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Amrita Veda Ayurveda

Ayurveda’s Six Tastes & Their Effects on the Doshas

• Pungent, Bitter, Astringent: Increase Vata Decrease Kapha
• Sweet, Sour, Salty: Increase Kapha Decrease Vata
• Sweet, Bitter, Astringent: Decrease Pitta
• Sour, Salty, Pungent: Increase Pitta

Sweet: VF PF KD Sour: VF PD KD Salty: VF PD KD

• Most grains like rice, barley, corn, • Sour milk products like yogurt, • Any kind of salt like rock salt, sea
wheat, etc. cheese, whey, sour cream, etc. salt, salt from the ground

• Milk and sweet milk products like • Sour fruits like lemons, limes, • Any food to which salt has been
ghee, cream, butter oranges, pineapples, passion fruit, added (i.e. pickles, nuts, chips)
cherries, plums
• Sweet fruits like coconuts, dates, figs,
grapes, pears, mangoes and especially • Fermented substances like wine,
dried fruits (without sulphur) vinegar, soy sauce, cabbage

• Cooked vegetables like potato, sweet • Carbonated beverages

potato, carrot, beet root, cauliflower,
string beans

• Sugar in any form—raw, refined,

brown, white, molasses, sugar cane
juice, etc.

Pungent: VD PD KF Bitter: VD PF KF Astringent: VD PF KF

• Hot spices like chilies, black • Fruits like olive, grapefruit • Turmeric, honey (do not heat
pepper, mustard seeds, ginger, cumin, hotter than lukewarm water), walnuts,
• Green leafy vegetables like hazelnuts, cashews
cloves, cardamom, garlic, etc.
spinach, green cabbage, brussel
• Mild spices like turmeric, anise, cin- sprouts • Pulses, or legumes, i.e. beans, lentils,
namon, and "fresh" herbs like peas, dahl
• Spices like fenugreek, turmeric
oregano, thyme, mint, etc.
• Vegetables like sprouts, lettuce,
• Raw vegetables like radish, onion, green leafy vegetables, most raw
cauliflower vegetables

• Fruits like pomegranate, berries, per-

simmon, lemon, cranberry, most
unripe fruits

Dietary Guidelines
We strongly suggest that you apply the dietary guide- dosha, however some people have two or three
lines given by your practitioner to re-balance your doshas that need to be brought back into balance.
dosha(s). Remember that all three doshas are always How Food Qualities Affect Vata, Pitta and Kapha
present in the body.There is simply a different degree Remember when consciously favoring or avoiding
of predominance – depending upon your habits, your foods to help balance our doshas, we should maintain
age, the season and climate where you live. a balanced diet with all six tastes so as not to aggra-
Therefore, you may have an imbalance of one vate, or imbalance, another dosha.


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