl\\ue re·
a \11111'11.' llIugnc,ium ~ilicUlc umo,ilc action progre,\\!, IInril ;1 ~cller;lIi/l.'i.I .
11 complc\ nwgne'HHH irnn \ilic;lIe;
diffusc fior(Ki\ I)CCII"", C,IlI\ing ,e\ere
rc~pir;lIor) di\;lhili!) I here h'l\e heen
CrocirJlllitc- - a comple\ \lllIinm iron
silic.lle, \ome 95 per ccnt of the IHlrld report'> of incrc,l'>Cd im:iJence 01 lung
a"hc'>(o\ producl ioll come'> Irlllll chr)s- cancer in pi.· ....llll' .... Ith ;I\h(· ... n,i\
WHERE IS IT? ·1hc hc'I[ · n:,i,I.1II1 ,lrId loca[ C\lliIU,1 \elllihLtllln <ll'plicd
I'wp'I,:rtic\ of ",I~~!\I~ h.'le kll 10 10 equipmel1l and or ('per,l[ion, arc
m;JII} u\\!\ -for c\amplc. ,1\ pmlel'lion [he principal mC;lIh of prelcnting em ·
;Jg.lilhl fire. ,h in\ulalion, hr;lke ,HId plo)ee eXIX',urc 10 dangerml'ol) high
clutch linrng~. huilding 1ll;lteri;lls. ,1\ a COllccnlr,lIion<" U .S Ilureau of \line\ ·
IiIlcr and In pla .. tu:~ . I he nl'''' m.lteri'll "PI'IUH..J .!1l~1 rc~plrilln"'" mol.} he
;Iud clIJ-produch arc found neMI) ..... orn by employee\ ;1\ proli."<:tltln in
c'II!rywhcrc, \ome opCrlllioll\.
200.000 cmployee... facc ri\kl> fmm al>- OS I..f A'~pcrmh .. ihJc level i~ S fiber,
~to\, The prinCipal d:l!lger i.. C;IlIl>OO per millililer I:Tealcr than S micron,> in
by inhaling :lsbc~IOS fiben.. Recent length for all c ight·hour, limc· .... dghled

nlEW Jou,nol
LEAD U lIoCriOU!l viohltion. Exposure 10 eon-
c~nlr"lioos between Ihe limit and four
time\ the limit are cOllsidered a regu-
WHAT IS THE HAZARD! More th,HI or .,on'>Criolt\ \iiol"liol1.
1.6 million cmplo}cc.) in nenrl) e\er)
illdu~trial manuf .. c lurill j; procc~~ and HOW IS IT MEASURED? Per!lon:J 1
in many ~nicc i ndu\trie~ :In;: C\IXhed ~;il1lplll1g pump, .... Ith fil ler;; ,lfC l"cd
to the poiwning cffcct of Ic.~d. 1.x,lll til Clllh.:..-1 JII\t ~'tlnple!l for y,orker e~­
can cnter the hod) h) inh •• I'ltlon. ;.11 l)ohurc. 1 hc cIJlleclcd dU~1 thcn i,
<;orplion through the .. or h) Inge,· \lociJ;hted fllr a .\:!IIen \olullle of air.
lioll. In ~lIl1icicnt ljuurIlIIIC\. the h!'UIt "lIlli',lr pr(ICLoUurt:' ;Ir..: u'cd to dcter-
j, Ihe l>:unc-!oC\'crc IF''lroinlo:,linJt. mlllc the pl,:n.:cnl,lgc "I ,ilic:1 ill Ihe air.
blood and central nCr\\lm ~)'Icm 1.1;,.
(lft!.:r'i. Inhal:tlion of lead du\1 or
fUllie, i\ the most IrC4ucni me'IIl' 01
cntr) ,Ifld rc,ull~ HI mll~1 of the indu,·
trial h~:llth prohlcrlh in\I)lvmg Itll~
me[;,1. I cad j, a curnulauyc pm\(1II \
pari of a ,mall dail) do\c j, 1ll)1 elimi· WH ERE IS IT? Cotton duq occur,
nated. hu t j, ,wrcd in the hody. r \C II - thrtlllf:holi t Ihe le\tilc illdu\trr ;1I1d
lually. a point j, fo.)(jchcd where ')1111'- polleric" I!lulldrie .... lh r;1,jlc' Ll,e IInu
m'llIllfaeluring. in ,I"ne CUlling 1I11d 'liTec l ~ Cotttlll. 11:1\ ,lIld !:>Oft hcmp
tom, :md dhabilil} - CVCIl death
lini,hin,!; inutl~tric~. I\' I he gL'C,LlC'1 e\po,urc 10 cot-
tLln lilhl genc!;llh occur!> uming Ihe
HOW IS IT CONTROllED? "Illce rh.: WHAT IS THE HAZARD? 1\lore Ih.,n c"fding (II C('IIllIl- an operalion Ihal
primOln roule of indu'lrial !cOld p(.i- I I milli{ln cl1lpltl}cc~ arc C~P'(l'>CJ ILl c\'ml1, \1111 CI'lhlll fihcflo ,lI1d M:b Ihem
,oning i~ mh,ttltion. cnclo,url! ,IUd thc hMlIrd crc;lIL:<l b) iLlhillillil'" 01,llId b) Jr,llI Ing Ihclll belllccn
Incal e\hOlml \cnlilatilln are thl! pnn - ~lliea diN. Inh,II,l[ioll of Ihc\\! p,lIlicie' lllo.'lhcJ C)lindcf'>. Hlllle\Cr. lIl;\chinef)
cipill meall" of contml. 0,111) y,el or can IHllducc napiul)-dcI'clt'ping la!;ulc) Ihr.'lIchOlil the e(lIt,m mill musl be
1,IeUUIn clC;lI1l11J; of ;II! lead dll'" per· 1'1' chrllllic ~ilico\i.. ;I di ...lhling lung ~Ie.m~d Ire4I1cntl}. anu much c'(po-
'I'nal h}J;lene. prohibllum ,'I lond ,lI1d dl,e.L\C. T)pic'I'h. Ihe Iling ti"lIe rc· 'lure Itl ~·ll"l;'Ill dlht (lCCtlf'> Ihen.
hClefage~ in Ihe \Iorl area ,lI1d I"': 1,1 ;Ie" to Ihe prC'l!IK'e III .. i'ic;l p,Lrtil'ie"
U. S Bureau 01 \ l ine'·'lppnHcd rc,· tH hlflnin.\:! fihwu .. IlMtler ,lrmll1d Ihc
!\(){I.nO(l empio)ec\ in cotton procL""-
pir,llllf'> arc other me;llh th,ltl ean hdp p.Lrtick. E\iiueLlce ,u!!ge\1<, p.lrti-
dc, hd(m (Inc micf(ln 10l1c-mililonth ing ol'cr.ltinn\ "I .lit I~ (l'C~ Me C'PO'>I.-d
cllnirol e'pll'>Ure hI ":""l'll dll~1 While the eX:lct clfec"
nt ;t Illl'h:r I III ,i/c LIlli) he Ihe 1111"1
\11 ell"lln UIl'1 MC nm knoy, n. pm-
WHAT ARE APPROVED LEVElS? d,HlgefllU\ \lncc the) m,l~ pcncH,III:
1'Il1~eu C\pl'\Ure to heJI~ air concell-
0$111\\ pcrrni'sible bel i, O.! milli- Jeeper inll' Ihe Illng' in high CI'IlCel1
If.ltll'n, c.m cau\c a di';loling: lung:
lir.IIIl' rer cubic t1ll!ter of ,lIr fl'f ,Ill Ir,llion .. , In r'lpidl)·dclclupmg .. illel"i,.
~.II'e,,,c knuy,n .I~ o\~,illo,i,. \I.Jh:ri;ll,
ci,ghl-hllur. time-y,eighled ,L1ef'lJ;e ,lIf- ,)mphlllh UPllCar eIght til IN nlnnth,
,Iuherilll! 10 cl'tton ·fillef'>. ~uch ;I' un-
h<'me c,lIlCl,'ntratilltl. Imminent u,lnJ;er .illcr the tif'>1 C\ptl,ure ("nrL'nic .. iii
1\.Jnlcd ~ Ie.lf. ,Iem JOU holl IrJ,h.
'Iitu;llIon, .tre nlll general!} ,lppllC;lhlc ":1"". thl' I}PC u ..u"lIy eneulinterLoU in \l hen inh.lled. elicit In Jlkr~ie re-
\n~ e\fl\'"ufe ,1N.'le 0.6 milli~r'lm, indu .. lry. gener.lil}. I' IHt~IICeU tlnh
~'L:lltlL1 nr ft·,p.lO\!' B)"ilm,i, i'cn-
per cubk: meier nf Hir Illr ,Itl cl~h'· .llIer \1.·,lh III ~1Iit;;1 inll;LI,Jlitln t hc
cr.llh .Lt.h,lI1ce, Ihrllug.h Ihre.: rcctlg-
hour IlrIlc-y,eighlcd ,ller;lge i, 1,:1I1i'ld- 'I) ml'l{lOh ftl( cilhcr I) pc MC Ihe ,;IIllC
ni/.lhlc ~t.l1!e~ I hc lir~[ i~ common I)
erl,'d a ,eri('II\ villl,lIiLln. I.evel'> ,lhl'le -,lw.ll) in!;rc" .. mg uith!;ult} in hrc;llh
c,Llled .. \1t'flU.I} fc\-cr· ,lnl.! begin'
(L! .. fld Ie~!o ,11;.In 0,(1 ,Ire cmhlltl:letl mit undcr C\Crtil'll. In ,nl1ll.: \loorl.c,." I,ni) nller C\plhllfe (If OlOn; thun I ()
reJ;ul"r l'r 111111,cri{>1I~ vi,'I,IIIIII1' large m;!"e~ (If ucn,e lihroll .. tl"UC, \V\'l'ler, d.:\eklp an irritating
ueldllp in Ihe upper pmlilll1 lIt Iltc
i.:,lugh. tightnt!\' \.[ thc ehe'l ,lflU
HOW IS IT MEASURED? '1 he "ullple IIIIIg,. Ic,Iding In ,c\ere "..-'plr;llllf)
i, collected for a Illinllllum 01 (,0 mill' cripplinL! -, IIhcrt·uk"i, i, iI Ire411cnl Ilft!.tthlc"ne". I hc alLlck, u,u.lli)
UIc~ h) ,I IlCr,olwl "llllpling pUlllp nn
";"I11C lin \1l1nuay. or 'ifler.J peril,d (II
el'mplic:Jll1'll 01 ,ilic'''I'
,lh''''II~C fmm thc pl,lIlt ,Illd lJ.,t llnl)
il millipl'rc lilter. I he filter 1\ ,uh'C-
HOW' S IT CONTROLLED? I he he\1 .1 ,[,1\ ,Ir \0; hencc the namc '"\Iund;l}
quentl} ui,'tOI\cd in nitric ,Ieili 1,Illllg
mclh,x! i\ ~lIl:>'ILllltil'n of ;trlllthcr n1.t te\cr In the ~eCllnu \I<lgc. Ihc~e
Ihe I..!;ld III1Il ~Ilrtltion I he \\".Iull"" j,
Icri.11 !t'r c"lmple, U~ I,f ,led ,hilI IIr ~~mplt\Il1' e,tcnd IlIcr Ilhlrc d.I}' in
Ihen introduced inlO an illomic ,Ih'll'rp'
linn IInit illr 'lIl'II)~i~. .. lumil1" ~flt in pl,lce III "tnd -hl'l,tin~
l'rer.HlI,rh. Olhcr ruclhl ....!.. il1citlue en ·
.. I.. ,un: \.f \'IICI.llltu". 11",.11 c,h,llI,t
\elllll.lti.'ll. ,e~rega'l\ln (11 1l(l'Cr.ltl\'I1'
SILICA \loellill~. ,lI1d nruiillirl guod-hllu'CleCI'_
IIlg pr,lc"ce,
WHAT IS IT? Silic,1 'I
.111 n\iuc 1,1 WHAT ARE APPROVED LEVElS? , •• r
silicon and i, thc CharaCleri,tic ill- rC'jllr,lhlc quartl p.lftlde'. O~ II A',
greuielll of .1 grc;l[ I;lriet~ of mlnel.LI,. p..:rmi",ihlc Ic\cl j, 10 milligr.lIlI, pel
including qu.lrl/. cri~toh;lllIe. Iml) mile. cuhlc nretcr (1' .Iir. <III ideu h} thc (l'Cr ·
arll.:th)'t anu !>lInu. It i, \lo iliel~ u cent or Ire..- ,iliea pit" :!. :" .. I,.."n ill
in cnrc~ for met;.1 ca,[ing operaliL'II'I. Ihl\ II'rmul;i. I (Jmg Ill.
c..:ramic'I. uccutalilC m,Lteri;II ... ill'llll.l - r; '\iO :!
II;'n. huilding l11aleri,ll, .1Ilt! gl." .. ,
h't r~"plrahlc crhlllh,llile ;tnJ tril.!)
WHERE IS IT? Silica h found thr ..,ugh- mite. Ihc limi" ;Irc olle·h,lll Ihe 1.llue
(luI illuu<;lry in VllfiOlh mlll1uLlcturing f~l( \.fllOLrtL Imminen[ d,mgcr ,ill1,l1ll1l1'1
pnx:c .. '>C ... such a~ if(lll :111(1 miner,11 gcncr;.rl~ arc nm llpplie;thlc. An) e lgh l-
procc\'ling plnn". mining. ,Ihn... ilc houf. l imc-\Icighted average g rc,. tcr
~(l"l) production. gill" nWIHlf:lctllring. IIr.1II l(lur time, Ihe limil i.. ..-I,"\idercd COIuillllt'd 011 fNl~(, 2(;

Jun •• 1973
conccnlr:llion~ of 10 . 000 paTh pcr
SAFETY CARBON million may C;lU.'>C 60 10 80 per cenl
rIPs ',llIIr.l11ll1l ;lnd dealh. f'orlunalel}.
t;umilllll'll/rom f'<1~T ! j
MONOXIDE rC},lardlc~~ (If ho" high Ihe pcrccm:lge
01 ,;llIIralion of Illc hlood ha, !lcen,
WHAT IS IT? Carbon monO\idc j, a pr.\clic,llI) all caroon monol(idc i-.
Ihe "cel., and finally become perm;!- climill,llcd hy Ihe hod) within S to
nent. If c"ipo~urc 1(1 cottun dthl i~ colorles\. almo~t odorle", la,lele". 10 hour, after e)(po,>ure cnd:..
ended ,I[ [hi, \I;\~c, rCCO\Cn C'1n nOllirril,lting gas. It i, produced by
occur. In [he third ,\,Lb'C, Ihe' tight- the incomplete cumbu~II('I\ ''If tllel,. HOW IS 11 CONTROllED? In general
n~~ of the ehC,1 and 1.IOOrctl hrc;llh· \uch ;\\ "1lOiJ. ga\. coal. oil ,Ind gJ'- ,.dc( \-enlilaliun "ill prclcm car-
ing become ~o di,trc\',ing the lOour!.cr aline. ~ I incn, refer to it ,,1\ ...... hile hon monol(idc poi.,oning. Enclo,ure.
mll,1 1e,I\e th..: imht •.tr) "fhe di~J!>c <.I3mp," It also i~ communi} called g\'n"r;,1 or dilution \enliLilion ;llld
can progrc'~ then In chwllIc hron- "'co,11 ga'):' 101:,\1 e\hamt \enlilalion. it) "ell . 1\
chi[i~ and cmph}'Cm,L. i,ol;lIinll tlf hMard'lu~ operalion, arc
WHERE IS IT? Carhon mOlhl\id..: i, thc Ilrincipal mC;HI' of prcventing em-
HOW IS IT CONTROLLED? J .Ilclo\urc fl'\IIlll :1!l~ \\ here c;lrhonaccnll, fucl, plo)ee cl(J)O"urc 10 dang, . rou" cono;;cl1-
of machinery in ;.11 opcr;lIion\ ,inti :lrc u,cd. It can he found in e\er}da) lnlli01l\. Automated delection alarm
local cdl.lml H!nlilulioll li fe the prin- 'Icti .. ilie\ .1' wcll ;IS in indll-.lri,11 ,itll,l- ,),!ell1'> :l1,u arc u,dul c(lIl1rol mea,-
cipal mC:Uh Ilf prc\cnling \.'lllpJO}CC tion~-ncar incorrectl) \cnted g:I' url'~.
c:\po\urc. I'rctrcilllllcnl .,f Ihe COlwn hc:ller'i, near ra,oline-po .... en:d ma o
in c:trly procc ..,jng' .. tage .. Ill;L} :11'1l he chinery :In,1 :nound ,lulOmoblle' rlln WHAT ARE APPROVED LEVELS?
helpful. indoors: bb~t furn,lce,: ami c;l lal) lie OSHA" permi"ihlc ICl'eI i, 50 p"rl-.
reduction oper;lli0n" pcr million par l ~ of air for an eighl-
WHAT ARE APPROVED LEVElS? hour, time-..... eighted. :Iveri,ge ;.irhorne
OS HA'" pcrmi,~iblc 1c\d j .. I milli- WHAT IS THE HAZARD? Becau,c it i, coneenlrillion, Concenlr:, li on~ :,Ix)lc
gram per cullic meter 01 ,Lir for ;to rllund ~o widel\. nearl) C\..:f\,lnc. al 500 p.lrl'> per Illilliun for :111) lcn},lth
eight. hour. limco\\cighlcJ ;1\Cf,lliC ;Iir- one lime or another. i, c\ptl\ed 10 of lime arc con,idcrcd to oc imminent
borne concentration. Imminl!nl tbn- carbon monl.,~iJc. Th.:: d,lnger lie, in dans.::r '1IIIalion, CO'I\.~nlra l ii1n ..
ger ~illl,llion~ MC gen ... rall) 11\11 al)' inh,\lalion of ga:o. Carbon mOI\lI\ide Jh(l\e l"iO parI, per milliun f0r a
plic:lhle, Concenlr:t!i{lll\ Il f "' milli· cnlcT\ Ihc blood ~ l rCilm through Ihe 101:11 of (IilC hour or more :,rc cun-
granh per cuhit' nU",,"r ,Ir," cnn,iucro:lj lunS' in Ihe ~amc mallncr :I, (I\)gel1, ,iJercd III be ,eriou, \iol:ilion". ("nn-
~criotr, \ iul;11illn,: conccntnllinn' he· hUI il di~pl:lCe, oxygen in the blood .:entr:l1iill1~ ,Ihme 50 p.. rt .. per million.
OCC:llbC it has , 'ppro\imatcl) ::!](I hUI hclnYo J50 parh p.:r million fllT
h\ccn I :U1d J milligr,mh p..-r cuhic
melcr for all eighl-hour. linl",-"clghlcJ time, gre,llcr Jllinil} for hcmot:I(lhin ;111 cight-huIIT. limc-.... cighlcd aH'r;lge
,t\ cr "lgC ...Ire clln,idercd rl' or
in Ihe blood Ih:1Il o\)£en. ,\, . \ rc,ult. ;Ire C'lIl\lLler!!d rej;lll .. r or mln,eriuu,
non<;o.!ri(\u, \ iol;lli,)I1,_ the hlood cannot Iran''''... rl O\(lgcn . 1 iolJlion'
c;llL~il1l! \uffo..:alion e\-cn in an at-
HOW IS IT MEASUR ED? A PCNlII;11 mo'phcrc containing ;Imple Il\}g..:n HOW IS IT MEASURED? Th ... prilllar)
~3mplcr i, ... lI " ... hcd 10 ,I \.\{\r~nl(ln\ Oler . I period of lime. a' lillk ,1\ 700 mel hod i, a C;Jrhon mono\ide ptlrt-
clolhing .... llh the um:n\cred fil!er p,ITI' per million of e:.rbon montl'l,iuc :Ihle, lI opcalile-r":ilgent t~pC mClCr.
.... ill ""... tur:ltc 50 per cenl of Ihe hlllilJ I he WC(lmJ,Ir) mel hod i\ certified dc-
f:.cint: do"n . u\II"II) fl" a ,i" hour
sample. hemoglohin-Yo hile a fell hre,llh, ;11 lecltlr luhe,.

lkm alllkd Ihal the 231 Wau,all e1ll-

Court Awards L. U. 2266 Members Benefits
plo)("l'" rcccivc from Gou ld :uull or
• On Ap ril l)l il , al M all i'iJlI, \\'i s~ li lil:\;lI il11l in fed cr;11 court hy Iltc M nl'alhol1 cil h .. r mo nthly or Ilimp
cOI1,ln. u.s, Di,lrict J udgc Juml."s u nio n 10 fo rce M arat hon M an u fac~ " 1m ",(>Cd .. l pcn,illl1" bend it" fo r
E. 00) Ie cntl' r.:d :t final md..:r that l urinl:\ Com pany of 1-I 0lt'111Il, 1... \;1" up In 12 )l. :tr... Pel1,imler' \\hu had
will pro\'ide :n I furtllcr ~ ' ar:llholl and GOUld . Inc. of C hi('ago to com· reljr~"d Ix'forc Ihl,.' plant clo~J had
Battcry Pla nt cmplu}c... , lIith :IP- pI) with Iho: labor al:\rcenh:nt CI)I..:r· h~"c lI recdvinl:\ on ly aboul 60 per
proxinl:llcly S300,OOO ill ~pccial ing bau cry plant ~·lIlp l n)..:I'''. ("("nl of the llHll1lhiy bencfil 10 \~ hich
pcn,jon ami ,c\'c rancc hc ndih d uc rh o: ('ontract \~a, nl'glltiatl'd in Ihe), wac entitled fro m Iheir for·
under a cOllcctivc hargainin~ agrl'c· April. 1969. \\ilh Gou ld. Inc. 10 111l'r emplo).:T' . and lite u nion in·
mcnt n"'golhlll'd h~ Lo,,::t' :!:!66 . co\.:r \V; planl empio)cc, a, ~i,tcd !hal Ihe~..: dcficit:ndt:, be
\Vau,au. \\ i-.cnn.. in_ \\..:11 a" olh\.·r I BE\\ planl\ (1\10 lIo.:J immt:diatcl~ corr..:ct ... d a<, \\ell. BOlh
According III Ll'oCai 1:!66 chid h} GoulJ. com panic!> dcnied li:tbilit) for an~
stC\I;trd Virginia I hllllla,. ","Olllpill1) EfT':Cli\'e AuguM I. 1969, (juuld "\!\t:ranw bcndih. Ao; for Ihl" rl··
law),cr R ichard \\ iI1ialll At"t ill o f ,old thc \Vau,au planl to MilratllLJIl IIrce,. t:ach COll1p.Ln) claimcd th.1t
C h icago told thc Court that Ihc M anufact uri ng Comp:!n) of Il ou,· lite ollk' r wn:. r("~PI)I\ ... ibk for Iht:
checks :.huu ld be IoCIII UUI in 1\\0 Ion. T e"\a~. which a""ullk"d Ih..: r... rnaimlt:r of Iheir monthl) b... ndil.
or Ihrcc \\!.'.:I..,. l it!.'\\.. arl" Ix' ndih Jabor agrecment i\I1J continu... d tll Accordingl). lite union \\" ... furc..:d
in :Iddilion to almo" S.... O(}O III cmplo~ mcmlx'r" of Local 1166. 10 bring wil again ..., both empl(J)l"r~
bad.. pclNon P")Ill!.'nt, and inll'rC~1 J ml about 1\\0 ~c:tr~ lalcr, Itu\I..· III Fcdcral Cou rt in ~ l adi\(lIl on
piml 10 or on behalf (If I () \\ .nJ'a u 1,:1Iel, Marathon clll~~"d th ... " a lL!>:1lI J (lIluar)' 3 I , I ~72.
biltt!.'ry pl:lII t relirl'c~ hl'l DCl·\' m hL.'f plant. krminalcd a ll uniun ,,;TIl· La'l Novemher. :.horlly hcforl'
in accorda ncc wi th a n car lll"r nrdl'[' 1'1 aye";,,, and mnwd tho: worJ... and Ihe uniun\ Illation fo r a judgllll. nt
enlcred b) Judge Doylc. equi pment to a ncwJ)-con\lrucl", 1 in il:. f:tvor was !>CIKd uk d fur a rg u·
J udl:\C Doyk':o ord er uf April 91 1t bau cry pl:tnt in Waco , -I exa,. IlIcnt bdore thc Courl, G o ulJ a nd
A ft e r tlte plant, \hl' u nion f·QllljlJll ...1 011 P"'~(" 6()
m a rJ... ~ tltc cml l)f O\cr 14 Illo nth, of

IBEW Jour",,1
• \Illr...· than a ~<!ilr ago. BcrnarJ
Peace Corps volunteer Bernard c. C. J •• p' and hi .. \\111..'. \klo Jll.
Japs helps young MalaySian appren along \Iith thdr 1\\0 )llung..:,( chil·
Ilces practice electrical wiring at the <.Ir':l1. Juli\..'. l-l. alllJ Jim. 1J. \\~'nt
IndustrIal Tramlng Institute where he lu \1..ra~ ... ia ;h rca.:c CurJl\ lolun-
IS an electncal Instructor leer,
I.J rllthcr Jap .. , a Ill.:mb..:r of Local
Here, Peace Corps volun teer Japs, 11
member of Local 48, Portland, Orc .. 4X. Purtlatl<.1. Or.... gllil. ,md halt·
'Inn h;tlf·owner of an electrical can· (1\\ ncr Ilf .1 ~ur.x:I..'"flll cnrHracling

tractlng bUSiness lor 18 years, bu,in ..·" fllf I X )..:ar". kll hi, bu ... i-
Instructs an apprentice 111..", tIl 1..'<I ..'h h" ,~ill, [0 )oung
M;lra) ,iall men II ho rll.'':u training
III g.:l ~'ul'r loh .. , impm\.: lh.:ir
pro'p..:.:h in lit.:. and hl'lp fill thi,
d.:\dtJpiny St1uthea<" \ .. iitll natiun',
~\...ilbJ manpOI\cr g:tp.
In partinJ"Jr, BrOlhl'r lap .. , 4:-1. i,
"':r\ing ~I' ,I lolunt.:er .:1I!..:lrieal in-
"trUUt)!' .11 M;thl~,i;J\ Illdu"trial
Tnlining In"lillllC (I I ll. ncar Kuala
Lumpur. Ih.; .:apit:tl cit) 'low in hi ...
'>I.'nmd ~~'ar ,If P":act! Curp ... ,cnic..',
h..: i.. currcntl~ It!ilching (,(1 '>I:t:t!ud·
~":ilr ,tud.:nh ranging in it!!t! from
IY It) 25. mo,t 01 Ih ..'111 apprentice,
...:nt III III t1\ thl'ir t!mplo).:r .. tll
learn .uhan('ed ,\"'ill .. , In pr.:\iou ..
\C"'ltllh. h.: h", t;tught l~gll1ning
ek('trit!al e(JUr..c, to un .. \...illcd oUI-
ur-.. ehool lillag ... }oUlh,. 'orne of
Illwl1I n":l..:r had lil ..'d ill a hom..:
II illt d":(.·trkil~
Brtlrht'r Jap" COUI"C for th..:
~c\)tld-}"'lIr ,Iut.krll, indut.l..:" molor
and gt!tleratur rt!pair. operational fI.'-
pair, ha .. i..: huu ...... and l,'tmllllefl,,'ial
\\Irlllg. itppliillle.., rt!pair. motor
Ilinding. and ilrlll.Hurc \\inding.
\\ hil.: Bruther l ap.. i.. t.:at:hing.
\1r-" J;lp" Ilt:lintaim an ..'quail)
bu ..) ..cht!uule of coutl ..ding and
tcaching prujeeh. and the J ap, chil-
drt!1I :llIcllU the Inte rtllltiollal Sc hool
in Kuala Lumpur.
'umh.!ring among the !>Om.:
7.{K)(1 \lIll'rican .. around the world
\\ h(1 :tr.: ,cn ing a, Peace Corps
\uluntc.::", in 51) del doping n.lll0n ...
Broth.::r and \ Ir... Jal)'. f.:cI their
lim.:: in \ lal;l)'1" j<. \1..:11 'l)CnL

Ju" • . 1'173
,.itll the ladies How to Prevent Food Poisoning at Home
• Well. ladic... ..ummcr i ..
cially hefe. ~U1d that mC:IIl\ it j.. lime
om· r----------------------------------l
1 I
for pi(:nic, llllt! oUlin~ .. , ucclI'.iotl .. I I
for ... erving ;Ind c;llin g 101\ or la\,)
food that i, attnleti\!.: to Ille \!\C.
: Ddil'iull s R"l'ipl! ldeCls :
Unfortunately. the appcarallf.:~ and I
la~I C of food ar~' uot ah\<,,, a true I
indication uf \\ hether r\)I)~' j, .... f~ I 2 eggs CUP .. u~ .. r

to cat; con\cquclltly, :I 1lt11l1ha of

I '. tabrespoon wale< 1 I"nl ~rr.wl)er"es
I .. teaspoon ~an,lIa
I 'I, 2 tHbl npOonS IUa'"
cup SIfted tlou. '. c up h .. "i' c re,,"', whipped
people ~{) l11 dimc .. como.! duwll with I 'I. teaSpOon san
.. M! r il'" Ii II} 11Ip 1 0Ill~ a few hnur" I Bcat cgg~ ~Iightl~: ;IJd \\:tter and \.rnlll:r . Silt nour. ':lIt. ;rnd onc,halt
after cnjo) ing a lklidou\ picn ic I
cup sugar together: .,dd 10 \'gg' "n.! until '!lIooth. Pour IIIh' un-
meal. The...c \ iclim.. ...ulTcr frolll grca~cll la)cr-C"lI1.c pan. l);II.e in 11I,I\lcr.IIO: O\CII (.\<;0 ... ,' ;IIx,U1 ::!O mrn-
naU\l'a, \orniling. alxlorninnl cramp'" utes. In\crt pan: cool. \\,.,h ;111,1 Ilull ,tl.mhcrnc;; Sale: mo'l perf...!.'t
and diarrhea. and .. inc..: the ....: ') mp· on ... , for g.,rni,hing. Cut Ilr cnl,h rCl1lauHng hcrrro:, ,UI<I w.e ... tcn 10 1•• ,1\',
101m la" :It !ca" 24 hour... IX'ople Spread Ill!rries 1m ca l.c ;111,1 g.rrnl,h IllIh whipped ereum and I,hok
ofll'lI rni ,tlll..c the illl1c .... fur the "::! ~­ hcrri ... \. $eno:, four.
hour"' nu . \\ hal Ihe), rcalt~ hah' i..
,>laph)luc()ccll''' fotxipui\lming. com-
monl} lmmn:. .. '>,arh I ph.. ~t." .. l ... r".~ ' "bl~POOn R.'.. "n
cup s"8"" 1 ,abr.§pOons cold ..aie'
St:lph urgani .. rm arl' c\cr)"hen: ] Ubl.spoons co,n sy,up I cup wh'Pp.nR c ••• m
- in the air and tin ~ollr duthing: '. ,,~aspoon salt cup I,nely ·.olled m .. e",roonS

thc), gmw in )nur IlIW' ~Illir throat. \Va,h ;lOu hull ,lr;lIIlwrril" ~prrn~1r: \lith "lgM, Allo.,., 10 't;Hld fur
and in ,~in infl'ction, ,lIdl :I' pim- onc hour. ~ I a~h ;Hul nrh through 11 'Ie\.: Atld corn '~rLlp, and ",It,
pl..:" cllb. :I1I1I hoil,. am.! th\.'\ :Ire go:l,'lIn in ..:olJ \\.l1er :.nd di"oheJ I\I.:r hut Ihiler. ('hill. l olll
h:lrmk~!I in llUl'h place" But ~ruJer chilled mi\turc into .,.,hippo:,1 crC;lIll. 1 ,,1,1 in nt.u;:m>on, Plac... 111 freclrng
{'ertain combin:ltion, uf t... mIX' ra- t( .. ~ of rcfrigcr;l1r)r. I (('C/':

lUre, time. :md Illoi,tur.... , taph or-

grwi'llh ... :111 prodlK'C a 1t1~in, ami
food c()lJtall1 inatcd ,'itll till' tllxin pound .!",barb 2 cup••"Bwbe",u. washed and h ul led
cup cold wate. I' eu". ~"I{ar
C;\USl" people to becollle ill after
the} eat il. Senlh rhuharh ;lnJ Cllt rnll' (In''·inch PIC!;C'. l\dJ .,.",tcr :tnd cool. fhr:
l1linUIC~.Add ~tral\hcrrn.!, .,ml loll}1. 10 rnIlHII~ ' long.:r. J(cm(l\C lrom
FOI.xl, , uch a' cr... alll-lill..:d cah"
he"t an.! aJJ \ Chill. \1.1~ C' Ii\~ III ," cup~ "lUCC,
and pa'tric'. ,alhhl ieh ... ,. milL
cheese, cu,tank and fIIeat' pm\ide
~l r;I\\I "'rQ ,' fill.. 'I :,l\u hcl
ide:11 place, for 'taph urgani'Ill' to
,uni"'e and prooucl' toxin'. I h... 'e ", POund marshmallows • ~U P c r Ulh.d. huh ",,,,wl)eniu
I cup m,lk, ch.lled , r.bIHpoon, remon
foods arc nwwcid, :lIId oncc the
,taph bact ... rium geh IIltn the It)(KJ. Heal 'll;\r,hmallo",,~ ;Inri 10llr t;lhll"I'oon~ tlf null. ,lo\\I}. foJ.ling mer
and o\er unlil mar~hm;ll1o.,." ;lfr.! h.. 1t ml'ltl·,I. Renlolr.! from h~.11 ;mJ
all it need, j, time and a tou- high
contmue folding until ml\lUr~ i, ,m()(llh ;H1d 'pong) (001. III lul.<:.,.,.,rm .
tcmpcr:llure In produce to'(in'. A Ihen blend in rcm;Iin ing mil/... cnl,h.:.1 ,Ir;,.,.,hcrrlc" and Icmon jlllcc.
1O<rlong period ocl\\een the time Pour into !r'.... zing lra ~ r)f rdriga;ttLlr and In'c/c, ,tlrring ,clc(;Il litHe,
food tca\e, the rdrigl'ratur and Ihe \lhile freczing. 5l'rr.:, fllur
liml' il i, e;lten ("\<o tn four hUllf'»
i:-. UIll: uf thl' main r('a\On, wh~ I'X'()-
pte l'orne do\\ n \\ ith '!aph :tnl'r a cup~ crushed 11,.wtH!,rrH
.. slices wh". b.ud
picnic- or an~ other meal. .. lablespoons 51,1v.a' • l.blupOoni wh.uped eream
It htl' been lli'l'm ered Ihat \laph KCIllOIC enl,l, anrl CUI !lrc"d IIltn 1: .. 1.1:" Pile 'II ,hr:rh.!rl J,!1;1"':"
organi'Ill' ilno]vcd in ,I ,I ph fuod 'prinl.1c "ilh ,ug"r. and !;tl\l'r \luh hClfie', ( •. rrnr,h \\tth .,.,hipp..:d cr':"Il1.
poi,oning u,uall~ l'orne fr0111 th..: (hill for une hOllr,
peoplc who prep;m.' f!lod NO\\ rhl'rl'
j,n't too much you hOIlH: rna~e .... ":11\
do to prevent membe .... of )our ralll-

ilk ... frolll g":lIing sick from winkd 1101 th.: u')(:d ... lIrnn~ :-.poon or )Ilur \\h':l1 \OU prcpar" ham.
food \\ h..:n Ihey cal out. bu[ [h..:r.:·... fing..:r . . : aho. avoid ticking your It Ihe ham you arc '>CT\i ng i~ a
;1 101 )UU Ctlll do 10 prcvI!nt ~l:Iph ill- fin£cr ... \\ hill' wor"ing with fOlll.l- if cann..:J or fully+coo"..:d l}jlC, il 11111)
n..:', 1\ he ll you pre-pare 1111.'011 ... in )1.111 do lic" them. \\ush }Olll hand" Ix: ":;II..: n cold. \\ ilhout an) "illl.l of
~our own kilc h..:n. \ ft..:r [h..: Illea l j., over allu Iher\.' ad"IIl":1.' pr..:par;lIion, H you prd..:r
So." tak e ~o m.: :.pccia l pr. :- ar..: IdlO\I!r~, ('hill thl'm ;1' LJlI id J~ il \\arm. heut it w an int..:rnal le m-
caution,. \\ hen you begin [0 prq>;lr..: II' po .... ibl.: 10 pr..:\e lll ... wph !!rO\\Ih p... ra turc of 140 F. I hun" lah..:leJ
_I II1l.'al. ahlilY\ be :.ure that Ih..: during Ihe cooling p..:riod. I.dtm..: .... ,impl) "cur..:-d" or "cur..:-d and
":4uipmcnl and \lor"ing surface, in arc Ilhen rl.',pon~ihk for f{)()(..i -hurn..:"..:d" IllU,t Ix- ClKI"..:d hi a h:l1I-
~uur "ilch..:n ar..: ~c rubb..:d Ixf{)r~' jlln ~·''''. I'o" ihl ~ h!:l'au\C man) IX'\) - llo.'ralur..: (If 160 r bdor..: Ih.:y
~\)U begin to handk food . Naturall}. pi..: thinl. that om:" rOO<! i, cOI.l"cd. ma) "Ifd~ b.: ..:alen, lI uwc\cr,
an} gOlxl hOlll cnHlkcr al\\a)~ \\a,h..: .. Ih~' bacll.'ria ar..: "illed for good, bU I ~ h oullk r cuh of pork-like c ur..:d
her hamh lir .. \. hut Yl)ll mu .. t al- Ihi ... i .. nOI tru..: . ..Iu . . 1 rl'llll.' ruh..:r h) picnic... or ... houlde r hu[h mu'l Ix:
\\a~ ... re-Illcmbel lu wa ... h )'UUl It_IIId ... ".:cp hot fooJ~ hot .md cl)hJ h), h..:-:It..:d III an inl..:rnal t":l1Ijx:ratur..:
alld ul":II .. 1I ... after handling rail fout! cnld du ring [h..: lime Ihc) ar..: nOI (If 171l F. Too. if thl' lab..:! on ;t
rut). Il~'\er u'>C )our hand ... tu rni, rdrigcraleu ham Jlll." not dc ...ign:uc wh..:ther it
food \\h~'11 C!cllll .... anitiL..:d ut"n .. il .. \\ h.:rr ~urr I'ul Idwln' in thc Ita' hl.'..:n cooked. USDA fIl eal in -
arlO :1\ aHahle . rdrig..: rator. Ix- .. url' the r..: i, a nml 'p..·cto'" ~ugge<, t Ihal il h..: coo"..:u
If you h:r \~' a cu t or , "in irritallun of cool air .. round Ihe conl_lincT'> b.:fure ..:atcn.
(111 yOllr hand .... \\ear pla\tic glll\l.'~ in Ih~' rdri~aill(lr--don'l \:TOWU Once thc ham i... eookeJ anJ
whik yllU arc handling fuotl and Ih':l11 llr pik Ih~'rn on lop ~If one ready to be cut. uon'l u...e Ih.: ,am..:
"Cl.'p your hand, a\\a~ frUln ) .. Iur anll[h..:r, "nif..: you u!>ed lOlrim Ihl.' ham wilh-
l1Ioul h, no,l.'. hair. and !("in tnfe\.'- ,\ c,,:ol'd ing 10 'IUti~tic', hum j ... out \11l'h ing it fir~t. :I' ul..:n,1I" u,..:d
li\111'. If you cough or "lIce/l!. co\..:r 111m.: of!.:n involved in cau,ing p..:o- in Iri mming ca n b..: load..:d \lit h
}HUr l1Iou\h wilh a [i,~u e anu th":l1 pk It) ~ uIT.: r from fooJ poi"'lllling 'ta ph g..:rms. Finally. if ) IlU h;lh:
\Ia ... h )nllr hand, again th_1Il a n} mh..:r f11O(\. So. he r..: ar..: a :1Il)" kftowr h:lIlI. refrigerale it illl
l .....: :1 ckan ull'n,iJ to t :l ~ t e fllOd. few 'IJJ..:d tip, on pr":l enting ~Ii.lph llleJiatcl) .

handYlnan's corner
• 1t":1 camJk'r! It's :r bllal! 11\ 3-/N -l TRAVEL UNIT
a car-top c:lrrkr! Now hCr"c\ a uiplc
treat for all )ou roIlO\~'c r:. of th..:
rIpen maJ. You'll gCI many Iholl-
....IIIJ ... Ilf huurs enjoyment with Ihi,
tIIh,' ... irnple Vllcalion-l}ac Ir;l\d IIl1il.
Fir"!. Ih..:rc·, th" Vacation-Pac
C'ap... uk (or carrier). It's :I(hlpwble
10 a Irailer frame or roof of the
famil} c:lr. oITering 36 cubic k<.'t of
qr..:amlin..:tI. weathcrpr()()f c:lrr)lng
... pacc. rhi, ie'lve!> Ihe car inll.'rior
frcc for it\ pas~cngcrs 10 slr!!lch OUI
anti rda\.: in,
It\ ca\} to cOl1\crt the Ca!>,>ulo!
in to the ":rCalion-Pac Camper. Af-
t!!r :r long. hard da,\ drh c ....cHing 1\ 1 ublain the 3-in-1 V:rcallon 1\lc
up tl complcte t..:ntc:lmp on the 1).III ~· rnnumix"r 518, ~..:nd S~.OO h)
grl\und may nol be 100 enjo)abk. I n ""h, check or mOlle\' nrder Ill:
f;I":1. [h.: \\ hole idea of ~lccping. on SI..:\" Ellin£,nll
Ill..: ground and Ihe COSI of "\Iphi-.- \\ hCll coll .. p ~ed. Ihc lent ""l'll1bly IB EW Jo urnal
licaled tr:liler<, or motels h'I' "I.'PI ;r j, a .. m:11I 15-,xIIllld pac" .. g.... P. O. 13(\\ DNJ
lot of would-be week":lId..:r<; and I h..:n [herc\ Ih..: Vacalion-Pac Van Nu)~, Calif 91409
cr\I...... ~ountr) Ir:r\clcr. al horlle. Our Ui laL r he Cap... ulc lal.e:. r..:adil) III O[h..:r paUl'Tll'- ~Oll \I ill enjoy.
paltern inqrucllI)ll sh..:ct \\ iIIldl you thl' \~al.:r. il S hroad nal bollol11 pm- =3J6 Clmp Kitchen . SI.CX);
how to lI1ak e this lent a~\l'mbl) \ illing l1la"'\imul1l stabilil~ . " (OJlul- = ..J::!I I'ac kle Box .. 5 1.00: Hoo " -
II hich ca n be quickly crcct..:d \\ ithi n ,illll i, ca,) w ilh :l !omalJ Ou[b0;lru Ict picturing owr 500 projccl .... , •
th..: cap... ulr.: il ,> clf, ,II0p Ih..: car. llullllr. S 1.00.

Jun •• 19 73
lun InJU,lrie,. '1I1;:d ",,,r"hclminlll~ in kf '1;llinl! .. hi\ r..lIlrJ of <1111'1.111.1
New Contract Calls For
Substantial Increases
1..1 . J, ......: \\ \OK"' . ' . \ . (lla 7no
r.HUr of l o.;;tl l In a '.l1iun,,1 I at'ur
Ret",iun .. Bolar" e1c(ti,lIl. (<1nlr,1(1 1lC!;"
li:lliun, ",11 he!;in , IWII I).
in!; -cr,i~e ,111.1 (ooPl·raliun "i,h \I'lr
Iir"lhnh"ud 1l1.,~e, him a IIUTlh, r.:upi·
cnl of Ih,~ recol=niliun" I
1,11,:.11' nwmh•.:r, elll[lh'\c,1 b) (he (""n-
..olid:ucd hti'lltl (,'IIII'"n\ un \IHh'l1 I,·
elm"' I' AR"I\I', B_M . In1ernalllm,,1 Repre'>!.!nt:'lile Juhn [<Ill'
pin. reprc'enlin!,: Internaliunal ' -i,'e Pre'- I
land r,itiried II ",'W 1"'"-ll'ar Hmlra~[ 1'"
/l;h ll'l l:alling fur 'IIthl.lnli'l l in-
cn',,\C, in "'age, and Ix-nchh \fleT"
Mayor Alioto Made Honorar y
Member of the IBEW
il1cJ1l \\ '. I 'in"lIl. :1',i'le\l 1I"'lI1e"
\1 ,"1:I~er rr;tnl r . (l1 .. n in pr.:-.cnlinl=
11m Il unm:lrl 'Iem!x'r,hip I.. \I .I)ur
re;t,ling <If Ihe pWPlh,!I h~ (harn1wn \lilllo_ Inlernalion," Repre ",nl;'1!H' John
A,llh,," \ I fapani. Ih~ mcml>..·p, '''INI. Ll'. 6. S" H("('ISCO. C \I II'. I !Ippin t.:,1I1Ie)ed Ihe he,1 "i,hn .• nJ
hI <,Cael 1>;111,.1. 10 ;1~~l.'rl Ih~ lei 111' uf AI a recenl rnemhef .. hip IIlcclin)!. I 1><;:11 ,,"n~r,Hllla lillll" on hch"lf of Ihe Inlerna-

Ihe ugrccmcnl b) " ~-h)-I luajurill 6 hnd Ihe prilikgc and pk;""f~' uf he· hU1l1l1 "tlkcr, 1.('11:;11 6 111'0·,1 10
l 'ml"r the (elm, ,,( the Il"" l"ntl,,~1. .. 10"1II!! un \1.' }<1f JO"":l1h I . Allu\I) 1111 .' I"'Uf Ali"t" ,I pl!Jqllc to ,'OIlln1ernuraIC
in add Ilion hI \\"I.!e gil in" implllH'mcnh lIonof"ry Mct1thcr,llIp in the 1111 W Ihi .. ' li:(II'inn
"ere matlc ,n Ih,' d,-m,,1 .onJ m"',li,';,1 The H Ol1or;,ry \I~rnrc.-..h,p Clf,[ IiiI' \l;IH..r Jo,cph I.\lillto i, rcnll=ni/.:J
t,;\ller.ICC. \.I~;iti,)n,. Jolt" .... dlm). promo- ..cnt from JlI1enMlional l'rC\lOcnl Ihroul=huUl Ihi, nalion '" one "I Ihe
tilln ,mol ror"gr.:"iun rr"f'.IIll", rr'· ....'rip- Charle, H . l' ill"rJ anJ In lemali"n,,1 u,,"landlO!! [";lJer~ of our time .lnJ of
lion IlruJ 1"1;10 .• trW Ilk ...... n,iun 1'1;." Scud .. ,) Ju",ph I). h.cen.lII. "jlh ;t lel- Ih.: 1)"11",,,rul," "art}_
Bu,jne" \I .tn,,~r I hlllll.l' \ .In-\I'-
,.ble and Ilu,inc,~ Ih~rle....:nl.llil':
M l~h,lel Ill~'lIr \'onl'nHIII"w.1 Ihe 'q;u-
Honorary Membership for Mayor
li,lIin ~ (ullIl11illCe on Ih line ""r~ in
Ih e 12 r:rq:Mlninll -.e'~I\ln'_ I he ~ummir­
ICc "nll,,,le,1 uf '"lhu1II I I <Il';l Ill. J, •....:ph
\.lJ"", .. ~)·. 'h,·h ..d \I ~(,nl1h. h~ph
l 'r1;n. (-h.lrle .. "r;llller. I IIlIi .. I <ll'lImll.
R'ln'IIJ 'I Mh. I h,ml.l' Rlln. J,.hn
113""". (harle .. Ikn'lnli. ,,"u \I ,lnin
l hilrnc}.
A lUll)!, hilkf nine·"ed \lri~e ended
<In Murdt 2~11l1 "lih the .. i~nin)! ,If a
1"o-all,l·one h;rlf-Iear '·'lnlr..,1 "ilh
Plder 'i Rill (urptlf,lIi\ln. ,I ,h' i,illn of
(I r (urpor'II'''n. 110.1 1 111:;11 .1. Ihe
,,!!feemetll ""'er.. R4 '·f;il -.cnl'·" ledt-
niLi;H1' ellll,l1=eJ in in'HlII,llion ,\11..1 -.en-
ile 'i-r,i} eqlllpnlClll ill <llIr ;lrel' 1 he
Mayor Joseph L Alioto .ddlluu 01 loul 6. Sao F"tocisco_ Sealed. telt 10 "ahi
\'ot11f"n i, Ihe lir .. t eler .. i1=111'.1 hCI"ecn a.e p.esidenl Ray Donowan. (uclJ! lve au.I"e .. M"""!lar alii RUdder. Inl"rO.I.onal Rep •• ·
a m;lJIlf X'f'l} eqllipllwnl I1ULlllli;ILlurer sentat,ve John lapplo. and T.ea.ur•• W" ..eo Deme".,,-
1111(1 1m 1111'" lo.:al ".. prc,enti nll in'lalla-
tion ,mol '>Cf' lu' Ill .. n.
Dunn!! Ihe LtlllI'o<.' uf IJf~1.nllinl! and
lhe mne·\\~C'~ '1f1~C ;Ifler Ihe LerllhL3-
lion u( 1 000al .\ ;t.. 1""I' •• illin~ ,lj;ent-Ihe
.. Upf"llrt "rfef<'d I>~ I 0.. .. 1- ~.~. I tlnl! h -
1;llld; 9K. l'lul.ldclphi,,; 1177. (I .. ,d;lml,
OhiO ; :lIld1~_ I lanftllol. (IInnedr~tll,
pl,,}e,1 an il11Pllr1alll part In Ihl' Ullilll;lIe
'>Clllem .. n!.
I he ne" \,t1nlr;llI in.:1uJc •. in mJdnion
to a .. ul>,l;mli .. 1 "';llIe "JJu,mten!. .. 17' l
hour ... cc~_ major m"oll~al pl .. n ... id.. pcr..on;lr ,1,1\,. II h.,hdll\'. -...:mOf-
,IY. I JIIl"I;lmal an.1 (UhUf,1I r unll~
henel;". nlld Ir,,,cI .:'~n""
'1 he euminllin~ "r~"ni/in!; pI "!!I "Ill in
th e X·ril) irHIU'lr ~. unJer Ih" J,re,:I;1)n
1)( Bu .. ine., Rcpr .. -...:nmlile \\ illiarn
Dare) lind John ("fjl"tc· ~. fc~c,'c,1 ;U\-
olher hoc),1 un 'pril ~HI IIh.:n the h.'"h-
nki;ln, llnu ~uPP"rt pcr .... lOnci uf the Lei, to "Shl. Anillam i'l us'nen Manase. Ratph Ball. BIJIlness Manager Franz E. Glen.
I'rofexfn) Corpora1ion, 3 dili,ion of Lit- Busious Represlnta,I". P'lrrl B"8al'"•• nd M .~o. Joseph l. Aliolo.

