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“This type of environment usually sets „team‟ goals and allows people
to work together in smaller groups to accomplish team tasks.” (Demers, 2016) It also
provides the tools necessary for companies to keep pace with an ever-evolving,
technology-driven workplace, it‟s important for companies adapting sooner rather
than later.

Having unified environment is advantageous since aside from focusing

of the entire team, the members hold themselves are accountable as an individual.
As an example in our Youth for Christ organization, there are specific tasks and
activities that were assigned to the entire group but each of us has its own roles to
accomplish the task especially when it is the “Youth Camp” where there are two
consecutive days that the YFCs will serve. In observing a lot of time toward
academy, family, organization, government and community, unified environment
enables me to be a follower as we as a leader. Hence, I frequently apply this in
many aspects such as friendship. After the “Youth Camp” due to the diligence,
excellence, accountability, commitment, and willing personality of the every
member and leader, the objectives of the YFC was successful. A lot of the
participants tend to be active and enthusiastic to be like us as the servant, speaker
and leader.

Compared to the four other environments, this has a lot of features

and seems to be the combination of them since “open skeptic” tends to be
encouraging that what the unified environment. It also focuses on development of
both individual and the team/

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