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Evidence: Timelines

 Just the year the American bicentennial was born, it was 1976

 When James Earl Carter Jr was born he had not yet been

president of the US president, it was until a year later

 When he was 5 it was the first space shuttle flight – Columbia

 When I was 13 years old, George Bush was President of the

United States

 When I was 22, the United States attacked Iraq again

 When I was 25, satellite radio broadcasts began

 Wikipedia started on the internet when I was 25 years old, the year

was 2001

 Japan suffered an earthquake of 9.1 and this generated a sunami

that caused the death of more than 10,000 people, was 35 years

old when this happened

 When he was 39 years old Cuba and the United States reestablish

their diplomatic relations, the year 2015

 Just the year 2017 at my 41 years Donald Trump takes office as

president of the united states

When I was born, many things had already happened, for example the
possession of Queen Elizabeth II, as in 1952,
Until more than 20 years later, the same as the first world war did not
exist either

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