laEW JOII,nor
On IlCh.tlf of hi\ ct/orh for \\urlin& men Cdn l'e pl:u:cd AI pfe",nl. Ihe oul- men. \t Ihe lime of Ihi, hng. the re
"'''It .m.1 "'om"" c ...:t)l'here. :tnt.! lhe 1001.. h not 100 l,!ooU. are "flprU \lm,lIcl} 80 clc~trician, on the
r"-'Oflk of lhe city of Soan I rand"l:O. jol:>.
l'IH'("h X. Nl \l tis. JR .• I'.s.
LllCal 6 ccrulln! )' lO. el.:u lllc\ \I J}or Ali-
\\ell. r ,~~, IlliLt", ;.hour "II ror Ihi.
ulu '" ih honorar} IIIcmhcr.
month. Rcmc mt>er III "t(lfl"rt Ihl' union
J 1t\~I.: ! (,t I', !J \I -F.S. Bucket Elevator Building 1.. t>t:1. :"'c )ou nc\1 monlh.
L)t)u.. (' "I '. I'S.
Act of Charity
Charitable Deed

Me ml>4o.$ 01 Local 22. Omanft. Neb. are

ThUit member. 01 Local 7. Spro"EtI,,,ld. wor~,n!: On th., 8ucke' rl"~810' BUIld In!! ilt Mlmb<!r~ 01 Local 36. No'thamptOf>. Mess ..
Mass .. 8a~. 01 theIr tIm" to WOI~ On Ihe the Ash Grove Cemen t PI"nt. LOUlwllI.,. donated Iwo Salurd.~s to wmnl! a Downe~
"","Ia Ceott' n l III" 'l'0I~ Str~~1 jaIl In Nib' SIde Hom" on SOuth Hadlev. Mass Lift 10
Sprong',ele! LeU to "f(hl. Joe Capu to. PAul flR"t B,Olh,.s P.ul Mykytluk, J •.. J~ck Crtn·
G~'e~man hc~ Carne~. aernle flell1lnll ea~llch. and Lou awln, wo'k on Ihe w"onll:
Lou,e "borlo. Ch .. ln SllIlIna'o. Tomm~ Col Work for Loca l 22 Members
Ions. Doug Bodman, Ind Ooul! BII,"chdrd
Slowed to a Crawl Members Donate Two Days
Tim e Donated to Project; I.. l . H. O\ IAI I \ . .... ...111{. rhe "ill\ef To Wiring Home
Work Outlook Not Too Good munlh' \\ere leq l'Ul\l "ntl 'mIll}
1.. 1 . J6, .... 0I0 11'\l I' I U .... , \I\S.'i._
ilruunJ I o~al :!:!\ uren. :ut,,] hee,w", or
il. IIIIrl. h,,, ,llIlI c,1 It) ,I cn'lO.l D unn\-! the nmnlh ur \I ;.. ~h. rtIcm ...... r,
L. U. 7. ~ I · IU ""G H ": '-I). \ 1 \ S~.-O n 0 1 [ ,11,:.11 .It> d un"teu tl'" "'(llnr.!iI), 10
l eI' 171h. 1 (11,' ,,1 7 IIICIllI-":f' "n~.: I he A~h (i r,,'e (ement l'I,LIlt iLl
lIirtng ,I DOllnq S,ue Il urne III 'Kluth
<lj!;UII ~.t le or lhei r lillIe ,,, h dr Ihe I uui" ilk. i'oetJr" ,I.". " IIlle luI> Ih;1t
~epl ~,'ing Ihrou!;h thc lold "tid 'tlUII
Il ..JIc}. \IJ, ....<: hll-..:ll\. 11,.. " I le.::lfi.::. II
commUIII I). I hey lO.ofl.ed In " meui" 1\11,:;" Ctlntr'llI"r. pru\lJ"t.! Ihe men IO. I\h
~'enler l'etO!,: hutlt :11 Ynrl. "'I recl J'lil in I he enclu.,...d pilhtfe , holO., polfl tit Ihe
hr,t flh, .....· (If Ihe lI udel Ilc ..Lior II!lilu- ,. Iru.-I. hlled "it h Ihe ne"e,..;,r~ tool,
'op ringhel.l. I hi, flWJCcl 10. " , ,uhm iHed for Ihe pr",..·d.
I'~ I·r.m,:t) 1'. ,",couJ,!h . I}trcchll .... prin:;- ing II ht~h " 'c heuuicJ fur lOtnplc1ton
Ilclu (II) I. ih';tf). hI Ihe time }.)!I re,.u Ihi \. Ph"", 110.0 j. I Ivol. ",'er,,1 p, .. ure, of Ihc ,tctilil}.
I he prtlJCcI 10.111 h;IIC 'Uflput! frt.m C\flC~ I CU ILl Ix' clJlllpleled in I.. te 1'I7-J hut rtI1 IUIO.-'flCetl him II,,, I,". '1010. for
the .,nlw.11 hud!;e l or Ihe IIhliHni,'n. Ihe "nu ph,,,,-' Ihr~e. in 19711. I he hig im- the hi)!il"l'Ceu IIOf~ hem)! dO 'lc.
( U) I ihr~I) ..... hICh lIill e~tl'n d ih -..:n- "fOlemenl lO.ill come In phJ'<: 110." lIith \\,Jr~'n\-! un the proic~1 lIe re I'.. orm
i~.:' ,tnt.! ..eel. rumlil1g Ih'''Ullh it, ;LI1nual the chnlln'llion of 1()U IUth or 10.:1. uu,t \n!;et'. J ml De1i\lc. Jctr I f'lnl. J,lcl
huJget, ;\I1U (rtllll cOllllllunit) IIrg;tni/,'- tl1..1 fltIUh from Ihe "nU~C\I:tlh uil il) (irinc."il.h, Konn) lI ecl.. U:' ff) Ilt g-
tion. ,tOu l!fOU P' under Ihe k,hlc r' hip llf -I hi, Uti,. "Ill he co lle" leJ h) ele~lIo", gim. It rl"n II t~l! i n\ ~ICle Jet:. John
It." \ uull ' duc:lltlln ("01111".1. ;lrc,. I"U~ pfee tpLi;Li"r,. \l itld I',wl \I }l)tiul... J r .. I Cnn} l'\ Ctl,
l· hm"he, ... nu 'ociu l :I ~ ti on ~fOll fl'. Inumlri ••1 I lc~'lric i. Ihe 1,:0n""~ l or on mann. Jr.. /l u,ine" \I ," lager ( ..!or ~<,
1.0..;,1' 7 j , ple;I'oCu 10 hiL\ e he"n ;I PMI Ihe jo". Jillt ~hoei,lefwinu j, the ill" O·H ri.:n. 1 011 Oll.'n,. Itru~c K"u<:lifTc.
!If Ihi, pl"tI]<!d IIhilh \li ll grc;lll) ,",endi! 'telO.'lrU: (':tr l lI o lfm an. prujc~t el1\-!ineer; 1-'0..1 "'lcl1l.iclli~/. ( iene ~i~arJ. ,mJ {dr!
Ille m n1~le' of Ihe pil \11 "orh'u h,lrd (',L1) HuITm.m. ;uh ,upcrinlcnuent: :In,,] "" ilt,.
10 m'll.e tl Ihe ,Ul'C"" Ih;11 11 " .. , ,Int.! to Hill J,.l,ilh an d AI Jcn '<n, l!encr,,[ f"re'
l~'ep Illc n"nle IIr 1 0",11 7. lU I \\ ...
n,lllle uf hlt.:h .1'lI1uini: In Ihe UlmnUtntl)
\ t the fe~ulilr \I.'f~h ",l'Cliog of
1<)0.;,,1 7, li rolher John \I "on" ~u~):htet.l
th,,1 Pre,idem Wllh'lm 0'( ollnor "P_
J1'I.)tnl hlON.'lf ,1\ puhh,' ftl,llillll\ oni~"r NAME
oi l, .... 011 1. Ih" mea'Uft 10..1' ",~ee'tetl
in the hul'C Ih'lI tt IO.llulU hdp 10 re"v NEW ADDIESS
Iju"int m~n) of the nk:r~han" in "'-If
olTe., .. ,Ih IIIe hl~11 ... u"ln) \\orl. dime h)
,,0.; .• 1 7, .mu 10 f,'.-I.lIm II\II~h "f the Ibolherl, we want you
m"lnh:n~n.c 1O.0ri. 111\1 mer Ihe le"r, 10 PIEUNr lOCAt UNION NO
Ihe n,m·untnn ... nmf"clllr~
to have your JOUR-
\1 .1 ,·,ttl.:"] U'''thlll-' m the miJuic or
NAl! When you haye CAto NO
Ihe Ilhmth. Ihllthcr O( unn"r t.!,U ;Ip- a change of add... ",
1'<'111\ htm",'f. lie " flre,,-'nll\ h,tr"] .. t plea.. I.t UI know. OLD ADDIESS
11,111... ....:lImg I IX,I' 7. Be lur. to Includ. your
I u~;tl 7 " 'ttll c\pcru:ndllll unemploy_ old add..... and plea.e
ment. \1 the IlIlle uf Iht~ IO.rillJll-!. Ihere don't forget to fill In
Me "ppr,,\ltll;ucI)" :!U llLen tlut IIf lO.orl L. U, and Card No , f ORMEIt lOC ... t UNION NUMBU
in Ihl,: ,lIe,t. lIu 'lI1e" Muo" II"r ( n1l1l1' i, Thil Information will
C\flCriencing l:rcfller dtl1kult) in placing If YIlU HAVE CNANSUI lOCAL UNIO NS
Ihe...: men. We hoJ'C Ihal ;0 fell jot" in
be helpful In checking WE MU ST HAV E NUMBERS Of BIlTII
the ure;! II til ,I:trt 10 II1lll"e 'I) Ihal Ihl'')C and keoping our rec-
ordl .tralght. Mail To; Circulation Department
JUnfl, 1973 International Brolherhllod of Electrical Workers
1125 15th Strn~ H.W., Washin(ton, D. C. 20005
• •
departlnent of Research / '\. /
and Edllcation ~

• On February 12. 197:\, Ih..: U. S. healing o il and cleclricil) in \Ollie si\"c pori ion of Ihe op..-r:llilln. Ihe
dollar \\Ia ... uc\ulucu for th..: !>cconu ;lrea\. Irml,fnrminr of log~ 10 fini,hed lurn-
time in 14 months. The fir\! r.1c\alu- It i\ probable Ih:11 the AIlll-rican lx'r, i\ dunIC abroad, while th~ non-
alinn of 7.89 l)I!r cent \\01\ in Dc- CUn~lIll1er \\ ill find ilu:n.'a'l.'d pricIC' I:lbm inll.!T1\i\IC raw material pt1rlinll
cClIlbcr. J 97\. and \\ ", haikd h) the on nllhl inlport~'d produc'" ami dll- i, handk'd III the U. S. T hi, re,lIlt,
f\ dministr;t(ion a ... a complete \(l1u- IllIC,tic pruducI' u,ing imported CUIlI- in a ,ulhlalil ial lo~s of American
lion tu tho..: udcrioraliull of thl.: U. S. IXlIlcnh or raw m:IIICrial,. Price jobs.
po,itiull in Ihe \\orld 1'('{ltHlIllY " he Afte r Ihe devalualion of I'ebru-
\cconu devaluation of I () per Cl!111
pn·' ... ure~ will a!~() 1.:0l11C fro m olhcr
fI,'\III" of the dc\aluation. ary 11. 1l)7J. the U. S. and a num- 1
Illi Fcbruar~ 12. 1973. ":h Ic ... ~ ProblICllh \\ ill be cau'l'rJ b~ ,horl- ber of olhl.'r cnuntrie, ha\e ,hifted
hcroJldcd hut ~till bdk\cd III be the age\ rJu~ to the \.'xpnrt (If r;)w l1la- 10 an exchang.: ralc ba!>Cu on "flnal-
,>uhllion to U. S::. international ":CI'I- Il.!rial, ,ueh a .. food ami lUlllt)o.:r. ing" cllrr.:n\.'ic~. With a floating rale.
nomic prubJ...·Ill!.. What 11:Ippeno; i\ Ihi,: a\ a re\uli (If the dollar ha\ no fixed \:llul' in
'\ he purpo".: of dc\ alua\mtl i~ 1hIC dullar tk\:llua1ion, IhL' ;I~'111ll1 term .. uf !.llher patJl.'r cu rrl·ncie\. Un-
to illcr..:".,c the price of illlPtlrh intu purchasing Ix)wICr of foreign hU}ICr\ ucr a lIulIling rale Ihe value of a
th..: u. S. ,Ilul rcduee the pric..: of of America n product... II;(, ilH.."rl"I~('d. currency i\ \CI by Ihe force .. of Illl'
American exports aoro:ld. ' ·hcon.!ti- In dlcCI, \\IC havc lo\\(:r.:d our pricl." financial market. a, (Jppos~'d \tI tlw
cally, \lIl.:h action .,hould curb the 10 foreign hU)l.!rs during :1 perilld uf fi .'I;cd rale \),1\.'111 whn..:h) a CClitl'lt
ri ..c of unporh and f>pur thl' int:rl';I\C incre:I'.:d dUlIle\[ic demand. -, he in- 1t;lllk, [h..: value of a currICnc~
uf apor\!,. crca'ICd dmne~lic d':lIland eoupk<.l ;Illd Ihl.!n ,upporls [hal va lu.: in [hIC
A .. an <lelllal n:\ull of Ihe Ill71 \\llh Ilmu.:(j ,upply and a k.. \\er fin:lndal Illtulcl.
lIe\ alll:llion. prices l'lwrgcJ for for- pric\.' a\;lil:lhk II) foreign \.' ounlri.:\ A ,) 'IICl11 uf floating currendIC'
d~1I ~(H.)lh \H"!m up 11.',.. than ex- ha .. crl.!uh:d \horlag.:s amI higher ha!i a nurnba of advanlagl". B~
l'lCctcd: pncc~ on Amcric;1Il goo(h pricIC\ al honll'. ha\'ing Eurupe:m currenCIl" dIC-
\\'<.:rc hi~hcr than l'xpcctl'd, pur- Whal happen\ i, Ih~H foreign lached frurn Ihe doll'lr. all mum' lar)
cha'l'\ ur fllrL'ign car.. and olhl'r ctln- countrie\ a r~' enabled In hu) U. S. cri,e\ arc lU)t cri",-,~ of Ihe dnllar. A
\LJl1ler p roduct~ cOlllinued \() ex- r:lw 111<1[1,;1 ial, at rower pricIC">. pro- Ill)flling 'y,tl.'l11 i, :1"'0 less ..'a'll) al-
p:mu; I'i~ing bu,ine" herL' Call~L'd thlce the fini,hcu 1)I"1H.luCI, OIl [he laded hy cUrt"ICncy !>pecu lutor<,. A
ind u\lry 10 U\L' more raw lIl.tler-iab ~:lIlle lime creating jub, in Ihl.!ir fi.'I;ed valu.: 01l a CllrrL'nq. \\ hieh
,Iml pall .. , impon, IIhL' (""IeI' Ihan counlrk", and IC,.;:port the lini\hICd IllU,[ be \1I(lpl.lrll.'d b~ ('('nlral hank,.
CXpOfh :tnd IhL' trade deficit gn.'\\ product 10 thl.! U. S. 111e I.'nt1 re .. ull prm ide, a flnor unuer .... hidl Ihe
"nr\L'. i~ a highl.!r pricIC for Ihe American .. peculator can not lose. Thi, 1:11-
Of the an1it-ip:llL'd crfcch, Ihl.' comullllCr ami 10"\ IIf Allll.'rican eour;lg"\ 'IWclllatiun. Under a fll):u-
mml certain rc~urt of Ihe 1:lle\1 de- job,. ing ,)'tICIll. Ihe central ban~\ arc
v:lluation w ill Ix a highL'r co~t (If A cie:lr IC,arnpk of [hi, i\ in [he not ill\"ul,,~d and no .. uch flour e"
Ii\ ing for all Arm:rie:In\. The higher reeen[ ~k) mcleling of IlIrnh..' r prices. j,h. . ( h..: fluctualing valulC" \)f IhL'
cm" gL'nL'rato.:d b) Ihi\ la1C\1 dl.'\ alu- In the lumber indu .. try. the L S. ha~ floaling ,),t":l11 ..IIOUld make opcr:l-
alion wilt nol be confined hi those a ...... urned Ihe I>o,iliun of :U1 undICr- lion .. more diflieult :Ind rhl} for
Alm:riL'illL\ trav~'ling .lllI"lHid wllll\e (te\eIU\K!d eoloni:11 eC("IIltllll) - il sp..-culalor\ and thu, di,c(lUragl'
dollar" will buy Ic~, in Ihe \\;IY Ill' gr(J\\ '. CUIS, and I.!xpmh log, 1\1 haw ma,~i".: ,hif" of fUllu", of Ihe ~orl
lodging. foo<.l. iJnd Ir:w\porlation. the fini\hed lumber re\old to IhIC Ihal hit Ilk' money ma rkelS ill 1971
All (.'omumer~ \\ ill Ix affect..:J in ;t U. S. la1..:r. nle 1"0 de\atualilJns and :tgam Ihi\ )ear.
Ilumhcr of ":I)s. i\ol nnl) 1\ il likcl~ ha\e madc it ehICar'lCr fllr fnrdgn Our currenl ,itualion \\ lIh !-.hner·
\ha\ irnporl!. ~uch ao; forL'ign aUIO- buyer... 10 oblain American log ... :H ~'nlly ri .. ing nalion"t price Ic\d, dic-
IIHlbih:\, camcrm., radio... :HlJ I;IPC Ihe ,:II11e lime lending 10 make lum- late, cithL'r IICmJll)rar~ fi:\et.l r:tl~'~
re('OrdeN, for "hich dOI1lL"licall) bICr import .. more e'l;IJl.'n .. i\l.!. Thi .. \\ Ith po.:riodie adjuslinellls (dIC\;llua·
pro<lu(."ed ~uh'li[u[e .. ar~' a\ailable, proce" add .. 10 co,[, and price~ in lion) llr COIHinuou.. adjll\[lIIent
will co.. [ more, but al,"} nece~':try a period of ri'ing (kmand :HlO i~ a Ihrough noaling. It is hoped that,
illlporh-for example, Middle Ew.,l- nmJor faclor in [he ri\\.' in 11Imlxr under <I 1I0al, Ihe changes wilt be
ern o il irnpons-wilJ increa:.1.' in price,. more often ;lIld Ie~s violent.
price and resull in higher costs for ' n Ihis process, Ihe labor in len- A nO:lling syMcm a lso h1l\ ~orne

32 18EW JO""IOt
inherent di ..advamages. thc most fulure rutes; Trn{kr.., might re..,ul'l 10 :ldl!ljU:1ll' rcmedies for U. S. prob
),c\'erc of Ih!.'m being 1I1I(,re((i( ((1- hedges again!>1 IXI .... iblc ratc dl;lIlg('S lelll', in Ihe world economy. The
M/it)'. II i)' karcd that . \~ilh eOIl- re!>uhing in incrca ... cd price ... anJ less major trouble is Ih:11 American cor-
sl:lllily fluctuating ~·xchangr.: rales, trading. poratium and banks now Iwvc hu&~'
forr.:ign commerce \\ill h~' ..r.:h'rdy Monetar)' policic .. of dc\alua\ion .. and incr!.':l'>ing in\l:stmenlS in for·
hampered du r.: 10 unccn:lint) about and 1I0;lling r.:xchangr.: ratc), "rl' nol l'ign c(lmHric\, They keep Ihl'i r
Am~·rico.n dollar), then: 10 expand
their f(1r!.'ign holding~ ;llld. frc·
CON S UMER PR I C E IN DE X - UN ITE D STA TES AVER A G E qu~'nll). In ;I\uid pa)ing U. S. laxes
,In Ih .... ir furr.:i).! IH.':trnr.:d profih.
Source: U.S. Do;:p ... d"u~nt 1,.11 lobor Buft~uu 01 lobol Slut;~tiu

What i.. l1l'cdr.:d is positive aCliun.
REVISED IN DEX SERIES-Reference Base, U. S. Ave/age, 1967 100 \\hich \\uuld fI.-rno\'c the U. S. lax

Ind • • Oo'e ."

lie",. ." App'''el Heoili.
hrcah. and olher incCnli\'r.:s for
COlllp;Jme\ 10 op.:ralc o\'ersca~: n:g-
Com· e" • lron.por. a- lie,
UI:llilll1 and rC),traint of thc cxport
......... th_V.o' bin.d 1 b, <d f~d Upkup lol,on ..... lion
of Amerkan lechnology and capital;
MOr . 1973 151 .0 1298 134 .5 132.3 12 4. 8 121.5 128.6 lind Ihl.' pl:ICl'l1Ienl of limih on im-
Feb . 1973 lA9 .6 128 .6 131.1 132.0 123.6 121.1 128.1
r()rI~ \~hich di'plnce U. S. produc·
Jan. 1973 1 A8.5 127] 128.6 131.A 123.0 120.0 127.8
1972 liol1 and l.'lllplu)nh:nt ,l~ \~r.:11 " ..
Dec. 1 A8.0 127 .3 126.0 131.2 125.0 121.3 127.5
Nov . 1972 1 A7 .6 125.4 130.8 125.0 121A 127.4 eXpliTl" \\ hich prootlcc dOllle~tic
Del. 1972 lA7 .2 124 .9 130A 124.3 121.2 127.2 .. horlagr.:...
OIlI~ ,uch a comprchcn:-.i\'1.' pro-
Mo, 1972 144 2 124.0 122 .4 127 .9 12 1.3 118.4 125.0 gr;HII can begin tu halt the continu-
Mar. 1971 139.3 ing dCIr.:rinr;Jlion of ArncriC'1I1 in-
Mar . 1970 133.2
Ir.:rn:tli(lnal economic fo.'lation,hip".
Mor. 1969 125.6
A linn r(llicy i., n.:r.:d!.'d. not conlin-
Mar . 1968 119.5
urll r!.'(lctJorl'. 10 condition ...
119.17·.19 hl •• en.e 80'"

NOTE, Con.umer Pd •• Inde. lor 011 1""'1 InC"oled 1.2 Indco Poinl .Juring 'he po.1 monll>.
I>< 09~ ·• • TI>" equalled on Mnuol 'o le 01 in"eo,e 01 to.S% (12 X 0.9). The
'nu.o .. in CPI Ih. po.I V.O. "'a' .1.8 PO,nl> Or " .1~
P•• nn!olle in"...... bel .... _n 1"'0 dol •• i. tol,uloled by ,ubhCO( ling 'h. Inde. LOCAL UNION 25,
NUII>be, II>< lite co,li.r dot. l'oM It.OI ..... It.e 101", dol •• and by di •• ding the
r•• wlt by Ihe 'nde. nu .. ber II>< ,h. eo.ti.r dole, It. .. n Mutllpty,ng by 100, LONG ISLAND
EKAMPlE for I"" period of ..... o .. t.. 1971 'a ......... h. 1973, 129.8 _ 12~.0 = .1.S Inde> Challenge to all ISEW Locals
Po".I< • .1.8 di.ided by 12",,0 = ,0",68 X tOO :::: .. 7 '1.
to participate tn the Third
Annual Metro-IBEW Softball
Tournament to be held on Au·
gust 25 and 26. 1973. Thi s

Ind.. 001.
- 100)
Hooltt. a- te ...o
evenl is being sponsored by
Locals 25, 1049 and 1381,
ISEW, on long Island. New
1,on,,,,,,. '."onol lion 8- York. For information, please
....... nlt._Yeo' "
It.. ",. f .... HOWI;n!! Clo'I>inq lol,on Co'o ..... ding
contact Bill ltndsay c/o local
Mar . 1973 lA 5.7 152 2 149 .5 134.5 133 ,9 15 2 ,8 142.5 2~. 1I:H:W, P.O. Box 997. Mel·
Feb. 1973 145.3 15 1.6 149.0 134.4 133.5 152.8 142.1 ville. long Island. New York
Jon. 1973 144 .5 150.0 lA8.0 134.7 133.3 151.9 141.5 11 746 on or before July 1,
De c. 1972 143.3 IA 7.1 146.8 135.1 133.4 151.8 lA 1.4 1973.
Nov. 1972 142.3 145.1 146.1 134.9 133.1 151.6 141.3
Oct. 1972 142.0 145.3 145.2 13A,4 134.1 151.2 140.3
Mar . 1972 137,4 137. 1 141.2 130.2 132 .8 147. 4 138 .3
Mar. 1971 131.3
Mor. 1970 128.9
NOTE, Conodo', .. , P.;,. Ind •• 10. all it.",. ;nCf"" ..d 0," 'nd .. po;nt du,ing Ihe
po,1 monlh. or 0.3%. Th" .quollod On onnU'OI ral .. 01 in(reole 0' 16' 112 X O.Jl,
II•• ,n"oooe d~'ing th. po.1 y.o ..... 0. S.3 pO;n" a' 60 p .... "I.
P.,un'ogo in" .. o.. b .. l .... e.n "'0 dote, i. ,alculo,.. d by Wbl'O(linll Ihe Indeo
Numbe' 10>' It.e ea,Ii ... doto 1'0'"' Ihol 10. Ihe Iole, dol •• ond by d,.,d"'9 'he ",.ull
by Iho ind.x numb.r lor Iho .... ti •• dOl •• thon Mulliplying by 100.
EXAMPlE, fl>< Ihe pe riod 01 Ma', 1971 10 Mar. 1973, t".1.7 - 137.• = 1.3 Indn Poinlo'
S.3 di.i.Jed by 137 .• :::: .060-6 X 100 6,0,% .
Juno, 1973
New Members W elco med; On lloyd Center Job Re tireme nt Party
Work Picking Up in Area
L t . .n . II \~TFO ~I>. CO" .-Ihe
wor~ picture I' hmlll) "I' In \llIr
juri.,.jiclion. IJ) the Illite thl' i"",, ~OfIle,
11111. Ihinl1' ,hiluM I'C 11"1n11 Icr, "ell
I 1,,1.e: Ihl' ol'l'Orlunil~ 10 ""I.;ollle Ihe
ne'" lII"mllC" frllm I'rk,, -I lel~~1 I ree
in I ;n~vln. !thode hlilll\1 \\ekome h)
the IIrolherl1\)o.1. fell\II.\\' \\ e 11 ... 1. !,)f-
\1" ...1 10 an ewellenl fulllle 10:1:'1(1)11,1111'
t-..!hleell Ihe mem\lcr,. Ihe 111\1011. ;1111.1
the ~~'mp.l!1)
\'e hope 10 ur~,Hli/e enllll):h tree r-o;v-
pic. in the neilr fuillre, It) m.ll.e il p.",i-
hie III 1'111 un t. flill -IIIIlC Iree leple...:nhl- Loe~1 58. DetrOII, hono.eo 8rother lOIs A~·
hIe. I hi, lille of II urI. I' 111 3 p,,,.U ,n a pa"y on ,hil occas,on ", t".
'r-o;ci"ll/eLl n'lllIre. amI. .• hhulI):h tree ",emen\. HO',O'. e,othf'r Asp'nall, ""n'l',
'~Iendod bf!st w,she. lo r . happy ,el'''men!
people halc heen i!;l1orcJ tor tvu l11~n) The B'Olh,!,,'" in Ihese fo". plclu,n. memo
bf!~ 01 Locill 48, Po,U.nd, 0'1 iI'l wo,k by F,nanc;,1 ilnd Reeo.d,ng Sec'elary Ind
}e"r,. lie in 1 ,)1;,,1 41 fcel Ilhll ,1Il~.III'" ,ng on Ihe L10Vd Ceme. He,e W,II,am '·allt·' Mu, Dan Diamond.
conne..:!ed IIllh Ihe el.:,-,lnc .. 1 II\du'l(I Hess is shown worklnS on Ihe J C. Pennev
II nhln our JUrt'Ul~1l0n ,h,11I1\I "nJ ,h,.11 add,t, .. ,,-
h"le Ihe opportunily Iv he ....mle o!~.lniled
;lIld ~lIn Ihe IInll.)I\.
WnrJ.. h 1l1,l.ln~ "I' in Ihe "re;, ;II Ihis
lime. \\e ,.re tMl~ III II,e '"lklll"f,1 In
Iht: Ikehld "ro,c~1 "I MIII,lune 1'.)inl:
,11'><1, 1"0 mure I,otued ,"t>,l;lhUlh "re
0111 ror hId, We (,Ill 'lITe \1"": Ihe ""rl..
"e "hll halc II nCII hi lino! ):,lInl1 III
\\c,lern ,\I "".. chu-..:II,. If thin!,!' ,'I)n-
linlle 10 pkl. Ufl ,I' the) h'I\e l'Cell. "e
,houlu he in 1,!00ti ~llilpc. lIorl."i....:.
1(, j"'l .. \>oul lime lor 'lilT \nl1ll.l t
L'nion P i~'ni~. I' lcil'C rememt-..!r Ih .. 1 M....Aspin"lI, cln'e •• and Les chat w.,h
Bu,ine), ,\Ian;tl,!cl I rll \dllchl)fcr <111l1 f"end.,
the Picnic CWllmillee ""rl. ler) h,lrd at
punin!; the fli~mL 10,l!clher ... nd il Te;(lI)
help, "hen )011 nmil ha~L )our c,lrLl~ Dave Gen<le. Jr .. app,enllee w"lman. wo.ks
on {he Penney add " ,on,
\\ ell. Il rolheT\, Ihu(, all t., Ihi~
month Kememhct- Ik \l1Icrk,UI'
Anlt:ri..: .. n!
J \\11' D . I In'l K. " .\.

Local 58 Fetes Brother

At Retirement Party
I.. t '. 511, 1)1-,11(01'1 . ' 1It'1I . Ilr\llher
I.e, A~pi",,11 relired frum hi, fli-"ill"" ,t\
,ur-o;rinlendenl of rn:lintellan(C lit Ihe
lilT!!\: in'lIlUtion of W .. )lle (tJIIIlII (,en-
er.,1 HO'iflit:.I ....... hkh :d,o I .. l.e, in the
1·lo;,e Menll1 \ Il o~p'I;tI. \ 1'",1, \\;1'
Si,en him h) the mainten,lIKe !!"n1; ami a".onen Rep.esen'al'VI and M..... Gordon
mall' friend,. 111111 it turned lIul ttl 1'<: "11 Jones enjoy ,he pa , ty.
Ken Hoglund also wo,ks on 'he Penney ild.
e,en'ing 111.. 1 Ill: ,lnU hi, lIife, \ ,111. lIilI dillon.
(heri,1I lhe fe,1 or IhCIT li'e~,
I hL' ,peedlC\ t; .. en III h" l-.:h,,\1 "ere
hUnlOr,lIh III dl<lr;l~ler hUl. In lurn.
re .. lI) rointeJ tlUI Ihc Illle. w",nlth ... nu
rC'!'('~1 h" friend, ;loJ ~'H"Jr~er' h,,,·c
fUf him. 1\, (Inc , ,.tid. " I c' i~
Ill.! I~pe of indl'luual .... h" ~ •• n 1.• 11. 1(1 3
per"'-ln nil 11I:I1I;:r ...... hll he i, "r ,,11.,1 ""-
'1Ii'lIl he hillu, III,' "1,,;\,, h,.J " 'lillie
.11,,1 fricndl) ~r"cting fo.)r o!\~r).ln~ hc
1I1el ill ... orl. fmm Ihc he.", ,url/e.m \0
'he I.. undr} del I.,"
[1,'\ ""ned al Ihe h"'pil,.1 in I ·.n.~.
I\ '" ,I m ainlcniln~'e ck<.:ln,·,.IIl,
(jnd in 1956, he 1001. I:h"q;e uf Ihe clcl:- r
Irkal ,hop. In 1962. Iw OcC;lIlle '"p,mn- "Kurt" WelbO,n hangs f'~h"es In iI " I"S"" Lilli an and JIm Maney Slop to ,Ut between
lenllcl1l. li e -.en-ell on Ihe I 'e~uthc ance ofllc• • , Ihe Lloyd Cente •• d,,,.ees.

IBtW Joulnol
Hoard of I ocal ~I! fr.lnl 1'J54 10 1962. a~ pari of Iheir fund t:11'lIlg agenda.
II ... o,cr, ... d un Ih ... I nltrluimllenl (urn· faithful Secretor V
'IhJI ou~hl to t-.e fun 10 \lat~h. Olher
mill.: ... :. nd on ':Iriutl~ Olher (tlmmitlee~ ... a)~ Ihe) rai...: mone) ,Ir.: Ihrough raf·
\o, hen Ihe union rcqllc\led hi, lime:. Abo fle" l"~': "lie,. el,:. :Inl "a) the} can
to hlo, (rcdit ar... Ihe Ilmc, he "as IhlOl.. of for Ih~ir e:lu\C. Conl1r;ttul;Hion,.
ele(led ,.\ lh.lirnMn uf the I !c.·lion \'ommil1ee m"mt-..:r,. 'lIld lun. ill UC )our
COll1millec, linc ;lnd meaningful 14\'r)...
No une ......... m .. ttl" \o,lwl I eo, has
GI '''' th.llfO .... P,S.
planned fur hi> rcurl·lllenl. 1-111 ,,1J.l1 ... , ... r
it i>. \o,e "i,h him it()!,x! hilI...
I he m ... mt..:r-hlp II;" iti\en Ihe offka\ All Members Working;
Ihe Ol..;l, 10 fll "he"d .m,j lini'h lht un· Contract Negotiated I'<lnlon 01 IIlIr .Ulu"" huiM",};
"hu:h hal, lam IInlini>hl',j Ihc,< I, .... I . l . 6M. In .... ' 1 K, COl o ..... , .... Ihal
...... 'e:n )e;lr,_ ! he •• re .• "n Ihe m;un nnor '''Illmer i, :llm(l"\1 h.:n:. l4e in 1 1)1.;;11 fig\
;lnd Ih"l un,lell\c"lh II CUI"! 9.1")11 juri...Ji(lion ;or.: ~Ilio}mg ;. period IIf cm·
-.qll;.r... 1.·... 1. J II" arc.l. \lhen (umpieled. Pr",dent Jolin Webe •. letl. ... d BU5,n .. U plol m.:nl IIIr .lIIf memt>cr, "II uf uur
\lill ..... rlc:' I,:oud purp" ...... _ Jml \lhen the M~nal!e. Bob Botlbel. off,ee"
S"n Anlon,o. TI~" p,nlnl 10 Belll,a lorenz
o' Local 60. mcnlt>cr, ;tr... 14,\rl..lnll .10 hour, ,"ho
:Ire;, "ill he rmllplclcd j, l1ul )..nll,,"n al • s,lver te.. seN,ee ftnd ~n .pp ... c .allon IIre,1- mmc·') .... i,h 11Il1} emerl!enq
Ihi .. dale. :" Ihe ollk ... " .Irr ,till ,,;tiling l'I;\{t,,~ In. 11ft. U; y~~,~ ... ~ ~ .. rr~ ' ''.y In tt, .. .)\erllme.
fur Ihe 1<.',1 of Ih ... h"I" I ,)fien "unda bUSiness mllnBge •• MD'I D( nUl" mcmrn:r, are \lnI'ling 10
"hat IIC "(Jul,1 be ,Jui n ~ if Ill' "ere ,lill );:d 0111 Ihe old (... hilll: !,ok,. dt;,ltlin~ up
1l)C:I!rd :1( 55 Add'lIIio:. '·;lInpc". rer"irin~ the 1"IlI~ Ihal h;lrel}
J,.I\ \\II Id ... \il .... I',S. mau,' it throu1!h Ihe 'Willner, ;1Il.! \Ion·
uering \Ih .. re the) llli!!hl find ;1 pl;l( lu
Local Presents 2b- Year u'>C lhe equ'pmenl.
/\,' liHU her.: ;.11 t,f III} lifc. ;mu I
Award to Secretary Oo.',er" thC'rC' \laC' .., man} hidden
L.l. 60. ~, .... ' .... 10 .... 10. II ,. Her. ,111....... "n,1 Ihl\ forl (,r Ih"l flJr~ ur llll~
Ih;, loren.. rc(cit ... d ;0 pl"Illle "nd a ,d· !!i\en rj,,'r. After all Ille inrormaliun i,
'er lea ..... r\i~e fr'>II1 Ihl' memt>cr, IIf 1! ••• hered ;lIld \1111 l;u~h up un .111 Ih.:
I l)I.;aJ 611 Illr her I.whful ..... r\ke IIr ~6 "Uf~ ;lrounol Ihe hu""e. }Oll :lfC' rrce fur
)e,,"'_ ... he "pphed hn Ih~ Illh ;0\ ..... ne· Ihe "ce""n\l. "HI ',,;,01 eler}lhin!! in the
1.lfy w Ilw hll'lne" m.ln"!!er, (i, I·. W"h Mr1ii lorenz. I.'t 10 IIfth •••• ROOK"
~ar or lr,,~).. ;lIld (ight },)ur ";1) "UI ur
'>\\.:ene~, h"d III 1'1.1(, .III.! i, 'Iill dUIll!! Kn'ble. R G [l~nn~h~. r....... I'_1I Wnlf~rlh. And 10'" nand !!el to Ihe "i,Ic"'JlCIi '!,.,,-r,_
it \\'JIlJrrful Jull fvr 1 ,"::11 nU lI er h,h' AI Braun TheM men were yount! eIKI"- I inl! " plaee h' par).., or a ~.,hill fur
"'Illd. "a\ I ,"rn/ . .• nol ....1Il. <- harli~ c,ans when M.a. Lo,enZ Cam' to .... o,~ 26 n:nl. ;tn,1 nine time, "Ill IIf Hl, Ihe ji,h
yea .... aRO. "On·1 he \.juile ;1\ hi!: ;to, 1011 Ihllll!!hl
1.00r... n/. I \e,'uli...- lI'l.Il\l lIlemt,.:r are
"".h ;lI'h\~' IIk·mbc" III I ~I.:"l oil 'ou'rc Iud.) jf lhe.') arc C\('n fel',linr
I he p<lrl~ rllf h... r I4l', " ",·II·~epl <,e- All in ,.11. i"~ ;."1 ;., \leli. for "fll'f )011
~ret 'tllol of .·nlllplele: 'lII·p"\C '>h,' \\a~ Ill'I a .... ;.) frum II ,III. IU'1 the pcll(e anu
uU"rb ,pcc~hk" I4llell ,he.: 14." Ihlndeu Iluie:1 \1111 h.. ,,,. t..:en \lunh Ihe 1rir.
Ill..: 1lI'lpreei"I,,1Il pl •• que: I4h.~h f~.',j, •• , rhe mo-.' iml'urlHn' ne", from Ihi~
rul'0\\ _" llIIerll.l1u1l\,,1 of e:nd \If Ihc linc l.m,erO\ the r.:n·nll)·n.:·
IIcllril"I \\t1r~e" prull,lI~ r"e ..... nl' 10 J;oli;llrd ~onlra,t. \lhi~h bc,"me clrcuile
Herlh:. I "f,'nl Ih" Iu) "r npprCl'i:nion on ,\pril hi \\e 1:01 ;[ lot,,1 \I;ll:e of
anol :,JrC~Ii111l fur ,!I, }e:t"\ Il' \lcdl~"led S9.~1( I,'" frjll!!~ t>cnl'lll' of 'II) eelll\.
:m" r",lhfu' ,e(\i~e_ J:Uluar) 26. '9D." I he rrin!!r.' hencfir- arc .l\ follO\I\o-
II j, under ~on"dcn'li ml .11 Ih" Inn.: hl:;["h hencfih ..q l'cn,,; 'ong·tl·rnl (l i';I-
to nl:.~e her :,n hornlr"r) IIIcmh.:r of hilit)'. thrre cenl,; .lcdtl,·tlLo! life in.ur·
I 01:111 (,(1. '>he ",,11',1 he tlllr iiI',. 'nd~ an,'e. ei!!hl ,ent,; anol ,,,,,,, pen,inn pl;lI1.
clc,'lriei;m In Ih.: hl\lllr) Ilr I 111;,,1 flO_ 16 (Cnl\. I he "!!l..elllcnt ;llv.) ha~ a
I he '>1;I.e (he,1 II U,pll;,1 h.,,1 iI' in·
Left '0"Shl. Stata Rep.u.enlll,vI Joe Saa...
S'ale Senalor Nelson WoUl, and SI~te Rep· p:tiu'p,lr)!! p'l\\ l\iol1
\."llrliinn oIinlwr ,Ii "h".-h RII']~ 'tendon 'e~enlalrve Tony O.amba.ger p,. . ,nl a e,r. Our 101:;1/ \IJMlb lhe ~el;olialini:
"a, ill'lalied :1\ 'I,e: ~h.llrlll"n II] ( hri,l- M.cale of appre<;'BIiOn 10 Rud)' Mandoz ...
Public Relalron5 Chaor"'an. for h,S t,ne wo,k
('umnrillce fur " JOIl \11'11 donc_ , lip of
11\," I'];.nulIlll. " pu"'i<.' ,d.llulIl' .hair. at the S,ale Ch"t Ho.p'''1.
th.: h",,1 h •• 1 10 }Oll~
m"n of 1 01.;01 6(1, he' r ... , .. i'c,1 .In It •• n uut of lime tor Ihi, l1Ionlh. ~c
llprrelUllivn I1l4l1rJ rllr Ih.: .:ummillC:C:·s }OU ;(1 Ihe 10.: •• 1 union nlcclinl!\. I h.I ....
... or~ .. I th..: '>Iare (he" II,I<IPII;.I, The f or fine Work "h,'re it", h.ll'p.-ninll. !trolhl·r.
;\I4;o(,j \la, pre ...... nle:d I'~ '>1:l1e Repre ..... nt· 11111'" \I. III Rid • JIl .. !'.S.
alile: I tin) D r;1Il1t..:rl!cr. '>1;lle \en.llor
Nel, ..m \\'ullr. and '>."'e Rl'pre ..... nwlhe Brother John Lynn Mourned ;
J oe 5;ll!e
Onc uf lheir 'IIInll;l1 pr"I""" j, 10 Contract Preparations Made
ra i....· mIllie) lur Ihe ~hjldrcn of Ihe '>wte I.. U. 79, S' K ,('I S I'" "". ' . It i, "ilh
("he,1 lI u'pil .. 1 I he ~Ilmmillec pur. 10' de.:p rellrct Ih,11 I r.'fll'rt Ihr untirnd)
Ilelher ,11\ Annu.t1 (hri,llIla' Parh ror P....,inll. ;II Ihc ~1!'" uf 40. of our d~"r
Iiii' ,h,I<Ir':lI 141111 pre ..... nl'. \;IIlI ... ;lIld frienu an.! IIrOlher. John 1', I ~nn. John
eler)thlllt:_ r he mOIne) lhal j, lefl (}\er ".1' inili,uc,1 inlu our 10l;\1 Oil June I I(.
i, u..... d fur ('I!r"lIll.11 Item, Ih,\1 Ihc lhil· [,}q ...... ned ;0\ 'le";I(o.I in the S\\lclll
olren m;!) nl'e,I. "Kh ," ..1111 he,. ,Iloc:--., 1 ledrk \l eler Shop, ,Ill.! at Ihe lime of
;Ind un une (1l~;I\llIn lin .I\}llen rnplt;J' hi, 11e.'lh. \I.", ...... ning :1) re~or,jinl! loCe·
lur. rch,r} for the loe:. I.
I he gIl)' 1:11'1, IIIl lhj, emnmiuee left to "ght. Public Relat,ons Ch.llmBh
J ohn'~ oledi,·alion 10 the cau ..... o f thc
Rud)' Mendo .... SIBle Senator Nelson WOlff.
renll}' perFurlll. I h.. re·~ a 'ollc}l'all and and M,s, Rud)' Mendouo at Ih e Inl lll1l8l,on IIlI W II ill lunll he reillernhered, li nd II':
!la')..... th:11I ,Iou hlchr:ld cr ,()Illing lip '000 (e,emon),. hope thai ... e eli ll ,onlinu.: .,long 'he

