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For my 72-hour kit I packed a spare change of cloths incase the ones I’m wearing got ripped of

ruined. I have also packed a mouth rag that will cover my face and protect it form the sun and
dust. I have tossed in 3 water bottles and a water filter in case I need more water, that’s way I
don’t need to carry around a ton of weight in water. For extra sugar I have a bag of orange tang
that I can add to water that I filter. For food I have a bag of beef jerk to provide protein and salt,
there is also a few bags of oatmeal, trail mix, granola bras, fruit snacks, and two meal replaces
meant bars the are high in calories. I have can of beans, can tuna, and sausages. For supplies I
have packed a flashlight with extra batteries. I have a small first aid kit with the basic necessity’s
in the first aid kit. I have a candle and a box of weatherproof matches. A safety whistle that I
can use for signaling for help. For toiletry I have packed a toothbrush, toilet paper, tissues and a
bar of soup. I have heat warmers, a emergency blanket, and a rain poncho. For all this stuff my
plan is to pick it up at Walmart. If I am unable to find some of these things at Walmart I will go
to the army surplus store where I know they will have everything on this list.

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