June . 1973
\1.1) hc h.t~ ~ ht)\ln th. 11.,0 \I~' Irul) .l Lo.. •• 1 II I Bu,in... ~, \I ;magcr Philip lOan. "ilh ,il )e;t,...., of ..... nk". I h...
hrnlhl' r In all In' nm,.. in ~unl,'~1 Yo ;Ih. Hr,ul) Yo"~ c;III"J lllKln 10 C\pl.lin Iv thl: mcrnhel,hil1 h,,... 01,,1' Ihe Ie" ...... com" 10
\lhelher il \I:" union hu,inc" or .1 per- Jcleg;llc~ Ihe "orling' of ,'OI11I11;lIce, ,II I.,I..C ror ~nlnlcJ Iheir hnc efforl,. hut
'>On.11 I1fohlem Yohkh requ;,'cil ;. ··,hou[- Ih,' ImCl"l1;1lion;l1 <:onl ... nlion\. II c c\· "C ImJ (lUI hO\l rc"lI} inll'OrLanl Ih ... )
ucr to loT)' on" Our Ihull~hl' ;tn.1 1'1''')- I1I;tincu hi, cXfX"ricnco:' of ...:ning :... ..c:<:. :tiC III ;III !If I" ,lllllng Iheir ,,,{';llIon,
cr-. arc \I;l h hi, fumil) in Ihi' huur of 1...·Wr) of Ihe ull il11pon"m R....t)llll;(ln' ;on,1 ilhll!, ...... ,. "h",n "'" .Ir" 1I;lhoul Iheir
nL"eU. :.nd \Ie hope Ih;.t Ihe) Me Lun- (ol11l11illec :11 Ihc 1:,,1 Lonlenliutl. hdd "':1 I ...... '
<;olcu h) Ihe f"~1 11'0.11 John ".1' Il uh a in 5.:,11110.'. \\;I,hiO!;lon. Iht>lhcr BI"JI \\c .If'oO h"Ic .1 Icr) ,·m.:itnl In,uf-
Ihin~ C\ilmpte of Ihe! ul "")Ihel · '1"01..e on ho\l, ud ... g:" ..., :" ... . lpptltnl ... J . .In,e •• no.l l'tn",ln Olh ..·. ,1;llkJ h) J;lne
hoo..t Ihe \lurid \0 <k'per.• lc l) ncct.!, Ihe uutie.. anJ a..:..:ompli'hl11ent' of .he Od,'f l!'. IIho hot, "",,,n "ilh "' ro' ninc
100•• ) ~omlllillen. ,Ind of Ihe rc""tJing c\rcd ) ... .tr' .,nJ I..nv"" .,11 Ihe .In," ... r-.•111.1
1)ol1;lld, hil' I">cen cicdct.! lu eliLC il ""~ 10 I">c ,Ill "~1I1e pMI;";p"nl .11 he ••I" 1e .I"i,lilnl. l'h)lli, Slc\l.tr1. IIilh
fill Ihe renl;"nint: ICIIIl III IIflke .1' Ie· Ih ... ":OOl('nliun. \\c Ih.,nl.. Brolhcl' Ihlcc )C.U.. 01 ...:rlt .. c.
<:o .. t.!ill~ ........ rcl,lry for Ihe l\Xill. Don i, Sp:lr~, .md T:llc for ;\ ICI) tCII.lfllillt: (ont,:I"IItI:,lIon,. g"I .. ' ""''Cr lip Ihc
currcntl) ;! mcml">cr o( Hm I \~ .. nh'~ I:l'ur,c, lOuu..t I'url..,
Bo.u.1 ;1Ilt.! h.I' done I11U.ll to IUllh~r the (on!,!T"luI;Iliun .. ;lfe ('\Ien.led lu "i" R I(ltI~I)\\ \lIHIIIII,I'.S.
e;lu ...... , of Ihe 10<:,11 !lIlt.! lhc 111 1 \\ \\e 1'li/;\I'o,'lh 1),'.111 <I.'1I1'h1l·1 of B,ullwr ;11111
Ili,h him \\ell III hi, n,'11 I,,),ililln ill Ihe \It·,. ' Ii~h.,el Dl:'an. "Ito \I", Ilti .. )c.,,·, Boston Work Scene
[oc;. 1. "inner of Ihc "nnu;ol "'hul.lf,hi,,
AI Ihe I1rC\C1l1 liuIC. IIC ;lrc all .• iling ;l11'''ueu h) the Join! Apl1l ...·l1lkc,hip an,1 Begins to Liven Up
~".II,.,,1 nep..)li.,lioll, \\,11, Ihe .... '.,!".,r.' [,r.dning Co",,,,il1e'" uf 1,11.',,1 t<:1 "i" I .1 . 10J. 110,', I 0 ..... \I \SS. ~ [he ,.0,1..
Moh.I"1.. PU\l,cr (OII"O,.lIioll ~)'km Dc.!n i, :Iu ... n.!;n.\! Ihc Lniler,il) of ,illl.,Ji"," in f~"'lon i, ,Jarring 10 come
("oun..:il U- II. unlle, Ihe ~uill."Ke III In· s..·r.lnlon rhe "hol"r,hip i.... II.,r.Ie., III Iu lire "flcr •• ,Iu" "illlc,' \\llh 'oOl11e of
leln"lillo.II Repre\Clll.llilc Johll '1..:- ., nl,'l11hcr\ son or J'lUghlo:f \lhll ;,l1enu' ,'ur It'olhcr .. lIo,l..inll OUI of lo\\n. \\ illt
D~Tll1oll. h.I~ lorm:llI/c.l ., ...... 1 \II I',IM' " IOX:II <:ollelOc. l\I ... mhcr, on 'h,' "'<lllmil " lillie lu~l. Ihe) ,h,HIIJ I">c h,ld III II",,·
JL.U propo,.d ... 'Inu \l,e ;HC h<)pdul Ih.,1. I.:e :Ire I'hit Itr"d). Ooh \I .. lnllrc .•111(1 1011 .• n,1 11l1Il..ill~ in Ih ... ;, !)\In juri..ui<:-
h> Ihe lilllC 11m " ruhli,he.l . .1 Iilir J"d \teNult} for 100.::.1 XI .In.! ( ... he livn ,hOIIII
a):rcel\lcJU \\;11 h;I\e h.!en IC.,.I1C11 lIilh '010. I-- l'cllin,HO. ,mJ I'cl~ .... "Ii I .11" ,till .IIlI;<Ic,1 ill Ihe rerorh ~i'cn
Ihe .. ur11l1;tn). ..i.,I... ,-... p.. e,cnling Ih ... ('ontr,,':lIlr,. b) lIu,inc" M.ln.,gel' [)k~ t... clliher Oil
\\ c h;tle Icccnll> ICIIII;'''li/cu Ihc It i, " nice fcdin~ 10 I">cloog IU .In III Ih ... IIl1ertll'lo)lllenl "Iu:.lioll. 10 h,'ar
S"(eh Conllllillce ,,;Ihin Ihc I\X,II \ i~c g,lIli'"livn Ihal ~'ar", I lKal 1'1 lIIellll'<.· .., DI,~ ,laIc Ih.1I IIC h;IIc ·Ul <II' ~tI m ... n
I'rc"lllenl 1).'liu 1.e\l,I" \1111 'Iill ...... t\c a, ,ho"':u th,11 Ih,') ,·,.r... ,1 r"<'I'''II) \lh"n IInel1lplO)CII "n..t 'Ol1lelil11e, h"le Ihrcc
Lh.,ilm;tn o( Ihc Lomnrillce. ,1111.1 .,11 IhI:} plcdgcd Olcr D.O(lO 10 Ihc I illic or f\llIr 1,,1>, on Ih'" t'o"h ,111.1 001 onc
llIeml">c" of Ih,· I \cnuile lIu.lrJ \\iII Shl ... ,...., of Ihe "oor IJuildinp. "rogr.lllI. In IIn ... mplll)~J m~ml">cf '0 l;o~ ... lhe: jo'" j ..
\eriC .1' "~Ii\ ... llI ... mher. ollhe ~roup, \\c on.1er 10 mccl lhc ,1.,le ,1 .. n.l.uJ, "'=in~ 1IOIIIghi
.Ile 1"'I'Cful 11",1 0110,,, 1.,,'1"""" flle':l;n~' tnfOf",'cJ. Ihc heJ '·"r.II:il) Ihc hOIll~ I '\4,,,"eliI11C' \l,ulliler if "e ,Ire nol Oil'
01 Ihl' uxnrnillcC' 11.11 ""I •• h",h ,. hlp.h \l,oulJ hall,' h;.u 10 I">c rtdULeJ I" ~~ r... ', ,,"n \1111'" tlK'mie' \\c '>Ccm 10 huilJ
d~p<....• of .... r... l) .IIllOIli,: I,)lIr I1Icmh.:r-hir· ideoh. rhe Liule Si~lc""" r.,lher Ih,IO do ,iUt.llill'" Ih.11 111;1) ui ..... dll iml) Ihc
[I h.I' I>c.:n ue~u.kJ Ih,,1 IIIUr ..· fre- ,hOlI. h,I\c I.. len on ;I I'ollllJmj.! pl.,gr •• m h.,oo, of our ~"mpelllor ... lhe: OOn-UnIOn
qllCtll ,\f.:II.,ru·, me.:II"g, \I,ll he held. In to fCI1I.,C\' Ihc h'-) ... ar·old hom ... II ilh ;[ ~',>nII ....'I\Jr', Ihc ;t<.:lion of our mcml>c,...,·
Ihi, \1,<1). \lC 11111 Ill! .,hle It) c."il) \.UI11' n... w !!2-ilCJ nur~ing home .•uJj;"enl I.) m)1 'Il.IIl1ltllg e'en Jot> ,,\;,ilal">lc hcll1' 10
nHtni~.,le lI'ilh Ihc 101." mCll1bcr,hip ill ;1 thc c\i,l;ng f"cit;l). SI,lcr I lill, hclh I'rc;' ~ d01l1l rdulioll' bel"ccli m"I"'ge-
mOl'e d lidcnl \1,1\ Il u\\el~l .• ,llenu,ln .. e \ I:trie. \ Iother Superiur. \\"hc, to Ih.II1l m... t1I .11111 Ihe emrl(I\Ce, Lcr", ~CCI1 ill
al Ihe rc!;uit.r IlIUnlhl) m",clin!;, i, c,,,,I1- l,nd t>1e" Ihe IIICIIII>c" of I VL:t1 I'll min,1 th.1I thi, i, ., IIIO-""} ~Ir" ... \. Gootl
li:ll. We h;" ... c\,dlcnt 1.lIllltle, lUI UUI Ih ... i.. ~inu "omrihillion, rel.lli"o .. l'II,!I\I ... cII Ih" IltIi"" ;mJ th ... (on_
r... t:ular mcelin~ ..... nd thc .• 1Icml."1\e ur l--uu,'"lion;l1 Dire':lllr Jad \I .. ';ull). 11 •• du" :.r,·;, 1tI1I'1.
.,11 of our mcrnllcr .. i, 1I111'IC,.lIil", I\ho l"l'p' Ih,' Al1prcm i..'c ~dlU'" 1,:0101' I hc 101l01l"'lO ;lIe wm.: leI) 1l00J
In c1f.)\ing. , 11m hUJ"lc!ful Ih;11 all UUI "rong. rc.:cnll) held ~our-..:, on u,mgcr- re;1,,1I1' 10 pro'e hi ollr.cllC' Ihal ollr
IIlcmhcr,hip 1001.. nd\';tnlu~e 01 Ihe "rc,;. 011' Jnll;' .m" al'>O .)11 "ril ... 1 ,.,lell I'ur fUlllle .r' II1C'II"'='" of Il>c IlII \\ i, OIl
..knli.,1 Eleclioll LIIIII1.,;gn I unu rr0,i- our arprcnlk ... ~. He hit, ;'''0 I">ccn 'l'll,! .• ~­ '1.,l..c. Olle 11111,1 uo HII hi' f'O',jl">l) ~'''n
,iou\ uf lit" )~;;I" in\onlo:' 1.1\ relurn, in~ 'It high o,{'hooh in our urca. "1'1.:,,,1 Iv ,1,clIl'lh'·1I I,,, 1...... ;;1 .,".1 ;;11 IO<.:.,I~
Here i~ ;. Yon) Ihat "\I,e the peorle" L.\ll ing Ihc good \lill of I IXal I'll ami c\- lIilhin Ihe l"ltlnJ"ric, Ilf D i,lri ... / 110.
m"inl;ti l1 a go.crnl11en l uf Ihe pcul11c I1t;uni,,!,! to high "hool 'tmlcnh thc I he ill\;l,iun i, 0Ir.
\\110 I",\c n.a,lc Ihi, nlltlon 'Irung. I:lrioll .. nli,linll~ of un ion, ;md their in- In 1'01Cll1hel. 1'J7~. Ihe '"" .......·i:llioll
RUlli Itl <.. I \lMIl. 1'.<;. lohement in nllln) <:h i~ ;111\1 ,h;1t il.,I'1e 01 ( ,ene';" (<IIIII;KIOI' 01 Amal"., held
aff.tir,. "II Ore'\ ,hur Icgion,,1 ~'onfcrcl"'c al
\'(IOR (Itl)lllo. I'.s. (,m""J. "'l'\I, II .ll11p,hil'c -\1 Ihi, COII-
Leade rship Tr"ining C ourse
fcr... n~e. Ihc~ h.IJ ltY 1,lriOll\ ul ..... ""ion'
Held by Locol 81 Local 86 Sdlutes Lad ies -~ ... n... r.11 J:lmldltle' "f open ,hop. Icg,tl
1._( . II I. SCM' .... 10'. I' \ . - \ 1e.,Jcr- .:•• n'IJc •• llion~. hOll 10 ,'opc "ilh '\4,',:onJ-
.. hll1 If,unlng COli ........ II,", hc:lu on \,h
Of the Office Stoff .Ir\ hul,oth, hOll 10 U're \I, ilh pi. lei
Jrd "n,1 ~Ih 141 Ihc lin \V lIuil,ltn~. 1.\1 1..1 . 116. RonIES' ....: . ' . \ ._ \l"n)' in!' h"" I,. ,I.,) <If't'n ,h.)p :lml 111'''')
W}Ollllnll \I ... mlC. "';r,mloll. I>clc~.lle, .Irli .. I..., h:llc ix'cn "rill ... n for Ihc ),111'· nl.lo~ tllh ... r i,,"c' Ih,.1 .• n: illll"Ort.1I11 I..
from 10.:<11 union~ in ami ;Ilouml 'onh· ",,/ ;lNIlI all sorh of ':Ol1ll1l1l1c"', .,11<1 Ihcm
e .... ll'rn l'cnr")I~:lni .• Ilel'" plc ...... nl 11I1 Io..:.d fundion ... l'\'rL .. inl) .,11 leI) uC...:I\ - \ lc\l que .. litlll, ;tnJ .IO.. IIC .... "hi.:h
Ihc "cdend COUl'''' ~omh 'L1eu b} I uter· "'I'. HIU. hO\l ;lMul a <:h;lngc 01 1' ....:'.' 1II' ......"r ill Ih~ ('7-11:'IlC re"of! folloll!
nalivlI:.1 Rel1t'c\l,!nl;,lil'" JOI: ')11;11~' 'IIlU Loc:l[ 1'16 \Iould lilc Iu "dllOlllc,lge Ihc I, Ih ... rc .' ''''e-tin.' forllwl .. for con-
(,r:tnl I Hie. h"rd·Yoor~ing memhe .., uf Ihc !,fli~ ... ICI'I"II I" olx'n ,hop'!"
I hI,' ,·onr-.e ~olct'cd rc •• uing ,.f
lI i,t"f) \I;tff. \ \ hcn: "ould \lC 1'0.' "ilhuul Ihem' "1\, ... I II"h I h.• u " 'lI,c-lire fU'flllll..
;lnu Slrll~lurc of the lUI W: HOll 10 hI.. .ony "\limC" man;tg~r h.)" mu,h he IIhkh \I!lulu "'". If }UU "ill .I" Ihi,
ConduLt .1 II c,tring: illl,1 11.1\1' I "\I,, .. nJ comc, 10 fel) on Ihem for heir. 1r"111 .,nlt th.,t in '\4,) ""Ill)' 1.1;1\". )IlU \lill
I'oli,ic, of Ihc 1111 W. I he '1l1c,lion- Ih'" mO\1 in.ignific:,nl lillie ilelll In Ih ..· elllc'l,:e ;.~ tIll opcn ,hop l'omr'1dur \1 ilh
amhm!lll",r period .. I.} thc 101.,.1 IIllIon more inloh ... d prohlcm. .111 uf )our ["...:h inl"':I: 'i ll\. I :1111
delclOale~ :Ind Ihe commcnl, h) maUer.,- 1 00.:,,1 1'6 ha, !>cen hll: .....:,1 "ilh 1\1,. "fr.,iJ thcrc j, nil ,u~h formlll.l. I am
lor, Sp.lf~~ "nd l aIC l11;1tic for .1 I ... r) ,u~h Ime laui ... ,. i'oOrtl1i1 I'olilli. II ilh afr.,i.1 Ih.,1 Ihcre *' 1I0lhltlil Ih"l I C,HI
inl"rc,lioG ami illforllUilile .\.Cleo )e'lr~ of s.;rl'icc, ;11111 ,\lnM \ "')r- Iell )011 "hidl "uuld ab...ot llld) gUMan-

J6 IIIEW Jou,n«1
ICC thai )011 .... ou ld cilho:r bc,omc a n anu help U ~ 10 sohe Ihis problem. T oo,
opcn ..,hop cont rlletor if }Oll lire nOl one
On Moll Job our loe:,1 union had :tn a.:reellle ni ~t lip
no .. , or Ihal lOU "0010.1 rem;lin one if for eommerdal \lorl.. !LnoJ )~I melllbers
)00 are one,~ deddcd 10 Ihro\l il OUI ,InU try 10 dnllV
" H ow .. ill lOur poinl of \;ew 00 up anOlhcr ('Ilmnwo·ial acrffmcnl thai
praclical prohlems th;mge?" "oultl :,rreci Iho: ap,ltllllenl HelJ and
"011l:e )OU !lei 10 he :In o[X'n ~hop con- 511\;1 11 eOll1merdal ~IOI"e~ In rhe mean·
trauor", )011 "'iii he t'onecl'ncll with Ihe lim..,. there arc milliun, (If dollal"~ "ollh
prese rvali o n of ).}IU' ~Ialll~ lin d Ihdl pUiS uf "orl. !:loin!:! On in (llir UI'~'U, lI n,1 \.Ie
you in a pO>oiliun 10 I'C lIIorc conccrned arc nOI doin!! ii ,
IIilh hunmn reJ.llion~ IhJn )Oll "ero.~ he- Conlt'I~lor, feel Ih"l. if Ihe r;lIe for
fore. If )ou o.,...r,I1O: in ;I pr('donlln.mll)- commeru,ll "or~ "0 111<In)' ..... ";Ire fL'i:\'
un ion :,rCIi lind )'011 h"lc a man" ho has rna\inlllln) nnd "parI men" "ere "':1 10 :1
"orl.ed for )UII ror 10 )C<lr\ anl l he h,IS smaller ""ale of 1I;oJ:!e\ ,11111 40 hOllr\ :I
h,ld a union hool. It1 hi S pt", for 20 wecl.. Ihe} could figure ,Ind 11(1 :1 101 o f
}ear\, Ih .. 1 nmn may he "Wing 10 gjlc Ihb "orl., We h,lle mem!-ocr, '1ho Ir;llcl
up hiS hool. ,md SI,I) "lIh )011, if he OUI of 10"11 for Ic\~ Ih,m our r;," ;lnd
recJ~ Ihal he h,IS a future '1ilh )our Brothi!", D.... lorn.... Aud~ Woltmln. Ind "orl. 4U hour ..... "oulU il nOI he reller
firm." Jotol'l G,lhs. job ate", ... d . . . . shown ",o.k,ng to "orl. in our area for le~'i Ih;1n our
And ...0 Ihe qlle\lions anu tln\"crs OIl th. IOO·~IO'. ["'1·0.,. SI>oPP'l'Ig MIU, Tale on lhe-..c \mall ~Ontlllen':;JI iob:! .IIK!
A. E. And.,sIIn Cleeille Is .10. (""h .... ,u.
"enl. [ IhlllL Inen, Ih,!I )011 "ill ;1J:l:rcc pili nlernhcr, 10 "orl. ralher Ihan let
Ih:O l Ihe prohlems "e face will nOI go IhcIII go non-unil,ln'!
:lIHl) o ... crni~hl. We mU~1 resisl our en- Thc nCAI lime }OU drile toy an :,parl-
(mies JmJ help I.((P Ihe IIrnlhc:rhnnd m.-nl ~ompl~'\ or '"1;1/1 ~omrncrnal
and Db lril:l 1'''0'' he;Illh) :,nu pr""pcr- Slares rh,LI l,ro: hcillll '1ired hy nOll ' lI nion
OliS placc 10 "orl.. Con lr;oclOr\, lh inl. aoolll il~
HII I HmllN. I'.S, il oll p ,IK" I K, !'.S.

Non -Union! Local 125 Busy Negotiating;

Small Jobs Expected to Start
L U, 125. I'OWT!." ..... /), OWt:.-During
Ihe p;o~1 fe" 1Il0nl h~, Ihb 10cL! h;l\ I-ocen
wry hm) \lilh nCIIOli;i1.on~ ,Al Ihe pre\-
~nl time. "e h;l\e " IOlal of 29 eonlra",\
c\pirin!;l ,II I;triou\ lime\ uuring Ihe
)~ar. So far, on lhe: prc:..enl ,Igrecmenr\,
the onh one Ihat h.,) becn rJlilie,1 i,
con,lrll"iO'I, I'"pcr~ for lIpprohil of eco-
nomic palh of lhi' ,Lgrcemcn l h,,~e been
!;Cnl 10 Ihe COll\lrtlClion Indu,lry S\;lhili-
2alion ("or11l1ll!!ee in Wa_llInylol1. D,C.
John "l'Id J •• ,.,.. wt'lO I •• wo.~ing lor Wa,d The o;oI'II1~e of conlr;tLIS i, being helu
Etecr"c, .'e sl>o",n In It'le mOlo. conl.ol up ulle 10 Ihe ~i.Sr;. '1,I[:e·fn;:Clc ~lIlde·
<oom II the E"'I·GIIII Mill.
line,. \1 0\1 of 1he ....• oII"e ,Io\\n 10 the
"age p;,rl of negOlialion.,
t oe.1I 125 ha~ 1'111 11110 clreel :1 new
poliq r"II;o(lI;"1I Ihe Orl"ll(lll f 11/''''
P rf'H, 'Ihi, "eel.l) plltoli~alion i~ nolV
hcing ..ent 10 all ..,f Ihe J,300 l1lelllhcr.
of Ihi~ local. In ;\ddilion 10 Ih~ ~h,lIlge,
I:lllsinc~~ \l Jna~o:r lad "'q;.g 1\ pl,Lnning
Non·union eonl,.cIO", •• a liI,kmK OIIe. '" lot on h,,,i,,~ ;111 in-..crt ill the paper on
of wo." in II •• IU".d":llon of loc:.1 105, L(II:al 125 h;oppenllll1~' ( I hl~ i~ II) he in·
H~mlllon, Onl Tt'lIS <42·1100' ollk. and
,pjI.lm,nl bu,ld"', 11'1 downlown Hlm.liol'l is dUlkd for Loe;,1 '1~ Il1crnher.. onl),)
being w"ld b~ nOI'l·un.oo men The 1ir.1 m ...... rt " , " in Ihe \ I;lrlh ~\rd
i~'1I1' ~nd 11;1\1' a run·do""n on Ihe \1;I,r
lion,t'I.m, No.m Ev .. ns. weldong In·
Negotiations in Progress; slfuelor Burte.. W.~nl Cah,11. .. nd Pt>.1 merl\~r" 1.01' of 1;lhl;thle inforn1:l1.on

Work Going Non -Union Browl'l I ,,~e I,m. 1o •• P'Clu'fI du.;n. II ses· GLm,' f\lrlh. indUding :I tOmplele li~1 of
S.On 0 1 ,he local's "'tlldlnll Ihe ';lliou~ unit~' lIIeetirt!:l pl;L~es aud
I.. U, IUS 11t\ .\ IILTOi\'. ONT. Nego· !il\1~~,
li,llion~ h;I\'e ,,;trlell in our 101:;11 onn: "e Ih;.1 the r1\cmncr,h ip "ill eon- Alon!.! '1 ;lh Ih,' oflke uf h",inc" n",n·
:' g:,in, I he r-.q;utia,ing Commiltee. ton- linue 10 !;lile Ihe r-.q.:oti<lting Committee :Iger. l .H.~ "'cgl! h pre,idenl of Oregon
,,,ting of r hom,O\ /le,Ittie. Willium Cor- III(l per ,enl ,uppor\. I 1\(,"ld lil.e 10 ...... 0: SI"IC ,\'·•..,dalion of I le~lrk;l1 \\ur~er\
!-oct!, AI \\e\I, ItO)u: ,'rnoli'/' 8"rry lhe- rneml'Cr,hip forgel I" pcr",n .. ' ..hf- (al! lUI \\ 100.:;11\ in Orellon): I \e,,;uli\c
I r;I"':r. Joo:: 1J.c,Ittie, Dun "'lIrc\\~i. and rerenn', and rail) 10!;lether 10 \upporl Sc.:rerar)- I rl';hurer of (olumtoi,L l'oI"er
lIoh J>:lr~er. h,I' h,.u one rm:clin~ lIilh Ihe 'lJmmittee in Ihe...: lery nlldal -I r"ue, COllndl (Ihe ~:'fioll~ uniun~ I!;,,-
Ih e eon,r;I~IUI" :tml is \I,lilln~ imp;l- lime\ of conlra" nCllolialing, for" I 0- in!! o;onlraCI\ "ith 111'/\ unu lhe \rlll\
lienll) for more mectm~\. gerher '1C \land, lIiv"h:,1 "c f,lll." engine"f\): !'rc,idenl or I'orll,ood Oh-
,\-. al'lol)" Ihe \·onlr;o,lor. ~·,u,,<.' in \\ C ,Lfe h..lI ing Ihe ;ogc·olu pmo!cln in Irill COLln,,;il Irade Unlon~ (dlrrerc:nl
"jlh o;r)inJ:l: 10'lcl. ,,, fUf a 4U-hoJur our ....ea of 1'I0n-IiOI0I1 ~onlr.lcror\!; Union, h" .. ing eOnlra~·I~ .. ilh l' II),
"eel.:antl no r,II"':\. I heir \peedlC~ o,,'r " 101 o f Ollr '1lJr~, \\'h) oJon'l lie 'Ounl), ami port age ncie\l: :Inll mrml1t'r
10lll.:hell our he,Irh, hOIl el cr. uo ",mcl h ing .Ihull! ir, )011 :,,~'! " ell. of Ihe IJoard o f D,rel:!or\ for Ihe Orr-
Although unemplu)mcnl h u~ been for Oil .. Ih ing, "e :II'C ~lill II-lli l in~ for ~O" f II/o<lr /',..)\. "':unc oIf Ihe aoo\'c po-
I·ery bau in o ur are;1 fo r ~ume time no" , Ihe Inlernaliona l 10 ~'ume into our area silion~ P;I)~ an)· mo ney e~cept rhal o f

Jun., 1973
hu,illc" 1I1:W:' \,lC(. I' ur'~\. R Oj \I "rra~. Jad Sh..:Il;lr....
\r any " A " memhcr~ h,,,c dlO...:n 10
Re tirees Honored I eli\ Si~~. L<:~ler Bo\cc. t.n'" " I R o~
rei in,: and I:I ~C OUI [hc E:,rl) Retire· \Ic ) ... r. \ , [he o lu Indian lO.oul,l "".
melll 1111 W IJcn~ ion I' lan, \\ or~ \\a\ •. " ", luur Iccf'\!e I'oC full of 1.IU!!hler.
(.,trl) l',)l1I1 for'~ hl\:al fJurin~ Ih~ lIin' ma} lhe r:cinho", ,,111;0" Iuu~ h }lILII
ler lIIonlh~. Se'cr... 1 ,m... 1! j<)t>-. are open· ,h"ulokr. "n'" nl;l} ~uur m'k·~·."in' ~nu"
inj: Ull in the neilr (ulme fOl mem"-:r, lII"n, ,no"',:'
n,,11 011 ollr hoo~\_ OUt Ih"n~, I" Ihe lI... n) lIIemhcr,
\1 ' 11 11' J. DI.Ii.PIi. I\hv ..... ).:.:n~rull,l~,t Ih~ir limc
1.. ,1 mOlllh 10 r~"ilin!! Ih~ .... :11111.1 (Iini~
IIlI D,ug ,\\t"......
Workers March in Protest I II.... I'.S.
Against City Government
1 . 1 . 130 .... I~W OK I F\''''. 1\. Ihc AI ~ party Biven by Lo<;al 165, ChlceKo, 10' Award Recipients
II, 1913 ,el "ees. Busin"s Manap, •• Donald
tir,1 d ay of ~prinl! in ' C" Odc.II1' II •• , J S .. ,vallus p'es"n'''d .he 1"" ..1'. Ii:"h 10
Ihc ',.:cnc o f 1\ IlrOlI'\1 ' ll .• r~ h h Ihe II." l.oflo.Mf guest •. He 15 ~"OW,., Ann
I\c \-\ Ol'le.)n~ Iluildill \,l 1, •• 1Ic, (uun~.1 Groll,nv.e" an hono,ed ,ewe.
"I?aiu-t Ihe cilY i;Olcrniug 1'It"ly. I he
m"r,'h ".1\ "roughl 0 11 :1' :1 le'lIlt l.f Ihe Iv..;.d .In.! ";j~ :10 IInqll .• lilieti 'II,'~'~" ill
dl", ;l\\ •• nJini; of., l ·milli'lIl ~" •• t •.• ~1 "'CI) ''''I'oC~1 ( ,lte,l, h"nllr~.1 IH~ \li~~
10 .• nun·muon lOIl Il:II.:IOI \11 n.lfl' II.I"\). John 11;,,-.0. 11.. 111;11.1 lI~o-.oll.
\\CI': ,1m Il l) l'ellle,ellle,1 in Ih..: lil:''','II\ J,.hll II mheilll~r. J uli:) IJurn'. I hcoJure
hUI lIr..... rl) Ilrol..:,I. ami \\..: :11": !""lId Iv (;1111111_ I '1~lIe COlln.:i1. \\ iIIl.illI 1).11
,.I~ Ihill 1 .11,:,11 r lU "';1' \\ell re!'lc-..cll[ed, c\h \ rthur [) lInn~, W •• llel ' "ler (h ...
\ 'f'O ~ e'm.1Il ful' (ill 11 .111 lIden,le.1 1\l1I~ ' \)rtl. H .lrr~ I mnifill. \')I'hlc ('~r'
Ihe ...lmini,lraliun·, mOlc ", 'I;tlltl}! Ih.11 h,lfIh I'cter Gilk,pi~.
Ilh' plcl;oilinl: 1I., g~ ,'undillon ".1. t-.:in)! 1I.1I\)1J (jilmor~. \1111 ( ' lllllin)!I.'I'.
met ,,~ Ihe (01111;,,;10'-' IJIII rhi, d..:kn.....: Ikrn.lld 11 .lrl, Ihelm" 11 .111, 11 ","'=,1 Bus.nU$ l>4 .. n"8e,
Geo,ge B Stock,n!l:e,.
I.,i...,;, mo ...: 1.IIIe,IIOn, Ih.1I\ II .111'".:',. Huh'i:h. I h:l ...... I·I1' ";0.,,_ 1 h~ro:-.c Loc.ool 211. C,ty, N J
Altanl.~ "en\l'.;$
I i,.1. 0.10 the--e ~ulllr.,,'I.)" 1',11 Ihe , ... , "r.' ....'". (I~'):!!C .... mt"n. \I .,r,,'rl<.' ,I>"wn recelYlna Ihe AnnUl' Ach,eYemenl
IU\I, frinll~' Ihlll Ill' l'nl"'. 'Ll .. h ~, O- II..lIor,,". ,\mel;a I':h~': "'e,I .• ir 1"'11.- AWl'd ,,' '''e P,eu Club of Allanltc C,ty h.rn . ,e J .. m~ loc. Awa,d Cornm,ue<"
he.lhh .Ind ",elLul·. ' .....::lli..1I I'.I} Iv...,1 hel \j.!.llh" SI.",,;li,. I ,lhcI \ ill ... on Co Cna .. man. left, end ae,n.,d I"'. Club
f'<."n'''1iI pl.m . . lIId \1I1'1",n 1I1 .111 .1.: \Iflcd \\ .Iou ... r. Jo-.el'h \\.II~II1'. \\ illi.lI11 P,~~·de"1
lIu .• I~ ;tl'prcnli.:..:,hil' IlrO!!r.lnl~ \\ik,l\. \\ illi,1111 \\or~m.lII. (,r.l~e \\
WI'IIII'1. ilIl Ihe,c l"nll.,dol' hil~ m· ~\"~,. :111'" Il elcll Z... ~,,). Business Manager Receives
uentureil .Ipplell["(~ ,III lhi, 1""1<"" • he I'le-..cnl;olioll ,If lh ... l,k.ll', ,~.I[' ltl
\nil .hirJ. ;oIC lhe...: lonlr .. ~hll' ,i.:n.'- Ih~ re lir"," II.!, ma"'e h~ l)vn.!IJ J ,""
Achieveme nt Award
IOI} 10 Ihc 'e" Orle.. II' 1'1.,n, .1II ;I.'.:e- '.,UU'. I'fc,,"'em Hthtne" \1.IIl.II!'~ "I I.t . lIl. \11 \ ' I I ( ( I" . 'J.
1II\'nl III hire .1 Ilro.....,rllllll.lh I!,t>u!, ,.1 I .... .!I 11i~ I he r,·m.llmk, <II Ih. .... H",inc" \I ;on.I!;~r (,,:<lt1!C II ... I,.... l.in1!cr
mlnmill "'"r~~r'. ninl! "." ,!'Cnt III g.lOtl fdlo ..... ,hll' II." .I",.,,"'e<.l Ih~' I'I~! \.-hll.'l~'n~nl
I h~ .iII,"er Ii) lhe ...... 1.IU~'Il,'n, i" "I I{ \\ .... , I I I'''' \".IIJ to) Ihe I>r~" (Iu" uf \II;IIlIl~
nil",," '() II i\ nu ",-,nuel. Ih,·II. ,h .• l (.1' •• 1 .1 "'inncr in 1I"...... "n ~1.111 I hi,
'\tc" 0111:,111, "1;'~lIr \I ovil I
,,1\0 i, ll1;1irllllln uf Ihc L~!!i,I;olilc \.:.
;tII." i':lI.
Spring Not Productive ;til."" i\ for Ihe OUh1.mdll11! bll~III~'''''
111,.11 "110 .1i,1 Ihe 1110,1 Iv 'plc.liI tI".
IIt)II «(}lIlmlll~c of l h~ L niled SI.,'C' For Local 191 Members n.II1'~ "ml f;ome vf \11"nli..: (il~ illiling
Confc,,:nce of \1 ;1~0"" JiJ nol ;t.:n'!t1· I'ln
.... ' n) hi, (0111111illee uf \1., )0" 1,1 ., 1 .1 . 1<,11. ..: ' ".HEI I . \\ \~II . II u,~d lI,olher Slo..~in!!... r h.I\ jU'1 ,'ollll'ld,·...
Ill..:ellnl!' lIilh \I 1 ·( 10 l' r~,i,1.:1I1
to 1'0: [h.,1 Ihe ~ I'rin !! h,vul: hl 1011h .1
hi, ei!!lIlh I~"f '" pmmOicr of mliled
(iei\(!!c "' ~;IIl) It i, hopl.'''' Ih .• 1 the nUn) of Ituir.img :111" relll( ... ll.'lin!! i..h , .. .111111 r.,.:in!!. in Ihe \l1.1I11i.: l il) (,)n'ell-
IIl:1)or le;tlll~ hOIl [0 ~ccp hi, 1""",: hr""l Ih.. mnnol/liI) IIf Ihe .. intI." in •• .: livn H •• II He h." hrOIl!!hl 111:1111 h,)IIr,
fCll"~' !1l1'n,klf If he i, gOln!! I,) op..:r.ll~
Ii, it}. hili nul \0 lhi, } \\ ....,Ihcrlll.....:. uf ~nJO) Illen! to !';I.:in!! f:II" ill ;lnd
\\" ~v\lldn'l ;I'~ for mOle. hut i[ h.I'n·1
011 1111.' 1I;oliull;,1 level. ""<llIlId Ihi, .Ir~". :mil lIell'I"'1'\'1 .111"
h~lf'<."d Ih~ \'or~ ,illl.lli(1I1 III Ih~' 1c.I'1.
('olllnill Ill.'!!olialion, 011 0111 1II,,"~r m.I1!",ine 'torie" altolll h" , ,,r 1.I.ill!!
;ll!'r~cnlenl a rc now !!Olll!! on. \0 I he
Ihc \l anl'lOlIcr A,"if.ll.ilill l' I•• n 1I,'r~ di,...:IIlIll;lle.1 IIIIO,,!!hvUI lh" 1I.ltion
1I\lll I'ldure i~ ;01'1 IU lludu.,le .... ""e· '\1 \1' 1 reflOn 10 thc 'iOlh l) i,lml Ollr "pplenlil,,~h i!, d;,,-..c, h;OI.:' ju,1
IIh.Lt in lhe ncar fulurc. !hillt:, ,h,'ul", olli.."e e .. ~h l-rid.l) lIoulJ nel~r {.. II in IUllIl'lcICo.l ,mmhel" '"'.,r lit "·h,,... I. ;ollil
pid "I' h) mi,hull1nter .•,f,cl Ih~ TlCIi Ih" ~(lInn) p;lper"' ,'<lll'gOr\
Ih .• 1 torin!!. I" ;' Ilc ..... ~r"tlr IIf juUfIIC}-
,,!!r.:ellll.'nl j, 'ij:neo.l. \\ 1\11 Ih~ opening of Ihc li"hin~ ",.,. men We" i," lhem lhe he,1 of III~~ "I
\ lIcnd )Uur l11.:ellll!!, rc!!ul.orl) .on'" wn. lI u,inl.''' \l an.l!!er Jilll (hi," i, .01-.(, lhe flllllrc. Th i, ),,;lr. Ihc j:.1;1"' ... llinj:
'(Ll..: ~":Icry , h.l11 lC )OU l:II" :lII!!IIrIj:-n01 fur the "il) Itllili. "III 1111 ,-I.", ,~..:ei\,,'" 'UIt;I\,l~ t~,l"r' ,,' .• Iu~en
"-:lI~r fringe', "'"gc". :!nd lon,lilllln,' ..."
A,ttl'" " 'l"" I' ~. IIf Ih~ir a.-hi.·"· n1<"nl I he " Pl'lcm i,c'
f"r. he h",l1'l ,'aug hl "n}lhin)!. "III h~ i, "hil' P I'\)!!f.11Il i, ,or"in!! .. long ICI I ", ... 11.
' Iill ",or~ in!! on il. "nd a lUI of Ih~ ~o"n!!er mellll:'l.·" ,m:
Chicago Local Honors \\" rcgrel 10 announle Ihc r""in!! ,.1 [.• ling .,n a~'li'c f'.Ir!,
33 Retiring Members Ilin Ilf IInr m~mbe-r) Ih" munlh 1Ir.llhcr
E o\\ .. lIlI \\ II ,I[. I'S.
D .,li... Simr-.oll of Ihc llellini;h.un l'rnl
1.1 . IliS, (" III(" \ GO. IL L -On \1. 1I~h ....1'.......... 1...... ' ) wilJen l) H,' II." 'lilt} 11\
IlIlh. 1 ,)1;.11 I(,~ honor~iI .11 m~mhcl' hi • •W, :tnu ;on alli,~ 111.:111,....,' ...... "inl= Sports Off to Good Year;
"h" h ••'e rcli,c.1 VI lIill relir.: in rhc lin "..:, .... rlll ~olllllli!l~~' l !,lIul'" I .ml Local in Negotiations
)..: ...I'ln I he I'r;oclilc of 11\)l illI1~ vn~ h"u,er. :1 r"tir~d n'cml"" "11,1 1"111111":1
P;lrl) ., )1.'.lf for our I'clirill!! rn~I11"cr... Ctlnlr:K lu r. 1'J.,..... iI ,,\\.1\ .,fl,·r " '~I \ I .t . H2 . ( I ' ("I .... N .\"II. OfflO Ollr
11.1' uriginilt~iI hy ' , ...... 1 171', " ... i." "ric( illn(',~, We .:\I..:n'" 0111' '~IIII'.lthl lu 1'."d' •• 11 IC:II" i~ ofT 10 " !!ouU " ... r
(I"" .md ":<l rlOe.1 on h) Ihc 10.. .• 1 165 lhe ir r"",ihe, ''''... "' r,,1'"-' Vllf c h",I,'1 ~u a!!.l in Ihi, ~ '!';Ir, I hupe il ,Ioc, ;t' "cll
lhi,;l~ il ... i... hO'I }".Ir.
!w<ijll Cluh .•ftcr Ihe IIIcr!!cr ot lhk .• !!o d;I" in Iheir memor).
LOI.:.I1\ Hill. 171. anfJ 31f 1. I hc fullo"ing Illl.'fII"-:I'>o h.I\e .q'Il r.~ ... !\I",. ollr !!olf,'r, :lfe gl.tli til -..ce the
I hi ' ...... t~ Ihe fi,...,t pari) shell h) Ihe f"r Ih~ir pen ~io n s--- \I. .... . \\ .111. [')oil lournam~nl lIith '>Om" of our lIei),:hlx<r'

IUW Jou,nol
Bu~iness \I:mage:r George Clarl. has
N ew Journ eymen
done a Ire:mcndous job fOf' this local.
bUI our own BrOlhers h:ne done a gl"('al
job, 100. and the~ uesenc the credit. On
onc particular day. 4:! Illemhel"\ !crl thClr
jobs and pic\.:ctru :t joh sitc in l>uhzero
tempo.'rature\. To lOp it off. 1"0 of the
Fsl. imo~ "cre rClirees l :trry Tetft :mu
Joe Stcpheno,on. I lle dcclrieal "orl.cTS
Ufe "clll.nol'.n in Ihb ;ore" no".
At our la)t meeling. a hyl:lw chan~e
"<15 p."....u un.mimou.,I~. il m;[n-
UalOr} for member,.; 10 be on a pid,et
line "hen thcrc i\ onc.
Again. it is lime for negOli;otions "ilh
our local ,·onlr;)clOr,. :mu ".::" our
Nel;Oli<lting Committce "ill UO a g()()(.!
job for :,11 conccrneU.
Well, the monlh of Jun e is alrc:tuy
hcre. ,md J une :llso hrings FI:lg IJa y.
When i~ the 1:0'1 time )'Otl fie" Ihe )tars
Bad row. left to right. are Ala ... Wol fe. Joseph Calvi. and Bria ... Soule. who became ... ew :tI1U 'Iripe,! MHn) of Lt. eilher forge t or
iou rn eyme ... On April 2 ... d. Fro ... t row. Chftrln Rempfe •. con t ractor; Harold B,enna'" end An. d on'l tale the time to fl y Ihe nag. New
gelo Prun •. Instructors: Harold CheriCO. LOCII 211 President: P. BIngenheimer, ins t ructo,;
;lnd Thomas Flegel. Chai rman. JATC_ lkd forol "a" Ihc fir~1 city in the country
to n~ the nag dilY ltnu niRhl. H igh on a
fire ~l:Llion lO"cr. :l sign re;)us. "Keep it
up. l>On', let it Uo"n." So. !HEW mem-
bers, Il} il high
We ha\c mOled 10 our oc" meeting:
h:tll. ;mol it\ a let} nke meeting place.
H ope to ~ )011 Ihere.
A~ for the "or~ ~itu:llion .
Brothe~ ;Ire ,lilI 0111 o f 10"n. We re ally
ho)X' Ih;ol. 1:>~ the time you f"au Ihi~,
m.,n~ or Ihem "ill he "or~ing: in Ollr
0" n ;'Orea :og;un.
lJcfore "I.' do...: for a nother monlh.
"e " 10 relninu lOU that, throughout
Ihc land. the- ",hool~ :ore 0111. and the
lillIe one\ run ilrounu ;md eros., ~treciS
"ilhout So uo "al(h OUI for
someone's lo\eu one,. D rhc l":oreh"I~.
Eo \ItTI\IIR. P.s.
Gil (,IRIUSO,". I'.S.
App,entices who fin ished the" fou' th-yea. of school on March 26th pose Wllh o ff ice" and
InSlru<;tors. F,ont 'ow. left to coghl, Cha rre5 Rempfer and Sk Ip Uhrmann. con l ,;OClo.5: An.
gelo Pmnll . instructo.; Joseph Degley. R.;otluat.: Joseph "J_l.'· lomba rdI, cool(lina lo ,; Peler
Local 229 Holds Annual
Ire land. g rad""le; Thomas Fle gel. JA1C Chalrmlln; and Geo'ge B. Stoc kIng"" BUSIness Credit Un io n Meet ing
Man aa'" Back tow. graduates Eric Nantlal, Ed Hogan. Al a n Wo lfe. Mike Duffy. Bdan Soule.
Charles McGowan. and Joseph Cal vi. 1..1 1. HII. "O IU'::. l' A .- I..oc:. 1 2:!9
Credit Union he ld ils Annual "' lceling
W elding Class 101 uf "orl.. a nd de,'lion of onieer, .LI the P"rl.lille
New co nlract lime b here ag<Lin. So F ireh<L1I in HanOler, Allenu:tnec "", not
(<Lr. our contra(IOr~ <Lre \er} ,ling} thi~ as good a_ III ol her ~o,'M'. nut there "a~
}e,tr. a 101 of ,idne\, "round "hich I.eI'I
-ome of Ihe IllemhcJ~ 'I"'I~ . I am ,ure
Ih,'1 the one, "ho "ere there hau lL
~rr::itt lime ;ond enjo~eu the dinner. Th,'re
Picketing Pays Off For " . " ;t pUppel ,ho" "h •• h lcpt Ihe l"hil-

Ne w Bed fo rd Members uren on cuge for ,II>oUI a n hour o r '>0.

I hose "ho "ill scn e Ihe cteu it union
1.. 1 . n ol. .... E\\ IIEI)FOUIJ. \1 \SS._ for Ihe 'ear or 197) ;ore- Brot her,
Too often "c ~i l h<Ld ;In,1 riuinLIc the D~an Wolff. Ph il ri-.enharl. La\erne Kc-
ol her gU} . Well. th;Lt", nVI IfIU.' Ihj~ !'Crt. J.u:~ Hoo\er, Bill l' henh,L r' . Gar)
The,e membet$ of local 212. C,nc lime. \ I ,m~ of OLir mcmhe" ;Lre no"
OhIO. tou.ney~n el,...,";c,an~ ;I"ended .. C,1l.l\J. and \l lIrhn Ne"etlOle. F~eeulhe
weldong <;Ins ""uh it." All v\er "c tt.e;tf. ··\\ e MC Boaru memht.-h: It etb \\ ilia, Ch,lrlie
Jo.,ing "orl.:· Well, I OC";tl :!:!-l h;" he ... n Burl.h"rUI. anu I r;)n!. Alfonc. Credil
ing locals hecome an annual afL.. ir. 0111 picleling uifferent joh \ilc~. ;mu I Committee memher\: :tnd Clem H ;Lr-
M :'n~ •• f our journe~men ha'e fini,hed ,';tn ""ure: ),011 "ho rC<Lu Ihe } OIlTllllf man. Art Abel. ~Ie\e Ci"rlon. :mu R :t~
an upgrading and improwment I'rogr;.m IhJt piclcling ha~ p;Liu ofT Onc de"lri- Ging,'rich. S"f'Cf\i",,~ Committee mem-
o'er the I,hl .... '''r:'1 momh, _ Ihe...: men (;II C"umraClor "cnl union. :mu :Lnother t>cl">. G()()('! lucl.. fellol'.s! Don'\ ma!.e
g:L\e up Iheir 'P;In: limt:' 1"0 n ighl' ,I gene r:il C"ontraclor ;I'>Mm:d L1' th.,t he h.l~ ;111)' mi,la].;e,.
wed.. 10 hel p Ihem~"e~ and thdr 1()I;;l1 ml,tilional proiect~ IOlaling Sin-million Gelling pictures of our retired mCIll-
10 fighl olr the thre:U of Ihe unfair "hich "ill go L1nion. On "nother projec t. bers i, quitc :, c hol'\'. These gU)S
~hops :mu [)i-Irict 50. If '\e uon 't sta y a non-L1nion co nlra ctor pulled 0111 :Inu uoing more now than when the y
on tOp of oLir in U Ll~lr}. "c will lo~ (L Ihat onc "enl union. "orh'd , I belic\e. Wh y, Ihe) don't e'en

J un_, 1973
)llbmillcd hi~ re~i!!nation. cffeeli\c UI or
Rece nt Retirees Conve ntion Ce nter Job June 41h. due to flOOr health. lie h;, ..
I ..crIed the 1000ul \-Iell ~nd lIilI be Ini ~'oCu

_-- -
i/I hi, familiar f1OlitiOn al Ihe duel'
r,;OI""~llon de~L
JII" , ltRM L8lRRY, I'.S.

--- Retirees' Pa rt y

TI• .,. 11..00 pjetur., 11>0.... tl>". '.Clntly,rt,

tiled member. 01 Locat 229. York. Pol Her.
~ Joe L Alwood. wlto ..... s born on Saptem.
be, 9. 1907, Inlt'ilted on April 4. 19"6, and
, .. tiled on OctolHi, 1. 1912. He ,e.ode. at
125 Park Heigl>tl Avenoe. Hanove •• P.
Bro/Mers Oennls SoWcell1 and Ga,y Hepner,
Locat 23 7, N1aS ... ol Falls, N.Y" sl>o .... n .' 11> .. Loea' 265. Lincotn. Nebr.. ,ecently nono.ed
Cent ... In the bucke l lis 'ell,ecl membe" 3t " banquel. Iletlred
buek .. t Iru c k. Inl1all 30 end 35,y.. r <e e' p,ent ,. left 10 rillhl. are
V, W, Johnson. Rae Clmeron. W. G. Vonden
kamp. JOhn Medden. W,tt."m H.. ~sel. II. L
Stenll, Ph"trp H.II. S. G Reade. Ha'ry B.
W,bsler, and Lin W,llef.

Col" E. FeUenlHi.s., .... as bOrn on rebro;,ry 8,0II>e .. Gary Hepner. Denn'. Sott,ee" •. and
5. 1907, I"'t,"ted on Oclober 17, 1940. ;,nd left 10 r;ghl. Presod.n, Virg;' Il"eter, B"sl,
A,n,e L.lltewooci. J, .• Il>e I>,gh b,y II!,!""ng ness Man~er A,lte Heilid. 25-yell. mflmber
"hred On December I. 1972, He .urde. a' e~ ... aliI> .. ConventIon Cant".
1797 USI Wall .. c. SIr..,t, Yo.", Pa t... G Scl> lInc.o'"'' M.~r Sam
$chwlrllt..opl. 20 y.a. membeno W W An
d ••.an lind H G, MO"ison. and 'n, •• na
I,on,t Ilep ...... ntallv. Russell Mundort.

Ed B. Bennett c.n ta •. was born On Dec.mber

'U. 1907. Inhlaled on Ap,,1 22. 1938, ."d re·
I,",d on Oeeemba. I. 1972. He ru,dH al U.hIS being insl;,lIfl1 on 11>. an;hn 01 Con·
P.n,dent lind M.s. VirSt' Ruet". Mrs. A,I,.
H•• td, and B",.oeu Manaeer Heatd.
S.ated .t tho head '.bte. left to . ;.hl, II",

814 Arlington S ....,I. Yo.k. Pa. venllOn Cenle,.

Re tire d Members Hono red
h.I,,;: lime 10 &;Cl 'heir ri~ture~ lalen. Wo rk Picture Not Too Good;
I hc only re.l,on I &;Ot I II Bellllcll', '>0 At Local 265 Banq uet
quid I) ""~ th,.t lIe cornered I u on the C enter J ob Picking Up L.( t. 165, I.J "COl."'. "": IIH:,_ The
jot> Carl i 'ciltnt-cr&;el\ \lilc hn'llI~ L P . 237, "I\G \R\ F\I U.., "''''' . - 10.:;11 union t.anquc t honoring Ihe rel il"l!'d
,,;rUt;hl COIfI ~illin!l dOli n al the lanl('C'r, Th.: \lorl. "ielUr.: i~n'l too goooJ. 1 here memt-c,--., \la_ htld ;1\ the i.egion Club
rem\lIJelrnr lhe "ell,1I are- I.!IOU, C'H'r) \I«~, I'tli "I' (.01. the on ht>rullr} 171h. \lith the socia l hour
A, for Joe Alv.ood-v. .. II. I 11.,\ at IIlen h",el1" 'Ia}ed olf 100 tont;o ;" there II,rrting ;It 6 1() P \I HusineC>5. \I,mager
hl\ home. t>Ut hc ",.I~n·1 Ih .. ,... _,1IIol h.. r h." t-cen " good lurnO\l~r. Arh .. Heald \-I,ll tIla""r of ccremonic~.
Brother I\:I~, hOllc'er. I hen. II rother rhe COlllcnlion Center i, "i.:ling u" ,10\1 &;lIe_1 'rca~cr. IIcre Inltrmllion,,'
Bub 1'.lIId.;, v.ent a.:ro" 10V. n und Ii now th:11 the li!;htirtg ~orl un the Re"rl' ..... nt"ri\f· RIt ~-.c1l Mund o rf .lIld
nail ) cauJ;hl JI)(: in Ihe )ard and IUol. hi' arcl1<!s h;15 bc-gun. rhe light, arc Ill- '- in~oln\ \I .,)or S<rm St.:h"artzlo"r.
"i~lUn,'. Good lu.:l., Brother., in )our Ie· stalled 90 feel off the !loor t.) u~in!: ,. Ih other \ll1l1dorf. "ho \I"'~ bu~ine\\
lir.. men( )car,. \Ia) )Otl and )uur 10\\:<.1 lar~'<! t>u"let twd \-lith ;t 120·font t11.ItI.l~ .. r of I 01:<11 26~ for about I~
o ne~ h",t' 111<111 ) h;.",, ) )e;n~ t\.lcelher boom. The (I' nlcr i~ \,h\',llIled 10 op;:n \e'lr\. reminhccd \-lith lhe retired mcm'
" a) u, :, \i\I' lind M:C ' " of len, \ 1.1) Ih", in Fct>ru;rry. 197 ... her.. re~;r llin !! in'I;IO~cS about e,l.;h of
Lurd be "llh )OU .1I\-1H)~. rhe retireu me,n"e" of L()G,I 2.17 ;lle Ihem in hi, s pcc,: h.
s.:e )011 ,II the union tneetin); on Ihe meeting on Ihc I;hl S\lml.l) of Ihe Du rint; Ihe evcnin);. \crvicc "ins \-Ierc
third Ihur.d;r) nf th", month III X IItI month \nyonc fc;"I) III relirc ur ;d, I're'oCnted to rei ired :... u :.CI;IC melllhi!rs
1' . \1.. 3{)() li mhon Street. ,"orl, l'enn,,)I· rc"lI) retired i~ inlited 10 :tl1etul. (on·
'<Ie, I .,rry Do} Ie for infunllOilion,
Ihlll ~·(t'e ~ear rin, \lere "n.. .
rdired Brulher_ Phillir Hall. K. V.
ent"'d h.

L Ul 1>1 1 t I!()"~. " .S. Financial Se(rcl:tr} Le\-lb \Ion is h<r~ ~~Ie)'. Chri\ "'c""( n, V. W. Johl1lon,

IBEW Jou,not
L R. Willer, and Arthur R. 1I0II\e. I'rofe .. ~ iona l Emplo)t'e~ Intern.uional
Thirl )-~Car pin, IH'rc prt'''''"ted to re- Union. She h,ls \\'Qr ~ t'd lo ng ;tnt.! hart.! On McCain Mall Jab
li rt'd /Jrolher~ WiIIi.wI U ::J~'>CJ. Don 10 become :1 member of lhe union.
McCollough, J) D. \l S. G. Reade. " 01'0, lie arc a '00 per c('nl union of5;a.
Clifford l'ol>k, R,le (.lmerOI1. \ C nil.;llion. ("on,cr.liulalio",. \I '\r~.trel.
Rosencuucr. C. G. Dun!>;)r. Joe S Ruf- \~ of thi~ ... rilin~. lin honor t>anqllet
fin. Clarence .... r;mlcr. II Ii (1,)I:hr.m. i.. ,chcdulcd al Ihe BI"O I I ll, Lo..lge in
W, G. " ondcnl. •• mp. Ch.• rlcs " m)lOn. W h"ing. " inne~t:t. for April 71h.
V ir~il V, S"fJonl, tl . L. 1{0i=Cf'I. Ihl1m,,, l berl' lIill ~ a ..oo:M] hour. dinner. ;lnd
A l l oy, !-I .lfry n , Wd>'\lcr, John I. lhe rinnin~ of 20-, 2j-..'0•. ;tnd J!i'}e;'f
Madden. ,inti U L Stell[/. memhcl"\. I'll h;l\e :1 fCII pklurl" ;md :1
1'.... c l1 l)-lh ... )eM rill, IO.crc pri.'~ntcJ report on Ihe han'luel 10 rUI in lhe
10 retired Il rolhcr~ Ri (h,LnJ Hunter. I.. JI>IIr11111 ne\1 month
M.mbe,. o f LoclIl 295. Lillie Rock. A,k ..
R. Simcccl" OUo Ih nrk h" Ra) I., II;JrIj~jp.ale in }our I<xal union .,,'Ihi. w.r. .mpln),ed on Ih. McCllin MIIII. Ih.
Kn.-,hncr. (1 .. u<l e \l l \1:.h on. Reul,... " lic~ :Inu "II) union. be union. IInli don'l la'Res' ,hnpp,nr. cen ••• in A,kanslls. Shown
Ball. II." \l l t..: clH')', JHd II. f ,I~ilr. mhs your n(:\1 union rneel,nl;. In Ih.M PICh,," a,e membe.s of Local 295
anll I . G. & luoIInrn . And 2U·)car pin~ Ind olhe. loc.l,. Kneelrnl. lell In "Ihl. are
E. LI Rm I \fUJI I'.s. L D. Sandhn. Local 295; Jack MIIIspa"gh.
,,"ere pn::wnh:d II) retire,1 Brot he r, W. Loc.,1 1516, Jonu1>O.0. Ar~.; Hen!}, Nabhol~

, W. Audcr-.on. Jay II. /I ,I" ... n. i\krlc C.

Vogl. Hnd II. (., .' l orri'OIl.
A CIIVI.' mCl11hcr~ who ......'I·e pl'c-cntcd
Larg est Mall Complex
In Arkansas Completed
~nd lob .I.wllld Roy God frly. Local 295.
Sl andln!!. A,'h", Smllh, Earl Rideeway.
Gen.tI. Col., Millon L•• , ~nd g()no , al lore
rnan Oav ld Curt ll, LOCA l 295. aU o f whom
~cnit·c pin, ilr~ M , A, ( ,arill·all'i" lind work~d 10. I. K. Elecl"e Company.
L A. I chlx:lt~, .1~-)c;'r member_: and I..U. 195. 1.11""1'1£ Iwet.:, A ll ... . I he
Vernon J, Bdl, SIHnlcv S, Uel'id:. J n~e \!t'C,in fo ' all. whic h ,~ Ihe 1i"1 1111)-
I). I'\in 'h. K, H. l orlner. I (. 1 r.Hlla. ,I UTI enclo~,I 'lIlull ~hoflpinll fHdlil} " nd
Amhony (ij;,nforrn'lllllio. I c(' \, 11011. Ihe '"rge~1 .,hopping center in ' r~',"';I\.
anJ. 11111'1") II lIu~,~e. I hll J .ul1c,.on. h'l\ recenlly been comflleled in \imlh
FIIII.rrd 1 JcU'-I!l1. I red John_on. [)on J. I rille Rod. 1 ,lCaled on lI i~hll"} (,7-
\I )er.... 1 ""ren~e I). \\ C.koti. "nu 1 L. 167. Ihi, huge 01,1 11 cornfl'r~ hai 1I~().D2
Young., .10·)ear rnemllero.. I'in. lIere '>qu;(rc ret'l of rel.lil ,hopping ;uca.
;11-.0 pre-enlcd IQ ;1~hIC mcmN:r. lIilh ""hi~h indulles Ihc !'feifcr· IJI"" \lOre. J.
fell.-r years' ~1;lndinG. (' I"'n~) Conlfl;'"). Sc;If~ Roehud.. &
Brolher lIeald reporled on Ihe Re. Company. '\1. M. Cohn Comp;m). and
tired \I emlle", (Iu"'. and I in Wil":r I'o"~ iO ,Iddilion;ll rel,lil ml'r~hal1l 'Iort". "nil
pre~nled lhe lh"rler from Ihe 10 "') a rull\.lit:1l1cd par~ing :lre:l IIh'~h h.I\ AI.., employed by I. K. Eh!el"e Company,
Intcrn,lIion;,' Reprc~nl.II,\e \I unuorr. \P;K~ for ~.OOO \,t'hi .. ln. ~ .... I'nr::, I()/r In . ight. lin: Bruce M,ner.
..... in.: of aUf /HEW (OntradOI"\ in. J.,.,., H.g.n. Wa)'ne lew,,.., 00)'1. Mole ••
Rei' 1111 r... \I \In... \, P.S. .nd £dd .. Jnn ... Loca' 295. Stand,ng. Gene
~;lJIe" Ihc ell·urica] ".,orl.. on Ihe \I ~. W... ks. Jimmy Co~I' Paul l .. a •. Olen Cam·
elin \ 1.111. emplo)ing in u~t',~ of lOll m.c.. .nd In ... mln Ronn,e CUlt... local
NECA Negotiations Slow; I'oirt'nlen ".,hen Ihe jO'" "".1\ 31 pcal...
Work Scene Looks Bleak 1 he'-l! l'OIl!rltl"lor, are I t.; . I lel;lri~ Com. ""
LIf, 29... 1111111 1..... (; . \ " ..... " .-Our l1e. p;'"),. C & C J ICdri .. ('omp.m). Don.
gOli,lli()n\ \l.lIh '>I ICA hall'II'1 I'>ccn h.un r leclric Comp.,"), \l oore I 1c~lrk
rrogre,,,illg much. \\ e nil hop.!' Ih.,1 ne· ('ol1ll'"ny, I all;uI l leuril' (
gotiation, lIill nOI lale (I, lonll ;" Ihe} 1I.1f\11I. Il}f" Ileeiril; C'o,np.tny. II ml\ton
did 1;r~1 )e"r. II hen we lIere "it hmlt a I I':dri~ ('l1IlIp:.n). It ragg l'Ieurk ('om.
conlra" fo, ., fc\\ "'<1"11" p;,ny, and C.:rtificI! S!>nice.
A~ of thi ~ dal e, we h; lVe 4!i local men I hi\ lo.:al union j, proud of it, 1111'1\1.
on Ihe (ltll·()f·\\or~ 1i,1. Hnll Ihe li'l i, her, IIho lI\lr~cd U\ jounIC)lIIell. a[l-
'tire 10 Ilrow a lmo,l Ilcclly. H~ lhe joh~ rrenlicc~. joh 'IC\\ant.. foremen. lUld
\I.e hale arc now 'n Ihell' tina I ,I nile,>. llenera l fOI'~m~lI On I h ~ joh. 1 hey h.'IOl
The future lIorl pklllrc lool!, lery \Ione a good joh uf .. epre,ct1lin~ Ihclll- Bro'he,. ImplO),Id by Ihe C & C Eleellle
hleal in OUI" jmi"lklion. ~hc,. Ihdr ]oc;,1 union. ,HId the III! W. Comp~n)' on the Sn~ Slor .. , kneeling. lelt
Congr.l\u!:uion,. Illen' '0 "f(hl "1 J. W. Surrllll. Local 619. HOI
\1;r } I l'~rrr." our ;lrNer.:i:llion 10 Ihe Spllnll~, Ark.; .nd J,m Nllhl .. n. non UW ...
I;lrioll' locrl union .. Ih,,1 arc furni,hm/!" Ille Annu<ll l oc;!1 Union I'knll' \1111 Jlck Mu,ph),. and ChadH 5 1011. Loc,l 295.
\\or~ 10 Ollr 101.',11 Ill'Olher... \1.111) Ilc held <II /Jur", 1'.lr~· I '."iliion .... 0. SIIndlng. Oav. Ky~er and job Siew-a.d B. F,
Ihanl~. tin June 1.1 ..". llrolher~ 11 0mI'I Bud., Elh,. l,oc.1 295; Llon Williams. Loca' 436, EI
Louren Ho-;,. anll li;lry P"d lirt (0- Oo.ado. A,.: and Bob R,nggold. Rnben
On Arril hi. Brother Gt'orgr lIorne F.".... Ind lI.n.,11 In •• m;)n P;)ul Ky.z.".
lIenl on IUrw ""n~IOn, lie h,,, h,:t'n a lh;urmen of Ihi~ t'1t'ni ;md are in nred Local 295.
memhcr of I (J<;al 29.1 ,inn' IY-l~. Alo,o of 10Ittnl~r~ 10 help Ihem ".,jlh Ihe
on April ,,1. Brother JOe.' .... ;.1.111. former fll.lnnln!! ;lnd ".,orl.. neCt"'klf) 10 in\urt'
the \Ul'(e\\ of Ihi) annual nenl Iht'
\uperinlt'ndenl of Ihe ' ·1)- \\ .• k, ;Illd
1 i~hl Ocr.• rlmenl. ""enl on 1111 \\ pcn- ri~ni .. gi\e~ oor memhcr, an" Iheir f,IllI'
\ion. He h,IS abo heen in local 29.1 ilic, .m orpurlunil) 10 gel III ~no"., one
Sllll'e 1 9J~. 1 hen. on \la} hi. l!rolher ;m(llher and 10 hale" ".,onderflll lime
John I·epr,~~. ""00 h.l\ t"It.'t'n ;j memtlCr doing \().
of L(XC;!I 29.1 ,in~e 1'1-11. lIent on 1111 W
pension. He ""or~ed in cOn\lrUdion for
onc of our lex .. 1 minin!; comromic\. We Scribe Pond ers Future
all ".,,,h I~ rolhel"\ Ik,rne . ....111;\0. and Perr-
rid: 'ong :1011 rnju)ah'" reliremenl •.
Of Labor Movem ent AI.o .mployld by C & C [Ie<:ltic Compan),.
rhe y're ju,1 in lime 10 Llle :ld .... lIll,lge kn.ehnp:. lolt 10 "lIhl. are Red Jenkins.
L U. 311. III I "TI"(;'I 0""' . '\ .VA._ Loc,l 15 16; Cllnl Thom.s, Forrest Womble,
o f our ~rcat li,hiul1 .... '''un. Nnw Ih"l lhe nalional cle~liOIl j, o ... er and Fulton Ha"r •• Local lSlS: Charier: ,"" ne<:.
Local 294 is proud 10 announce Ihal lmd Ihu counlry ha ~ Willed for fuur Local 436: /lnd em Tho,nton. Loca l 295.
our o flke -ecrclnry, Ma rgarel Barlel. i, more )e:l r~ of Prc,idel1l Nixon'~ (:u-ryi ng Standing. l ell Mllch.n II . Bill Staggs. HIn . )'
Wa . ren. Ted LIBI, II. and foremlln Jllc k Jus-
a memoer of Loca l 12 of Ihe Olliee and Ihe hig Slid, 1 womler whl,l h in ~lore !In, Loc.1 295.

J"n., 1973
for the laror 1tI0\emcnt, e.!>('Cd"II) Ihe fulure i~ arout the ~,nl e. We hope Ih,l l, Old-Timers
ruiluin~ Ir,llk, 1II0H'me n!. in Ih ... IleJr fUlu re. ~e ~iIl I>e ;ohle 10
'ou lnow, prior 10 Ihe pr ... ,id... nliJI spon-.or :Inolher hn.t alu O;OUI'Io:. Hope 10
ele.:tloll of 1972, th... \11 ·( 10 ha'e morc infurll1;olion "holtl Ihh III lhe
Hullding r nt.lo:, Ocp.mme n t di.1 nol n ... 't ",ue.
'oCe fil to hllH! 11 Iq!hl"l i\e !';'l!\\~n· \\ II 11\\1 C. "Ul.U" BlItM\. H . \I .
lion in W". htngton. 1) <.. ' 0 .... Ih .• 1 Ihe
elfition i, OH'r. J Io:gi,I .. I;\e: !,;onl ... r... n~e
h,t, hee:n o;;l lled. I r"all) donI unJer- Ne w and Old Scribes
,1.100.1 ..oIlIC pcoplc'\ line of thinling .... ,.
pcd"It) th.1I o f ....,11,.: imli,i.Ju .. h ill 1111:
hi gher eo: hdon. I t h in ~ lOU m;on) p ... oplt.'
"er... o:onecrnc.J "ilh the 101l~'h .•il' 1110\1.'·
Illem ,,110.1 "ith "h'.:h of the O:""I1~il,
o,\,ulliu hlld ( . eorge \1 ... ,'11\ .10.1 forgol
;'Nut the prtJl>lcm, th.II Me [,",'tng lhe At Ih" 70th Annlverury ;tnd Old·T,m"'"
inUlhlr~' luu"y. N."h. of local ]40. S..:,amento, CaliL ;t

) nll \ the fellcc;!1 !;OH~rnl11enl ,\nJ !lOld If. clasp was presenled to B<olh'" Ed
thl' L,.S I "hur n epartl11ent lIre '·"n· co~. 62 year memb.< or Ihe ISEW. second
f'"", l"tL Oll,e.~, le ft 10 "8h t. p <~ Su,,,,,,ss
'1Ilnll} ill\i\ling on c\lelhhe llpp! ... nti,e- MiJ"'<!" Ea,1 CI",slenson ~nd Inl",n""on,,1 I
,hip If;oinong. e)('Cd,IU ) in Ihe 1.. 1'Ilr u r- R"p,,,.ntatlve5 Henry l,em,," and JOh"
g.",i/"lion, .... ilhin Ih ... "uiluin\: t"IU"'~: Upp,n
~ct I'il per '· ... nl of Ihe l o:olllr.• el~
lei on !:on,trUo:llon pl'O' ....:I' .. re kl 10 l eft 10 right. President r •• nk Mah.<. Loc: ..1 AI\l) ...: .. I... J al the he;IJ t"l>k ... cre In·
nUIl,uniun o;Oll!r. l "'lor~ \lho h.IIC no "p. 320. Po"ghkeel>sie. N_Y_. cong'~I"'aies Ihe Icrn.lliUI1;11 R... prc,cnl.ltile John 1 ,lpplll.
pr ... nli!:e>hip Inlillin~ pfO!;faon> .HlJ ... ho outgo,ng press secre ta,y. P• .,I Chm",,,_ 10' 1I11\inc" \hllla~cl 'l1IU \If' . F" rl (hri,·
Ihe lOb he dId In pUI yeMs ., 'he ne ....
1";0) I><!low Ih... prelailin!! r;ole in Ihe I""'~~ ~ec'et"<y. Bob l,mm".mM.n. loo~. on t~I1"lII, .IIIJ l' re"J~'nt "nd \I I' (Iilll
Jre ... \\ "I~cr Our 'red.,1 gIlC\' or hOIlOl "."
\ local lIn",n !:JnnOI get ;In) J"hl· IIHIthcr I u (UI Ihe d~.on nf el"dn~l"n'
;1110:... frorn Ih... I .. ho, l)ep;'rtmCnl on New Appointments Made ;,1 1..0.:;,1 , ... ilh Ii:! \1.'.1'" or mcmhcr·
o;ur"illg Ihi) i\\ue:, r.:ga,\lIc., ur Ihe On Executive Board ,hill ill the 11$1 \\ 'Iter the inlro<ludilm
numher o f prcI .. i1ing 11 " !;e IUl m, )UU "." ~."nl)lele.J. ~:!I 11111' ~ere I'rt,el1lcJ
Iii.... letter, of I'rOle>1 }OU \lril ....... 1.: .. t>ut L.l. 320. l'Ot G Il"'UI"'iIF. '.V._ to m ... ml><!r, \l ilh ;!U or more: )C"I\ of
IOU .Ir... )Iill n:<luoreJ to lile Ih ... n ....:....· Th r... e 1I101he'~ \lere .Irl"uinl",u 10 Ih.: o:ontinuou\ lIlem ..... r\hip.
.,.Ir) form ... "ompl) \lilh lhe I............ ti.f) E,,'dl1i\e Ho;lrJ JI Ihe \ pril ~Ih meel· \flcr Ih,' pre"':lIt,,\ion of pin,. th ...
tho; Illillv,il) 1I1UUI". ,on"nu( lhe (\ten- inl> I hel .Ire Ikrn .. rJ "nlilh. t olrrw:h,h
r-"rt} ~em into h i,l h ge .. r as ml'mht·",
\I'e JI'prenll~e,h,1" Ir;tlnm~ I'r"~rJn". D, ~\lIng. anJ \ nlhon) I>oullll_ \\eI· J.on,c.J lu Ihe -.oun.J, of Ihe R... u (I.u\..
"nu .uppl) free 1;lhor 10 Ih ... uilr... r ... nl or· come .INMru. It rolher,' It,onJ \I:In) uf "lIr Illd·lime", ellJU)cJ
~.mll';I lion •. I..... ,idc. the num ... IUlh Olh~r Hrolher (ir"h,11I1 I . "'duel h.I) .ld· rene\ling 0101 ao;qu"inl,oncc, .. IIJ li\ililll:
I' rlll1l .. m,. l~lI .. r', fol'1l". ele. SlilI, the'e ' .. n.: ....1 Itl th,' "i1i,'~ uf lio: .. I're"Jenl ... ilh ... nr~ing I"artncr) thq nOI ...:en
is ;mOlher I ~o·foltl prohlem lurlin!! in .. nil Ilrolh~r J;, lI1e) (, (',III.lgh .. r, 10
rolf lll"nl le"r.
Ihe t> .. clgrounu . nOI unl) Ihe nlln-UlHon ire;"uter. <'on~r.. t\ll;olion~ ;on.J ¥lIo.J Iud, I \cr\one eniu)"'u " \\onderfll l tilm·.
elerncnl. t>ul th ... ra~1 Ih,'1 Di,trid (() i~ 10 lUll in lour 111.'\1 en.Ie.[\o",
Jnt.! uur Ih .. nl, .,nIl ;1I'precialion g" 10
rn,,~in~ ,11',,(1) In!'ll;lIl, lin th ... I1tr ihtinj;
In Ihe en~lu-,eJ pldule. I're,iJcnl
Ih ... fullo"inl! 1"II.'0pic \\ho spe n l ;1 101 of
I-'non~ \1 .lher ,~ ,ho"n o:omlll ~n,ltn~ th~
tr,,,lc. 'n:lr~et. Nl)w. I 'U} ..unn!OIlI.' on time .lnd efforl 10 m :\ ~e Ih,' dinner·
the lu gher le\l·1 ... ill1 Ihe t>uilulIlj; 11'.. .10:' Olll!;oing prc" ,encl;I!"}. 11t'.)lhel I',wl d,m':c n \lIcc.:,,-1 nt ... rt:l inm ... nl ( Imil
;IIlU the A I I ·C IO ... ,,' ..uulnJ ,I'lcl.'p Chmllf.l. for Itle tr"II1(l1d,'I"> h... In" m.on ;m" \1 1"'. Chue\.. C,,~e; Dance
"hen Ih i) m"'f~I.'I of I)" ukl ~O ,mu Iho; Jun ... in Ih.: 1'.. ,1 ~eal"' II r.llhcl I'"ul h ... {h.lilnhln :Ind \I I"'. \!i\..e Slin-.on:
Sleel ... or~ c l'" W:I ~ (UII'Unltll 'lled. t.....en J.I'potnll:J Iv th~ Il<hillon {,f I- \CCIl D.1I1~e (ornmi1h:e m ... rnh,·r, Hrolhe' ,m;.!
1)1 ~ l ricl ~n " 1";1 .... ning ll'oClr oll 10
Iile II u;Iru ~h; . irm"n \1", ,IH)"'n " Ih ... \I, ... , I con Bunch. BrOlh ... r :Inu \Ir"
~·u.lomcr\ "hu .II'C no .... A I 1 ·( 10 ;11111
nc ... I'rc~. !>I.'nel"f}. BrOlher Bob ZUlI' H,otll BOlin. II t'Ol h ~r J OI.· 1·lofe,. \I i"
ca ll hid ami "'1Jl" ~ 011 ;lnl jol1. I hl ~ jg Im'mlalHL from Ih ... (;l"~ill [)! 'Ir1~1. \ , l i,hel'. Broth.:r :lnu t-II" . AI
c"u>ing ..eriot" prohlenl' in :1 llUmbcr of Urolh er lilnf11 Cr llWnn \loulJ .Iprr.. dult: "'1"'1.'11. Brother ;on.! .\1 1' •. D ..,11 I i,hcr:
:lre" ... "nu IInul ..e\er,,1 lnuill\llI.lh HI infunn;olloll on Illlere,llnl! .. \cn" Ir"m lI rother "nd \l r" John P;o ul u~aili'.
l l:) posi lion. m \\ J,hmglon "'J~e up 10 all Ltx;tl 3111 Brolhel"'. lI rolher I)u;l I'"illler: .md our ollke
Ihe fild Ih;lt '>Omelhing hJ. 10 I>c u"ne KOH. kl " ./1\1\11 M'I"'. I'.S. ~1.Ill. ... ho diJ :, gre,,1 .1 ..... 1 or e\lr;o I) p-
to ~IOl' thi, mon"cr ;onJ ~el uO\ln 10 int: anu mJiltnl!
'tOme ..... roou. ,Ii\o;u"l"n \I ith Ih~' "'Iec!- 70th Anniversa ry and Old· l h;'nl~ ;lg;tin lu Ihu ........ ho ~or\..ed
"url ... n.. the I'luhl ... rn i. nOI !;oing 10 h .• ul ;onJ 10 Ihe memhcr. prcl>C1ll .. h".....,
. "....lhen "g.. in. lit.: tlH W h,.. "IoOnl1: Timers Night a Success r,UU"lp"Uon ... om part) ~1I, h a \I,.;'
dirt~ Lt. 3-'0. 'i\C R\ \ II'IO. (.' \ IIF._
lin.:n IhJI n... <:.h 10 t>e hUll!! 0111. J' " One ur lhe In<.l\l ,u~o;c,,'ul JIIln.:r· l'IllI I II' E. H \\t L. I'.S.
nUIllbcr of IIlili\) ~oml'anio;> IhJI .,re or· u"n.:.:, III re~enl Icar. \I.t> I:n",}cu b)'
g.onll.ed 1» Ihc !H I \\ .,re lellill': 0;00' o\ ... r 1<';([ m ... lI1t>cr. "nJ Ih ... lr .... "c, al Brot her Standing Honored
lru ... " [0 Ihe lion IIntO'l e lemel11 cler) l ocal _\-,t)"\ 71)Ih Annhcl,.l1\ ,Ill.J 01.1·
.I,,). ;IllJ nl!lh ing ., heillt: JonI' 10 o;urh At Retirement B~nquet
1 ima' Ni!lhl on J .. nll;\r) l 'lh
Ih ... prohlem, I hi , i\ t>e~01l1111!1 ...... riou. I hc (\enin!,! hegan ,11 Ih,· \\ootJl.I~'" I . l '. 3..ttl. ( · \IG\R' , \L I \ ._Br,Jlhcr
I"rot>lem III -,e,er .. 1 .Ire;o, Inn "'lIh .. h"lf·h""r \',III ...:"ion. Ikrl <';1.m.Jint: .Ind hi\ 101el) ~jrc.
You memt>er\ ~ho arc Inler,-,,,·,I in h,(,hte.J h) \\ 1'1l~ f ar!:,) B.ln\.. .... hl~h ~;o, \1 .1\ i...... ere honore.t recclllly llpon hi.
~eel'ing Ihe 1l100tJ It,Illl .II[\\: in 1 ,,,.,1 iollll\l~.1 h) In ... njo).ll>lc ,le,ll Jinn.:r_ r ... lln:l1lcnl, A han<l"el anJ dan..:e ...... r.!
3 11 .houlu eonl.l!:1 D Oll.: 1'1)110011 ", 10 \rter dum ... r. Inl ... rn;olivl1;o1 K':l'r.:,~nt.'· helJ .. t Ih ... 1-I It.ln .. h.} \1 olel in I.cth
Ihc li mc you :tl'e .. tolc 10 Jon.ll .... ell: \ 1 li~c Il cI") 7icl11;lIl. \lhn ''',I ... d .. ' 11M.· hmlgc_ ami 'Olll'" 2~U pcuple \lerc in
Ihe prc:o('nl lin1~, "'e Iml) h>l\e .INllll ~O Icr of ,crcIl100(e). iOlroduo;co! our ~[lCciul "llcnd.ln~c lu p;oy 're':;," lritnll,· to 111.'1'1
per o;elll of th~ r""luircd ,lI1l11unl of gue.I'. 5;lo;rJI11C1110 .\1 ,1)0' It l~h"rd \I.or - Ilnu \l a,i~.
t> loud need ... d. riott .llId California A\....:m1:o1) 111.111 n. . n h:.\ bcen .111 IIH W Illelllher ~lIlce
The \\ur\.. I"icillre i, onl} r.. ir .•ln J Ih.: hi ... III L'l>crs. 11}..t6, .... hen he \I"~ initialed into \I h.,1

ISEW Jo,,'nol
d;l1J~hICr,in·lllw .... ho urc follo .... ing in
Local 340 Old-Timers "D.,d\· union foohteps. BrOlhcr Ired
5t.lnding and hi, .... ifc-. J um:. Me both
IIdhe in Lo..-"I }J8, lind IJrOlher Dun
St:.ndinj!: i) actile in our \ 1cJidlie H;lt
JJnllher lIert\ in[ention~ ;tTe [0 P""UC
hi~ 1110 m.lln ho""ie, ;1 lillie more inten-
5;lcl) [h.1I1 in th.: jl:l,t n.lm .. I). Ij,hinl'
:Inu ",MM.h.urlml-! lu help him in hi,
....,ollmlt huh"y. hi, nMn} friend\
prc'-Cnlcd him \'0 ilh II (,lui,,1 a rm '''"'
:Ind :K"I.',.~urie,_ Hi" "'ifc III" rrc'cntcd
y,ilh a lM.'illlliflll lnl ~Ia" 1'0111 and
makhinlt 'i'o,c, lI u'l11c" \I .mil/!-er Boh
\h'i~II' prc...:nlcU IIcn lIilh a ~5-)C'H
M:I I ilC rin and ., (Un Ilnl amI [ie I"'f
'>CIon hehalf of Ihe lu(,,1. Si~ler June
SI:lndlng pH'o,cl1[ed ,\ IUli\ lIi[h lin 111 1 W
lelephone pin,
I he uJ1i(e" :tnd n[emhl'rs of I \X,d
_'' I! II i,h 1I1'r! .H1d \ 1:11 i) n1<Lny yc..,.., of
h.,pp\ .111\1 lIe.,llhl re[ircrnenl ,IOd c\ll'nd
Earl Christenson. ""';'"!~~ •• iI ,inll'rC Ih.lnl \OU ror [twir 5upporl in
be",llip. I!:d Coz, Tony ~lIv'.
J. A. Purson. the p"~t.
R. T 1 1.\Ct;:, PillS_

, Annu al Pin Pre se ntation

Held by Local 349
L Lt. J -I9, \ 11,\ \11. 1-1. \ , -Thruugh [he
dihj:l'l\[ :tml ,u~.-c"tul ('lIoris of our Fn-
ter!;( IOrllI.'nl ( ",II11I11I1 I('c. .lprroxir[l;o lei)
71M) IlIcl11Ocr, Ilere Ire,tled 10 ,IOolher
ni[thl of fclloll,hip ;!Od /:!ro[hl'fhood.
I he "n.lir II." our I hiI'd ,IOd l uurlh
ArllllI;!1 I'ill l'rc'>CIlI:lllon. ~no",n loe.,I/)
;1' "Opc(;llilln BWlherlux.Ml."
Ilrnlhl'f \\.tltl"r I urlong "'" prc-.cnted
hi, (141'\C;lr pin and .. 1I.lmiltoll lI;[lth
(1)' IIr(}lhc[' 1,1 \lcpht'II<oon. I're"iuenl of
Ihe D.,lle (oun[) I-cdcr.llion of 1 ahor.
We l.'\lcnJ 10 Ilrolhcr I urlon!! our
he.lflic'l l'nnl-!fllUoialiun" 'Irlll y,i"h him
nM"Y more )car\ of ~uod hl.'lIl1h anJ
Intl'rn.lliurHII RerrC'enl;,lill' /):In Ro-
sclli prc..cllted ~n·)'e"r I'in~ 10 ilrOlher.;
Re tirem e nt Banquet I'crq C:If[lcdg",\I/:>cr[ l-rcn",lorf. ~r_.
1'•• 1 ("de"l1_ 1I .,rry JII'I>I.'f. Hli~ "no~.
John \I..koir[l . . ,nd [)_ \I Roherl<.on.
I h1:'1.' IIrolhl''' .... erc prcwn[ed ~\;'l11illon
..... II(he" h) I' rc"dcnl Longer "nJ fr:lIlleu
(crtifk.ilC) b) Uu)inc~ Manill;CT ,\plc,
R. II ··lIuhll.," ~l11on. I'rc,id~n[ of
the I Illrid;, Sialc lIuilding and Con~lruc­
liol[ I r;,dl'~. pre"l."nh:d "~-)c"r rin, 10
llrulhl"" I' R. C Bridge";![!.'r, Chrj~ J .
l a~'ln. Sol (.olde. J"d h.'Kher. ;rnll
I-r"nl Hodle. 1'.1,[ rn.",illen[ of I (XC,II
14{1 :lnd Pre,idenl I nll'rill1' of the flor_
AI Ihe .e' .. emenl banquet 01 8<01"1< Bert Mrs, Sland'"R j~ pre,..,,,,ed an ,SEW ,el.- id •• S[.,'" AI I -C IO, Iluhh .. IhclI r'C'-
Stend'"I. Loce' HI. Calgar}'. 0\111 BIOlller phone pIn by h",. dau!':hte,-,n·law. SISti!. ....:nh:ll 4(1-)e.or I'in, [0 "mlhe,", \\ illiam
Bert Ih"n~. It•• many '".ndl whoa .nended June Slan~,ng. wh,le B.othe. B",t end BUll Sl'iller .IOJ I Imer \\ .llwn.
the banquet••, hOi .... 1. tooh on. n"5 Manager Bob t.4e,k[e ."tch [lie pro-
ceed,ng,. 1'1n.:'een l~-'c;rr. lJl lO·)':'lr. 1::! _1 2~·
IC;!f. ;\1 !U-\l:ar. 'IOJ 121 15->ear pon\
w.u [hen LOI:.,1 610. I clh"riJ~('. :lIld hI:- 6'0. ri~ing 10 Ihc flO,i[ion of rre,idcn!. .... c[e prcloC."nletl 10 memlM.'" prc..enl. AI'>O
came a mcmher of U.K';II :\411 IO.hcn the [hen "!lOn t>.;>coming a mcmhtr or lut;:11 I're-.cnl IIcrc -.e'en 50-rlu\-)ear Uro[h~n
t\(,T tclcphone meIlIN"'" :orn"lll;ull,llcJ ~411. h~ cominllcd hi~ ;Jc[iH role in ~"r· .... h" "lieU ,I' honorary hn\!' for Ihe fe ....
inlo one IIX;II union 10 HIHf the I'ro\- iOIl\ c,cculi~e and commillcc pmition,_ [j_ilic, lI onorcd glle'" lIerc. TOI11
;0<;(.' or "hen" In ~om~ ""d. l)~er thC' )it:lr,. I uon'[ he- 0'\1.0110:). 110".1" Start I rea)ur~r iinll
IfrOlh<'r Ben h,l~ I>cen nlUre Ih.m i.,,1 liel': [hOlt lIa[ eH'r [ool :. "real from In,ur .10(0.' (ommi"ionCf. :lnll Joe
a mcrnl1'l:r; he ha,. in (,Ill. !xcn ;m .IC- uni\1[[ y,orl_ I-Ie h:!' pHned III IX" (mc "f SI'huLl . !l1.:rnbcr of Liellll'n<l111 (iowrnor
live mcrnl>cr in !lolh IIX"I, IIml ha\ lu.-Ill Ihe 1ll"~1 re'Jl<.'CH:d :md hunureu uninn 1,)111 Adam" ,1.lff.
IIc"rly nil the o illel." Ihlll :t mcmN:r ,'"n ,upronefs "il hin our loe:,1 uniun. A \lclieiou\ hu ffel of hot nnd cold
hold. He heh.l ~uriolls alike ... in 1 0l;11 Hert :Inti .\I ~l\is h;lve 11\0 son ~ :Ind n hur~ lrOl'tl\r~" pina, nnd beer follolled

J une, 19 73
Annual Pin Presentation Retirees

R.".n!!y""."",", ",,,mt..,,~ ur Lo.:. .. 1 11~ we' ..

l.oul 349_ p.eSlnll'd w,.h goki warches .Ken"y
Th"d and Fourih Annual P,n Pr .... nl .."on. Sho.. n Ie" 10 '~hl_ a.e P,esloenl l-.. H..,I.
Shown on Ih" Slaga are Ihe member, .... ,Ih ,,,.. ,en Paul F,sche •. BIll W •• d, .. nd H.",,,y
50 ""0 mOrt y,ars 0' "O''''CO ""ho n,,,,d Slxly.y"ar Brolher Willie, P F",lnnf'. r.~or.r Rln~e, and Bus nen M.. n;tse, Andy K"blk
as hOS", Olanllll"U. e""n,,. MM''''l''r re<:el"u " 6O·ye8, pIn from B,ott,er Ed Sle
Ma,vln ApIf'. and PrUldenc Wllh."" l."nge,. phenson. P.85ld."I. Olld. County,O" "tllel If thcre I. "n :I~';Id"nt YOlil
who "CI .. d as masle, of ce,emOnrU 01 Labor lind Metro CommISSlone,. 'ell. anlf
Presld .. nt Wllhan, Lana"'. ",f"l) 1111 Ih~ joh " il11l"ort;lIlI 10 10111' .In,' 11) jI)Ur,etf. fI.",,,t
JOW "1'<'1)
rule ",,,,1.11.'1
\\<.111. 1<'lIt;oilh ~lIllkl(.·nl h' )..(.'~p ;111 of
ollr men \lu,ling, •• 1111 11 luo).., nnldl
mUle I'rumi.m~ fOI lhe'lIill"I':r.
OUI '\;(.·t:"'li.llln~ lOIlln1itlcc .... uf Ihi,
"filin),:. I' n1l"'lin~ I"lh lh,' <.IJIlH.,,'W".
Ollf !'I<'...:nt ,",Olnr.I,,1 C\l'ir(.·, on \ 1,11
~ [,I
\\rlh morc Ihan fOllr }Cah of fl.i,-h;oIJ
I'>.I\\"\"' \rJrnilll,lr;tlion N:hind , ... ,1 ,'Ct·
1.linll h." t-rc,v!lle nC\I 10 imf'O"i"le 10
in,rc .• ,< OUt 'l;rnd;lrrJ 01 lI"nt:.•lIlrJ Ih"
.... __J } 11 \l.il1 he imf'O~~itlle fO ~t<1" ur
...~;..: Ililh 'II 'i,on·. h:onolllll' Sr.,1->ilil"lion
l' r'OlIr,.m, J ... , I"le ;r lU(l).. III fIX1I.1
Brolhers J"" Sh,lIm3n and Cha.lie T,ow· pri,'':'. ;ololle_
Tom O·Malley. Treasu,,,. .nd In,,,.anc,, b.otIge sample sam" 01 Ih" 100d se"'ed by
CommIUOO<1e'. Slale 01 Flo.otI. add,eues Brglhe, R.y Hlllr"s .nd hl~ .. n,S!,,"' Our 101.;01 h;o' org..lIli/eJ .1 1->;I...:1->al1
Ihf' '''''he"",, It.,m IIndcr Ihc ~;rl'.'hk nldn.'l:cmenl or
JIm \1..", \lo'c Iho~ trophic, o'o:r II
Ihe lorm.,1 poruon of Ihe Jlrl'~IIHlI, "1111 N e w Home IiU]e 1 0<..,1 l~:'i hoo .. !e,..,. ;1Il\1 1I);ILe
enlerl;,inn1enl "} cOllleili.ln I .rtl I e\O.i, 10l.lnl ,,<1 Ihe ,helf~
' ''Ii ~ntl". I'l:in{: enl:ru,...:<1 111 Ihe RI (lIIKIl J. GIU II. I'.S.
IIhll'lJ'()OI of Ollr llllililie. ,Inl' <I.,il}
!ile •. "e lend 10 la~e f!H ~r.lnle,' "') Scribe Attends Steward's
nMn} of our Ix·ne/it. m,,,k ,.... ,,,Ihle "~)
heinl: mcmht'r~ of m!,,,ni,,·.1 1,,1'<If••111.1
I Training Session
il", "eire.hint: 10 Jl;lll"': OIKC in .1 "hile
,md rdlcct un 0111' ,1.lllI', II"" 1I1;ln)
Jlt:tlJlle In Ihl' "odd lan'l ~nl)" "I Ih.:
I - I.. l . J'N SI'RI'\;G I;I EI.U. II .L .-lIr .... lh·
er, 'lIId un I' reJ'{rr1l.'r •. "Imo.' ~.Io(nu vf
)\111, .. h;ll " h"l"p.:nin!l in }Ollr ,Ire,,'!
trlU: .pirn "I "rolh.:rt",....1 ul1\1 kilo"
. hi f'~ Local 375. Allentown. P~.. h., 'Ieenlly \h.trc )ollr h"f'Pllle', "ilh '''. Drill' ,I'
moved 10 a new hom" This plch,'e shows lin(.·; Rod. 1,l;lIld \I,)uld li)..e II> lnuw
\1.1 ) flC",'e anJ h"I'I"II"" b..: "ilh the ""tranc.. 10 Ih' bus,"es$ manliKe,', "lUll i, !;,lln!! l'n in (11(' "',);Iil;l1 :.11J ,icc
I.'al'it uf )0\1 11\ )0111' If,'ICI, off.ces lind to Ihe m..... ,". room whIch 'e~ls
215. \er".,
It I .. ul( .... ' ul ... , •. I'.'i. 0., ""rdl !o:lh ;lnd 91h. I allcnded :.
'1<'\I,.rd·, Ir"inin!! '>C"'i~ion al lhe It,,m.lrJ;o
Local 375's New Office Inn III Di'lln. 1I11Il0i-. I here "crc ;Ibulll
';'0 ~1( .. "rJ, Imen anJ \l.omen) al c",'h
Building Completed ,e""iun, \\e hall ,le"arJ, fr .. m R".;~ h-
1 .1 .373. \I U ."O\\'. "\. \lel1l- I"n\!. L'llIl Ii; Rod ford. lnil 10(. [)c-
he ..... of ] OClt[ ~75 .• re p,oud In reporl ...... lh. linil Ii; 011,1\\:.1-1 ,,~ •• ]]c. Unil .5:
Ihc ~omf'lclion ,If UIII 111.''' .. "iltli'l~ 11 i~ 'lnJ ""ctlill~. Urlil 10. a lon{t ""h 1).;1
thc cnd re.ull of -.ome Icn ""r\.. II r\+ .. n. i'rc"i,kn!. J Im While. Vl~e I'r~·.i·
.lntl I"nt: cndk~, hour, "I "ur 1101111.' \,- lIenl; Huh (;0' ill. s..,rClar}--' re .. ,urer;
~..-",-i"lion C<lnJnliutc. \l.ho hJJ Ihe ivt-r of and \It Ik]..!en_ Uu,ine" Reprc~nl •• ,ile.
loo~lnJ; for ;1 "Ulldln~ .IIItI 'III.' Ih,11 r hI.' .n,lnt.:! ...,.., .. ere l'rofc~\Or Phillip
"oul\1 .1~,;olnrnO(Ltt(' our 10'':,lh ...."Cd" (,.11 nlim and f\~)i.lnnt I'rofe'-.O<"
~pcd •• 1 Ih;III~' lire in <Ir,lel III Ih.- ~um­ \lIcn J lI.uri,on of the Uni,c,..,il), of
mille..: I11cnJht:r~ for lh"il' IlIe[c" dlor1~. IIlim.i., I hew 1"0 llIen hone n..'Cn a<.MI-
I lI1l1". Il} l.d)!,: 1<) 111.1'" iii \>1 hCh_ Lu~,d 37.~ .unl Ihc 1''':l1n-Dd Je"~") "inlc\1 "ilh I oc;11 3'JI) for qLlll<' :. fcw
Ih.11 I he IIlClllhcr~ arc pI"ud ut lheir eh"pler. AIICt1lu\111 [)"i.ion. ']'(-". ),:,,,, .md dl' ~n e\Cell<'nl lob "f lr•• in·
l1e" horne. If any of our rctir..:d 011.'111- ha\t~ :It:recd 10 :. '-1.'1 of "lfl.'l) rule, t:0l- in!;.
ht:r\ "ou]J Ii~c 10 .,.;e lire 1........ 1'. 11C"1' ernin); .... ,fe I1Il.'lhod, uf "o.-lin!; un lhe 111..: fir.! II,,}'~ ~e.~ion ,,0., opened b)
hOllle. \Ie imlle }OU III '101' in ,mil ...:e ;ab. 11 i~ lh:ll cler) rnemt,.:r \'kl.' I'r~·"dl.'nl Jim Whi le :lnd Ihe ·....:c-
"hal )our h .• rd I\or~ IhrollJ,:h Ihe )c,lr. al>ide b) HnJ I"rncliee Ihc~e ~afcl) IlnJ \I,l)'~ ~c,~ion b} I)rcsidenl'!\eling
"~~{)l11pli,hcd. ~1~n..tMJ~. for lie ;Ife Ihe onc~ "ho 11m 1111,1111.'''' \I an;!\;<'f Del Il rOIlI\. Thc~e ses-

.. 18fW Jou,nol
Negotiations Under Way; in p:h"i\'ellC'~. jealou,ie~. rc'-Cntmenb,
Safe Huntin g Awardee pen.onalilies, or rears.
Members Must Protect Gains JOl i N R . KIM:'. p.s.
L.U. -lOS, C t:n,\R R \I'1US, IA .- Thi,
;, Ihal lime in our :In,':! IIhen lie ,Ire in Negotiations Compl eted;
Ihe Illiddle of 1II,.n) tlun!;,. h1l1 Ihere i,
nOlhtng of " final nalure 1() reporl on
Fami ly Picnic Planned
)el. or mml imporllm~e 10 Ih righl noll L U_ -114, ).,\ ",C,\S'l t: R. 1',\ ,-NC!;Olia-
arc our negOlilllio", IIhkh :Ire jll" seI- lion, h:l\e heen eomplel ... u anu ap-
ling under "a) . Some of lhe propo<.al_ prOlell, Our :--'egOlialing Commlll;:C
tlf Ihe eonlr.lCtQ" '.T.... relll gtlo<.he<.. r,,~ed greal ndd~, lOilh ,eq lillie "'or~
rh.'re arc Iho ..... IOho IIOUt.! Ii~t' 10 "ipe in Ihe are'l .tt this lime. In ~pilc of Ihi,
OUI nliln} 1'O'1I1\e re,uh~ of long ~ea"" fael. lhe commiuee \ucceeUeu in <oet:ur·
,.f ctfor!. conuilion, "hieh .. re :KIIl'.]]} ing ,. ,ubo.lanti,.1 tntrea.,... of 40 cen" per
1!')o(K.I for tro.h ,ide,. Some \lout.! prefer hour \m \Ia} I. 197J lli,e <;;en" 1=0(', 10
amine, J.m Nalefs"i . lcw;al 399. Sprongl.eld. 10 relCrI ha<;;l 10 lhe: tla), "hen the heallh ,.oJ lOelfare). Olnd -IS ccnh on
III., lell .•, 'n ...... n Ihe Hlinle. Sllely "or~er h,IU no prOlc~lion "I all, 11011- \I:I} I. 197-1: .. Iso. Ihcre lIert' in~rt':o,,;:s
Awa,d from W, Moore. "ghl, P,uodenl.

Decalur Trades and labor. as Ne-d freeman. e\er. lilli" h;l' prolcn Ih;1I IOh ... n Ihc to foren",n and gellCral foreiliOln r"I"".
<;enle,. leg.slatlve Chairman of the AmerICan "'or~f;'r ha, heen Ircaleu rairl). c\er)onc
",cgOliallon, for ""Ib'\" on]} mil'. he
fede"'toon of Teache,s lcw;al 877. looks On. in Ihe e(onollli, eommunily henefil" complelcu hcf.. re J;!nuary to. 197:'i.

Wc :Ire _ure Ihal Ihc ...... "re da}s \lhen
l11a~ml! il j)O"ible 10 po~t pre'ailin),'
,ions lOere Je\I>I .... J to thc r.. lo:"!> uf Ihc ;111 of our JlCople mU,1 lale tim ... 10 he
"'age, enough in all,,,n'e for lOur~men
'lclOar", IOhal hi, job i,. ho" he ,huulJ a"'are uf m;.n} fal·lor~ . We hale made to t!njo\ Ihc prop.:-r inereOl'tC' and abo
m'ln} I!"in~ Iller Ihe )eOlr,. :md Ihe) are
(I" 11I~ J•• b. h"l00 he lnu"', Ilhen Illt'm-
her.. h~H' a ~rielanet' anJ "hen Ihe~
Jon·1. anu hi, unJt'r,l,mdml,: Ihe n.mlfaCI
good. \ ... e mU,1 be eunC\'rn ... u and ;llerl
'>() Ihnl "'e .h) nol to ...... Ihem. AI thc
eonhling Ihe contraclor.. \0 hid'" ith thb
)t:ale '
T hc I.o.:al 0114', fa mil} picnic i,
an,1 ll\tJwing h"", I" enfurce ;1.
Anolher p,HI ur Ihe progr;om "',1\ on
Ihc Q.;eup.l1;unal S"fel~ .md lIeallh Acl
'''Ille lime, "c 0111,1 fie hone,1 enough 10
ma~e ,ure Ihat "'e (Ire full;llin!,' (.ur re·
,poll,ihililie, 10 our clllplo}er. If Ill.' :lTe
,chedulcd for July 71h. from Itl A.M.
10 IU.O(] 1'.;\1. .•11 Ihe Muum JtI) I,'· I
of 1970. Org,uliled laht.r m1l',1 ,huuldcr
much of Ihe re'ron,ibil;l) fur re,di/;ng
nul duing Ihi,. v.-e .:annol ju~lif) our-
...... he'. hUI IIhen lie ~nu" uur con-
...:ience h l"lC;lr. "e can '!:lnd "I' ,m"
!;ion . • here ",ill he fun and rcfre,hmt!nl~
f.. r alt. Flcr}one " hoping for" lars.:
lurnout ant.! " nice 0.1:1) .
Ihe futt !,ulenlial of Ihis aCI. t .....:«1 19'.1 W... I,ling cla,~ 1m, ~lar1eJ \I;th t'ighl
lighl for "')1:11 lOe ~no'" i~ r;!;hl.
member, '" itt he he .. ring mure on Ihk LOc·;,1 -114 memheh in allendan~~. rh..-ir
I hi, m'l) ,uund lilc a lUI of h:llonC}
\Ve ;01", ,:t\1 .1 \Cr) inler..-,I;ng ,'ntl in- ne"I},(u.:qUlrcd ,~iJI, will be of gr"'11 im-
Itl 'Ollie of ),111 llrulher,. hlll "I.' had
(.}rm«lil l' I1m .. i..- <.In Ih.: h;,lur} of Ihe por1(tn~e ttl Ihem ami Iheir local.
labur lII.nemenl. ·· I h... Inherit:.oce,··
I \CT) chid ,I(·"'anl ,h,HlltI In , .. ,how
hCllcr 1'1... u\I;tre <If m'lI1} of Ihe elemem,
in our !>(IC;el) lod,,}' Ihal ~re "~I'Il"ly
again'l II'. ·1 hi~ " Ihc lim~ 10 O1a~e wr~
Ur,lIhe" Bill Dou". B en Wi~l1lcf. Lc,
T urner, 3nU Vic Martdl "ill gr"tluale
Ihi, lilm .,1 hi, Il11il meell11);.
John I. ··Jael·· "mn!!icbel. D:mlitte
Unil', relireu un I cbrllafl 21rJ. bet.
"' ... ;.re righl---on Ihe joh and in Ihe
h;III- :lnd Ihen proceeu ",ilh Ihe honora·
hIe anJ proud Iighl It) O1'I;nl:l;n an.1 1111-
from Ih(' Union Leauer~hip Acalkm~ in
June. I hel h~le ;mcnded eil!hl cighl-
lied ':-Ollr,c, in Ihe p,"1 four }ear,.
'Ianc,t \I"r~illg for JJI I in 1\)2} ~rl\1 h~~
been a nl<'mbc, "f I ,IC"I )IN ,inn,"" I~·H.
"'hen ,lUT luc,,1 \I", ehartl'reJ. He "ill
prove Ihe ",,)r~inl! .:onuilion~ uf Ollr
B) Ihe lime Ih" " in prim. ,,~ '" ill
rhi, i, a gcnuine $iSn of inieresl on Ihdr
COlll,:r.. IUI"lion, :tr,' in OHler III Ih~.,...
hi: pre ...... nle,1 ",ilh "n I S!:W r('lir,·,nenl ~oow more "houl Ihe prul!re,~ of neso- Inen fur a JUto IOcl1 done.
pin b) Jerr) I tlllarJ,. chid 'Ie"",ru. hali"n,. hUI lei ;1 he ~no"n Ih"l al lhi,
(iuod Iue~. Jad., ~ou'li be mi~...:u. To" AILI,.I'.S.
lime ",e arc .tCd;C"I~d 10 ,,001 uniled in
Dunald W. "",Iudo\. Bu,ir1<"~~ Repr,'- Ihe ctforl 10 ......... lIre IIhal i, ;U'I and pro-
~ntOlIi\e, allcn,kd Ihc Dc~;IltIr I riiu~, grc<>'he. Rainy Weather Has
aod L .. ht.r t\,-.cluhl) Dinner rur Ihe in· '1 hI' "'ur~ p ..·ltlre io Ced,tr R.lpid, h
,cnltati,1II of unk~r, ,'n I chru,,~ 171h.
W ork at Standstill
,liII prCII) mlKh ~I,,\I" quo. I here h,,'e
rhe t;ue,1 'lX'"lcr 11;.1, J. \Ie· heen 'Iron),' ':-"Il>ae~, "I lhe nudear j)OlI- L ll, ....3, \lO~1 G O\It: K\,. \1 _ \ . -
\1;.Inni,. \"i,l"nl t)ir~,..:lur. ("mnllUlr'~ erhnu ..... ,II 1':110. hUI olht.'r "'or~ i, pld- rhe r"m) "Cal her -cem~ 10 he Ihe hig-
Scnic~'. Af l -( 10. I he m,,),rr <If 1)0:,',,· ill!! up "",mc" hal II ,.ill looL- Irle a ge'l nelO~ "round here Ihi, monlh. If IIC
Hlr "ckomed Ihe poeople anll ga'e mlKh good }e.. r 'lhe:lu. It ",a~ jU'.1 announ,ed could gel '>OIllC ,un,hioc and ";Irm
prai)ol.' 10 Bn.cher (h;lrle, Siaughier. " Ihal "'e ha\e " nell 2-1-_IOTI hUlltJin!! \le:tlhcr. I helie,c .hing' "'oulJ pic~ up,
member uf Unil -I. l)cc:tlur. IOhn lOa, I!oing lip ;n Ihe <.IOlOnlo"n :lTe". 11 i,1O ,,, thmg, ,I;Jnu. "C arc 103lertogscu.
retn'I"lIcJ a, lhairm;ln of Ihe Lel!i,l"che he an ap:ortmenl-<.:onliller.;ial ':l.mple .... The ne'" ~ " lmd of ~par....: Ihi, munlh,
Clrmmil1ee (InU F\ecutl\e IluarJ nf Ihe ;IOU "ill he 'Ian ..." in ,I ~ouple of ..u I 11m l;flc Ihi\ opporlunil) III Ihanl
monlh ~. ~1()(e on Ihb :I~ il hl:c·ome .. our ,i'ler lucab Ihal hclpcu u, uurinl!
lnu"n. (Jur Il'an lim ... ,. c'flCci:llI) 1.o.:al I}I).
Jim N;lkf)~i lI'h pre\ented "n ,,",.n.! We hop.:- Ih," .here '" ill ~ nmr,' flO~i· IJmnmgham. ,\lahama. Th ... } ha".- been
for Ic,.ehin!! hunting ",fel) f,rr Iho: (,In- li\e ~II' 10 report nc\1 n",nth. I1r00h- " sr.-"I help. anu 100.: hope Ih"l ..urne
-..;:n",itln Dcp:lrtmCnl fur Ihe pa,1 nint' cr~. hUl for nolO. Ict"\ Ihinl in unil) Uft). IIC "III ha'e the "orl 10 relurn Ihe
)eal"'<. Jilll heen .~"lhinl! )uun!; [>Co- :lnd pf:lclke Ihc principle, 'rf I">rOlher- f",or, But "' ... huj"IC ':-1 ... r)hoU} lIill 011-
pie Ihe proper -.aft'l) h"bih fur hunling. hood ,Jf IOhi,h "C profe" 10 hi: prouu "a)~ h"lc lOorl ..0 Ihftt Ihey lOil1 nOI
Bulh of 111~ bt,~, p~'sctl Ih~ cour,,- and 'lnd "hieh h,lIe t-roughl II' man) hcnc- ha' ... Itl 1I:'I\e home. If }OU memhcr,
re.:~i\\·.t theil' o:crtiCk:tIC\ (tIld ~houlucr til' IIhi,·h IIC ,houltl nul 1:lle for from Ihose loc:lls h",c a l·hance 10 li~il
p<ll.:he'. Jim i, abo a nu,""mhcr "f Unil .1 I!r"mcd. I- ",h memhcr ml"l Uti hi, u~ . .:orne un to).
,hare. A pa),i'C· "Iid ... t c •• rner I, nol , our union i, mo'ing :Ihea". '0 if
.Inu h,., ,ened ,1\ ""',lUnl chid '.Cllanl
earninll II hal he h:" r... cehe.l. ·1 he union )OU IIftnl 10 ~cep up ""Ih il. comc hJ
for Ill"n)" }e:tr~. K~.,p lIP Ihe g,1t)f.1 '''lrL i, 001 ..ome people \1011 nlOlI n. il i, e~ch
Set' )OU ;11 Ihe local unil ml'cung'; Ihc uninn meeling~. I "ill Iry 10 hale
of I" indi\;Ullall}. and ollr union II ill he
Ihal·S II here Ihe aCl'OU is. l1lor~ ne.\ ll11onlh. hopefully.
jll~1 e\uClly \Ihal "e m:,\.:.e il. nu morc
JOSI I'll J', Rm III lUI "', 1'.5. and no le..s. Wc can', allorJ 10 indulge l'ATRln, T . D ORou(,U, I'.S.

June. 1973
Ne w Journ ey m e n Pre se ntat ion

"lmn8 T•• :.~;"~,' ~:..',:::~:

Shown, 1,,11 10 <lShl M" M .. n~r .. r Dick Robb'ns; ,elmnR
ehalfman B,tt Moore; Bob Esp.
nola, .ond [xu' 80 •• d member C. W

Twelvt ,' pp,en l,u K,aduPlu of local 4!16. Ntw Brunswick. N.J.. rece,vtd diploma, 01 e.~d­
Contract Time
u8rion ,oe,clsn hono",,!! Sr~duBle. many C•• fl5. Th e fI.~dulleS ."1
.ho..... n ""Ih
off,ee,,_ Sealed. lell 10 'iIlI>I. P,urdlnl John R. N,cholas. Assi slant Bullnus M "n~&I' leon
P. Boyce. JATC s..c,e,.,y H•• old s.e,,<!o. T.enu.e. John A So.en.en, JATC Cru"m"n W,'
I,;om MI:[voy, .nd 'I)p.enl,~e R.cky Pule.o. SI;ond"',. "pp.enl,ees Antnony Inl."O, Jeffrey
Hall.d,y. PI,,'hp Hetfu. EURene r, I(,~h, J •.. John llm;onlOVICh, l ... y Mn .. n!!,!!y W"
I ... ms. Rr ch •• d N,chOI.~, J o,eph P,,~~U, Sleven GII.bohno. and Rlchll.d We.u

B,,~'ne-ss Man",. Dtck Robb,f)'. stand",!!..

Is '" a 'O\t.~1 ml>Od pt<o, 10 p.e" Ih,
S.n O,ego C;os /l. E'eel"e Comp,ny'S con
I •• el propoSils 10 Ihe membe'sh,p Slal<ld
;0" H. C. MeMII"n. 8"".d membe •
... d Ne~oh;ol,n~ Comm.I",,, member telt.
lind W J. Sa",,,' Be.s. loe.t .(6!) Pres"'enl

.... nh Ihe .... In Die!,,) l,,,, ~ liedl k

(,'nl!",n\ I\{,,\I t. h,llin): ""ncu ne)!."
1I'"i.,,,, ,h.. nll ;Iflcr Ihc til~' of Ihe
10;';11 I h~ C."'lf'."'~·' lir,' PH'P""" ".1'
hrtlll~hl h' th,' lll{'ml>o.·r-.hip uuring Ihc
.... e.:l of \ .!6th at fum rali1i~;lIion
;(Ief.• g.: fllr .hc f"ur }e;t'" II;!' '.IX ~r m"etlll~'. hclu Ihrollgll,,,,! <:',In Die )!.,
Twelve Apprentices Become ('""nil. ! hc I\l~mhcr,hlf' l'",,(llltluingl)
.'CI1l. ;,m! hi\ la.1 )""1' hO",I.:(1 :n' :11.:1
J ourney men in Local 45b . . o'
.,~ 11I1I,,,,r c(·nl. le;Cd\·t! Ihe C.II"I"III)·' .. lIcr h} \I~ I'CI
C\'nl uf Ihe mcmher, \01,"\=_
I . L. " 56. 'En' 1I1t1.'!'I\ \J(' .... .... J . \ ' c ,uc prouu of Jelfre ) anu Ih.: ,'n-
I ,'r Ihe tir,! tim.·. Ihe COr1l,Mn} ,II
On /\f un. h 2Xlh. ~t;lull;"it)n c,er';I'I:~ lirc ~I·,u.luating d.I'~ an,1 In''.... the....,
releu ;1 Ih,ec-'car ~unlr,,(t. "hidl
....... re hel,1 for OI,r flppl'.'rlli~c, .• , Ihe luun,!! mcn .... ill ulnl! ihulC pc .• II) til nUf
gre.11 IIrllthcrh"du \Ccmcu 10 1>0.: Ihc nMIIl •• I-;CdIOll . ;". h.,·
" " 'd k\C~ COllnl} VOC;lliotlal "'~h •.)ul in
dilll'n"II},. L~'\;tI Jn5 h", Ic(ci'eJ \'"''
I a" Il nm' .... icl. Nc:w Jcr'>C} . (jl;lull.IIC~ 1 10' 1'. 1\0\(1. A.".n 'I. Ir;,c\ le!'l'" tIl unc le.!!' lin I\;I£:C, ;111.1
from nUln) crilCh Il.trli~ipah:u in .Il<.' 1:\' 1\\,1 >C;lh ,111 conJilion, ;In,ll>cnclih
cr.;i'l"- lIoilcrm;l1.,el\. ('ar['('nler~. 'Ia· I he \\.,~C, "tlcreJ .lIer lhe Icrm "I
,.nn~. 'hlllO.righl •. " I['('lillcr •. I',unler".
Unit Chairman Moore Re tires;
the contrad .... erc ~.5"-<. 6 rer ,,·ent. anJ
Shc~lme.ul \\ uller.. :lnu I kchi.;,,1 Local Negotiating with SG&E t. pcl 1.'... ,,1. Olhcr majo!- i'~m~ inciuue.1 1\
\\urlcl'" 1t)lh !'.",1 h"Ii,!." ICu lumo\), Ih' I. ;111
-, .... cilc ;Ipprcmicc, frol11 til!( k~..:.. l I .. U. J65. s\' 1)11' ('0. C \ III .-\1
IIKfe;I"" ,n .he 'hif' prcmiul11-lrllm 17
. . h,' re~ei'ed Jipl('I11.I\ arc \h::'CII t',lr- lIur rcgulM !,,,n,il Lnir ml.'Cllng m
"'cnh III 211 (enh ;In" frtllll 2! cenl, I.)
bolin.l. J crrre~ II.IUIU.I'. " hill,p Hem/, 'I Jrch. our 1111:•• 1 '''e..... nl .. J ;10 In....-riheJ
:!~ ~cn"; ;In.1 ;t mu'e III Ihe ,.I~;Ili"n 1,1·
A n,hon) In/anu. lr _, IlIl1\'no: .... I,h. Jr .. plJlj'I\' 10 rell!lII~ r •.uhll l nil (h .. ,f· I".... ,,"~e,.
John I emanlo\l<.;h, J r, I ;I"rcn~,· ' m;ln 11111 \1 001", Bill h'" ' ..... el\ .... ,\h the
~,.n I)iet!u Tr,IO';1 {,Jrpuf.lllt1l1 I .. ,r Ihe
Kotlik! t' . ('III". I'.S.
ing, Ki(h:lrJ Nichol,,~ . Kkl} I'uiel, •. .I n·
.-.e ph I' u,l;". H. id1.lHI \\ei". ;10,1 III ,IM- 1.1" ::! ) ... ar~. \\urling in Ihe p.tlIl1 ,hop .
lie} \\ illinm'. He \\." a £,.>01.1. "nlllg dl"irm,IO \\ hI! Contracts Ratified In 485;
It ....... ;10 c'p.!cMlh ·h;lf'p, l....-,·."i,'" -..:rleu th ..• memilCr,hip .... dl .• ,nJ \\e \\iII
mi" hi, le;IUcr,hip in Ihe f"ture \ 1 Ihi.
Local Needs linemen
for 1 0,,;;,1 J~n. ;1' l cllrc} 1I .• II,u.". one
IIf ,,"r "lemilCf',. \\;l\ ( h" ..... " ".lcJld." ..... me mecling. B,I[ IIlrneJ I", ¥'''c1 ,,'er I .t'. JKS, t OI l '"U \ . S.c. \\~ h.. 'e
ri. ln "r the d,. ~,. IlllIdl ~O!I,i,'eJ ul W furm .. r \' ke ( h.lirm"n Bul- l ,pmuM ,,1I11e gllllu lIe\\" an.t ;1"" "')lne h,,,1
m"r :!UO graduale' JcJtr.') ha, heen .u, -,,1,<.) a Il1elllher IIf Ihe ' q'\'It;llinO' Il,·\\. In replln,
in,pinuiun 10 :,11 of IIIlI' bo)~ ,in.;c Ihe (umrllitlee- il1 lillIe Iu help ~"iJe Ihe \\ c compieted Ihi, ~c"r', n~l'OIialjon"
lef) ilCl! mni ng o f hi, apprellliee,hip unil !hrough the currenl lle)!"U",iun. \\ilh IIU!' I.... " elcc'ri(.:;,1 cl\Oj'Cralitc' m
Iraininll. II i, :Iucm.l;,ncc fOf lhe e!lIire .... i,h ' he cUfrorali"n ,......>rIh C""lin;., ;.~ \\;:11 .•' our lim:
l·om...: \\,\, 100 rer ecn •. Ii i. -..; llIJI,I'ti..: Wc Me al", cllrrcnli) III nCt","",llun- "~rccfll,,nt. Ih llh (ooj'Cr:Hile~ r:uifiet.i Ih.:

18EW Jou.nal
ncw agrt't'mcnh hy a \ote of 95 per Busy Year Ahea d for Local; union hall) i\ open. for the presen!. be-
ccnt in fa,or and Ihe per cem oppo..ed. I""e<'n 4:00 :lnd 6:00 P. M. on Thursday
The Negotiating Commiltt't' repre'>Cm· Credit Union Est abli shed onl) . I-Io""e'er, oneil.' )OUr accoum b
ing Local 485 al Ihc Kanl.lolrh I Ie-Clric 0flCn. you ma) ~\e by mailing ~our de·
LV. 569. S\.' DIEG O. C,\L1 F.-Thi~
Coo['C'r.ui'e, A~tIt!horo. 1'0rth Carolina,
i, going \(l bC' a bu\) )ear for I,)\:al
included BrOlher\ Paul Ronbin,. Glenn HOW\RD J. VOlZ. II.M.
569. At thh ""ritins. """ are »ctIt!duleJ to
Bingham. Da\lJ lIunt. ·1 A \lalone.
hale the Somtlt!rn Joinl Conference of
Inlernational Repre-..enlati\e O. B. Hoi· Two Majo r J o bs C omplet ed;
ne..-:trical \\'or~er; in ,s"n Diego in \Ia}.
land. and Ihi\ \\-rile-r, The IIlI'\'> Com·
and the inth Di'ilri..-:t progre .... "eellng Work Looks Fair for Ye ar
millee wilh Trl·Counl) COOpC'r.lliH::,
anl.l Ihe California Siale A, ...."Il:ialion of
Gold'boro. North Carolin:l. con~i~ted of
Hc.:;lrical \\' ""ill meet Ikre in , \11' I.. l'. S9J. 1)( " ( l ltK. ' . Y.-Thi~ is the
Bmlher.. SIc\(: Butler. Richard hlil . T.
su~t. tir,1 of m,lO) article" from here. I hope.
A. MOI[onc, D. B. 11011,101.1. ,101.1 Ihi ..
'Ve arc for .... nrJ to all of Recentl) ,00lpleled "";o~ a new anJ
"rilef. I Ihanl.. bolh comminee.. for Iheir
Ihe'iC eH·nt~ and are hopeful Ihal man) full},,,uiUm,lIic flCl food plant for Ral·
lime and effort in repr"'oCnHng our nleill'
of our Internalional peuple. a, ""ell a~ 'Ion Purina Company. '1 he Purina Com·
be:r~ in holh coopemli'e ...
uelel:"te~ to Ihe!>C meeling'. "ill lind San h:l~ alre.,d> MHrtCU :In :ludilion 10
Brother, JllInei I.)'le'i. T. A. Mnlone,
DiegtJ 10 Ix- Ihe friendli'::"I, mtJ,t JeJtght· Ihe ne.... huilding ..... hieh i~ almO,1 a~
Inlcrnationnl Repr .. wntathe D. B. 11 01-
ful cily in Ihe .... e'tern half of Ihe Unile,l largo: :1' Ihe oril,1inal one. With Ihe ';:001'
land. and I rcprc'o:1lled I 0.::11 485 in 11e·
SlalC~. Things 10 do and ,ell.' ilhounJ in plelion of lhe aduilion. Ihere will be: file
gOli:!.!in); Ollr [ine a);recmo:ru Ihi, yC:lr. I
S,ln D iego! aerc, of are:, under the roof.
.... ould li he 10 e~pre,~ my "ppred,llion 10
II i, 100 had Ih:il m:tn) memher, are '1 he finish worh i.. now hcinl,1 done III
Ihem for Iheir ,ucco:,,[ul clforl~.
nm familiilr wilh Ihe agreement) under the Ning:ara r.l oll<lwk Slcam Sllilion. on
Our "orl h:., i1ll;:re:i,e\1 nm,ido:r:lhly
"'hkh Ihey ..... orh- anJ in Ilwn) .ll"':... lhc l·leclfic preeipilftlor,. Thh i, a gre31
'iince Ihe icc hreal. followeJ hr lhe
Ihe h) la .... '~ of Ihe loc:ll union and Ihe h<1Q'1 to lhe elcclrkal fielu. in,l\nlUCh as
he",y ~now, Thi .. W,h lhe hi~ge .. 1 ~now
IBFW Con~lilUlion. ccology i, .1 hig Ihing loJ:ty.
C\er re..-:orded ill Norlh ami Soulh ('aro·
11 i, baJ enough to roliee non·union Worl.. 10()1..~ f:,ir for Ihe cominl,1 }ear.
lina. Some pla..:c~ h:ld a rewrd
aClivilic... hut Ihen .... e ha\c 10 lal..e lhe .... ilh hopc~ of impro\emenl.
14 inche ... AI:.o, our Imn,mi\\iun .... orl
time 10 leep our o""n metnh.::f'> from \i· rhe members of Local 593 .... i,h
in l'orth Carolina I, hlloming :u Ihe
ol:tlinl1- ttlt! rule~-membe,.., ""ho 1;.0 Olll IIrolher Randall Morrell hcq .... i~he .. in
pre""nt time-. We could u\(' 1i000II1en on
10 the conlractor or ..-:ompanie.. ,mJ al· hl~ rCIIrI.'menl, .... hieh .... a' effeelhe April
bolh di~lribution ami Ir"n,mi",ion .... orl...
\Ve haw added 'oC\eml LTe',n on cit}· tempt 10 "or~ out \Omc ..aTt of Jelll 151.
o""neJ munidpalitie\ in C;lnlden :md ""hkh ItIt!) Ihinl.. benefit .. lhem morc. On DI""IITC. KI ........ IOY. 1'.5.
Omngchurg. SoUlh C:lrolina. " non·union job. )(lU can l'al1 ttlt! em-
A .. I mentiolK'u al the beginning ..... e plo)t't'.. '\Cab<;. but ""hal ""ord 1.10 .... e reo Natural St eam May Become
h."e 0(' .... " 10 reporl. Brother MWl:ie -cr"oe for the<;<.'. our o .... n mernbeh" A ..
Cumrlon "":h wriQlJ\I) burneu 'ot",erul for m)-.clf. I ha\e quile a .hoicc: of Major Source of Power
months ago. ""hit..- ""orLing in H''''luror!. I_ L 6(t5, J \ (""'50 ' . \l ISS.-Our in·
South Carolina. A\ a re .. ull of hi .. ncar· A creuit union ha~ heen e,whli,heu
furmalion eotmnt:- '" from \aTlOU~
falal a.:cident. hi, lefl leg hau 10 t... am· for Ihe membef\ of I OI:al ~1i9 anl.l Iheir 'tlurel."~ inJtcnle, that. in lhe future. pul·
putateu; he al ...., ,utTered the 1\1~\ of f:lmilie~. II' onkial n,lmt· ... I Jcctn.;t"n ..
lutilln·freo:. ine\flCn~i\e cJC1.·lrieit) will be
.. ij:hl in oolh e)e~ allll i.. paml)leJ from Feuefal Cr~'uit Union. \\ hy nOI "urport rroJuced h) !:lrpint:- under~rounJ"leam
the ""bl Jo""n. lie ha, hc~n lran,ferrcJ :mJ pnnidpate in lhi.. lenIUT<.'·' lor re .. cr, .. ir~. The) tell u'> thaI unJergrolind
10 the Uniln~it) i-Iu'pilal in 1!001on. man) )e:lr,. there "a_~ 1:,11.. aboul .. wn· ,te;ull ""ill be a major ~,)Urce of (><.m er
where he will undergo an opt.:ntlion on ing a credll union. hut unlil no ..... nOI in the UnileLl 5!;Uc~ h) Ihl! )eiif :!OOO.
oolh ~)e\ 10 re,[Ore hi, "~ht. '1 h~ 1;"1 much aCl ion "-~ .. I:ll,,· n. No" ~ou com i':tlur .. 1 'le'lIlI. or l,1eolhermal power.
repon we h:IIJ from hi, wife i, lhal he ,a\e and al .. o mahe lo,,·inlcre.. l luan,! .... ill 11I'1 indefinilel) hcl'au';C naUtral
i, gelling along !in~'. II", CilW 10 join. Al Ihc l·O .. 1 uf SI.(K) ....aler re'upplie~ underl,1ruunLl re'>Crv<)if~
Anulher near·falal accidenl occurre.j and Ihe pnrchao;e of ,h"rc~ III S~.OU :i wppcd 11)' .... ell,. ,Kcording 10 J,)wph
on Fehnmry tilh when Brolher R. J . ,Iwre, )Olt Clln depo .. i! a .. lI1u ..·h 11' )OU Barnc:!. lJirecl\Jr. Unittd Nation, Re·
" B<)h" /o.l ill,. who ..ened ,1\ our hu,in ..'~~ w:ml. ,ourre, :tnd I r,tn'porla lion D i,i,ion,
manager for Ihe }e:lr 1967, fcll from :t 1 he creJil union i~ a corp\lr"li\)n 1l:lfItCa claim, Ihal geothermal power
oucl..ct and .. uffereJ I, hrale" had. He charlered by Ihe feJ ..'riil l,1o'crnmenl e,1n he pnll.luceJ OIl :1 Ihird 1c,~ lhun the
i, al,o rllr~l}lcd frtllll hi, wi,i .. l du\\n. unJer Ihe Naliona[ CrcJn L'ni,m Act. It CO,1 nf ele(lrt ..·t!\ g<'ncraled by eO<lI. oil.
He Ion ha, been Iran,ferreJ 10 Ihe Uni· i, eA:tlllln(."u annually h) Ollt: or more nalufa[ ga,. or nuc1e:lr JlO""er I'lants.
\<.·r~il) "hhpilal in lill'lOn. c':lminer, f{(lm lhat aJmini,tr:ttion anu Bul the hil: bonu~ for the Ameriean
NeIther of Ihe\<! IIrOlhe .... hi" enough i~ \Ilpef\ e(lntinuall) h) Ihi:' "'u",-,ni· PC')rle .... ill be pollulion·free po"er
lime in Ihc 111 1 W 10 dr.I" di<oahilil). >;or) Commillee. Thi~ con~l:tnt ,upeni· pl"n .... ,lc..-:orulOg 10 lJarnca.
and [ feel their lu;lhitie.. will he limited ,ion :101.1 regular e .~.\minalion, tn'UT<' \I pre'>Cnl. lhere h only one geolher·
inudinilel). Se'er.tI of our member. that each member'~ inlere~1 ;!nd money m,11 f1O""er plant in operation in Ihe
ha\!! formed a cnmnullCC "nd hale e,· are protecled. fhe Supt'ni'oQr) C .. mmil· Lnited SUIte,. II i .. located at lIig Ge)-
labli~hed a Campion and \ltlh lunl.l. It't reports in "riling. 10 lhe e-\;Imintr.,. California. and supplic-s ttlt! .. ur·
Thi, ..-:ornmillee. on t...half of thco;e t .... o lhe re,ult~ of its :lnnual auJil. \ .. :1 fur· rounumg $;Inla Rosa area .... lIh JO~.500
BrotheN and lheir fanlilie ... i, appC',\1ing tocr prolc.:;lion to ItIt! memher". lhe I..ilo"",tll' of eleClricil).
10 all member. of our llrotherhood to memher t>encfih from .. hare in .. uran.:e. Ac.ording 10 lhe 'lame '-Ourec~. ho""·
male a Jonation to thi .. fnnu. 1'0w ,Ill ~hare account" arc in\ur(."u up e\er. lIur counlr) i\ i'\pecled 10 be the
An)one ""i'hing 10 n);)~e a c(lnlrihu· to Ihe mll~inllJrn of 'i~O.OOO h) the "n· .... orlJ leauer in gC'Othermal energ) h)
tion rna) mal..e !;tIt!,l.. .. anu mone, or· lional Credit Union \dmoni.lrnllon. an lhe }ear 1975. and h) the }ear ~OOO.
ueTli pa):lhle to lhe Comrton anJ \ lil1.. independent agency of lhe Unilc\1 "'''lie, pollution·free geothermal power ""ill

r Fund. 1'.0. I~ot 116.11. ("olumnill. ~U1h

Carolina 19~ II.
GOh·rnment. In order 10 ohl:lin thi .. in·
,urance. ....e h:l\e It) meci 'he hi,l!h
rro,iue u~ ""h an eSlimated 395-01illion
lllo" .. tt~ of JlO""er.
rrn 'ure Brnlhen Comrton :tOLI ;\lilh \tand<tTU5 of operation '\\'1 10rlh h} Ihe H.lrne;1 helie~c, thai a law, signeu by
\\ould :lpprccialc eanl~ frum Iheir llrolh· NCUA :mJ adlkre to Ihe~ 'iI:mJanl,. I're"dcnl Nixon in J ~n"ar), 1971. allo .... •
eN, 10 p Ihem informell it~ 10 .... hal"s delermined Ihroug h rel,1Ulaf e\ .. miO:I· ina,: .. wam prO\pcCling on feueral lands i~
happening. lion~, the key to Ihe vaSI developmenl of
L. P . GIVI NS. II.M . The credit union olliee (al Ihe gcollternml po .... er in Ihe United SIMI'S.

Ju ne. 197:1
On 230-KV Line Job

r _

B'Olhe, Mol",n Dupree'S la<;ing <;,ew on IhO Irne lob left 10 "lfhl BrothOrs Dup,"_ loc:al
196!'>; JOhn$On, lo<:al 60!>; EsIBS, Loc:,,1 U); 8,own. 196!'>; Johnson. lOC:BI 74; .. nd 8ryan.
Y~omans, Price. and Cranl.

hal) ha~ t><:en oper.llinl! :1 l!eOlherm,1 1 \\Ol\. "11)1111([ here hu~n'l eh.lngeLl 100
~~ner"ling pl,ml al I :mJello .in.:... 1'.1\1.1, much. \\1,: ~<,)lIld 11'14' mOfC joh., \\ enle
Some .... ,,'I)e..
01 Loc.' 60S, Jackson, ",hkl! i~ lhe olJe~1 ~u.:h pl;ml in the (on'lrlldi,ln ('omp.lIl) I"" the ","r~ un
M,u.. II'.
working on Ille C •• s,v,e ... Plnck· "'orld. Ru,,,,. i, min!! hut \\.,Ier Irt'm Ihe n<""" Ohi., (. ,1'IMlt) I n.ur,,"ee Corn-
;I,d 230 KV I,ne in Ihe lun.dlc;uon 01 Lo.:..'
443. Mont.omery. AI.. H.... ,,,. "n<shed unJer1!rOllnd \le"m 1'0(11. It) he.lI "llIld- r:lIl) ol1ke I'uildin~ ..... hi~h i, "roulld ..
10WO'(: ,",,,1"10" ••• loed UP 10 pr."enl inr' in Ihe .... inter ami It) "',Hill l11ine\. $'J'milti(,ln ""I'. \\eote al-o h,,, Ihe
b .... klllle du,,"S •• eclion "'hi.:h \lould olher .... i...... d~ .Io ... n. in do",olo",n m.11I ioh in \l iulll"'I0""n.
coil! \le.llher, Ohio, Wor\. .houl,! be .Iarling on Ihe...:
{jcothermal flO"'er pl.lnh ale t><:inj.! jol" .11 Ike lime }IIII r.,·"d Ihi" j"ue
operaled in man} other Ct)unlri,:. 01 lhe .
Itr,llher \\ ilhur "~~I11 n. gelll:rill fore·
IIoorld_ And -.0 il no ... 'oCem~ ....... ,II'" n"lIl ftll Ihe \ldira... Con~Ir\lllion
traihng. bUI " ... hope Ih;\1 .... itl n.. 1 I'C !tII (Ollll"'"~' r(1"'11\ lhe~ .Ire holJin~ lheir
\I .... n .,1 \rm~.) SI.:eI Corpor,,'ion. lhere
"' ....... ",IIIIe 1.lllIIT, "koUI Ih,ee ""If,II"
\\e " ... re Ihe fi ....1 10 ...... nd m ... n I" Ihe
.ll!ll .11 \l~(rr'I'" '., 1->111 Ihel "re holding
muon, and no'" ma~1-rc om IU('I 1c"Jcr
lOn III Ihe lIIen Ihe) h.l\e lefl up there
h.l\e ~n ... r.u ... J a full head <II 'Ie,ml on
r- ~ lhe u}>o .... ~ubi<',1 anl! "'ill _el the nc~e_· \1,,,1>.: ,",e "'ill h.lle "II of Ihe 1"",.11 r'C".
I'll' ,·IIII'IOI.:d .,1 hlll11t" Ihl' '11111 lilt"' ,>ure
<oal~ m:l(hiner~ in motion 10 l,uI II' III
hope ",1
lhe lead in lhe ticlJ Ilf !!,ctllherm,,1
;. \ f'O"er p[anh. "here ",e belonl!'
J, \\ Itl""111 1''\
\\ ... h,l\e ;111 ul.I-lin1l.'''· l!lnlle.·J,,"n:
nll11in~ up . .m,1 our 10.1.: .. 1 ((WI (.Im·
millee h.I' "nJetl,llen Ihi, projc,1. We
~1 h.l\e ,I ~l.Ilf 1,)\llIl.l!Ilenl IIojlh l ocal :!12.
Local Mo urns Brot her Ludwig ; ( in~'illn •• lj. ;rllli .... e 011'': 1,!1Iinl! lu hml Ihi,
little C hange in W ork Sce ne elenl I Ihln~ .... c "on Ihi, \(lUrnlllllcnl
1.,,1 1':,1f ," o,,~· 'lfole \h' I\ill ...... re·
I.. l l, Ug. H\\III . I O .... . 01110 \\e re "'''II!I~ on I-rolh Ihe ....• .:\t'nh in fulure j,.
B,Olh .., wo.klnK On the C •• ,lv,ew Ponck ... d
lone •••. s,.ndlng. 1." to • ."ht R,nmll'5 ,;ellll} 10" onc of our retire.1 IIIeml'C". 'lie,
Mcleod, Lout 443; W.'hr. APCO; and Ou Ifroth.:r ....... nnelh I lId .... i~_ .... h,\ 1'•• ,...:.1 I h,It". il fur """.
p ... , lOUI 1965. TIIII .. hn'H. fl •. , MIddle all;\1 <II Ih ... ,lgC of 71. ' ....... d:· .1' he
'ow B,Ol",.. John",,,_ Loe.' 6O!I; .. nd loll. \\ (Ill It \\1. ,. S,
Vi",!!"n, LCKel 443. row, Yeom""s lind "".l\ .:"lIed ...... " inili,lled inlu 11)<.'.,1 ".IX
Qr.,,' on \pTiI"" I""" all,! ","r\.eLl mO~1 of
hi, Icar. al Ihe trade for Wente (.111 Line Ag ree ment Se ttled ;
'int':lion COnlpan). Utili ty 's in Negotiations
He '""" "'ell IileJ ") hh felt" .... lIIelll
ber, or u,..;,,1 6~~. and I lnu,", Ihe 110:0 1 . l . 115'1, \11 UI (I 1(O, OIn', I he ''III
pIc ;.1 \\enl.·., Ihuul!hl .. 1111 ,It hlill 'id.: lin,· ,Igleemeol h." b«'n ;, ...:epl.:d
Lnlil hi, reliremenl ;!\xlill tUllr le .• r. ,,~ " ."b.l"nl; ..r 1II"i.lri!) of Ihe melll-
"go. he I<;h gener,,1 f"rclII.UI \Ifl " lu, ut I-rc,.hil' in th,' 1.11 iOIl' loc;ol, inlolled
jot>, fl)r the \\cnle COlIIp"n). .'l1t.l j, nil"" ,,\ Ihe ("oll,lr".;I;OO Indu,lr)
""iI' ')1.I"ili/.,liun (urnnliU ... e IC 1')( t ror .11"

.... ~-..;l frolll Ihe old .... h..,,1.
1'(i)1 •• I. I( .Ipl'h.l\et.l, Ihe JournelmOl"
• \\or~ed hOlh ... ilh him ,u".1 for hilll .•In.1
I ..on_IJ<'r 1II),elf ,I he!II.'r m,III '''I h,lI-
inl! h;td thilt pri' it ... !!e. \1 •• ) he , ... ,1 in
li""'I11.111 ,.11c .... ill J-c SX.'~ pel holU
.... hi,h lIill ;n~lllt.le .. 1<I,,,li'1I1 I'1.LIl for
Ihe Ii "I lil11e ,n Ihl' OIIe,._
l'Iilil~ nel!Ull"lillu, .... e null in prog·
I hupe eler) lIIelllber of th.: 1111 W
re,ld Ihe ;Irli~'tc 011 I',,~e I ~ 01 Ihe 'C". ;Ind il "ppe"" 111..1. Ihi' }eM. Ihe
The John.ont 9'" also working on Ihe 'ono. Arril i"",,, of Ihe fil l II )"I/rtlu/, r Ihilll "hilil) uf Ihc .:111IlloH·t, lu Il") " f,lil
Left to "8111. BrOlhe •• C. G Johnlon, )up.e ' the "nide ,\;.~ HI} wHel} "n,1 illle'''''I- ".lgc .... ill nlll enler inl~' Ihe h;u-g;,iuing,
Intendenl. Loefll 605; J. W "Peo Well" Joll" :I' Ihe ,,,lm;",,I"'1Iun I"" "':1 Ihe guide-
SUI!. ,,,,.,,,11". Loelll 605: nnd W.l yne JOll,,·
ing. I coII!!!'atulalc II l'ul hel' Jeremi"h 1',
.on. "pp •• nlle. linllm&n. Local 14, Atle"1,,. M.:C:,rlh), 1 ,,,",, 1 7, :-'pri "!ltield. M:""" li!le fIll Ihelll 10 foll,)\\,
aa B'Olhl , . C G "nd J. W ~'" hlood l·h\"ell~. for .. omill!; lip II ilIT '11(h ,. On Ihe light.:r ,;,tc, \Ie IlIt,1 " dou \.e}
brglhe.,. and C. O. and Wpyno a,o falher
line art ide, 1>,,,\'.:110,,11 !I;lIue lIeI"".:en Ihe T ele!,l'ollljl-

and son.

tBEW J ourna l
ler TV CanJe Unil ,lilt! :1 l'Ol11nUl;ltillU Ou r membe r.. h:l\C hecn poll,',1 10 II') ~odaill. "C ~ponwre d a child rcn')
of Ihe Norlh\\ eM Line (on~lru~IO"" afl- to dClcrmine thc naWre of ilems .111'-' (hrhlnm~ flarty and II golf lourmlmcnt.
flrenlices li nd n1ernOCr\ of Ihe ~flrinl!ficld henelit- "e I\Quki lil..c 10 hllle in."orpo- l"l~t "limmer, I\C hc ld our Annual Fam-
UniL Th (»C o f u~ "ho fl:lrlicil'lolle'" in mlct! into our n,'''' :'grt'cment II lIill ily " ilnic. All three Clcnts I\e re a big
Ihis clent f~lnd il r;uher ,Iiflkul l 10 no" he Ihe job of our Ne{:oli;llinll (om - \l1l'·C\\.
"all.. for a fe" "'a>~. 11.'1 ,110ne dlmh mittce to \ifl thrt)uj;h ;111 Ihc rt'~ummcn, In lhe Ilcar future. "e "ill be cnleri nfl
poles. or l'our)C. lhe fin,11 -..:ore ~ho\\f,~u dalion\ ami formulaIc ollr 1i\1 of rc· nCJ;Oli.llion~"ilh Ihe American F lcclrk
Ihe fla l;"e Ih.11 ",I!> ..el- I elcprompler Iln- quc'l~ 10 pre~nl 10 Ihe I~;II ..,h,lplcr of Po"cr (orpor.lllon Ihrough Ihc Oh;.1
i,hed ne\1 10 1,,'1 ""h <l )Core of III 10 t'>;/{A J'ol\er (omp;I!1). We hope thai all thc
34. rhe lO'OCh. I ,1111 \urc. I\ill he We hope Ih;1I Ihe rlc~nl f"din}:, III Ihulher,. holh 10.:;111) ami throughOUI
for Ihem nCII )e<lr. ~\ I\O. "e hope ;JUdi· \\ ,I\hin~ton to Ic,o;cn the ..:onllul 0" Ihe '1~lem."itt )up(lOrl OUf efforls-
cncc flarti"ifl'llion "ill he ~l1cr, ",I),:C iner~·;r ....·!> "ill ~,ome ,I fe'llil) h) Din.. K()I1\(". I'.S.
Th e l"on,uudion "or~. ;1\ of Ihi' .... lle the lime "e ,il ,Iollon 10 Ihe ne~ult"lm~'
( M:m::h 141hl. for holh ilhlde an'" \lUI laMc, \\lIh the pre\Cnl c-";.II"t;,I" 111
,i"'e i~ ,liII ,10" hili 1001..\ lil..e il I\ill pri,"e,. ;1 ~v ",I~C ;1Il\! henc1it In';I<:,l\e Three Retirees Pass Away;
picl.. up h) mid·,urnrncr. I "oulJ 'Ul!):..:,1 -.<:enh unrc.llhtk Picnic Planned for June 30th
c.. lling Ih..: uniun oni(e flrior 10 11,1\..:lin),1 \I Ihe ""mit:: m<:etinl! Ih'll !Jilt IIp.:Onl
inlo Ihc juri'>l.IiUion. inl! ne~otj,lIion, "erc di,~u,w,1. li.e nc" I .P. (,97. (; \H' \'1) II A' I\IO'IJ.
RCl11c.nher. 1I10Ihc,..,. il i, our re\pon' apprcntt(e' looL Iht ();Ith uf Iht:: Brolh- I,n. Ollr nell, Ihi, monEh h nOI EOO
~ihility 10 prolc(t ,Hlr jurl .... ll~tion, el h<..HJ<J, I hi, ):roup IIf ,trpr~·nli."<:, i~ encollr.l~inll .•1, "C h;l\c 10,1 thrc~ more
See )011 ;11 Ihc union mecling. ronlpri'-C,I of }\\Cll f...I) . I liml.. \11.'/ - rncrlll"'f~ thi, "min ;LIld Ollr l\orL pi~·
),:1c",I..i. l)"ni<:1 O·(iraJ). John 1';lnl«lco. hill' h,l\ 1">I:l'n 1>;,,1 Wc h,,,1.' h"J ~ome
PH I!S. KI\I'OIIl' . P_S
,m.! John ')dufer. I hi. h." I""'n Ih,' \C~. Ilr utll' mClllher, unernplo)ed ,in.·c D c·
on\! gruup of al'rrcnlil'e, 10 I-.e \lIorn .emh-c:r, and ,dlhoullh I'>e Clpo.·'" "orl.. in
COPE's Honor Award Won in h) th~ mCl11her"hip Ihi\ ~r"r Ihi~ Me:1 10 r,d up a lillie. "e ~liII "ill
\ 11 llf uur "rprcnli..:c~ h",c i'n"ci\cd nol h;IIC Ihc ,unollnt uf "01'1.. "I.' ha\e
By Waterbury Local 660 Inll,h 'llcU,lli/c,1 in'lru~llun in I,uiuu, h,I,1 in rC(tnl le;lr\,
L.U. 660. \\ ,\"I~_ H IIl H' . ( '0 " . \\e fe,llLlte, uf Ihc eOn,lnl(lioll hdu Ihi\ I hree uf our rei ired memhers P;I\'>!.!,j
are p!<-ao,cd W repon Ih"l our 10..:;11 h;" I(ar in Iheir rc'pe.-live d,I"'>!." al Ihc ;1""1' tc,'cotly. On J"n ll;lI) I l lh. BrOlher
feeei\eJ Honor A".tr.j 47_~ fOI our per- l lnion (Ollnt) I e~hnic;{1 an(1 \")<;<1lion;11 (ol.-o \\'IIIl!h fl.I\\Cd .I"a} .11 Ihe "):C ul
forl11am::e ill :1 lOll IKr ..:ent ,"on- s..hool in !S,ol~h I'l.lin" Out "pprCllli,"c, 72. Il l' haJ Ix-en ;[ mcmher of our I(M::II
tribmion 10 Ihc I'H2 «(>PI 10IUm,lr) h;I'e It',"~i'ru " cOllr'>!.! in thc 11\1.' of uniun 'in..:e 14,141( ,HId rdirc:u from Ihl.'
eontrihution ,Irilc R"m'>Ct Po"er '·:I\lening 1001" I<ilh <III elel"lli(;11 1I,,,le in 1<)69.
uf Ihcm 1:I~in!; an C\am at1<1 rc(cilil1j: UTIllhcr Jaml.'\ /Jarnmman P'h'>!.!J
Our Itlilnh tu Ihe mcml",r\ of OIU
Ihcir opel,dor', Iken'>!.! •. I he)- h;ll(" .. 1"0 ;I";I} .m JullLlar) Il(lh ;11 Ihe a),:c of 76
CO PI (ommnlcc. \Iho ;HC 1 1.111\ "',111-
Ilimc"eJ J,·t1l011\1r.llion\ on eunduil ami Jim II", IrlIli,II,·.1 in I (X,d {O<)7 in 19-'1(
10\. '1 om Reg,llI" I rnic I'eru),lini. (lnd Ld
Ilihing her1<irn):, ~i'en h) lhe ('Ie.-nkc ... nl rClircd on IKn\iun in 1961(. H e h.,,1
LonS. '" "cll a\ toJ Ihc m<ln) olher 1001 ("utl1pan\ Sp.:e;,11 in,uu,tiun tin
memtX',.., "ho did Ihe le~ "')I
L ;111.1 \cr-
l'e,i(II'nlial "irrn~ h;I\ ,,1,0 I'een gi\cn 10
hce n Ii\ing- rn lIull Shoal ... Ar l .. n.,,~.
1ll(",1 (If Ihc lime ~inl"c hi\ relirl.'lll<:n[.
hal ~aJoler) nee\lcd 10 ma~e Ihi, PH)'
.111 uf lIur d;,,'>I.·' ,,~ I!lulher S,Hll Brnlher DOII."d \hbou P11, ;111;11
),lr;HII .1 'lien'"
(,r;,,,,, in uru.:-r to Llmili .• ri/c Ihe ar- Uri l\Ltrdl ~Ih .11 the HgC of f(H. I)on
l or all (1)t) 1I1;1nl )eal\. "<' h,l\e "II premke, ,Iirh Ihal :"f'C<1 of Ihe IlilJc_
h;u.:I.. and ",lldle,1 ,JUr h;II\I-IIUI1 c,'o- h,IJ I",en ;. r11emher of Ollf Io.::al 'IIK~
Jlefor'c Ihe ,(hool }eilf i, ,hcr UUI Inl ;II1IJ ,m pcn~iun "inn' 196 1. All of
nom i ~ sam, ,Ul do"n In Ihe 1'0Iili(,11
;Ipprcnti':h \\ill len'i,,' m;lI1\ mure \pe 11\ "ho ~nc" Ihc~ fine Hrolhcr\ arc
arc:r1;t. What ~",Ul \Ie du "Ix>ur il'! \\ 1,' ,UIi/CIi .:ow,t,. in,ludin!; onl' lin IInrun-
,:tn ~lan 11) Ic"rnin~. ;111,1 II hen Iho'>!.! ].!oin{: hJ 1111\" Ihcl11.
hm_ I hI.' unioni,rn (our,c, ,l['e ,.1\0 .)pcn Dun'l forgcl our lI!ood Ila n~ pro):n.m
CO PE lidcIS ,ome arounu. IIC 1:.1[1. ;t11,1 to :In) of mil ;oUnlC~nl\'n "ho "i\h 10
I belicle ~houl.!, J;ile ,Illd ):ile ),:l:l1el' :11 Ihe IIU W II all on S;lwn!;I}'. J unc
"II<:n\1. \\ e tr) h) eUII~;llc 0111' :tppren- I foIh and 2ll d \1\0. our I~;II uniun
Ikc, ill elel} "'flC(1 of Ihe elc(lrkal pilni." "ill he hdd at Ihe Amcrie,m·
Wh al do )olllhin~'l Itade \0 Ih.11 Ihere h no qu<:\tion Ih,'1 ~crhinn pin1k ground\ on 4<)lh A\enuc.
111.\' ... B lltl~, I'.S. Ihey I<ill he Ihl.' he'l jomnc}men ,11;liI- one ,LIlli on<:- h,tJf mil .., ca,1 of I!rO:ld·
,Ihlc "hcn Ihc) gr:r"'uul('. 11,1) in (',{f). nn Satunlu}. J uoe JOlh,
Brother 1I 0";ml "\ I ,lr~ ~pilJ" ].,.ell)
Local 675 Pre pares ha, ,II .... ) lullirHeered 10 in\lnr.-t a ,pe~"LI
I Oll~\ lil..e J unc IliJl he a \ .. r) ;l,tih
monlh for OUT memt--cr,. ~incc "I' "ill
For Negotiations d,I" In JCCr-....·.1 Ililing and. if the inlcr-
.11...., -'<:11,1 ;Ihoul 2(1 or our 101" bo"le,..,
e\1 i, ,"llkien\. lIoill eOn\lUI'r ;In addi.
10 Ihc 2'1lh Annu.II JBI \\ Bo"ling
LU. 675. U .l f. \11"- 111 . '.1. Onec lion,,1 d"" in ,Lin oJilin!;_ \11 interC'le,1
J,lUrn;l!1u:nt. "hkh "ill be heM in ].,.an-
:lgam. Ihc tUlle h,I' .. rrill:d "hen I:on- ,hould wnl,lcl the JOllrnc)n".n "'lill 1m·
""1\ (il\. "I\\Ouri. on J une I(th. 'Jlh. ;on\!
lrau ne),:oli"lion\ hc..:orm:: ur lit.11 inter· flrOlemel1l Commillcc.
JlIlh ,IIIU 'j")t)n\tlrcd it} loc,,1 12. t Good
e~1 to ,Ill our mem]\cn. I hi, "ill N: the Do'! 111101 I. I' .S. Jud, llrolher,_
firsl limc th,11 lie .lfC ""'!lol!;lIin!; ,I ,'on-
Irael under the ):uidelillC' or I' re,,"'enl (II 11111 S O. \\ II so,. p.S.
.... illon·s I'rke .. n'" \\al!e Conlrol I'ro- Local 696 Busy In
gram. Our 1.I~t eonlra.;l. ,[ thrce-)e;IT Negot iation Talb Go On;
.1gTC'elT1enl. ".1' rClie"cu and ;tmcndeu
Various Activities
h) the I' riee ;rnd \\ "gc Commi\\ion 1;1\1 I.. U, 696. liEU. \II{ ... . 01110 In thc
Member Writes Book
}ear. after "C h<ld ~omplclcd 1110 )e.ln r"~1 le;lf. l oc,11 6'11; h,I' ~"n ""i\c in I .U, 71J. (Ill(' \(;0 . 1I1..---{'omrael
or thM :ll!recmcnt. oolh or~;.ni/in!; ;tnd \()<:i,,1 .I..:tililk, " ... t,II~, .lIe ~"onlinuing Illlh the Gl E AUlo-
I' re,iJenl Hoh (iuempel arpointed nur ,pon\tlred 1"0 fUJ1~lion~ preliOl"I) JOlle n1-llk Iledrj.., (omp,lnl. In..,. "ml 1~I"i­
Ncgotiating Commillee :It 11 rceenl 101:,,1 h} Ihe Ohio Po"cr ('lIlIIp,ln\ ne" M.II1"!;Cr II:trr) ' Vcalcr and A"i,l-
union mecting_ I h<' (ol11mittce Ihi, )C;I[ IItI\Hlc" '1,'I1i1):er (';IT) !'vule ,Ind ,WI llu\U1e" 'b".lgcr J S;1I1T101.
i, eompri,C(1 ,If Hu\inc" Mm),lger John J. P rc,i ... cut i)(Jlll l\ llI rlrno "ere h"lh tn- to!;ethcr wilh Ihe Nc!;oli;]ting Commil-
O'("onnor (eh,ul"I11;.n). A""lant Il I"i \lrumer11.d in hrinl!ing Ihe J)i~lrlhuliun ICc. h"\'e h<ld ,c\era l meeting, "ith the
nes, l\ 1"n"llcri Neit Boylc lln d Al l' l.H1ner~ and Ihc I rouhle O[><.'r;llo" into eOn1I'"ny oll1dals. as of Ihi s "Tiling on
Cihu ~z..i. , xcclilive BOard (h"irm:ln Jim th e hHrg;dning unit. 1 hi ' Il<l\e U~ :!II new April J Ilh, L.,n ~u a l!e cha ng .., h;!V l' been
Dw yer. and I' rc,idenl Kober! GUCI11PCI. mcmbers, I he clerie:!1 people Me nCII. Ihe IOllie of nCl!olialions ~o fHr, BII )ine~~

June, 1973
Ma nager Uarry Weaver, togct her with cOmmillt'l: before i[ ,'eached [he fl oor of 011 [he commitlee llIecling on health nnd
the Ncgotillting Com minee, is hopeful The Legisla[ure. T his is nOl 10 say il "elfan: and Slated [ha t a meeling lIoil!
Ihal. by Ihe end of the month, ;\ con· won't be b;lcl. becau'IC il .... ill. It·~ jll~1 be arranJ;ed for further discu)sion by
tracl c;ln be concluded to eve r)onc's !kI1· me a had penny or a Inz) hro[her·in- Ihe member~hip. Brother Joh n B;lrril·
isfacl ion. law. We can·1 d iscontinue our e fforl~ 10 !cam: gave ;, report on [he local Pen,io n
T a lks lire SliIl going on al Ihe C hi· keep [his menacc to orlwni/.cd labor 011\ Plan. and Brother C:. rl Sanders gal'e a
n lgo T r.m,il AUlhorilY. of I-- Iorid: •. re[lOrl on Ihe 1\l'pre11!ice~hip l'rogr;lIn.
Agnes 1'011 Ie of Ihe AIHomalic llU\iness Manager James Weldon Brother E;lrI Myers is bac~ 10 "ork
EIC("lric Company is retiring Ihis month. ~jX:nt :1 gOOll deal of time bolh on the ;Ifter haling uIIUcrgone ,ursery for the
We hope ~he has many happy )cnrs of local \Ccne and in Talluh.l\sce fighling I"clllOl':11 of ~idne) SlOnc~. BrOlher Rob·
reli remcnt . ag:dn't t-I llu~e Bill 7-'. anti he deloi:r~c~ a erl ""Bum" Sonnier h in [h ... Velcr:uls
Du ring thc Ill)\ month, your~ Iru ly. in larg..: vote IIf th:III ~ ~. As ,Ialed before. li o,pl ta\ tor calnrm:1 .urgery. Brolher
talking 10 ollr menlbers. camc IIpon an· the ""l{igh['lo-Wor~" la .... ,,-iII he ha~~ . Andrus Abshire i~ h;IC~ to ..... orJ... ufler
other intere~ljng slory concerning one of As union people, .... c ClmnOI let our h:lving spent )Ome lime in lhe C:II·Cun
our mcmber,. Raymond L Schreiber. gU:Jnj dO\ln ag:lin~1 [ho50: out to de stroy /-I O'>pilal in Sutphur "ilh a ~Iight heart
who i~ a planl Inspector al the C J . An·
derson & Company. Inc., is Ihe llulhor
",Nc.lring compklion in Sou[h Horid;!
altno:~. Brother B la~·~ie I'ullt",,,ul 1'.,0' in
Ihe ho..pi[,11 receml) .... ilh a heart wndi·
of a boo~ which is now on sille in ImlnY is ;1 2-l0· KV In'nsl1lh~iol1 line. Rccently, lion.
) hops. T he name of Ihe boo~ is ""hauu line ",si,trmt Deane I're\ton. Hlhine)) Ilrolher A. 1. Whiddon Jost a Ihumb
al In Be,, :' It is an actuHI !I~~oundng ~ I anuger Weldon. alld I p.,iJ " li~it 10 on the jol> rccenlly. HrOlher~ ('h:lrll.',
o f el enls whie-h too~ pl;lce in~oh ing Ihe job \ilc ..... hi ch H[ Ihut time " ;\~ King ,md A. Duhon .... ere ho~pi[ali1.ed
Raymond and his family. I-lapp} read· "here Ih~' Dania cuI-off C:HUlI Hnd U.S during the pa~t Illomh. Brother C'orson
illg. I meet. nelor Griffin RO;ld . r here arc "Petc" Logan .... ;" in New Orkan~ for ;1
10111>1 J . CAItKI(lI.IO, I'.S. SCl"cnll unl1~1l1l1 faclorh involved in [hi. complele phy,icill :It O~cbnC'r\ dl lrilll'
job. I'or one. it is being done under· Ihe Illonth . And ll rolh~r O. C. Hou'lon
grounu. fhree -million t"irClll:lr·mil l·"ble I\,IS being ho'pilaliled for po,~ihlc ,ur·
Underground Tra n sm ission is hein!! pulled in /O' "lI:h pipe. and it h gery.
Line bt'ing l·oo lt.'u by oil .... hicll is beinl: We arc sorf) [0 rcpor[ the pa~~i n~ of
pumped het"een the Dllni:1 Po .... erhOu'>l'. I!rOlher Pierrt.' I ellieu on I- Iarch IX[h.
wherc Ihe line origin;ltcs. a'ld its termi - aUf \incere condolences arc c\[ended to
nalion point acro~s the Dilde County hi~ fllll1i1~.
linc. Brolher A. A. ""1·"" uBI;mc reported
AnOlher intere~ling point is Ihm il on Ihe Annual Local <..:redit Ulllon
doc) le;ll-e our jurisdiction !l1ld e .\lend ~ \t eeling. held thi~ pa~1 monlh. ;md he
imo l.oc;d 349's territor} . A ,cry 1,1000.1 nlw reporled on the progfe~~ of hri n~ing
;Irrangelllent was madc bel"Cen !--lorida up 10 da le [he f(I\\I,'r of decca..cll mcm-
Power (Illd Light. the ,uhcontrac[or. N;ol hers, "tllch 1\ on .tl~pt;'~ ill the II)hb y of
Uarri'iOn ;md A~SOI:iute s, lind Locals 7211 Ihe hall.
and 3-l9. Men from both loc;ll\ Ill;!n the Mrs. George W. Kelter. reporter for
job "hich is being done Il[ 72to1 ~cale. Ihe Ladie~ Au\lIi"ry of Local R61. re·
The CreW (}f Nat Harrison and Assoc iates on Horiu,1 Po"er and Ught i) vcr) ported lhal the au:\ili,H) o:,-,"oJlI~hal Ol~
the pipe·cable lob wilh Bus,ness Ml\ nager p1c;"cd wi lh the ~it\1"tion, "nd this i~ Ilnnual eleclion of of!icers and Ih"t the
Jim W eldon and line assls t anl Dune Pres · good . I~eeelll l y. they nnnllunl'ed that all fo\Jo"ing otncen ",erc elected- pre_i _
Ion 01 Local 128. Fort Lauderdele, Fla
Iheir "or~ "ould he gilell 10 the 10"i:~1 denl, ~ I rs. Frne~1 Henoit: vice pre~ident,
biu,1c" ulIio:;" 01 not. I:ffor t.!l ha~c lIcen \tr~. Arlhur I ~ ruel ; '>ecret!lry trea'Ufer.
nmue h) Ihe bU5in~s, mall:lger and hj~ M r<!. W. L. ·· Ludy"' ("ro~b): ,", "ccul i, c
sto,lT to negotiate lIoi[h I' lorida I'o"er 1l0'ln.l memhe,-... \l r,. Rus...:1 R)Jer.
lind Light on lhis maller. <lnu for Ihe ]\115. V. L. Whmlon. and Mrs. Ray
time htoing. things ~cel11 10 hi: going \\-ell DcSelle. Jr.: parliamcnt;lrian . I-. Ir\.
for Ih. Jame) Regan: ch;,plain. ~ I rs. K. Ar-
'10 change the ,uhjecl. uon't forget haugh: ;lI"Id reporter, \1,-... G. W ..... dler.
about Shell Oil Company's new non· Ins[u llation of officers .... ;IS held on
union fadli!) II hirh i~ under eOn~[rul;tjon ]\In) !ith ;11 [he L;lnlpli)!hler, and Ihe 1,,-
in Michigan the ne.~t lil11e you nced gas. tI;..,s hrought .rlong Iheir hu~h"l1ll~ lI~
Un[iI I1C .' \ 1110nth. gllc'I~.

L~Kl COI'I'Ol,\, 1'.5. 1\II~iHnry ha~ becn doing

I he I..;lllies
II .... onderfuljoh of helping our do"n·
Local 86 I Scribe Reports and'OUI BrOlhel"'i and their familie ... ;rnd
[hey de!rene ,I grellt ,mlounl of "ppluu).l'
On Recent Meeting for this .... orthy et'l"e.
I.. (J, 1161 , I.,\ KE C IiARI.K"i. l.A.- At AUJ)ln' A. PI/lNII. I'.S.
oLir lasl regular meelin g on April 2nd.
Blhiness \tllnager Jimmie 10.'1: reponed
th"l [he wor~ situalion h;" nOI chan ge d New Journe ym en Honored
greatly ,ince lasl month and Ihal no At Graduation Banquet
nel'.' joh~ hal'c been :L1l11oun cell. lirothcr
Tunneling undar U.S. 1 on the pipe-ca ble Fox reported Ih:Ol ,OI11C di\cu,~ions "'ere I..U. 873. KOK()"O, IND.-On MardI
held with Inlernational RepreS(: ntati\"e~ 171h. Kokomo gnined a fe ..... potentiul
durin g the pa~1 .... ed. in regaru 10 prefah jOUrllqmen. A ,u pper W;IS held at the
'Right-to-Work' Defeat ed; .... orl arrhing on Ihe locat joh1i :trrU 1I, •• t C.ou Grande for tht gradua ting Ilppren
no re:.1 wlulions h"le neen "rril-ed itl. li ce~. A few of Ihe mtn eOllll.l not be
KY lin e Nearly Compl ete d Brolhel" 1'0" also reporled un lhe central there. nOI be~;III"c thcy oJidn'[ ..... 'ut [0
L.U, 72X, 1'01("1" I.AUI)ERI),\ I.E, FI.A. hody lOOt! said [hat I're_ident HarlHn come. but beC,lll';': of an eight· inc h
-Good ne"~
for a change-Hu .. "" Hit! D uhon hllli been enuor,ed for Nin[h snowfall the ni Cltl h,·f<lTr. which hOllgcd
7-l. thi s )'ear'~
number for the '>Q,c;llIed Dislrict ,icc president of the AF L·CIO. dOI'n the lr..flic "oJ dOSt"d a fel'.' ro:,us.
""Right-[()-Wor~ law, was defeated in
h I're'ridcn[ H:lrlan Duhon sale a reporl I-I O.... el'er, Iho).l' ;II the party nel-er gOI

lSEW Journot
Graduation Supper O ur conlmCI \I:,s up on o\I "r.. h I ~I
Static Control Class \\ c \le nt 10 counCil o n 1\10 ItC Ill'. w:' ge'
'''Id length of l·onlrM'1. rhe rulin g "'"
in ou r f,,~or o n OOlh ile m,. A, of Ihi,
",-iling. "C havc SlIhrnilled il 10 the 1';, ),
BO.ITd ;lIld arc av.Jilinj; ,In lln,"<,r,
I h<' "'or\.. in Ih" ;ore" loob ~000.1
ul1lil Seplember; I hope morr hrc;tl, he·
fnr.. Ihrn. or i! "ill ht-" lonl' \linh'r
" 1I11\"~. \1I(lll!U'. I' 'i

Local 9BI to Hold Fourth

i pan Y'." J"n.~v'"e, W'K ..
lpanso •.,d a clllsS in s!a"c canuo! F.ont District Golf Tourney
'ow. 1.,11 to "1111. inst,ucto, "I Inll,am. V,
P,eelMl, S SI.I~"', f'. Ma"y. •nd T, 1 .1 . 9K I. ' E \\ ,UH,:, 01110-1 a,1 \<,ar.
111111 M,ddle .ow. T. H~"',y. 0, 8a,lIell, M 1 00:.11 981 planneJ 10 ~I.orl ,Ill Annt!.!1
l ....... 1 873, Ku k......... lrod, leeenlty hono,ad M,ad. J O'Mea.a. l. Aup:enste,n, and T,
,t,. •• aduahnR app,enltce,. at a 5UPpe, held Ma.k •. 8.o:~ 'ow. B. Coomer. T Jo.dan. P l ourlh Dhlricl Ool( l ol1rn;,rnenl. I he
at Ine Ca,.. G,and.,. l.,U 10 "8hl, B.ot he. Holm.,.. • 00 l. o.laney. 0, Role. F Onll, A liming ";!) nOI ",ilh I". ;0' \Ie co"I,ln'l
Randy $chM;:k and 8unl; B.oth.,,,,, Si eve 80ne, and J McGu". we,e absent wlltn the
Salmonl. 0.".,Dowden, and Sam Eln.e.;
1\"'''''1' W"5 laken
nl.l~c proprr arl'.1n{:emcnh al ;In} 'lliHI'
committeeman J amn K""ne,.; and B,olhe, hie golf .:IUt"o until 100 l;ok In Ihe 1;0 11.
li nd M.,.!.son I hi, )<'ar. lIe nw de ,,11 nee<",ar} :tr-
I'"nl,:crn<, nl'. and the tourn;tmenl i~ OIL
r he l intt Annu;11 l ourlh Di'lrid
TOllrnament "ill he helt.! ~tI lhe (irall,illc
Inn ( ,olf Cluh in ( . r"n\ille. O hio. on
Jul) :!7Ih. U ) Ihi, lime, ;oil 1111" 10.,;;11-
in Ih<, lourth D i,lrkl h;l\<' r"c<,h<,u
enl f) 1110mb. I he IOlirmllncnl \lill I.....'
Iil1lile <l 10 the fir~l 50 four·men leam\.
;Ind Ihe dcaoJline for cn1rie~ " ti l he on
Now tU h • ••. f .llow~. le t '~ ~I~ .t ovo, Dnd J une I ~Ih.
gtl th i,. ,.t.;>ighl f,om I II., be8,nning
( ir.ilwille i, localeJ "00111 2~ milc,
c;,,1 of COIUlllhu~. Oh io. ~ln d ;,OOul ,i\
11Il1c, "C" o f 'l <'\I"r~ Oil Roulc It>
MOl<'l and c:Hnpllll,! ;tCC(lIIlmo..t,lion,
MC loc;tled in nearh) N<'\laf~. "Iilli·

l e I! 10 a ,o.he. Da ... e Dowd 'lm, Jeory

lion;11 in form;olion clln he onlilined b)
S h e fflc ~ , a"d Rand v Schic k. Sea led is Mrs. (tmtaUi ng J im ['kiln or I)on lI ulle r "I
Do wde" [ ()-I.·111 U niun 9~ 1 . Jill W. D n ': MUl' lel
"tr"el, /anc\\il1e, Ohio .n71l1. The Icle,
hogi:e,1 d.l\ln. Ihey jll,1 ~ <, p l plO\li ng phone i\ 614·.t~2,5:!7().
Ihn.I\Jl:h Ihe food lIml iJnnl. \\ "r~ ",i,'lllre, for 'Ii\ J loo~ {:(J(),l
We're -.orr) Ih,.1 ~OL1 Cr.a\lford, 7
Ihrou{:holll Ihe fe,1 of 197.1. D i,lrihlllion
('h;Jrle, ( ,rillin, ( ' :lr~ S;Mlhoff. '\ lio:o The 1.... 0 5,ud.,nts In .he fore&,ound T "orl in l he Mea i, piclinl,! up. (I' Ohio
\ '(}'>,ler. ,Inti D;!\ id We"H:r \lere 001 M•• k,. and B. Coome •. seem a Ioul., my,,1 I'o"cr h" .. re1e;o'oCd ,ome nev. "orl III
., hle III I'lC pr<"~nl 11m .lon·1 \I orr). I,ed, but l. Oalaney loo k' u il he lin Ihe Ihe I:llnlraCtors. Worl i~ al'>l:l pil'l inJ,t lip
D.ll e .m" It " mh h,",e e'lou{: h " h.llll·· .nswer, un Ihc rev:llll ping of Ihe 11!l. " V line
for lOU men \l ho couldn'l m .I ~ <' it. for Ihe (o]umhu, ,mJ Southern I lel'ln,'
Worl in ou r juri-..Jil:lion i, ~lil1 !olow, ('0I11p.1II). This line \lill cllrry ;\4~. " \
11 ,1"".Id 1"'1. III' .1 lillie Ihi, ,unmu:r. v.hen l:omplelNI.
I he 111<.:;11 h;" ..... tlled "n "llreelll<,nl R. W, III ' " I r. 1'5.
\lhll:h ,houM Ix- "pte.1 11) the lime )011
r(';ld Ih".
\\ e 1I10urn Ihe .1e;l1h, of 1\10 of our Local 995'5 Bench Filled;
Brother ... II II . I( )holl. \lho diell of a
hearl al1.ld on Del:emhcr 4th. ;,nd (i;Ir), Bro ther Sims Salu ted
( •.Irr i..on. " ho 1110.'1 hi~ .le alh in a Imnie 1.. 1 , 9'lS. II,\TO:-' lUll ca:. I \ . \1
"cl'i,k'nl I he IOI:OI[ "ill mi" hulh of Ihi' IIriling. I ocal <J,)~ h,", " l'Cnl h (ul1
Ihe...:: m,'n, .•' Ihe) \I<,ro: \o."r} a':lhe in of mcn \I,\iling for ~nlt'lhinJ,t 10 h.opren.
lhe 10,:,.1 union
I " .... (Ol(olll 1'. I'.s.
H..... you ,,"I!< seen an e8C 'u'n ,nlO a lile " (;011 for II (ev. mco or \Orne olher
....... II? 1......,1\ pullioll in " e:111. If \Ie ~;ln hol,l
OUI unli] ],,'e ~ummer or the hctlinnintl
Members Complete Class 1I0Imc'. r \I ~rl.~. and I , \l arl). of fall. Ihere \liIl he IntIre "orl Ih,1Il v.C
r hc e[;I~\ Ihi~ )e;tr \I " , 1:, lIl1 hl t-) a (.In h.lnuk. ;,nd \Ie v.ill h;l\e 10 d<'I'C"d
In Sti.tic Control lo~.d Il rOlher. A I Ingr;uII, ;lnd he did 11 on Ir.I\o: lers.
L U. 1'19(1, J A 'ESVII.I .t:. \\ IS C.- W ilh "'perlt jolt ;Ig"in, [ a~ 1 )C;lr. 1\ 1 1:\Uglll I..(X.II \195 proud ly :I;, hll<,\ ;, 1'-1,1 hu,i.
"pri l e;unc lhe end of 1I nOl h"r se~sion Ihc d,,,~ on mOlur I:olllroi. Ii i, Ill) be· n<"~ nwna!;er. Brother (l"ult... II . "Slee·
of nij;hl -chool. I hh v.,I\ 'lxm >on:J 11) lid Ih,11 v.e can Ih,ml hi m for Ihe IM{:e Ie, " Si m ~. HrOlher Slm, \la\ horn in Ihc
(llir 1,)I:al for Ih" hellermenl of ollr ;IP' ",rnOlit uf 'lUden" :md Ihe ,'\cellenl .... l\l1h<'rn ~elion of B., lon Rouge. lnov.n
r prenlke\ :,n.[ jOllfnO:) nlCn.
I hl\ )".Ir. v." ~pon>oro:d " (I:o~) in
Illmlil) of 'lUdcnl\ Ih;11 left lhe d;l,~ ;11
lhe fini,h in "pril. 197:!. ;11111 lhb )e;oT.
;1\ \\ UOlII,,\I n. "here he "ttendc..! ~r.'nl·
,,);Or ., ml hig h loC hool. In 1937. he
, !;olic .:onlrol ;ond h"J I:! jou rne) men 1'0 fini, h up Ihc )C,lr, ~Iude nl s :mJ hCC;lIllC a mem hl:r of Local 995. :t ~ :1
:ulli \e ven a ppn:nlices Ilil'n 0 111 for i1. ]1 \l l\e, IIC IU Olll for dinm:r ill •• IQl:a] d in· helper. and applie" him self o n Ihe jon
r'!n fro l11 O"lo hl: r 10 "pril, v. ilh lhrec ncr clil h. ami we all h:l<I a gouo.i lime 10 !lml .d lh hom e ~ IIJllie s and bcC;UllI; n
'Illd ~ nl ~ havin g perfeci attendance-I'. fin i, h Illl :1 \l on{l ~ rful sc,sio n. ' cry goo" jo urn<' Ylllan,

June, 1973
1J~lrd of Ihe United Fund of Long ls·
Saluted Annual Spring Dance I,tnd. President Fisher has always been
.. d;\;: In eommunit y affairs. and as
lhairm.. n of Lot .. 1 1049's Community
Sen ices Committee h,,~ helped to pur-
f;' 5I!\era[ ,",httlchairs and other
ml.'di,,,[ equipment thai is :tvailahle to
our members and their families free of
A ll.'~timonial dinner-danee ";I~ ghcn
b) the nitft mrmhl.'r, and frieno..I$ ." ,aV
Ih;\OI.\ to A. "Ttlny" Caggiano, "'ho h,IS
left h" Jub a~ hl",nl'\~ r;:pre<;entat,\I.'. It
Yo;" a line alf:l;r. :IOU Tony "a~ pre·
LoC,,1 1019. Lo08 I.laod, N '( 'er~n!ly hftld ,ented "ilh a pluque in :lppredati'ln for
ils Aoo"al Sp"og Oaoee Showo. lell 10 hi, dedic~IIOn III th e men he reprl.'-
"ght, are Oaoca Commulee Cha"mao Oav,d 'I.'nte.l. Mr~. (:II;I;ian(l j!ul up :Il\d ~;lng
Fabriz,o and Co-chairmen
and Joho Bartololll
Robert Z,mm.,
"11h Ihl.' blind nnd "it, really :1 great
hll. Ma)be Tony can be her agent. lIe\1
Local 995, Bilton Rouse. La" sal"tes a past of Iud. to Mlh of them; they ;Ire fine
business manlll.', 6,other Cla"de H. "Ske.- peopk.
te," Simi, now r.Ur,d
Ltst month'~ m}'\tery linemen "ere G.
lie WUq e lected to the FXCClu ivt I-le-aly anu )our~ Iruly, Charles Lol.'fller.
llo,lrtJ where he served with UI \1lIlClion. Until neXI llIonth. leep Sl\lIllnl:; c~c h
He strongly llul'ocatcd !>Chooling for ap- lJ:ty is "hat )011 m:t~e it.
prentices. alllj al long 1:1\1 when JAC CIIMII," J. bJII-FLl:R. JR ., I'.S.
c:lmr 10 Ix' Urotha Sim~ ..... 1\ dlosen tiS
its sccrctar) Brother Sim\ .. or~cd on
many big jol", Ihe LOlli~bn;1 Stille Uni- Brother Davis Honored
lenil) ~llIdlum. Oul'om. I (bIer
Wheeler. II~chhac h and Mou re. and
At Retirem ent Dinner
many more. 1.. 11. J1l55, I' E.'\S \ ('OL \ . FI.A . -In
I-Ie .. as clcdeu business Illilnagcr in; 01)' reporl Ihis month, I feel
1947 and ..cfH',j in [h;11 cap:u.:u) unlil honored to h;l\e the oprorlunit) of re-
1955. In the Il('lJoli;l\jon~ in 1952. as- ... on L'Abbllte. II member of tile off;';. staff, porting 10 Ihe Brotherhood on the retire-
l>i~led by a \I~r~ efficicnt l'\cgo[;aling and Ile, dill. eojoy ,Il. Sp,ina•. menl 01 BrOlhl.'f I D, "Pearlie" 1),I\;s.
Committee. he "".Il> able 10 conlinec the "ho afler ~I )earS of seT\ice to Ihe
contr;I~!OP' lhal his men "ere \\orlh I BI-W ami e[edri.;al mdmtr~. rctlred
Illorc 1ll01lc), Hnd agreed on a \c;llc of from the G ulf I'o" er Company
$3.110 per hour and a foolpro()( Ir;j\el- fOTllll.'r Rep'li! SI"JI'.
time clau.'>C:. rhis was Ihe lughe~1 scale Broth er 1),1"1\ h,IS been one of the
in Ihis p;lrl of Ihe I:.nd. and ;.1 11'1.11 010\\ faithful [ei!den in Ihe IHI W mtJ'~­
lime. l ocal 995 "'115 ,",ay IIhe.u.l of Ihe IIIcnl and lin uUI~tanding !cauer On the
rlCld. (1..1:1\ "ul FUliel Ihal 995 deals jUlo.
"ilh good ~olllr:lctor~-Ihe he)!.) Brother D.lli$' rctiremenl "ill not
BrOlher Sim~ i~ now rctireu and living only l.'re'llC a vacanc) in Ihi~ lll.'p"rl-
in the vicinity of hi ~ youth. on n lovely Inc Ill. hilI he will ;11'0 be mbs.'" fur hi,
spot lnown II~ ;\I udin!: Birll lI ili. speei:![ "!If of coun~eling :1 fellol~
AltenUlltlce h,l\ perked up ,I lillie but ", no nhll1er whal the prohlcm.
nOI enough. I he loc;11 needs )OUI' .oiee Co·ell.l,mao Joho B.o10101l1 .od M,s. "hI.' men all o,cr Ihe GIlIf )'o,", er prop-
al the meetings. Come on do"n, there Geo,g. F,sher show 11'1. hand-mlde ""0
which WilS donated by A. Shaw. Ow.,hud ert} IhLlt, ",hen thcy h:1(1 trouhle,
are a lot of ..... "t~ "nil need nil (n,ita- Llo",. 0"11",.1",.", (Dre"lwood), ,,' a door the) wulU '-I1"a)' ('0 In Brolher I)J\is
lion; it's )'our lacnl. p"ze. for alhice and I.'l1touragernc:m. II I.' hM
RI Ni, J. M UNC H, ['.S. qu,dllies lhal ;!re gl~tnleU fe" men.
In Recognition Brolher Da vis was honorCll "ilh :1
Spring Dan ce a Success; ~[1I'\'i:1 1 (linner ~ I 'en hllll and hi~ ,.ooLI
"'irc. Oonn'I. This lIffllir "as allenueu by
Annual Picnic Scheduled I're\ident "f the Gulf I'o,",er Comp;'")
Rol>erl F. Ellis and Vice President Jacob
L,U. IO~9, LO'G ISt,\ ' O, N.Y.- I
gues.~ e,cr>one ~no ... s hy now thlll our lIorlon. The). 100. e\presscd their
"i,hes for a long retirement for 8rother
Spring Dance ";IS a great success, ,lIId
once lIg;.in. our Ih;ml.) 10 Ihe chuirman. D'1\15 ami ~tateu Ih.11 replacing him
David l·ul1ri/io. ;md his co-c h:.irmen,
John II:ululolli !lnd Roherl Zimmer. ,md
• "ou[d nOI he: an e •• \y ta ~l..
IJrolhl.'r Da,is. it Lac,,1 616 ch,lrlcr
10 the many olhen "ho helped mal.e il member anu leader for years. ha, ex·
n stlcce)s. tended his lime and ... ·how in de\cJ-
The Annual I'icnic will he held on opmg our f;liri)-)oung Lot;I[ 10.55 into
it "ell·organiud bart;;,ining unit.
Suwrduy, Au gll~1 I Ilh. al the Fivn-
hOW<!f ParI. in E:. ~I Melldow. Chairrmln Being a pioneer In the elcctriea[ In-
Phil I- u[co hopes all will :.l1l.'nd and dU ~lr)', BrOlher i);lYis says he has see n
make il us hig :. snCl'e,s a, il was last muny nl.'W :tnd improved change~ in his
)"o'ar. Further informUlion "ill be pub- 4 I )e:lr5 with thl.' l-lectric:II I'o,",er Com-
Tooy C_III1'''''U, who hal I,ll hie job :Ie pan), loa' illS Marled out as u tcmporury
lbhed in th e Grllpt'l'illl'. bus'o." "'p'eS,nIBt'y" waa hono,ed at a
Congr:lllIlutions 10 I'resident George lullmooill daoea. He Ind his wile display helper in the I'enslicoia Street Car COlli-
Fisher on his election to the Exee uti ..e t he p laque p, ..... ote<! 10 him by 1'1" 1,I.odl. pany.

JII~W Joumol
Honored Retiree 01',1 ".lgc Jn~n·;j'tCs. , .. ,1 1) · improlcd Ihe rOOlrlcr 10 :1 Irouhlem:ln "ho Ih es
he;lllh :.nd lIelfare. and ,!lldilion.ll holi· o n a farm. ( I he dog lias plca!>Cd "ilh
d.l}". ~ml :m incre:.scd \':Jcnlion 1'1:10. this :lrntngemenl.) Lalel). Ihc r hone has
It", :, llIa)~ "Wha! dot~ Ihc rung w\cr:11 time~-n o one an~lIers. bUI
union do for mc '!"' Rccentl). in 1I0111ing IJili i, \IIrc he hC:lr~ II gO:I1. AnOl her
( , r~"'n, 1l !I,ine~s Manal;cr I h,lllla' Cl1f' gifl'l'l
I~) h.I,1 :t prugr,1I11 fol' "II tho,.: n1<'m -
I'cl" 11111,) lI'anled to learn !l1Ol'e .. bOlll
Ihdr lot'al :111.1 lahor rci:ll iun,. Of .1 [lO~.
,ibl.: 2i .~ !'Cork. onl) 14 ,hollc,1 lip. jAffer th e Outag e' Party
I\palh y i, IIhal dC~lro)~ ollr Illulhcr·
hoo.l. YOII arc lhc HrolhelhU<,)lL. ;tnd il
l.1I1 ,lui) rem<lin 'Irung IIhen lOU parli(·
II I1,inc" \1:ln;lger ('lIrk ) 11.1111, 10
Ih.rn~ lI"h ,Hid l inda IIrol'll.
\ h lll;lI. J II;lI1it;1 I'rn";I1U. (hallc' l ip·
B,other L. B, ··P.. a'h ..·• DavII, Local 1055. perl. Darrd (,ir~en. (,Ienn I'i~c. Phil
Pensacola, fla. was '"", .. n!ly hono'ed On
tho occasion of his ,,,'ifeme'" Ha,e , he II Ji :u.lcn. Rid JloII~r~. Dale Smilh. Jim
shown wI th his wlfa, Donna, alIt" lhe ,alir e, We,l. Rllh) 1i:11I. Bcrnke Sc h llill. lind
mont dinnllr Bill Slnll"'1:tlll;h for heillg 1I\I,'l'c,led ill
Ihc ir fllillre,
llntil IInl lime- l{ el11('mh~1 II h;:n ,(,x
II", lIirl) and Ihe ;!ir ",1\ de:IIl'!!
IotIUHIW "1111'" RIPI'! L !',S, Hudson SI.IIO" emploY.II, members of

J W ho Is the Mystery Ma n
LOCllI 1330, J"scy Cily. N J .• held "" "Atll'
Ihe Ou'aR'" Plltly 10 c .... b"'1e 'h e end of
"lmO~ 1 one full yea • • ,nCe Ih'" No . Two
Unl' pUI OUI ."t pOwe" 10111'" Ihey WlIl' 10'
In Brothe r Harness' li fe ? 'h' buNet '0 III " , up .

1 ,1 . IJ U6 , flE(, \'II R 11.1.. ('lin )011

im .. ~ine Ih: ,uJ'priw )OU lIoldo! "\lX'ri-
,'Illl' if ~<llIr ,mall dillll;hle r ..-,une Il)ing
into Ihe (.'Orner \:ofTec ,hop. Hf) mlll'h
oul Ilr h1<:;llh. explaining. "I)adol). Ihe
.lcl,,~r) Illan kfl a big hl)\ nn \lUI
11(11' ..·h: it\ .. II IIrilpped lip Hnd lic.] "ilh
Pa" Ir .. O"VII pOles In one o f hll buslesl a red rihhon. and Cami) I 011. Ih ..' .Iu~.
SPOil in th .. ',3n$ shop
i, ""r~ing lilc mOld,"
lIill II "rne". f .. dio ol'er;ol()r Ililh Illi-
l1oi, " \llIef Company. nl\heJ horlle lIilh
hi, .1.III1!hll"r. dra!:,l:ed 1hz I'ro, intu Ihe
hling ,'oom and procecol"d III 'tCe ,,1,,"
.t 11;1" Ih: .!(lg lIa, h)"'cl'i ..'al h) Ihi,
lime. "ml "halc\'cr il lIa, \\;" IIIllling
' ''lind, ..-"ul.! t-c h~;r!'J (rm1l Ihl' I'I()\, It
,,,,, " li~c Rhode 1 ~laml 101"'<1 rou,,'el. It
glaled al Ih~ "og. 11110 h) I1UII h.,,1 Heelo. Oetl~do. left. and (d Farrull, 118hl
(illieled dOli 11 l'on"iderahly. bUI il did nOI help rhem u lvlI to secondl.
\C,'1ll unfriel1dly 10 I h~ peuple 11I'C"elll.
I \J Ihi, ,Ia}. Bill ..Ioc~ nOI ~ '1011 II hel'e
Shown wIth hi. fenow wo'kl ' s. II" 10 "ghl. it " line frum, "Gifl~" 'lich :" lhi, h.I\e
a ... [!tolhe •• PIIU' POlht1 . Ihl honofOl<I .. 1'><.· ..·11 arri\ing Olef the )~';Ir,_eig h l
ti.u. Kyl .. CrAi l . and Roy Sml ' h.
)e.lf" 10 he c\ael. rhc 11Ii1~1lI011l .klller,
Ihc Illil~ nrranl;eo.i for them ami Ihen, on
II rolher 1).lli, i, Ihc proHd f,.l hcr of H ."'.... "ion. "ill I,'r} ,olcmnl} h'llul Bill ;r
son. O"cn D"vi.. "ho " I'rcwlIlI} "" );;.llon or i,'c erC3m. I h~ nlil~man ~a)s
operalol' al Ihc C,'i,1 Slc.l111 I' I:onl hele hc .ltX', "nOl ~no" "hu -.em il " O ne
in I'e n 'a~ul: •. . lIul o nc .I:wglucr. IJell). leI"} cold night. " c:rh .Iriler 1':1111: Ihl'
3nol al,o ,i~ gra nlkhilolrcn. ~. "e hcll ~V':f} hour on Ihc hour hClllecn
Hll "i,h ll wlher Davi, a Ion!; an.1 h.IIlI'Y (; :110 l'. \1. :Ind 6: (ffJ A. ~1. to .kli~cr o ne
re tire m ent a nol hop ..· he Ili ll li,il "il h I" jlc"elld fcai ller cac h limc. Il )' 4 : t)O. Bill
o(lc n, h:,,1 ha d ahOli1 CI101lI; h- tw<.1 lIIure hour~
R Ull I" D. O' DONOI IN. I',S. !O J:lO. ,1]1\1 thc eah driver wa, flrilhful.
I I0II,' r~ for Valentinc', 1>:0). I h;m~~­ Brother JOhn Melfi. IIISIli samples f,om
eaCh U,b!I,
Auto-T ron ic Control giving, Il:Jllollcen. ('hri,tlll;", anol on
.111) :lnd .. 11 occ:"ion~ 3rrile :It the onice
Celebrates 25th Anniver5ary fo.· Bil1. Bill ha~ 111:111) huhhie~. une 'After the Ou tag e' Party
I..V. 11176. "1"01.1-:1>0, O III O_I\ uw , hd ng :1 h:l m r:l dio opel~rlor~oll 1d the
Tronk Conlrol i~ celebnui ng it~ 251h &,:ifl, t>c frOIll " cont:tel Oul there'! lIiIl
Held by Hudson Work ers
An ni\'cr'M}. T he eom p;.ny i, upeni ng :1 lI,cd 10 Ix- a jOllrncym nn tinem:1I1 in Lo- l..U. I B O. n :It.....:" e n y, N.J ._ Re·
~CCOtHJ dil'i,ion in I'c n n~)h'a nia , IBI· W ~'al :'i t. Springfield. Illinoh. hilI llftcr an cenll}. JIII.b on ~t:_ lion held an "After
111e m l~:n havc help'ed Ihis lirm 10 grow. al·cidenl. hc I>ct',1I11C ou r ra d io ope ra lor the QIII:'I;C" i'nrly. Wil h thc lo ng OilIngI.'
"'an .lhon SpeciH I l'rodu clS em ployce, in 1..,e:1I 13U6. Thc oflke fon'e e n joy~ lim" l) l'oming to Hn cm!. IWO loc:. 1
ra lified a three-ye:lr agreeme nt . n i, Ihe his gifb. n~ we ll HS hb fam ily. Brolhers gOI toge lher und "'·f(l nge.1 a Iii '
bc~ 1 Hgrcc rn enl in its h i~l ory, wilh I'ee- In case )o u Hre Il o nd edrr!:, he £o'Il e tI e pal'l)' 10 ce leb rale Ihe end of :t lm o~l

Jlln,. 1973
bo)~ and girls should be gh'en Ihe
New Arrival chance 10 become in\ohed in scouling.
Testimonial Dinner
and p:.renls should eneour;ll!e them.
!-or thlr.>C of )OU I'Iho uo not ]
scouti ng strcssc~ ~If·relmnce. good citi·
zens hip. :md Ihe development o f heahh
and eh3ructer. Wilh Ihe\(' characl eri~lic\.
one!' "011111 rend h) be more fortlln:lIe
Ih .. n othel"S in gelling olf in life on Ihe
ris hl 'Iep.
So, 10 Richard I r:lwr, and men :md
l'Iomen throughout Ihe cUlmlr) li]..e him.
"e eJ(tend uur Ih,IIII..\ .lI1d l'Iish Ihem ull
Ihe succe~ in '>COOlinG.
1..1 ",'> A. ()(,o"O\\SIo.I, P.S. ::-0-- .::c:: ;;;:;;::;;;;~" 01110. held .. lestomo-
of B.oll'le. John S
m.n3ge,. Lell to
John Rowl"nd Hon ored ; .Ight. Rep.eeent3 tlve lueian
Bledose, hono.ed .unt Rowil"nd. and Inte.-
one full )e;lr since Iheir No. Tl'lo Unil Nego t iatio ns Under Way nalional R.presentativ. Paul W,lle
pul oul ;my pol'I·er. Ilo;ll'I ee n dmner.
drin~s. lIIu\ic. and ~inging of Ihe Mu rine L. U. 1J·n, CI .... O ;'\ ,' A II , OI II O_ As
Hymn ( led h} l\ l i~e DUI ,LllgC). "ll Ihe Ihe new ~' ri lw of 1.oeal 1347. I extcnun
Ilrolher~ who 1111ended Iho.: :llf"ir ,cemed warm "hello" 10 all Brothers out there
10 enjoy it AU crcdil ,Imulu be !;hen 10 in "Union Counl ry." In Ihe fulure . I
Iht 11'10 BrOlhers I'Iho nmdt tht I'Ihole hope 10 be in louch h) l}f'IC. I'IhentVCf
thin/: II \ucce~s. Mario I l"\eira and lJa\e possible. in p"iring our I i~"5 of t'urrenl
HUlchms. e\enls.
Sin,'e our 1:.S1 jl\,hlkalion. Ihe fahkJ Recentl). :1 leSlimoni,,1 uinner was
slorl.. rtaiu a \isil 10 Ihe home of our Ii- held in honor of John S Ro" lanu. pa~1
n;mci.11 ')C.;retary. I-rand~ J CoppoJu lind husine), m:!nager of our local. Joh n held
hiJ l'Iife .•\I ary Jo. announced Ihe 1>irlh Ihis jlO'iil ion from 19~7 10 1':0173 :IOU ",.,
of Iheir daughter. Kri"l:mne '1he (op- vOleu the "ell-dc'iCned honor of Busi-
pol,l's fir)t ehilu I'I;IS horn on \ I ,tr~h ness \1,m,lser Fmerilu~ upon h" early
3r<l. Our ~ongr:tlulahons go 0111 10 Ihe reliremenl in J:lmMr). Iltle to ill health.
nc" r:u·cnh. LOIS of lucl.. I>.ilh the 2:()O Brothcr (,Io.:nn Comh" p",t recording
A.I-.1. feedings. >oC~lelaI'Y. pre~n l eu him ,dth 11 plaqlle
On M:trch 22nu. Rkh,II'U Wihon left for hi, lifelong Iii Ie,
Ihe union ami COlllrt"n) III horoe of l!cl' Ikc'lu-.e of BrVlher John's unllrmg
ling hilliler and heller opporlllniuc\. A ,.nd de.'oted efTorh 10 n1;l~e Ihe IIl EW
former e4uirtmtm OJ1'Cr;ltor ;1\ 1I 1I.I..on. bener tOOa) than }e,lerJ,.}. ;lnd ~lrOnscr
Wil,on terminaled hi, tmployment 10 lomorro" Ih.1II IO,"'}'. he l'Iill I>;: IIlI\:.ed
I>.or~ for Ihe lIarlford Ste;l1ll ItUllcr b)' Ihe Intern:.tion;!1 a~ "ell as Ihe IOClll
I n'roc~tion .. nd In,ur;lm'e COmp,llI} in .. 00 diqrict ollke ... \\e "lmO'lI Imt John.
'el'l Yorl... He 1'1111 go through .... hool· bUI t.!ue 10 the gr.lee (If (jod ;lnd mod-
ing I"lit.! hy Ihe IICI'I t:oml',my ,InJ hul'':~ ern mo!dit:ine. h~ 1'1111 he .. hie 10 enjo)
10 hceoll1e a hoiler ill'flCdOr. Ihe Min and rehl~nlion I'loriu .. offe~.
IIrOlher Wibon Ihe, ",th hl~ wife. II i~ hMd 10 rtlll Ilo",n (In parer" hal
Lorclill. and ~OI1. Sc:trl. In lIa}llIllle. one fcc" fol' ollr friend IlIld Brother.
Nell Je"cy. We in I oc;.1 133tl I>. i,h but I ~now that our l\Xul "ould n()t he
Ridl ;1110.1 hi~ r.. mil) <Ill the lucl.. in the " here II is hxla)' had II not been for
worlu in hi, nel'l joh. \\ho ~no" ... he J ohn's le:v,ler;hip ,md guitl.. nce. Among
m,l} elen relllrn 10 IIIspcel one of our
ol'ln hoiler~ $Omeday.
hh many friend\ nllcnding Ihe air,lir
were Intern"tion,,1 Rertr~'oC\1I;tli\c) I u·
llllt toBUIlll,n
lar'ld. light. fer",e,~~!~~~~~~~
BuslnKs Manage, loUI.
Rid""J H. Tra\er. former rtrc'~ -.ce d .. n II led..oe and I' uul Wille. Brolher co.dlnJ'l Secretary TlmQl hy
(clary. ",.\ r~'tcnll)' hl/nored 10 join Ihe John lind l'Iife S,llIy. here\ "i~hinl! )OU President Ron'leI R. Robertson.
Brolherhood of Ihe Order of Ihe Arrol'l, the hc~1 of}'thing. You both Je'iC~e
.m ur~a",7allon t.!e,ltc:l1ed It) Ilu} it, \\c ",ill be do"n lo...ct 100 when I'I~ Geiger i~ another individual "ho hJS
Scoillinll 10 IJecome <I memt-.:r of Ihi, c-.m. '>0 I..eep Ihe fi~hing gear handy. .'ief'eu Ihis loeOlI fOlilhflll1)', without re-
elile le;lm. one mllSI he elecled h)' hl\ We ,.re \er) rorlUl1;11e to hHC ,III "hie g;}r.1 to h" peNOnal hculth.
Iroop mcmhcn. Dcdit.;;ltion i, definilely rept;,e~mcnl for bu ~ine,s nmnascr in Ihe AI~o. (j. W. J ;ld Slllilh i~ rccuroeral'
a factor ~llIdied before every nomina- per,oll of J ohn W. 1-.111~hcll. He i, inl! frolll injllrio.:~ he ,ulTered " 'hen he
lion. unJ Brolher -I nllcr h,,, Ih"l 411ul- }·OUllg. energe tk. nnd :ll ready ha~ \hown callie ill eonlllCI wilh II 7.200"011 linc.
ity. this local the "i-.dom the JOb require, We "i~h Ihem both a full .. nd )peeu)
BrOlher J'r:u'er SJ1'Cnds hcl"een 111\ and Brolher Mitchell ....:IS Ihe E,eculi"e rCCOH!ry.
100 hours a 11I0nlh in SCOliting "orl... He Board chllirlllHn and member of nUlIler· At Ihh "riting. Ihe Nt"J;otiOllinJ; Com·
i ~ ly Ihe le;.Jer of I'lid 1 of OU<; commillees anJ Jclegations. Olher mil1e('~ of Loc:ll 1347 an d Ihe Cillcin·
r rinil}' I-pi\copal Churc h of Ba)'onne. Brother\ appoinled 10 onke are I oui~ nali (j;n and Flectril' COlllrt"") life :11
Nt" Jel">('). Oll('e a 11I0nlh. he la~e\ hi~ G. Am,holT. As~i~lunl l! usine~1 \l:In· Ihe h;l.r~tinin~ I.. hle. A li~1 of both
pael.. of 42 cubs anu fl'e "ebelos Oil :Iller; .. nd Roger ShielJ,. Kenneth Millcr. union anu l'Ornp"n) rtrOpQ<,;lls h,,, t-.:en
niahl Along "llh heing Cub \1 ,1" J ame~ 1).1). :lnd Carl Uungenslocl. F\- senl 10 e.teh di~triel. 10 be J'OSteJ on the
ler. he i~ .. Iso a Iroop commiUeeman. II eClJti\e BOilrt.! memhc" n rol her Ted hulietin "oard,. so n~ 10 inform all
is Irill y nn honor 10 "'01'1. wil h PCIlI)1c Adarn~ 1'I;t~ ele,ted L\con ;' e Ikl<lrd BrOlher, IIf the ta ' ]..~. W(' a ll re:tiile Ihlll
Ii~e Brolher Traver who ,p-end so much chai rrnun. ever)lhlni; is len[;llive and cha ngc;lblc
of Ihelr vllluablo.: lime J.. ceping our We sent 11 'pcci:11 "gel wcll" 10 I' re~i· umil Ihc final ne j!.olillting da y. so rtlcn SC
younger l!ellcr:nio n off th~ Sireel, lmt.! dent 1':1111 R. Geiser. who has been ill be p;lIienl and d j~pc ll Ihe rumors Ihot
oul of Irouble. AI Ihe correct age, :111 and is eo nvalesd ng :tl home. Brother al"a)s ~em to persist. Here is hoping a

raEW Jou.nol
Lrir amI jU~1 ~lIt(.'rIl(.'1I1 ~';.n he re.:rthcd
by Ihe deadline.
Leadership Training Class Member's Son
l( ~nlO'[) ~ I. 11 11)"<", 1'.5.

Confere nce, Leadership

Training Class Held
l..u. US7. IIO,' OI.UI. U. III . -1\ l"l)1l'
rerence "ll~ held on I chr uary I ~lh ttl
the I'lumerhr Room of Ihc Atl ' 1I)'ln.r

11 011.'1 in lI onol ulu 10 di..:u,~ NOi'O\;ll~
10 he su bmilleoJ 10 Ihe Il a",rii'lil ·I ele·
phone (omp,rn) in Ihc forlhcorning ne·
goualions hcl"een Ihe union allll Ihe
comp.tIl). In .,lIenoJ,III,'e "crc Ihe I ~eu. ·
live Board members. "ho :11'>0 ..cned lJ\
Ihe 'egoli.,ling Cornrnillee: unil ~h.,ir·
men. inclu"ing IhO'll: from Ihe OUler i,·
I:omls: lhe reeordcr~ from Ihe \Miou~
unilS; ;lIId Ihe IIX'II union :.1:11f.
lJ usinc" M,lunge!" John I·, G Ul ulun F,ank J. DIIJth. Ion 01 S,othe, F,,.nk OIIJrh.
Locil 1402. PltbblJ'lh. hu leupted a pelst
c'llIed Ihl~ conference 10 prep;lre our of- lion in , with the A,sonne Naltonal
fieeh for the coming negoliation~ and 10 l,bo,.to.y ,n Ch«:.80.
di!ll.:I"\ the proJ'l(' .... rh 10 t>c ,uhmilled to
Ihe mcmN:r\hip for appro>:11. fc"er people :lIId fe"'er prohlc,n chit·
On I'etonl;rr} 161h. 31'iO in the I'lu· drC'n. In this dC(;lde. thcrc ,Ire more
mer;.1 Room of Ihe AI.I 'ioan.1 11011.'1, peoplc; thereforc, "e Ihin~ Ihat there
our oflkcl"'> "cre prCloCnl for a Ic.:ldc~hip Jre more demoll\tr:.lOrs al1d \,Ind;rl~ ;tm!
Ir.lllllllg .:];,,\. to helle!" prepare lbem 10 ~hildren "ho...: p;lrcnl\ hnd II \Cr~ h,rnl
h;rndle the prot>lem~ of Ihe Io.:al IIl1ion. 10 belielc Ihat Ihe)· ;Ire their 0""
Arnong Iho-.r: 1II;r~mg prc...:nl.rlion\ 10 progen) .
Ihe ollieCI'" "erc ;iIIOrnC)~ At-in S him :-"c\erlhele,~. there arc :1 m";orit} of
,,"d 1),,\111 ( s..hrl11er. "ho di ....'u ......:oJ '>On~ ;tnd ,l;ruJ:lhlfh "ito ;Ire ;1 (On\I,11II
I:IOOr III"' Hllli in,ight inlo Icg"r prIXe· WlIn:e or jo) 10 Ihcir p:lrel1l\. Sudl ;l
dure~: \\ i1lialll I hghlOller. \I 1 · ( 10 Lac.1 13!>1. Honol"l". H,. held. I. .dersh,p son h I r.1n~ J DJlllh, \On of Brother
repre..,.:-nl.rlhe for the 1I •• ",.ii 1'.ltilie " .,n,n8 c lass 10' ,rs oillee,s. He'e .,e Ir;ln~ 1)Juth of Ihe I leuriel.1 I' rWu(b
Im:.I. "ho dl.)~u''oCd lhe polkie, :111.1 hi .. • Ken" 01 Ihe class in session.
1)"i\lOIl. '\lung I r;tn~ h,,\ ,.."cp.eri a
tor) of lhe IIl I W . reo;c;tr,'h Jppolnlment to ~IUoJ) pc;l(cflll
Bu,ine" \I.lI1,rger· 1 in,lII(ial x(rel;lr) 1I'iC~ of ,\IOmll cner!:} It.llh Ihe \rgonnc
John I', (,tuman lllo;o di .... u,-.coJ the '"tion.11 I ;rt>or;rlor). Chi~Jgo. Ihi, 1,1t>.
(undion\ of 1 01:,11 I '~7 an.1 rn~lrutleli or.rlor) 1\ one of Ih e re..c.:lhh org;lni/J·
lhe unil (hairrncn amI re~or"e .... on Ihe lions of Ihe Atomk Illerg) Comml,\ion
prOl:eoJurc of hling reporl~ ",ilh the 10'.',11 ,lnd d~;rl\ "tlh Ihe rlelclopment of
union. All in all. Ihe imlrudloll,11 ~~. peal:eful U'oe\ of alollli~ energ).
~ion "',r.. len \1I~ec .. ,ful ,Ind "ill ;Ull 'Ir. I)Jlllh h,I' hcel1 "Or~lne for more
our offi.:er~ in !'('Ilcr ...:rvicing our mcm· Ih"n 1"0 mOlllhl. l ie i~ " ..elliOT ph ysies
her\. m;rjor ;Ind \\ill gel hi, degree from I'ill
Aluha ami Ihan~ ~ou 10 :til "ho pal" in l\ ugu~1. Iii, ,i,ler j,:t ~'oIlCl:e Fng l i~h
lidp;tlCd in Ihe \u~((.' .. ~ of Ihi\ program. tea.'her in .. nolher I:tJllntr}.
JOII" I. (.UI\II'. II.M ,·rs, \\ e ~onJ:lralul.lle iI proud falher.
8rOlher I r,ln~ DJulh,
John Patrick Daley Mourn ed; 5111'111"\ IhK .. Ilt)W't.I, 1'.5.

Softball Tourne y Schedule d Annual Special Mee ting

L. U. US I. III('kS\II.U : "\ . ' . lhe Intemilional Rep~s.ent"'t,ve W",lters Ell ad· For Cortland Area Held
officcrs lind Illelllhe!"~ of 10<;31 1.181 d'UHS the el,.ss.
mourn the p,l"in!; of Hrulhcr Juhn 1',1' L~ . I.UI" . ~ 'It\ n ~ ..:. ' .' . I he All·
Iric~ O,lly. Ilrolher 0;11) II;IS ,I derli· lIu.11 Spcl'i,tl "'celing for th.: (o(tI"nd
IlKt the IInion office. T he tournament
cllte'! and diligelll ImcrnaliOIlHI K~plc · "ill he held un \ugu'l 25th and ~61h ill Art·;! \\;r, hcld "I Ihe V I W 1'1>'1 un Fct>·
~el1t~lthe 11110 11;r, :rll\ll)~ r";I(I)' to I!hc fll:lry :!.lrd .•, he uflieer~ :rnd Hr~:r mem·
the 1I,11""in Comple, in Bttldwin II nr·
:r\~ist;tl1Ce 10 Iho\e Ilho n~cdell il. I hv,e I->crs r1i"~u..'lCrl the up!:ommg negUli;rliul1'
\Jf U~ Ilho h;111 thc plc;l,ure of "ol~ing Ro.'rnemhcr. our union "or~\ for II~, ;I~ \\ell ,IS '>C\'a:tl Io..:;rl Jll'oh1cm~ Ih;rl
with JOhil in ~Olllr;l(t IIcgotialivo.. and \() lel\ givc il our \uppOrl ;1110.1 ;llIen" h,I\~ delelopcoJ. I he..e I'lo\l1cms lire
olher union maller, ",ill ;1111,1)\ rl·rnern· Ihe nc\1 ullion mecllllg. heing mle~tig;lIed and, hupeful". po,i.
ber hi~ ~nowlc.lge. c~pcriellec. ,Iml \\il, lile re,"lh nla) !oUOn he ohlained. a"
RtCIlIRI> W . l"l I',S,
hut 1110,1 of .111. lIe will remember Ih.11 h;I\e heen in the 1".1'"
he ";r\ II genlleman and ;'"'teJ ,I' \u~h nrolher 1),1Il I llJner, Ihe 1"O,'>C"o;or of
;11 all t;mc\. 10 Brother 1),[1)', fllmil)'. Member' s Son Acce pts a nell planner joh, ";r~ ;1 \ h irl reminder
\Ie e\lenoJ our profollnoJ ,'ol1rl<)leI11·e,. 11\ . Appointme nt wit h AEC 10 :tIl in ;rliendanl:C of "hul ~oopr:nltion
J;viduall y :tnd colle.til el). ,Inri ~ornl'inerJ eriort "Ill :tll,';n. We hope
I' lan, fOI' the Long h land \f elro. LU. 1.102. I'rITSlIl·'(C Il . 1'\ ._ lhe for (ontinucd ~u,'ce~) on thc'IC ,Old olher
IBF W Softh;. 11 Ci our nrtllleni nrc movinll Iwmber or rencls a nd non'~'\lnforl11ht\ i, cIIJea\or, ill the fUlure.
:rlonll nicely, Any mcrnl>cr it1ter~'te\ 1 ill nUl J:lre:Her in lhi, decade. II \1,m.1- 10 A~ in Ihe 1':,,1. our pcdotlk ~lc'W!Il'rl's
pl'lying 0 (1 l. ocal 138 1's learn IllllY can· rell,on tha t 40, 50 years lillO, there \\','),C seminars hu\e heen 1110~t infurmntile

J une , 1973
Annual Special Meering Electronic s Class

Local ' <484. Syr",cllH. N .V,. recfln ti 1 held .ts

Annua l Special Meeting 10' Ihe Co,tlan d
Ar.a. Here Is '" .cene o f Ihe din ner m eet·

Shown are ml!mbeA 01 thl! bnlC elecl ronoc;, clan sponsored by Local ISOI. Sall,morl!.
Md Forlt ro ..... J Ol>n Son .. John Ha." •. John G",b"l!tun •• nd R",y Sendulky. Second. 'ow.
Joh" Jones. tJp,d,,, Mendel• • nd ROfl Ste,n.r. Tt" rd 'ow. Bob MeG,ego,. \I,ee P ,es,den t
Bob Ne'". L",,,y 8en&ough ... nd JIC~ G'b.O'Y, Fourtl> 'ow. ,nllructo, Ron Bu •• n. IlanOm&.
and SIeve Sabo.

,land eat'h other". proh lelll\ a .. Ihe) OIrio;c Local 1505 Delegates
:tIl o'el t' IC l,uh:o SI"t." .tn.! (anada.
- \\i lh L.xlll 1~01 repre-,cnllng ;111
Attend Labor Inst itute
L. lt 10 ,,&h!. Pr •• ,dent Com Slmo", lI a; Ameril"ltn T Lllc :tnd Canad,an r Otc em· I.. U. 1505, WA LTII \\1. 'lASS. We
PreSIdent Wendell SuIU~an. Local 79. Sy,a' pl o)ec'> an o I ( )Cit I 3 repre\Cntin!; , \ UI<)- had Ihe gCMld (uriune to alieno Ihe 0\1 ,1"
CUM; Paul Green l,eld: and Don Be ll malic T OIl.' el11plo)'«'. "'I: h;l'e found 'IOl,hu..elh SI;IIC LaNlr ("oun,il", I ahor
Ihal \\1: huth h""e wme .. cr .. eonlffi\ln In~lilUIC on April ~Ih "nd 61h m the
'iC"ion~. \1 arlh <I h \la, no c ~ ee p lion . as imc re' I ~. Wil h oLir !lxa l iU'1 -,culint,: our I:om pany of Il u ~ i m.·'~ ' htna!!cr J:mle\
\\e hi"j Ihe privil~l:'c o f Ibl.:ni ng 10 a ..:om r,Kh " ilh Ameri"ln '1Ole anu C:tna- M ulloney. Vkc I' re\;u.:nl John <- ,t..e~ .
h ,g hlylnow led!;cah1c leelurer. J ames •!ian ' 11IIe Cmn p.,lI ie'. I'r;'""knl-Hu,>illc,, I{ e~i\trar I art..: (Je n~I..on. ;jnd I \C~1II1\':
Md.;:"i!:" Se n ior I n\"c~li!;alor of Ihe New M ;I LI.,~e' D iun I . Gn lh ri( " nd deleg:.le I~oan.l mcmher John Bimwhellc. We
Vor l Shtle I'oli.:c. delher " le~lUre on Gerard Cain \\enl 10 .... ew Yurl 10 offer om) falrl} ~,\, Ihal all of u, in lhe I ~O~
nan:olh:\. All in allendanee \lere in- an) help I.{)I,:;II 3 ma) n«J I he ~ I ­ dele!;;" "1n a~quired a more p rofound un·
forme.1 of Ihe eXle n ~i'c u....: and "hu.\oC inl:! ~I;tfleo :11 II :30 A M ;Ind hro ~ e der\landinl! of Ihe d)"lIe ll l!': cunfronlm!;
o f Orlll:''> in Ihe '1:,lc and lII"d c more ahoul 1.00 1'. \I .. wilh :1 .. er~ ..:onlial Iht' I"hllr m.llr'ml'nl IUlla) [I' a re~uh of
aWlIre of Ihi~ prohlclll. \I hel her encoun- IlIn..: h ill bel\l«n. 1 0..:,,1 l \\(t, rc pre· Ihi~ ,elllin,lr in curren! i"uc' .
le rcd HI Iwme or :11 \lorl ...cOled by A"i\l<l n l BU\l!1c" M<Ln;!l:'ef One of Ihe 1110,1 imprc"ive \If Ihe
P re,ideot Dam SilllonetlJ \\ .I~ '>0 im- J im Q ll are ,lIld l!u~lnc'~ I{cpre....:nt;lli ...:~ man) dhlin!,:lII,hed 'flCaler' \\a' Inler-
pre ..<,ell \\lIh \hi~ it:..:mrc th.llelTolI\ are Angelo I'. Gran<Lt:t :Ind Jim MlIlOlle) nalioll;ll ., re,"Ufer lla rn Van Ar"I" le.
be in G m a.te 10 ,lrn, n!,:e a ~c",on for all A I:Olll pa n)'·~ pouwr~d D " llk .. I "t •• li~· " ho ;o1'>(J \<!I~e, a, rrc., .den t \ll thc ~C"
Ihc mc m hcr;hip 10 <l1I.: nd. ;tnt! \Ie urg.: at.)r cla .....~ .... :1' held Ihi~ ' pTln!;. "ilh the ' o rl Cil) Cenlral I .. tmr Cotlndl
)OU 10 Jv;til }'o\lr~lf of t h i~ \lPf'OrlUnil)'. fullo\ling mC III I'er\ in atlend" IKc Sicle Il rOlhe r V"n Ar~l;llc ,tated Ih nl .1 "1-;1\
We aho hi~hl )' re..:omtJIcn d :til ot her 10- \:tbo. Hob :-'kGrct,:or. Hoh Neill. Vice no le,~ th;ln c riminal thai fhc·millioll
COils in -":e\\ Vorl 10 -..:hcdufc sc\\ions P re\idenl Lan) Benj:ouj:h , bel <.ire· \Ioofler. In \ nlcriGI "ert' ,klll.. ,1 Ihr op-
lo r (he ir memhcr"hir'_ Gory. Joh n JOll e,. El pidio \k nde7. po rlunily 10 he g;!infulI) Clllplo)ed. "Un-
r he e nd o f " el>rual"Y m ar l cd Ihc re- Ro n ~tci n er. ,mo J . ~pon/; l , "hl~ \\a, emplo) mc n t,"' -';lid Il rother ' an ,\ r.,.];\le.
lireme nl lime for Brolher Car hon Bibbs jt"l onc of many D tLple~ '1OIC _cl:I'>-,c, "co-.l Amcric;t $600·toi1lion in the P;!\I
,md Joe " Eddic Smith. We \lbh lhem

he ld Ih i,> )car in 1111 elTon 10 hrtn~ our fhe )ear'." If Ihe :Ivcr"lte \If ";I~e' thilt
hol h Ihe hcSI of ltll' ~ ,In ti if the record· mcmt>cN up 10 dUle on Ihl: nC\I equip· \\ould ha .. e hcen earned to) thl: UTlCm·
high lempcrnillre~ Ih.11 u~hl:rell in \l arch mell\. T his da~\ tales ahoul :.c .. en p lo)~'d "a,> S6.000. ;00'" lhe .. alue of the
are atl ome n. \Ie know thc}'11 h.1 , e II, \lee l ~. "rodu!:t or -..: ni cc th a i woul d h" .. c rc·
We hOlle 10 ~ec ~ou a ll (retirees in- In Ihe f:tll . Ihe 1.J<:1I1 " I\u ~polI,()red II ~ultcd from e l1l pl\l) n\e nl \\:" S24.01)().
elu ded) III Ih e mi.\ co claml>ale o n \1 :t} ba~ic e l«l ro n io. C(luro;c, \l lltch \I ;lS al· Ihen the 101;11 olle')e"r 10\\ to the 11;1-
l ijl h al Ihe H in d erw udles. lended I'll many o f the memheh. T h i, liona l eco nomy w:" SI:!I)_hi llion O .. er
I R\' " H Ull!, I' S. cour ..... h ..... t up 10 Requalll i lhe nlc m - fhe )eal'l the aggregate 10\\ 10 AtlleriC'.1
hel"l \lilh the c\er-c hanglllt,: eleclronic equalled S60t)-toillion.
ci n;: \lII ,> in Ihe lic ~ C I ·i~s"illj; a nd d:. il )- Bro lhe r V,I Il A r,d a le :, 1-0 ex ho rt ed
Local 150 I Officials Me et d o u ble mac h i n e~ u no th e ne w ' 1f ifee la the :t,"<Cm bled lahor Ic" del' l\l 00 a 1",,1-
Wah Officials of Local 3 m:llhine \l hil h di'flCn'>C'~ a Ih ree-",ay t"r toh of OT!;a ni7.i llt,: the lIon· un ion
Ite l el III o rd er 10 sllp ply race trac l s wor l e r and ,,"'uCliling lhe uni o n \lorl e r.
L. U. 1501 . II \I.T I\IOIU: . 'W.- O n \\il h a ffia~hinc Ihal di 'flCn'oCs a liclel H.: oOlcd Ih:l l 1('<;, Ih:111 20-milholl of
March 27t h. official\ of I.ocal 1501 me l wilh three or four n Ul1lhc~ on one "merica'~ III1-mil1ion I'orli n!; force h a~e
with o fficial ~ of I 0(.,11 3. Nc \\ Vorl tic ke t. 10 111101'1 \1 he ll or 10 he o n !I hee n or g,lI)i/cd, ;\ f:ll; \ whi ch nl :' '''e il
Ci ty. lit LocllI 3'~ he"dquart c r ~. ' I:he y lini~ h runni ng fi r, t, !>CeOIlJ, or th ird , !Ill con, ide rahl )' I:asie r for a ni i- la bor for..:e~
me t wil h th e idea lhut Ihe IWO Unio ns 10 fru 'ara te labor'~ !>OCi:ll goals ... \Vh )·...
on o ne lie l e!.
could .I\)isl each o lhe r in the pari· llI ul ue l he a ~ led . "d oes a wo rler vic limi7.ed by ng ind ustry ill a n e ITo rl 10 ullde r- D I()s F . G UTIIKII , l'lll s.- B.M .

ISEW Jou.nol
industrial Injury rcel:lllc lc\s than hi ~ full nnd indu de II Idder range of leade(\hill tint! lI'e hope 10 he hearing marc from
pay under Worlmen \ Comrcn,:uion'!" training, him in rq;:lrd \0 Ihe fir,1 ilid program in
How ellll ir he pos,ih1c thai during Our Nc~oliating Commit!e.. j , h:lnl III the ncar future. We lire ler y Ihanlful
rhe Far:lh ,rri~ c, lion mell lIml women \lurl rr.. ,. . nll y. prl:ll:lring for upc:olllina for the'oC men lin d their eITor!\.
in EI I'a\o. Te";J~. were :uTe,reJ for meClin!;, ",illl Wc \tin!! hou,c. B ) the time ARIII I. II A. Jr'I<INS, P.s.
~ta nd ing ",ithin 50 feet nf "ne :lno,hc r? )011 re;ld lhi" II i, hu ped lh:lt Ihe I'IC~I'
Wh y i~ it thaI '0 mall) of tlllr Illelllhel"l> eler cont fal't \lill h,l\e hc ... n , ig!IC'1.
bclic\c Iha, the) C:OU'>C ~Irile, when. 10 PHil II' I . 1' 1(,[ , l'1I1 ~. Scenes of Local J 837
point of filCr. I ha\e ne\er lnow n of :I
~ rril e whi~' h \\:1\ nOI ,tancu h) un em·
plo)er hart;:lining in had faith?" Pin Presentation
Other ~pe:ll er, of IlUl ... \Iere :Ulo rney
la u renI.'''' Lodc, who gale ." Ihe hendit
of h i~ e,\(lCrt lnuwleuge or Wnrlmen's
Cornpen':lliun: Kohen \I oran of Ihe Oe-
cup:ltion:tI S:l f~l y ,lI1J 11c"lth H~vicw
Bo:t rd. who 'po~e un the f UI1~tinl" o f
hi, cOlllmi"iun: IIIH] Jo hn Shl:ehan of
the Vnil ... d Stedworlel_ ,)f AIllcrica,
who kClurCli un ':lriO\" ,uhjl:ct~, parlic'
ularly Ih c Iwcd of f~tkra l Iq;i, I:llion in
the areil of p... n,ilm~ ,
It upp"ar, Ihal (al thi, ",!itin!,!). h)'
hue April. \Ie "ill hc ... 'paicncin!,! our
left 10 riMh l. Po. ll and AS$i~lan l BUSiness
firSI gawli n ... , Imrl llgc 'liKe Wurld WHr These '1I11.ed memb~,. o r local 1836, Nuh- MenaKer DeMden, BU$inen Manager R,ch
II. F ,cn foreign mill'lel' do nut appear ~ tlte, Ten n" wore rormally p,. . . nl .. " wllh a.d P.a~, lind eu.ln .. " Rep.esentat,ve Jo~
capahl e of ,uppl}iI1!; the e-rimHled 1"0 ... tl'~mltnt p,ns, Standlns. lell 10 "111'01, are NtKon, lOCII 1837. Po.tsmouth, N.H., 0'
B,olh.... L W WlIddeU, H O. NO.lh, lind J, toeer" diSCUSS pefiOnat changes 10 be made
per cenl deficiency \lhid, "ill "ccur_ II W. Smlth, Seat .. d, e.ot h .... John [ub .. nU " Cape Sleam
is our hope Ihal the ~h{)rtalte doc, not O. 'f.It.
readl \lIcll prupurtion, ", III mt erfere
with tho ..... LocIl 1 I ~n_~ memlll,:r, '.I h(l ,tre
and B P. Ca,man, who II 84 Y"'S
c{)ntcmpl a llllg molt)r Irip' tim ing Jul y.
The ~itllali()n 111 1I1'ear "at~hing.
A r ... poll in the 1\ ,,1/ .\/ral JOIlfllfI1
stated tlml the Ni\lIn Admini,tr:ll ion
"a~ conlemplating Ihe i"llance o f :I
directl\~ tu 1I ,'allh. 1I11";llllIn. and \\eI ·
fare thai "0111,1 preduuc ,uilinl! union
lIlemhch from the collcetilln IIf 'lclf(lfe
hcncfib_ '1 hi~ H~tion i, Ill,:lI1l! ad~tk::H ed
by the N:lli{)llal A',o.:i:,tillli o f Manu fa c·
tllrer,. If thi, 11~lIon " t:llc n, it I,ould Scene o f Ihl Milne nllgot,al1ng session in
Illean that a Illan elluld Ill,: fired for P'°flten
c;lU~e . quit IIf hi, OW'l lulltiiln, or ,im·
pi } re fll,e to "()r~ at :lll) jol', "ilholll le tt 10 rlSht, Brother. R. V. B.acey, Ihe Local Trying t o Organize
the fear Ih at hi , depcndcnt c hilll!'cii fi,st black man 10 10Tn In. toeAI, nnc1 H,llro(t
would be dcni ed c,.,entia l puhlic :",,,t· Orottl~'S Jo r,n (ubonk s and H, 0, No,lh , Main e Publ ic Serv ice Work ers
anl'C. Bli l. if hc be<':lIml: t,'mpOI'nrily 1111' I..V. IIIJ1. l'OI(TS\IO lJrJl, i'.Il.- Th ...
employed llue to hi, loya ll Y to IIl1ioll Retireme nt Pins G ive n; loea" that merged into [ (X'a l 1107 on
principle.,. hi, dependent ch ildre!1 cOlild Work Hold;ng Up Well ' e hruar) ),t arc Maine 1 0eah 331,
rot. Or!;aniz... d litbor II ill 1I1' le r ilcqt,ic'ec Portland : 1119. AII!,:u,tn: 1)26, Bangor:
in ,"dl hlatanl di-.crimil1(lliUIi al!;tin,1 L. U. 11136. "oI,\ SIIVII.I .E, '11~ "oI'I .-AI ;111\1 loIn1. Walenillc: and New H llmr'
IIniO ll i~Ill, ullr rc!,!ulHr I1lC~·tjll!; tm Ma rd. ~:!nd, , h ire I llCitl, IOH . ConeurLl: 11 .'17. l: ~c·
Support CO I'I ' :lnd the AI I ·ero. 101.:11 1836 fO!'llutlh pre,ei11ctl ['elire· Ie!' ; an.1 175_~, 1'I}mOIl[h,
II1 1'KY W M IM I" , I''s, me nl pl!1 ~ 10 filc men whu hill'e reltretl Illl\lne" \ ! ;lIIager Kichard I'ra y and
o'e r the 1',1\1 !il'e lear~. '1he} arc II I1,i n ... " Re pr ... t,llile Jl'IC Ni~on 1131 ;':
IImther B. 1'. (Ilrnl,III, IIho i, 1101 )ea'" heen ".ul Ulg h.. n l Iry in g tu org:lnize
Loc al 1833 Exte nds of :tgc. ;H1d II r,)lh O:-I\ Juhn I IIhanl', II the "()r~er' IIf \I ,line I' nhlic Serl'l!;e of
Gratitude to Local 41 D_ North, J. W, '>lIlilh. :tntl 1 W. \\';Id· N.,rthern \l iline inlo ollr loca t l here i,
dell. \ome of the'>C (l1l1 ' Ilere rrc'o:-nlCII ,I tremendllll' i1l1lO1l1ll of paper w<lrk
L. U. 1833. 1I0I tS I~ II E \I)S. N . ' .- I h" 10 Ih... men al our ,\nnll:11 1I.H1'1u~·1. ''''(lC1 1111) , in timl:. Ihi\ "ill dimini,h.
leller h H ":l} of \.;I}ing "thanl )"11" to hilt a, \Ie did nOI h ~I\e all 'If the nWI1 \\e ;til 1111"1 ,upport Brolher, I'nl} and
[he officer. an d me!1lhcr~ of 10c,,1 01 I . ,here Hnd tlid not gel rill) pil'lllr... ,. lhi' f\.i\tlrl in order 10 male Ihi, merger
S}f:ICII\C. f\.c" ' (\r~ , fllr Ihc fmc man· pre-.cnl:llion '"'' heltl 'II that there ".H~
ncr in whidl our delegate'. John Palll.J· would I'IC a pklori,d recm.1 of Ihe Clent NqlutJ.llion, in ['"Ih ,tate' .,I:lrted carl)'
ino, Geraldine '>p:lh:thli. Bruce K,ml'IC). We '1;Id a fir" in .HIT local IIrnther III \pnl. ,wll 1'>1 thc time th" arllde i~
:Inll (1:li. Mldle), "ae 11'cOited HI the R. V, 11'-,":1') II:" heeume the fir'l hl;t~l in print. II ... ,h\lIlIJ h:llc ne\l eontraCh.
Leader'hip Tr; lintnll Seminar held Ht nl.ln tn jtlll1 OIiT lu(,,1 I II ":' } 11\llhinll of fuotl pric<", gasuline
Iheir 10e:11. Ag:lin. Ihi, pro\C'> that Our Ilor~ i, holding 1111 wcll, 111111 hOI , d,cn L!_:! pcr ~cnt \in~1: Ne" 'car\
IHl'W memhcr~ :Ire 'Of'" thing, ale ~uin~ ,tlonlt ,nwuthl)' al Ka.l- '0 '.I", "til n... ed II 'lIh'Ianl1,,1 rai'e ju,t
Imern:,tion:ti Rcpr ... \CnHlti\'C John I , nor al Ihi, tillle II) brc;,l c'cn, II r"lher~ Pr,,) "nt! Ni\on
Mc Dermllil. Jr. ,md II (' lI1emher Brother J,I1III:' I ;llIIen~I' left U\ HI "C' h"'e Iheir \lOI~ (u t uut for Ihem, AI-
"Out,·h" ILtll llran Hre 10 Ill,: cnn~fatll' liIrn to th e '·\lI1-rruCli~ln Held, tend }\)\Ir hKal nWCling <1f unil mee ling
1:lled fur lheir Jlre~entalion of th e 1''''IJ<:r Our ~:tf~l) Commillee. "ith Brut he r to ~eefJ ahr";I't of prugrc's hein,!! made.
usc of lIur eo n,lillition. We al'e hopin g lien I Hf.cnhy the dlitirt1WIl, Iltl'> been Brol her Alden Da y. Ne" Ilamp'hi re
Ihat lhe~e sc minars will I~ co nlinlled ge lling ,omc th ing, eOlree!etl, "Irel}"i,c. Al'pli (:t ll ee )er,k-enw il. i~ rctiring. lI e

Jun e, 1973
earl) rt riremenl ... ere reached. Also, ~, .
Scenes 0/ Local J 837 At Con'rol Cen're eral job ela~~ifiC"" l ions "' ere negotiateU.
This h the 'I;'(th eo nw.tct rh:1I h:1~
bee n ncgolinled bc t .... ee n the Iroq uuis
Gas COfpor at ion ;lIld the IBEW.
11 1 /'o k" L 1{11'o{,1 I.. B . l\! .

Locals and Management H ave

Unique Relationship
l..U. Z2IK, 1'0 1 G II KEEI'SI E, N.Y. -II)
the lime )011 read thi!>, l ocal 22111 and
her si~le r 1.0.::11 320. I'oughleepsie, ... ill
he negol iarin.,: a new t"onlrnc t ... it h (en·
Iral Hluhon. We are proud of rh e re la·
lionship 111<11 e",i~t s ~t ... een lIlan:lgcmenl
.tnd Ihe loc;11 union~. Il'> ... e arc oon·
linced Ihat 11 is unique in lhe indu~tr)
A .ap... Hntallwe 01 Slue Cross-Blue ShIeld field loJa).
.upl .. ,ns Home Hulth Delivery Ca .. Se ' ~lc, Rccenlly. I' rc\iucnl J ohn T . Uunl pre·
\Q the union <1,,1"8111....
/>C nred l·rrle .. 1 I'. Ahhuu...c. " re,idenl or
Brolh!!' Les ShuWewo.lh. Loul 2034. Winn, Cemral Hurl\un GH~ tlml I'leclric (Uf.
peg. Man~ is .I>o... n ... ,,'"" p.nets ,n the poralion. wit h an IBI W I-iom)rpry
Manilob. Hyd.o 8u,ndon COnl.Or Centre \ lcmbehhip ("prJ ....igned by l're<Oldenl
When complelH, ,I ... ,11 lInk lI.e S;oskalch.,
.... n Power S~I.m 10 Ihe m.~t .. superv,· I'illard. '1hi, prcsent:ltion ",a~ made for
so'y control 'Yltem at W,nn,peg. the conlinlleu coopcrallon "lIh ... hl('h

ha~ been an cmplo>ec for Ihe com pan)

~incc t\LlJ;U~1 .'I. 1946. II i~ h.\po:u Ihal
B,ulhu Day \\ill cnjor hb \\cll'(:lfn(:<I

l~~~~~~~;;~~~~; HV.~",,,ch'nB
re tirement.
Brother Don (:uunIT}man. a ~harlcr
member of I~ RO(;hc"cr Unit. h;\\ been
promoted to worl.lng fO(clll;.n meier. bo.rd WaS
COnltOI OO;o,d. 'abfOcated ;ot~tt.e
l ab,,~"ed by Ooug Bowie. and Les RIddell
Cenl" •. The
Ihe Brandon COnllot Cenl,e.
Congratulation, \0 uur Brother in 1m
nc\\ :."ignmcnl
\, a word of w;I(ning. don', l..ill B II~i· Contract Signin g
~" Rcprc')entnti\l: j\ji\OIl llhom our
car', bemg u~J 11)' him. bC'c:IU'>C If >011
do. )011 ma) end lip thall~inll our flat
li res for him. Bmther, Harry Sl:,rhirU.
Willi:tf)l SlrC\1(lIl. ;I!1U Robert 1I11!'1l' elm
~ou~ h f Of Ihi,. Ni~(ln k idded Burn,
ahoul Ihe car. \a)lIlg Ihal he alrcad) ha,
the quahfic311om, (' three-..I;I) ,u'pen-

D ~\' I 1~()SllUl\t, I'.S

D\\l AIH't!>, I'.S.

Local 2154 Signs

Contract With IGC
L.U, 21 S ~ , II U I' I'I\I.O, ;\'.Y.-Qn I·ch·
nl<lry ISlh. a rIC\\, t\\o-)ear a~rcetnenl Local 2154. Buflelo. N.Y~ ~jgned its Ij~lh conhact Wllh the l,oquolS Gas Corpo,;oTlon,
heh_cen I.ocal 2 I ~4 and lhe Iroquoi~ Sealed. lell 10 "11M. St;onley J. 80sin,k,. Pre,odenl; Hen,), L R,ngle. Bus,n@oS$ Manaller:
Cloyd C. V,ce Pres,dent. IfOqUOIS Gu Co.por;ollOn; [d .... 'd G. Jasper. Inlernahonai
Gu, Corporal ion y,as !>uc«ssrully nc,,:oli· R,presental,ve; J;omes Schnelt'n~t. Ch;olfm;on. [.ecu"~ 8oa,d; .nd J;omes Ryan ;ond loUred
:,Ieu. Hatt,nat"n. J •.• becullve Boa.d m~mtlflf •• Stand,ng. Erie C.", Reco.donB Secreta')'; p;oul
T he agreemenl pn)\idc~ a '>C\Ctl per TaddIO. ExecutIve Bo.,d member; Ge . e ld Sy,acuse. ASSISl anl P""onnel Manlg... Ifoquo"
cent incre3..e in each of the 1\\0 )ear,. Oat Corporal'on; J ohn H ul~a. AnlSlanl P.rsonnel Manaa"r, l'OQuol' Gas CO'llOr1Ition; No.-
mMl t. Bow... Pe.sonnel "",n;oae •• IfOquol' Gas Corpoteilon; Ind Michael Allexenl>e'8. Rob-
A 1'lh hol idll)', impro_ed \':Ic:llion, erl Ernst. Robe.1 Conn. Allen R, B...:ker. D.vid ReddIng. John E. Ha"ls, and J;omes Wnson,
Ill;ljor medical, and impro,·emcnl in the Sr •• ExecUTIve 80a.d members.

lB EW Jou.n,,'
For Coop eration 10 he prcrcqlli,ilc~ h) IlIpcrvi'\Il"} !>Cleo.:- A eOll1l11em ffOrn HnOlher meeh~lIk
lion ho;'rd~ ill the ...... Ieclion of 'lIpcr- -"We'le gOl I() ,lid logcl hcr. Clen if
vi..ors. r hil1t.. 1100111 )omc of them YOIl Ihe Itrotllcr i, 1\1"0111(:' I dun'l find Ihi~
hale"n. 11 0" i, it JlO"ihle for a pr<'lI1i~ aeecpI:,hlc. lI uw (an we po~'ihly
mcch;mie 10 communicate \\ilh a ,"per- ("peel inlc!!rily OIL the pari of manaSe-
"hOT" ho i, nlUn: an :IJnuni,lr;tlOr Ihlln menl \I hen union membcrli 1:lJ..e ,ueh
:1 lechnician'! II bn't possihle. ,L fi"O,ililln We Il;Ile an obh!C.uion 10
Communication and under'!:1IIdins he- ,hll\\ a mi'~IIILIcII Ilmlher tile error of
Illeen :1 .. npen bur anJ hi, ,ubunlinale, hi, 11,1), an.1 <lllel1lpl 10 gilc him gllid·
arc IrcmendUll'I) lil:tl. An ilJlI',lrllH<m i, an.:e.
Ihe J,)I:~-,i,k' , of ,I IIIt-m,1I me in 1 ,In 1It)1 111(lee Ihat. to be elfe,'lile, a
allolher ,hil'}ilrd \Clcr:11 lear, :l~u. II BrOlher IlIr a llIllon) h;l\ 10 be di,rllp'
"11\ ellhcr Im:J.. (If COlllIIHlIlie:llion Of a ti'e, lIlililllnt. nr hartl-headed: wlher. oy
lact.. of 'In-th~-jub 'u~nhion. ne~e";lr) .. di,play of inIC1(ril), he could he:1 val-
10 coordinatc the del ail, of Ihe aelilll}, nahlc ll'\CI to all) 1(fOUp. By \irilic of
Ih,LI cau,ed Ihe Ili"L,lcr. T'IJ..e }Ollr rid. hi, fidelity to hI' narc Ihe bcnclici:11 ef-
t\1 Ihe inqllir}, Ihe (1IIe~lion, "Tu II Iml fe..:t of hi, guod II tlh Hlliwdcs and hi,
eXlelll i\ Ihc mechanic h:lhle'!" 11111 ,.hllily II) imp,ln hi, Ifillie\\ ledge
P,uldent Jo~n T. Bunl, Loca l 2218, Pough, rlli,ed and e~plor<·d. On Ihal \uh}ect. I and c.l pcrienct' hi hi, fellow\ j~
~~~ p5Ie. NY., tight, presen t. ftn IB[W ha'c a '!lIe\tion- "At "hal poil1l doc, ill\"luabl~ he)ond l·lIleul:uiun.
HonorMy Menlb"t.llip Cp.d to ["'.5' [, Al t ,llhonlination he!,!in"!"" ., he LilIClt for the pcdeci '"[1CTll-or
110"''', Pr •• i(tent of Hud.on Gu end
Electric Corporation, fo. con tlnl'ed coopera. ,\ qllc,timl fr,~m a rne.: hanic 11:1\, IIIU'I 1">C1(in "illt Ihe dcvelopment of the
lion. "Why e:IIl't I he in my 1IL1!Omobile IIlten perfecI IIlcclmnic. I hinh abolll i1.
the quil-"IlIJ.. "11I'lic hltll"'!"' We filII..:· A 'I"wined 'lIpcriof pcrforman~~'
M r. Ahhml'C met an,1 nc~ulilllcJ lhe lion under ,I nc)Culiated agreel1lelll , A\ ,I a"ard for 1;111 (jar)' ,1IlJ William Doug-
1971 C\HlIt'llel. a, Ilell a, 'Hher mal1cr\ re'lIlt. YOIi arc ulJo"cd time Iu IIa,11 III' I.. , for Ihi, lIort.. Oil the ,~nClIJ:lr}. A
euneen1ln!,: union-C()mp'llly felllliun, IlwI and 1'111 :tW:LY lour look YOII ,lltIuld be jJ.II on Ihc 11".;t.. for their ,upcni,or.
have :lri"oClI ,ince hI.' l"ICcame Ihe eomjl.l- Join1( onc of Ihe,e Ihin~' when Ihe John !)al1entlCr1(er, for rccogni;o:ing the
n}'\ cle~ulilc ullker. "hi'lle hlull'. ", :1 union mcm l~r. }LIII Inc1 uf Iheir cunlrit-ulion. Gilr~ WlIl1er_
\Ve .Ire cI)l1fiJcnl Ih:11 Cl.'nlral I lnJ...on ,holiid h;l\e ,ullkiel1l individu~1 relpon - I'llll'ed fir,1 in the re,uJII of Ihe ,upcni·
reali,e, Ihe po,ilion \Ie all find uurM,!hc\ 'ihi1il~ 10 re'pcel the terlll~ of Ihe 1.'011- ~r\ le,1. ("On!,:mlllllilion" fclloll~'
in, ",ilh Ihe fcccni Jerl\;lnd, pl:teed llpoon tract, Jlt .. t "II <;;{ 1101' I, J II •• 1'.5.
us II)' !,:OH'I nmcnl:. 1 fe!,:u l,l1ion" anJ wilt
mat..c enr) cfron 10 hrin~ I() Ihe lable :1
cOnlntel "ht(h \\ill pl"oli,k :1 -.ccure fu- Farewe ll Party Farewell Party Held
lUre for Ihe nlCml"ICf, uf Ihe l'1eric;t1 ami
ph)"~ic:IIIIlI::ll, 011 her rropt'fI) .
,v ."". For Brother Wicks
1 00.::11, :!:!II< .u1d n() hope 10 rtllif) I..U. UUI. orr,\ \\ A. o.....-r.-In /'>oil-
Ihe eOIllr.lel priur 10 Ihe elpir;Lliun ,1'lie lember, Unit 9 he ld :l farewell part) for
of J ul) hi. Brulhcr I ric WicJ.. ... "ho relired frum
h .... 1 1",0111",1.5. Ihe lc1c(Olllmlinkalion~ and 1" 1c~'lrollic~
\cellon afler :!6 )e;lr, of 'en kc.
Hunters Poi nt Naval -I \lenty \eeltnici;III' anJ whe, allcnded
Sh ipyard Has Busy Period Ihe party HI lite Nc\\fullndlnnJ Airpool'l
(" Iuh. "il h 11111,;.: lIy FJdic Yclm:lII.
L. u. 2227, SA" FitA"'(; ISCO, C,\ I.I F, Gin, \IUC pro.:,o.:l1led \0 Brolhef F rie :111(1
-011 Ihe \lalerfr,Jnt. (llir )l1rd lUI, come it hullquct uf nO"cr~ 10 his wife. lIIa,.ie,
inlu II billy periud. WorJ.. " ill plU1(re" on hehalf of Iheir uwny frien, ls.
011 Ihe l 'i~""II, a D.L.O. crui\Cf, ami Iho.: W e wi,1t Ilrolhe,. Fric MlCl'e" ill hi~
c:II'fier, tIIlrln'(/\' :lnd 1\;'11"11/1" C II ) Ihe flllilre entle"I()III',
Mrs. [. P",ksen. "Sh!. prese!1' . flowers to
lime (hi, lelle!" j, in prinl, 'Iill :lt1ol hef M,s. [,Ic Wicks. D. S. I),IVII)(.I . H. M .
~alTicr \\ ill t"IC added hi the wurt.. 10'ld.
No one e:1I1 p""i"l) dellY Ihal Ihi, i~ a
carrier 'hipyurd. I hi, Iype of ,hip ;, nl-
mO~1 ollr , ,~ei:tlly -jl l'ume, from elre-
Some of Ihe men deep l) inHlh'ed in
the more lechnical a~pc~ls Oil Ihe I\.ill)-
hn"" arc IIdl ~,Ifge,ml, Kidl,lrd (..rO!.
fLoea l 6). Bruno M arl:l. ;tnll T hilo
Grafe. -I hito ":1\ 1111 elcl:lriei:lt1 hefofe
nmn)' of hi, fcllo" "or~er, "ere !>orn.
In hi, 20 lear, in Ihe ):Ird. hc hll .. IIC\Cr
llsed one da) of ,iet.. le:lle.
I li'lclled 10 'ollie inlele,lin1; COlli-
Illenh frOm n ,upcn l)or ~.hoUl Ihc IrOll-
b le~ e:lU "oC(1 hy IInion~. ~ 1 ) rC)l'ol1'\C is
Ihal thc trouhle) cau\CII hy ulliom :Irc
largcly dlle 10 thc re,ult of Ihc IIhu'-C of
' lI pcrl' i ~\lry aUl hori ty :md Ihe llrrOSlln(e
of l'O"cr. T hc " rc'ent e.\:lelll of union
involvenh:nt :tnd Ihe pl'incipnl flinClion
of II nio n' wilh m the frame .... o r'~ of o ur Unt l 9 of Local 2228 Olla wn. Onl., httd a la'~ w e ll pa rl ), lor Ofothe, Eric Wic ~s, who
~ i tu il lioll j~ 10 "inh!srelil,c" ~lIpc"vi,io n . .e!ired " om the Te lecommunicatlon. li nd [Ie"hontc. Sect10n. Back row. te ft '0 right.
Po.: rso nal inl egri ly II ml c~pcl"li,c in ~lIh­ E. Dechl, G. W"ldsor. J. Guppy. D. HnUtH. E. PUl ksen. H. Aunell. And J. Du nphy. Front
row. R. PAfsons, C. Carlson. R. SmUh, Mil. E. WiC ks, J. Dempsey. [. Wic k. , L Hickey, and
jeci Ilml ler IIe l'C nOI :t llla)s con)idl'rcd R. Campbell.

Jun., 1913
Disaster Areas G e t Aid; Ladies Auxiliary Dinner-Dance
Local Moves t o New Office
I..U. 233(;. i\ IILW,\U KEF.. \\ ISC..--
Ma y nO\l e r~mlly COme from April \ho\l-
cr~. but here in Wiscon,in. Ihe qUid
Ihllw llnd record'selli n11: nliil in lhe IlIIe
winler month ~ cauloed '-C~el1l l of our
comnmnitic;. borderin~ n\cr~ llOd ~mall THIRD ANNIVERSARY
ponds to find thcmsel\e\ in the ri\ers
lind ponds once Ihe nooJiil11: ~tllr\cd.
ADll ....lXI' •':"RY
Hence. mo" of tho'\C comlllunilic, hnH' IBEW- L.O CAL7 79
been declared di~"ler areas l;I) our loe:'lI
and fcderal gol'ernmcnl~ and ha \c re-
cei\ed a~\i~lance.
I hope all 1001. a momenl on Memo-
rial I>:. ) 10 remember [he American Sol-
dich who fell in baltic.
A ~ of this" riting, I don't what
effect the na,ionwide ho)cotl on mea'
\liII Im\ 1: Oil IIle,,1 p,iec,. hut I hope Ihe
reslIl" will be poo.ili\'e. Ma)he it's time The Ladies IHUII,a.)' of Local 779. Columbus. Ga .• 'Kenlly held n. Third I\nnive.ury Dln-
for the people 10 ,,[ar, a I'ha-.c II of ne,·Dance. Show", 1,1t to "8hl. a" M.s. J ill Tart. v,c. P,esident and Membe~hip Chal~­
man. Mrs. S.nd'lI No"ls. p ••.,deni: Mrs. Novella Pottl., E>!l<:uhvl Dj'K'io •• I\fL-CIO Na·
their own on all high I"'ri~e~ [hat llre Iional AUKlharles; Ind M••. faye Knight. Vice Pres,denl, Th .. d Dls'flcl, Georg'. S"tl
bcin,ll on them. AFL-elO.
Our loe:l!. lil.e many other~ through·
out the: country. i~ now cngOlgcd in an-
other rcrenl deve lopment, one v.hlch ha, ....;lJ.:: and con\enicntly 10000ated for nlcmt-ocr\hip-drive part}. ~ith all mtm-
C".! u'Wd almO'!t ner) per'>On to hale new all of our meml'C". he,", "nu v.i\e\ of I ()l;:ll 779 an!.! pro-
rencctions about the Amcri~;m v.orl. A'TIIO'" II ~IWl"J·\K. A)\1. l. ~pe.:tile mcmhe" in\ileJ.
forcc. ' Ihi~ uClelopmcl1l i, culled Wom- Guc,t 'PI.' v.ere \l r~. NUlclla
CII'S I ib. or el.llla l right, for \lomcn In !>orter, F~ecllt i l'e Di rec[or of the A I L-
a group o f [here C:IO he no Lad ies A uxi li ary Hold s (10 National AU~lli!Lric.,. :Inu I\Ir\.
'>C~cs, nnl) people. Prcgnalll;y i\ a di\- t':I)C Kn i!lhl. Vite Pre,illent of the
ca'>C. or m:ciden t. and the !lOvernnlcnt
Third Annua l Dinn er-Dance I hlrd IJl\tncl. Geor~i!l State Art -C IO.
has I~cn 'cllin!! U ~ about family pl,lO- L.ll. 779. CO l.l1'IIH S, GJ\.---On Shurt rcports v.ere ghcn by olltll-oing
ning ;lOd birth control which are 10 Het \l arch 10th. the AI I .( 10 I :l<lic\ committee chairj;.uic) to let prmpt:ttilc
a\ 11 dctcrmcnt for the di'>C~..e. Oh. v.ell! Au~iliar)' of l ocal 779. Columhus. memher, !.now the purl'O-.c Hnd gO;jl\ of
Our loe .. 1 has mOl cd from it~ o ld Gcor!;i". helJ it~ Third Din· nllr nrgJn i/.ation.
office :II )-110 South 13th \Ireel. \hl- ncr-Dance al the Ilotill:!) In n in !>hoe· /I. dance follov.ed lhe prO!lr.lm. 1 hc
v.~lUlee. 10 larger quarteh ;11 12::!8 \\ C\[ "i~ Cit). v.ith appro\imatel) 60 people nlll'l~ furnl~hC"d h) Corradino'~ v.a'o en-
Mlh:hell Street. Mil"au .. c.... I'm ~urc the allenJin~. Thi, )earl} elent. held each jo)eJ h) all.
new Illcaliun v.ilI prOle to he morc M:lrch. V.1I\ II joinl :jnnl\cT\"r) :lnll Pit! ss 51 etl! T....n

roll/illl/rtf 1(/)111 /'ill!" 16 \ellling OVer ~2 l)Cr cent of the dol- union at (hc April 91h courl hea r-
Marathon made a joint olTer of lar valu..: of Ihe cI:tim ~. 92 per ClOtH ing in Madi.!>on. !BEW International
lM:u lcme nt to the union . Pn;\iouo!> ly. of Ihe votcr\ I"eprco!>e nting 54 per Rcprco!>enlativc Duna ld Crevier no!>-
Ihe companks had claimed Ihal thl') (,'cnt of the claims votcd 10 aCCl'pl "i,II'!! Ineal union o m ~rl:o in Iheir
had paid in only about 550,000 for the offcr. On April 91h. Ihat settle- stlccclo!oful effort s to e nforce thc con-
pcn~ion lh:nefits for Wllu ,a u em-
ment wao!> approved by J udg.; Do) I.; Iract.
rJoycc~ and thaI Ihi~ Illoney wa.!>
and entered as an o rder of Ihc rhe three local union oOicers
needed jU~1 to pay pCIl\ioilS 10 the court. drm o.! 140 mile!> from W,IU\:IU 10
retiree\. Under the ir prupo~lli. the T he unio n wa~ rcprc,e nt..:d in the Madi,on for Ihe 9 :30 A.M. heartng.
law~ uit by Gl'rr) Miller of Gold- leaving at 2:30 A .M. in the mid~t of
companie.!> offered 10 pay all money
berg and Previant and Uelmcn. Mil- thl' wurst April snowstorm in Wi,-
owed to thc rct iree\ \\ ilh illtcrc\!
waukee. Ralph Bu,11l1clJ of Madi!>Oll con~ in hi\tory-15 inc hes uf ~ IIUW
and to increase thei r pCIl\i om to the
and Richard William Au\tin of wilh wind gu~t up to 50 mph . Be-
contractual ratl.!. Chicago repre,ented Gould . I m~. c:tu'>C of the !lnowstorm. J udge
Moreo . . I.!T, the proposal ca lled for E'lrl Mun,on of Madi!oon ami hmes Doyle. who had waited ovcr an
payment of an additional S25U.UOU Brelsford of Ilou)lon repn.:\I.'llIed hour for a bu!o 10 appear. had to
in monthly or lump-... um "oCvl.!rance Marathon Manufacturing. In alllli- condUCl the hearing by telephone
bcncfit~ to the 231 I.!mplo)ees Il.!rmi- lio n to union coun\l.'l. Virginia confere nce call from hi s ho me. :lI1l1
nalet! wlll"l1 the plant do~ed. On Thuma ... I (wal 2266\ chid ~tc w:trd, verbally approvell the order. Later
November 27. 1972. at a ullion Lila JohnMon. it\ recordi ng secre- in the day, :ifter J udge Do}lc sc-
meeting auended by 74 per cent tary. and Joan Wunsch, an Execu- curell a ride to Ihe courthou\e, the
of the d igiblc cmpJoyl.!c~, repre- tive Board member, rcprl'\C ntcd th..: oruer \\a~ signed and entered.

60 18EW 10\l,nol
IBEW LIFE· thc bucket at pole lOp. ob,erved a 1972. Howart! B:mey accidc tlt:llly
tlallh of light. turned. and saw a tiPixd o\'er a buckel of solvent.
SAVERS CLUB ball uf fire by the legs of Russell \\hich drenched him from shoulders
('(}mi/wl'd frum {J(I,I:f! 12
P OliS. who wa~ un the pok. Kriczar 10 ankles. At [he same tim e. [he
J lily 20, 197 2, came in contact with ca lled rJown [u the driver to [urn , o lwn[ spla:.hcd Oil a hot light b ulb.
lIll cncrgi7cd 23-KV liliC . The other in an eme rg': lII':y signal. I"rouhlc re- causing [h..:: ,olvent to vapori;...::: the
crew members, Mil- c E. Cooper, lief mcn SIeve Ad:unowio ;md Paul fl n,h of the burning clcme nt i!,:nilcd
Charles S. Marlin, Waller G. 1)1.,:11. Schlaline re!'> pomkd to the l'.. 11 and. Ih..:: \ apor :1I111 the ~o l w !ll . Brothcr
and William I-I. Smith. heard the m Ihe :.cenc, found the aerial ladder Baney wa' immedia lely engulfed in
:lre and suw a ba ll of fire at the of a fi re Iruck e>;tcnded [ 0 polc [Op. Ihllll(,)' and Tan. ~c r,,-::ullin g. William
lap of the pole. Brother Dunn . \\ith Brother Kric;.ar appl}ing Ua rh'r heard the M:rca l11 ~. ran [ 0
knocked ullconscioU',>. hegan spiral- mouth-t\l- l11out h re),u ..dtatllltl 10 Ihe area. tackled Baney. and tri('d
ing down the pole. Ilh "~c:lro.!·' rOIl~. I hey clil11hcd tile pole and hl I")('at out [h~' flame' \\ith hi~
~lrap, wh ich wa~ '>lill f",,,t c ncd. rel lewd KriClar at the rc~u ..eit a[ iOI1 halllh. When this failed. he grabbed
caught on a Knol ap pw'(illlatdy six effort: Ihen. they preparcd Pntt .. to a nearby dry pOWder firc c."(lin-
fecI frOIl1 Ihe ground, breaking his be Itmercll tn Ihe ground. POll" gui,hcr ;lnd put out the fl;lIlIe,.
fall. He \\01<; hanging upside down, suffcred Ii,..,t-. v.:cond-. and third- Brother Ba ne\ li\"cd for t\\(l \\cd ..
and hi s d ut hes ..... e n.: on fire. The degree burn~ ovcr 45 per C": l1t of IX'fore ex:piril~g from col11 plicat i\)u..
cr..:w members rCJII\l\ cd him. his budy. the re,ult of I:nntacti ng nrnughl ahout by the lire.
.,t r.:tc hcd him o ut o n the ground. 7.620 \·olts. but hi, life w;" savell On \l1a\ 30. 1972. 'iorm;lI1 Van-
.!>Irippcd ,md cuI nfT his hurning by the actilm .. of hi, threc Brothel"'>. Pelt com;cted :I -I.160-\"0It primar}
clmhc,>. and placed him in J>O,>ilion Ano ther memher of Local I :\:W conductor. and hi~ but!} \\:"
10 open hi, air pa'>sagc :lIld chcd. had pre\iou.,h won the IB I W Life- L!TOunded on [he [ramforl1ler c .. ,c.
for foreign uhjccts in hi, moulh. Saving \ warll. H i.. 11OI...h lurched. and he recei\ed
Dunn had no heart beal amI hold l·ut... and brui-,c,. Mill in conWct
slopped brc;lIhing. \0 mouth-to.. GILBERT KEA \.. ilh the primary voltage. L Ci)11:Ihl
mOluh re~ u ~citat ion .IIU.I c:Ir(Ii:lc BENJAMI N KIAAINA Il orton henrd the 110i,e. , i/ed up
ma~),ag.: wcre ~ta rl ed . Shortly there- th.: ,i[uatitll1. sci/..:d :1 hUI 'lick. and
after, hi~ breathing returned to nor- Local 1357, Honolulu, Hi.
pulled Van Pdt clear {If Ihe Iral1'-
mal. ;Jlld he W:l'-. n.~hed 10 the Frank Vee \\a .. .,\\irnllling in Gil- forl1l1:r. I-Ie thell callcd fur help.
h o~ pital . bert KC:I'~ ~\\lrnl1l in g ponl (lU Srp- "' hr('e other I.ocal I J92 memher,
On "':ovellIher 1. 1971. Enni~ E. tember 9. 1972. \\hen he 10.,1 1* 1"k.'I(lng 10 the Life-Sa\er~ C lu b.
rate wa~ ,tl1pp.:d b} a telephon.: bal:lllel! ...wallowed \\a[er. ,LIId he ..
company elllployce. \\ hl1 reported gan II) In'C cun\Ciou'lIe". BrOlher R. K. MANDELLA
that 11 man wa .. appnr..:ntl} dead on Kea Iloticell Brnther Yee floating
Ihe pnrking lot or :1 nearh} ..choo!. faced(1\\ n. diH:d into till' pool. and
Tate quickly t:allcll for:1Il ambulancc pUllcli Bro[her Vee out lie then local 1460, Joliet, III.
:1Il1i polic.:: h.: then n"hcd to the applied lT1outh .. lo-rnnuth re,u..cit:l-
On the rllllrninJ! nf i'olareh I.
parking lo\. wher..: Ih..: <'choul nur),e [ion :lIu.l () th ~'r lirc-,:I\ ing IIIca,ure~. 1972. a cr;llK' con l;cled t\\O 34 .. KV
was giving. mouth-to-mouth re,mci- until the amhulam:e arrj\~'d. , ubtran !'> m i~ .. ion lin e~. Donald
tat ion. "1":11 ..: relieved the nurse and George Hig:l.,hi. ,tanding on a Sprague. walling along,ilic the c ranc
continued hi~ lifc-!'>aving efforts until pl:ufoTm while \~orling on a pole. and ,upponing part o f the crane\
the viclim began breathing on his wa .. aho ut to open his r'Ji\Cd um .. , ted cable on his sho ulder. \\a ..
own. The \ictim. Ci}lk Crabtree. brdla Oll [he morning of Nmember w\erdy burned. Someone put out
a construction \\orker. had been 21. 19 72. whe n Con tacl wa , made the fire on hi\ clolhing. and .... R.
crushed beneath the (r:lIlle and bed with a 7.300"\011 condu("lOr. l figa .. K. iI..'landdla ami R. E. M:Hlhach :I r..
of a dump truck. shi Imt con-.c iu u!'>nc" and fell from ri\·.:d a l Ihe SC':lle. olle of th..:: !inr'
TheS\! :lw:l rd... bring 10 17 the thl' pl:Llform. His fa slened safety .1ltempted to reclose :LUtomatically
IOlal number of Ilu: rnben of Local belt pr~'\'C I1\ed hi~ dropping 20 f..:et and triplx'd out with an accol1lp.lIlY"
1245 who have been :1\\ arded the to a brick \\,;.11 below. Benjamin ing flash. Mandella and Mauhaeh
I13EW Uf..: .. Saving Award plaque. Kiaaina . hearing Ihe no;"c. looll'd pulled Sprague clear o f the; after
up :md sa\\ Hig:ll,hi rail . I-Ie quickly determining that [here w:... no pulse.
STEVE ADAMOWICZ a't~'l1ded Ihe IX)1c. (dt for elec-
Ille [wo proceeded with re~u,cita ..
tricity wilh the back o f hi, hand. [ion . including cardiac co mpTes~io n .
and arplicd 1l10utlHO-11I0uth rl!sus" Sprague regained co n $cio u ~ ne),s. :lIld
PAUL SCHLALINE citation until Higa .. hi regained eon- the two Bro thers atte nded him until
Local 1320, Jersey City, N.J. sciou),n~s~.
he was safely ,[rnppcd into :111 am-
On thl' 1I1 orni ng of Augu st R. WILLIAM BARKER hulance.
One other me mber of Local 1460
1972. a th rce .. man line crew \\a" LEONARD HORTON
in the pn)Cc)')' of wiring a newly.. hao; won the IBEW Life-S a ving
installed, Ihrec.. ph:llle ca pacitor bank Local 1392, Fort Wayne, Ind . Award.
in a I3-KV urea. Jo hn Kriczar, in While at \Vorl on October 20. COl/lilHl l'd 01/ P(ISiI' 61

h'n •• 1973
cOlllillllNt Irolll pag.. 61 LUC LANDR Y there to ca ll the F ire Dcpanment.
local 2 142 , Mo ntrea l. Que. Then. Ihcy ran from door to door
L. V. BERUB E in [he buildi ng. notifyi ng the rc~ i­
loca l 1565, Thund e r Bay, Ont. L uc Landry was foreman or a dents of thc fire , and rescued one
line con,truclion cn:w thaI wa" m:m by laddcr. Four c hildrcn per-
E. H. Sandberg was racking out
a comhination slarter disconneci on
erecting poles on Septcmber 29. ishcd in thc fire. but because Ihc or
1971. when two trucks b..:caill': in - :n.; tiUllS of Brothers DcNaplcs and
the afternoon of February 12.1973. volved in an acci<.lent. Bro ther Lnn - Flynn. It) adulls and ch ildrcn wcre
when he accid.:ntally contacl.:d two. <.Iry. ;, ...... i ~tet.l by his crew memOcrs. rescued .
4,160·volt fuses. L. V. Beru Oc. hi, re~cued M~ . Horace Hopki ns <Ind Local :1222 ha, Ihree ol her
co-workcr. !'law the fla sh and immed- her four-month-old daughter. Kim- award \\ II1l1crs.
iatciy knock.:d Sandbe rg clear with berly. from one of the trucb. on
a blow to the che!'!!. Upon in w ... ti- wh ich bOlh <.Ioors wcrl! ja mmed <lItd ('(ll/li"lInl Irum f'''<:l' 2J
gal ion. he found Sundberg hud no under wh ich :1 fire IVa:. burning. and Dirl'ClOr or
Oren IIi ling Michad
heartbeat and wa~ not breathing. so D. Lucas' orlice. wo rking in tandem.
he administered severa l ~ harp blows JOHN DeN AP l ES Assignc<.l to the campaign wcre I n-
to Sandberg's heart area and Ix:gllli FRANC IS FLYNN (ernational Rep resentatives Robert
artificia l respiration. When Sandberg Lawson. Il aroid Bal.;c r. Garfield
l ocal 22 22 , Bos ton
Bauman , and Anthony BUlOrac.
began to breathe, Berube left him
J ohn DcNaples and Francis Flynn Rapi<.l City Locn! 1250 B u ~ in e~~
to phone for help. On rdurning. he
were on Iheir way to work on the Manager Donald Mye rs played tll1
d iscovered that Salldb\:lg\ I.m;alh-
morning of October 11. 19 72. when important role in the campaign from
ing had again slopped . Be rube re· they hC:lrd a man shOUTing for help. the :.Iart, and m c mbcr~ of Local
su med re~u sci talion until Sandho.! rg Thq loo ked and discovered a build- 1250 teamcd up with Black I IiIls
reg<lincd consciousness and nornwl ing On nr~·. Quickly. they ran into Power & Light employees to make
breathing. a colfee sho p and tol<.l Ihe man Ihc campaign a s ucccs~.

In memORIam
Qllr Faliler. wlto arl ill 11(1(11 '('11. p/I'{BI! JU'lIf ollr fllNilirllll' for Ihe l'ellO.l/! of IIII' SO li/I of oll r dl'(lr. (iI'PlIfll'{/
IJ/'O/IWI'$ (tllli Sh.ten. Adm;t Ihelll illfo YOUI' pr(!\('IIC('. Lon/, Ifwt Ihel' 111(/.1' help pl'epart' the II'{/,I' for Ill' to joill
Iltt'm IlIen' olle (IllY. l/a1'l' IIIl'rcr till Illeir 501/f.i; gral1l /hem ell'nwl rt'l/. Showl'T l'ol/I' Me.i.iil1g.i al.i·o, 0 Lon/.
olllllme of liS I\'ho rf!lI1aill 011 cartll Wlllllt'f" 11.i 10 tlo Y our lI'ill. AIII!;,II.

WiIli,lI11 J . C11I'CY, L. L' . 9 Carl !l ammerSlfunt. L.l'.:H El ml'r H. I{ricge r. LX. 12 1:;
o .~J M ~,,10 U. I t7J fJ' rd M •• (h 17. 1~71 0 ..·.1 .II.,,/' I. 197)

Hobert -'l cKinh-y. L.U. 9 Wi llis Ih'll. L.1f. 31 I'hilip :\1. lIa,,{'y. Lt·. 69i !'"ul :\Ia)',..,., L.U. 121:;
O .~J !>t.,,-/' n. "7J 1); .. .1 M a,,!' !7, 19-1 /}, ...! Ap,il I), 197J V,.·d A ~'" 1. 197J
W;l lh'r SU Il'lt. 1..1'.9 II I·rb ... rl A. Ca m pbell. L.U. II :'Ij,· S. -'Inuk. L.u. 12 1:;
1.1 ....1 F~b,w • .., I/'. 1'I7J 0, .. .1 1'•. /0 ....... 19. 19:-1
/), ...1 A ~ .. I I. 1971
lI u ro ld A. Defek. L. L 11 Willium Ttlc:r.,.ns ki. 1.. 1' . II 1I ,'rshl'l Wi l{·y. IHL·. i l 3
I), ~J J."w~.., 211. 1,} 7) 0 ..,.1 I ·.".u'"l U. 19'" 0 ..'.1 A~.d. 1971 Ed \\, .....0:1",,,,·l h. LX. 12 1:i
/), ...1 .11 .... h n. 19iJ
J . A. Bal' hi;·ri. I.. LT. 18 J oh ll 1'. I. yn ll. L. U. 79 I) t' lfnrd 11 . i\1{,1I d. SI·., 1..(1.968
D .. -J M~,<I. !J, 197< /J, aJ M <"h 7. 1~ 71 Ih"d "h,'/,. 1971 n nnal A. AUj!cr, L.U. 1:;0"
1), .. .1 .11 . . .. h JI. 1971
Hufus B. Clwah·. L.U. 18 G a rlll'\ .'\ "a FOSI<?"r. I.. L'. I t 2 . \lIwrl H. . \ hi';(I. 1.. 1' . 12 1:;
O'eJ A" .. I ~. ,,,-, V, ..d S""'onb~. 12. ,P"1 /J, .. J .tt.uh n. 1971
J a m es COUl:nn. L.l' . 1:;0;;
O .d A~ .. I 10. 1971
Hoc D. Die hl. 1.. 11. 18 :'Il icllll d J . L IlUril·. L .t'. 1:1 1 Fr cd A. H,'neo:1 ie!. LIT. 12 \:;
Oi .. J -4".1/ III . 1971 f)".J M .,,/o n, 1 ~71 m,J A" ../ n. IlI71
~\ nm, b,·11 .' taucha n. I..U. 150;;
W(' ldon T. Edcl;, 1•. 1·. t 8 Jo h n F. Grul·I,er. L.L'. 309 Troy 1~ l1 i s. 1..1I. 121.; 0,..1 J.,,~~, . , 12. 197]
O,~J "".. 1 16. I~n 0, .. .1 A~ "I B. 1971 /) ,...1 A,,,,I 16. /97,
J !lcq ll;· lin(' 1I :l rtie n. I..\.'. 1859
Clifford II s lcN. I.X. 18 l{aYHll>ud E. S lone, I_ I '. 128 :\ch' in A. Farllon. I..r. 12 1:- 0, ...1 .11 <,,10 !S. 1971
I), ~J At",1 12. '''7) 1), .. .1 M~ .< h 20. I'III 1), .. .1 A~,,' 1 ~ . /011

lIIa~ G. McCo .... n. L. U. 23 Hot,{' rl A. Byr um. 1.. [1 ••;:'8 Hll r ry It. Filb" rl, L t ' . 12 1:>
tJi ..J A",illi. 197; /)i .. J M •• eI, 1 4 . 1971 l)i ,.J Ap.U 19, /91)

Geofl:-e HagJo!llrd. t. L·. 3 1 GeOf j:C E.. :'I l n.'I:Il eld. L U. 558 Willia m E. GihS(lI1. I..U. 121:, FAI ...a rd 1'. l.e(,III·. I..V. 2326
O,~d "1.. , 10 I". 19i; O, ~J M .uh II. 197J 0.,..1 A" .. I 16. 197; 0.,..1 ~' ." h 19. 19B

62 ISEW Jou,not
EWBA Death Claims Paid 10 March. 1973
I..."·,, I S u r n:, ,,,1" 1.<,t,, 1 Sur" "n,e Jl m"'''' 1 1....·,,1 Surl1~m" Am" "nt
I,,,",,nlll,,n. )1. E. 1.2[,(1.00 :17!) ('"Ilin~. J . V. LZ:;O.OO I'~ . ,, ~. (3) Il itzenhofer. C. 1.2[,0.00
MU I'Jlef. H. F. 1. ~;;o.OO 12~ Schncider. F. \'2:;O.UO Pens. (3) Ilren. II. 1,2r,0.00
T h"r". D. L. 1.~50,OO I:J:J Kemp. J. B. 1.2GIl,(ill P C,,". '3) Brinkmll". C. 1.2.~0.OO
,, SI~\,CIl8. It. L.
()'I),, ~•.. J.
I .~fiO,OO
y"t~ •. J\ . A.
Ilt-utty. A. L.
I" 'UK. (3)
I'cnij, (:n
U n.n~. 1'. J.
(,,, lwno, J .. .
W "d~. E. L. 1.250,00 H,I Ne i ll. r;. 1.2.;0.00 P "ns.I:O (' eeil, C. fl .. . 1,2r;0.(J0
Ilu chun" ". G. S .. . ~5I),00 Iii.'} Schnllh. W . J. 1. ~r,O.00 l'e n~. (3) Cooke, II.
Denh"tfer. S. K.. . I,~!;O.()O 1,,7 J"ne8, J. W. L.2~,0.00 I','''~. (3) I)o"nc. )1. T ..... . ] .Z50.oo
l) i F f,,"cesco. IL J . 1,~50.00 17 1 ('hriMophn. II. L . \,2"tU)" I'("II S. I;J 1 D.... yer. T. F. 1.2;,0.00
DOf'I'>·. E . . _ 1,2:,0.00 17!l ~I'lf. Jr .. J. n.. \,:!:;O.OO Pl'n!. (3) t: .. dre~. t·. J ..... 1.2;,0.00
H ane}', F. E. I'ell s. (:11 Fin"eJ!;lln. J. 1.2r.O.DO
Doyle. J. J. 1.~50.00 I.~:;O,OO
1I"I\'o f scn. Jr .. A.
Izzo. J .. ..
l.yon~, I) . H.
...• ~~ . .J . M.
I , ~i;O.Ofl
l'~·n~. (:I)
1" '''0. (31
II"kersol1. O. J,
Hulchin s"". W. II.
I." nill l:' . t. F;. 1,zr,o.00 4!) ·1 ~li ch" I ~ •. J.(;. 1. ~r,O.()l1 Pe ns. (:1) Jacob'OIl, ill. D .. , 1.2,,0.00
"" "ic holson. J. )1. I.~SO.OO '1\)1 P<>lnkur •. J. .r. 1.:!f,n.OO I'en •. (:II .l~nnc\l'ein. L . F. 1,21;0.00
, l:'~ Aulry. G. E. 1'('"., (~I Kin J!;. J. 1.21;0.00

"olnn. J. J. ),~SO.OO 1 .~r,O.OI'
UO/o:'l'rli. K. 13. ).~:;O.OO If·:; ll arnC8. W. It. I.:?"O.OO l'en s.13, Krnvitz, L . 1.21;0.0()
l! o~cn.I •. I.Z.;I).OI) Hit; \\'<:I sh. T. 1.2:;0.00 I 'en~. (.1) L llitoSII. J, " ..... 1,250.00
n "nmlln. c. B. 1.250.00 ;;01 ("",Iidl:'c. II . C. I.~"O .OO Pen ~, (:11 I.e,·inc. A. A ...•• ],Z;;O.OO
S t l'Wllrl. W. I.Z:,I).I)O ,,01 Tierne), ..1. A. ] .2;,0.00 I'''n~. (31 I.HY. 11. II. 1.2:'0.00
For~llrly. II. G. 1.:!!iII.f\1) ;,lil Fil".";' B. 1.2;,0.(1) I' ",,~. PI ~"'Iher. J. A ... •. 1.2r.0,00
I luffnll<n. W. (;. 1. ~M.Ou GO~ Alu,'1l,·r. 1'. It . ... 1.2"n.Ofl l' enK. (:0 McQn"d~. J .... I.Zr.O.OO
•\rll1ijo. J. l.. 1. ~"0.00 511 Bell. W. H. 1.~fo(I.00 I'",, ~. (:0 P resser. C . 1,250.00
lI e l ~hc. A . P. 1.2,,0.00 ;,j;7 fI "uillard. A. E. L.2;",0.00 I' CIl~. (:II l( oc5c l. A. r .. . 1.250.00
Ill',,,ll'r~"". 13 . I,Z;;O.OO .'II~ Erwin. Jr.. J. W . L. 2,;0.I)O P(,"8. (3) flunotlh. C.)I. .. . ] ,Z',O.OO
lII"i •. \\'.S. 1,2;,0.00 ~1I3 lI utL .. nu~, F. L. 1.2;".0.000 l'el1~. (3) SchilTcr. J. 1.2,,0.00
Al bn'l'hl, A. ('. I.:!;,O.OO :;lili Hnwk"n. It. 1.:?ifl.OO l'.. n~.13J Schlepil. S ... 1.250.00
H utchins. 1:. A. 1.2f.0.1)O !ill 1!,,~er 8. J. E. .. 1.:?,'O.OO Pe,, ~. 131 Scid". C. !'. 1.2;.0.OU
nl h'I'r, W. E .. . 1.2f.O.1IO 1,1\ W hiled. n. T. 1.2;.0.00 I'~ns. (3) Tnte.1I. 1,2,,0.00
1J;lthl:'li",F... . I.~SO.I)O 1:1:1 >;1", .. 1, K I.. 1.2!iO.00 I' ~n~. (:11 Ullrich. C. )1. L2f,O.OO
('0\1'''''1. E . L. I .2.~0.00 H:n )!icle. W. 1.2FiO.OO I' ~,,~. ( /;) !';ph"llcr. H. 1,20,0.00
"e\l's""'I", W . J. 1.2,,0.00 1,,10 (:,·"h"lII. W.D. 1.2r,OJII) I' ~,,~. (Ii) W arner. G. 1'. 1,2r.0.OU
(· ,·p»i. I •. ~'. . .. 1.2;'0.00 GIO Jl. (lhe rU. W. n. 1,2r.0.OO I'e"~. (7) Morin, V. 1,2GO.00
!''',",rrll. I:' F ••••• 1.2,'.0,00 I,,-,!I ('ooley. N. F. I,Z.iO.Ofl l'en 5. (~I Ordl'll. ('. II ..... . ),2:;0.00
Forlnl'r. II. O. 1.2,;0.00 ti,,!} Jobe. II 1.2.iO.00 Pen!. (('I l'olt~. )1. T. 1.2:;0.00
l',lt ~. 11. E. 1.2,,0.1)0 6:;9 K nuhe". A. 1.250.00 I'en ~. (:fJ Trellc!. I.. J ..... . 1,2,,0,011
M" ~tHM. 1[ . S .... 1.2;,(1.00 71l~ :;:"",Icn. I.. It. Pens. (101 MeG"wH.I. (;. It. 1,2GO.00
Meft ~'Hl. J . I., 1.2511,011 7(1Z SeoU. O. 1). I.~~O,OO I 'en~. 1 III ])nuJ!;htr~·. T .... . 1.250.0fl
Cle,t' e"t~. 11. A.,O,Uo .11\ Sh·l''' ..1. A. 1.~;.([.Il(l I' ~,,~. (1 1) n"vie • . 1\'. L .... . ('2r,.lIfI
Wh; I~. C. 1( . 1,:!!iO,OO 72:] Sn"kc. I) . r'. 1.2;;().()1' I '('n~. (II) Fl,'"hc •..I\. O. 1.250J)1l
('<)1!in~. O. F. 1,2:,0,00 .33 Ih l""", T . ~I. . 1.~",(I.1I0 1"',,~.lll ) {;"lohle. K. E..... ].~;,O.flfl
IIrnlicu. I:. I.. 1.250,00 .:1 1 M.,('l"",,,,y. J. A. 1.2'-.0.00 I'CII ~. (I l l K;.. ~·. H. ... ].2.;1I.0fl
I'llubell. 1\'. ('. 1.2:;U.OO ./il! Blf'\ illM. W. Il . I.~:.O./IO l'{'n~. I II 1 \lc(;,,"n,J J. , ... 1.2;,().01l
Cili. I) . II. 1.2:;0.0(\ 760 I.yn ... 1' ..•. 1.27,0.00 l'en~.(]l l :-;;emie . J. II. ., .. I.~"o.on
) I;o ll"y. II. W. 1,2:;0.00 71ill S",,\h. J . 1.~,iO.VO l' .. n~. (I] J T"lIgorn. :;. 1.2.~O.(l0
l'"lni ~eh. {;. J. 1.2;,0.00 7·;fI Tn~·lor ..1. E. 1.2".11.00 Pen. , I] 11 Whil.1kcr. R . ~:. 1.2f,O.(MI
:';",il h. F .J. 9:1.7" 7'i!'l rnulkl1"'. 11. B. 1.2r,0.00 l'eng . 11II Zu!,o"~ie. J. P. 1.2,',0.00
Milk,.,.1. E. I.Z',O,OO !Ill, (;" "I~t,,n, .1. \\'. I .:!~f!,!1I) I'~n ~. I ]Ii ) floyer. E. O. 1.~,;0.OO
(:ern~hly. A. L. 1.2,,0.00 !llti ]';1'''''1. ,I. I.. 1.~50.()() I'l·n~. (171 H .. tr!ll~Yl'r, W . . . H2,i,()I,
KpHy ..1. r:. I.Z',O.OII 1117 \\' abh,.J. 1'. 1.2511.n() I'cn~ . \ Ill ) IlnrsnmiRn. N, 1.2r,II,1H)
!'l·nny ••1. ~l. .... 1,2"0.0/} Joilli Ih,,~u~. L. I.~'-,O,IM) I'".,~. ( I ll' Brower. II n. I,Z,,o,OU
\r"rI'ell. t;. M. I.ZStl.OO 1172 ShulT, " 1,2;,U.\I() 1',·n8.{I", HUllson. J. II. ],2:;0.00
n" ron. D. 11. .. 1.2:,0.()0 ~7:t I:yh"lt. B. II . I.Z:,(I.On f'{'n •. (I!!l "RIt. H . G. 1.2;,0.011
Olin·r.I\, 1.2:;0.00 !'II:; ('"n,h~. (' I.Z:;O.OO I'~n •. C!:;)
Iler!-:er. {'. '''. 1.2,,0.110
l'''rll'r. B. E. 1.2;,0,00 ~)) 7 Bn,,"'~. I.. r.. 1.2;,/1.(111 I'cn •. (2f.) J)o{'rnbcr~er. E. I ,:!.-,lJ.OO
S;ml'~on . I.. A ... 1.1!i0.1I0 !If,~ W on!>"",. R. n . 1.~r;o.(1U l" 'n~. {2;>1 ( ;" te~, 1'. A. 1.2;,n.O/J
Abrp"". A. A. I.Z"n.1l0 !lli~ [' i,-ker" l. W . ('. 1.:! !','nK. (2H' I( ""kille. A . n... . 1.2.~fl.Otl
1.",·O!llI't.e. P. I., 1.2f.().()0 !'ll", A~hpn.ft. W. W. 1.21\11.011 l'e"~. (2'1) Focckler. F, H .. . 1,2,;0.Ofl
IInrltuur ..J. ( 0. 1.~r,O.flO 11;<', T"""",,,h ... 'I'. I,Z;,(\.flO P{'no. / :?'ll Isn!lc. G. A. ].2.-.11.00
('JIlTk. E. J). 1,2:;1).01) I~U" e",,]..,J. I,Z;;n.fln Pen s. (2'1) Siml,son. E. O. 1,250.00
,\Il i~(\['. It. E. I.Z',O.OO I:! l ~l l ,eH'~qu(". O. 1,2:;O.flfl l'en •. (3U I (;regoT}·.T, ... 1,2'-,0.111)
l'n\tI'TslI" . D. It. 1.2:,0.00 12'i/1 (;'ITci". It. 1.:!r;O.On Pen •• I ~I) t:ide, E ..1. 1.2iiO.O()
B"u<ln·nux. \\'. J . 1,2GO.flO 1:!71 !'".kef. f:. 1.2GO,lH.'l Pcn~,(31 ) ) " '''50n . A. C. 1.2r,0.OO
O<1l11illi'lne. A. ('. !.2!',0.()0 131[, W ~rn("th. F X. 1.2I\fl.Ofl l'el1 •. (:!~) Jenninl:'", K L. 1.2r.O.OIl
Ihewn. II. J\ .;o.oo \ a77 ('~1 1 ,,\I''',I', L. W. 1.2r.(1.0fl PC""' (:1:1\ \\'e"t. K \\" .. 2;,0.1~1)
!',,,,k<1. D. 1.2r;/l,on la ii H OB''''. A, A, 1.:!,-, P~n$. 1:17) l'il'lrer. II . !;, ..•. 1.2.'}(J.on
Pelt·ro. ('. t:. 1.2r.11.00 1:W:! I'IIrn,tt. 11 . I.. 1,2;,O.()fI l'~" ., 13(1) SI~in, n. J. 1.2,'(1.I1O
I'lochnnki . \\'. F. I,Z.'O.OO 15.[7 Enl:1i~h. J, II'. I.Z.'O./UI Pen".(~O) McCarthr, ~1. F. ].2.;0.00
POI'. J . S .. ].Z.,O.OO I:;nl Sto'T. It, A. ].2.;0.1'lI1 Pen~.l1ln \\'o .. d. W. T . 1.25f1.oo
('u"nin&::hnm. W .E. 1.2:,/1.00 1~7!' E'anR. n.
It. 1.~r.O . OIl P.·,,~, r il l C'ampbell. II. A.. . 1.~r.O.OO
{'lIry. 1I . t.. I,z:;n.oo I,l!l! ~okoloBki. A. J. 1.2r.fI.OO P{·ns. , 1:11 )1"rQner. A. J ... . 1.2:,fI.(III
Ilt·,w<!flin. ~:. J. 1.2;.Il.OO 2U[,li Hnrlpy. E. W. 1.2';().1'lI1 Pc,,". (.It,\ ~;~I~Jl. (. I" .. , .. 1.2r.1l.0fI
~1r·Millin. ) 1..1. 1.:!!iO.tlO 211g Brr,"k~. S. 1.2r.O.OO l'{.,,~ , (,IIi) (;"!-:CI'. (:. 1\', 1. ~", lt .O(t
Nu~"lt· ..\1. 1'. 1.2r;O.OO 1,/).(11) Brown. W. L. 1.2;,0.00 J>"IU. (.jli) Skof.III" ..1. S. 1.2.;0.00
lIr<>ek. W. It. ., 1.2r,O.OO 1.0. (111 \I'e~t"n , f:. F. 1 .~;",1I.0() 1'1.''' •. 1 WI Stolte. t:. J ...... . 1.2:ifi,(li'f
E,',," ~. ('. (0. 1.2,;tl.1\O LO . OWl Heinu. W, J ...•. 1.~,·,fI.Ot) p{.,,~. (1 1,1 I\·il~on. L. ~. 1.2'-,(1.411\
lI .. kl'r, II. II. 1.~,'>O.rlO LO.II~~ I Bl ""r~, Q. F. 1.2~.fI.I)/1 Pl'ns, ( 4)1 ) \I ile~. II. I) .••• ,. 1.2o,OJIO
H .. r\'l')·. C. C. ].2,-.0.00 LO. (:l:J:?l Kny.Jr .• A. J .. ,. IIH./i7 PCIlII. ir.. I Fr)slie. E. L ..... 1.2;,
~I )'t'u. D. E. 1.2:;0.00 LO. r:Jlitl ))0"1.'1. 'I. M...... 1.2'.fI.IIO ""I1 ~. /;;11 I'il". T. 1.2"n.OU
Brow ... A. G. I,Z:;O.OO Ln,1-I1 3) Lc!-:"re, (. F. 1.2.iO.l11l Pc"s, (;;1) Sli"<'r~. A. n. 1.2"(UIU
lI i~~i"'. (:. L. 1.:UiO.OO 1.0. ~!i:l'll )lcBnrn(")'. r. R. 1.2r,o.oo I'cn", (;01) lI"rtoll. W. \1' . .. I.~;;O.OU
.lohn""n. C.I\. 1.2~O,OO 1.0. r71r,1 M",·kworth. ('. 1.2r,Il.00 1'('''". f f,g) Md'hl'!'Mn. A. I.. 1.2"O.Ofl
llrnn(-(t,.J. E. 1.2r;0.OO 1.0. fl~ !ifl l K"ili"w". A. K. 1.2.-,0.11(1 1','''., (f'!'1 Tnrlor. A. 1.2"O.0fI
l(otl! ..1 W. 1.25U.()() ['0, 11!'''''\) Barrdt. K. ~l. 1.~.-,O,OIl Pen •. (r.r,) Blnlt"~r. C. O. I.Z"/).OO
~ l ur)'''~''.\I. H. 1.2:i1l.()!1 I'.'n~. III I.,'.'b"lt, (' B. 1.2.-.11.110 Pen •. (Iilit Itllilton. J II. I.:!;,O.OO
Codriek. T. II. 1.2:;41.00 1"'" •. (1) )Iey\-,r. (' I). ].2.-,O.I~1 Pc" •. (1;1;) Slr""d. J . U. 1.2,-,O.flO
I."F~rril'rc. II. J. 1,2;;O.OU Pen~. (:?I Hiche). N. F, 1.2'-,0.00 Pen •. (73) Dahlstrom. A. I). 1.2;;0.00
"I"n("~~. I: . I.. 1.2,;0.00 l' c"~, (~I A",!,·r~r. J. 1.:!f>lI.OO Pen". (7'i) Snell. V. L ...... . 1.2lJO.00
Juchon. J, W. I.Zr.O.OO l'~n ,.13\ 8"l:'goll. J. L2r;0,OIl P ~nB. ('17) (·arli. (; . 1.2,'O.0fI
LUll' !},. I:' E. 1.2r,o.00 I'en ~. (:1) ll~rn"'. W. l,Zr;O,OO I' e,,~. (n) E.pil1g. ll ...... . 1.2:'0.00

Ju ne, 19 73
Lou l S urn a me A mn un l tocal S u r na m r AnlUun t 1"'('11 1 S Urna mfl' ,\mo unt
Pen •. (77) Ma.lin, It . E. I .Z50.oo P en •. (!l19) Barnwell. n. J . . . 1,2f.0.00 Pen l. (J! I!)) Hel chl"T. J . 1,260.00
Pen •• (77) Me Don" ld . A. n. 1.:!r.o.OO Pe n!. (3bQ) lIa llllll,", W. I, .. . 1,250.00 l'en ll,(UII) ('o! b)', G. 1'. \'2;,0.00
Pllns. (n) Me"n 8. M, J . I . 2:~0.00 Penl. (:JJ!1) (',ddwqll, J ..•.. I .ZttO.OO 1',,",.01(7) Sm(lrh. S. J ) .~·:; fl flO
P ens. (77) T cr"'iIll',,", H . 1.2;",0.00 Pen s.14(l3) itee'u, J. W .... 1.2[,0.00 1'1'111. (862) Bebef. C. P. 1.2:.0.00
I'cn •. (77) Utt, W . It. l.:!iiO,OO I' cnl.(·II1) MOler, 1', II . .. 1.250.00 Pen s. (1l1l6 )
I'cn •. (1010\ Mp"J1I. J. tI. 1.2M.00
(;,")', S r .. J , B. Pen s. (438) Kelly. E. F . 1.2r.o.00 Pen •. (llftOI II'inn, II. G. 1.2:;0.00
Pen •. (K21 Mllrlin, F. r. 1.~;";O.U(l Pen l. ( 43J!) Trombl(')". W . J . 1,2&0,00 I'ena. (1I81i) Wiekl~"'. G. 1.250.00
P en •• (1141 (;ann(ln, I I. A. 1.~;";0.0(l Pena. ('UO ) Rkinner. t' A 1.2:; l'en R.11I1I9) T ylu. D, I•. I.ZOO.OO
I'en •. (114) H ,,,~. (" (' 1.2,,(1.1111 P en3. (HO) \·aldu. It It 1.2;;11.00 V"n,.. 1\010. Me(;ill. J . II , u!r.o.uo
I' cn~. (!Ill) Il ur11l, ~:. 1 ,2:,H.I~) Pen~.(HII \ini".:. II , \1. I.Z;oIl,1I1J I'en •. (!lUi) It..~sdllle, (0. I •. 1.2;.0.00
I'en l. HIIH Itu ~~('''. t: ~ 1.2;'O.I~) PI·n~. (Ulil Stubba. t:, I.. I .Z'-.1I.1I0 "ena. HIIIlI WrijC"h t, J. R, .... 1.2:;0.00
)'en •. 11U3) I'anknpr. A. 1.2:';'.IH) l·~n~. ( 1':"1 Kind"f, II. ~;. 1 .2.-,IU~1 l'enll. f~1121 ('(10k.It. A. 1.2:.0.00
Pena. (1U:1l Schirh, II J I.:!:~UWI I'ens. (17~ Ili""n, I. '.2.-,f).IHI Pen •. «(Ill)) Ih nft.l.. J. 1,:?:,/j.(lO
P en~. (IU~) O·"'e,lI. t; F 1.2:,".I~1 I'"n~. ,nt I
I'ch. (11/1) D"r~(--(t, '" ~;. 1.2:-0I1.lKI 1 '~nR. I!' ~~I I. indn)·. T. 1'.... 1,~;;o.OO
W""" .. ".I\ to. 1.2:,nl~1 P",,~. H':;j) 1I01l"n. T E 1,21)11.1/11 I'fnll.ll';;31 Br!)le". C 1.2",(1.00
Pen.. f I :!U) I)"nllidlun, II II. 1.2:,0(jf1 P"ns. p7li) ~I>lck.)·. " 1,2;~I.{lO l 'l'n~ 1!'I;l'Il Mdlenf)'. (" \ '. ,. 1.2:;11.(11)
I'cn •. (1221 J OIII"R. T . C. I.~:,U.HO Pl"n!. (1!1:!1 H" fT. J. I ,Z~II.!I() I'eu. (!l!j~ I ~t.l<"hdl. J. II .... 1,25t1.f)O
P enl.I I:,! I ) \lnrriou.('. E. 1.~:,U.Hn P e"s. ( 4!IH Ost"n. E, I'e .. ~. /ll!';;' 1,~;,o.()O
1.2f,IUWI lIud~un. C.
Pen', (121i, (; "thlJt'r". A. n. 1,2;",ILHI) P~ nl. (~!l'I ) S t eIT~n.
A. 1\" . 1,~6H,(jO !'"no. (iIllll I (" lIlh(OUII. I;. M, 1, 2riO.OO
l'ell 8. ( 1:m) S t ,q,l .,~, W , 1,2;";0.00 P(·ns. (4!14\ T."~I. 1\ J '.2~,n.(I!) l'l'nll. (111.'71 Mil e8. A. A. I,!;
l'ell8. (l2!1) Bet"!.'. A. F, 1 ,~~O,(lO P en! . (600) Hooker. J . M. I. ~'JII.OO I'",, ~. (12:1 11 " c("'ul!ougll, I. J, . 1,!!IiO.f)O
1'('11'. ( l :UI) It ClI:un, It. A. I.~:,().()O 1'l"lls. (50 1) I\ oe. 1'. A. 1 .~IiU,Il/I Pe nk. II~tr,1 Hh yne. W. M. . . 1,~r,CI.UO
I'cu ~. ():(I) {'III1 1,,,11, J-;. B. 1.~f,n.OU I'('n ~. (;'011 I'"U('U'II'. W I,Zr.II,1l11 I'enl. I 1271) Th ,)!)!"., Jr .. II, S .. 1,~r,0./l0
l' en •. n~41 ("'lthb.', A. I.Z:,II,UO Pell s. (;'13) 1 .~',1l,1l0 1'l'n M.(I:lI!)) I'r"l"i!<a, J. , ....
It opar. " I.Zi'iCl.O{)
I'rn M.( 131) J nl"ObR"II, I. 1.250.00 P('n!. (;)UI) llun("ltn, I), K. 1,2(;11,1111 1.2;,f).011
l'eno.(1.1\131 Arnne. J. C.
P cn •. (I:U I MeUJlMr, 1'. I.Zf,II.OU Pcn B,I;;2 11 Sll}'e.~. W t: ,,UI) l'e n ~.(1 1 311 Curr. M. G .... .. . 1,2:-,0.110
l'enll. ( 1;1') ,II u lit·., ..\ 1 I,~.'IU!U l' en~.(5~11 'I hom,,~, I.. IT. 1,260.11-1) Peu •. \ I j II) Url"ck"n. (;. A . . . l,~;;I).()O
Pc" •. n!U) \tunch, ~ E. 1.2:,11.00 l'en •. (6~~) t'uwll'r, I.. 1.2511.110 1'1'111. 1111:1 1) 1.Il"1t. It. J. 1.2[.11.00
Pe" •. (I3 ~ 1 0180n. I " 1.2:'U.00 P ('n~, (!iIOt IIi nd~. II (' I.:!',/I,IMI Penl, (UI.17) Rene)', K IL I.Z;;O.oo
l' ('ns.(1:141 1't'lk'l·. W S. I.:!:,II.OO I'cn~. If, IOI Wimlllef. \' 1.2;",/)./11) l'ell •. IO'II:,) l.awmnre. 1'. A. 1.:!r>lI.OO
Pen •. II:H I l'otl,·T. II 1.2:;nUU Pl'n~. 1'' '6) Komr.ak, A F 1.~:-,(I.HIl P en •. (1.11.) Adki"s!)n. J. F •••• 1.2f'U.00
Pen~,t\.11l II ",OR, O. II 1.2:,11.110 Penil, (f,;,I) SUIllIllI'Tk, ~:. , .~.-,I).UO l'e,,~.(U).\ Annt't!. {'. Il ..... . 1.:!~O,t)1l
,'e n,. (1:141 II' oInk". S. 1.2;,U.1l11 Pens. {f,r.Hl lIakl·r. t:. 1\ I.~'-~HHI Penk. Il.n.) lI arhollr, J. A. 1.2;.0.00
l' rna. (t:Ull (;nlllbn'lI, J, M, 1. 2;,0,11() I'cn~. tr,r,~1 Stutt •• J. \1 1.2.-,I).(HI I'ent. (1.0.) Barnet(, t:. 1,2;",0.00
Ptn ~. 11:171 (""Ildl,'r',~' J. 1 .~;;II.lH ) I'''n~, (51i11 )"rOIlU·t, It. 1.2.-,1)310
P .. " •. I I Ill) Whitt'. K C',
1'1'''.' (1.1),1 Burnett. Eo 1\ ... . 1,~r,IJ.(){1
1. ~:,I).nn Pens. (r, !;~n Sulli\'an, T J ,
]'('n~, (H,:n 1'1'110. (I.C I, I Hnrnlt. E. C.... . 1.25U,OO
.\Iutli.·." A. I., 1.:!r.O.UO Pens. (0",7111 Fitz","uril·l'. T, P ens. II fI, I {'I.i". L. A. 1.2;;1',00
I'enl. (I;.~II 1."'1'1'011, It. A. I ,~:,II,OU Pen~. 1.171;] ll(lrUdOIl. J. 1', i'cns. I Ut. ) ("o"ntlr. C. E. 1.~r.II.OO
t PiU) BeTt·11I. J. I .Z.',I\.IIII P('n~. (r.,1! I '·"un):". II 1/ , I'l'''_, (i0.) {"u"in.:l"n. C. W.. I.:!;;II.OO
""I'M. (' Iii I Ilr~lIdl. A 1.2;,IUHI I'elli. 15": I ! lI i"k •. Ii \\ I' .. n~. I.!!:,I](H)
(i.1l.1 Dahl. II. E.
Pc "I. (1771 AIIt·II. O. w. I.:!;,H IHI Pens. I;;~!I' Pracht. T J>('n~. /1,0.1 IInenski. E. E . . . 10~.Hl
!'CIIM. (177) t:'·hHoI. F ('. I.:!:~UHI
P .... rish. II.
Slu'aUa. I'
Pl"n~. (;;~151
P~nl. (i.~:'1
Garro,nn.l\ J.
!'aun. W. J
Pen ... 11./1.1
P,"flrak, II' ("., ..
!-·ill:llcl1Ild. S.
Pen'.lro051 IIrnnl"lI. J A I' .. n. II /I I r""'h"n It II 1.:.!~.o.1I0
l'en~.111o;11 Ohf'rll'·"U. I;. J I'ell~. ,1:111
Pen~. (l1I~1 ChillI.
A'·nnt. I. " I'.. n~. <1.11. ~''')'. n. J. 1~.-,n.IMI
II Thornl'"on. II l'fI'ns. , I fl.1 I;',rdham. (;. 1.2'-~I,IM'
"t'n'. I L:';, I (;r"b.,\uki. F (;. Cra"'r,,rd. F. I.. Pcn~. (1,1).) 1"lIIch .. tl, W. W. 1.:!:,n.f~1
p(-"". (:!In) Tuttl~. It. A Iln:usto",.li. S. I'CIIO. 1 1.11.) lI ubbart!.~' T. I.:!:;UIII)
1'1'1'<, (21111 Ekh"'lt. (" II. \I'ller. II. E l'~n~.II.n.) lI unn""''''I. 1:. S. I.~:,U.!HI
l'en~.(2111 ("urlll")', J M. !'ehle"nrn, A l'ent'.II.O.1 K"irf'r. A I ,:':,11 IH)
" ('11"_ I ~1:!1 IInth" (' Ainl."l". I'. S. Pen~. (1.11.) Klinr, J. t:. 1.~.-,tI.IIO
I'~,, ~. (21:!1 Pnl'~. J. W. Mazal".kl. A P~n~.II.f).) h Uf!I"r, (;, II. 1.2:,IUIII
l'e"~, (22.1) Lin('h,w, A.
~:. 1J""n('II)', J, II Pen •. 1,2;,0.1111
( U I.) Lu~,,". II. ~:
" ena. f:!.1~1 {;U(llIl". ('. II Beacham, II' W, I '('n~. 11,11 .) '1\-(''''''''lI'n. I' (; 1.:!.ill.IIO
I'en~. (till) Elrln\\'. J. F Ehrhllrt. t:. S. I'l'n~. (LIl.l ~Id;uirc'. I' ~:. 1.:!;;Il.lHI
I'l·"~. 121;.) Ft'U,'), ('. II
Pe,,~. (21111
n"HT, ". Penll. n.Il.1 \I c'~k". II.. 1 1.2'-,1).110
S(d11l'. II . 1:. (;aUl!"hRn, E. 1'l"1I •. I I.n.' \lickl'l'''II. II '1- 1.2r.Il.nn
"e" •. (:W:!) LUIllU, A K Wib" • .:, n. P"n~. !I.fl.l I'~rkpr, It. " 1,2:;U.IHI
1'.... "B.13U21 1II1IId(ll"k, B. K, Cook. Il. J. "en •. I I. O.1 Petef •. (' 1,~;;Il.1I1]
PC"I. (:Iua) ~llllhl"w~. n. Keml'l", F (0 1'''110. {i.II.1 P"rler, II II, 1,2;;0,1111
!'!'fll. (.1411) lI ill, II E. l.oUmn", II. 1\ Pen •. /I,f),1 Iltnl" T. A 1.:!,~O.lIn
I' ena. (;I~;J) lI"II111("n, A. CUllll, II A. 1',·n8.II,n.1 ttude). {' 11. 1,~.~O.1I1l
l'enN. I:!~t,\ Ili lln", n, t ; I'. \\'"tze1. J ~' 1,:!;",/).1l11
1'('11", (10. I It)un. \,
l' enK. (,1~!1I ~url. F. A EKtridl(t" 11 I.. I'en~, (1.11,1 Sharp. J \\" . 1.2;,0 UII
Pen~. (:l:!~) 1'lIrhr, J II. I)o ..... liuj!". II O.
I'el\ ~. (:J:I!n " l"Arthur. I).
1'~h8. 11.0,) Son. T. t:. 1.~~(UIll
Hho.h'~, ('. II. ...
Pen~. (a U)) A,,,I"rll"", F, W. Snrdt·., ( '. I'. 1" 'n8. d.I1.) )""Imt'r. W. F. 1.:!50,01l
p(·n •• 13t,:n WbK,,", ('. N. 1l 0 10WA)', A. r:. Pt·,,,. (I,n.) \\""«(>' •. (" II. I,ZliO,IHl
I'!.'nl. pt,71 \'a!IHU r<'II. M. Slout, J . 1\' I'('n •. Cl.I l.I \\'hitc.J, F. 1.2fill,no
Pen a. (31i1) 1 r. II'. \\';I ialll . A. n. I'('n •. (1,0.\ W hitten. II' r:. 1.250.011
Pen~. (:111 4 ) F A l'enll.II,O.1 Zimll)('rman, A. T. 1.2;;/1,110
I'enl. I !It;!!) I "
" 7l'11.2~

Brotherhood of Ele,tri,.1 Workers - Pension .nd Benefit Payment Report

NUMBER ON PENSION 50,600 14.676
PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH I 2.710.978 41 I 1.088.16584
PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS 130.457.292.76 11 1.578.532.21
BENEfiTS PAlO lAST MONTII I 221 .541 42 I 6D2.781J2
BENEfITS PAID lAST 12 MONTHS I 2.435.783.93 1

.. IBEW J .. u,nClI
Father he must can ; To this baby I hold,
When they'r!! old !!f1ough , they 'll So full of inn()c!!J1ce,
A fath!!f ill a necessity, 'till plain tel[ of their love fOf thi~ very So l'asy to mold
to all who know; :.pecial man. Into a pc r ~o ll of tomo rrow.
I·k ill lov!! , guidance. protcction ,
MUy ... nn Mullins Jan 8a,,;n.,on
and care W,f. 01 Mel Mullins W,l e of Jim 8a"'nl lon
To help ),OU :lS yo u grow. Local 1 Local 1245
N.... To,k CIty W~lnut C... k, Camo,n",

A fath er ill a necessity, I know

without a doubt: Father's Day Mom and Dad
He ill goOO and gem!!!. a teasc-
Although I C:II1'1 be with you on Though th!! )car:. come and go,
and yet
this Father's Day, We never really sl.'em content
I·k could 1I0 t be done without.
[t d Oe~ n't Illean rill not thinking With life and all its cares lind woe;
A father i~ a necessity ; his hair so of you became you've passed We forget to ~ h()w JOVe and com-
whit!!-b...'causc of me? away . pliment.
II ~ ncver yell s, as some d:lds do; Th" mCnlorie:.. Ihe good , the bad, But, Mom and Dad, you both
H is wishes :lre mad!! kno,""n hap- will alw:l~s liv\.! wilh me: have bee n
pily. '1 h!! strl.'nglh, the will. the hope Just ",ondafu! to us aU;
yo u had. I hope, \\ith me, will We know thaI God will, at the
My fa ther is my necessity: without end,
also be.
him. I"d ncver ha\e gotten to be Take you into Heaven when He
on ly hope thaI. on this Father's
A woman of twent~ from a c hild calls.
Day and all every da y,
o f two,
Everyonl.' will have the ~ Ulll e faith
From piglail s to heds and from We may 110t have been exactly
and hope as yo u, Dad.
diapers, it'~ true. what
[ Illi~s yo u.
Everythin g that [ am. he has mad!! Perfect childTl:: n ought \0 be,
of me. N.d ln., Poe But in yo ur eyes, right from the
WI' . 01 L. C. Po.
Local 51 lltaTl,
Wa,ie Ela ine W." rtn Sp,inSli.,ld, "" non.
O.ullMer of Rodney W,,",.,n We were the Ixst Ihat you could
Local S8 sec.
Memories of You
Remember. we 10\1.' }OU vcry. vcry
Appreciat ion I'm so sad and alone tonight; much;
I do n', know what to do. Just slay the way you arc.
Fathe r's Day is bardy gone; My mind keep:. drifting Yo u ha"..: that way, that magic
Will Dad eve r wear that tie so With thc ~!! memories of yo u. touch;
bright'! F i r~t, you wel'l.' my husba nd ; Yo u an; bOlh II bright and shining
Will he admit his slippers ure too Then, a Brot hl.!r of th!! IB EW ; stOlT.
tight'? T heil, we wl.!re bks:.!!d with ehil~
The presc nt~ he loves best of all
"" '5.M.u,iu .... Keller
dren. Wit., 01 Mautlu ... K,ne.
Arc the scribbled cards the k id s A duplicate of you. Local 390
Port Arthur. T ....
tried to wri te The lime \\ent by so fast, I know ;
T o tell him he's their \er} specia l I can't bdi!!ve it's truc.
guy. You were so young
Dad has a h:lrd time trying to T o go this soon.
read thesc nOles, I just do n't understand,
But hl' knows how much love the But I know you arc with God
kids feel by the gleam in their [n H is ever- loving land.
eyes. M, •. James L. Reynol(ls
They don't see Daddy much ; he Widow of Jam.. L. Reynolds
work s hard and long to rabc Le>u ' 153
Soulh Bend, In(llana
his famil y,
But chi ldren know when they're New Mother
loved and appreciate the sacri-
fices Oh. how can He ask th i~,
D:lddy mak c~ in order fo r them to " hat one such as I-
live. So unequal to the challenge,
They realize the Sunday dinners So awed by the cry-
he misses and the fun function s Become a s a teacher
ll_-.oW.,... ••,.. _ ..
.., - ,•.t. tIte-_ _ 1
.... _I .... ~ I --
-- ..- .........

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